HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-17 RM Agenda & MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING City Commission Chambers 1St Floor Sanford City Hall MONDAY, July 10, 2017 300 North Park Avenue 7 PM Sanford, Florida In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) Speaking Before the City Commission. There is a three (3) minutes time limit for each speaker on each item, except a person representing an organization and presenting its views during a quasi - judicial hearing will be allowed five (5) minutes, and a person speaking under Citizen Participation will also be allowed five (5) minutes. Your cooperation is appreciated in observing the time limit policy. Each person desiring to address the City Commission on an agenda item pending before the City Commission must, before addressing the City Commission, legibly complete a citizen's input form and submit the form to the City Clerk or designee. Pledge of Civility. A resolution was adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford recognizing the importance of civility, decency, decorum and respectful behavior in promoting citizen participation in a democratic government. The City of Sanford calls upon the elected officials, employees, and the public to exercise civility toward each other. (Resolution No. 2226, 04/11 /11) 1) Meeting call to order by Mayor Triplett. 2) Legislative Prayer. 3) Pledge of Allegiance. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 4) Presentations: JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING • Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to the Red Cross of Central Florida • Presentation of the CRA sponsored commercial 5) Minutes: June 26, 2017 Work Session and Regular Meeting. 6) CONSENT AGENDA: The action proposed to be taken is stated for each item on the Consent Agenda. Unless the item is removed from the Consent Agenda by a City Commission member, no discussion on individual items will occur and a single motion will approve all items. [Commission Memo 17-216] A. Approve Dispatch Services Agreement Addendum between the City of Sanford and Seminole County Sheriff's Office for the term of October 1, 2017 — September 30, 2018, in the amount of $614,300. B. Approve Amended Agreement with CPH, Inc. for professional engineering services for US 17-92 roadway improvements in connection with RiverWalk (Final) Phase III, in the amount of $493,620; and authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents as required. C. Approve procurement of Consultant Services from CPH, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for updating the City's Water Supply Facilities Plan in the amount of $53,480. D. Approve cost proposal from Vogel Bros. Building Co. for unsuitable soils removal and clean fill associated with the biosolids management system project, in the amount of $354,419.20. E. Approve the additional street closure of 2nd Street from Magnolia Avenue to Palmetto Avenue from 10 AM to 7 PM for "The Alley Marketplace" special event series which is held on the last Sunday of every month until December 31, 2017. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: The purpose of a Public Hearing is to receive input regarding the item being considered. Public Hearings are not intended to be a time for the public to obtain information about the subject matter of the hearing. (Hearing Sequence: 1St - staff; 2nd - applicant/requesting party; 3rd - public; final - City Commission motion, discussion and action.) A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4409, establishing general provisions for declaration of planning and zoning in progress in the City's Land Development Regulations /Land Development Code. Ad published June 25, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -217] B. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4410, amending the existing Lake Mary Townhomes PD at 1160 W. Lake Mary Boulevard; First American Land Trust Company, LLC, owner; Ad published June 25, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -218] C. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4411, to annex 0.80 acre located at 3508 Palmway Drive Sanford Avenue; David & Bonnie Hall, owners; Ad published June 25, 2017. [Commission Memo 17- 219] D. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4412, to place a temporary ninety (90) day moratorium on the acceptance of any applications for the placement of wireless communication facilities and telecommunication towers and antennas, nor accept any new applications thereof, within the City's rights -of -way; Ad published July 9, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -220] E. First reading of Ordinance No. 4413, regulating the proper use of fertilizers by any applicator; Ad published July 9, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -221] 8) OTHER ITEMS. A. Approve Resolution No. 2679, extending the moratorium relating to medical marijuana dispensaries until January 19, 2018 [Commission Memo 17 -222] (WS -5.A) CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING B. Approve Resolution No. 2680, amending the budget in an amount not to exceed $9,167.62; and approve issuance of change order to CPH, Inc. for additional professional engineering services for the North Shore Rigging Platform Project. [Commission Memo 17-223] C. Demolition of structure located at 310 Holly Avenue; owner: Steve A. Wilcox; Notice of Public Hearing sent to owner on April 20, 2017; Property posted on May 9, 2017; Ad published in the Sanford Herald on May 14 and 17, 2017; City Commission approved Order of Condemnation on June 12, 2017. [Commission Memo 17- 224] D. Demolition of structure located at 312 Holly Avenue; owner: Steve A. Wilcox; Notice of Public Hearing sent to owner on April 20, 2017; Property posted on May 9, 2017; Ad published in the Sanford Herald on May 14 and 17, 2017; City Commission approved Order of Condemnation on June 12, 2017. [Commission Memo 17-225] D. Approve/deny the application of MDH Entertainment LLC to operate as a mobile food vendor located on the south side of Seminole Boulevard adjacent to Ft. Mellon Park, with conditions recommended by Staff. [Commission Memo 17-226] (WS-5.13) F. Approve appointment to the Public Art Commission to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Swannie Jett, for a term to expire September 30, 2017. 