HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.08.01Historic Preservation Board Meeting Notice and Agenda Date: November 8, 2001 Location: Sanford City Hall City Commission Chambers 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Time: 5:00 D.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences 3. Approval of Minutes: September 13 & October 11, 2001 4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Commercial 215 & 217 S. Oak Ave.: (Con't.) Construct fence; Clarification of fence regulations in SC -3 zoning (see attached memorandum) 117 h /2 Magnolia Ave.: Remove marquee; add canvas awning; replace rotted louver and its frame; replace missing bricks on fagade. 5. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential 1008 Palmetto Ave.: (Con't. from 10 /11) Replace front porch floor and porch steps. 101 W. 9 St.: (Con't. from 10 /11) Replace front door. 901 Magnolia Ave.: Remove 2" floor door to restore wall and install 2 windows. 900 Magnolia Ave.: Replace windows. 717 Magnolia Ave.: Install picket fence in front yard 1201 Oak Ave. Replace and raise roof; Remove window and north entrance; Remove detail on porch; 400 Palmetto Ave.: Replace railing on lower porch. 613 Magnolia Ave.: Install window shutters. 800 Magnolia Ave.: Replace front porch floor. 823 Park Ave.: Add rear addition. 404 Palmetto Ave.: Construct garage, breezeway, utility room, sw immin g pool. Remodel rear porch; extend kitchen 6. Request for letter of support for grant to rewrite Schedule S. 7. Minor Reviews 8. 6 -month Reviews 1209 S. Palmetto Avenue 107 E. 7 th Street 400 S. Palmetto Avenue 901 S. Magnolia Avenue 107 W. 10 Street 1000 Park Avenue 1119 S. Myrtle Avenue 709 S. Palmetto Avenue 613 S. Magnolia Avenue Widen carriage house Extend bay window; install iron fence at front of property Replace doors and windows; install shed Replace dormer windows Relocate door Add brass porch lights Install front brick walkway Install fences Restore front porch to original; replace entry door 9. Adj ournment. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 2001 5:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FL. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alex Then Steve Myers Marveen Kelly Maria Shreve Scott Singeisen Mary Valente MEMBERS ABSENT: Melanie Winternheimer- excused Robert Kuhn Fred Rogers Barbara Farrell- excused Leslie Stevens - excused OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Marion Anderson - Recording Secretary Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. Regarding the Minutes of September 13, 2001, Ms. Valente noted that she also was in opposition to the extension of the CofA for 310 Magnolia Avenue. Mr. Then noted that he chaired the meeting of October 11, 2001. Ms. Kelly moved for approval of both Minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Then. All in favor. Motion carried. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness - Commercial: 215 & 217 S. Oak Avenue - construct fence; clarification of fence regulations in SC -3 Zoning. Dr. William Sherman, 217 S. Oak Avenue, and John Robbins, 217 S. Oak Avenue, were present. Mr. Robbins stated that he bought 215 S. Oak Avenue last year and renovated it. There was an existing wood fence between the two properties. They have removed the wooden fence and would like to replace it with an iron fence. Ms. Gerli explained that the Code does not allow a 6' fence in the front yard and 215 S. Oak has about a 29' wide front yard. Dr. Sherman has no front yard. If the fence is placed on Dr. Sherman's property it would be in compliance with the Code. Ms. Valente moved to approve the 6' high iron fence as proposed on the site plan for 217 S. Oak Avenue. Seconded by Ms. Shreve. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 2001 PAGE 2 Certificate of Appropriateness - Commercial: 117 S Magnolia Avenue - remove marquee, add canvas awning, replace rotted louver and its frame, replace missing bricks on facade. John Oriel, 400 W. Osceola Road, Geneva, was present. He stated that they would like to clean up the eyesore and make it look like it did when it was first built. The rotted louver will be replaced with a wood louver and missing bricks will be replaced. The marquees will be removed and the transom windows will be restored. Mr. Then moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 1008 Palmetto Avenue - replace front porch floor and porch steps. Mr. Then moved to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried. Chris Conley was present. He would like to remove the extra column and make it symmetrical. The extra column is there to support a header that wasn't quite long enough. The header will have to be replaced. Mr. Conley stated that the new porch floor will be 1x3 pressure treated wood. Mr. Myers moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. Mr. Myers amended his motion to approve as presented including removal of one post on the front porch, giving a total of 3 across the front, one on each corner and one approximately in the center and to include as stated in the diagram included replace porch floor boards with 1x3 pt, replace concrete steps with wood steps enclosed on ends and replace porch rails with wood identical to style as in submitted photographs and diagrams. Amended motion seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 101 W. 9 th Street - replace front door. Mr. Then moved to remove it from the table. Seconded by Mr. Myers. All in favor. Motion carried. Patrick Schugg was present. Mr. Then moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Ms. Shreve. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 901 Magnolia Avenue - remove second floor door to restore wall and install two windows. Linda Daniels was present. She would like to remove the second floor siding glass doors and put the wall back. For light, two windows will be installed directly above the bedroom window. It will be the same width but will not be of the same height. Mr. Then disclosed that he had spoken with Ms. Daniels as to how to best present her presentation. Ms. Shreve moved to approve as presented with two small double hung, single light windows. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 900 Magnolia Avenue - replace windows. Dan Dutkofsky was present. He would like to replace three aluminum framed windows with custom made wood, double hung and casement windows. Mr. Myers moved to approve as presented. Seconded by Mr. Then. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 2001 PAGE 3 Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 717 Magnolia Avenue - install picket fence in front yard. Ms. Gerli reported that the applicant had called and asked that this be continued until the December meeting. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 1201 Oak Avenue - replace and raise roof, remove window and north entrance, remove detail on porch. Ray Sylvester was present. He stated that the previous owners had put in an illegal bathroom and when you step off the original floor plan, you drop 12" to that area. His intent is to raise the roof Right now the roof sits on a ledger and he would like for it to sit on the wall. He requested to install an all metal roof. Mr. Then moved to approve as presented with reason being and also to include that the pitch of the roof be at 3 to 12 and because it is required to bring that addition to code with this addition is neither architectural or historically significant. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 400 Palmetto Avenue - replace railing on lower porch. Ms. Kelly disclosed that she had discussed the railing with Ms. Zendell. Mr. & Mrs. Zendell were present. He stated that this is a continuation of the CofA that expired in October. The railings and fencing were approved. He stopped work when the CofA expired. He requested a change of material for the fencing. He would like to put in 42" PVC around the front of the house on around to the rear with C lattice PVC replacing the wooden picket fence. The front portion will be a brand new fence and along 4 1h Street from the side of the house back to where a gate is now. The upper floor of the house railings and columns have been completed. He stated that time is of the essence because there is a contractor waiting to paint the house. The CofA that is being requested tonight is to paint house, finish railing on the bottom floor and a modification of the fence from wood to PVC and the replacement of any rotted wood. Ms. Kelly made a motion to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness to install railings on the lower porch per the Certificate of Appropriateness and attached information as stated by the applicant, the fence to be 5' high PVC with 1' lattice on the back to run from 4 th Street to the front side of the house and 42" high from the front of the house to the property line per the attached application. Seconded by Mr. Then for discussion. Because a number of Board Members wanted a chance to review the property regarding the fence, Ms. Kelly amended her motion to table the fence portion of the application until next month with a request that the applicant provide additional information in the form of a survey with dimensions, with the rest of the motion to stand as is. Amended motion seconded by Mr. Then. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 613 Magnolia Avenue - install window shutters. Tim Dix was present. Mr. Myers moved for approval. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 800 Magnolia Avenue - replace front porch floor. Albert Hardin was present. Mr. Then disclosed that he did speak with Ms. Hardin before the meeting and wanted it noted that this work has been completed. Mr. Hardin would also like to touch up paint that is peeling and stain the front porch floor. Ms. Kelly moved to approve the request. Seconded by Ms. Valente. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 2001 PAGE 4 Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 823 Park Avenue - add rear addition. Steven Chusmir was present. Mr. Then abstained from voting due to working for the Chusmirs. Mr. Chusmir stated that they would like to take the bathroom out that is behind the dining room, restore the dining room back to the original size, and add a master bedroom to the back of the house. Ms. Shreve moved to approve as presented in concept with a 4' variance. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential: 404 Palmetto Avenue - construct garage, breezeway, utility room, swimming pool, remodel rear porch and extend kitchen. Cary and Renee Hays were present. Ms. Valente moved to approve in concept only. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Other business - Linda Kuhn stated that at the CRA Meeting they discussed improving the street lighting downtown. Mr. Mercer has proposed that the CRA spend money to install temporary poles to put up street lighting downtown along Is Street only. It would be on a temporary basis. She asked if the Historic Preservation Board has any problems with temporary poles being put up in Downtown Sanford to improve the lighting at this point in time. Ms. Gerli noted that this is something that would have to come before the Board as an application. Mr. Singeisen asked Ms. Kuhn to express the general disapproval of the idea that there be some type of telephone phones with light fixtures and overhead wiring. The Board is more than willing to work the lighting out with the CRA but there are some knee jerk reactions because the Board doesn't have anything to backup or to dismiss any fears. Ms. Kuhn requested to discuss her garage doors. On the original C of A, it did state that the garage doors would be wooden. She stated that they had every intention of installing wooden doors but when they got into actual materials, wooden overhead garage doors are no longer made. They have installed hardy -board clad metal doors. There was no intention on their part not to comply with Schedule S. She stated that they did receive a visit from Code Enforcement about the doors. She asked for an after - the -fact approval of the garage doors that were custom made. Mr. Myers moved to approve the garage doors as they are installed and materials as presented. Seconded by Ms. Kelly. All in favor. Motion carried. Ms. Gerli briefed the Board on two items going to the City Commission on Monday. One is to waive all permit and development fees for any contributing buildings to the Downtown Historic District. Those would be reviewed by HPB to insure that it will meet the Secretary of Interior's Standards, then approved by City Commission. The second one is that the City Commission has agreed to set aside $50,000 from the General Fund for a city -wide historic building rehab grant. The grant would be for any building over 50 years old in the City, commercial or apartment building. The money could go for anything that would make that building viable. The building would have to be opened and used. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 2001 PAGE 5 Addition to the Agenda - 1019 Magnolia Avenue, curb cut/driveway. Mr. Then recused himself and represented the request. He stated that until recently, he has a real issue with curb cuts in general in the Historic District. He asked are curb cuts or are they not under the purview of the Historic Preservation Board. Clearly they are. We have had certain customers go in with no presentation to the HPB and Planning and Engineering signing off on them. 1210 Palmetto was put in with no Historic Preservation Board input whatsoever. Mr. Then stated that, to be honest isn't whether or not he wants a driveway, his big question for bringing this up is that he was runnin a little experiment to see if policy had changed within the City. He resubmitted his application because he knew some curb cuts had been granted without HPB approval. It is for HPB and the City to decide which policy they want to support. Mr. Then stated that he had not been cited by or heard anything from Code Enforcement. Ms. Kelly moved to table until the December meeting. Seconded by Ms. Shreve. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Myers stated that once again vinyl fencing has come before the Board and that it is not permitted per Schedule S. He finds it uneasy when vinyl fencing is addressed as an exception. This is not something that is specifically permitted. He would like to see it disallowed. Mr. Then requested that discussion regarding meeting two times per month be placed on next month's agenda.