HomeMy WebLinkAbout1849 SRF DW590190 Loan AgrmtTo: City Clerk RE: Request for Services The item(s) noted below is/are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): NPIP J a Development Order Final Plat (original mylars) Letter of Credit Maintenance Bond Ordinance Performance Bond Resolution ,5-6F DLJS01-70 C, - Once completed, please: ❑ Return original ❑ Return copy Special Instructions: ❑ Mayor's signature ❑ Recording ❑ Rendering Safekeeping (Vault) Please advise if you have any questions regarding the above. Thank you! From T:\Dept_forms\City Clerk Transmittal Memo - 2009.doc /,,z-7 w Da e `aa °e"art,�e Florida Department of Environmental Protection SJ fits'°'"' "' Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard o a o�,6` Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 .ental t P CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED J UN 14 2017 Mr. William M. Marcous Interim Utilities Director City of Sanford Post Office Box 1877 Sanford, Florida 32772 Re: DW590190 — Sanford Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Marcous: Rick Scott Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera Lt. Governor Noah Valenstein Secretary We are pleased to provide State Revolving Fund financial assistance for your brief project description. One original of the fully executed loan agreement is enclosed. To draw money under the agreement, please call Carleen Pruyn at (850)245-2932 for assistance in completing a disbursement request. Please note that the Special Conditions listed in Section 10.08 of the Agreement must be provided before any funds can be released. We congratulate you and your staff on your efforts and are pleased that we can work with you on this project. Sincerely, Ange Knecht, Program Administrator State Revolving Fund Management AK/ms Enclosure cc: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. — City of Sanford www. dep. state. fl. us STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND rgl-730 :_ _"_ _ U -13 ►, I DW590190 Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Fund Program Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS 3505 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND PRECONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS 1.01. WORDS AND TERMS. 1.02. CORRELATIVE WORDS. ARTICLE II - WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS 2.01. WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS. 2.02. LEGAL AUTHORIZATION. 2.03. AUDIT AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. ARTICLE III - LOAN REPAYMENT ACCOUNT 3.01. LOAN DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT. 3.02. INVESTMENT OF LOAN DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT MONEYS. 3.03. LOAN DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT WITHDRAWALS. 3.04. ASSETS HELD IN TRUST. ARTICLE IV - PROJECT INFORMATION 4.01. PROJECT CHANGES. 4.02. TITLE TO PROJECT SITE. 4.03. RESERVED. 4.04. RESERVED. 4.05. RESERVED. 4.06. COMPLETION MONEYS. 4.07. CLOSE-OUT. 4.08. DISBURSEMENTS. 4.09. ADVANCE PAYMENT. ARTICLE V - RATES AND USE OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS 5.01. RATE COVERAGE. 5.02. NO FREE SERVICE. 5.03. MANDATORY CONNECTIONS. 5.04. NO COMPETING SERVICE. 5.05. MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS. 5.06. ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. 5.07. COLLECTION OF REVENUES. ARTICLE VI - DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES 6.01. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. 6.02. REMEDIES. 6.03. DELAY AND WAIVER. ARTICLE VII - THE PLEDGED REVENUES 7.01. SUPERIORITY OF THE PLEDGE TO THE DEPARTMENT. 7.02. ADDITIONAL DEBT OBLIGATIONS. ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.01. DISCHARGE OF OBLIGATIONS. 8.02. PROJECT RECORDS AND STATEMENTS. 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND PRECONSTRUCTION LOAN AGREEMENT CONTENTS PAGE 8.03. ACCESS TO PROJECT SITE. 8.04. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS UNDER AGREEMENT. 8.05. AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. 8.06. ANNULMENT OF AGREEMENT. 8.07. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 8.08. USE AS MATCHING FUNDS. ARTICLE IX - RESERVED ARTICLE X - DETAILS OF FINANCING 10.01. PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LOAN. 10.02. LOAN SERVICE FEE. 10.03. INTEREST RATE. 10.04. LOAN TERM. 10.05. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE. 10.06. PROJECT COSTS. 10.07. SCHEDULE. 10.08. SPECIAL CONDITION. ARTICLE XI - EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT 11 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 DRINKING WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND LOAN AGREEMENT DW590190 THIS AGREEMENT is executed by the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (Department) and the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, (Project Sponsor) existing as a local governmental entity under the laws of the State of Florida. Pursuant to Section 403.8532, Florida Statutes, the Department is authorized to make loans to finance the planning, design and finance or refinance the construction of public water systems; and The Project Sponsor has applied for financing of Preconstruction Activities, and the Department has determined that all requirements for a Loan have been met. In consideration of the Department loaning money to the Project Sponsor, in the principal amount and pursuant to the covenants hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS 1.01. WORDS AND TERMS. Words and terms used herein shall have the meanings set forth below: (1) "Agreement" or "Loan Agreement" shall mean this agreement. (2) "Authorized Representative" shall mean the official of the Project Sponsor authorized by ordinance or resolution to sign documents associated with the Loan. (3) "Capitalized Interest" shall mean the interest accruing on Loan proceeds from the time of disbursement until six months before the first Semiannual Loan Payment is due. Capitalized Interest is financed as part of the Loan principal. (4) "Construction Related Costs" shall mean costs for allowable construction, equipment, materials, demolition, land, contingency, and technical services after construction bid opening, and Capitalized Interest associated with the foregoing costs. (5) "Depository" shall mean a bank or trust company, having a combined capital and unimpaired surplus of not less than $50 million, authorized to transact commercial banking or savings and loan business in the State of Florida and insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (6) "Gross Revenues" shall mean all income or earnings received by the Project Sponsor from the ownership or operation of