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 10) CITY CLERKS REPORT. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Each speaker is allotted five minutes to speak and may present additional written material. If you have a matter you would like to discuss which requires more than five (5) minutes, please feel free to arrange a meeting with the appropriate administrative or elected official. This Citizen Participation is for the City Commission to receive citizen input and comments pertaining to matters over which the City Commission has jurisdiction or control. Questions directed to the City CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 105 2017 REGULAR MEETING Commission may be referred to City staff to be answered within a reasonable period of time following the meeting. 13) CITY COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2017 REGULAR MEETING The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Meeting on Monday, July 10, 2017, at 7:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett Vice Mayor Patty Mahany Commissioner Velma Williams Commissioner Patrick Austin City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Cynthia Porter Deputy City Clerk Traci Houchin Absent: Commissioner Art Woodruff 1) Meeting was called to order by Mayor Triplett at 7:05 PM. CEREMONIAL MATTERS: 2) Legislative Prayer by Thelma Mike. 3) Pledge of Allegiance 4) Presentations, Proclamations and Awards: • Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to the Red Cross of Central Florida • Presentation of the CRA sponsored commercial - This item was not presented due to technical difficulties. BUSINESS OF THE COMMISSION: 5) Minutes: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING June 26, 2017 Work Session and Regular Meeting. Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye 6) CONSENT AGENDA [Commission Memo 17 -216] Commissioner Austin removed Consent Item 6.E for separate consideration. A. Approve Dispatch Services Agreement Addendum between the City of Sanford and Seminole County Sheriff's Office for the term of October 1, 2017 — September 30, 2018, in the, amount of $614,300. B. Approve amended agreement with CPH, Inc. for professional engineering services for U.S. 17 -92 roadway improvements in connection with Riverwalk Phase III, in the amount of $493,620; and authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents as required. C. Approve procurement of Consultant Services from CPH, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for updating the City's Water Supply Facilities Plan in the amount of $53,480. D. Approve cost proposal from Vogel Bros. Building Co. for unsuitable soils removal and clean fill associated with the biosolids management system project, in the amount of $354,419.20. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2017 REGULAR MEETING E. Approve the additional street closure of 2nd Street from Magnolia Avenue to Palmetto Avenue from 10 AM to 7 PM for `The Alley Marketplace' special event series which is held on the last Sunday of every month until December 31, 2017. Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve Consent Items A -D. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye Vice Mayor Mahany moved to continue Consent Item 6.E until the August 14th meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4409, establishing general provisions for declaration of planning and zoning in progress in the City's Land Development Regulations /Land Development Code. Ad published June 25, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -217] Commissioner Austin moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4409. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2017 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye B. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 4410, amending the existing Lake Mary Townhomes PD at 1160 W. Lake Mary Boulevard; First American Land Trust Company, LLC, owner; Ad published June 25, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -218] Commissioner Williams moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4410. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye C. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4411, to annex 0.80 acre located at 3508 Palmway Drive, Sanford Avenue; David & Bonnie Hall, owners; Ad published June 25, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -219] Commissioner Austin moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4411. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye D. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4412, to place a temporary ninety (90) day moratorium on the acceptance of any applications for the placement of wireless communication facilities and telecommunication towers and antennas, nor accept any new applications thereof, within the City's rights -of -way; Ad published July 9, CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -220] Commissioner Austin moved to approve the second reading of Ordinance No. 4412. Seconded by Vice Mayor Mahany and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye A third reading and adoption will be agendized for July 24, 2017. E. First reading of Ordinance No. 4413, regulating the proper use of fertilizers by any applicator; Ad published July 9, 2017. [Commission Memo 17-221] Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 4413. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by a vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye 8) OTHER ITEMS A. Approve Resolution No. 2679, extending the moratorium relating to medical marijuana dispensaries until January 19, 2018. [Commission Memo 17 -222] (WS 5.A) Commissioner Williams moved to approve Resolution No. 2679. Seconded by Commissioner Austin and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2017 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye B. Approve Resolution No. 2680, amending the budget in an amount not to exceed $9,167.62; and approve issuance of change order to CPH, Inc. for additional professional engineering services for the North Shore Rigging Platform Project. [Commission Memo 17 -223] Commissioner Austin moved to approve Resolution No. 2680. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye C. Demolition of structure located at 310 Holly Avenue; owner: Steve A. Wilcox; Notice of Public Hearing sent to owner on April 20, 2017; Property posted on May 9, 2017; Ad published in the Sanford Herald on May 14 and 17, 2017; City Commission approved Order of Condemnation on June 12, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -224] Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve the demolition order. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye D. Demolition of structure located at 312 Holly Avenue owner: Steve A. Wilcox; CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING Notice of Public Hearing sent to owner on April 20, 2017; Property posted on May 9, 2017; Ad published in the Sanford Herald on May 14 and 17, 2017; City Commission approved Order of Condemnation on June 12, 2017. [Commission Memo 17 -225] Vice Mayor Mahany moved to approve the demolition order. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye E. Approve /deny the application of MDH Entertainment LLC to operate as a mobile food vendor located on the south side of Seminole Boulevard adjacent to Ft. Mellon Park, with conditions recommended by staff. [Commission Memo 17 -226] (WS 5.B) Commissioner Austin moved to approve this item. Seconded by Commissioner Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Triplett Aye Vice Mayor Mahany Aye Commissioner Williams Aye Commissioner Austin Aye F. Approve appointment to the Public Art Commission to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Swannie Jett, for a term to expire September 30, 2017. Vice Mayor Mahany asked to continue this item until the August 14 th meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING 9) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 10) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 11) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 12) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Issac Thomas and Lakeisha Solomon, Sanford residents, asked the Commission to explain why yesterday's event at Coastline Park was shut down. Ms. Solomon said that they were trying to create a positive event for the residents of the Goldsboro area. Mr. Thomas said that he understands the parking concerns and going forward he is willing to coordinate the parking. City Manager Bonaparte suggested that the event organizers contact his office and schedule a meeting so that they can discuss the event and how it can benefit the community. Mr. Bonaparte asked Police Chief Smith to address the issue that occurred on Sunday at the park. Chief Smith said that the Police Department received many phone calls regarding parking, traffic, crowds and other concerns. Upon further investigation, he learned that the permit applied for was for a pavilion rental which allows up to 50 people, however, there were close to 250 people in attendance, and therefore, the permit was revoked. Ms. Solomon stated that she will call to schedule an appointment to meet with the City Manager and staff. Dan McCoy, Sanford resident, said that he would like the Commission to consider revisiting the panhandler situation in the City. Mayor Triplett said that the City continuously works on this issue. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 109 2017 REGULAR MEETING Starregina Lawrence, Sanford resident, said that the event at Coastline Park was positive and productive and she does not understand why it was shut down. Valerie Herring, Sanford resident, said that she was in attendance at the park and saw no violence. She said it was a simple gathering in the park. It was overcrowded but she doesn't see how that can be controlled. Brenda Hartsfield, Sanford resident, said that she has had problems with the Police Department at her business on Historic Goldsboro Blvd. and she would like to see the Police Department get involved with the community. Thelma Mike, Sanford resident, said that she understands the frustration of the people. She said that many times frustration is due to misunderstanding. She appreciates the City Manager's idea of getting together to discuss how this can be a great event for the community. Mario Hicks, Sanford resident, said that having something positive in the black community is a much needed discussion. He is willing to help in any way possible. Chief Smith said that the Police Department did not make the decision to shut the event down on its own. There were violations of the permit issued for that event as well as public safety issues. 13) CITY COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS. Commissioner Austin gave accolades to all the departments for a successful July 41' celebration. He said that Alive After Five will take place on Thursday and then on Friday and Saturday there will be a free youth football camp held at Seminole High School. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 10, 2017 REGULAR MEETING Vice Mayor Mahany said that the July 4tn celebration was great. She also informed the Commission that the City of Longwood recently withdrew their membership from CALNO. She said that she would like to have a similar discussion with the Commission in the next few weeks. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.