HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.09.01Historic Preservation Board
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Date: August 9, 2001
Location: Sanford City Hall
City Commission Chambers
300 North Park Avenue
Sanford, Florida 32771
Time: 5:00 D.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences
3. Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2001
4. Presentation by Glatting Jackson on the Riverwalk
5. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness - Residential
1006 Palmetto Ave.
823 Park Ave.
1220 Magnolia Ave.
317 Oak Ave.
908 Magnolia Ave.
910 Park Ave.
802 Palmetto Ave.
1119 Myrtle Avenue
1200 Park Ave.
6. Minor Reviews
Construct 6' cypress fence
Replace door with window; Remove roof extension above
Construct fence
Relocate building
Modify existing windows; Construct block wall at ally
Replace window screens with aluminum frame screens
Place metal storage shed at rear of property
Construct temporary fenced child play area
Place metal storage shed at rear of property (after- the -fact)
7. Adjournment.
5:00 P.M.
Melanie Winternheimer
Fred Rogers
Barbara Farrell
Alexander Then
Marveen Kelly
Scott Singeisen
Stephen Myers
Mary Valente
Robert Kuhn
Claudia Webber- excused
Kenneth Lowe - excused
Antonia Gerli-Staff Liaison
Marion Anderson - Recording Secretary
Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M.
Regarding the July, 2001 Minutes, Mr. Myers stated that he had a series of comments, based on memory, because
some things were not entered into the Minutes. This revolves around discussion of scheduling meetings to update
the Historic S Codes. As he recalled, at the last meeting, the Board had, at the end of the meeting, discussion
about continuing to schedule these meetings and as he recalled the members of the Board that were in attendance
agreed to proceed with the meetings at the previously discussed dates and that this was a decision made as a group
with the approved dates. He understands that Mr. Singeisen had some concerns that were brought up at this
meeting but his feelings were that they were stated a little bit differently in addition to that. Mr. Myers feels that
there were some critical discussion and decisions that were amended from the Minutes and then to complicate
things further his understanding is that some of the Board members never received the word that the meetings had
been canceled and if that is so he ask the other Board members to please state so or if he is in error please let him
know. Mr. Myers asked if anybody received word that last Saturday's meeting or the Saturday that the Board was
to meet on had been canceled. Mr. Then stated that the only notification that he got was when he called Antonia's
office and spoke with Antonia and she did say that it was not going to be held on the 4 th due to lack of Staff
representation. Mr. Then stated that it was the consensus of this Board to proceed with the original scheduled
dates being August 4th, 11th, 18' and 25th. He was of the same concern when he read the Minutes that that was
not in there.
Mr. Myers asked what City Staff would be required to be in attendance for a workshop meeting. Ms. Gerli stated
that we would have to have a Planner, either two Planners, and a Secretary. Mr. Myers asked if it
PAGF, 7.
required a specific secretary or would any of the secretaries of City Hall be able to assist in one of these meetings.
Ms. Gerli stated that it would have to be someone from the Planning Department. Mr. Myers asked how many
secretaries are in the Planning Department. Ms. Gerli stated one. She stated that the one person that she had
lined up to meet with the Board has since taken a weekend job.
Mr. Singeisen suggested that the meeting dates be moved to the end of the meeting under New Business. He
stated that the record shows that Mr. Myers have some commentary about the completion of the Minutes with
regards to discussion of the workshop sessions.
*Below is a verbatim record of the excerpt of the Minutes of July 12, 2001 regarding available dates for
workshops. Please note, there was not a motion to approve the dates and no definite decision to proceed with the
workshop meetings.
Ms. Gerli: Mr. Singeisen had called and asked to postpone the workshops until some direction from the
City Commission could be obtained.
Mr. Then: I can't speak to what is driving him but as I was mentioning to Mr. Myers earlier, I'm
wondering if we really need to work hand and hand with the new Land Development, everything
that is being reviewed and revised within the City. I think it would be a good idea to work
together with them rather than two people, two boards seeing different things in the way they
think, they're, you know, distinct in different areas but really they need to work together. As I
was saying earlier, we can say, we review all the S codes and that's this district right here, and
then the City takes care of the buffering zones and we don't have any say over the buffering
zones, so I think it might be a good idea to work together with them. I don't want to postpone it
but I can see the point and the value of working with the City on their new, you know, God Bless
them, they are revising and reviewing and changing.
Mr. Myers: Will the buffer zones be in the general city codes or will they be apart of the S Codes.
