HomeMy WebLinkAbout1827 Universal Engineering Sciences -1877 L 18 7L PURCHASING DEFY TRANsmirrAL MEMORANDUM To: City Clerk RE: Request for Services The item(s) noted below is/are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): ❑ Development Order ❑ Mayor's signature ❑ Final Plat (original mylars) ❑ Recording ❑ Letter of Credit ❑ Rendering ❑ Maintenance Bond Z Safe keeping (Vault) ❑ Ordinance ❑ ❑ Performance Bond ❑ Resolution Z Universal Engineering Piggyback Contract Once completed, please: ❑ Return original ❑ Return copy Special Instructions: Please advise if you have any questions regarding the above. Thank you! 03# 1:7 Fro nfJ Date TADept_forms\City Clerk Transmittal Memo-2009.doe Granulated Activated Carbon (with Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc.) Piggyback Contract(City of Lakeland) The City of Sanford ("City") enters this "Piggyback" Contract Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc., a Florida corporation, authorized to do business in the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as the "Vendor"), under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. The City and the Vendor agree as follows: (1). The Purchasing Policy for the City of Sanford allows for "piggybacking" contracts: Pursuant to this procedure, the City is allowed to piggyback an existing government contract, and there is no need to obtain formal or informal quotations, proposals or bids. The parties agree that the Vendor has entered a contract with the City of Lakeland, Florida, said contract being identified as the "Agreement" relating to RFQ Number 4127 and pertaining to services being described in Exhibit "A" referenced below; said original contract being referred to as the "original government contract"). (2). The original government contract is incorporated herein by reference and is attached as Exhibit "A" to this contract. All of the terms and conditions set out in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and said terms and conditions are incorporated herein; provided, however, that the terms and condition's proposed in the vendor's "cost proposal and contractual terms", dated February 23, 2017, are specifically inapplicable and the terms and conditions set forth at http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=883 are applicable. (3). Notwithstanding the requirement that the original government contract is fully binding on the parties, the parties have agreed to modify certain technical provisions of the original government contract as applied to this Contract between the Vendor and the City, as follows: (a). Time Period ("Term") of this Contract: Same as the original government contract. (b). Insurance Requirements of this Contract: Same as the original government contract. (c). Any other provisions of the original government contract that will be modified: NIA; provided, however, the City and the Vendor shall negotiate and detail the specific tasks and to be accomplished as the services to be provided as well as the compensation for such designated task and services. (d). All other provisions in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and will represent the agreement between the City and the Vendor except as set forth herein. (4). Address change for the City: Notwithstanding the address and contact information for the government entity as set out in the original government contract, the Vendor agrees that he/she/it shall send notices, invoices and shall conduct all business with the City to the attention of City Manager, at: City of Sanford, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771. The City Manager's designated representative for this Contract is David Aldrich, Building Official, City of Sanford, Post Office Box 1788, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771-1778, telephone number (407-688-5058) and whose e-mail address is: dave.aldrich a@sanfordfl.gov. (5). Notwithstanding anything in the original government contract to the contrary, the venue of any dispute will be in Seminole County, Florida. Litigation between the parties arising out of this Contract shall be in Seminole County, Florida in the Court of appropriate jurisdiction. The law of Florida shall control any dispute between the parties arising out of or related to this Contract, the performance thereof or any products or services delivered pursuant to such Contract. (6). Notwithstanding any other provision in the original government contract to the contrary, there shall be no arbitration with respect to any dispute