HomeMy WebLinkAboutvarious minutes 1940,ITY COMMISSION, SJ' ANFORD, FLORIDA, HLZ� l l , a � +° 191�0_ or J it Crooms next appeared 2nd requested some financial assistance toward lament for a brass bend for Crooms Academy, stating that they had secured ter Burin= this term_of ,school and was trying to raise X400.00 to purchase eo,uipaent for the band. on, after careful consideration, Co:^missioner Rollins moved. that 825.00 be 1 ou °chasing equipment for this brass band. i ay Ccr.: .sio:ner Higgins and carried. ;xt received for furnishing seven sets of bed springs and me tresses for the it as follows: . Furniture 'Jompeny 322.00 per set Furniture Company ;22.00 per set Furniture Company ;;34.00 Per set. pon', in view of the fact that the two lowest bids tivere the same, Commissiorer i that the Fire Cl'icf .. -_ e authorized to purchase the springs and mattresses from ! ir° the best quality of merchandise of the two lowest bidders. ec by Commissioner Higgins and carried. an next _.,ceived from residents in Oak Hill Subdivision requesting the City to ary sewage service end additional fire plugs for this subdivision. pon the ClerY, rva.s instructed to advise them that the cost of such extension is of any funds the City may have available for this purpose. tication next read from 'dr. F TZ atson offering to sell to the City the ;9 and 10 of Block 11 Chapman & Tucker's Addition, subject to taxes and special for a tax credit in amount of :350.50, which will be applied in payment of ciel: a.ssess(ments against Lct.� Block 5 Tier Il. .. apon,;after careful consideration as to the value of this property, Commissioner i that the City offer i„ 'iiatson a tax credit in amount of ;-250.50 in oayment �e rty instead of a credit of :$3510.50 es proposed in his letter. fted. by Com.r.issioner Rollins and carried. Chie Cleveland next reported that he had been invited to attend the Georgia oileg2 in Atlanta on Yay 5, 9 and 10th as an instructor with all expenses paid, a >,1eave of absence on said dates. at &ppr-oved. Attorney 'tilson next .resented a proposed crdLnance limiting the number of or stores and hers ,+ithin the City and re.gula.ting the locations of nevi stores, accordance with instructions issued at the n!eetim., of February 26th. upon, after considereble discussion of the matter, the dine.nce was ordered tabled. st next received from Allen Stev'a_ , Manager oft the :.:unicipel Golf Course th <t chase fifteen tons of 5 -5 -5 fertilizer at $'24.15 per ton for the golf course he sixteen tons of castor pomace fertilizer at ,";22.50 per ton authorized at the ebru2sy 12, 1940, stating the `I- the castor pomace contains organic matter that eket moles and chinch bugs. ,eupon, or motion duly adopted this ehane in the grade of fertilizer to be 'purchased "c oany for the Golf Course was authorized. sti t_.L -0y adopted, the Commission next instructed Supt. Nou7hton to repair the ,nd replace the screens on the club building at the golf course. m cation next read from, the Atl antic Coast Line Railroad Corpeny requesting a x. Apr 13, at 2:30 P M CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, . FLORIDA, 1940 Mayor. Attest: n fir. R. S. � - mayor. r.tributior rr Attest: . � p zing. sees, . 1 01#se to i City C' rk. ;, Aotion c li, K M R. 7 l ________________________________________________ _______________________________ - - -= S M I N U T E S C u,17th., City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Aptil 15 at 7:30 P -M, 1940- � sted s The City commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in adjourned session and 14 the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Ap ril 1 5> 1940 after 1 Present: Commissioner Walter S. Coleman, Mayor. y 'Allan S' It H James Gut. g ? May 20' It Edward Higgins the it M J Lodge� a e , Is G E Rollins �y Co`rui:3sF City Attorney Fred R. ur'ilson. a �- Thereupi City Clerk H N Sayer. snce, ant Meeting called to order by the Chairman.' �ge the } Mr. J M Goggans, District manager f or the ':corks Projects Administration next appear" ` ( ?f w4�pa Hattie with refernece to the City submitting applications for sponsoring more WPA projeo,ts, nue from' ing that the City projects now in operation will be completed within a few weeks �idenoe. a number of men will be without employment unless new projects are sponsored by the Olt Thereupi Consideration was then given toward a 11;PA project for constructing a swimming popl r find oui in Fort Mellon Park. - Thereu on after considerable discussion Commissioner Higgins moved that F.n ineer, - -.. Thereupon, > gg g� Sn$e of r Fred T. Williams be authorized to prepare a IVPA project proposal for constructing a 3: Applica' swimming pool, size 56, X 16L�2'' in Fort Mellon Park, the cost for preparing this 6P' X' ri project not to exceed $125.00 p � d Seventh! Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. motif OR +. �' eta iremi Mr. Ed. C.VCright and Mr. Roberts, representatives of Ed.C.'Nright &Company , next,,, - %� � appeared with further reference to their proposal for refunding the $152,000.00 old oo F e expense represented by them. >�" `''-" 4?[t.mOti' The Board then proceeded to a lengthy discussion and study of the several proposals fiC -Liss offered bgathem , action being deferred, pending further consideration of the matter N. Egg, a WPA pav On motion duly adopted the City Clerk was next authorized to attend a. meeting of Finance. " the Gle: Municipal/'i`f'ficers and City Managers to be held in Orlando on April 21st, the expenses3 r ttire all incurred to be borne by the City., un There being no further business the meeting adjourned. , fol Mayor. Attest: n CITY COMMISSION, .SANFORD, FLORIDA, ika —13_at � 1l( 19_40 ity Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. May 13, 1940. it: Commissioner Walter S. Coleman, Mayor. H.James Gut Edward Higgins " Mi.J.Ledge " G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R. 71ilson City Clerk H.N.Sa.yer Chief of Police R.G.Williams g called to order by the Chairman. s of regular meeting of April 8, adjourned meetings of April 9,10,11,13,15; eting of April 22nd. and adjourned meeting of April 23, 1940 next read and approved. t invoices and payrolls for the month of April 1940, properly audited and vouchered edify vouchers Nos. 2096 thru 2186, submitted, examined, approved and payment I reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, mater, Police, Fire, Library, Golf pion Departments for the month of April 1940, submitted and examined. :atements in all accounts for the month of April 1940, properly reconciled, submitted ;a. sl statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of submitted and examined. Harris next appeared and outlined the community week program of the colored 1 end service division of the i,orks Projects Administration, to be held in ing the week of ]day 20th. and requested some financial assistance from the City aying the expenses of this program. i on, after careful consideration, Commissioner Lodge moved that the City donate rd defraying the expenses of this program. by Commissioner Higgins and carried. consideration next given to the request of the First Methodist Church for some ,sistance toward defraying expenses of the Annual State Methodist Conference to Lanford on June 12th. thru 17th. n, Commissioner Higgins moved that $100.00 be appropriated to the Seminole er of Commerce for the purpose of helping defray the expenses of the Annual ist'Conference to be held in Sanford on June 12th. thru 17th. 1940. by Commissioner Rollins and carried. of Young men , with 'Nilliam Stemper as spokesman next appeared and requested y sponsor softball games during the summer months so as to provide recreation for I and boys of Sanford, Stating that they would like to organize teams and play :he nights when there are no baseball games being played in the City. i 1; the Commission informed them that there are no funds available in the appro- he Recreation Department for operating softball games, but that the field is them for playing softball, provided they organize a. club and sponsor the games s ie Smith, Supervisor of the INPA sewing room Project, next appeared and requested the City's contribution toward the ITTA sewing room project be used to help )enses of the Community week program of the white Professional & Service Division ;ajects Administration, and same was authorized. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _ as 11' hr H 2 ?ope next requested that the Florida N-otor Lines Corporation be allowed t< their buses on the driveway parallel with the street at his service station for the ing and unloading of passengers, instead of driving in at the station for the loadinE and unloading of passengers as ordered by the Commission at the meeting of April 23,:. Thereupon, after careful consideration and upon recommendation of Chief of Poliof Yiilliams, the above request was granted. Application next received from Harry E. Robson for permit to construct an out -do, concrete finish dance floor, size 30' X 30' on a part of the City owned property lea him for operating a bowling alley, located at the southeast corner of First Street Cypress Avenue. Thereupon, after considerable discussion, Commissioner Higgins moved that the Ci Yr. Robson a permit to construct a 301 X 30' out -door concrete finish dance floor or. aforesaid property. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried over the dissenting vote of CommissionE Rollins. Engineer Fred T. ',Williams next presented the vrPA project application covering the:OV struction of a swimming pool end development of the balance of property in Fort liellori Park, the total cost of the project being ''951,432.00, of which the City's share is 415,335.00. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins moved that the application be approved and the ;uayor. and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge end carried. Communication next read from 'r. Thomes Ratliff requesting the Cit; not to remove tl old lo" redwood water pipe from under his driveway in front of his home located on Stet Highway No. 3, offering to assume all responsibilities for any damages which might occur as a result of leaving this pipe under his driveway. Thereupon, in view of the fact that in granting the City a. permit to construct the new pipe line on the right -of -way of the State Highway No. 3 the State Road Department required the City to remove the old pipe line from said right- cf -wey , it was the opini of the Commission that the City will have to remove this pipe from under lir. Ratliff'E driveway. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next approved the purchase of bonds, as follows: 5 Refunding Series A bonds Nos. 3722/3726, with coupons due Sept 1, 1940 and subsequent coupons attached, from Baynard Realty & Insurance Company at a price of :$252.50 per bond and interest. 11 Refunding Series A bonds Nos. 258/252; 1561, 3979/3953, with coupons due Sept 1, 1940 and subsequent coupons attached from Field, Richards & Sheppard at a price of „,250.60 per bond and interest. 5 Refunding Series A bonds Nos. 713/717 with coupons due Sept. 1, 1940 and subseque coupons attached, from Rogers, Torrey & Cohu at a price of j275.00 per bond and interE 5 Refunding Series A bonds Nos. 4913/4917 , with coupons due Sept 1, 1940, and subsequent coupons attached from A.B.iorrison & Company at a price of X277.50 per and interest. The Clerk next reported that the PA had received bids on the two water meters to be furnished by them under the Water Works Project for installation at the water pump station, and that they have sufficient funds witZ which to purchase two electrically, venturi tube meters in accordance with specifications preparted by En ineer 4".1'.Gille eup o of ioat ;t F, iove< nozi� t AV then 1 Lx :;eve reur ncl', ;Qndf Cl� ' the were sed- ereu e fc c one Edward Higgins mount o at this' City Clerk H N Sayer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the purpose of the eeting was to consider improving and enlarging the Municipal Airport so as to provide 5, Toper facilities to meet the requirements of the Civil Aeronautic Authority for its use "'Bean aviation training field in connection with the N tional Defe se Progr m. Commissioner Gut then advised the Board that the tract of land containing approximate- lY 105 acres, lying immedistely'..north of the airport is owned by D.W.Venters and can be 'purchased by the City at a price of $20.00 per acre for the first 25 acres, and $25.00 perecre, for the remaining acreage, stating that Mr. Venters will grant the City an option porio_r to Purchase this property at the aforesaid price for a period of one year, upon the ­payment of $1.00 Per acre for such option, also, will grant the City the privilege of C paying the balance of the purchase price on the following terms: Payment of $1000.00 'upon the exercise of the option, less the payment of $1,00 per acre for the option, and .,,balance within one year from date of the exercise of said option without interest on the Thereupon-4 Commissioner Higgins moved that the City secure an option from Mr. Venters to purchase the aforesaid tract of land containing approxim telY 105 acres lying im ed! In ate- �-ly north of the Municipal Airport under the terms as outlined above, ard the Mayor and 1, 40, 6. , le:k be authorized to execute the option agreementon behalf of the City. Sec nded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Commissioner Higgins next moved that Commissioner Out be authorized to negotiate with ow �of the remainder of the property in the SOutb'Roeltl/4 of Section 7 Township 20 S. Range 31 E, and endeavor to purchase this property at a. reasonable price for the City, and to offer r-LOV 0- ,.,r;laem 41,00 per acre for the purchase option for a period of one year, th as price a property to be subject to the approval of the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. Consideration next given to applying t,�,a Tv?A project to cover the proposed improve- In me L nts to the present aviation field and the development of the property adjacent to the ield on the north, that may be acquired under the proposed purchases. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Higgins moved that Engineer red T-Williams be authorized to prepare a preliminary estimate of a ",A project for this �,,A?ork, the cost of preparing this estimate not to exceed $40.00. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 7:30 O'clock P.M. All aly 1, 1940. x CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD,. FLORIDA. -Allgust. 