HomeMy WebLinkAbout1836 SCSO Crime Analyst Task Force MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE SEMINOLE COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AND MEMBER AGENCIES REGARDING ASSIGNMENT OF CRIME ANALYST(S) TO THE SEMINOLE COUNTY CRIME ANALYST TASK FORCE 2017 -2021 Whereas, it is the intent of this Agreement that because of the existing and continuing law enforcement problems,that affect unincorporated Seminole County and the municipalities within Seminole County, and in order to ensure that the preparation of law enforcement will be adequate to deal with such activity,protect the public peace and safety, and preserve the lives and property of the people; and Whereas, the Seminole County Sheriffs Office and the participating member municipal agency each have one or more crime analysts who provide assistance to their own agency. Due to the constant "need for such crime analyst assistance, the participating agency and the Sheriff believe the provision of services will be enhanced if an analyst from the participating member agency were to be housed and assigned to the crime analyst unit within the Seminole County Sheriffs Office; and Whereas, the Seminole County Sheriffs Office and the participating member agency wish to memorialize their understanding of the obligations and responsibilities of the parties relative to the assignment of a member agency Crime Analyst to work with the Seminole County Sheriffs Office as set forth herein under the Guidelines of this Agreement. SECTION I EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall take effect on the ls`day of May 2017, the date of execution of the parties notwithstanding and shall remain in effect until January 2, 2021 unless terminated prior thereto, by any or all the parties herein. For member agencies executing this agreement subsequent to May 1st, 2017, the Agreement, shall take effect as to them, upon their execution. SECTION II GUIDELINES 1. A Crime Analyst Task Force is created among the participating agencies. Additional agencies may be part of the task force with consent of the Sheriff by execution of their agreement to the terms of participation. The Sheriff shall provide written notice to the existing participants of the addition of any other participant. 2. The Analyst Task Force shall work under the authority of the Sheriff of Seminole County, Florida,through his appointed Captain/Commander. 3. The Analyst Task Force will provide analytical support for Seminole County agencies,to include municipalities. They will provide analytical and investigative support involving the development, organization and dissemination of information relative to crime patterns and trends to be used by operational and investigative units. It will also be their responsibility to gather intelligence related to individuals and/or criminal organizations responsible for criminal activity within Seminole County. 4. The ,Sheriff of Seminole County shall provide office space, computers, access to information and databases available to Seminole C6unty Sheriff's Office Crime Analysts and related equipment including analytical software, necessary to complete the goals established. Member agencies will also have access to telephones, a facsimile machine, and computerized investigative databases located in the work areas or otherwise available or accessible on/from the Sheriff's Office network. 5. Outside agency members will be able to access FCIC/NCIC files via their own agency's ORI and user agreements with FDLE, concerning FCIC/NCIC security and usage. The participating agency is responsible for the fingerprinting and ensuring that the assigned analyst has received FCIC/NCIC security and user training. The agency represents that its assigned crime analyst is duly qualified to serve in this capacity and has received the FCIC/NCIC security and user training. 6. The Seminole County Sheriff's Office will provide the necessary crime analyst training separate from the basic FCIC/NCIC training. Any member analyst's unauthorized or improper access to FCIC/NCIC or CJIC information via the Sheriff's Office computer, or unauthorized or improper dissemination or use of such information, shall be considered a violation of the User Agreement between FDLE and the Seminole County Sheriff's Office and the Agency with whom the requesting member is employed. 7. Participating agencies shall provide at least one analyst and shall commit for a period of at least two (2)years. In the event the member agency intends to withdraw their assigned analyst,it is recommended that a minimum of sixty(60)days' notice be given prior to recalling the analyst. 8. All member agency assigned crime analysts are responsible to acknowledge and follow all Seminole County Sheriff's Office policies and procedures regarding the Sheriff's Office Computer Usage restrictions and all Sheriffs Office General Orders.The Seminole County Sheriff's Office designated Captain/Commander will also make the participating member's crime analyst aware of any other Sheriff's Office policies and procedures pertinent to the Crime Analysis Unit. The Seminole County Sheriff s Office designated Captain/Commander will be responsible for making sure that analysists are made aware of any modifications to said policies and procedures. 9. In the event of a complaint regarding any member of the Crime Analysis Unit,the Captain of the Analytical Unit will handle the problem. In the event the problem is of substantive nature, and requires an internal investigation, the Captain of the Analytical Unit will notify the Sheriffs Office Director of Law Enforcement Operations,who will notify the Agency Head of the analyst involved who will determine the need to conduct an internal investigation. The results of the investigation will be shared with the Sheriff as he retains the right to remove any member agency's assigned person from participation in the Crime Analysis Unit. r r SECTION III COMPENSATION I. Each member agency shall be responsible for compensation of personnel furnished to the Crime Analyst Unit and shall be responsible for all damages for workers compensation or personal injury in the event its employee is injured during his/her assignment to the Unit, as if the employee was providing law enforcement services for and within in his/her own employee's agency. SECTION N LIABILITY 1. The privileges and immunities from liability, exemption from laws, ordinance rules, and all pension, insurance, relief, disability, workers compensation, salary, death, and other benefits that apply to the activity of an employee of a member agency when performing the employee`s duties for and at the location of the employee's agency apply to the employee to the same degree, manner,and extent while engaged in the performance of the employee's duties under the provisions of this Agreement. SECTION V CANCELLATION Any party may cancel/withdraw such party's participation in this agreement by providing written notice of such cancellation/withdraw no less than 15 days prior thereto to the other parties to this Agreement. However,the withdraw from this Agreement shall be effective only as to that party and this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to those remaining parties hereto who have not.provided written notice of withdraw/cancellation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,THE PARTIES HERETO CAUSE THESE PRESENTS TO BE SIGNED ON THE DAT PECIMED: 112 Dennis M. Lemma Date Sheriff of Seminole County,Florida Witness Witness evil Smith,Chief of Police Date Sanford Police Department Witn s Witness