HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.10.01Historic Preservation Board
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Date: May 10, 2001
Location: Sanford City Hall
City Commission Chambers
300 North Park Avenue
Sanford, Florida 32771
Time: 5:00 D.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences
3. Approval of Minutes: April 12, 2001
4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness - Commercial
116 S. Palmetto Avenue Sign
5. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential
1209 S. Palmetto Avenue (Con't. from 4/12/01) Widen carriage house
107 E.
7 th Street
(Con't. from 4/12/01) Extend bay window; install
iron fence at front of property
400 S.
Palmetto Avenue
(Con't. from 4/12/01) Replace doors and windows;
install shed
901 S.
Magnolia Avenue
Replace dormer windows
107 W.
IO Street
Relocate door
1000 Park
Add brass porch lights
1119 S.
Myrtle Avenue
Install front brick walkway
709 S.
Palmetto Avenue
Install fences
613 S.
Magnolia Avenue
Restore front porch to original; replace entry door
6. Minor Reviews
7. Adjournment
ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim
record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105).
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 407 - 330 -5626, no later than 48
hours in advance of the meeting.
5:00 P.M.
Melanie Winternheimer
Alexander Then
Mary Valente
Fred Rogers
Scott Singeisen
Claudia Webber
Barbara Farrell
Kenneth Lowe - excused
Stephen Myers- excused
Bob Kuhn- excused
Marveen Kelly- excused
Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M
Certificate of Appropriateness - 116 S. Palmetto Avenue - sign.
Carol Avant, 116 S. Palmetto Avenue, stated that she would like to have a sign so people can see it from 1s and
2 d Streets. The sign is to be placed flush against the building over the window and the door.
Ms. Farrell moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Webber. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 400 S. Palmetto Avenue - replace doors and windows and install shed.
Carl Zendell, 400 S. Palmetto Avenue, was present.
Mr. Then moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Ms. Webber. All in favor. Motion carried.
Ms. Zendell stated that the diamonds in her doors are the exact same as those that are in the doors of the Florida
Hotel and that several other homes in the District have the same design.
Ms. Farrell stated that having known the house before, having known what a project it has been, and having been
in the same situation, she feels that it would have been nice if the applicants had gone out and found the perfect
doors, she moved to accept the doors as they are. Seconded by Ms. Webber. Mr. Rogers, Ms. Winternheimer,
and Mr. Then in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried.
Ms. Zendell requested the installation of a storage shed. She stated that at its highest peak it will be I F high.
The shed cannot be used as a garage.
Ms. Webber moved to approve the 12x 16 Economy Barn shed in the southeast corner of the property known as
213 E. 4 th Street with a 2' minim setback on the back. Seconded by Mr. Rogers. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 901 S. Magnolia Avenue - replace dormer windows. Mr. Then stated that Tony
Daniels is out of town and he was asked to stand -in for him. He abstained and stated that Mr. Daniels would like
to replace three windows with clear glass windows with wood sashes.
Mr. Rogers moved to approve the application with the condition that from the street the windows match the roof
line of the existing windows. Seconded by Ms. Valente. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 107 W. IO Street - relocate door. Doreen Altman would like to relocate the
door which is currently being used on the sleeping porch to the front of the house to be used as the main door.
The sleeping porch door will be replaced with a single french door.
Ms. Webber moved to approve as presented with the door frame to be constructed of wood with wood brick mold
trim. Ms. Webber withdrew her motion. Ms. Valente moved to approve the replacement of the front door with
the wood door from the sleeping porch including the art glass with a wood frame with wood brick mold trim and
also approve the installation of a single wood french door on the upstairs sleeping porch. Seconded by Ms.
Webber. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 1000 Park Avenue - add brass porch lights. Ms. Gerli stated that the applicants
had to work and would like the Board to consider the application without them being present.
Ms. Winternheimer moved to approve the addition of two porch lights if these are replacement lights for the two
existing lights. Seconded by Mr. Rogers. All in favor. Motion carried.
The application for 119 S. Myrtle Avenue, install front brick walkway, will be placed on next month's agenda due
to lack of representation.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 709 S. Palmetto Avenue - install fences. Maria Shreve stated that she would like
to put an 8' high fence across the back, a C high on the north side, a 2x2 picket across the front of the house at the
back of the porch line.
Mr. Rogers moved for approval. Seconded by Ms. Farrell. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 613 S. Magnolia Avenue - restore front porch to original and replace entry door.
Tim Dix stated that he was requesting to remove three exterior walls to restore front porch to its original state.
Everything stays except for the walls.
Ms. Farrell moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Webber. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 1209 S. Palmetto Avenue - widen carriage house.
Mr. Then moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Ms. Winternheimer. All in favor. Motion carried.
Bradley Asiaf was present. Doors are to be wood and the color will be the same as the main house.
Mr. Then moved to approve as presented during the meeting. Seconded by Ms. Winternheimer. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Linda Kuhn presented architectural drawings. The garage doors will be setback about a foot to have more
architectural detail, flush with the wall. The back door will be wood, the coach lights will be copper and the
garage will be the same color as the house.
Ms. Valente moved to approve the garage drawings as presented with the siding to be hardy - plank, shutters to be
wood, roofing to be v- crimped metal roofing and all elements complying with Schedule S. Seconded by Mr.
Then. It was noted that demolition would be approved when the building permit is in the applicant's hand. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 904 S. Park Avenue - replace deteriorating carport, replace later with something
to match house, and replace existing 6' with 2' lattice fence with same.
Bart Rush, 904 S. Park Avenue, stated that the existing carport was added some time in the late 60's. It has
become a hazard.
Ms. Farrell moved to approve as submitted with a board on board gate to open out, or however it looks best.
Seconded by Mr. Then. All in favor. Motion carried.
Certificate of Appropriateness - 111 E. 1s Street - removal of corrugated metal panels from facade of building.
Mr. Singeisen represented the request. He stated that he had talked to Tim Comstock regarding this. Mr.
Comstock is now just removing the non - contributing material, i.e. metal and metal framing. Once this comes off,
he will meet with Mr. Comstock about what is exposed and what is next. The owner would like the facade
restored completely to attract tenants.
Ms. Farrell moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Winternheimer. All in favor. Motion carried.
Discussion regarding renewal/extension of Certificates of Appropriateness. The Board asked that the Assistant
City Attorney be placed first on next month's agenda to discuss the Sunshine Law, Semi judicial, Abstaining, etc.
Alex Then and Melanie Winternheimer volunteered for the Minor Review Committee, with Claudia Webber
volunteering to be an alternate.
The Board decided that:
Fences and gates are to be taken off of the minor review list with the possibility that the Board refine the
approval process where the parameters are for fences and gates so that it is more structured, so that it is
included in Schedule S and so the Minor Review Committee will have something to go by.
Security shutters, gates, grilles or bars are to be major review.
Mr. Then moved to reinstate the Minor Review Committee under the same guidelines as previously existed and
make no changes other than fences and gates to be on probation as far as not coming under Minor Review until
specified. Seconded by Ms. Webber. All in favor. Motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:OOP.M.