HomeMy WebLinkAbout2179 Interlocal w/Seminole County - Oregon Ave PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Or=�Y_ SIA111NOit- COUNTY ENGINEERING DIVISION h0RImN��O«� April 4, 2Ol7 Mr. Bi|a| |ftikhor Public Works Director City ofSanford 3ODNorth Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 3277l KE: Interlocal Agreement—Jurisdictional Road Transfer ofOregon Avenue Dear Mr. |ftikhar: Transmitted herewith is the following document approved and executed by the Chairman of the Seminole County Board ofCounty Commissioners onMarch 38, 2O17: �* I—Original Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and City of Sanford relating toJurisdictional Road Transfer ofOregon Avenue Thank you for your assistance with this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact nmeat4O7-GG5-5703. Jean ]re', PE ' . . Director ofPublic Works/County Engineer ]j:sh Attachment (1) 100 E luc STREET,8ANFORD,FLORIDA 32771 ' TELEPHONE(487)605-5674' FAX(407)665-5772 THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: DAVID G.SHIELDS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD.FL 32771 (407)665-7254 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SEMINOLE COUNTY AND CITY OF SANFORD CONCERNING OREGON AVENUE THIS AGREEMENT, entered into by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a Charter County and political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East I st Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, in this Agreement referred to as "COUNTY," and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford,Florida 32771, in this Agreement referred to as "CITY." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties have the common power to construct and maintain roads within their geographical jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, Oregon Avenue and South Oregon Avenue are located between the eastern right-of-way line of Rinehart Road and the north right-of-way line of County Road 46A, all as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" (collectively "Oregon Avenue"); and WHEREAS, due to historical circumstances an issue has arisen between CITY and COUNTY as to which entity has the ownership,jurisdiction, and maintenance responsibility for Oregon Avenue; and Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 1 of 9 WHEREAS, this issue also involves a retention pond requiring restoration work that is an appurtenance to Oregon Avenue and is located between the Mayfair Oaks subdivision and Oregon Avenue(the "Mayfair Oaks Pond").- and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to resolve amicably this issue by each contributing payment of 50% of the cost necessary to restore the functionality of the Mayfair Oaks Pond; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY desire to resolve this issue amicably additionally by COUNTY transferring all ownership,jurisdiction, maintenance, and functional responsibility for Oregon Avenue that COUNTY may have to CITY; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate for CITY to have full ownership, jurisdiction, and maintenance responsibility for Oregon Avenue because this road is abutted entirely by property that has been annexed into CITY; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY wish to advise the Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT") of the transfer provided for in this Agreement by means of COUNTY providing FDOT,District 5,with a certified copy of this Interlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 125, 126, 163, and 166, Florida Statutes (2016), and by Sections 335.0415 and 337.29, Florida Statutes(2016); and WHEREAS, the parties have determined that this Agreement is in furtherance of the community health, safety and welfare and the public interest; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises in this Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows: Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 2 of 9 Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is for COUNTY to assign and transfer to CITY ownership, jurisdiction over and full functional responsibility for Oregon Avenue to the extent COUNTY has any such ownership, jurisdiction, or maintenance responsibility. Section 3. Transfer of Responsibility. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, all of COUNTY's ownership, jurisdiction, rights, plenary authority, maintenance, and all other responsibilities, duties, and obligations as to Oregon Avenue, if any, are hereby transferred to and assumed by CITY and Oregon Avenue will be deemed a CITY street for all intents, purposes, and effects. CITY assumes liability for any events related to Oregon Avenue occurring on or after the Effective Date of this Agreement. COUNTY and CITY represent to one another that they have no knowledge of any events related to Oregon Avenue occurring prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement that could give rise to liability for CITY or COUNTY. Each party assumes liability for any events not disclosed by the party and contrary to party's representation in the preceding sentence and which would or could result in liability to the party under controlling law. Nothing in this Agreement reimposes any liability on CITY or COUNTY that is barred by any applicable statute of limitation, sovereign immunity, or controlling law as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement imposes any liability on COUNTY that did not exist prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Section 4. Limitations of Agreement. It is not the intent of this Agreement to change the jurisdiction of the parties in any manner except as specifically provided in this Agreement. All other policies, rules, regulations, and ordinances of COUNTY and CITY will Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 3 of 9 continue to apply as to properties located within the jurisdictional boundaries of each party. The maintenance of side roads, street name signs, and stop signs are the responsibilities of the parties in whose jurisdiction such roads and signs are located, except as otherwise proved in this Agreement. Section S. Restoration of Mayfair Oaks Pond. CITY has entered a contract for perfonnance of the work needed to restore the Mayfair Oaks Pond for$45,400.00. The CITY has completed this work. Within 30 days of the Effective Date of this Agreement COUNTY shall pay to CITY $22,700.00. This payment by COUNTY is in full satisfaction of any and all obligations COUNTY may have regarding the Mayfair Oaks Pond. Section 6. Prior CITY Actions Regarding Oregon Avenue. CITY acknowledges that COUNTY has no responsibility or liability for any prior action taken by CITY with respect to Oregon Avenue including: (a) CITY's Ordinance No. 3678, adopted on November 26, 2001 and recorded on November 28, 2001 in Official kecord Book 4228, Page 494, et seq., vacating part of Hughey Street a/k/a Oregon Avenue; (b) the design and construction work on Oregon Avenue in 2000-2001 relative to which the CITY rejects any liability on its part; and (c) all other actions taken by CITY regarding Oregon Avenue. Section 7. Other Agreements. The parties agree to execute such instruments and documents as may be required to effectuate this Agreement. Section S. Employee Status. Persons employed by CITY in the