between the parties arising out of this Contract. Dispute resolution shall be through voluntary and non-binding mediation, negotiation or litigation in the court of appropriate jurisdiction in Seminole County, Florida, with the parties bearing the costs of their own legal fees with respect to any dispute resolution, including litigation. (7). All the services to be provided or performed shall be in conformance with commonly accepted industry and professional codes and standards, standards of the City, and the laws of any Federal, State or local regulatory agency. (8). IF THE CONTRACTORIVENDOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S (VENDOR'S) DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT (407) 688- 5012, CYNTHIA PORTER, CITY CLERK, CITY OF Sanford, CITY HALL, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771, PORTERC@SANFORDFL.GOV. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS: Entered this" `qday of�( , 2017. Attest., Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. - w Melvin odriguez Sy Irael Secretary CEO/Chairman Date: Attest. City Of Sanford OW2, By: / — G er, City Clerk hepu--y Jeff Triplett, Ma Date: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. illiam L. Colbert City Attorney 4 P n Exhibit "A" [Attach original government contract] THIS AGREF-APIENT is made and entered into on this ITday of 2014 (the "Effective Date'), by and between the City of LAkeland, Florida, a municipajity organized and existing in Corrice with the laws of the Sta-,e of Rodda, hereinafter referred to as tis'City", '0-mtedd at 228 South ;bass achusefts Avenue, Lakeland, Florida 33801-5086, and Universa' Engineering Sciences, inc. a Limfted UaMbiliby i ____corporanli !0c;! tom!0t&d at 3532 Maggie BNd., r!&Ido, Florida 328 11 hei-einafter referred to as't "Contractor'. Y-B-1 14ESS;-7IrH: WHEREAS, City has pre—A--usly determined that it has a need for Plan review and its sDection servicos;and VT S, City issued a Request for Qualificadons for such services pursuant to City of Lakeland RFO,No.4127((tha'RFQ');and WHE-'REAS, City has selected Contractor puTsuant to the RFQ to provide Ghe requested semeleas: and WHEREAS, Contractor ties reps esent ad, that it is able to satisfSetorily provide the ser ces according to the terms and conditions of the ar-2 which are incorporated heroin by reference, and the terinns and conditions contained herein; N THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as fonows� wiew and inspection serAces, both onsite andoffisits, for residential and commercial structures, as requested and more c-' tallyoutlined in the LIRQthis Agreement, So pe the o, of rvic s attaclivj E � Se, e hersto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit"A", and all subsequent official documents that fon t1w Contract Documents for this Agreenief-it, Z VI Service. Services shall be performed in a timely manner, as specified in the RFQ, 3. Term of This Agreement shall be in effect for an initial term W.- (3) years from the Effective Date. This Agreement may be renewed, subject to executior, of a written agreementbeh-veen the City and Contractor, for up to three (2) additional _arae (1) year.., period(s)beyond the initial contract period. This option shall be exercised only if all terms and oondifions remain the some and approval is granted by the City. 4� 2L'jLerejltsans Agreement may be arnended only by mubibi written agreement of the parties. 5. 69,&M,U,aj11L5iut�Wactjr_lg. The Contractor shaR PerfOrnn this Agreement. No assignment or subcontraing shall ba- alloy sri vvithoLd thie prior viritten consent of the City. in the event of a corporate acquisition andlof'rne'ges',f l e CoPtractor shall provide written notice to the City within tilirty (30)calendar days of Confrator's notice of such action or upon the occurrences;of said action,whichever cccurs first. The right to terminate this Age eerne it, o4iich shall not be unreasonably IvOthheld by City, shall include, but not be limited to, Instances in whicha co,mg- rate aN- ams ition ancYor marger represent a conflict of interest or are cont.rY to any local, state or fad eral laws. Action by the City in selecting a contractor Which has disclosed its intent to assign or subtaontmct in its response to the BEQ shall constitute approval for purposes of this Agrearnent & 19Mingfign. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement, without cause, by providing thirty(30)days prior'*-iitten notice to the Contractor of It intention to terminalee,or%Mth cause if at any Ume the Contr�tor falls to fulfill or abide by any of the tems or conditions specified. Failure of the Contractor to comply witil any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be considered a material breach of contraict and shall hus cause for immediate termination of the Agreement c� In addition to all other legal remedies available to City, City reserves the right to cancel and obtain from another source any items which have not been provided within any required period of time or, if no such time is stated, within a reasonable pariod of time from the date cat order or request,as determined by City In addition,in the event that sufficient budgeted funds are not aviailable for,a new fiscal period,the Clify shall notify the Contractor of such occurrence and the City shall terminate this Agreement an the last day of the then current fiscal period without penalty or expense to true Cjty. 7. P,,—ohibition af Con The Contractor warrants that it ties not employed or 2 retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employeeworking solely for Contractor,to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has rot paid or agreed to pay any person, Company, corporation, indMdua€or firm Other than a bona fide employee working solely for the C--,ntraotor any fee, commission, percentage, gift or other misicieratiar, conDgenl UPon or resuffing frorn the awaml or making of this Agree tent. In the event of breach of this provision, the City, shaR have the right to terminate this Agrearneent without further liabillity and, in its sole discretion, deduct from the contract price, or othenfisa recover,the fidil arnourit of any such Tee, COMMfssiM percentage, gift or consideration paid as a result of said breach, & r' n2gno-2A—iqn. City shall pay Contractor upon Contractor's Completion or-, and City's acceptance of,the services required herein, as specfflied In the LRF_Q and as set forth in the Contrautor's Fee Schedule,attached hereto and lnoorporated herein by reference as Appendix 1. Prices shall remain firm for the duration of ttle contract. All payinents shall be made in accordance v4th Fla, Stat. §218,70, gft sem,,the Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Contractor Shall not be enintled to rpirnbursement for any expenses incurred by Contraifor in performing this Agreement. Clete makes no representation, v,rarranty or agreement that Contractor 1MIl be provided a minirnurn arnount of work or compensation pursuant to this Agra-arnent.9. 0,.4.,n rship of Dacrrrryes tom. All data, specifications, calculations, estimates, plans, drawings, construction documents, photographs, summaries, reports, memoranda and other documents, instruments, information and material prepared or accumulated by the Contractor or its subcontractors in rendering serAces pursuant to this Agreement shall be the sale property of the City, haav:� shall Contra otcir be liable orra3ponsible to anyone for the City a use of any such information or material-in another project or following termination of this AgreemenL M 2a_YTn!tj-j_Ucenseq. Contractor must secure and maintain any and all permits and licenses required to complete services pursuant to ibis Agreement 11, The Contractor shall retain all records relating to this contract for a period of at least three(3)years after final payrner,,t is made. Contractor shall maintain accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting princlples and practices to substantiate all invoice amounts to the City. City reserves the right to audit such records upon roti c'e to the Contractor. 3 12, Contractor shall cornply with Chaptsyr 119 of the Florda Sl",ntules, the Florida Public Records Act, as it relates in- records kept and maintained by Corlb-actor in the pei for-mance of s a nficas pursu a Fit to this Agreement. Ina c-cor-dance yedh§ 1 19.0701, Flo rid a Statutes,C'ontractor stle I J E e required to provide public access 'to such records, at a cost that does not exceeNJ the statntory requirernents or as oth&:ivisa provided by law. fin tile,event any sucli necords are P-xempt or confidential from pubes o nemrds disicfosune,, Contractor shall erasure that those records ar,,,., riot disclosed except as authorized by law. Co-ruractor shall meet all requirements for retaining publi.-records and shall trans-for at no cost to the City, all public reoords in Possession Of the Conti-actor upon termination of the Agrearnant and destroy duplicate- public records that are exempt or confidental and exernpi from public records disdiosura reqWrements. All reords stored electronically must be provided to the City it a format that is cownpatible with the inforroation technology systeril of r"I's raty I& Minird urfi nsuracnce Ream, !