its Water and Sewer Systems, including investment income, all as calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Gross Revenues shall not include proceeds from the sale or other disposition of any part of the Water or Sewer 1 System, condemnation awards or proceeds of insurance, except use and occupancy or business interruption insurance, received with respect to the Water or Sewer System. (7) "Loan" shall mean the amount of money to be loaned pursuant to this Agreement and subsequent amendments. (8) "Loan Application" shall mean the completed form which provides all information required to support obtaining loan financial assistance from the Department. (9) "Loan Debt Service Account" shall mean an account, or a separately identified component of a pooled cash or liquid account, with a Depository established by the Project Sponsor for the purpose of accumulating Monthly Loan Deposits and making Semiannual Loan Payments. (10) "Loan Service Fee" shall mean an origination fee which shall be paid to the Department by the Project Sponsor. (11) "Monthly Loan Deposit" shall mean the monthly deposit to be made by the Project Sponsor to the Loan Debt Service Account. (12) "Operation and Maintenance Expense" shall mean the costs of operating and maintaining the Water and Sewer Systems determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles, exclusive of interest on any debt payable from Gross Revenues, depreciation, and any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash. (13) "Pledged Revenues" shall mean the specific revenues pledged as security for repayment of the Loan and shall be the Gross Revenues derived yearly from the operation of the Water and Sewer Systems after payment of the Operation and Maintenance Expense and the satisfaction of all yearly payment obligations on account of the Senior Revenue Obligations and any senior obligations issued pursuant to Section 7.02 of this Agreement. (14) "Preconstruction Activities" shall mean the planning, administrative, and engineering work necessary for the Project Sponsor to qualify for a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan to finance construction of drinking water facilities. Preconstruction milestones are listed in Section 10.07. (15) "Project" shall mean the construction of facilities planned and designed through the Preconstruction Activities and financed by an amendment to this Agreement. The Project shall be defined more specifically when the Agreement is amended. (16) "Semiannual Loan Payment" shall mean the payment due from the Project Sponsor to the Department at six-month intervals. (17) "Senior Revenue Obligations" shall mean the following debt obligations: (a) City of Sanford, Florida, Utility System Revenue Note, Series 2010, issued in the amount of $14,720,000, pursuant to Resolution No. 1944, as supplemented by Resolution No. 2178; and 2 (b) Any refunding bonds issued to refund the obligations identified above provided such bonds shall not increase annual debt service during the repayment period of this Loan. (18) "Sewer System" shall mean all facilities owned by the Project Sponsor for collection, transmission, treatment and reuse of wastewater and its residuals. (19) "Water System" shall mean all facilities owned by the Project Sponsor for supplying and distributing water for residential, commercial, industrial, and governmental use. 1.02. CORRELATIVE WORDS. Words of the masculine gender shall be understood to include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders. Unless the context shall otherwise indicate, the singular shall include the plural and the word "person" shall include corporations and associations, including public bodies, as well as natural persons. ARTICLE 11- WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS 2.01. WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS. The Project Sponsor warrants, represents and covenants that: (1) The Project Sponsor has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to comply with the provisions hereof. (2) The Project Sponsor currently is not the subject of bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization proceedings and is not in default of, or otherwise subject to, any agreement or any law, administrative regulation, judgment, decree, note, resolution, charter or ordinance which would currently restrain or enjoin it from entering into, or complying with, this Agreement. (3) There is no material action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation, at law or in equity, before any court or public body, pending or, to the best of the Project Sponsor's knowledge, threatened, which seeks to restrain or enjoin the Project Sponsor from entering into or complying with this Agreement. (4) The Project Sponsor knows of no reason why any future required permits or approvals associated with the Project are not obtainable. (5) The Project Sponsor shall undertake the Project on its own responsibility, to the extent permitted by law. (6) To the extent permitted by law, the Project Sponsor shall release and hold harmless the State, its officers, members, and employees from any claim arising in connection with the Project Sponsor's actions or omissions in its planning, engineering, administrative, and construction activities financed by this Loan or its operation of the Project. (7) All Project Sponsor representations to the Department, pursuant to the Loan Application and Agreement, were true and accurate as of the date such representations were 3 made. The financial information delivered by the Project Sponsor to the Department was current and correct as of the date such information was delivered. The Project Sponsor shall comply with Chapter 62-552, Florida Administrative Code, and all applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations which are identified in the Loan Application or Agreement. To the extent that any assurance, representation, or covenant requires a future action, the Project Sponsor shall take such action as is necessary for compliance. (8) The Project Sponsor shall maintain records using Generally Accepted Governmental Accounting Standards established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. As part of its bookkeeping system, the Project Sponsor shall keep accounts of the Water and Sewer Systems separate from all other accounts and it shall keep accurate records of all revenues, expenses, and expenditures relating to the Water and Sewer Systems, and of the Pledged Revenues, Loan disbursement receipts, and Loan Debt Service Account. (9) In the event the anticipated Pledged Revenues are shown by the Project Sponsor's annual budget to be insufficient to make the Semiannual