7 at 7:3G P i� 19 - I0ii OF BOA DESCRIPTION ASSID VAL ACTION OF THE BOARD. r 7 Life Ins. Co. Office Personal Property 50.0 U Increased to X100.00 7.0© �i insular Life Ins. Co ).00 b "lee t'ersonal Property 50.00 Increased to 100.00 ).00' iXlinneills office Personal Property 50.00 Increased to 100.00 00' y T -Doss Office Personal Property 250.00 Increased to 500.00 1.11 Gardner,Office Personal Property 250.00 Increased to 350.00 ).00 w Fez A W Knox, Office Personal Property 250.00 Increased to 350.00 )•00 T Langley,Office Personal Property 250.00 Increased to 350.00 n? z; �a' T F McDaniel, Office Personal Property 400.00 Increased to 500.00 .00 C L Park, Office Personal Property 300.00 Increased to 350.00 00' `t S Puleston, Office Personal Property 300.00 Increased to 350.00 " N5. Office Scott, ce Personal Pro Property p y 1 50.00 Increased to 330.00 00,G H Starke,Office Personal Property 200.00 Increased to 300.00 toert Messer, Office Personal Property 100.00 increased to 300<00 0.00 4? kSpeer, Jr. Office Personal Property 1:5).00 Increased to 300.00 0.00 �5pencer office Personal Property 250.00 Increased to 400.00 0.00 xs F}iousholder, office Personal Property 300.00 Increased to 000.00 ).00 00 aFlazier's Pool Room Personal Property 150.00 Increased to 200.00 ).00" 5tiickland,Office Personal Property 200.00 Increased to 300.00 ).Ob x7 Woodruff, Office Personal Property 300.00 Increased to 400.00 ).00 sApartments Personal Property 150.00 Increased to 300.00 ).00 3'flex Apartments Personal Property 400.00 Inorease_d to 500.00 1.00 �1er Apartments Personal Property 200.00 Increased to 430.00 00 3metto Apartments Personal Property - }300.00 Increased to 500.00 00' se Court Apartments Personal Property 700.00 Increased to 500.00 s Matra Apartments Personal Property 1200.00 Increased to 1,500.00 .JO: r,�,1 ling's Barber Shop Personal Property 100.00 Reduced to 50.00 00' �lIIs Barber Shop Personal Property 50.00 Increased to 100.00 .D.GoOper's Office Personal Property 750.00 Increased to 1000.00 00 GDuBose, Office Personal Property 100 00 Increased to 200.00 0 3o F Fish Inc , Office Personal Property 1 5G .00 Increased to 300.00 .OD 6yhes Office Lachine Co Personal Property 200.00 Increased to 300.00 .00 Mtland,Gra.y & Moore Personal Property 200.00 Increased to 500.00 00 1.00 There being no further complaints or objections registered as to valuations on the x.00 tax roil, the Board then approved the valuations on such roll as set by the Tax Assessor .00 dadjourned as an Equalization Board. Commissioner Gut next introduced Resolution No. 579 and moved its passage and adoption. .00 0 0 rr Seconded by Uommissioner Lodge and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Coleman Aye Gut Aye 0.00 Higgins Aye ll ).00 Rollins Not voting ).00 id Resolution No. 579 being in words and figures as follows: 4" ).00 RESOLUTION No. 579• -` R SOLUTION BY THE CITY CO1:tIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, .FLORIDA, ENDORSING A ).00 LOT PRESENTED BY THE SEMINOLE COUNTY CHAMBER OF = iERCE FOR THE ENLARGEMENT a �D IMPROVEMENT OF THE PRESENT AVIATION FIELD 07NED B5/THE CI ^!Y "OF SANFOP.D, FLORIDA. 10.00 i1IEAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, is the owner of approximately Three Hundred acres of �z ,iAerl, AR an aviation field and it is now so used CITY - COMMISSION, SANFORD,, FLORIDA, -Au--u-et--L at 7:30 P y 19 40 and has been improved fox::that purpose by said City and will be of great stragetic value t@ rue ' ity Hall is the Federal Government in its defense program, but is not large enough in an East and WesV'S direction for present and future aviation purposes and the Seminole County Chamber of „' Pre Commerce has presented to the City of Sanford a project for the enlargement of said aviatiCS field and improvement thereof and will request the Federal Government to aid in such imordT " ments, and the enlargement of said field would require either the abandonment of the Oviecc Branch of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad now traversing said field in a North and Soutb.; direction or the privilege of crossing the tract at rail level." Y f , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Flori@ U that said City Commissioners do hereby approve said project presented by the Seminole County feet Chamber of Commerce for the enlargement and improvement of said aviation field of the "uit' ", Cal Sanford, and do hereby request the cooperation of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Compsny r 'ouchered a in the enlargement and improvement of said aviation field and to take such steps as may bezz� ;, yment a:ut necessary to promote said improvements." ikon a; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commissioners offer to cooperate with a0 I and re -11111111 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company in the above matter, and if desired, the City Commis, � ' Fin �sf July 194 will use their influence with the Interstate Commerce Commission that said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company be permitted to abandon said track. PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th day of August 1940. 1rbmitted a Lau Walter S. Coleman flock G, Ch Mayor. �r F uestedt Edward Higgins Il J Lodge �'- ern notifi `ity would H James Gut 3 July '8, As the City Commissioners of The Attest: the City of Sanford,Floride, H N Sayer ( seal) days'fox City Clerk. On �; ommi ss is on ;',exies 3 b Consideration next given to another additional appropriation to the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce to be used for special advertising purposes. yands f ron Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Gut moved that the City appxop Pei an an additional 0500.00 to the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for special advertisingpu, 1; Ap= poses. 1207 Tci Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Thirteen. Commissioner Gut next moved that the Clerk be authorized to Chief c purchase at par value ,T Central Foundry Company, On y piny, New York, as an investment of the Insurance Fund, City of Sanford"", x the Commis: ,V'ater Plant Revenue Certificates Nos 203,204,209,210, 215,216,221,222,227,225 ,233,234,23�, d3ox No2o5 240,245,246,251,252 ,257,255, 263, 264,2(9,270,275,276,251,252,257 and 255 at $100.00 each, to x3,000.00 ^.thirty ' Oil 1:Qompany'as Seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried.1 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Re Tee-To, Ali e the mai Attest:luG yayor arage loca a Oity s `tax City erk. 1927 thru CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Aug at 12 at 7,;30 P M 19 4u Thereupon, after careful consideration and in view of the fact that there is no f assessable personal property at the aforesaid location for the City to levy upon for its- tax claim, Commissioner Higgins moved that bir.Rosier's offer of X20.00 for full se`tlemnt zg, of the delinquent personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1939 against A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company be accepted, and the Clerk be authorized to cancel the balance in amount of203. z Thereupon tbe�Commission granted Miss 'Munson permission to tear down the afore- Secc said building and use the materials for the purposes as stated above, it being understood "3 The that the removal of this building will not affect the City's tax liens against this " property. ¢ Were next r " The Clerk next reported that Jule 1rhittiey, colored City employee, who was 1 L B White afflicf 11111111111 with tuberculosis and the City paying for his :Hospitalization and treatment in the State at , Tuberculosis Sanitorium at Orlando, died August 10,1940. On motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner uut and carried, the:;; Commission next approved the payment of $150.00 to Fred R. 