-nt- The Contmotor must maintain Insurance. at ft ON to expans-e- in at ieast the arnourns set forVh in ExIn'bit "B," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, throughout the term ofl-HsAgreement. The Contractor must Provide a Certificate of insurmice in accordance with said Insurance Requirements e%ddenaing such coverage pdor to issuance of a purchase order or cornmencement of any wo&under this Agreement- 14. Indemnificaffion. Contractor shall indemnify pay the cost of defense, including attorneys' fees and costs at all trial and appellate levels, and hold harmless the Cft,l in accordance viiih the inderrinification provision set forth in Ex1flbit"C",altachad hereto and incof-porated herain by reference. Fenies ctinseni 'to Jummiction ana venue of tie Court's of Polk County. Florida or the United States District Court in and for the Middle District of Florida. Tampa Division, in connection with any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, any docurnenA or instrument deilvered pursuant to, in connection ,nth, or simultaneously with this Agreement, or the breach of this Agreement or any such document or instrument, The laws of the State of Florida shall govern this Agreement. 16. jud2ep_endent ContlLactor ;eta The Contractor is and shall remain an independent contractor and is neither an agent,ernployea-,partner nor joint venturer of'the City. 17, Sorra-PLia—nceNftl 1gy—z'. Contractor shall -lomply with all appV-able lot,a,, state and 4 fedwal ordinances. , lows, statutes, regulations am standards In fo7w during the tarm of this Agreement 16. The torms and conditions of Oda AgFeerpent shall be doom@d iriverable. Consequently.if any clause,tam,or conditionhoped&W be hold to be 11 al or void,such datermination chall not aftct the validity or logNity of ft remaining twns and oondWons, and notvAthstandng my&xh determination, this Agrement aWl continuein fW tm and eftct unless the particular douse,tam, or conditionhold to be Illegal or vM renders ft balanca of the e9mmord to be ImpowNe of porkwmanm. 19. i The shall inclucle this Agreement and appendices,as ymil as ft follovAng documents,which am incorporated herein by . a City of Lakeland RF42 4127 and all of its addenda and attachments,ts,i uding Edflbk W,Scope of b. CertificateCOnimcWs qg gq� of Insurance, ! "®it B C. ControcWs IrWamilicaflon and Hold Harmless, as in Emhgbk ITO: 0. is Response to the RFQ is on Be the City. tf ftre is a conflict baMean the terms of this Agreement and than above referenceddocuments, resolved as Mterms of this Agreement qhan prevail over the other documents, d the tums of ft remaining documents shall be given preference in Mir above listed order. givi:k, when In wrfflng and : (1) personally dellveved to a party to be noWled, (ii) delivered by overnight express courier, or (ir)th (3) busiress dam following deposit In the Unftd States mail, postage prepaid,certified delivery;dh-ecW to the pedy to be nobftd at the famwing . Contractor ` t '1411A City: -Dan Gargas,Building 'sl X28 S.Mamchusetts Ave. rad,FWda 33801 IN ESS WHEREOF, the paries ler®in hava exemftd this above. CITY LAKELAND,FLORIDA-- fi f . y managme � . g President( � e�E A ATTEST: rrrartp►nias�te�®�$e " ('A By:Kelly S.K00%CKY Clark ~ng Warms'nanwAft) APPROVED AS TO FORM ® . Tknothy J.McCausland,Cfty Attorney 6 P 85.00 Plan revkw $73.00 (off side) tDf $7®.00 ( FJ=himl impectox $75.00 Plumbing r $70.00 $40.00 N $0.80 gsf Staff N/A (rates are all inclusive) Other Biffing Inf tion K/ (see attached terms and conditions) �E n A 'age 7:, ,; REQUES11' FOS, JIALIFICA31�LNS BUILDING CODE FROFESSLONIAL.1-3 INITRODUMON -rhe City of Lakeland's Building Inspection Division is t-equesting,the subizuttal of statements of qualification, frointerested State Certified 'professionals or firms to provide any or 9J1 of the follovving services for the City of Lakeland on a continuing contract b2si-s-. Plan review services for rp-sidl-ntial and commercial in all disciplines onsite aid or k> Inspection seniices he Building Inspection Division is interested in pre qualifying a number of hindividua-b or firms that have expertise in any or all of the above listed areas to be put or-, three (3) year open d0 n contracts for service with the City oear f Lake with, two (2), one (1) 7erenews; Ops. Qualified individuals or firms should have at least ten (10) years of professional experience, should