Loan Payments for such Fiscal Year when due, the Project Sponsor shall include in such budget other legally available non -ad valorem funds which will be sufficient, together with the Pledged Revenues, to make the Semiannual Loan Payments. Such other legally available non -ad valorem funds shall be budgeted in the regular annual governmental budget and designated for the purpose provided by this Subsection, and the Project Sponsor shall collect such funds for application as provided herein. The Project Sponsor shall notify the Department immediately in writing of any such budgeting of other legally available non -ad valorem funds. Nothing in this covenant shall be construed as creating a pledge, lien, or charge upon any such other legally available non -ad valorem funds; requiring the Project Sponsor to levy or appropriate ad valorem tax revenues; or preventing the Project Sponsor from pledging to the payment of any bonds or other obligations all or any part of such other legally available non -ad valorem funds. (10) Each year, beginning three months before the first Semiannual Loan Payment and ending with the year during which the final Loan repayment is made, the Project Sponsor's Authorized Representative or its chief financial officer shall submit, pursuant to the schedule established in Section 10.07, a certification that: (a) Pledged Revenue collections satisfy the rate coverage requirement; (b) the Loan Debt Service Account contains the funds required; and (c) insurance in effect for the facilities generating the Pledged Revenues adequately covers the customary risks to the extent that such insurance is available. (11) Pursuant to Section 216.347 of the Florida Statutes, the Project Sponsor shall not use this Loan proceeds for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature, the Judicial Branch, or a State agency. (12) The Project Sponsor agrees to complete the Preconstruction Activities and, upon inclusion by an amendment to this Agreement, the Project, in accordance with the Preconstruction Activities schedule set forth in Section 10.07 and a Project schedule added by amendment to this Agreement. Delays incident to strikes, riots, acts of God, and other events beyond the reasonable control of the Project Sponsor are excepted. However, there shall be no resulting diminution or delay in the Semiannual Loan Payment or the Monthly Loan Deposit. 4 (13) The Project Sponsor covenants that this Agreement is entered into for the purpose of completing planning, engineering, and administrative activities in order to construct facilities which will, in all events serve a public purpose. The Project Sponsor covenants that it will, under all conditions, complete and operate the Project to fulfill the public need. 2.02. LEGAL AUTHORIZATION. Upon signing this Agreement, the Project Sponsor's legal counsel hereby expresses the opinion, subject to laws affecting the rights of creditors generally, that: (1) This Agreement has been duly authorized by the Project Sponsor and shall constitute a valid and legal obligation of the Project Sponsor enforceable in accordance with its terms upon execution by both parties; and (2) This Agreement specifies the revenues pledged for repayment of the Loan, and the pledge is valid and enforceable. 2.03. AUDIT AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. The Project Sponsor agrees to the following audit and monitoring requirements. (1) The financial assistance authorized pursuant to this Loan Agreement consists of the following: State Resources Awarded to the Project Sponsor Pursuant to this Agreement Consist of the Following: State CSFA Title or State Program CSFA Fund Source Funding Appropriation Number Funding Source Number Description Amount Category Original Drinking Water . Drinking Revolving Loan 37.076 Water Facility $240,000 140129 Agreement TF Construction (2) Audits. (a) In the event that the Project Sponsor expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or in excess of $750,000 in any fiscal year of such Project Sponsor, the Project Sponsor must have a State single or project -specific audit for such fiscal year in accordance with Section 215.97, Florida Statutes; applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services; and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. In determining the state financial assistance expended in its fiscal year, the Project Sponsor shall consider all sources of state financial assistance, including state financial assistance received from the Department of Environmental Protection, other state agencies, and other nonstate entities. State financial assistance does not include Federal direct or pass-through awards and resources received by a nonstate entity for Federal program matching requirements. V (b) In connection with the audit requirements addressed in the preceding paragraph (a); the Project Sponsor shall ensure that the audit complies with the requirements of Section 215.97(7), Florida Statutes. This includes submission of a financial reporting package as defined by Section 215.97(2), Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General. (c) If the Project Sponsor expends less than $750,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes, is not required. The Project Sponsor shall inform the Department of findings and recommendations pertaining to the State Revolving Fund in audits conducted by the Project Sponsor in which the $750,000 threshold has not been met. In the event that the Project Sponsor expends less than $750,000 in state financial assistance in its fiscal year, and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 215.97, Florida Statutes, the cost of the audit must be paid from the non -state entity's resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid from the Project Sponsor's resources obtained from other than State entities). (d) The Project Sponsor is hereby advised that the Florida Single Audit Act Requirements may further apply to lower tier transactions that may be a result of this Agreement. For information regarding the Florida Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA), a Project Sponsor should access the Florida Single Audit Act website located at https://apps.fldfs.com/fsaa for assistance. In addition to the above websites, the following websites may be accessed for information: Legislature's Website at http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Welcome/index.cfm, State of Florida's website at http://www.myflorida.com/. Department of Financial Services' Website at http://www.fldfs.com/ and the Auditor General's Website at btip://www.myflorida.com/audgen. (e) The Project Sponsor should confer with its