HomeMy WebLinkAbout4422 Dog friendly restaurantsOrdinance No. 2017-4422 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to dog friendly restaurants; providing for definitions; providing for application requirements; providing for regulations; providing for permit expiration, renewal and revocation; providing for complaints, reporting and enforcement; providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for codification as well as the correction of scrivener's errors and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Section 509.233, Florida Statutes, the "Dixie Cup Clary Local Control Act," grants municipalities the authority to provide exemptions from Section 6-501.115 of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code, as adopted and incorporated by the State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants in Rule 61C-4.010(6), Florida Administrative Code; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford recognizes the fact that various restaurants located throughout the City of would like to have the ability to allow residents and visitors alike to bring their dogs to the outdoor seating areas; and Whereas, the provisions of this Ordinance are enacted to recognize that it would be business friendly and dog friendly to enact regulations that allow patrons' dogs to be present at the same location as their owners in outdoor seating areas of public food service establishments when their owners are dining while providing for guidelines that help protect the public health, safety, and welfare in accordance with State law; and Whereas, while not a land development regulation and while the provisions of this Ordinance are police power regulations of the City, the provisions of this Ordinance are, indeed, consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, are consistent with sound and generally accepted land regulatory practices and principles, and shall be codified in both the Code of Ordinances and the Land Development Code of the City; and Whereas, this Ordinance is an exercise of the City of Sanford's powers as a municipality under the provisions of Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Florida; Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, and other applicable and controlling law such as that referenced herein; and Whereas, the City Commission has taken all actions in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law and complied, in every respect, with the requirements of law. Now, Therefore, Be It Enacted By The People Of The City Of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. The City Commission of the City of Sanford finds and determines as follows: (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the recitals (whereas clauses) set forth herein as the legislative and administrative findings and intent of the City Commission. (b). This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority granted to local governments by Section 509.233, Florida Statutes, (commonly: known as the "Dixie Cup Clary Local Control Act'), which grants the City the authority to provide exemptions from Section 6-501.115, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code, as adopted and incorporated by the State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants in Rule 61C-4.010(6), Florida Administrative Code, as amended from time -to -time, which prohibits the presence of live animals in public food service establishments. The purpose of this Ordinance is to allow patrons' dogs within certain designated outdoor portions of public food service establishments, with permits, consistent with the Section 509.233, Florida Statutes. It is prohibited and unlawful for a dog to be in a public food service establishment unless allowed by State law and the public food service establishment has received and maintains an unexpired permit pursuant to this Ordinance allowing dogs in designated outdoor seating areas of the public food service establishment. 21P1<(e (c). This Ordinance shall not be construed, interpreted or implemented in any manner that would conflict with the provisions of Section 413.08, Florida Statutes, relating to the rights and responsibilities of individuals with a disabilities and the use of a service animals which prohibits discrimination in public accommodations and provides for other matters relating thereto as well as other applicable provisions of controlling law. Section 2. Dog Friendly Public Food Service Establishments. New provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford are created and enacted to read as follows: Definitions. Dog means the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris or canis familiaris) which is a domesticated canid, but shall not include a dog which is a "service animal" as defined in Section 413.08(1) (d), Florida Statutes. Dog friendly restaurant means a public food service establishment which has received a permit under this division. Employee or employees means but is not limited to, the owner or owners of the public food service establishment and those persons employed at the establishment in any capacity and in any type of legal relationship. Public food service establishment which is also licensed as such an establishment pursuant to Chapter 509, Part I, Florida Statutes, means any restaurant, restaurant general, fast food restaurant or outdoor seating area where food or drink is prepared, served, or sold for immediate consumption on or in the vicinity of the premises; called for or taken out by customers; or prepared prior to being delivered to another location for consumption. Application requirements. (a). Public food service establishments shall apply for and receive a permit from the City before patrons' dogs are allowed in the designated