'Nilson, City Attorney, for adra; on legal services in connection with foreclosure on vacant lots in San Lanta 2nd Section Amer J Tol and Magnolia Heights for delinquent tax liens and street paving assessments.' Bill of Fred T "illiams in amoant of 4220.60 covering engineering services durintt Nettie L St; the month of July 1940, in preparing preliminary estimate of the proposed WPA project for,? improving the Municipal Airport, next presented, and on motion of Commission Higgins, i- The ,I seconded byvommissioner Lodge and carried, same was approved and payment ordered. Inspector Duncan next reported that the old frame warehouse building located at the northwest corner of Holly Avenue and Commercial Street is in a dilapidated unsafe condition and a fire hazard. Thereupon the Cit Attorne was instructed to Y Y prepare a resolution condemn n„ this; Attest: ;,. warehouse building for passage at the next meeting. Cit Communication next read from the National Youth Administration, +ashington D S f / (/ advising that effective August 15, 1940 all NYA projects will be discontinued, except 1 those that are in connection with the National Defense Program, and same was orderediiiei � for further consideration. The Clerk next reported that the claim filed with Glenns Falls Indemnity Company against Surety Bond of Robert M. Hardaker as City Recreation Director for recovery of City funds in amount of '$19.55 taken by Mr. Hardaker at the time he left the employments the City had been paid by the Insurance Company, and that the balance of salary in amount of $23.00 due Mr Hardaker had been paid to the Sanford Atlantic National Bank, in aceords2 with his letter of authorization dated February 19, 1940.. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next approved the sale to A.Duda & Sons, Florida, of the balance of second 'nand redwood water pipe on the yard at City's Concrete ,u Pipe Plant for the sum of X475.00 request next received from the 6anford Taxicab Company for the City to reserve tRO parking spaces for them on Park Avenue in front of the Gilbert Hotel, and some was referred F to the Chief of Police. � y ": Deputy Tax Collector Powers next reported that A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company at "p 915 Hest First Street owes delinquent personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1939 in amount of 4123.50, which he has been unable to collect, and that there is no assessable personal property left at this location for the City to levy upon and sell for said taxes t stating that Mr, Rosier has offered to pay the City $20.00 as full settlement of these "., li ; taxes. Thereupon, after careful consideration and in view of the fact that there is no f assessable personal property at the aforesaid location for the City to levy upon for its- tax claim, Commissioner Higgins moved that bir.Rosier's offer of X20.00 for full se`tlemnt zg, of the delinquent personal taxes for the years 1931 thru 1939 against A.D.Rosier Plumbing Company be accepted, and the Clerk be authorized to cancel the balance in amount of203. z " 41_1 -7 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, August 26, 7:30 P M-19 40 on at the Request granted, provided such repairs will place this building in a safe condition 41 so as to conform with the reo_uirements of the building code. Commissioner Higgins next introduced Resolution No. 580 and moved its passage and adoption . t` k Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the Commission: >7, x Commissioner Coleman Aye " Gut Aye Hig dins Aye Lodge Aye Rollins Aye Said Resolution \TO.580 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 550 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 001'i4ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, AGREEING FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD TO CO- SPONSOR WITH SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA, THE ERECTION OF A HOSPITAL IN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, AS A WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION PROJECT, appeared TO THE EXTENT OF A TRACT OF LAND N THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CONVEYED BY SAID CITY 9SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA, UPON WHICH SAID HOSPITAL IS TO BE ERECTED AND LILTING THE 1940 in amounE RESPONSIBILITY OF SAID CITY AS CO- SPONSOR TO SAID TRACT OF LAND. >mpany, 'NHEREAS, Seminole County, Florida, has applied to the Federal Government for the erection of a hospital in the City of Sanford, Florida, as a Works Progress Adminis-tration project and in order to assist in the erection of said hospital the City of nding bonds Sanford did, by deed dated June 12, 1940, and of record in the Public Records of on hand for Seminole County Florida, in Deed Hook 952 Page 419, convey to Seminole County, Florida, mit to the the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land situate in Seminole County, :nt to pay Florida, to -wit: nding bonds. BEGINNING, at the northwest corner of the intersection of TQellonville Avenue and Second Street or Union Avenue, in the City of Sanford, Florida, and run North along the West line of ?Aellonville Avenue, to the South line of First Street in said City of Sanford, Florida; thence along the South line of said rried, the First Street to Rest line of Block 11 of the Subdivision known as "t- Tellonville" according to plat thereof of record in the Public Records of Seminole County, Inc., St. Florida, in Plat Book 1, Page 120; thence South to the North line of Said 2nd. Street or Union Avenue; thence East along the North line of said 2nd. and subse- Street or Union Avenue to the.point of BEGINNING, upon which tract of land said hospital is to be erected and, ;rs' wholesale A WHEREAS, The City of Sanford has been requested to co- sponsor said project for the s for the erection of said hospital and the City Commissioners deem it advisable, expedient and for the best interest of the said City of Sanford for said City to agree to co- sponsor has no said project with said Seminole County to the extent of said contribution of said tract of land without assuming any further liability as said co- sponsor. City for a NOW , THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, n length Florida: Ter line from That the City of Sanford, Florida, does hereby agree to co- sponsor with Seminole ring the four,: County, Florida the erection of a hospital in the City of Sanford, Florida, upon the .id Streets, for above described tract of land as a Torks Progress Administration project to the extent of its contribution of the aforesaid_ tract of land, but said City does not assume 1" My liability as said co- sponsor other than the contribution of said tract of land. Jr. , owner BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately amercial Street upon Its passage and adoption. aving been issued. Passed and adopted this 26th day of August , 1940. e3e MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, SBp .ember 1} at 9'30 A• I'�9_40_ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session s the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 9:30 o'clock A.Y. September 4, 1911 Present: Commissioner Walter S. Coleman Mayor. H James Gut Edward Higgins M.J Lodge City Clerk H N Sayer Absent: Commissioner G.E.Rollins Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announced that the purpose of the n ing was to give further consideration to the WPA project for improving the IuSunicipal Airport so as to provide proper facilities for its use as an aviation training field connection with the National Defense Program, and any other business that may come be the Board. Commissioner Higgins then advised the Commission that representatives of Safair who operate an aviation flying school in New York, and officials of the U.S.Army will be in Sanford on September 7 #,h- to make a survey of the airport to consider its pos- sibilities as a flying school for training pilots. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Gut moved that Engineer ?F T. Williams and Architect Elton J. Moughton be authorized to complete the preliminary timates for the WPA project application covering the development of runways, construe of hangars and administration buildings, so as to present the proposed improvements t the aforesaid Committee for consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried, th' Commission next authorized the delivery of Refunding Series A bond No.5018 with eoupo. Due Sept 1, 1937, March 1, 1938, Sept 1, 1938, Vlar 1, 1939, Sept 1, 1939, l,,ar 1,_1940 Sept 1, 1940, detached, to Union Trust Company, Butler Pa., through the Sanford Atlaff National Bank in exchange for Series R&- -.Bond No. 291 dated Jan 1, 1927, due July l,i with coupons due Jan 1, 1929 and sutsequent coupons attached; also the payment to Unii Trust Company of $123.25 in settlement of past due unpaid interest on said Series RE] No. 291, and payment of $35.00 for the coupons detached from Refunding Series A Bond' 5016. Commissioner Higgins next moved that the Clerk and City attorney be authorized; to safety deposit box No. 177 at the Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose 'o: securing refunding Series A bond No 5016 deposited therein, to deliver to Union Trust Company in exchange of bond as authorized above. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: _T He ai, F i hex eni > ar F f I CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Sept 9 at 7:30 P M 1940 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida., at 7:30 O'clock P.ti. September 9, 1940. Present: Commissioner Walter S. Coleman, f?ayor. H James Gut. Edward Higgins M.J.Lodge "tt G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of August 1940, properly audited and .ered as evidenced by voucher Nos.2468 thru 2559, submitted, examined, approved and nt authorized. Monthly reports of the streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, library, and recreation departments for ther.month of August 1940, sutmitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditu rds during the month gust 1940, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of August 1940, properly reconciled, >tted and examined. A group of boys from Boy Scout Troop No. 5 next appeared and requested permission ;e the City owned building located on the old nursery field adjacent to the water as a meeting place for their patrol troop. Request granted, subject to approval of the Recreation Director. Mr. C R Dawson, Seminole County Agricultural Agent, next appeared and presented pe- )n signed by several livestock producers of Seminole County and retail meat dealers inford, requesting the Commission to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of meats .n the City without such meats first having been inspected and approved by a State >inarian representing the State Live Stock Sanitary Board. Thereupon, after considerable discussion the City Attorney was instructed to pre- such an ordinance for consideration at the next regular meeting. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the .'was next authorized to open the 11unicipal Registration Books on September 16, 1940, the Municipal Primary Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first ktonday ivember, 1940, in accordance with the terms of the Charter. Bills next presented in amount of 846.42 covering expenses of entertaining the ;ion Committee, consisting of representatives of Safair, Sno., New York, and officials Ie U.S.Army, as guests of the City while in Sanford making a survey of the ?:Tunicipal in on September 7, 1940; and on motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner and carried, same was approved and payment ordered. Reauest next received from R.A. Newman for an adjustment of the assessed valuation fount of $2,850.00 against the E 1/2 of Lots 9 and 10 Block 5 Tier 5, for the years 1935, 1936, 1938 and 1939, claiming that this valuation is too high in proportion her assessments in the same neighborhood. Thereupon, after careful comparison of the assessed valuation of this property similar properties, Commissioner Higgins moved that the assessed valuation be ted to .$'2,765.00 for the years 1934, 1935, 1936,1938 , and to $2,770.00 for the Ocotber 14, at 7:3D ° ' CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, _ - `19 40 Thereupon Commissioner Rollins moved that the Clerk be authorized to refund 25.00 to ?.Ba.11antine Sons for overpayment of the aforesaid license. ' Seconded by Cosrmissioner Gut and carried. Dn motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, 'Wier a i the Commission next authorized an advanced payment of $100.00 to Engineer Fred s on account of services being rendered in preparing a Y,'PA project appl-Cation covering 4 2 t construction and development of the new.aviatipn Held. Request next received from 41rs A.D.Smith for the City to remove a tree from the 1" parkway in -root of her home at 600 ;agnplia_ Avenue, and on recommendation of Su.t.�, ,�cughton, same was authorized. Application next received from Sarah Blair :litchell for homestead exemption for the years 1955 and 1936 on Lot 7 Block 11 Tier G, claiming that application for such exemption a, the proper time having been neglected through an oversight. Application approved. ; On motion duly adopted, the Commission Next authorized and instructed the Clerkt�ql equip the City's rest rooms and comfort stations with soap dispensers, soap, towel racksfi, Attee towels and mirrors, for tae convenience of the winter visitors. Consideration next given to one request of Allen I Moseley, office:. clerk of the ; after Department, for an advance of :;150.00 on his salary , to be repaid to the City' during the fiscal year 1940 -1941. .hereupon after considerable discussion, and on motion duly carried, the Com mission authorized an advance of salary in amount of $120.00 to Allan I Koseley, to be repaid during the fiscal year 1940 -1941 at the rate of $10.00 per month. Consideration next given to the purchase of the following described propertyor3 3; t2,inino 5 acres from Christian Christensen at a price of �200.00, said land lyiro between wellonville Avenue and Sipes Avenues, and Geneva Street and Thirtieth Street,', and being a part of the site for the proposed aviation field. The ;1 1/L of the E 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of the II 'J; 1/4 of Section 5 Township 2�- a South, range 31 East. �r r Thereupon Comrissioner Gut moved that h..I.ratson, who is acting as agent for tle 10 , in acquiring property for the proposed aviataion field, be authorized to purchase the above described property for the City from Christian Christensen at a price of w200CQ Seconded by Commissioner Hiz�gins and carried. r City Attorney ''iilson next gave a brief summary o_ the progress of the City's petition in Eankruntcy filed on January 28, 1939, under the °ankruptcy Act, as a..en d,' in an endeavor to complete the refunding of its bonded indebtedness, stating that ;h "e �s r , . American Nations! Bank of ?iashville Tennessee filed claim covering 4152,000.00 unrefund N r bonds and objected to the plan of composition; and after the District Court of the Unit," States for the Southern District of r:oiida ruled in favor of .,he Petition they appealed , the case to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans claiming the 3a.nkruptcy Act to be unconstitutional, and 'she said Court of Appeals r ^,:led in favor the, the City. and that the American (ational Bank had attempted to appeal the case to the r: United States Supreme Court and the Court had refused to .:ear the case. The following applications for adjustment of taxes and /or special assessments N were next received and on motion duly carried, same were approved. " Sarah Blair i6itchell Lot 7 Block 11 Tier G Taxes & Penalties 1928/39 loon �. AD US:LENT AUTHORIZED. Adjusted to $.54.06 y Jax Johnson Lot 7 Block 'J Buena Vista. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA," October 2$ at 7:30 _ 19 40 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, :net in regular si at the City Hail in the City of aanfoid, Florida, at 7 :30 o'clock P.'f. October 26', Present: Commissioner 'sa.lter S. Coleman, Mayor. " H. James Gut " Edgard Figgirs If M.J.Lodge If G E Rollins City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Cler't H k Sayer Chief of Police R.G.;Villiams iveeting tailed to order by the Chairman. Lieutenant Colonel Geo A.DeCottes, 124th. Infantry Post Commander of the Florida National Guard, next appeared and made a -further request that the City pa Of the salary of the caretaker of the Armory property in Sanford, which will amoi to 437.50 per month, during the period of active service of the local troops of National Guard, st tin that unless the City and County defray such expense of a caretaker during saia period, the building will have to be locked and 'boarded up c not be available for use by the local Horne Guard organization. Thereupon, after further consideration, ena in view Of the need of the Arrco building for the local Hoi:e Guard organization for drill and class room purposes connection with the _rational Defense Program, Co:n:nissioner Gut moved that the City Pay X37•50 per month for six months toward the salary of 2 caretaker of the Aimory pro,erny while the local troops are in active service, provided the County will D2`. balance of such salary. Seconded by Cc::ra ssioner Hollins and carried. Rev. Lartin J.nra:a next presented a petition signed by a number of _e,ineati Park Avenue requesting the Comrnission to i <' ..:cediately promulgate and cut into effE traffic regulation prohibiting the further use of Park Avenue by trucks. Action deferred. Request next received from alter Holly that the City waive a license icense in ant of 540.00 and allow Silas Green's Itinstrel to show in Sanford on December 26th. and the auspices of the :.olored sorld sar Veterans Legion Post, stating that Silas Ciee 2ientrels will Dive the Yost an amount equal to 'said license, whici:4ri11 be used`sfo providing Christmas gifts for under privileged children of Sanford. Thereupon., Co:ncnissioner Higgins moved that the City charge Silas Green's L:i7 a license to show in Sanford, and donate y40.00 to the Colored Forld 'ias Veteran . Legion Post toward providing Christmas gifts for the colored under privileged chic Of Sanford. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. In response to request for bids for furnishing uniforms for the n'' Police a:.a Departments, the following bids were next presented, together a,ith samples: fi. E T,'a.t son Lot 5013 Coat and Two Pants Lot 5014 " " a u X40.75 Lot 5015 " ft Ir fl 30.50 !:ot 5016 If If 11 it 8.75 lot jJ17 It II If �Q.75 8.50 Lot 5C 1£S " I' n If Overcoats each 41 °75 Shirts, each 25.00 2.00 Yowell Company Lot 516 Coat and Two Pants p Lot 534 If It If 39 • 75 Lot 551 1 a n 36.75 Shirts, each 36.75 2.00 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA_N���.1940 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in Special Session at the City Heil in the Citi of aa,t.:ord, Florida, at 12 :00 o'clock P;oon, November o, 1940 FLORIDA Present: Commissioner alter S. Coleman, tdayor. " :..James Gut authori: „ i;.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. „_ison Fe, City Clerk n :, Sayer. teini nt city Assent: CoL;:nissioner Edmard 3igoins inf orma" " G. E. Rollins Meeting called to order by the Chairman. in ever- Thereupon the Commission proceeded to canvass the returns of the M-unicioel and pro; Primary Election held on i:ovembar 5th.,1947 as made by the Clerk End Inspectors of ssifl wish to election as ro11o'rie: P ublic For Frank J.Bauer 187 �; agreen:et For ai er S. Coleman 240 other ti For ! K Dupree 216 For ,.C.Hill 797. interest For Arthur A Kirchhoff 13 Sanford; mutilated ballots throw out 24 prosecui Total votes cast 1,477 r tected a Thereupon Commissioner gut -moved t__et the returns of the Clerk and Inspectors ti I � be ope T< the iunicipa.l Frirrary Election held ivoaemeer 5th 1940 be accepted. '6r i:.rorc Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Yal "fitai ".'. Thereupon 7i.C.Hill duds declared to be t:te rezuiariy elected nominee for the airport position of City Commissioner of the City of Sanford, Florida, to be voted upon at the reasonac ,general 1unicipal Election .to be held Decea.oer are dire Ca,rissioner Gui next roved that due to t he extra heavy vote and consequent ext *e � the City work that J' 0 be paid to each of the Inspectors and the Clerk of the municipal Pri7, &>$ into an Election helm. lloveaber 5, 1910, and also to Byrd Jaokson Goode for special services " this Cit and assitarce rendered at such election. cµ. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. r: are,aut'r. Commissioner Gut next introduced Resolution NO. 583 and after being read in full s. may sass by the Clerk, mOUeQ its CaE68ga and adoption. r }"3rOject � Seconded by Commissioner Lode and carried b the following vote of the l � Co:rrc.issi4 I S COd,mi S9i:>ner Coleman Aye iK its pass Gut Aye Lode Aye P. said Resolution No. -63 being in words and figures as follows: � A nF;;;OLUTZOI AUtn0r :IZING CERTAIN Or.ICIALS OF THE CITY OF SzUPORD, FLORIDA, TO C00� vAl ITI lr rJ I IStR AT OF CIIIL AERONAUTICS OF I :ng UTIIED STATES DEPART i vT OF C PC I? I A 7�a, J Or eT I_ :G FEDERAL AI IN FINAIJCI?QG THE ` DEZLOPLLNT 0: PU3LIC AIRPORT FACFL T =ES IN OR NrAR SAID CITY CF SA :Fv D. rnEREAS, the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics of the United States Deprrtment,o Commerce herein called the " Admi :nistrator" considers the public airport facilities evailaole in and near the City of "enford, _L ,,._; , inadequate for national defense, an t is therefore conterplatin> expenditure of Federal funds, under Public Law 1", ? Attest: .S12 i 76th Congress, to reredy this condition; and F `City ;HeRz',AS, the development of additionel public airport facilities in or near the, City of jcrford, Florida, ,ti,uld be in the public interest and to the advantass of sa.d: City of Sanford: Attest: Nove;,ber o 12 Noon_ 40 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, 19 _ N07,, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVLD BY THE CIlf CO_!,_J,ISSIOid OF THE CITY 'u' 6 _i'0 ?D, DA: SECTIOid 1. That the ,ayor of the City af - arford., Florida, be, end he is hereby horized to write to the Administrator, on behalf of the City of Sanford, Florida, that.the City of Danford is greatly interested in the possibility of ob- Federal ning/eid in financing the development of puclic airport facilities in or near the y of Sanford, and , in this connection, is prepared to furnish any legal Or faetuel ormation that may reasonably oe requested, is desirous of assisting and cooperating every way possible in connection with any and all engineering surveys of airports proposed airport sites in or near said City of Sanford that the Administrator may 1 to make, and will be viliing, if an offer of aid in financing the development of ilic airport facilities in or near said Citv of Sanford is ;made, to