chief financial officer, audit director or contact the Department for assistance with questions pertaining to the applicability of these requirements. (3) Report Submission. (a) Copies of financial reporting packages shall be submitted by or on behalf of the Project Sponsor directly to each of the following: (i) The Department at one of the following addresses: By Mail: Audit Director Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of the Inspector General 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS 40 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3123 Electronically: FDEPSingleAudit@dep.state.fl.us (ii) The Auditor General's Office at the following address: State of Florida Auditor General Room 401, Claude Pepper Building 111 West Madison Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1450 (iii) Copies of reports or management letters shall be submitted by or on behalf of the Project Sponsor directly to the Department at either of the following address: By Mail: Audit Director Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of the Inspector General 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS 40 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3123 Electronically: FDEPSingleAudit@dep.state.fl.us (a) Any reports, management letters, or other information required to be submitted to the Department pursuant to this Agreement shall be submitted timely in accordance with Florida Statutes, or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable. (b) Project Sponsors, when submitting financial reporting packages to the Department for audits done in accordance with Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the Project Sponsor in correspondence accompanying the reporting package. (4) Project -Specific Audit. Within 12 months after the amendment establishing final Project costs, the Project Sponsor shall submit to the Department a Project -specific audit report for the Loan related revenues and expenditures. The audit shall address Loan disbursements received, Project expenditures, and compliance with Loan Agreement covenants. The Project Sponsor shall cause the auditor to notify the Department immediately if anything comes to the auditor's attention during the examination of records that would constitute a default under the Loan Agreement. The audit findings shall set aside or question any costs that are unallowable under Chapter 62- 552, Florida Administrative Code. A final determination of whether such costs are allowed shall be made by the Department. (5) Record Retention. The Project Sponsor shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance with the terms of this Agreement for a period of five years from the date the audit report is issued, and shall allow the Department, or its designee, Chief Financial Officer, or Auditor General access to such records upon request. The Project Sponsor shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the Department, or its designee, Chief Financial Officer, or Auditor General upon 0 request for a period of five years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by the Department. The Project Sponsor is hereby advised that the Florida Single Audit Act Requirements may further apply to lower tier transactions that may be a result of this Agreement. The Project Sponsor should confer with its chief financial officer, audit director or contact the Department for assistance with questions pertaining to the applicability of these requirements. (6) Monitoring. In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with Section 215.97, F.S., as revised monitoring procedures may include, but not be limited to, on-site visits by Department staff and/or other procedures. By entering into this Agreement, the Project Sponsor agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Department of Environmental Protection. In the event the Department of Environmental Protection determines that a limited scope audit of the Project Sponsor is appropriate, the Project Sponsor agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by the Department to the Project Sponsor regarding such audit. The Project Sponsor further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary by the Chief Financial Officer or Auditor General. ARTICLE III - LOAN REPAYMENT ACCOUNT 3.01. LOAN DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT. The Project Sponsor shall establish a Loan Debt Service Account with a Depository and begin making Monthly Loan Deposits no later than the date set forth for such action in Section 10.07 of this Agreement. Beginning six months prior to each Semiannual Loan Payment, the Project Sponsor shall make six Monthly Loan Deposits. The first five deposits each shall be at least equal to one-sixth of the Semiannual Loan Payment. The sixth Monthly Loan Deposit shall be at least equal to the amount required to make the total on deposit in the Loan Debt Service Account equal to the Semiannual Loan Payment amount, taking into consideration investment earnings credited to the account pursuant to Section 3.02. Any month in which the Project Sponsor fails to make a required Monthly Loan Deposit, the Project Sponsor's chief financial officer shall notify the Department of such failure. In addition, the Project Sponsor agrees to budget, by amendment if necessary, payment to the Department from other legally available non -ad valorem funds all sums becoming due before the same become delinquent. This requirement shall not be construed to give superiority to the Department's claim on any revenues over prior claims of general creditors of the Project Sponsor, nor shall it be construed to give the Department the power to require the Project Sponsor to levy and collect any revenues other than Pledged Revenues. 3.02. INVESTMENT OF LOAN DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT MONEYS. Moneys on deposit in the Loan Debt Service Account shall be invested pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida. Such moneys may be pooled for investment purposes. The maturity or redemption date of investments shall be not later than the date upon which such moneys may be needed to make Semiannual Loan Payments. The investment earnings shall be credited to the Loan Debt Service Account and applied toward the Monthly Loan Deposit requirements. 3.03. LOAN DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNT WITHDRAWALS. The withdrawal of moneys from the Loan Debt Service Account shall be for the sole purpose of making the Semiannual Loan Payment or for discharging the Project Sponsor's obligations pursuant to Section 8.01. 