have worked with other municipalities of similar size as Lakelmad, and should have. extensive experience. Selectfon Pliff not be based on the range ws Oexpertisq.pathcr selection wil?be based an the depth of relevarn e!Apeence. Please Abel free to resr)ond to aqY or afl of the above sczvicvs. '17he City of Lakeland encompasses 74 square miles with a populadon nearing 100,000, Strategically located along 1-4 less than an hour from both Tampa and Orlando, Lake is home to a number of large corporations, emerging colleges and universities, acclaimed medical facilities and the spring training center for the Detroit Tigers, In addition,Lakeland is one of the most affordable places to live M' Florida, with exceptional recreational amenities and a strong sense of community. More inforniation about the City or"Lakeland can be found at out website, �,lakelgqdpuvjiet and at and%r%w.jakelandchp rnber.com-, SERVICE DESC1,11PTIONS Services Avill] be identified by City of 1,ak-elandstAff and may include any of the following: > Review > ReY1LT_M�of 14LIS offsite > lnapqtion services slirmort.Services Wb,Je specific plan reviews and niispectio.n servicos have not yet been idendfied, task authorizations for individual projects are anticipated not to exceed $25,000 pep. project. However, approved consultants may complete a, number of individtLd projects issued wider the, continuing contract. SELEDIC-1,10N PROCESS The Build ng Inspection Division recograzes that no single individual or firm,will _11kely possess all of the skills as outfinad in this Request for Qualificatit -s. As a result,prospective respondents should 11-1dicate in rbelt sl2bITI"Itt-als their specific area(s) of expertise and pro-vide be -apprOpmate examples and evideace,�where possible. Statements of Qualificalions will be reviewed by a Selection Committee made tip of Buildiag Inspection, Finance and purchasing staff members. A short Est of individwads or firms -wffl be- identlified by the Selection Cominittee and wL111 be interviewed by a Selection Corntrtittee. The Building Inspection Division may request additional information from individuals or firm's on the short list pr'or tointerviews. The recommendations of the Selection Corntriittee will be subject to apptovad by the !Nfayot and the City Ccirm�ssion. Upon approvaL the Building Inspection Division will seek to negotiate contracts with the selected individuals or fi=. SUBMISSION PROCESS,DUE DATE AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTS An-unbound original and ten (10') copies of the Statement of Qualificatilons including all required forins and supporting documentation sliould be delivered to: City of Lak-cland 1140 EParker Street Lakeland,EL 33801 Etta,; Purchasing Department All Statements of Qualificavions must be reccivcd no later than 3.00 PM on Wednesday,May 7, 2014, ALI documents received Later chair the above date and time will not be eligible for consideration, CONTENTS OF STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS * A letter of interest specifying the strength(s) of the firm or individual as they r2late to this R_FQ; * Completed Statement of QuaEficfttions; * Response to the Selection Criteria. Resumes and certifications for cex:i6e(l personnel and pern-lit tec'n-rdcians 2 -)f SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION PROCESS Request for Qualifications packets available for pick-up or by e-mail beginning Wednesday,April 9,2014, Candidates rmy submit questions pertaining to this RFQ no later than 5:00 PM, Monday, April 14, 2014. Questions will be answered no later than 5:00 PM, Monday, April 21, 2014, All questions should be submitted to the City of Lakeland Purchasing Department by e-rn,,LA at Pp-r—ch( ,a)-la-keland,gov.net or by facsimile-a,- ,L863) 834-677,11. Statements of Qualification rase due no later than 3:00 PM,Wednesday,May 7,2014. the Screening Committee will review submittals and will determine which qualified candidates may be invited to present their qualifications in. person to the Selection Comnuttee. It is anticipated that all candidates will be notified of their subinimal status by Monday May 23,2014. Interviews may be scheduled during the week of June 2. 