HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.14.02Historic Preservation Board Meeting Notice and Agenda Date: March 14, 2002 Location: Sanford City Hall City Commission Chambers 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 Time: Workshop 5:00 P.M. Regular Meeting 6:00 p.m. Workshop: 1. Introduction of New Member 2. Presentation by Nicole Ingrando of Atlantic Foam to determine appropriateness of products for Sanford Historic Districts 3. Historic Street Lighting — Steve Myers 4. Front yard lighting — Leslie Stevens 5. Curb Cuts in Historic District Historic 6. Paint Colors — Alec Then 7. Landmarks — Alec Then 8. Committee updates and discussions Regular Meeting: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences 3. Election of Vice - Chairman of Historic Preservation Board 4. Approval of Minutes: February 14, 2002 5. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Commercial District a) 116 N. Park Ave. Plastic sign for law office (2X10') b) 208 S. Sanford Ave. After- The -Fact addition over existing garage; deck 6. Applications for Certificates a) 600 S. Magnolia Ave b) 823 Park Ave. C) 1109 Magnolia Ave. d) 408 S. Palmetto Ave. of Appropriateness — Residential District Replace windows with wood windows (Con't. from 2/14) Modify approved plans to add 2 additional feet on north side of house Add 2' high plastic lattice to existing 6' high fence Install 6' high picket privacy fence; remove door; replace windows at rear; move windows on side of house; install storage shed e) 808 Magnolia Ave. Box -in front posts to look like 6X6s f) 1015 S. Magnolia Add addition over porch g) 706 Palmetto Ave. Remove windows, door, renovate exterior h) 615 Palmetto Ave. Construct new single family residence i) 207 E. l l' St. Install Curb cut j) 601 Palmetto Ave. Remove siding from front porch; remove concrete from yard 7. Application for Fee Waiver for Historic Buildings — Determination of compliance with Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation a) 213 E. I' Street Repair awning; new roof; new beadboard; remove vitrolite glass & repair walls, Renovate 2nd floor by combining existing apartments into fewer but larger apartments 8. Minor Reviews 9. 6 -month Reviews 215 & 217 S. Oak Ave.: Construct fence; 120 N. Park Ave.: 619 Magnolia Ave. 1008 Palmetto Ave. 209 E. 4' St.: 908 Magnolia Ave. 10. Chairman and Board's itei 11. Adjournment. Construct 2 -story garage Replace front porch, steps, walkway; Install shed Move front steps; add porch railing; Add window to south of house to match one below ns for discussion MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING OF MARCH 14, 2002 5:00 PM CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Singeisen Alec Then Maria Shreve Barbara Farrell Leslie Stevens Mary Valente Stephen Myers Rey Sylvester Denny Gibbs MEMBERS ABSENT: Melanie Winternheimer Marveen Kelly OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Lynnette Mote, Recording Secretary Mr. Singeisen called the workshop meeting to order at 5:00, PM. Mr. Singeisen recognized one of the new Board members, Denny Gibbs, and asked her to introduce herself. Ms. Gibbs stated that she lives at 517 S. Myrtle St., and that she has been in Sanford for about two and a half years. She is a Planner with Seminole County, and had been a Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Homestead, Florida Atlantic Foam Presentation: Mr. Singeisen introduced Nicole Ingrando of Atlantic Foam, Inc. Nicole Ingrando introduced herself and her associate Sherry Wilke. They brought samples of custom architectural products fabricated out of foam. Sherry Wilke pointed out that they could manufacture hard -to- reproduce pieces and that they can mold a new piece to the exact dimensions of the original piece. She discussed the construction of the material used and the different finishes that may be used. Ms. Wilke explained Atlantic uses urethane, which encases the foam completely. Products are computer cut, using wires, creating both a positive and a negative, so that the negative can be used to pour a concrete piece. Mr. Then asked about ground contact, and was told that, as long as the pieces are sealed, ground contact and intruding insects are not a problem. Ms. Wilkes then explained their ballister systems, in which they could inlay a steel infrastructure covered with the foam for strength. Mr. Then stated that he had no objection to foam products, but that he was concerned with preserving the character and 2 profile of the original structure. Mr. Singeisen said that we have a building materials sub - committee that also meets, and he would recommend that the committee look into this product. Historic Street Lighting: Presented by Steve Myers, Leslie Stevens. Mr. Myers contacted the City to see what the possibilities are for homeowners to install street lighting in the Historical District, with possible City support. He brought a picture of a cast aluminum reproduction style street light that has been on display in his yard for a couple of weeks. He had three questions for the Committee: 1) would the Board consider endorsing this project, 2) would this street light be able to be pre- approved so that as the project is implemented, each homeowner would not have to get individual approval, and 3) could we create a process wherein individuals would have some freedom of choice as to style of light, but certain styles would be encouraged as more compatible. Currently this type of lighting is under Minor Review. Under his plan, an applicant could get immediate permission to install the pre- approved