perfonnance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement are deemed not to be the employees or agents of COUNTY, nor do these employees have any claims to pensions, worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service, or other employee rights or privileges granted to COUNTY's officers and employees either by operation of law or by COUNTY. Persons Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 4 of 9 employed by COUNTY in the performance of services and functions pursuant to this Agreement are deemed not to be the employees or agents of CITY, nor do these employees have any claims to pensions, worker's compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service, or other employee rights or privileges granted to CITY's officers and employees either by operation of law or by CITY. Section 9. Indemnification. Neither party to this Agreement, its officers, employees, or agents may be deemed to assume any liability for the acts, omissions, or negligence of the other party, its officers, employees, or agents, except as provided by this Agreement. To this end, neither party waives its protections under sovereign immunity afforded under controlling law nor does either party accept any liability for its acts beyond the scope and Iii-nits set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes(2016). Section 10. Notice. Any notice delivered with respect to this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed to be delivered (whether or not actually received) when (i) hand- delivered to the persons designated below, or (ii) when deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return-receipt requested, addressed to the person at the address for the party as set forth below, or such other address or to such other person as the party may have specified by written notice to the other party delivered according to this section: As to COUNTY: Public Works Director 200 West County Home Road Sanford, FL 32773 As to CITY: City Manager 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32271 Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 5 of 9 Section 11. Counterparts, This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which, when executed and delivered, constitutes an original, but all counterparts together constitute one and the same instrument Section 12. Entire Agreement. (a) It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained in this Agreement, which supersedes all oral agreements, negotiations, and previous agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. (b) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement will be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by both parties, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement. Section 13. Binding Effect. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the successors in interest, transferees, and assigns of the parties. This Agreement is not intended to confer and does not confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than CITY or COUNTY. Section 14. Public Records Law. (a) CITY and COUNTY acknowledge each other's obligations under Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution, and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (2016), as this statute may be amended from time to time, to release public records to members of the public upon request. CITY and COUNTY acknowledge each other is required to comply with Article 1, Section 24, Florida Constitution and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (2016), as this statute may be amended from time to time, in the handling of the materials created under this Agreement and that this statute controls over the terms of this Agreement. Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 6 of 9 (b) Failure to comply with this Section will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement, for which the non-breaching party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to the breaching party. Section 15. Conflict of Interest. (a) Each party agrees that it shall not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement with the other party or which would violate or cause third parties to violate the provisions of Part 11I, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes (2016), as this statute may be amended from time to time, relating to ethics in government. (b) Each party hereby certifies that no officer, agent or employee of that party has any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes (2016), as this statute may be amended from time to time, as over 5%) either directly or indirectly, in the business of the other party to be conducted here, and that no such person will have any such interest at any time during the term of this Agreement. (c) Each party has the continuing duty to report to the other party any information that indicates a possible violation of this Section. Section 16. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application of this Agreement to any person or circumstance is held invalid, it is the intent of the parties that the invalidity will not affect other provisions or applications of this Agreement that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable. Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 7 of 9 Section 17. Headings and Captions. All headings and captions contained in this Agreement are provided for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Agreement, and may not be used to define, describe, interpret or construe any provision of this Agreement. Section 18. Effective Date. The Effective Date of this Agreement will be the date when the last party has properly executed this Agreement as determined by the date set forth inunediately below the respective signatures of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this greement for the purposes stated above. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFO , Clerkt,N �' JEFF TRIPLE Vy Date: Approved as to form and legality for the use and liance of Sanfor onl . 'ye f William L. Colbert,City Attorney [Balance of this page intentionally blank;signatory continues on page 9.] Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 8 of 9 x - 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTESEMINOLE COUNTY,FL RIDA r N HORA ,Chairman C ..G1c-tom Board of 1County�Cornirriissioners of Seminole County, Florida. ate: r'� For the use and reliance of As authorized for execution by the Board of Seminole County only. County Commissioners at its 2417,regular meeting. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. County Attorney DGS/dre 1/27/17 Exhibit"A"—Map P:\Users\dedge\My DocumentslAgt'20I7\San1'ord Interlocal(Road Transfer Oregon Avenue)3rd version.doc Interlocal Agreement relating to Jurisdiction Transfer—Oregon Avenue Seminole County/City of Sanford Page 9 of 9 Oregon Avenue Interlocal Transferonfirtion i RAMP To Rinehart Road -- E 1 I � + I I I + ------ >x Iq R - 1 1- � 1 r 1 - - ---- �+. . _ sANusroNE R 1 1W- Q JrCt�l'Ofi� I p COQUINA LN t i ; ONG OAK VtrA y I RETREATVlEWCIR j..;ZllMESTONE RUN O -------------------- r ------ ! ti CALABRIA SPRINGS CV dj O I TENOCT 81ya AQP 1 I i i KAYWOOD OR 4� i E 1 i 1 0 w QUEENS C7 r------ o y n �w zcr ------� ii CL From CR 46) !N QUAIL R4DGE CT I 0 BOR 3 C! + " 12 o aoo s1 txoo Exhibit Feet N.NeMon Public Works Date:8125/2076