HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.08.01Historic Preservation Board
Meeting Notice
Date: February 8, 2001
Location Sanford City Hall
City Commission Chambers
300 North Park Avenue
Sanford, Florida 32771
Time: 5:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences
3. Approval of Minutes: January 11, 2001
4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness - Commercial
A. Review of Napa Auto Parts sign with Napa representative, Mr. Blankenship
5. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential
A. 115 W. 9th Street - Restore /replace exterior siding; expose front porch
B. 719 S. Myrtle - Replace windows; Fill in between windows
6. Discussion of procedures for expansion of historic district to Sanford Ave.
7. Minor Reviews
8. Adj ournment
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim
record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105).
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 407 - 330 -5626, no later than 48
hours in advance of the meeting.
5:00 P.M.
Melanie Winternheimer
Claudia Webber
Kenneth Lowe
Stephen Myers
Alexander Then
Scott Singeisen
Mary Valente
Barbara Knowles
Barbara Farrell- excused
Fred Rogers- excused
Bob Kuhn- excused
Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
The Minutes of January 11, 2001 were approved unanimously as circulated.
Application for Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 115 W. 9 th Street - restore /replace exterior siding
and expose front porch.
Chris Stevens, 908 Magnolia Avenue, represented the request. He is requesting to restore or replace, where
necessary, all original exterior siding and prime to prepare for paint, including removal of all non - original siding
and replace with new milled to match original. Also, he is requesting to expose front porch with the removal of
windows, siding, and trim used to enclose porch, and replace or repair original frame and trim.
Mr. Then moved to approve the removal of the current siding to expose the original siding that still exist on the
house and to replace any of the damaged exposed siding with similar material.
Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Myers moved to approve Part 2 of the request that
anything replaced will follow the style of the property located at 107 W. 9 th Street and if anything should differ,
the applicant should return for specific approval. Seconded by Mr. Lowe. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 719 S. Myrtle - replace windows and fill in between windows.
Michael Greene, 719 S. Myrtle Avenue, was present. He stated that he is requesting to remove the jalousie
windows on the south side of the house, and replace them with wood frame, two over two, double -hung windows.
The first two windows on the centerline will not have a gap. The other two will have 7 gaps. The windows that
he is asking to be approved will match the dimensions of the windows on the back of the house and be at the same
Mr. Myers moved to approve with the windows being lined up with the existing original windows on the rear of
the house. Seconded by Ms. Winternheimer. All in favor. Motion carried.
Addendum - 1015 Elm Avenue: Final approval for second story addition over an existing one story structure.
William Jasewicz, 1015 Elm Avenue, was present. He stated that the only change, since concept approval, is that
he would like to continue with the vinyl siding that is on the house currently.
Mr. Then moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Mr. Lowe. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Then amended his motion to include the increase in mass of the house. Seconded by Mr. Lowe. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The owner of 1209 Palmetto Avenue stated that he would like to tear down and rebuild the garage that is in the
rear of his home. He would like to make it a little wider.
Mr. Myers stated that he was contacted by the applicant and stopped by to look at the condition of the structure.
The building used to have a garage door facing towards the street and has since been enclosed. The structure
appeared to be 60 to 70 years old. The original portion of the structure did have matching siding, compared to the
house. All of the studs have been repaired due to moisture damage along the bottom, which indicated that the seal
beam is also going. There could be good arguments made for either replacing or restoring the structure.
The owner stated that the new structure would be used as a workshop, not a garage.
Since there was not an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness and no drawings or dimensions, the Board
decided that it would be best if the applicant completes the necessary paperwork and work out all of the fine lines
and come back at next month's meeting.
Ms. Gerli stated that at the last meeting, the Board approved the addition of Ms. Watley's house on Sanford
Avenue to the residential historic district. The problem with this is that the residential historic district is only a
national registry district. To add her house to that district, and her house probably doesn't have a lot of value by
the national guidelines, it is going to be very hard. There are two alternatives to this and one would be to make
the residential district also a local district and be able to have lesser strict standards and add on the Sanford
Avenue residential buildings. The commercial district is both a local and a national registry district. Adding on
the lower part of Sanford Avenue, the commercial part to that, and just designating it as a local district is not that
much of a problem. The other alternative would be on an individual basis to make it a
historic landmark, which Schedule S allows, individual sites anywhere in the City. They have to comply with
Schedule S but they don't have to be connected to the district.
Ms. Webber made a motion that 703 S. Sanford Avenue, be designated as a local historic landmark, property
owner Patricia Watley. Seconded by Mr. Then. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Singeisen stated that he had spoken with Ron Ruskey who lives at the corner of 12 and Myrtle. Behind the
house is a two -story concrete block garage with an apartment above it. He would like to repaint his garage, grey,
and would like to switch out the garage door from tin to overhead. It is a non - contributing structure that was built
in the 50s or 60s. Ms. Gerli is to ask him to come to the March meeting.
Ms. Valente moved on the approval of the Board reviewing all C of A for fences. Seconded by Ms. Webber. All
in favor. Motion carried.
Ms. Gerli reported that the resident at 400 Palmetto Avenue will be coming in for the March meeting for the front
door. She will be removing all of the stuff from the porch. The resident also extended the original C of A for
minor repairs.
Mr. Then questioned the pallets being stored behind the NAPA building. Ms. Gerli to check. Mr. Then stated
that 3 0 or more letters from Code Enforcement went out to residents of the Historic District. He stated that these
notices were sent out by Staff because of a complaint from one resident. Staff did not actually go by these
properties to see if they were in compliance and if indeed there was a problem. He stated that his two biggest
problems are that the City would send out letters without actually inspecting or having gone out and seen that
there is a problem, and that if this is the first notice from the City to a resident, one would think that it would be a
little bit more on the gracious side. We need to make sure that Staff inspects the properties regarding complaints.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.