Mr. Then: I would look to other Historic Districts for indications of what they do. I know various other
cities, they do have some sort of purview over buffer zones but it is much more relaxed, but the
idea is to make some harmonious transition into the district so you don't have a 24 story just
outside the district.
Mr. Myers: Why wouldn't we be able to continue with the four dates proposed to bring up our
recommendations with the understanding that we have a meeting with City Staff for further
revision which was kind of my understanding from day one.
Mr. Then: Without the Chairman here to present his case more clearly or in more detail, I'm not
comfortable in saying go ahead or not go ahead with the meetings, but I'm hoping that some
kind of way we could communicate with Mr. Singeisen outside the meeting to find out, you
know, if he could communicate with you what his real reasons were and I don't even know how
we get around Sunshine Laws as far as discussing and changing it. I leave it to the board right
now we can
Mr. Myers: When does the City begin their work, pardon me for interrupting.
Mr. Then: I don't really know exactly the date but I think it will probably take a motion to change the
available dates where as if we don't make a motion nothing happens, those available dates we
are looking at for the workshops, I really think we should pick one of us and, uh, I think we can
interface with the City .....
Mr. Myers: I am sure, I'm naive in this area among others, but it appears to me that if we start bringing up,
you know, suggested improvements in the code, we have that behind us when we get to the point
where decisions need to be involved, I mean whether, I don't know, seems to me like this is
going to be most of the grunt work. I think what we had talked about was to have a number of
days where, you know, we wouldn't all be able to meet on any one day but have a number so at
least somebody would be able to find one or two of the four dates to participate and be apart of
the process.
Mr. Then: As far as the notification requirements for these meetings, they obviously have to be public
meetings but not necessarily public input meetings, is that right.
Ms. Gerli: That is correct. Last week Fred had said he wanted all this public input when he was being the
chairman and it's up to you. You can do it either way you want to.
Mr. Then: Fine, I'm not looking, I just wanted to get some clarity on that.
Ms. Gerli: Did you want to do all four of those Saturdays, or did you want to pick.
Mr. Then: There is a lot of work to do as far as the S codes.
Mr. Myers: My problem, you know, as I had perceived it, was that this was going to be a similar project
maybe not on the same scale and I hope not as you know the S codes were originally developed
where we had the community meetings because everybody always wants to be involved in
everything and you know, to keep this in a kind of productive direction and include the
community and then get, get the volume of information together and to develop a series of
Ms. Farrell: You would get so bogged down on the most minute obscurities.
Ms. Valente: You would think that maybe we could do our workshops and put together our recommendations
and then put it out for the public.
Mr. Then: I agree, and then have public input so they will have a chance to review what we come up with
and that will inspire them to come up with other stuff.
Mr. Myers: That's fine.
Mr. Then: Well uh Antonia was asking do you want to pursue all four dates but we do have a lot of work
and I think at this point it is worth mentioning that as it sounds it is a considerable responsibility
we have here, it's not just a bunch of mush. We do have a responsibility and I assume that we
are here because we do care about the historic district. That means every now and then, every
few years some boards got to sit down and do a load of work.
Mr. Myers: This doesn't have to be any more complicated than somebody making a list in their spare time in
their own home and submitting it at one of the board's meetings.
Ms. Gerli: Yeah, if you could make lists because when we have to put it together we'd have something in
Mr. Then: What I'm personally am going to do is gather a few more, friends and neighbors have been good
enough to give me similar S codes from other historic districts and I have to say the one that I
recently got from Orlando couldn't be clearer. It couldn't be easier to read.
Ms. Gerli: Are you saying you don't want a lot of public input at these meetings because it depends on how
we advertise it. We were going to put an ad in the newspaper but if you don't want as much
public input we could just do it the way we normally do it which is to put an ad up on the door
Mr. Then: I think that is fine and I think when we do have our kind of list together then I think that might
be a good time to throw it on the public after they've been notified and maybe then we pursue at
that time whether we are going to mass mail the revised S codes to everybody in historic district
which seems only fair and then have them a chance to digest it and come to a public meeting.
Ms. Farrell: Who approves the final.
Ms. Gerli: The City Commission.
Mr. Then: As the Board we would recommend it although according to what Mr. Colbert directed us as far
as our charter, we have the power.....
