HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.11.02Historic Preservation Board Meeting Notice and Agenda Date: July 11, 2002 Location: Sanford City Hall City Commission Chambers 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771 Time: Regular Meeting 5:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call - excused and unexcused absences 3. Approval of Minutes: June 13, 2002 4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential District a) 600 Magnolia Ave. Install lamp posts in front yards 609 Magnolia Ave. 610 Magnolia Ave. 605 Magnolia Ave. 613 Magnolia Ave. b) 621 Oak Ave. Install decorative railing on flat roof C) 317 Oak Ave. Move house to 1205 Elm Ave. d) 701 Myrtle Ave. Install temporary 20X20' tent while house under renovation e) 411 Magnolia Install fence, brick drive & flag pole; f) 207 E. 11 St. Install fence (ATF) & curb cut; widen driveway 5. 6. 7. Minor Reviews 6 -month Reviews 901 S. Magnolia Ave 711 S. Myrtle Ave.: 517 S. Myrtle Ave.: 812 Elm Ave.: Install solar tubes in roof Replace stockade fence with vinyl fence Construct shed in rear yard Install new front door Chairman and Board's items for discussion 8. Adjournment. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF July 11, 2002 5:00 PM CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Scott Singeisen Maria Shreve Barbara Farrell Leslie Stevens Mary Valente Rey Sylvester Denny Gibbs Marveen Kelly Stephen Myers Alexander Then MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Goodman OTHERS PRESENT: Antonia Gerli, Staff Liaison Jo -Ann Johnson, Recording Secretary Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 5:08 PM. Mr. Singeisen asked for approval of the April 11 minutes. Ms. Farrell motioned to approve. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 10 -0. Item 4a, 600 Magnolia Ave., 605 Magnolia Ave., 609 Magnolia Ave., 610 Magnolia Ave., 613 Magnolia Ave. Tim Dix was there to present for all homeowners. Mr. Dix was asked to give a list of the specifications for the lights that were installed at the referenced properties to see if they met the tentative specifications that have been put together by the building materials committee for the historic lighting program. He stated that they were 7' black front yard lights with an acorn style top. They were using 40 watt lights after having tried several wattages. Mr. Singeisen asked if they had been permitted through the Building Department. Mr. Dix responded that there were no permits required since the lights with one exception were a plug in variety rather than hard wired. Mrs. Stevens confirmed that the lights were in accordance with the type of lights that were being reviewed by the building materials committee. Mr. Andrew Shaw of 419 Myrtle Ave. asked to voice an opinion regarding the lights in the district. His concerns were with the streetscape, possible lightning hazard and the effect of the approval of these lights upon the Lighting Pilot Project being headed by Steven Myers. Mr. Myers 1. explained the process of the Historic Lighting Project and that the approval of these lights would have no bearing on the lighting project. Mr. Shaw respectfully requested that the Board deny these lights. Mr. Sylvester motioned to approve. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 10 -0. Item 4b, 621 Oak Ave., to install decorative railing on roof. Applicant was absent. Item was tabled. Item 4c, 317 Oak Ave., to move the house from 317 Oak Ave to 1205 Elm Ave. Applicant was absent. Item was tabled. Item 4d, 701 Myrtle Ave., Mr. Eades is requesting 20 X 20 tent be erected in yard for 6 mos. Temporary usage to store furniture while refinishing floors in house. He stated he will not be living in the tent. Mr. Eades was asked if he could have enough of the floors finished in 3 mos. to move the furniture back into the house in a restricted area so the tent could be removed. He responded affirmatively. Mr. Then motioned to approve the tent for 30 days. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion carried 10 -0. Item 4e, 411 Magnolia Ave., replace fence with wood or PVC, brick the driveway area, and put up a flag pole. Mr. Chris McLeod presented the case. He asked to remove the flag pole from the agenda. Applicant asked the board if the use of PVC in the historic area is approved. PVC is approved, but the board prefers wood in at least the front yard. Mr. McLeod stated that he would use 6' wood all around the property in the area indicated on the survey. The board questioned about the brick parking area size. Mr. McLeod stated that he wanted to be able to park 2 cars in the area adjacent to the alley. Mr. Myers moved to approve as presented. Ms. Shreve seconded. Motion carried 10 -0. Item 4f, 207 E 11 