2014, at the discretion of the Selection Committee and the comn-dttee's calendars permit. If interviews are held, all individuals and firms interviewed will be notified of their status within two weeks of the final interview. Packets available jWednesd2y,April 9,2014 Candidates questions due b j Monday,April 14,2014 Questions answered by Monday,April 21,2014 Statements of Qualification-due Wednes�,M[a7,2014 Selection Committee review of submittals May 12,2014-May 23,2014 Candidates notified of submittal status 'Nednesd!a�,Ma �21,201�4 Intervieyis if necessary) _ 'Week of June 2,2014 Notification of selection Monday June 23,2014 ""Cz:3 c. i STATEINIENT O-E-Q--UALIEICATLONLS Company Nanne. Business Address: Contact N=te omd TWe: Email Address: Telephone: Fax: Website: o Sole Prop rietotship r * Corporation * joint Vermire YVea(s) of E%Te-rdse (check aft that aDp.ky)-. o Commercial building plan review, c, Commercial mechanical plan review. c) Commercial electrical plan review, o Comm-ercial plumbing plan revICIW. • One and two family plan review. • Engineering consultation • Building inspection • Mechanical inspection • Electrical iresp ection • Plumbing inspection • One and two family inspection, o Pennit TecImician 0 Releva,,, ExTcrience Cm the Last 3 y-ears;: Stat Datf.�: End Date: Nature of Work: Description of Duties and Responsibilities: Stair Dat-1: End Date: � l,-ire r,f Work f DescElption of Duties and Rtiponmlbihues� Start Date: End Date: Nature ofWbrk Dcscuption of Duties and Responsibilities: Billable-Rate(s) (per hout) plan review onsite, Plan review Building inspector Mechailical inspector, Electn- cat Inspector Phimbing inspector T-Jultiple certified inspectors Ocie vnd two farx�lyispector Permit Technician Bffiable Rate(per?Q a fogo New commercial bUildings all disciplines Other Staff Expenses Odnex Billing Trifortmation SELECTION CIRJTERIA 1, TEAM EXPERTISE DesciHbe your fitrn's otgan-atiop, experience and area(s) of-xperfdSe, TnclLU do &e narn,es of all or'd-ic principals and key personnel as well as resumes that pxwideinform. atior, regarding qualific-ations, pre violas experience and licenses that relate to the se.mices described III d-ds RFQ. 2. SAMPLES OF WORK Finahsts Nx6dl be required to complete sample corarnercial plan 3. REFERENCES include at least three (3) references froin clients that you provide services that axe sirrilat to those described in this RFQ. Please pro-,ide the iridivrdua.l's riame, tit!.-, relationslap to the services, phone number, ernA ftdd-ress, and a brief project description including start and end dates for fl-ie work completed, n1he services budget wid,--ctu,--' seices costs, �6' INS URANCE IREQUIREMENTS RFQ for Bull-lding Code Professionals S T A TE YIE INK T 01?F UIR P 0 8 E le City of DA-cland (ffic "Cil ') firorn time to time entei rs nto agre-cments, leas.es and offier contractis VY,, with Offier flardes(as he-c-inafter der-mcd). Such -Ag-reonaents shall coaian at a mininntirn risk te-i-ins to protect thc City', niteritsand to nmirdtni7c its putt dal liabilities, Accordingly,The following rairri-mu-n-,rerpturenlents shall apply- C31"N' The terra City(wherever it,may appear')iS defined to mean the Cit1f of Lakeland it l3 it-, Commission, ernployee,svoiluureers,repres Arita`ive's and aggents. OTHER PARTY'DE FINED The terni Other Party(wherever it inay appea-r) is defined to meauffie other person or entity which is the cow-iter-party to the Agg=ment v, th the City and aT,, of such Otlwr Party's subsidiprjei, aff-Iflates, officers,em-ploy'—es,volunteers,repro;meati ves,agents,colatr"Acto-rs amd"subcontractoys, LOSS CONTROILPSAFETY Precaution shall b-, exercised at A! times, by the Other Party for the protection of all Vllrsom, including employees, and property, The OtherP&-ty shell comply with- all laws, rules, regulatlions or ordinances related to safety arid health, and shdl make special effort. to anticipate and ti b hazardous conditions and shall take snob precautionary and prompt action where loss control/safbty measmires should reasonably be expected. The. City may order worik to be stopped at any time, without liability, if conditions exist that prosent im-mediate danger to peso or Property. 'IheOther Pavy acro axle Lig--stlittsuiii stryppage,ort:° tureto stop,will not shill resp onsPoility for any damages from the Other Party to the City. INSUP.WN-C—E-BASSI C'U),ATFURALG-ISS REQUI-PIED lhe Oun- F Varty haa procure and Ina-la"ain gds e fohowung fiesunbed mstLrance, except for coverage wai-vcd -by tLe City oif-'Ls"LAhmfl, on policics cmd with '1113urerss acceptable to the City, and W-ah raodags of L,,;7 tlhaa A. These irmrance requirements shall in no way limit the liability of the O'ler Party. 