3.04. ASSETS HELD IN TRUST. The assets in all accounts created under this Loan Agreement shall be held in trust for the purposes provided herein and used only for the purposes and in the manner prescribed in this Agreement; and, pending such use, said assets shall be subject to a lien and charge in favor of the Department. ARTICLE IV - PROJECT INFORMATION 4.01. PROJECT CHANGES. After the Department's environmental review has been completed, the Project Sponsor shall promptly notify the Department, in writing, of any Project change that would require a modification to the environmental information document. 4.02. TITLE TO PROJECT SITE. No later than the date established by Section 10.07, the Project Sponsor shall have an interest in real property sufficient for the construction and location of any facility planned and designed through Preconstruction Activities free and clear of liens and encumbrances which would impair the usefulness of such sites for the intended use. If a limited site title certification is accepted at that date, the Department shall establish a date for submittal of a clear site title certification by amendment. 4.03. RESERVED. 4.04. RESERVED. 4.05. RESERVED. 4.06. COMPLETION MONEYS. The Department covenants that loan funds to finance Construction Related Costs will be made available to the Project Sponsor at no greater than the interest rate set forth in Section 0 10.03 provided the Project Sponsor complies with the schedule in Section 10.07, requests and obtains a ranking of the Construction Related Costs on the fundable portion of the Department's construction loan priority list, and submits a complete Loan Application. If the Project Sponsor does not complete the Preconstruction Activities by the date specified in Section 10.07, the commitment to finance Construction Related Costs at no greater than the interest rate specified in Section 10.03 shall be terminated. In addition to the proceeds of this or subsequent Loans, the Project Sponsor covenants that it has obtained, or will obtain, sufficient moneys from other sources to complete the Preconstruction Activities. The Project Sponsor also covenants that if additional Loan financing is provided for Construction Related Costs by amendment of this Agreement, it will obtain, sufficient moneys from other sources as necessary to complete the Project. 4.07. CLOSE-OUT. The Department shall conduct a final inspection of the Project records, or the Preconstruction Activities records if this Agreement is not amended to fund Construction Related Costs. Following the inspection, deadlines for submitting additional disbursement requests, if any, shall be established, along with deadlines for uncompleted Loan requirements, if any. Deadlines shall be incorporated into the Loan Agreement by amendment. After the Department establishes the final costs to be financed by the Loan, the itemized costs will be adjusted by amendment. The Loan principal shall be reduced by any excess over the amount required to pay all approved costs. As a result of such adjustment, the Semiannual Loan Payment shall be reduced accordingly, as addressed in Section 10.05. 4.08. DISBURSEMENTS. Under the provisions of 216.181, Florida Statutes, this Agreement allows for funds to be advanced to the Project Sponsor for allowable costs. Disbursements shall be made directly to the Project Sponsor only by the State Chief Financial Officer and only when the requests for such disbursements are accompanied by a Department certification that such withdrawals are proper expenditures. Requests by the Project Sponsor for disbursements of the preconstruction funds shall be made using the Department's disbursement request form. One-half of the administrative and planning allowances shall be disbursed on request of the Project Sponsor after the Loan Agreement is executed. The remaining one-half of the administrative and planning allowances and the initial one-half of the engineering allowance shall be disbursed on request of the Project Sponsor after the Department has completed the environmental review. The remaining one-half of the engineering allowance shall be disbursed on request of the Project Sponsor after the completed plans and specifications have been accepted by the Department. Disbursements for Construction Related Costs shall occur only as a result of an amendment to this Agreement. The following allowance amounts will be disbursed at the specified milestone events unless the allowances are reduced pursuant to Section 10.06: Fi7 Milestone Event Loan Agreement executed Department completion of environmental review (requires completion of facilities planning) Department acceptance of plans and specifications Total 4.09. ADVANCE PAYMENT. Amount $ 45,000 120,000 75,000 $ 240,000 In accordance with Section 216.181(16)(b), Florida Statutes, the Department, upon written request from the Project Sponsor, the Advance Payment Justification Form and written approval from the State's Chief Financial Officer, if applicable, may provide an advance to the Project Sponsor. The Project Sponsor must temporarily invest the advanced funds, and return any interest income to the Department, within thirty (30) days of each calendar quarter, or apply said interest income against the Department's obligation to pay, if applicable, under this Agreement. Interest earned must be returned to the Department within the timeframe identified above or invoices must be received within the same timeframe that shows the offset of the interest earned. Unused funds, and interest accrued on any unused portion of advanced funds that have not been remitted to the Department, shall be returned to the Department within sixty (60) days of Agreement completion. The parties hereto acknowledge that the State's Chief Financial Officer may identify additional requirements, which must be met in order for advance payment to be authorized. If the State's Chief Financial Officer imposes additional requirements, the Project Sponsor shall be notified, in writing, by the Department regarding the additional requirements. Prior to releasing any advanced funds, the Project Sponsor shall be required to provide a written acknowledgement to the Department of the Authority's acceptance of the terms imposed by the State's Chief Financial Officer for release of the funds. If advance payment is authorized, the Project Sponsor shall be responsible for submitting the information requested in the Interest Earned Memorandum to the Department quarterly. ARTICLE V - RATES AND USE OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS 5.01. RATE COVERAGE. The Project Sponsor shall maintain rates and charges for the services furnished by the Water and Sewer Systems which will be sufficient to provide, in each Fiscal Year, Pledged Revenues equal to or exceeding 1.15 times the sum of the Semiannual Loan Payments due in such Fiscal Year. In addition, the Project Sponsor shall satisfy the coverage requirements of all Senior Revenue Obligations and parity debt obligations. 