HomeMy WebLinkAbout4382 Firefighters Retirement SystemOrdinance No. 2016 -4382 An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, Amending Chapter 66, pensions and retirement, Article III, firefighters' retirement system of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, amending Section 66 -71, definitions; amending section 66 -74, finances and fund management; amending section 66 -76, benefit amounts and eligibility; amending section 66 -77, optional forms of benefits; amending section 66 -84, prior fire service; amending section 66 -86, deferred retirement option plan; deleting section 66 -87, conviction and forfeiture; false, misleading or fraudulent statements; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for conflicts; providing for a savings provision; providing for codification; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Be it Enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to this ordinance. (b). The City of -Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -71, Definitions, to amend the definitions of Accumulated Contributions, Actuarial Equivalent, Credited Service, Effective Date, Firefighter and Spouse, and to delete the definition of Gross Pay: Accumulated contributions means a member's own contributions, without interest, plus the amount described in section 66 76(e)(4) 66- 76(e)(3). For those members who purchase credited service with interest or at no cost to the system, any payment representing the amount attributable to member contributions based on the applicable member contribution rate, interest and any required actuarially calculated payments for the purchase of such credited service, shall be included in accumulated contributions. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stxil ethrough shall constitute deletions to the original text. Actuarial equivalent means a benefit or amount of equal value, based upon the RP 2000 Combined Healthy Unisex Mortality Table and an interest rate of eight (8) percent peg —atom equal to the investment return assumption set forth in the last actuarial valuation approved by the Board. This definition may only be amended by the city pursuant to the recommendation of the board using the assumptions adopted by the board with the advice of the plan =s actuary, such that actuarial assumptions are not subject to city discretion. Credited service means the total number of years and fractional parts of years of service as a firefighter with member contributions when required, omitting intervening years or fractional parts of years when such member was not employed by the city as a firefighter. Upon any reemployment, a firefighter shall not receive credit for years or fractional parts of years of service for which he has withdrawn his accumulated contributions from the fund, unless the firefighter repays into the fund, within 90 days after his reemployment as a firefighter, all the contributions he has withdrawn, plus interest for the period the funds were withdrawn at the rate assumed by the actuarial valuation for the fund on the contribution from the date of withdrawal to date of repayment. Such repayment of contributions shall include any additional lump sum amounts withdrawn equal to five percent of the member's base pay for all years of credited service from October 1, 1976 to June 30, 1998, as referenced in section 66- 75(e)(4), plus interest thereon at the rate assumed by the actuarial valuation. A member may voluntarily leave his accumulated contributions in the fund for a period of five years after leaving the employ of the fire department pending the possibility of being reemployed as a firefighter, without losing credit for the time that he was a member of the system. If a vested member leaves the employ of the fire department, his accumulated contributions will be returned only upon his written request. If a member who is not vested is not reemployed as a firefighter with the fire department within five years, his accumulated contributions, if $1,000.00 or less, shall be returned. If a member who is not vested is not reemployed within five years, his accumulated contributions, if more than $1,000.00, will be returned only upon the written request of the member and upon completion of a written election to receive a cash lump sum or to rollover the lump sum amount on forms designated by the board. Upon return of a member's accumulated contributions, all of his rights and benefits under the system are forfeited and terminated. In addition, a member may receive credited service for periods which the member is absent from employment and receiving workers' compensation benefits for injuries sustained while acting as a firefighter for the city, up to the time maximum medical improvement is reached, as determined in accordance with the Florida Workers' Compensation Law. The years or fractional parts of years that a member performs "Qualified Military Service" consisting of voluntary or involuntary "service in the uniformed services" as defined in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) (P.L.103 -353), after separation from employment as a firefighter with the city For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and st,ikethrough shall constitute deletions to the original text. to perform training or service, shall be added to his years of credited service for all purposes, including vesting, provided that: (a) The member is entitled to reemployment under the provisions of USERRA. (b) The member returns to his employment as a firefighter within one (1) year from the earlier of the date of his military discharge or release from active service, unless otherwise required by USERRA. (c) The maximum credit for military service pursuant to this paragraph shall be five (5) years. (d) This paragraph is intended to satisfy the minimum requirements of USERRA. To the extent that this paragraph does not meet the minimum standards of USERRA, as it may be amended from time to time, the minimum standards shall apply. In the event a member dies on or after January 1, 2007, while performing USERRA Qualified Military Service, the beneficiaries of the member are entitled to any benefits (other than benefit accruals relating to the period of qualified military service) as if the member had resumed employment and then died while employed. Beginning January 1, 2009, to the extent required by section 414(u)(12) of the code, an individual receiving differential wage payments (as defined under section 3401(h)(2) of the code) from an employer shall be treated as employed by that employer, and the differential wage payment shall be treated as compensation for purposes of applying the limits on annual additions under section 415(c) of the code. This