113.e City does not represent these mhiisnurn insurance requirements to be sufflicient or adequate to protect the Other Party's interests or liabilities,but are merely mininvarns. "Except for workers' compensation and prof-essional liability,the,Other Party's insurance,policies s be emdo-sed to name the City of Lakeland as additional insured. It is a�gocd that the Other Party's in sn-rance .haU be detzmed primm ary and"no n-concribuitory with respeet to any inslaranoe Cr selRinz-,uraance=ed by IT ],'Ile City of Lakeland for Liabilharising out of the operations of this agrQement." Insurance Requirements (cont'd) INISSUIR-ANCE—Bj,1,91C COVERAGES REQUIRED(cont'd) Except for workers corape nsatiom the Other Party waives its right of recovery against the cityto the extent permitted by fts insurance p*licies. 'M I - Other Party's deductibles/self-insured retentions shdal be, disclosed to the Cir-y and may be dismpproved by the City. '111ey shvadl be reduced or effminated at the opt-ion of the CityThe Cjtlu-.cr pmty is respomsilble for the araount ofarq-deductible or sel:r-insured retentio I., y Insurance required of Che Othez Percy o- ay, oq�ej- n L Zr ur3'z f the Other Patty shall be cEli sidereal' pi rnary,and insimance of the City shaill be considered excess,as may Lie applicable to claims which arise out of ffie Hold Hw-ness, Payment on Behalf of the City of Lakeland, Insurance, Certificates of Insm-ance and any Additional Insuranoe provisions ofthis agr—e-ment,con"ract,or lease. Commercial GenerLd Idabilftv. 'rhis hisurance sinsul be an "occurrence7 type 1xi7icy written j_rk comprebensive form and shall protect the Other Party and the additional insured against,all clairns arising g from bodily inillry, sickness, disease,. or death of airy person other than the Other Pazty's enkployees or damage to proNrty of the City or others arising out of any act or ornissiora of the Other Party or its agents, employee;, or SubcontraqCto-t-, and tO be inclUsiveof property damage resulting ftem explosion. collapse or underground(xcu)exposures, This policyahall also imclude protection Pgain-st elainLs insuredby usual personal hij mqj liability co,veragLand to insure the co-ranactmal liability assmnedby th.e Other Party under the article entitled SMI VIN-1 CAT11011114, and "Products and Completed- 0perations" coverage. The Other Party is required to continue to pl,m-hase products and co-avpleted. e erat tions coverage fo,r a mimmears of three years beyond the City's acceptance of renovation or construction properties, 7M0 fiftbility limits sh&, IJ not be less flarm; Boffly Mjury and $1,000,000 Property Damage Single Limit vach occurrence BWjAe � _SLtt Business -Auto Liability coverage is to include bcydily injury and 7roperqr darnage arising out of owners,bip,maintenance or use of any auto, in-clucling owned,non-(,%,nvd 117ex,H&M-HktvUnifts st-nCH uu-,At he Bodily InjuiT and Property Damage Single Limit each occurrence Workers! Con sate Workers* Compensatiop coverage to apply for all employees for statutory ITm--Ft,, and shall incluTd-e7mPloyer's liability with a limit of$100,000 each accident, $500,000 disease Policy limits, $100,000 disease 9i it each employee, ("All States" endorsement is reTuired where applicable) If exempt from Worker's Compensation coverage, as defined in Florida Statue"14,10.tele-0tiler Par,-,y-vih provide acepyofState Workiors' All subcontractors shall be required tip maim tain Worker's Compensation. The Other Party shall also purchase an, otter required,by la�, for the benefit of employees. ADDITIONAL !NSUPUNIC.Er AdcHfigual lmumr.ce: The,City rNuires the,following types of insurance, EVIDENCE/CEWE MCATERS OF INSURANCE Required insumnce shall be doctunented in Cerffieataz of Insurance which provide that the Chty shall be -notified at least 30 days in advance of caracell edon,nonrenewable,or ftdveisechange. New Certificates of Insuranwe am,to be providod to the City at least 15 days prior to coverage reazwals. If requested by the City, the Other Party shall furnish complete copies of the Other Party"s insurance policies,forms and endorsem-ents, For Commercial General Liability coverage the Offier Party shall, at the option of the Ciqy, provide an indication of the amounts of claims pay ents or reserves chargeable to the kggregatte aniount,of liabilit, y coverage. Reoeipt of certificates or other documentation of; rance or policies or copies of policies by the City-,or by any of its representatives, which indicatc less coverage than req,,:.ired does not constituta waiver of the Other Partys obligation to fulfill the insuraice requirements herein, Indemm'fleation To the,fifflest extent permitted by taws and regulations,and in