HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.13.02Historic Preservation Board Meeting Notice and Agenda Date: June 13, 2002 Location: Sanford City Hall City Commission Chambers 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 Time: Workshop 5:00 p.m. * Regular Meeting 5:30 p.m. Workshop: 1. Guidelines for front yard lighting 2. Committee updates and discussions Regular Meeting: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences 3. Approval of Minutes: May 9, 2002 4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential District a) 802 Palmetto Ave. Install 6' wood privacy b) 1004 Elm Ave. Construct garage C) 910 Palmetto Ave. Replace fiberglass panels enclosing porch with screening d) 812 Elm Ave. Install wood fence and 100 SF metal shed e) 705 Palmetto Ave. Replace windows with wood windows and slatted vents; replace siding with scalloped siding; install fence f) 1300 Magnolia Ave. Construct & relocate fence; Create vents at base of front porch g) 603 Myrtle Ave. Install wood fence around a/c unit, gutters; replace siding 5. Minor Reviews 6. 6 -month Reviews 400 Palmetto Ave.: Install picket fence 314 W. 3 rd Street: Replace shutters 203 East 10 Street Install new porch columns & handrail; new front door; new picket fence & gate 7. Chairman and Board's items for discussion 8. Adjournment. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD WORKSHOP MEETING OF June 13, 2002 5:00 PM CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Singeisen Mary Valente Barbara Farrell Tom Goodman Stephen Myers Leslie Stevens Denny Gibbs MEMBERS ABSENT: Alexander Then Maria Shreve Marveen Kelly Rey Sylvester OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Mary Muse, Recording Secretary Mr. Singeisen called the workshop meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. Ms. Stevens reported from the Building Material Committee. She advised the board that Mr. Then would be resigning from the Committee and Mr. Sylvester is out of town. Regarding front yard lighting, the committee would like to have the edge of the slab for the light placed somewhere between 24" to 30" from the sidewalk and try to keep them in line with each other. The foundation for the slab would have to meet the code requirements and could not be placed on the right -of -way. There have been several lights installed without the proper approvals so Mr. Singeisen requested that Ms. Stevens provide a list of addresses so Code Enforcement could send the proper notification. The guidelines placed on the lighting would address height, number of globes and foot candles, color, setback measured from the sidewalk to the centerline of the post, hardwiring, a limit of 1 per property (a variance would be required for an additional light), the slab would be at the same grade as the sidewalk and sensor requirements for dusk to dawn timeframe. The board could approve several light styles. Ms. Stevens asked if the Jean Metts building was in the Historic District because it is in need of maintenance. Mr. Singeisen advised her that it would be something Code Enforcement would handle. Workshop adjourned at 5:30 P.M. 1 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF June 13, 2002 5:30 PM CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Singeisen Alexander Then Maria Shreve Mary Valente Barbara Farrell Tom Goodman Stephen Myers Leslie Stevens Denny Gibbs MEMBERS ABSENT: Rey Sylvester Marveen Kelly OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Mary Muse, Recording Secretary Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Mr. Singeisen asked for approval of the May 9 th Minutes. A correction was requested for Item 4h. Ms. Gibbs moved to approve. Ms. Stevens seconded. Motion carried 7 -0. (Mr. Then and Ms. Shreve were not present at this time) Item 4a, 802 Palmetto Avenue, to install a fence. Doug Winfrey was there to present. Ms. Farrell moved to approve. Mr. Goodman seconded. Mr. Myers requested visual representation of what was to be installed. Motion carried 7 -0. (Mr. Then and Ms. Shreve were not present at this time) Item 4b, 1004 Elm Avenue, to construct a garage. Patricia Gorby was there to present. There is an existing curbcut on the east side (Elm Avenue) and the garage door will face Elm Avenue. Ms. Gibbs moved to approve with the condition of roof pitch being 8/12, the garage door is not to be metal and will be similar to the Kuhn's garage door, and the 5 x 5 columns are to be chamfered. Mr. Myers seconded. Motion carried 9 -0. Item 4c, 910 Palmetto Avenue, to replace fiberglass panels enclosing porch. Mike Knipfer was there to present. Mr. Then recused himself due to a financial gain. The 1 panels might be salvaged with some of the framing being replaced. Mr. Singeisen suggested that if not salvageable, batten board would match the style of the house. Ms. Shreve moved to approve with the condition that if replacement is necessary, that batten board be used. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4d, 812 Elm Avenue, to install a shed and fence. Kim Bedard was there to present. Ms. Farrell recused herself due to a financial gain. Mr. Myers moved to approve with the condition that the shed be vinyl or metal and that it have a pitched roof. Ms. Shreve seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4e, 705 Palmetto Avenue. Christine Cleberg was there to present. Ms. Stevens recused herself due to a financial gain. Ms. Cleberg is requesting to 1) replace wood siding with same, 2) replace wood siding on front gable with "scalloped" siding, 3) replace 5 jalousie windows on main level with wood windows, 4) replace 3 jalousie windows in upper gables with wood slatted vents, 5) remove 2 windows and 1 door in laundry room and replace with 1 wood window, 6) install 8 -ft. or 6 -ft. wood fence along left side of house from the front of the porch to the back property line and along the rear property line. The board was concerned about item #2 regarding the scalloped siding on gable roof because there is no documentation that scallops ever existed on the house and the scallops would change the architectural integrity of the house and item #6 that the 6 -ft fence would have to stop at the front wall of the house, not at the porch. Item 4e.1 — Mr. Then moved to approve. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4e.2 — Mr. Then moved to deny. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4e.3 — Mr. Then moved to approve. Mr. Goodman seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4e.4 — Mr. Goodman moved to approve. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4e.5 — Ms. Valente moved to approve with revised elevation. Ms. Shreve seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4e.6 — Mr. Then moved to approve as amended with the 6 -ft fence stopping at front wall of house instead of at porch. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4f, 1300 Magnolia Avenue, to construct and relocate fence and create vents at base of front porch. Mary Valente presenting. She also requested to install a wood louvered vent on the gable end of the carport/porch roof and install 2 exterior carport ceiling light fixtures. During discussion, Ms. Valente removed the installation of the wood louvered vent request. Item 4f.3 — Mr. Then moved to approve the exterior light fixtures. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4f.I — Ms. Farrell moved to approve fence. Ms. Shreve seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4f.2 — Ms. Gibbs moved to approve the three vent openings with them being centered on the wall and not to exceed 16" x 46" in size and the grate design will have to be brought back before the board for approval. Ms. Farrell seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. 2 Item 4g, 603 Myrtle Avenue, to install wood fence around a/c unit, install gutters and replace siding. Tom Goodman presenting. Mr. Goodman is requesting to 1) install a fence around the a/c unit to match existing, 2) install white gutters, and 3) replace siding. Item 4g.1 — Ms. Gibbs moved to approve. Mr. Myers seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4g.2 — Mr. Then moved to approve. Mr. Myers seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Item 4g.3 — Ms. Farrell moved to approve. Mr. Then seconded. Motion carried 8 -0. Under minor reviews, Ms. Valente stated that Mr. Yosefian has painted the Plexiglas on the upper sashes of the building at 1401 Magnolia Avenue. Ms. Gerli stated that he is only painting what was already painted. Mr. Then moved to request HPB send a letter to Mayor and City Commission regarding the board's concerns about this project. Motion died due to a lack of a second. Mr. Singeisen suggested that each member email him a list of concerns on this property and he would set up a meeting with the City Manager. Mr. Singeisen asked if there were any concerns /comments from the Board members. Ms. Shreve asked about the required landscaping for Tajiri Arts approved fence. Mr. Singeisen requested secretary to check the minutes and report back to board. Ms. Stevens asked for an update about the metal doors in violation. Mr. Singeisen advised her to check with Code Enforcement. Mr. Then stated that he is resigning from the Building Material Committee. The board appointed Tom Goodman to serve on this committee. Ms. Shreve stated that the Education Committee has several ideas such as educating the community, providing information on what it means to be on the National Registry, and why the board exists and what it does. Also, would like to have a representative from the board to attend the September Trust Meeting and suggested Scott to attend. Mr. Singeisen declined and suggested waiting until the S Codes are revised. Ms. Shreve stated that they would like to ensure everyone in the Historical District is aware of the codes. It was requested of the Education Committee to check with the Utility Department about notifying those in the district through the water bill. Ms. Valente — Informed board that 819 Elm Avenue has a contract to sell. Mr. Singeisen — The process for the Request for Statements of Qualifications for the Professional Engineering Services preparation of the Land Development Regulations for Historic Preservation is as follows: Bill Smith, Purchasing Agent, will review all applications first remove the unqualified applications. Then Bill Smith, Antonia Gerli, Jay Marder and himself would review the applications and select 3 finalists. The 3 applications will be given to the sub - committee for their review and recommendation to the City Commission. Mr. Singeisen also informed the board that he attended a pre - application conference for the proposed Eckerds. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. 3