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Planning and Zoning Commission
November 3, 2016 - 10
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Steve Esler, Chairman
Michael Loader, Vice Chairman
Jerry Mills
Dominick Fiorentino III
Carsandra Buie
Nancy Groves
Members Absent
Lindsay Oyewale – excused
Linda Barker, alternate - excused
Others Present
Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney
Russell Gibson, Director of Planning and Development
Eileen Hinson, Development Services Manager
Sabreena Colbert, Planner
Mr. Esler called the meeting to order at 10:03.
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. Loader moved to approve Ms. Oyewale’s absences as excused. Mr. Fiorentino seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Mills moved to approve the September 1, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes. Ms. Buie seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Buie moved to approve the September 13, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Mills
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Buie moved to approve the October 6, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes. Mr. Mills seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Planning and Zoning Commission
November 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Page 2
Public Hearings
PH-1Continue to December 1, 2016
thePublic Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban Infill
to establish specific development standards for a mixed use residential and commercial project in
an SC-3, Special Commercial district with a project address of 215 E. Seminole Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 25-19-30-501-0000-0200, 25-19-30-501-0000-0210, 25-19-30-300-
0020-0000, 25-19-30-501-0000-0410, 25-19-30-501-0000-0450, 25-19-
30-5AG-0201-0120, 25-19-30-5AG-0201-0010, 25-19-30-5AG-0201-
Property Owner: City of Sanford
Mr. Mills moved to continue the
Conditional Use request for Urban Infill for 215 E. Seminole
Ms. Buie seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Boulevard to December 1, 2016.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Future Land Use Map amendment to change 9.8 acres of
property at 3700 Narcissus Avenue from HIP-TI, High Intensity Planned Development – Target
Industry (Seminole County) to WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0780, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-0040,
22-19-30-5AD-0000-049C, 22-19-30-5AD-0000-49B,
Property Owner: Rand Yard Farms, LLC
Representatives: John Herbert, P.E. – American Civil Engineering
Christopher Kelley – Rand Yard Farms, LLC
Mr. Fiorentino
moved to approve the request to change the Future Land Use map of the Sanford
Comprehensive Plan for approximately 9.87 acres at 3700 Narcissus Avenue from HIP-TI, High Intensity
Planned Development Target Industry to WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce as recommended by staff
Mr. Mills seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone 67.36 acres of property at 3700 Narcissus
Avenue from AG, Agriculture and MI-2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 16-19-30-5AC-0000-0759/0770/0780/0790/079A
Property Owner: Rand Yard Farms, LLC
Representatives: John Herbert, P.E. – American Civil Engineering
Christopher Kelley – Rand Yard Farms, LLC
Mr. Loader moved to approve the request to rezone 67.36 acres of property with a project address
of 3700 Narcissus Avenue from AG, Agriculture and MI-2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned
Development subject to approval of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and a
Development Order containing the conditions as recommended by staff. Mr. Mills seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Planning and Zoning Commission
November 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Page 3
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment to establish
a 280 unit apartment complex at 2205 W. Seminole Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Number: 26-19-30-300-003A-0000
Property Owner: The Spanos Corporation
Representatives: Cecelia Bonifay, Esq. – Akerman LLP
Irene Boyles – CPH Engineers
Hardy Gillespie – The Spanos Corporation
Dr. Eric Nelson was present and questioned traffic, buffers and construction access for the
proposed development.
Vicci Cranias expressed concerns with traffic, road improvements, and apartment design and
construction access.
LaWanda Accardi, Community Director of the Regatta Shores apartments had questions and
concerns about the construction disrupting the Regatta Shores’ residents.