Also regarding the Minutes, Ms. Valente stated that under 1118 Palmetto Avenue, the motion had said that the
stockade fencing in the back, as long as she met the requirements of under 52" for the picket fence, she knows this
is how the motion was made but she thinks the S Codes actually say 54 ". (In checking the recording, the
Recording secretary found that the motion did state that ... she meets the requirement of under 52" for the picket
With no other comments regarding the Minutes, a motion was made and seconded to approve. Motion carried.
Presentation by Glatting Jackson on the Riverwalk.
Raj Mohabeer was present to brief the Board on what is going on in the process and what it is they are doing.
Their team are the consultants on the project which will commence some time next year. The scope of work is
broken down into the Riverwalk and the Seawall. The work involves replacing the Seawall which has reached the
end of its life cycle; and the Downtown Urban Design Plan. There are some plans for the
construction/reconstruction of 1 s Street and the drainage plans which were completed by an engineering firm. His
firm is to review the engineering and drainage plans but at the same time, as the ground is already torn up, there is
an opportunity to include 1s Street in terms of the street level amenities and make a recommendation as to the
aesthetics of 1s Street.
The Memorial Park Seawall was excluded from the contracting stage for some reason. Apart of their work order
will include the Memorial Park area. The first part of the Riverwalk construction will be done by Ardaman and
Associates, a geotechnical engineering firm. They will be looking at the soils and the low bearing characteristics
of the Seawall and various areas within the right -of -way from Fort Mellon Park, the eastern edge, along
Mellonville, all the way to 17 -92.
Mr. Mohabeer invited everybody to come to the public workshop that will be from August 20 to the 23r There
will be an opportunity to see what has been discovered so far and also to give input. They will describe what the
process is and how it relates to the City. A survey is being circulated along with a photo survey, that will show
areas of interest that are common throughout the City in terms of what ideas are about the City and where the
revision of the City is. The workshop will be held in the annex of the Library of the old Post Office.
Residential Application for Certificate of Appropriateness:
1006 Palmetto Avenue -construct 6' cypress fence. Due to lack of representation, this item was left on the table.
823 Park Avenue -replace door with window, remove roof extension above door. Mr. Then abstained. Steven
Chesnir, 823 Park Avenue, was present. He stated that there is a back door on the second story that leads to metal
stairs. The stairs have been removed. They would like to take the door out and restore it with a historic wooden
window that matches the existing windows on the back of the house. Mr. Singeisen stated that he would like for
the contractor to key in the lapsiding so that there is no seam.
Ms. Farrell moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Mr. Rogers. All in favor. Motion carried.
1220 Magnolia Avenue - construct fence. Donna Pearson was present. She stated that she would like to restore
the fence following the exact same plot as the existing. The posts are on the outside with the panels being flush to
the inside of the 4x4s.
Mr. Rogers moved for approval as presented. Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried.
317 Oak Avenue - relocate building. Ms. Gerli stated that Rev. Scott had called and said that he wasn't ready to
come before the Board. This item was removed from the Agenda.
908 Magnolia Avenue - modify existing windows and construct block wall at alley. Chris Stevens stated that
originally the whole house had 1 over 1 double hung windows.
Ms. Farrell moved on approval as it is done. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried.
908 Magnolia Avenue -rebuild block wall that was existing on alley side only. Chris Stevens stated that it will
be a 6' block wall with no gate approximately 30'm length. He has seen caps in St. Augustine where the cement
comes up like a precast cap with a little overlap that he is considering for his wall. Ivy will be planted to help
cover the wall.
Mr. Kuhn moved to approve based on Schedule S items. Seconded by Ms. Valente. All in favor. Motion carried.
910 Park Avenue - replace window screens with aluminum frame screens. Jeff Garland, 2610 SE Normand
Street, Stuart, was present. He stated that the roof is leaking that the roofers have told him that shingles will not
work on his flat roof Mr. Garland would like to installed a rolled roofing on the flat roof only, not the entire
home. He presented various pictures of views of the roof noting that it could not be seen from different angles.
Ms. Valente moved to approve the re- roofing of the front and rear roofs. Seconded by Mr. Kuhn. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. Garland requested to replace the wood frame screens which were destroyed by tenants with brown aluminum
frame screens which can be easily maintained, do not require paint, and will not rot.
Mr. Rogers moved to deny as presented. Seconded by Mr. Kuhn. All in favor. Motion carried.
Ms. Farrell moved to approve the wood screen door replacing the aluminum on the front. Seconded by Mr. Kuhn.
All in favor. Motion carried.