outdoor seating areas. The City Commission 31Pa r shall by resolution establish a fee to cover the costs associated with processing the permit application and subsequent permit renewals. Permits shall expire annually on September 30 of each year. The application for a permit shall require such information from the applicant as is deemed reasonably necessary by the City to enforce the provisions of this division, but shall require, at a minimum, the following information: (1). The name, location, and mailing address of the public food service establishment. (2). The name, mailing address, and telephone contact information of the permit applicant. (3). A diagram and description of the outdoor seating area to be designated as available to patrons' dogs, including the following information; provided, however, that any designated outdoor seating area in a development order or development permit shall be recognized and approved pursuant and, although the diagram or plan must be accurate and to scale, it need not be prepared by a licensed professional or sealed by such a professional: a. Dimensions of the designated outdoor seating area; b. A depiction of the number and placement of tables, chairs; and restaurant equipment, if any; C. The entryways and exits to the designated outdoor seating area; d. The boundaries of the designated outdoor seating area and of other areas of outdoor dining not available for patrons' dogs; any fences or other barriers; surrounding property lines and public rights -of -ways, including sidewalks and common pathways; and e. Such other information required by the City. (4). A description of the days of the week and hours of operation that patrons' dogs will be permitted in the designated outdoor seating area if there is any such limitation proposed. 41Pa-e (b). Prior to the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall furnish the City with a signed and notarized statement that the permittee shall hold harmless and indemnify the City from any claims for damages to property or injury to persons which may be occasioned by any activity carried on under the terms of the permit. (c). The permittee shall disclose such liability and property damage insurance as the applicant may have in place and provide the City with any changes to such insurance whenever a change occurs. Regulations. (a). Public food service establishments that receive a permit for a designated outdoor area pursuant to this division shall be subject to the following regulations: (1). All public food service establishment employees shall wash their hands promptly after touching, petting or otherwise handling dogs. (2). Employees at a public food service establishment shall not touch, pet or otherwise handle dogs'while serving food'or beverages or handling tableware. (3). Patrons siting or dining in a designated outdoor seating area shall be advised by notices posted in the areas of the establishment where patrons may wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer in the designated outdoor seating area. (4). Each public food service establishment shall provide waterless hand sanitizers that are readily available to customers in the designated outdoor seating area. (5). Employees and patrons at public food service establishments shall be instructed that they shall not allow dogs to come into contact with serving dishes, utensils, tableware, lines, paper products or any other items involved in food service operations except for dog watering dishes that may be provided for dogs within the designated outdoor seating area. 5111 (6). Patrons shall keep their dogs on a leash at all times and shall keep their dogs under reasonable control in the designated outdoor seating area. (7). Dogs shall not be allowed on chairs, tables or other furnishings within the designated outdoor seating area. (8). All table and chair surfaces within a designated outdoor seating area at a public food service establishment shall be cleaned and sanitized between the time when patrons are seated. (9). Dog waste at the public food service establishment shall be cleaned immediately and the area sanitized. A kit with appropriate materials for this purpose shall be kept near the designated outdoor seating area. (10). Notices reminding employees of the applicable regulations shall be posted by the public food service establishment on the premises of the public food service establishment in a conspicuous manner.. (11). Notices stating that a designated outdoor seating area is available for the use of patrons and patron dogs and advising patrons of the applicable rules shall be posted by the public food service establishment on the premises of the public food service establishment in a conspicuous manner. (12). Dogs shall not be permitted by the public food service establishment to travel through indoor or non -designated outdoor portions of the public food service establishment, and ingress and egress to the designated outdoor seating portions of the public food service establishment must not require entrance into or passage through any indoor area of the food establishment. (13). Permits shall be conspicuously displayed in the designated approved outdoor seating area by the public food service establishment. (b). It is prohibited and unlawful for any public food service establishment or any employee of a public food service establishment to fail to accomplish an action required to be performed in this division, to fail to act in a manner required by this division or to commit and action that is prohibited by this division. (c). It is prohibited and unlawful for a dog to be in a public food service establishment unless allowed by State law and the public food service establishment has received and maintains an unexpired permit