HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.11.01Historic Preservation Board Meeting Notice Date: January 11, 2001 Location Sanford City Hall City Commission Chambers 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Time: 5:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences 3. Approval of Minutes: December 14 4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential A. 1015 Elm Avenue -second story addition over existing one story portion of residence 5. Presentation of 'Historic Downtown Walking Tour' Brochure 6 . Presentation by Mrs. Watley regarding 703 Sanford Avenue/Historic Designation 7. Information Items: Elimination of Term Limits Interview with Applicants Previously Approved Certificates of Appropriateness/Possible Violations Minor Reviews 8. Adj ournment ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105). Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 407 - 330 -5626, no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 2001 5:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Knowles Melanie Winternheimer Barbara Farrell Fred Rogers Claudia Webber Kenneth Lowe Stephen Myers Alexander Then Scott Singeisen Bob Kuhn Mary Valente OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. The Minutes of December 14, 2000 were approved unanimously as circulated. First on the Agenda was a Residential Certificate of Appropriateness - 1015 Elm Avenue, second story addition over existing one story portion of residence. Bill Jasewicz, 1015 Elm Avenue, Sanford, was present. He stated that he would like to construct a second story addition over an existing one story structure, the way it was originally. The exterior will match existing finishes with an addition of a 18' high railing on the flat roof. He would like to use it as a master bath and extra closet space. The addition will have the original lap siding and eventually, the total house will be put back to wood lap siding. Ms. Farrell moved to approve in concept with the suggestion to extend the lap siding to encase the column on the back. Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried. On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of a Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential, 507 S. Oak Avenue to replace 16 aluminum windows with new aluminum windows. Darren Keithley, 507 S. Oak, was present. He stated that he bought the house in September and took a 203K loan to do some improvements. He has existing aluminum windows and took a loan for the amount to replace them with aluminum windows. He stated that he was looking at mill wood finished single hung aluminum windows. He has not purchased the windows yet, they will have to be special ordered. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 2001 PAGE 2 Mr. Keithley stated that he likes wood windows but they would be three times the amount of aluminum windows. At the time he took the loan he did not know the requirements of Schedule S. Wood windows are not within his means right now. Mr. Kuhn gave Mr. Keithley the name of a company that could supply wood windows for a price within his budget. Mr. Keithley withdrew his application for aluminum in so that he can check on the wood windows. The Board took no action on this request. Next on the Agenda was a presentation of the Historic Downtown Walking Tour Brochure. Ian Ratliff, Land Design Innovations, was present. He stated that the picture of the Watch Tower would be the first thing seen on the outside. On the inside is the map and a brief history of Sanford. All of the properties that are on the tour are indicated with numbers. Those numbers correspond to pictures and address of the properties along with descriptions. Mr. Ratliff stated that if the brochures are printed in black and white the cost would be about half. He recommends the brochure be printed in full color. It would be just over $3000 for 10,000 copies. It was recommended that opportunities for restaurants along Is' Street, parking is available at..., be mentioned, like a full serviced tourist map. The Board agreed that the whole idea of trying to recoup the cost of the brochures to fund the project correctly is a good idea. Next on the Agenda was a presentation by Ms. Watley regarding 703 Sanford Avenue /Historic Designation. Patricia Merritt- Watley, founder and director of Tajiri School of Performing Arts and Academics, stated that she is seeking the Board's support in her efforts to designate 703 Sanford Avenue a historic residence. She stated that they have been bringing artists to Seminole County and what she would like to do, along with her brother, donate this property to Tajiri Arts to be used as an artist in residence cottage and for chats with teenagers about prevention of teenage pregnancy and other kinds of prevention programs. Ms. Watley introduced Velena Fluellen, author of The History of Jack and Jill of America Into the New Millennium and The 85' Anniversary Poem for Seminole County Historical Society, to give the Board credence as to why the Merritt property is necessary to become an artist in residence cottage. Ms. Fluellen stated that one of the projects that comes out of Tajiri Arts is a tour called Sanford Out of The Dust, History Alive History Still. This property has a story. Ms. Fluellen spoke of Ms. Watley's parents, Charles, a fisherman, and Julia Merritt, a teacher. The Merritt Family has owned the residence for over half a century. It was built in 1913. The Merritts bought it in 1948. She stated that they need and want the Board's support and assistance in making 703 Sanford Avenue a historic designation. Ms. Watley stated that she wants to have this home designated historic so that she can continue with the education legacy for which her parents instilled upon her as she continues to pass the legacy on to other children of Seminole County. Mr. Rogers moved to extend the Historic District to add 703 Sanford Avenue into the Sanford Historic District. Seconded by Mr. Kuhn. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF JANUARY 11, 2001 PAGE 3 Mr. Rogers made a motion that the Board move forward with the Sanford Avenue Corridor from 1s Street to 13' Street, to start the process of incorporating it into the Historic District, notifying business owners and creating public hearings, on both sides of the streets, with the alley being the dividing line on Sanford Avenue and Cypress Avenue, on the east side of Sanford. Seconded by Ms. Knowles. All in favor. Motion carried. Ms. Gerli notified the Board that the City Commission has eliminated term limits for Board members and that someone from the Board can be present when applicants are being interviewed for Board replacements. Regarding 116 Park Avenue and 107 S. Magnolia Avenue, Rami Yosefian's properties, Mr. Rogers stated that the brackets should be wood. Mr. Singeisen stated that they removed the window and installed doors, and cut for the doors out to the balcony. Ms. Webber stated that the property on Park Avenue still only has primer paint, which needs to be addressed immediately. Regarding the NAPA Building at 210 S. Magnolia Avenue, Mr. Rogers stated that in the discussion regarding that one section of 33' of continuous pipeline, 24" tall of the original application of 12- 10 -99, it was not lighted. Ms. Farrell stated that it was supposed to be painted. Mr. Then stated that the applicant for Pacesetter Personnel had stated that the old lettering on the awning would not be visible. The old sign can still be read. Ms. Gerli stated that the Texaco Station did not have approval for the satellite dish and that she would check on the approval for the dumpster wall. Mr. Rogers reported that the carpet company is setting out carpet on the weekends. Ms. Gerli is to report this to Code Enforcement. Mr. Myers stated that at 611 Oak Avenue, they have installed a new metal door. Mr. Kuhn reported that the windows at the old FPL building went before the County Commission on Thursday morning. He had to sign a contract with Seminole County. As soon as he gets the green light from the County he will remove the plywood, store it in their building, and maintain the building for a year. Ms. Farrell stated that there is a no truck ordinance for any of those big trailer trucks, buses, and other large vehicles on 1s Street. Every time one goes by, they shake the bricks. She has talked to the Police Chief about this. They are creating wear and tear on the buildings, the facades, and the road. The big trucks are killing the buildings. Ms. Webber stated that the Board needs to make sure the signage is visible and clear and that there is enough of it. She stated that this is a traffic enforcement issue and some type of directive needs to come from the Police Chief to the traffic enforcement officers. Some type of letter from the Historic Preservation Board is needed. Mr. Rogers reported that there are still some dump trucks and semis parking in the Historic District. Ms. Webber stated that there is an 18- wheeler flat bed with a dump truck on top of it that has pulled into the fenced -in compound behind the service station at Park and 13 Street. Ms. Gerli is to write a letter to the Chief regarding the 1s Street traffic and she will find out from FDOT how to re -route trucks. She will also find out if dumpsters need to be permitted. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 P.M.