provision shall be applied to all similarly situated individuals in a reasonably equivalent manner. be permitted to be Caul �IL�Pllliall�l�llillZ��ll�l�l47 � I tI!lli 3i7111I�Ix'TiI11�I IIL�lII�II'alilalil!Z�i�a � 111 i IYl i�.Ya 1 it lli�1�L11Lail� Effective date means the date en whieh this arts„ le beeem es effe April 27, Firefighter means an actively employed full -time person employed by the city, including his initial probationary employment period, who is certified as a firefighter as a condition of employment in accordance with the provisions of F.S. t 633.35 408, and whose duty it is to extinguish fires, to protect life and to protect property. The term includes all certified, supervisory, and command personnel whose duties include, in whole or in part, the supervision, training, guidance, and management responsibilities of full - time firefighters, part -time firefighters, or auxiliary firefighters but does not include part - time firefighters or auxiliary firefighters. i���irsszifa�iii� .yin =�i►:�t :lc.��:i.cn'��:ri' . '►ti�.��i:piss.�: ins: ni►: w� :��i�:��+. =:irii�:itiic►ra�� :�i For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original test, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and 5tActinough shall constitute deletions to the original text. Spouse means the lawful wife eF husband of a membef eF FetiF member's or retiree's spouse under applicable law at the time benefits become payable. Section 3. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -74, Finances and Fund Management, subsection (6)(b)3.: 3. In addition, the board may, upon recommendation by the board =s investment consultant, make investments in group trusts meeting the requirements of Internal Revenue Service Revenue Ruling 81 -1001 ai-rd or Revenue Ruling 2011 -1 IRS Notice 2012 -6 and Revenue Ruling 2014 -24 or successor rulings or guidance of similar import, and operated or maintained exclusively for the commingling and collective investment of monies, provided that the funds in the group trust consist exclusively of trust assets held under plans qualified under section 401(a) of the code, individual retirement accounts that are exempt under section 408(e) of the code, eligible governmental plans that meet the requirements of section 457(b) of the code, and governmental plans under 401(a)(24) of the code. For this purpose, a trust includes a custodial account or a separate tax favored account maintained by an insurance company that is treated as a trust under section 401(f) or under section 457(g)(3) of the code. While any portion of the assets of the fund are invested in such a group trust, such group trust is itself adopted as a part of the system or plan. a C, The separate account maintained by the aroup trust for the 1 For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and strilrethrough shall constitute deletions to the original text. Section 4. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (a), Normal Retirement, subsection (a)(1), Normal Retirement Date: = = , _ ��,:. �s.,. r.ti � :.�,:.�...,..,�:�::.:� :.� :,�•.: .:ter :.,,:.:�, :.gin :,:.�:,s,.:,:� ���+9�rera, T.9 I)• zr.T•r_T-4rs_rsrr_rsF-T.-0" -_9M rrar_r M a M Wl ITi - Ia age oo ana ine compieyon o' ipletion of 25 years of creditec member shall become onE is accrued benefit at norma retirement date shall be the or next followina the date the Section 5. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (c), Pre - Retirement Death, subsection (c)(2)b.: (c)(2) b. If the deceased member was eligible for normal or early retirement, the spouse beneficiary shall receive a benefit payable for ten (10) years, beginning on the first day of the month following the member's death or at the deceased member's otherwise eat er normal retirement date, at the option of the spouse beneficiary. The benefit shall be calculated as for normal retirement based on the deceased member's credited service and average final compensation as of the date of his death and reduced as for early retirement, if applicable. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stAct1nough shall constitute deletions to the original text. Section 6. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (d), Disability, subsection (d)(1), Disability Benefits On -Duty, subsection (d)(3), Disability Benefits Off -Duty, and subsection (d)(7), Worker =s Compensation: (d)(1) Disability benefits on -duty. Any member who shall become totally and permanently disabled to the extent that he is unable, by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment, to render useful and efficient service as a firefighter, which disability was directly caused by the performance of his duty as a firefighter, shall, upon establishing the same to the satisfaction of the board, be entitled to a monthly pension equal to three and eight- hundredths percent of base pay at the date of disability for each year of credited service, but in any event the minimum amount to be paid to the member shall be equal to 60 percent of the base pay of the member at the date of disability. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, in the event a member is determined by the board to be disabled in -line of duty and the disability resulted from the perpetration of an intentional act of violence directed toward the firefighter and the board reasonably believes the perpetrator intended to cause great bodily harm or permanent disfigurement of the firefighter, the minimum amount paid to the member shall be 80 percent of the average final compensation of the member. Terminated persons, either vested or non - vested, are not eligible for disability benefits, (d)(3) Disability benefits off-duty. Any member with five years or more credited service who shall become totally and permanently disabled to the extent that he is unable, by reason of medically determinable physical or mental impairment, to render useful and efficient service as a firefighter, which disability is not directly caused by the performance of his duties as a firefighter shall, upon establishing the same to the satisfaction of the board, be entitled to a monthly pension equal to three and eight- hundredths percent of base pay at the date of disability for each year of credited service. Terminated persons, either vested or non - vested, are not eligible for disability benefits, For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stt&thzough shall constitute deletions to the original text. 6 (d)(7) Workers' compensation. When a retiree is receiving a disability pension and workers' compensation benefits pursuant to F.S. ch. 440, Florida Statute and /or any other disability benefit provided by the city, for the same disability, and the total monthly benefits received from all sources exceeds 100 percent of the member's average monthly wage, as defined in F.S. ch. 440„ the disability pension benefit shall be reduced so that the total monthly amount received by the retiree does not exceed 100 percent of average monthly wage. The amount of any lump sum workers' compensation payment shall be converted to an equivalent monthly benefit payable for ten years certain by dividing the lump sum amount by 83.9692. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the disability pension benefit be reduced below the greater of 42 percent of average final compensation or two and three quarters percent of average final compensation times years of credited service. Section 7. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (f), Maximum Pension, subsection (f)(6), (f)(8), (f)(1 2)b., and by adding subsection (f)(13): (f)(6) Less than Ten (90) Years of Participation of Se;= The maximum retirement benefits payable under this section to any member who has completed less than ten (10) years of participation shall be the amount determined under subsection (1) of this section multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of the member's years of eFedited service participation and the denominator of which is ten (10). The reduction provided by this subsection cannot reduce the maximum benefit below 10% of the limit determined without regard to this subsection. The reduction provided for in this subsection shall not be applicable to pre - retirement disability benefits paid pursuant to Sec. 66- 76(d), or pre- retirement death benefits paid pursuant to Sec. 66- 76(c). (f)(8) Ten Thousand Dollar ($10,000) Limit; Less Than Ten Years of Service. Notwithstanding anything in this section 66- 76(f), the retirement benefit payable with respect to a member shall be deemed not to exceed the limit set forth in this subsection (f)(8) of section 66 -76 if the benefits payable, For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and strikcthrovgk shall constitute deletions to the original text. with respect to such member under this system and under all other qualified defined benefit pension plans to which the City contributes, do not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for the applicable limitation year and or for any prior limitation year., and the City has not at any time maintained a qualified defined contribution plan in which the member participated; provided, however, that if the member has completed less than ten (10) years of credited service with the City, the limit under this subsection (f)(8) of section 66 -76 shall be a reduced limit equal to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of the member's years of credited service and the denominator of which is ten (10). (f) (12) b. No member of the system shall be allowed to receive a retire- ment benefit or pension which is in part or in whole based upon any service with respect to which the member is already receiving, or will receive in the future, a retirement benefit or pension from a different employer's retirement system or plan. This restriction does not apply to social security benefits or federal benefits under Chapter 67 1223, Title 10, U.S. Code. (m) Effect of Direct Rollover on 41&b) Limit. If the plan accepts a direct under Code Section from the rollover an n required under Co( of the limit under Cc W a i 1 T •7 r *1 Tl a i -n T W 1 i 1 i � Section 8. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (g), Minimum Distribution of Benefits, subsection (g)(2)b.4.: (g)(2) b. 4. If the member's surviving spouse is the member's sole designated beneficiary and the surviving spouse dies after the member but before distributions to the surviving spouse begin, this subsection (2)b., other than subsection (2)b.1., will apply as if the surviving spouse were the member. For purposes of this subsection (2)b. and ."..eetion -(6), distributions are considered to begin on the member's required beginning date or, if subsection (2)b.4. applies, the date of distributions are required to begin to the surviving spouse under subsection (2)b.1. If annuity payments irrevocably commence to the member before the member's required beginning date (or to the member's surviving spouse before the date distributions are required to begin to the For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and ugh shall constitute deletions to the original text. surviving spouse under subsection (2)b.1.) the date distributions are considered to begin is the date distributions actually commence. Section 9. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article II'l, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -77, Optional Forms of Benefits, subsection (1)(d), and (2): (d) For members who do not participate in the drop pursuant to section 66 -86, the member may elect a percentage of benefit in a lump sum as follows: a. Ten percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 90 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsections (a), (b), or (c) above. b. Fifteen percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 85 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsections (a), (b), or (c) above. C. Twenty percent of the total value actuarial equivalent of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 80 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsections (a), (b), or (c) above. d. Twenty -five percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 75 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsections (a), (b), or (c) above. (2) The member, upon electing any option of this section, will designate the joint pensioner (subsection (1)(b) above) or beneficiary (or beneficiaries) to receive the benefit, if any, payable under the system in the event of member's death, and will have the power to change such designation from time to time. Such designation will name a joint pensioner or one or more primary beneficiaries where applicable. A member may change his beneficiary at any time. If a member has elected an option with a joint pensioner and the member's retirement income benefits have commenced, the member may thereafter change his designated beneficiary at any time, but may only change his joint pensioner twice. Subject to the restriction in the previous sentence, a member may substitute a new joint pensioner for a deceased joint pensioner. Effective January 1, 2005, any current retiree, regardless of his date of retirement, may elect the options provided for in this subsection (2). In the absence of proof of good health of the ioint pensioner beina replaced. the actuary will assume that the ioint pensioner has deceased for Section 10. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -84, Prior Fire Service, subsection (6): For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and striketh ... 0 shall constitute deletions to the original text. 0 (6) In no event, however, may credited service be purchased pursuant to this section for prior service with any other municipal, county, state or special district fire department in the State of Florida, if such prior service forms or will form the basis of a retirement benefit or pension from a different employer's retirement system or plan as set forth in section 66 -76, subsection {f}(I 1 )b (f)(12Z. Section 11. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by amending Section 66 -86, Deferred Retirement Option Plan: Sec. 66 -86. Deferred retirement option plan. (a) Definitions. As used in this section 2 -296, the following definitions apply: (1) "DROP" means the City of City of Sanford Firefighters Deferred Retirement Option Plan. (2) "DROP account' means the account established for each DROP participant under subsection (c). "Total return of the assets" -- For purposes of calculating earnings on a [41 r 4116- ORIMIMili3imII ll �1061ty1011 ire NOT-1If3 JFTINA- 1100FAWWiMYIW (b) Participation. (1) Eligibility to participate. In lieu of terminating his employment as a firefighter, any member who is eligible for normal retirement under the system may elect to defer receipt of such service retirement pension and to participate in the DROP. (2) Election to participate. A member's election to participate in the DROP must be made in writing in a time and manner determined by the board and shall be effective on the first day of the first calendar month which is at least 15 business days after it is received by the board. (3) Period of participation. A member who elects to participate in the DROP under subsection (b)(2), shall participate in the DROP for a period not to exceed 60 months beginning at the time his election to participate in the DROP first becomes effective. An election to participate in the DROP shall constitute an irrevocable election to resign from the service of the city not later than the date provided for in the previous sentence. A member may participate only once. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and striketh... shall constitute deletions to the original text. 10 (4) Termination of participation. a. A member's participation in the DROP shall cease at the earlier of: 1. The end of his permissible period of participation in the DROP as determined under subsection (b)(3); or 2. Termination of his employment as a firefighter. b. Upon the member's termination of participation in the DROP, pursuant to subsection 1. above, all amounts provided for in subsection (c)(2), including monthly benefits and investment earnings and losses, shall cease to be transferred from the system to his DROP account. Any amounts remaining in his DROP account shall be paid to him in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) when he terminates his employment as a firefighter. C. A member who terminates his participation in the DROP under this subsection (b)(4) shall not be permitted to again become a participant in the DROP. (5) Effect of DROP participation on the system. a. A member's credited service and his accrued benefit under the system shall be determined on the date his election to participate in the DROP first becomes effective. The member shall not accrue any additional credited service or any additional benefits under the system (except for any supplemental benefit payable to DROP participants or any additional benefits provided under any cost -of- living adjustment for retirees in the system) while he .is a participant in the DROP. After a member commences participation, he shall not be permitted to again contribute to the system nor shall he be eligible for disability or pre - retirement death benefits, except as provided for in section 66 -85, reemployment after retirement. b. No amounts shall be paid to a member from the system while the member is a participant in the DROP. Unless otherwise specified in the system, if a member's participation in the DROP is terminated other than by terminating his employment as a firefighter, no amounts shall be paid to him from the system until he terminates his employment as a firefighter. Unless otherwise specified in the system, amounts transferred from the system to the member's DROP account shall be paid directly to the member only on the termination of his employment as a firefighter. (c) Funding. (1) Establishment of DROP account. A DROP account shall be established for each member participating in the DROP. A member's DROP account shall consist of amounts transferred to the DROP under subsection (c)(2), and earnings on those amounts. (2) Transfers from retirement system. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stri6tlnoagh shall constitute deletions to the original text. 11 a. As of the first day of each month of a member's period of participation in the DROP, the monthly retirement benefit he would have received under the system had he terminated his employment as a firefighter and elected to receive monthly benefit payments thereunder shall be transferred to his DROP account, except as otherwise provided for in subsection (b)(4)b. A member's period of participation in the DROP shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of subsections (b)(3) and (b)(4), but in no event shall it continue past the date he terminates his employment as a firefighter. b. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b)(4)b., a member's DROP account under this subsection (c)(2) shall be debited or credited after eaeh fiseal year quart with earnings, to be credited or debited to the member's DROP account. determined as of the last etermined as The average daily balance in a member's DROP account shall be credited or debited at a rate equal to the net investment return realized by the system for that quarter. "Net investment return" for the purpose of this paragraph is the total return of the assets in which the member's DROP account is invested by the board net of brokerage commissions, transaction costs and management fees. calcu each auarter by the investment consultant pursuant to contracts with nvestment consu RiTM=93 1�1r177155t� i'i W407M [MMRif11M. • - 0 0 s1 MiLMMM In# F116IMF 17 C. A member's DROP account shall only be credited or debited with earnings and monthly benefits while the member is a participant in the DROP. A member's final DROP account value for distribution to the member upon termination of participation in the DROP shall be the value of the account at the end of the quarter immediately preceding termination of participation date plus any monthly periodic additions