lighting. If they want something different, it would need to go before the Board. Ms. Shreve said she was concerned that an assortment of lights would not look consistent. Ms. Stevens mentioned that the lamp in the picture is twelve feet tall, and that the City wasn't sure about having the lamps on the right of way. Mr. Myers stated that right of way use agreements are not uncommon and the City will be working to adapt one of their agreements to this use. Ms. Gibbs said she would like to see a consistent plan identifying where the lights should be and that the twelve -foot lights should only occur on the right of way, not in yards. Mr. Myers said that primary location of the lights would be in the City's right of way. Ms. Shreve asked if the project going to include East and West streets. Mr. Myers explained that the East and West streets are not in the plan at this time. It was intended to start with a core project and get it launched. Ms. Gibbs asked if there was a survey showing where problem spots may be. Mr. Myers said that City staff is helping him now regarding mapping. Mr. Singeisen stated that the question was: `will the Board endorse a scenario along these lines and support Mr. Myers as he develops the project with the City and the Sanford Historic Trust? Mr. Then said he would support the moving forward of the project, with details being worked out as it goes along. Mr. Myers asked if the Board would modify their approval process to encourage consistent lighting. Mr. Singeisen suggested a modification of Schedule S. Ms. Stevens stated that she had talked to about fifty people in the area about the lighting. She presented a picture of a cast aluminum light that she had chosen from Lowe's. She suggested that the Board approve certain styles for those who want lights now. Mr. Then said they would like to see some guidelines put in the S Code for front yard lighting. Ms. Gibbs said it would be very hard to mandate consistent lighting. Mr. Singeisen recapped that they needed to come up with some guidelines at the next workshop. 3 Curb Cuts in the Historic District: Mr. Singeisen stated that the Board has not been permitting curb cuts as a rule of thumb, but there is no specific agreement as to when they allow curb cuts. It is now handled on a case -by -case basis, and some already exist. He noted that only three have come before the Board since he's been on it. Mr. Singeisen said that the Board needed to make a decision as to whether they will be allowed, and if allowed, what will be the parameters? Mr. Singeisen said he thought that new curb cuts should not be allowed, that existing ones could stay. He felt that curb cuts contribute to a suburbanized look. Ms. Valente said we should only consider a curb cut in a variance scenario. Mr. Singeisen said they could still use the variance process. His concern was that there was no reference for Board members to use as a guideline for making decisions. Historic Landmark Project: Mr. Then announced that he is starting a historic landmark project, and will be coming to the Board for assistance. He has talked to the museum and the Trust about having buildings of historic significance properly preserved and protected within the City. He will keep the Board updated and will ask for assistance when he needs it. Workshop adjourned at 6:00 PM. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 14, 2002 6:00 PM CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Singeisen Alexander Then Mary Valente Leslie Stevens Barbara Farrell Rey Sylvester Stephen Myers Denny Gibbs Maria Shreve MEMBERS ABSENT: Marveen Kelly Melanie Winternheimer OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Lynnette Mote, Recording Secretary Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 6:05, PM. Mr. Singeisen asked if there were any objections from the Board to moving Item 3 to the end of the meeting, allowing for the applications for C of A and the addressing of the public. Ms. Shreve made the motion to accept minutes with corrections. Ms. Stevens seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. Item 5A: 116 N. Park Avenue; J. Manuel Acevedo, plastic signage for law office. A representative explained that the sign would be 2' by 10', black background with gold lettering with no lighting. Mr. Then said he would find the sign acceptable in plastic as long as it wasn't shiny. Ms. Valente asked where on the building the sign would be. She was told that it would be centered on the face of the building, about 20' off the ground. Mr. Then moved to approve the sign as presented, with the backing being flat and monochromatic. Ms. Gibbs seconded. All in favor. Motion carried 9 -0. 2 Item 511, 208 S. Sanford Avenue; after - the -fact addition over existing garage; Karl O. Stairs. Mr. Singeisen had concerns about the wall sections, as the hardy plank was not shown in the drawings. The applicant stated that hardy plank will be put on to finish. Mr. Myers asked if the applicant was going to install aluminum windows, and was told that the applicant was going to have vinyl -clad wood. Mr. Then asked if all the concrete block work was already there, and was told it was. Mr. Singeisen stated that as a commercial addition to a commercial structure on an alley, architecture was not for the Board to say that they like or dislike it, but whether or not it complies with the Code. Mr. Myers asked about the French doors in the drawing, and the material used to construct them. He was told that they are aluminum exterior doors. . Mr. Sylvester moved to approve as submitted. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion Carried 8 -1 (Then). Item 6A, 600 S. Magnolia Ave.; continued from February 14, 2002 meeting; Bob Dyksterhouse, replacement of windows. Mr. Singeisen asked for a motion to remove this item from the table. Mr. Then moved to remove item from table. Seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. Ms. Stevens recused herself, as her firm is doing the windows. Mr. Bob Dyksterhouse stated that the new windows will be wood, double -hung, same - size windows. Mr. Then moved to approve as presented. Mr. Myers seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 611, 823 Park Avenue, Steve Chusmir, Modify approved plans to add two feet to north side of house. Mr. Chusmir was there to present. Mr. Chusmir stated that the addition would put the north side of the house out 4" from the existing house. They intend to move the door facing on 9th Street to the back of the house to achieve two additional feet of closet space and widen internal hallway by 2'. Because of the trusses, they needed to go out two feet, instead of 19 ". Ms. Shreve moved to approve as presented. Mr. Sylvester seconded. No discussion. Motion carried 9 -0. Item 6C, 1109 Magnolia Avenue, Scott D. Brey, Add two feet of plastic lattice work to six -foot fence on north side only. Applicant intends to paint the fence white to match the lattice. 3 Ms. Valente moved that this item be approved, provided the fence is painted white to match the lattice. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. Item 61), 408 S. Palmetto Avenue, Leonard Temple, to install six -foot wood picket privacy fence, remove door, replace windows in rear, move windows on side of house, install storage shed. Debra Harris presented. 1: Replace door and metal window: The applicant was asked if the lap siding is continuous, with no seam. She replied that there would be no visible seam. Ms. Farrell moved to approve as submitted. Ms. Gibbs seconded the motion. Motion carried 9 -0. 2: Move windows on the side of house. Ms. Gibbs asked applicant why she needed to move the window, and was told it was to open up the living room to a larger space. Mr. Singeisen said they needed to be careful not to modify the original structures from the way they were. He said the proposed changes would change the essence of the original building. Mr. Sylvester suggested maintaining the rhythm by changing the order of the windows to double /single /single. Mr. Then suggested that the applicant is altering the house to where a future owner would not be able to tell what the original house looked like. Ms. Gibbs asked where the wall now falls in relation to the window and how far would the applicant be moving the wall. The applicant told her the wall would be between the first front window and the double windows, just at the front, and she would be moving the wall to about six inches to the back of the double windows. Ms. Farrell made the motion to move the double window to the front and the single to the back provided that the siding be keyed. Ms. Shreve seconded. Motion carried 7 -2 (Singeisen, Then). 3: Six -foot privacy fence and shed. Mr. Singeisen stated that the shed totals 96 square feet, which is under the allotted square footage. Ms. Gibbs said that the shed style doesn't blend with the design of the houses in the area, as it is an agricultural, barn -like shed. Mr. Myers asked what standards the Board has placed on sheds in the past. He was told square footage, non - permitted structure, location, no parking in sheds. Ms. Valente moved to approve as presented. Mr. Myers seconded. Motion carried 6 -3 (Sylvester, Gibbs, Stevens). Item 6E, 808 Magnolia Avenue, James Ermisch. Remove support posts on front porch and box in 4X4's to look like 6X6's. Ms. Gibbs moved to approve. Ms. Stevens seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. 6F, 1015 S. Magnolia Avenue, Barbara Farrell presented, to add addition over porch on south side of house. in Mr. Then noted that the architectural detail that is currently on the chimney will be lost. He asked if the addition on the other side on the north elevation was an addition, too. Mr. Myers asked if applicant had explored revamping the end of this house where they planned to add above it to match the other end exactly. Ms. Farrell said yes, but the new addition is at a lower level, and they had to raise the fascia twelve inches. Ms. Shreve made the motion to approve as presented. Mr. Sylvester seconded. Motion carried 7 -1 (Then). Mr. Then recused himself to make the next presentation. Item 6G, 706 Palmetto Avenue, Alexander Then presented; to remove windows, door, renovate exterior; will remove aluminum- framed awning windows; all materials conform to Schedule ; propose a double French door in back; move one window in back to accommodate a shower in the master bedroom; one wood double casement window in kitchen. Ms. Valente expressed concern with the height of the windows lining up, and asked which windows would be moved. More discussion and questions ensued. Ms. Shreve moved to approve as presented. Mr. Sylvester seconded. Motion carried 8 -1 (Myers). Item 611, 615 Palmetto Avenue, Richard A. Kovacsik, to construct a new single - family dwelling. Mr. Myers asked Mr. Kovacski if he couldn't put the garage behind the house, and was told that the house would have to be completely redesigned to do that, and it was not cost - effective. Mr. Singeisen suggested that the garage in front looks too suburban for the area. Ms. Farrell stated that there are no front -entry garages on the street now. Ms. Gibbs stated that there are already three curb cuts on other properties on the street, so that would be consistent, but the garage being in the front is a problem. Ms. Gibbs asked Mr. Kovacsik if he could modify plans to move garage to back. He said a modification would affect the layout of the whole house. Ms. Farrell pointed out that the existing plan also calls for aluminum windows, and they are not allowed. Ms. Gibbs said it looked as if he could flip the master bedroom and the garage. Mr. Then moved to deny based on the fact that the application does not comply with the Code regarding curb cuts and garages in the Historic District. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. Item 6I, 207 East 11 Street, to install curb cut to 207 E. 11 Street, Rachel Cheek. Ms. Cheek stated that she has lived in the house for fifteen years and has always parked on the right of way; had previously received a variance for a fence to come out almost to the road, but decided not to extend the fence all the way, so they would have that area left 5 to park. Someone from the City told her she needed a curb cut, so they wouldn't jump the curb. Ms. Gibbs asked how the requested curb cut related to the one that already exists. Mr. Singeisen summarized that the reason Ms. Cheek is here is because of the reason she's been using the right of way, and that somebody from the City told her she couldn't do it that way. Did she want to close up the existing curb cut and create a new one? He was told that she did not want to close up the existing one, but wanted another one. She said she could not utilize the existing concrete driveway, as the dogs would get out. Ms. Stevens asked if she could move the fence where the driveway is, and block it off to where the dogs cannot roam in the driveway area. Ms. Gibbs asked if she could gate the driveway. Ms. Cheek said there is not enough room in the driveway for two cars. Mr. Then said that Ms. Cheek has a double lot, and other residents with single lots are able to manage their parking. Mr. Singeisen asked Ms. Gibbs to work with Mr. Then to find a solution. Mr. Sylvester moved to table this item until next month. Mr. Myers seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. Item 6J, 605 Palmetto Avenue, Remove siding from front porch , open up porch to original state, and remove concrete from yard. Brian Nash presented. Mr. Nash stated that the concrete he wanted to remove covered approximately 30% of the property. Ms. Farrell motioned to approve as presented. Ms. Valente seconded. Motion carried 9- 0. Item 7A, 213 E. First Street, Building fee waiver for Historic Buildings: Determination of compliance with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Historic Preservation; Barbara Farrell presenting; The project includes repairing the awning, new roof, new beadboard, remove vitrolite glass, repair walls, renovate second floor by combining existing apartments into fewer but larger apartments. Mr. Myers moved to approve. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion Carried 8 -0. Minor Reviews Mr. Then asked to discuss with Ms.Gerli the St. John's Realty roof, which they wanted to paint blue. Ms. Gerli said that the roof the Board denied was a bright blue, and the new color was more of a slate blue, which compliments the color of the building. Mr. Then had a question about 107 West 10 Street, and the cutting away of skirting. Mr. Myers said someone had hastily put stucco over the lap siding, and the owner has had a lot of termite damage, and wants to repair. I Mr. Then said that the window replacement at 819 Palmetto Avenue does not state any dimensions. Ms. Gerli said the replacement windows would be the same as the original ones in the house. Six -Month Reviews Ms. Shreve asked about 215 and 217 Oak; had they done what they said they would do? Also 1008 Palm Avenue. She asked Ms. Gerli to send both a form letter telling them that the six months are up, and they need to come in and re -apply for application; also that they can renew once before coming back to the Board. Election of Vice Chairman Mr. Singeisen asked for nominations. Ms. Farrell nominated Mary Valente. She accepted. Ms. Stevens nominated Mr. Then. He declined. No other nominations. Motion Carried. Mary Valente is the new Vice Chairman. New Discussion Items Ms. Stevens asked Ms. Gerli what had happened with the 1111 Magnolia art glass issue. Code Enforcement should handle that. Ms. Gerli will find out if they have received it. Two houses at Elm and Third have aluminum doors, and said they would change them out. The Board gave them 90 days, and they have not changed them yet. Mr. Singeisen asked. Ms. Shreve said she had a concern about people appealing to City Commission, with no representation from HPB present. She cited two occasions where the Commission had overturned HPB decisions, and the Board was not notified. Mr. Singeisen said he was present at one of the meetings. Ms. Shreve asked if the whole Board could be notified if there was an appeal. There is an appeal coming up the second Monday in April. Mr. Singeisen will be there and invites anyone who wishes to go. Mr. Myers asked if the Board agreed on parameters for vinyl fencing, and then approved something else that violated what the Board had just agreed upon after he had to leave the meeting last month. Mr. Singeisen told him they did approve a variance. Mr. Then shared Mr. Myers' concern over the fact that the Board unanimously approved a standard, and then immediately voted to accept something else. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 PM.