St., 1) to allow in the front yard a stockade fence rather than a picket fence, 2) a curb cut on the Palmetto Avenue side and 3) to widen the driveway on the l lth Street side. Mrs. Cheek present for the request. Mr. Then requested that each item on Mrs. Cheek's proposal be addressed separately. Mrs. Cheek agreed. Item 4fl., install 6 ft wood stockade fence along 11 St. Mr. Singeisen made mention that the fencing was already installed. Mrs. Cheek stated that the fence had previously been approved by the ROW use agreement with the City of Sanford. The Board determined that the added 6' stockade fence was east of the driveway and the existing 52" picket fence was west of the driveway and in front of the house. Ms. Kelly motioned to approve the 6' stockade fence installed east of the driveway. Mr. Then seconded. Motion carried 10 -0. Item 42., curb cut on Palmetto Avenue side. Ms. Gibbs questioned why applicant needed curb cut. Mrs. Cheek stated she needed to be able to pull a boat on a trailer into yard. Ms. Gibbs asked why she couldn't use her existing driveway. Mrs. Cheek stated there wasn't enough room to be able to turn from the driveway into the yard because of the house. Mr. Myers asked the chairman what the policy of the board was with regard to curb cuts. Mr. Singeisen stated that the applicant must show hardship for a curb cut to be approved. Mr. Singeisen mentioned that fence in the yard may be inhibiting her access to 2 the yard from the driveway. Mrs. Cheek stated that she could still not get the boat into the yard without driving over the curb which was of concern to the City. Mrs. Cheek requested to withdraw the curb cut. Item 40., to widen driveway along 11 St side. Mr. Myers asked what the final dimensions would be. Mr. Cheek stated she would like to widen driveway so that both of her vehicles could park there without parking in the roadway approximately 20 x 20. Mr. Singeisen stated that there were similar driveways in the historic district. Mr. Then made a motion to allow the widening of the driveway to 20' x 20'. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Mr. Singeisen asked for discussion. Mrs. Valente inquired as to the accuracy of the site plan submitted. Her concern was that with no accurate dimensions it was difficult to know what was being approved. Ms. Gibbs inquired if the cars could be parked side by side in the driveway with the existing driveway approach. Motion failed, 3 -7 ( Shreve, Sylvester, Singeisen, Farrell, Valente, Myers, Stevens). Item 4g, 1300 Magnolia Ave., to approve grates to cover openings in walls for ventilation. Conceptual approval previously granted by the Board. Mrs. Valente to present the proposal. Mrs. Valente stated that the method of concealing the vents cut in the wall was to use 2 3 /4" wide bricks alternating to fill the opening. The brick and the inside walls of the opening would be painted the same color of the stucco wall. Mr. Then motioned to approve. Mr. Sylvester seconded. Motion carried 9 -0 (Mrs. Valente abstaining). Minor Reviews, Mr. Singeisen asked the board for comments. Mr. Sylvester asked if there was the capability to enforce Historic District codes themselves rather that use code enforcement. Ms. Gibbs mentioned that it might be helpful to have the same code enforcement officer assigned to the area for continuity. Mr. Myers asked that code enforcement or some staff member approach C of A's with the same enforcement as building permits. Mr. Sylvester made comment that approving C of A's with stipulations was a waste of time if no one was enforcing the stipulations. Ms. Gibbs spoke to the issue of house moving and the City maintaining the integrity of the district with regard to the First Presbyterian Church. Has the City talked to the First Presbyterian Church about a reworked site plan, extra parking, agree on right of way use and to keep the house in place. Ms. Gerli stated she would try to find out if a discussion has taken place. Ms. Gibbs wanted to know about the design of the lights. If the board cannot dictate the design of sheds how can the board dictate the design of the lights. Ms. Gibbs thought we would come out with a design palette of light styles. Mr. Myers stated that he was moving along with the pilot project. Mr. Singeisen had discussed with the City Manager and the Mayor regarding the way in which the 1401 Magnolia Ave project has gone through the process and that the procedures for those processes are being looked at. Maria Shreve asked if there were any regulations regarding temporary structures in the district. Mr. Singeisen spoke regarding the short list of 3 consultants who will give presentations to the selection committee. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M. 3