Based on requests from the applicant and discussions during the public hearing, the following
amended conditions were recommended by staff:
a) The Project will follow the urban design standards encouraged by Policy 1-1-8.2 of the City's
Comprehensive Plan which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
i. Pedestrian entry to the Project shall be emphasized through landscaping, special paving,
gateways, arbors, and/or other similar features.
ii. In coordination with City staff: (A). Screening enclosures for mechanical and utility
equipment and for trash receptacles must use at least one of the predominant materials
and colors used in the primary structure; and (B). Enclosures for trash receptacles must
be a minimum of 6’ in height.
b) The Property Owner shall install a generator with automatic backup for the lift station.
c) The Property Owner shall provide a car wash facility which shall meet all utility pre-treatment
requirements in coordination with City staff.
d) Terwilliger Lane requires additional right-of-way dedication consistent with the City’s planned
pedestrian improvements to provide the minimum right-of-way for multi-use trail improvements.
Such dedication shall be for a 15’ wide multi-use trail crossing as depicted in the plans submitted
to the City and which are part of the record of the public hearing held on November 3, 2016 said
trail being designed in accordance with City Standards. The Property Owner recognizes that this
requirement, which shall be implemented by forms which are approved by the City Attorney, has
a rational nexus to the impact of the Project to required public facilities and, moreover, that the
resulting dedications satisfy the rough proportionality analysis relating thereto.
e) Narcissus Avenue shall not be used for ingress or egress during construction of the Project.
Mr. Loader moved to approve the Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopment to establish a
280 unit apartment complex at 2205 W. Seminole Boulevard with the amended conditions as
recommended by staff. Mr. Fiorentino III seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Planning and Zoning Commission
November 3, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Page 4
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish a four unit multiple family
residential use (two duplexes) at 419 Pecan Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number: 25-19-30-5AG-0613-0020
Property Owner: Emory Green
Representative: R.T. Hillery – RLH Construction Company
Samuel Peterson was present and expressed concerns regarding the excessive amount of
duplexes being built in the Goldsboro neighborhood.
Mr. Loader moved to
approve the Conditional Use request to establish a four unit multiple family
Mr. Mills seconded. Motion to approve failed
residential use (two duplexes) at 419 Pecan Avenue.
to carry by a vote of 2 to 4 with Loader and Mills in favor and Esler, Fiorentino, Buie and Groves
Mr. Fiorentino moved to deny the Conditional Use request at 419 Pecan Avenue based on DRT
finding that the request does not meet the standards for consideration of conditional uses in that
the nature and intensity of the proposed multiple family use is not compatible with the character
of the existing single family homes in the immediate vicinity. Ms. Buie seconded. Motion to deny
carried by a vote of 4 to 2 with Esler, Fiorentino, Buie and Groves in favor and Loader and Mills
Development Plans
Consider the Site Plan for Marina Isle Assisted Living Facility at 530 N. Palmetto Avenue.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 25-19-30-515-0000-0020 and 25-19-30-515-0000-002A
Property Owner: City of Sanford
Representatives: Frank Cerasoli, Manager – Marina Isle Assisted Living
Stephen Coover – Hutchinson, Mamele & Coover, P.A.
Mr. Mills moved to
approve the Site Plan based on the plan meeting the conditions in Development
Order 14-18 and the standards as set forth on the Planned Development Master Plan and within the
. Mr. Loader seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
City of Sanford Land Development Regulations
Staff Reports
Mr. Gibson shared information about upcoming events including the Ethics and Sunshine Law
Training that is scheduled for November 29,, 2016.
Commissioners Reports
Meeting adjourned at 12:48 .
City of Sanford
Planning and Zoning Commission
Thursday –November 3, 2016
City Commission Chambers
Sanford City Hall 1Floor
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Meeting called to order by Chairman Esler
Ceremonial Matters
Moment of Silence
Pledge of Allegiance
Business of the Commission
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes–October 6,2016Regular Meeting Minutes
Approvalof Minutes–September 13, 2016 SpecialMeeting Minutes
Approval of Minutes–September 1, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Hearings
PH-1Continue to December 1, 2016
thePublic Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban Infill to establish
specific development standards for a mixed use residential and commercial project in an SC-3, Special
Commercial district with a project address of 215 E. Seminole Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Numbers: 25-19-30-501-0000-0200, 25-19-30-501-0000-0210, 25-19-30-300-0020-0000
25-19-30-501-0000-0410,25-19-30-501-0000-0450, 25-19-30-5AG-0201-0120,
25-19-30-5AG-0201-0010, 25-19-30-5AG-0201-0090
Property Owner: City of Sanford
Representative: Sanford Waterfront Partners, LLC
Richard Heisenbottle–RJ Heisenbottle Architects/
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Future Land UseMapamendment to change 9.8acres of property at
3700 Narcissus Avenue from HIP-TI, High Intensity Planned Development –Target Industry (Seminole
County) to WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce.