11 5.02. NO FREE SERVICE. The Project Sponsor shall not permit connections to, or furnish any services afforded by, the Water or Sewer System without making a charge therefore based on the Project Sponsor's uniform schedule of rates, fees, and charges. 5.03. MANDATORY CONNECTIONS. The Project Sponsor shall adopt, as necessary, and enforce requirements, consistent with applicable laws, for the owner, tenant or occupant of each building located on a lot or parcel of land which is served, or may reasonably be served, by the Sewer System to connect such building to the Sewer System. 5.04. NO COMPETING SERVICE. The Project Sponsor shall not allow any person to provide any services which would compete with the Water or Sewer System so as to adversely affect Gross Revenues. 5.05. MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS. The Project Sponsor shall operate and maintain the Water and Sewer Systems in a proper, sound and economical manner and shall make all necessary repairs, renewals and replacements. 5.06. ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The Project Sponsor may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the Water and Sewer Systems which it deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the operational integrity of any part of the Water or Sewer System. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifications and improvements shall become part of the Water and Sewer Systems. 5.07. COLLECTION OF REVENUES. The Project Sponsor shall use its best efforts to collect all rates, fees and other charges due to it. The Project Sponsor shall establish liens on premises served by the Water or Sewer System for the amount of all delinquent rates, fees and other charges where such action is permitted by law. The Project Sponsor shall, to the full extent permitted by law, cause to discontinue the services of the Water and Sewer Systems and use its best efforts to shut off water service furnished to persons who are delinquent beyond customary grace periods in the payment of Water and Sewer System rates, fees and other charges. ARTICLE VI - DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES 6.01. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each of the following events is hereby declared an event of default: (1) Failure to make any Monthly Loan Deposit or to make any installment of the Semiannual Loan Payment when it is due and such failure shall continue for a period of 30 days. 12 (2) Except as provided in Subsections 6.01(1) and 6.01(7), failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or failure in the performance or observance of any of the covenants or actions required by this Agreement and such failure shall continue for a period of 60 days after written notice thereof to the Project Sponsor by the Department. (3) Any warranty, representation or other statement by, or on behalf of, the Project Sponsor contained in this Agreement or in any information furnished in compliance with, or in reference to, this Agreement, which is false or misleading. (4) An order or decree entered, with the acquiescence of the Project Sponsor, appointing a receiver of any part of the Water or Sewer System or Gross Revenues thereof, or if such order or decree, having been entered without the consent or acquiescence of the Project Sponsor, shall not be vacated or discharged or stayed on appeal within 60 days after the entry thereof. (5) Any proceeding instituted, with the acquiescence of the Project Sponsor, for the purpose of effecting a composition between the Project Sponsor and its creditors or for the purpose of adjusting the claims of such creditors, pursuant to any federal or state statute now or hereafter enacted, if the claims of such creditors are payable from Gross Revenues of the Water or Sewer System. (6) Any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar proceeding instituted by, or against, the Project Sponsor under federal or state bankruptcy or insolvency law now or hereafter in effect and, if instituted against the Project Sponsor, is not dismissed within 60 days after filing. (7) Failure of the Project Sponsor to give immediate written notice of default to the Department and such failure shall continue for a period of 30 days. 6.02. REMEDIES. Upon any event of default and subject to the rights of others having prior liens on the Pledged Revenues, the Department may enforce its rights by any of the following remedies: (1) By mandamus or other proceeding at law or in equity, cause to establish rates and collect fees and charges for use of the Water and Sewer Systems, and to require the Project Sponsor to fulfill this Agreement. (2) By action or suit in equity, require the Project Sponsor to account for all moneys received from the Department or from the ownership of the Water and Sewer Systems and to account for the receipt, use, application, or disposition of the Pledged Revenues. (3) By action or suit in equity, enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the Department. (4) By applying to a court of competent jurisdiction, cause to appoint a receiver to manage the Water and Sewer Systems, establish and collect fees and charges, and apply the revenues to the reduction of the obligations under this Agreement. 13 (5) By certifying to the Auditor General and the Chief Financial Officer delinquency on loan repayments, the Department may intercept the delinquent amount plus six percent, expressed as an annual interest rate, penalty of the amount due to the Department from any unobligated funds due to the Project Sponsor under any revenue or tax sharing fund established by the State, except as otherwise provided by the State Constitution or State law. Penalty interest shall accrue on any amount due and payable beginning on the 30th day following the date upon which payment is due. (6) By notifying financial market credit rating agencies and potential creditors. (7) By suing for payment of amounts due, or becoming due, with interest on overdue payments together with all costs of collection, including attorneys' fees. (8) By accelerating the repayment schedule or increasing the interest rate on the unpaid principal of the Loan to as much as 1.667 times the Loan interest rate for a default under Subsection 6.01(1). roxilin 0 21 Wvff.