HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.11.04Historic Preservation Board
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Date: March 11, 2004
Location: Sanford City Hall
City Commission Chambers
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771
Time: 5:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes: February 12, 2004, meeting
4. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Commercial District
209 E. Commercial Street Add sign to side of building
5. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential District
314 W. 3 rd Street
Install white metal front door (Con't. from 2/11)
311 S. Park Ave.
Add rear deck and stairs
608 Oak Avenue
Construct rear deck, replace front porch flooring
810 S. Myrtle Ave.
Add Underskirting
911 Palmetto Ave.
Ground mounted sign
919 Oak Ave.
Restore upper porch (remove enclosure); center front door;
add upper and lower porches at rear of house; replace
windows with French doors; remove porch from side of
house; replace side door with window
6. Minor Reviews
7. 6 -month Reviews
1104 Magnolia Ave.
1112 Elm Ave.
819 Elm Ave.
Replace garage windows with siding
Variance to paint house with unapproved colors
Attach plastic lattice skirting
8. Chairman and Board's items for discussion
9. Adjournment.
MARCH 11, 2004
5:00 PM
Denny Gibbs
Stephanie Powers
Alec Then
Steve Myers
Maria Shreve
Leslie Stevens
Barbara Farrell
Tom Goodman
Item 1 — Call to Order - the meeting was called to order at 5:07 p.m.
Item 2 — Roll Call
Item 3 — Approval of Minutes — Mr. Then made the motion to approve. Ms. Stevens
seconded. Motion carried 6 -0.
Item 4 — Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Commercial District
Item 4A — 209 E. Commercial Street., Charlotte Davis, 123 Sanora Blvd., Owner,
requesting approval for an aluminum sign to be attached to the west side of the
building. Motion to approve as submitted was made by Ms. Gibbs. Seconded by
Ms. Stevens. Motion carried 6 -0.
Item 5 — Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness — Residential District
Item 5A — 314 W 3 rd Street, item pulled, owner is replacing metal door with wood
door, details to be supplied.
Item 5B — 1104 Oak Avenue, item pulled, additional information required.
Item 5C — 311 S. Park Avenue, Tamara Ransom, 2159 Turnberry Dr., Oviedo, owner
is requesting approval for rear deck, landing, stairs and railing. Ms. Shreve made
the motion to approve with stipulation that the railing is to match front.
Mr. Then seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 -0.
Historic Preservation Board Meeting
March 11, 2004
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Item 5D — 608 Oak Avenue, Henry Bowlin, owner and applicant is requesting approval
to replace the front porch flooring and adding a back porch. Ms. Gibbs made
the motion to approve with the stipulation that the porch decking be lx 4.
Seconded by Ms. Stevens. Motion carried 6 -0.
Item 5E — 810 S. Myrtle Avenue, Maureen Van Dalen, owner and applicant is
requesting approval to add cement blocks recessed from wall elevation and
lattice to underskirt house. Mr. Then made the motion to approve with the
condition that the blocks are painted black and covered with lattice. Ms. Gibbs
seconded. Motion Carried 6 -0.
Item 5F — 911 Palmetto Avenue, Manuel Oropeza representing Iglesia Vida Nueva, is
seeking approval for the replacement of the ground mounted sign face with
new sign face (sign is already replaced). Ms. Gibbs made the motion to approve.
Ms. Shreve seconded. Motion carried 6 -0.
Item 5G — 919 Oak Avenue, Joanne Berens, owner and applicant, 102 Lakewood Dr.,
Orlando, is requesting approval from the Board for:
1. Relocate the front door to center of the elevation as depicted in the
drawing on file in the Planning and Development Services office.
Mr. Then made the motion to deny based on there being no justification
that the new position was the original location of the door. Ms. Shreve
seconded. Motion carried 6 -0.
2. Front upper porch, removing walls and windows and replacing with a
second story porch. Mr. Then made the motion to continue until the
next meeting to gather more information. Ms. Gibbs seconded. Motion
carried 6 -0. A plan was made to meet at the site as a group on Monday,
March 22" notification to be posted.
3. Add upper and lower decks at rear. Ms. Gibbs made the motion to
approve in concept, applicant to return with specifications and details.
Mr. Then seconded. Motion carried 6 -0.
4. Replace existing windows with French doors. Ms. Gibbs made the
motion to approve with up to a 6 ft opening and up to a 10 light, 4 ft or
6 ft french door for upper and lower openings in the rear facade.
Ms. Powers seconded. Motion Carried 5 -1 (Then).
5. Remove porch and replace door with window on 10 St., side.
Ms. Berens amended application, window would not replace door.
Ms. Powers made the motion to approve as amended. Ms. Shreve
seconded. Motion denied 3 -3 (Then, Myers, Gibbs).
Historic Preservation Board
March 11, 2004
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Item 6 — Minor Reviews.
Item 7 — 6 Month Reviews.
Item 8 — Chairman and Board Members items for Discussion
Ms. Gibbs — can the board discuss paint in the code? Are the surveys done?
Ms. Shreve — fyi, The Sanford Historic Trust has formed a new committee
focusing on endangered structures.
Ms. Powers - deadline for changes to Schedule S.
Mr. Then - 422 Palmetto, was a C of A issued? Is Code Enforcement aware of
the demolition? Metal door on 300 blk of Magnolia is still there.
Mr. Myers - what's happening with Tajiri Arts and the landscaping?
Item 9 — Adjournment — there being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:43p.m.