802 Palmetto Avenue - Place metal storage shed at rear of property. Doug Winfrey of 802 S. Palmetto Avenue
stated that the shed has already been installed on the rear of the property. It is an Arrow 8'x10' metal shed. There
is no concrete slab and an automobile can not be parked in it.
Mr. Rogers moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried.
1119 Myrtle Avenue - Construct temporary fenced child play area. Marveen Kelly abstained and represented the
request. She stated that it will be roughly for six weeks. She would like to install a 3' high rail for a 2 year old
made from the Zendell's old top railing.
Mr. Kuhn moved for approval for 60 days. Seconded by Mr. Rogers. All in favor. Motion carried.
1200 Park Avenue - Place metal storage shed at rear of property (after the fact). Due to lack of representation,
this item was continued to the next meeting.
Minor Reviews:
Ms. Gerli stated that there was direction from the Police Department for emergency repairs to 910 Park Avenue.
It is the consensus of the Board that 60 days are appropriate for temporary, emergency repairs and an application
for Certificate of Appropriateness will need to be submitted for actual changes of material.
Mr. Singeisen questioned the proposed outside sandwich sign for 222 S. Magnolia Avenue. Ms. Gerli stated that
it is permitted during certain business hours. No carpet is to be propped against it. The sign is to be of wood or
metal and must be prepared by a professional sign maker. Ms. Gerli is to check to see if the sidewalk will be
Mr. Myers questioned the west side of the 700 block of Park Avenue as to the sidewalk not being complete the
whole length of the block. Ms. Gerli stated that she thinks they are connecting the sidewalks. Mr. Singeisen
wanted someone to be aware of the street names that are engraved in the sidewalk. Ms. Kelly noted that the
granite curbs are also being torn up. Mr. Then made a motion that the HPB advise the City that the granite curbs
be maintained within their property and/or considered for donation to the Historical Society or the Trust for future
use in landscaping and/or street repairs. Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Myers stated that regarding the updating the S Codes, it doesn't matter what day or night the meetings are
held to him. He is of the opinion that the Board should have a great sense of urgency and begin the process. The
S Codes affects the Board every time it meets.
Mr. Singeisen asked someone to make a motion to amend Schedule S, Section Windows and Doors, Materials,
No. 1 to include the word windows in the context of windows and doors including screen doors and screen on
windows shall be made of painted wood or vinyl clad wood. Mr. Then so moved. Seconded by Mr. Kuhn. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Singeisen entertained a motion in regards to building placement, S -9, Figure S -1, to include aluminum sheds,
on a non permanent concrete foundation of a square foot less than x- amount that cannot house an automobile. So
moved by Mr. Kuhn at 100 square feet. Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Singeisen requested that a list of homes whose CofAs have expired to se whether work has been completed or
not completed as approved, so the Board can keep abreast, be placed in next month's agenda packet.
Mr. Myers requested that the owners of the building on Park and 3rd Street regarding the tint be notified that they
need to come before the Board for the tint.
Regarding the Budget, Ms. Farrell requested that the Board consider doing a project next year. Mr. Then
requested that the Board budget for seminars. Mr. Singeisen recommended that everyone submit and idea and a
budget amount to Ms. Gerli to be included in next month's agenda.
Mr. Rogers suggested that the Board put together a mailer, something in color, something nice, to everyone in
both districts to keep the awareness going. We need to work on Schedule S and maybe get a partner, and mail it
out. Mr. Kuhn stated that in talking with the Mayor that is what he'd like the Board to do, is to educate the
public. When the water is turned on in the district, a Schedule S should automatically be given out and signatures
obtained so there is no question of or not whether they are the owner or the renter and that this information has
been given out.
A note for next print date for C of As: a place for the owner's signature.
The Pico Building is getting a new roof.
Ms. Farrell noted that the building next to hers, the jail, the roof is collapsing. She has reported this to the
Building Official.
Regarding the updating of Schedule S, Mr. Singeisen stated that he had reservations about the
modifying /changing, updating, less strict/more strict Schedule S without the City's involvement. He wrote aletter
to the City Manager and asked to what extent does the Board act alone. The City Manager's response was that he
wants to meet with the Board to discuss how best to go about it, whether or not City funds will be available for a
professional version of Schedule S and to communicate those ideas the City Commission wants to see in Schedule
S. If we are going to update Schedule S we need to make sure we have input from the entire City organization and
not just HPB or public input. Next month, the City Manager will be here to discuss those topics or Mr. Singeisen
will try to arrange a special meeting with the Manager for the entire Board.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.