-1101WITA.111 M-1114 No delay or omission by the Department to exercise any right or power accruing upon an event of default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default or acquiescence therein, and every such right and power may be exercised as often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver or any default under this Agreement shall extend to or affect any subsequent event of default, whether of the same or different provision of this Agreement, or shall impair consequent rights or remedies. ARTICLE VII - THE PLEDGED REVENUES 7.01. SUPERIORITY OF THE PLEDGE TO THE DEPARTMENT. From and after the effective date of this Agreement, the Department shall have a lien on the Pledged Revenues, which along with any other Department State Revolving Fund liens on the Pledged Revenues, on equal priority, will be prior and superior to any other lien, pledge or assignment with the following exception. All obligations of the Project Sponsor under this Agreement shall be junior, inferior, and subordinate in all respects in right of payment and security to the Senior Revenue Obligations defined in Section 1.01 of this Agreement and to any additional senior obligations issued with the Department's consent pursuant to Section 7.02. Any of the Pledged Revenues may be released from the lien on such Pledged Revenues in favor of the Department if the Department makes a determination, based upon facts deemed sufficient by the Department, that the remaining Pledged Revenues will, in each Fiscal Year, equal or exceed 1.15 times the debt service coming due in each Fiscal Year under the terms of this Agreement. 7.02. ADDITIONAL DEBT OBLIGATIONS. The Project Sponsor may issue additional debt obligations on a parity with, or senior to, the lien of the Department on the Pledged Revenues provided the Department's written consent is obtained. Such consent may be granted if the Project Sponsor demonstrates at the time of such 14 issuance that the Pledged Revenues, which may take into account reasonable projections of growth of the Water and Sewer Systems and revenue increases, plus revenues to be pledged to the additional proposed debt obligations will, during the period of time Semiannual Loan Payments are to be made under this Agreement, equal or exceed 1.15 times the annual combined debt service requirements of this Agreement and the obligations proposed to be issued by the Project Sponsor and will satisfy the coverage requirements of all other debt obligations secured by the Pledged Revenues. ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.01. DISCHARGE OF OBLIGATIONS. All Semiannual Loan payments required to be made under this Agreement shall be cumulative and any deficiencies in any Fiscal Year shall be added to the payments due in the succeeding year and all years thereafter until fully paid. Payments shall continue to be secured by this Agreement until all of the payments required shall be fully paid to the Department. If at any time the Project Sponsor shall have paid, or shall have made provision for the timely payment of, the entire principal amount of the Loan and interest, the pledge of, and lien on, the Pledged Revenues to the Department shall be no longer in effect. Deposit of sufficient cash, securities, or investments, authorized by law from time to time, may be made to effect defeasance of this Loan. However, the deposit shall be made in irrevocable trust with a banking institution or trust company for the sole benefit of the Department. There shall be no penalty imposed by the Department for early retirement of this Loan. 8.02. PROJECT RECORDS AND STATEMENTS. Books, records, reports, engineering documents, contract documents, and papers shall be available to the authorized representatives of the Department and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General for inspection at any reasonable time after the Project Sponsor has received a disbursement and until five years after the date that the Project -specific audit report, required under Subsection 2.03(4), is issued. 8.03. ACCESS TO PROJECT SITE. The Project Sponsor shall provide access to offices and other sites where Preconstruction Activities or Project work is ongoing, or has been performed, to authorized representatives of the Department at any reasonable time. The Project Sponsor shall cause its engineers and contractors to provide copies of relevant records and statements for inspection. 8.04. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS UNDER AGREEMENT. The Department may assign any part of its rights under this Agreement after notification to the Project Sponsor. The Project Sponsor shall not assign rights created by this Agreement without the written consent of the Department. 15 8.05. AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement may be amended in writing, except that no amendment shall be permitted which is inconsistent with statutes, rules, regulations, executive orders, or written agreements between the Department and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A final amendment establishing the final Project costs shall be completed after the Department's final inspection of the Project records. 8.06. ANNULMENT OF AGREEMENT. The Department may unilaterally annul this Agreement if the Project Sponsor has not drawn any of the Loan proceeds by the date set in Section 10.07 for establishing the Loan Debt Service Account. If the Department unilaterally annuls this Agreement, the Department will provide written notification to the Project Sponsor. 8.07. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had not been contained herein. 8.08. USE AS MATCHING FUNDS. The EPA provided a class deviation from the Provisions of 40 CFR 35.3125(b)(1) to allow these funds to be used as local matching requirements for most EPA grant funded treatment works projects, including special Appropriations Act projects. ARTICLE IX - RESERVED ARTICLE X - DETAILS OF FINANCING 10.01. PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LOAN. The estimated principal amount of the Loan is $241,800 which consists of $240,000 to be disbursed to the Project Sponsor and $1,800 of Capitalized Interest. Capitalized Interest is not disbursed to the Project Sponsor, but is amortized via periodic Loan repayments to the Department as if it were actually disbursed. Capitalized Interest is computed at the interest rate, or rates, set for the Loan. It accrues and is compounded annually from the time when disbursements are made until six months before the first Semiannual Loan Payment is due. Capitalized Interest is estimated prior to establishing the schedule of actual disbursements. 