made to the DROP account subsequent to the end of the previous quarter and prior to distribution. If a member fails to terminate employment after participating in the DROP for the permissible period of DROP participation, then beginning with the member's 1st month of employment following the last month of the permissible period of DROP participation, the member's DROP account will no longer be credited or debited with earnings, nor will monthly benefits be transferred to the DROP account. All such non - transferred amounts shall be forfeited and continue to be forfeited while the member is employed by the fire department. A member employed by the fire department after the permissible For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original test, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and strikctlnough shall constitute deletions to the original text. 12 period of DROP participation will still not be eligible for pre - retirement death or disability benefits, and he will accrue additional credited service only as provided for in section 66 -85. (d) Distribution of DROP accounts on termination of employment. (1) Eligibility for benefits. A member shall receive the balance in his DROP account in accordance with the provisions of this subsection (d) upon his termination of employment as a firefighter. Except as provided in subsection (d)(5), no amounts shall be paid to a member from the DROP prior to his termination of employment as a firefighter. (2) Form of distribution. a. Unless the member elects otherwise, distribution of his DROP account shall be made in a lump sum, subject to the direct rollover provisions set forth in subsection (d)(6). Elections under this paragraph shall be in writing and shall be made in such time or manner as the board shall determine. b. If a member dies before his benefit is paid, his DROP account shall be paid to his beneficiary in such optional form as his beneficiary may select. If no beneficiary designation is made, the DROP account shall be distributed to the member's estate. (3) Date of payment of distribution. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (d), distribution of a member's DROP account shall be made as soon as administratively practicable following the member's termination of employment. Distribution of the amount in a member's DROP account will not be made unless the member completes a written request for distribution and a written election, on forms designated by the board, to either receive a cash lump sum or a rollover of the lump sum amount. (4) Proof of death and right of beneficiary or other person. The board may require and rely upon such proof of death and such evidence of the right of any beneficiary or other person to receive the value of a deceased member's DROP account as the board may deem proper and its determination of the right' of that beneficiary or other person to receive payment shall be conclusive. (5) Distribution limitation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection (d), all distributions from the DROP shall conform to the "Minimum distribution of benefits" provisions as provided for herein. (6) Direct rollover of certain distributions. This subsection applies to distributions made on or after January 1, 2002. Notwithstanding any provision of the DROP to the contrary, a distributee may elect to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid in a direct rollover as otherwise provided under the system in section 2 -291. (e) Administration of DROP. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stzikethraagh shall constitute deletions to the original text. is] (1) Board administers the DROP. The general administration of the DROP, the responsibility for carrying out the provisions of the DROP and the responsibility of overseeing the investment of the DROP's assets shall be placed in the board. The members of the board may appoint from their number such subcommittees with such powers as they shall determine; may adopt such administrative procedures and regulations as they deem desirable for the conduct of their affairs; may authorize one or more of their number or any agent to execute or deliver any instrument or make any payment on their behalf; may retain counsel, employ agents and provide for such clerical, accounting, actuarial and consulting services as they may require in carrying out the provisions of the DROP; and may allocate among themselves or delegate to other persons all or such portion of their duties under the DROP, other than those granted to them as trustee under any trust agreement adopted for use in implementing the DROP, as they, in their sole discretion, shall decide. A trustee shall not vote on any question relating exclusively to himself. (2) Individual accounts, records and reports. The board shall maintain records showing the operation and condition of the DROP, including records showing the individual balances in each member's DROP account, and the board shall keep in convenient form such data as may be necessary for the valuation of the assets and liabilities of the DROP. The board shall prepare and distribute to members participating in the DROP and other individuals or file with the appropriate governmental agencies, as the case may be, all necessary descriptions, reports, information returns, and data required to be distributed or filed for the DROP pursuant to the Code and any other applicable laws. (3) Establishment of rules. Subject to the limitations of the DROP, the board from time to time shall establish rules for the administration of the DROP and the transaction of its business. The board shall have discretionary authority to construe and interpret the DROP (including but not limited to determination of an individual's eligibility for DROP participation, the right and amount of any benefit payable under the DROP and the date on which any individual ceases to be a participant in the DROP). The determination of the board as to the interpretation of the DROP or its determination of any disputed questions shall be conclusive and final to the extent permitted by applicable law. (4) Limitation of liability. a. The trustees shall not incur any liability individually or on behalf of any other individuals for any act or failure to act, made in good faith in relation to the DROP or the funds of the DROP. b. Neither the board nor any trustee of the board shall be responsible for any reports furnished by any expert retained or employed by the board, but they shall be entitled to rely thereon as well as on certificates furnished by an accountant or an actuary, and on all opinions of counsel. The board shall be fully protected with respect to any action taken or suffered by it in good faith