enter into an ,eement with the United Stetes, through the Administrator, undertaking, among such ier things as may be agreed upon: ( 1) that all title to property and other property erests necessary to prosecution of the project will be acquired by `,he City of .lord; ( 2) that the City of Sanford will cooperate with the Government in the seeution of the project; (3) that the aerial approaches of the airport will be nro- ted against obstruction. to the fullest extent possible; ( 4) that the airport rill operated as an a.irart during the useful life of the facilities thereof established improved v;ith Federal aid; {j) that the airport and all its facilities r:ii1 be ntained in reasonably good condition and kept in food repair; and (5) that the 'port rili be operated and managed for the use and benefit of the public, on sonable terms and without unjust discrimination. SSCTIOjQ 2. That the 'aayor, the City Clerk end the City Attorney be and they directed to makeisuch studies as may be necessary to determine !drat obligations k'_City of 6anford could assume, practically, financially, and legally, in entering o an agreement such as that referred to in Section 1 hereof, and report thereon to s City Commission as soon as possible. SECTION 3. That the Mayor , the City Clerk end the City Attorney be and they euthcrized to furnish such legal and factual information to the Admin`strator as he reasonably request in connection with cgnsideration of the desirability of an airport sect in or near said city of Sanford . SECTION 4. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after sage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Sixth Day of November , 194+D. t; ,lark. - -- ( Seel) The meeting then adjourned. _ iter S. - -leman Mayor .v H.Jertes Gut Y.J.Lodge Ed—: and Higgins G.L.Rollins As the City Commission a_- the City of Senford, Florida. L:ayor. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLOFIDA, NOVe_ Der 17 7:30 19 40 On motion: duly adopted , the Commission next instructed that a rental of x'3.00 per year be charged for use of lockers at the Municioal Golf Course, effective coon the com-oletion of construction of the new locker rooms. The Clerk next re_oo.rted that Fred W. Hogan, , ,,he nas been assisting in the Recreation Department under the WPA Statewide Recreation Projects, had not been re- certified after his 30 days lay -off period from such project expired on November 3rd. and that the Commission had only authorized the oayrient of his sali for one month In amount of `;62.40 Thereupon, on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the payment of Fred w.Hogan's salary in amount of $62.40 for another month, beginning November 4 1940. Bill of Coleman's Office Ecuioment Comoany in amount of :88.86 for furnishi.n dozen American flags for street display ourooses, next presented, and on motion 'r of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, Same was annroved and payment ordered. Bill of Engineer Fred T.Williams in amount; ofw506.32 covering engineering ser during the month of October 1940, in preparing YIPA project application for con- structing a new aviation field, next - presented, and on motion of Commissioner Rollins, seconded by Commissioner Higgins and carried, same was aooroved and pan ordered. Bill of Architect Elton J.14oughton in amount of $75.00 for -ore-oaring areltm' specification for an airport administration building to be constructed under thi WIA Aviation Field Project, next presented, and an notion. of Co.Imissioner Higg' seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, same was aooroved and nayment ordered, Bill of A.K.Rossetter, Florist, in amount of $20.00 for flowers furnished` Police Department for funeral of A.R. *arshall, desk sergeant, next presented en, on motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded.by Commit; =toner Rollins and carried, ,,ras a�)oroved and payment authorized. Bill of the Florida League of ?4unicioalities in amount of µ70.00 for annua: league dues for year ending June 30,1941 , next presented, and on motion of Com miesioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, same was aooro, oayment ordered. Recuest next received from Captain R.E,Rose of the Salvation Army that the City furnish labor for washing the inside walls of the Salvation Army buildin; Recuest refused. Request next received from the Clean -up committees of the several civic cl tnat all vacant lots and alleys throughout the City be cleaned off, and same era referred to Swot. N.oughton and Fire Chief Cleveland. Recuest next received from J.L.Sinms for - oermission to remove two Oak trees from the parkway in front of his home at 619 Cypress Avenue, and upon recommend tion of Suet, Kou,ghton , ears, was granted, provided the trees are, removed at hi exoensa. Recuest next received from L S Harkey for permission to use the City a.zdltt for the Railroad Evangelistic Conference to be held in Sanford on January lath. 26th. 1941. Bequest granted. cm a p7 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 15 19 . 40 Chief of PoliceWilliams next recommended the parole of ??argie 3renrer, convicted the Municipal Court under date of November 4, 1940, of druncenness and disorderly nduct, case No 27430, and sentenced to 60 days imprisonment and on motion ly adopted., same was granted. Communication next read from the Toledo Trust Company , Toledo, Ohio, requesting eCity to furnisn a, legal opinion an five Cit.r of Sanford Refunding Series A bonds s. 4937/41, that were delivered to them by the Cit;; on December 20, 1937, in exchange r five City of Sanford Public Improvement Series G bonds nos. 1,2,3,4 and 26, such anion not having been furnished on these bonds at the time the exchange was made. Thereuoon Commissioner Rollins moved that the Clerk be authorized to secure a dal -.pinion on the aforesaid Refunding Bonds from Thomson,t +food & Roffman, New York, Y. and deliver to Toledo Trust Comca.ny. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Application next received from 1,,.F.Smith for homestead exemotion for year 1940 lot 11 block 3, tier 3, application for such exem->tion having been made at the Ober time but was not allowed by the Tax Assessor , in view of the fact that Mr. ith i,as not a resident of Sanford on January 1, 1940. a' Application refused. a ent'_ Commissioner Gut next moved that Resolution NO-593 adopted on the 6th day of Y= ov m:er ,19 0, entitled: rirary A Resolution authorizing certain officials of the City of Sanford, Florida to cooperate with the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics of the United States hmmerce with a view obtaining Federal Aid in financing e Department of Co the development of public airport facilities in or near said City of gins anford. d, be ratified and confirmed by this Body as a whole, L tre Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and. carried by the following vote of the Ind Commission: same s, Commissioner Coleman Aye U Gut Aye Higgins Aye " Lodge Aye n u, Rollins Aye gal � Co-munication next read from the Automobile Underwriters Detective Bureau re- om- rcved ar$x'eeting oermiesion to show a movie - talker fire film picture in the Commission room on December 5, 1940. he x Recueet granted. ling On :notion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried, Commission next authorized the emoloym.ent of 3,?'a' lace in the Po' _ice Deoartment club st a salary of $90.00 per oath, effective November 16,1910. a` On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, jo. the Clerk was next authorized to request the Florida, Po *,per & Light Co zany to move acs: the 50 CP all night burning street light from the City pound at Fifth Street and Poplar Avenue to the municipal zoo, rear of the A,:erican Legion hut. Commissioner Gut moved that enda Clerk be instructed to recueet Fla Power & Light Co to move 90 OR all night light at alley 1 = betveen Third & Fourth St.,west of Sanford Ave to h s the corner of Second St. & Scott Ave 7 Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried`: The C1erz next reported that the installation cost on the neon celery sign ditoriui et corner of Park Aven and First Street, which teas requested by tre Lions Club at ;th.'tnru r the mee -Ing of October 25th, t, *ill amount to a-)nroxi.