Regular Meeting
May 7, 1959
Members present were: Messers. McKibbin, Might, Karns,
Faville, Harris, Morgan Johnson, and Talley. Also present were:
City Manager Knowles and Building Official Yelvington.
Meeting was called to order by Cha irman McKibbin.
The first item of business was the review of the off - street
parking proposal for an automatic, helpy- selfy, drive -in laundry
on Lots 20 and 21, Beak's Addition. Actual location being the
east side of French Avenue between 241h Place and 252 Street.
Since Griffis & Hunter is to be the contractor for the laundry,
Mr. Hunter represented the request before the board.
Mr. Harris moved that the eleven (11) proposed off- street
parking spaces be approved as submitted with the stipulation that
this number would provide for only a total installation of twelve
(12) units; either washers or dryers, or both as the owner may so
wish. If, in the future, the owner or operator wished to install
additional or more than the 12 units, he would then appear before
the Zoning and Planning Commission for a review of his off- street
parking. Motion seconded by Mr. Morgan and carried.
Mr. John Alexander next appeared with an off - street parking
proposal for his proposed insurance and real estate office on the
S. 40 of,Lot 9, Beck's Addition. The actual location being the
east side of French Avenue between 242 Street and 242 Place.
Mr. Alexander Was hoping to maintain a 32' set back from
his front property line with a proposal to place his three (3)
public off- street parking spaces on the front of the building,
with pulling straight into them off of French Avenue. However,
this presented a problem of maintaining a 50' set back from the
property line, which was a suggestion made by the State Road Depart -
ment. Mr. Alexander stated that he might accept the more feasible
plan of the City Manager and place the off- street parking on the
side of the building which in turn would allow a turning area on
his property with the cars then pulling out forward onto French
Avenue, instead of backing onto French Avenue into the flow of
traffic. In addition to the 3 public off- street parking spaces,
Mr. Alexander proposed to put 2 off- street parking spaces in the
back of the building for the employees;- thus making a total of
5 off- street parking spaces to facilitate his building.
Mr. Morgan moved that the plan of 3 public off - street parking
spaces and 2 off- street employee parking spaces in the rear be ap-
proved. Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried.
The minutes of April 16, 1959, were read and approved.
There bein no further business, meeting Vadjd.
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