in reliance upon such expert, accountant, actuary or counsel, and all actions taken or For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and Striketinaugh shall constitute deletions to the original text. 14 (f) 101 (2) (3) suffered in such reliance shall be conclusive upon any person with any interest in the DROP. General provisions. No emDlover discretion. The DROP benefit is determined pursuant to a (4) IRC limit. The DROP account (4 5) Amendment of DROP. The DROP may be amended by an ordinance of the city at any time and from time to time, and retroactively if deemed necessary or appropriate, to amend in whole or in part any or all of the provisions of the DROP. However, except as otherwise provided by law, no amendment shall make it possible for any part of the DROP's funds to be used for, or diverted to, purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of persons entitled to benefits under the DROP. No amendment shall be made which has the effect of decreasing the balance of the DROP account of any member. (-2 §) Facilityofpayment, If a member or other person entitled to a benefit under the DROP is unable to care for his affairs because of illness or accident or is a minor, the board shall direct that any benefit due him shall be made only to a duly appointed legal representative. Any payment so made shall be a complete discharge of the liabilities of the DROP for that benefit. (3 Z) Information. Each 'member, beneficiary or other person entitled to a benefit, before any benefit shall be payable to him or on his account under the DROP, shall file with the board the information that it shall require to establish his rights and benefits under the DROP. (4 8) Prevention of escheat If the board cannot ascertain the whereabouts of any person to whom a payment is due under the DROP, the board may, no earlier than three years from the date such payment is due, mail a notice of For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stliketh,ough shall constitute deletions to the original text. 15 such due and owing payment to the last known address of such person, as shown on the records of the board or the city. If such person has not made written claim therefor within three months of the date of the mailing, the board may, if it so elects and upon receiving advice from counsel to the DROP, direct that such payment and all remaining payments otherwise due such person be canceled on the records of the DROP. Upon such cancellation, the DROP shall have no further liability therefor except that, in the event such person or his beneficiary later notifies the board of his whereabouts and requests the payment or payments due to him under the DROP, the amount so applied shall be paid to him in accordance with the provisions of the DROP. (-5 9) Written elections, notification. a. Any elections, notifications or designations made by a member pursuant to the provisions of the DROP shall be made in writing and filed with the board in a time and manner determined by the board under rules uniformly applicable to all employees similarly situated. The board reserves the right to change from time to time the manner for making notifications, elections or designations by members under the DROP if it determines after due deliberation that.such action is justified in that it improves the administration of the DROP. In the event of a conflict between the provisions for making an election, notification or designation set forth in the DROP and such new administrative procedures, those new administrative procedures shall prevail. b. Each member or retiree who has a DROP account shall be responsible for furnishing the board with his current address and any subsequent changes in his address. Any notice required to be given to a member or retiree hereunder shall be deemed given if directed to him at the last such address given to the board and mailed by registered or certified United States mail. If any check mailed by registered or certified United States mail to such address is returned, mailing of checks will be suspended until such time as the member or retiree notifies the board of his address. (6 10) Benefits not guaranteed. All benefits payable to a member from the DROP shall be paid only from the assets of the member's DROP account and neither the city nor the board shall have any duty or liability to furnish the DROP with any funds, securities or other assets except to the extent required by any applicable law. (7 71) Construction. a. The DROP shall be construed, regulated and administered under the laws of Florida, except where other applicable law controls. b. The titles and headings of the subsections in this section 2 -296 are for convenience only. In the case of ambiguity or inconsistency, the text rather than the titles or headings shall control. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and striket}aongh shall constitute deletions to the original text. 16 (8 12) Forfeiture of retirement benefits. Nothing in this section shall be construed to remove DROP participants from the application of any forfeiture provisions applicable to the system. DROP participants shall be subject to forfeiture of all retirement benefits, including DROP benefits. (J 13) Effect of DROP participation on employment. Participation in the DROP is not a guarantee of employment and DROP participants shall be subject to the same employment standards and policies that are applicable to employees who are not DROP participants. Section 12. Firefighters= Retirement System. Chapter 66, Article III, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, is hereby amended to read as follows by deleting current Section 66 -87, Conviction and Forfeiture; False, Misleading or Fraudulent Statements: Ey Section 13 Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford relating to the administration of the firefighters= retirement system and related matters are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 14 Conflicts. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 15 Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stActi iougk shall constitute deletions to the original text. 17 N-0 1 - : • . • : - - - : - : - : : - - - - - - - - - - rim M - : : : : : • • : : : Section 13 Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford relating to the administration of the firefighters= retirement system and related matters are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 14 Conflicts. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 15 Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text. ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and stActi iougk shall constitute deletions to the original text. 17 Section 16. Codification. Sections 2 -13 of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 17. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon enactment by the City Commission. Passed and Adopted this 27th day of June, A.D. 2016. Attest: City Commission o�lthe Cir of Sanford, Florida ,iJ Q'zf�' '- " ► Cynt 'a Porter, City Clerk Jeff Trip Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: W Liam L. Colbert, City Attorney For the purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, ' ' ' shall constitute ellipses to the original text and st7ikethroagh shall constitute deletions to the original text. 18 ' WS RM X 'E 1877- Item No. _ • � CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 16.217 JUNE 27, 2016 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Cynthia Porter, City Clerk Cynthia Lindsay, Director of Finance SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Man ger SUBJECT: City of Sanford Firefighters Retirement ystem Proposed Ordinance STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ❑ Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: Ordinance No. 2016 -4382, amending City Code, Sections 66 -71, 66 -74, 66 -76, 66 -77, 66 -84, 66 -86, and 66 -87 of the Firefighters Retirement System, is being submitted for second reading and adoption. F'ISCALISTAFFING STATEMENT: The Fire Pension Board's actuary, Foster & Foster, Inc., advised that there is no cost associated with the adoption of this ordinance. BACKGROUND: At the May 5, 2016 Firefighters Pension Board meeting, the Board unanimously recommended amending the following sections of the Firefighters Retirement System in accordance with recent changes to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) relating to tax qualified pension plans such as this plan and for language clarity. • Section 66 -71, Definitions, is being amended for IRC changes and requirements. • Section 66 -74, Finances and Fund Management, is being amended to further incorporate recent IRC requirements with regard to investments in commingled funds. • Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (a), Normal Retirement, is being amended to change the Normal Retirement Date to include IRC required language regarding Normal Retirement Age and Normal Retirement Date. • Section 66 -77, Benefits Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (c), Pre - Retirement Death, subsection (c)(2)b., is being amended to remove unnecessary language. Section 66 -76, Benefits Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (d), Disability, is being amended to more clearly identify those individuals who may be eligible to apply for a disability pension who have been terminated by the City due to medical reasons. Subsection (7), Workers' Compensation, is also being amended to clearly identify the new minimum benefit accrual rate of 2.75 %, as provided for in Chapter 175, Florida Statutes. • Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (f), Maximum Pension, has had several subsections amended to comply with IRC changes. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (g), Minimum Distribution of Benefits, is being amended for a reference clarification in subsection (g)(2)b.4. • Section 66 -77, Optional Form of Benefits, has been amended to: o Amend the optional form of benefit known as a partial lump sum option (PLOP), to clarify that the percentage chosen is calculated as a percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the member's benefit. o Amend subsection (2) to clarify that if proof of good health of a joint pensioner who is being replaced is not provided, the actuary will assume that the joint pensioner is deceased for purposes of calculating the revised benefit amount. • Section 66 -84, Prior Fire Service, subsection (6), is being amended to correct a reference. Section 66 -86, Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP), is being amended in accordance with recent direction from the IRS in connection with the issuance of several recent Favorable Determination Letters to clarify investment returns on DROP accounts and add several sections clarifying the DROP provisions as required by the IRS. • Section 66 -87, Conviction and Forfeiture; False, Misleading and Fraudulent Statements, is being deleted in its entirety as it is a duplicate of the same language which is already in place in Section 66- 76(i). The City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 2016 -4382 on June 13, 2016. The City Clerk published notice of the public hearing in the Sanford Herald on June 12, 2016. LEGAL REVIEW: The ordinance has been prepared by the Firefighters Pension Board attorney. RECOMMENDATION: The Firefighters Pension Board recommends that the City Commission adopt the ordinance. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 2016- 4382." Attachments: Cover letter from the Law Offices of Christiansen & Dehner, P.A. Actuarial Impact Letter from Foster & Foster Actuaries Ordinance No. 2016 -4382 Law Offices Christiansen & Lehner, P.A. 63 Sarasota Center Blvd. Suite 107 Sarasota, Florida 34240 . 941.377 -2200 • Fax 941. 377 -4848 May 16, 2016 Mr. Norton N. Bonaparte Jr. City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788 Re: City of Sanford Firefighters' Retirement System - Proposed Ordinance Dear Mr. Bonaparte As you know, I represent the Board of 'Trustees of the City of Sanford Firefighters' Retirement System. Enclosed please find a proposed ordinance amending the City of Sanford Firefighters' Retirement System which is recommended by the Board for adoption by the City Commission. With the recent adoption by the Florida Legislature of Chapter 2015 -39, Laws of Florida, and changes to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and its associated Regulations, as well as guidance from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the following amendments to the pension plan are proposed: 1. Section 66 -71, Definitions, is being amended for IRC changes and requirements, to amend the definitions of a. Accumulated Contributions is being amended to correct a section reference b. Actuarial Equivalent - to amend the definition to incorporate the Mortality Table and interest rate currently being used by the plan's actuary C. Credited Service - to clarify IRC regulations on leave conversions d. Effective Date - to clearly state the effective date of the plan e. Firefighter - to update a refcretncc in Florida Statutes. f. Gross Pay - is being removed as this tenn in no longer a defined tenn in the plan g. Spouse - To clarify the definition in accordance with a recent US Supreme Court ruling Section 66 -74, Finances and Fund Management, is being amended to further incorporate recent IRC requirements with regard to investments in commingled funds. Mr. Norton N. Bonaparte Jr. May 16, 2016 Page 2 3. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (a), Normal Retirement, is being amended to change the Normal Retirement Date to include IRC required language regarding Normal Retirement Age and Normal Retirement Date. 4. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (c), Pre - Retirement Death, subsection (c)(2)b., is being amended to remove unnecessary language. 5. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (d), Disability, is being amended to more clearly identify those individuals who may be eligible to apply for a disability pension who have been terminated by the City due to medical reasons. Subsection (7), Workers' Compensation, is also being amended to clearly identify the new minimum benefit accrual rate of 2.75 %, as provided for in Chapter 175, Florida Statutes. 6. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (f), Maximum Pension, has had several subsections amended to comply with IRC changes. 7. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (g), Minimum Distribution of Benefits, is being amended for a reference clarification in subsection (g)(2)b.4. 8. Section 66 -77, Optional Forms of Benefits, has been amended to: a. Amend the optional form of benefit known as a partial lump sum option (PLOP), to clarify that the percentage chosen is calculated as a percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the member's benefit. b. Amend subsection (2) to clarify that if proof of good health of a joint pensioner who is being replaced is not provided, the actuary will assume that the joint pensioner is deceased for purposes of calculating the revised benefit amount. 9. Section 66 -84, Prior Fire Service, subsection (6), is being amended to correct a reference. 10. Section 66 -86, Deferred Retirement Option Plan, is being amended in accordance with recent direction from the IRS in connection with the issuance of several recent Favorable Determination Letters to clarify investment returns on DROP accounts and add several sections clarifying the DROP provisions as required by the IRS. 11. Section 66 -87, Conviction and Forfeiture; False, Misleading or Fraudulent Statements, is being deleted in its entirety as it is a duplicate of the same language which is already in place in Section 66- 76(i). Mr. Norton N. Bonaparte Jr. May 16, 2016 Page 3 By copy of this letter to the Board's actuary, Foster & Foster. Inc., I am requesting that they provide you with a letter indicating the cost, if any, associated with the adoption of this ordinance. If you or any member of your staff have any questions with regard to this ordinance, please feel free to give me a call. In addition, if you flecl it would be appropriate fior me to be present at the meeting at which this ordinance is considered by the City Commission, please contact my office to advise me of the date that the ordinance would be considered. Yours ve llfra IV, Scott R. Christiansen SRC/drn enclosure cc: Patrick Donlan, with enclosure Suss. Pita, with enclosure FOSTER & FOSTER May 31, 2016 Ms. Susy Pita Sanford Firefighters' Retirement System 21629 Stirling Pass Leesburg, FL 34748 Re: City of Sanford Firefighters' Retirement System Dear Susy: In response to Scott Christiansen's request dated May 16, 2016, we have reviewed the proposed Ordinance (identified on page 17 as dm/san/fir /05- 13- 16.ord) including, but not limited to, the following proposed changes: 1. Section 66 -71, Definitions, is being amended for IRC changes and requirements. 2. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (a), Normal Retirement, is being amended to change the Normal Retirement Date to include IRC required language regarding Normal Retirement Age and Normal Retirement Date. 3. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (d), Disability, is being amended to more clearly identify those individuals who may be eligible to apply for a disability pension who have been terminated by the City due to medical reasons. Subsection (7), Workers' Compensation, is also being amended to clearly identify the new minimum benefit accrual rate of 2.75 %, as provided for in Chapter 175, Florida Statutes. 4. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (f), Maximum Pension, has had several subsections amended to comply with IRC changes. 5. Section 66 -76, Benefit Amounts and Eligibility, subsection (g), Minimum Distribution of Benefits, is being amended for a reference clarification in subsection (g)(2)b.4. 6. Section 66 -77, Optional Forms of Benefits, has been amended to: a. Amend the optional form of benefit known as a partial lump sum option (PLOP), to clarify that the percentage chosen is calculated as a percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the member's benefit. b. Amend subsection (2) to clarify that if proof of good health of a joint pensioner who is being replaced is not provided, the actuary will assume that the joint pensioner is deceased for purposes of calculating the revised benefit amount. 13420 Parker Commons Blvd., Suite 104 Fort Myers, FL 33912 • (239) 433 -5500 - Fax (239) 481 -0634 - www,foster- foster.com Ms. Susy Pita May 31, 2016 Page 2 7. Section 66 -86, Deferred Retirement Option Plan, is being amended in accordance with recent direction from the IRS in connection with the issuance of several recent Favorable Determination Letters to clarify investment returns on DROP accounts and add several sections clarifying the DROP provisions as required by the IRS. We have determined that its adoption will have no impact on the assumptions used in determining the funding requirements to the program. Because the changes do not result in a change in the valuation results, it is our opinion that a formal Actuarial Impact Statement is not required in support of its adoption. However, since the Division of Retirement must be aware of the current provisions of all public pension programs, it is recommended that you send a copy of this letter and a copy of the fully executed Ordinance to each of the following offices: Mr. Keith Brinkman Bureau of Local Retirement Systems Division of Retirement P.O. Box 9000 Tallahassee, FL 32315 -9000 Ms. Sarah Carr Municipal Police and Fire Pension Trust Funds Division of Retirement P.O. Box 3010 Tallahassee, FL 32315 -3010 The undersigned is familiar with the immediate and long -term aspects of pension valuations, and meets the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries necessary to render the actuarial opinions contained herein. All of the sections of this report are considered an integral part of the actuarial opinions. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Patrick T. Donlan, ASA, EA, MAAA cc: Scott R. Christiansen, Board Attorney