-:ately ?IO.00 , also that a it ,ill cost a-soroxi- ately X3.00 Ter month for electricity to light the sign. a Thereuuon Commissloner Hj=ins moved that only the expenditure for installa- tiz �`tionof the sign be authorized at this time. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, N2vem2es_25,_a940 19___ The City Commission of time City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the t Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clocs November 25, 1940 Present: Commissioner '`alter S. Coleman, Mayor, aurant y F, James Gut r.ch lj " Edward Higgins it U.J.Loe.ge h G.E.Ro'_lins system ' City Attorney Fred R.`riiison 0,00 s City Clerk H N Sayer that Chief of Police R,G.,'ill.iams t, a rt Pp meeting called to order by the Chairman. n Elea Minutes of adjourned meeting of Wovamber 15, 1940 next read and aooroved. rt , ' Mr. ".;.Lord. next aooeared and offered to decorate all the =,-hiteway lamo -costs in the uatnees section with evergreen trees for the Christma.s Holidays at a price of 50d -oer Post. ed tatter taken under advisement. the Mr J.E.Jac,tson next anoeared and recuested oermieeion to tear do =.an and remove a garage tion inartnent house located on Lot 16 31oc', 3 3e1 Air Subdivision on c.,hich there are unpaid. i t y taxes for the years 1030 thru 1040. p� t3 s Recuest refused. ad- ' Dr. G.H.Starke and :don ez Harris next aooea.red and _ cuested tneCom- ieeion to rescind it �aatton of October 28th, authorizing the amount of40.00 that will be collected from Silas Greer' s Vinstrel for license to shot,= in Sanford on December 28th. to be donated. to ofi`iesr the colored '::or1d 'Gar Veterans toward providing Christ =mas gifts for colored under - ted ate" '.privileged children of Sanford, and recuested that said amount be donated to =,zard sponsoring �4 PA colored nursery oro.ject`instead. Thereupon after careful coneideration and in vies= of the fact that the colored nur- �5 �, � Sery is a very worthy oro,3ect and broviding fcr the care of under?rivileged children the necticrI, s� g 1gar around, Commissioner Higgins moved that the aforesaid action of the Board at the eetfng of October 28, 1940, be rescinded, and that the 'p40.00 to be derived from the li- s j ,nseof Silas Green's biirstrel to show in Sanford. On December 28th. be donated toward Saar. =orirg the ^'PA colored nursery project, 75.55 --. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. "r v _` "Coleman , local rana.�7er of the Florida Pot• +er & Eight Company next aooeared X3.43 )b apd offered to donate the electricity for lighting the do'_ored street li�hte 'aur.ing the arj, tnas holidays, beginning the night of December 4th. and ourning each night thru i2ntaary 1,1c41. 0 er grat efully accepted. Yr Colemar. next recuested an adjustment o" the assessed valuation in amount of $165,000 . r paced on the oersonel nreoerty of the Florida Power & Light Cooany for !940 , claiming j U-1 ;that this assessment should be reduced, to 815?,380.00 wAich is the amo,-nt of their �1�40 tax return. Thereupon after ccns10erab?e discussion, as a result of which it was felt that the assessed valuatior ^laced on the personal nrooerty of the F7ori.da ?ower Light yt Comroa.ry is well in line with the assessed. valuations placed on similar _oronertiee and �. lo ad,.a tment could be made. r" Anolicatioh next received from Carl Gotschalk for permit to sell beer ana_t•inec at iY :Triangle Service Station located at the corner of State Feed No.3 and south French Crry CommissioN, SANFORD, FLORlDA, Nove Ioer ?5 at 7-'33 P u1g40 Request next received from ? %tr. John Sehirard for theCity to remove another oak tree m the oarkway in front of his home at 107 'r, 10th St, in addition to the tree horized, at the meeting of October 26,1940. Request refused.. The Cler'__ next reported. that the ' ^SPA sexing? nrOject ha.d moved Its quarters from the end floor of the Cameron- Woodruff building on the corner of basic Ave and First St. the store building at southwest corner of Sanford. Ave and Fifth St, on November- 1st, that the rental on the new location +n '_1 amount to 830.00 car month instead. of 00, which was paid one -half each by the City and County. Thereunon Commissioner Gut roved that the City's donation toward payment of the t of the WPA sewing project be increased from 87,50 to 815.00 Der month, Seconded by Commissioner Rollins and carried. aids next received for furnishing one fuel oil burner circulating heater installed Circulating fan for the Clerk': office in the City Hall, as follows: ,Pone Co.Inc. 1 Quaker 13,000 cu ft, heating ca ^achy rill z211 Electric Co. 1 Estate, 11,000 n u n u 45° OC er Radio Service 1 Quaker, 1'',500 ° " n ❑ 194. 30. 00 95 hue Furniture Co 1 Superflex 11 600 '" " " " rothars 123. 00 1 Duo-Therm , 140. 50 Pmann Elec. Service 1 Norge, 13,000 117. 00 ror' Furniture Cc 1 Surerf?ex " ° n 117. 00 [role Tire Shoo 1 :forge 13,000 " ° " " 110, 05 Thereuoon after consideration o_' the va.ri.ous makes of heaters bid upon and comoari- of the Writes submitted, Co- missioner Gut moved that the bid of H.B.?ore Ccm-)any Inc. f +arnishing 1 Quaker Heater with 13,000 cu. ft. heating capacity, installed with 'udati.n�, fan at a. price of $115,00 be accented. Seconded by Co-..miseioner Lodge and carried. On :Notion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried., Commission next authorized an ex 'oenditure for payment of the monthly light 'Dili `lighting the neon celery sign installed at the northeast corner of Park Ave. First St. On motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded_ by Commissioner Gut and carried, Commisston next authorized the employment of Lewis A,3arbier; in the Police ^tment at a salary of 890.00 oer month. In response to the request recei.v.ed. fro- merchants and ousiness men on Sanford that strings of colored. lights be sue-gended. over Sanford Avenue from First Street `h to Sixth Street, the Clerk next submitted an estl ate in amount of $250.00 for the o° installing two crone strings of colored lights over the intersections of ord Ave. and First, Second., Third and Fourth Streets. Thereuoon after careful consideration, Commissioner Hi_,mins moved that the Clerk (uthorized to have colored lights installed on Sanford. Avenue in accordance with 2,foreseid estimate.' Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, Communication next read from Chase & Comoany offering 82,000.00 in cash for the ha.se of 130 lots in San Lanta. Secof:d`.Bect1on that the City is acquiring thru fore - are of taxes and street oavin� liens. T'hereunon after careful consideration, it was the opinion of the Board that the trould not be justified in se'.ling the aforesaid property at a orice of 82,000,00 instructed. the Clerk to advise Chase & Co;nany that the Commission v-111 concid.er'a e of ,;2 500. CO. plus the foreclosure cost at such tire the City acquires title to 5rooerty,