Tax Parcel Numbers:16-19-30-5AC-0000-0780,22-19-30-5AD-0000-0040,22-19-30-5AD-0000-049C
Property Owner: Rand Yard Farms,LLC
Representative: John Herbert, P.E. –American Civil Engineering
Attachments:Staff Report
Project Information Sheet
Future Land Use Map Amendment
Affidavits of Ownership and Designation of Agent
Draft Ordinance
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone 67.36acres of property at 3700 Narcissus Avenue
from AG, Agriculture and MI-2, Medium Industrial to PD, Planned Development.
Tax Parcel Numbers:16-19-30-5AC-0000-0759/0770/0780/0790/079A
Property Owner: Rand Yard Farms,LLC
Representative: John Herbert, P.E. –American Civil Engineering
Attachments:Staff Report
Project Information Sheet
Site Vicinity Map/Aerial Map
Applicant’s Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent
CAPP Meeting Report dated August 31, 2016
Draft Ordinance
PD Master Plan received September 26, 2016
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for Urban Infill Redevelopmentto establish a 280unit
apartment complex at 2205 W.Seminole Boulevard.
Tax Parcel Number: 26-19-30-300-003A-0000
Property Owner:The Spanos Corp
Applicant:Cecelia Bonifay, Esq. –Akerman LLP
Attachments: Staff Report
Project Information Sheet –2 pages
Aerial Map/Zoning Map –2 pages
Affidavit of Ownership –3 pages
CAPP Report dated August 16, 2016 –5 pages
Statement of Justification –6pages
Criteria for Non-Residential and Multi-Family Urban Infill –2 pages
Seminole County Public Schools SIA letter dated August 24, 2016 –2 pages
Traffic Impact Analysis dated September 2016 –2 pages
Lake Monroe Apartments Elevations and Floorplans –8 pages
Draft Development Order No. 16-22
Preliminary Site plan received October 12, 2016 –5 pages
Hold a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use to establish a four unit multiple family residential use
(two duplexes) at 419 Pecan Avenue.
Tax Parcel Number:25-19-30-5AG-0613-0020
Property Owner:Emory Green
Applicant:R.T. Hillery–RLH Construction Company
Attachments: Staff Report
Project Information Sheet
Aerial Map/Zoning Map
Affidavit of Ownership
Applicant’sWritten Explanation
CAPP Meeting Minutes and Sign-In Sheet dated August 31, 2016
Letters received from Neighbors
Site Plan
Development Plans
Consider the Site Plan for Marina Isle Assisted Living Facility at 530 N. Palmetto Avenue.
TaxParcel Numbers:25-19-30-515-0000-0020 and 25-19-30-515-0000-002A
Property Owner:City of Sanford
Representative:Frank Cerasoli, Manager–Marina Isle Assisted Living
Attachments:Staff Report
Project Information Sheet
Site Vicinity Map/Aerial Map
Applicant’sexplanation of meeting Development Order 14-18
Site Plan
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Commissioners Reports
Please be advised that more than one member of the City Commission or any City Board, Commission, or Committee
may attend this meeting. The purpose of this notice is to serve as a contingency in the event of such attendance, but is not
intended to encourage attendance or permit participation if attendance occurs.
In accordance with the ,persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any
Americans with Disabilities Act
of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.Advice to
the public:If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or
hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is
not provided by the City of Sanford.(FS 286.0105)