10.02. LOAN SERVICE FEE. The Loan Service Fee is $4,800 for the Loan amount authorized to date. The fee represents two percent of the Loan amount excluding Capitalized Interest; that is, two percent of $240,000. An additional Loan Service Fee amount will be assessed for any additional funding 16 provided by amendment to this Agreement. The fee shall be adjusted downward if adjustment of Project costs results in a Loan decrease, provided that the decrease amendment is executed before the first Semiannual Loan Payment due date. Interest shall accrue on the Loan Service Fee at the rate, or rates, set for the Loan until the fee is paid. Loan Service Fee interest shall be compounded annually from the effective date of the Loan until six months before the first Semiannual Loan Payment is due at which time it is capitalized. The estimated Loan Service Fee Capitalized Interest is $70. 10.03. INTEREST RATE. The rate of interest on the unpaid principal of the Loan amount specified in Section 10.01 is 2.34 percent per annum. However, if this Agreement is not executed by the Project Sponsor and returned to the Department before July 1, 2017, the interest rate may be adjusted. A new interest rate shall be established for any additional funds provided by amendment to this Agreement. 10.04. LOAN TERM. The Loan shall be repaid in 20 Semiannual Loan Payments. 10.05. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE. The Semiannual Loan Payment shall be computed based upon the principal amount of the Loan plus the Loan Service Fee and Loan Service Fee capitalized interest and the principle of level debt service. The Department will deduct the Loan Service Fee and all associated interest from the first two payments. The Loan principal and Semiannual Loan Payment amounts may be revised by amendment of the Agreement. After the final disbursement of Loan proceeds, the Loan principal will be adjusted to reflect the actual dates and amounts of disbursements. Accordingly, the Semiannual Loan Payment amount shall be adjusted, taking into consideration any previous payments. Each Semiannual Loan Payment shall be in the amount of $13,904 until the payment amount is adjusted by amendment. The interest portion of each Semiannual Loan Payment shall be computed on the unpaid balance of the principal amount of the Loan, including Capitalized Interest. Interest also shall be computed on the unpaid balance of the Loan Service Fee and Loan Service Fee capitalized interest. Interest shall be computed as of the due date of each Semiannual Loan Payment. Unless repayment is deferred by an amendment to this Agreement, Semiannual Loan Payments shall be received by the Department beginning on June 15, 2018 and semiannually thereafter on December 15 and June 15 of each year until all amounts due hereunder have been fully paid. Funds transfer shall be made by electronic means. The Semiannual Loan Payment amount is based on the total amount owed of $246,670, which consists of the Loan principal plus the Loan Service Fee with its capitalized interest. 17 10.06. PROJECT COSTS. The Project Sponsor and the Department acknowledge that actual Project costs or Preconstruction Activities allowances have not been determined as of the effective date of this Agreement. An adjustment to Preconstruction Activities allowances may be made due to a reduction in the scope of work proposed for Loan funding as a result of the facilities planning process. Failure to achieve Department acceptance of plans and specifications for all facilities proposed for Loan funding prior to the date specified in Section 10.07 may cause adjustment of the Preconstruction Activities allowances. Capitalized Interest will be recalculated based on actual dates and amounts of Loan disbursements. The final Project costs and all allowances shall be established in the final amendment. Changes in Project costs or Preconstruction Activities allowances may also occur as a result of the Project Sponsor's audit or the Department's audit. Preconstruction Activities costs by category are as follows: Administrative Allowance $ 12,000 Planning Allowance $ 78,000 Engineering Allowance $ 150,000 SUBTOTAL (Disbursable Amount) $ 240,000 Capitalized Interest $ 1,800 TOTAL (Loan Principal Amount) $ 241,800 The listed allowances are based on estimated Construction Related Costs of $2,000,000 (excluding Capitalized Interest). 10.07. SCHEDULE. In order to preserve the Department's commitment to provide financing for Construction Related Costs at no greater than the interest rate specified in Section 10.03, the Preconstruction Activities listed under (1) through (4) below shall be completed no later than December 15, 2017. (1) Completion of the facilities plan, including any specialized studies and responding to comments, and acceptance by the Department. (2) Completion of plans and specifications for all Project facilities proposed for Loan funding and acceptance by the Department. (3) Certification of availability of all sites for the proposed facilities. (4) Department permit for construction of the proposed facilities or publication of notice of intent to issue construction permit. (5) Reserved. (6) Reserved. 0: (7) Unless deferred by amendment, establish the Loan Debt Service Account and begin Monthly Loan Deposits no later than December 15, 2017. (8) Unless deferred by amendment, provide certifications under Subsection 2.01(10) beginning March 15, 2018, and annually thereafter no later than September 30 of each year until the final Semiannual Loan Payment is made. (9) Unless this Agreement is amended to provide construction financing, the first Semiannual Loan Payment in the amount of $13,904 shall be due June 15, 2018. 10.08. SPECIAL CONDITION. Prior to any funds being released, the Project Sponsor shall submit a certified copy of the Resolution which authorizes the application, establishes the Pledged Revenues, and designates an Authorized Representative for signing the application and executing the Loan Agreement. REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 19 ARTICLE XI - EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT This Loan Agreement DW590190 may be executed in two or more counterparts, any of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which constitute but one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Department has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by the Secretary or Designee and the Project Sponsor has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its Authorized Representative and by its affixed seal. The effective date of this Agreement shall be as set forth below by the Department. CITY Attest: &A City Clerk SEAL for I attest to the opinion expressed in Section 2.02, entitled Legal Authgrization. for STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2JA- LL--/ 61qb-�- Secretary or Designee Date 20