consideration of the am-ount stated on any Pttrchiso Order, the Contractor shall defend, indemmify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, directors, agents, guests., invitees, and employees from, and aPinst all liabilities, damages, losses, and costs, direct, indirect, or consequential (including but not litnited to reasonable fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys,and other professiornals and court and aebitratiori costs) arisL%pc out Of or resulting fro rn any acts of needgence, reckless ness or Lnt—mtionnal wrongfiLl misconduct in the perfaxmance, of dhe work by the Conaractor, any Sdbccontracto7, or any persion or organi7adon d-irectlyor Lvidire ctly calployed by zmy of Chem t", perfononorl-Rurnishan of the v of Ljcm ray he -1 Y an: - ,liable. In any and ah' clain-B agamst, the City, or any of its officers, directors, t"gents, or employces, by -any onaployee of the Contractor, ap-y Sub conLractor, any MOOD. ()r organization d_ ecdy or indirectly employed by any of thein to peetorm-or furnish any of the work or anyone for whose acts anof them may be liable, ,thise-m- iis indnification obligation shall not be lianted Lin aaLy way y by any firnitation on the ainount or type of damages,compensation,or benefits Paya"Me by or f the Con�ffactor or any such Subcontractor or other person or organization under wonrkens� or worlarten's compensation acts, disability b,-nefit acts, or otber cm ployee bariefit aots� -nor shaff this inderawfication obligation be limited in any way by way lirwitation on the amolmt or type of insurance coveragc provided by the Cibj, the Contractar, or ani of bis SubconLractors. To the Elo .went this hidemnifica * n conflicts with any provision of Florida Law or Statute, Chis indemnification s-ball be deenied to be amended in such a mavmor as to be consistent witli such Law or Statate. fty- it is the express intent of the Contractor that tfus agreement shall app ly for the project(s)or time period indicated below. (Check and Complete one)- XX Agreement is applicable to all contracts,purchase orders and other work performed for the City of Lakeland fur the tine period of not more than five(5)years. Afil 7.2014 to December 31,2018 (Dsda) (Date) Agreement is linuied to Bid I Pureli-ase Order 9, Requisition 0 or Contract dated IHL#roation- The Contractor and his Subcontractors agree by entering into this contract co a Z_ Wai-ver of Subrogation for each required policy herein. NVIten required by the insurer, orshould a policy condition not permit Contractor or Subcontractor to enter into a pre-loss agreement to waive subrogation without an endorsement, then Contractor or Subcontractor agrees to notify, the insiLrer and request the policy be endorsed with a Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others, or its equivalent. This Waiver of Subrogation requirement shall not apply to any policy, which includes a condition specifically prohibiting such an endorsement, or voids coverage should Contractor or Subcoritrawtor enter into queb- an agreement on a pre-togs basis, Pa.oe? of 2 Releaoff Lf Acceptance by the Contractor of the lag payment shall be a release to the City and every officer and agent thereof,from all clahns and liability hereander for anything done or famished for, or relating to thi wori; or for any act or neglect of the City or of any person relating to or affecting the work. The parties agree that to the extent the written terms of this Indemnification conflict with any provisions of Florida laws or statutes, in particular Sectons 725,06 and 725.08 of the Fl 'da Statutes, the written to of this indemnification shall be dmncd by my court of compaterit jurisdiction to be modified in such a manner as to be in M and complate compliance with all Such laws or sbtutes and to contain such limiting conditions, or fimitatirDw Of liability, or to not contain my uneafmcable, or prohibited tam or teamas, smh OW this Indammficat'ons hall be enforceable in accordance with and to the greatest extent pam2ftted by Florida Law. iqam STATE OF: COUNTYOF: Organization Phone Nur J The foregoing instrainent was acknowledged before me flus day of 2014 by bc]� J-1'a.65 OfJV 'trw V.%�GAA U-C- c) Pdntad Nama',df C�wnw/()mca Corpwa"r Compauu-Name (DH VShe is ally�Ownto me r hm produced Stitt Ddu IkAmw Nnmber as identification,and did did not talo an oath. & A- k' Primted Name GM=GdTaWn Ackmowleftm=t Noakry sea- CITY OF LAKELAND RIMICILES STOLLE I i MVC BY- EMIRES Febnwy 2M T M Karen Laklmob,Mector of Risk Mamagamant 01, 7 D A TR Pap 2 of 2