pursuant to this division allowing dogs in designated outdoor seating areas of the public food service establishment. Permit expiration, renewal and revocation. (a). A permit issued pursuant to this division shall expire automatically upon the sale of the public food service establishment, any change in the permittee under any State license or approval required for restaurants and shall not be transferred or transferable to a subsequent owner. (b). ` The subsequent owner of any public food service establishment that is `sold or has its ownership transferred in any manner shall reapply for a permit if the subsequent owner wishes to continue to accommodate and allow patrons' dogs in a designated outdoor seating area. (c). Permits issued pursuant to this division shall expire annually on September 30 of each year, unless renewed by paying an annual renewal permit fee as established by the City Commission or at such time as the required State license or other authority expires authorizing the operation of the restaurant. (d). A permit issued pursuant to this division may be revoked by the City's special magistrate, upon a case being filed by City code enforcement personnel, if the public food service establishment fails to comply with any condition of approval, fails to comply with approved 71Pag diagrams, fails to maintain any required State or local license, fails to pay the local business tax, or is found to be in violation of this division or any provision of a City code or ordinance. Notice of the permit revocation shall be given to the permit holder by City code enforcement personnel no less than 15 days prior to such revocation and shall state the grounds for revocation or termination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the grounds for permit revocation are a failure to maintain any required State or local license, the permit revocation may take effect immediately by the City manager. The special magistrate may include in any order of revocation that the permittee may not apply for a new permit for a period of up to 90 days. (e). Appeals shall be made to a court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of controlling Florida law. Complaints, reporting and enforcement. (a). Complaints may be made to the City code enforcement office, which shall accept, document, and respond to all complaints and shall timely report to the State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants all complaints and the enforcement responses to such'complaints if requested in writing or required by the provisions of controlling law. (b). The City shall provide the State of Florida Division of Hotels and Restaurants with a copy of all approved applications and permits upon request or if required by controlling State law. (c). Violations of this division are punishable under the provisions of section 1-7 of the City Code and may be enforced and are subject to the applicable code compliance procedures of the City and the provisions of controlling law. The provisions of this Ordinance may be enforced by the City utilizing any legal remedy or code enforcement process available under controlling Florida law. Any continuing violations of the terms, conditions, regulations, limitations or provisions of this Ordinance may be enjoined and restrained by an injunctive order of the Circuit 8�Page Court in appropriate proceedings instituted for such purposes. The City Attorney is authorized to file such actions with the concurrence of the City Manager may initiate proceedings for the purposes of obtaining an injunction, restraining order, or other appropriate civil proceedings to prevent, enjoin, abate, or remove any violation of this Ordinance. Section 3. Implementing administrative actions; adoption of administrative rules. (a). The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to implement the provisions of this Ordinance by the promulgation of rules and the development and usage of forms and processes all as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the City Manager. (b). The City Manager may delegate responsibilities arising under this Ordinance to such City employees as deemed appropriate and necessary. Section 4. Savings. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the matters relating to the regulation of food service establishments, as well as any and all activities of the City of Sanford pertaining thereto or of an associated nature, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Whenever the requirements or provisions of this Ordinance are in conflict with the requirements or provisions of any other lawfully adopted ordinance or statute, the most restrictive requirements shall apply. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this 9 1 P a a e Ordinance not otherwise to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 7. Codification; scrivener's errors. (a). The provisions of this Ordinance shall be codified; provided, however, that the provisions of Sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall not be codified and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and that the word "Ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article" or some other appropriate word or phrase to accomplish codification. (b). Regardless of whether this Ordinance is ever codified, the division and provisions of this may be renumbered or relettered. (c). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected without the need for a public hearing. Section 8. Effective ®ate. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 23rd day of October, 2017. City Commissi Florida. Jeff T le%fl ayor Attest: Cynt is Porter, City Clerk Approved as to form and legality: William L. Colbert, zEsgtea Cit Attorne;jP/0- Al.y of the City of Sanford, 101Pa e