HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919 City Clerk Traci Houchin ContractEmployment Agreement for the Charter Office of City Clerk between the City of Sanford, Florida and Traci R. Houchin Introduction: This agreement made and entered into this 9th day of April, 2018, by and between the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and Traci R. Houchin (hereinafter called the "CITY CLERK"). Section 1: Term This Agreement shall remain in full force in effect upon full execution hereof by the parties until terminated by the CITY or CITY CLERK as provided in Section 9, 10, 11, or 12 of this Agreement. Section 2: Employment as Charter Officer of the City of Sanford; Duties and Authority The CITY agrees to employ the CITY CLERK of the City of Sanford, a Charter Officer of the CITY, to perform the functions and duties specified in the City Charter and the City Code of the City of Sanford, applicable Florida law, and to perform other legally permissible and proper duties and functions. The CITY CLERK agrees to fully and faithfully execute the duties and responsibilities of the office of the CITY CLERK of the City of Sanford under any and all applicable law. It is also noted that on February 26, 2018 the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2713 delegating plenary authority to the City Manager to oversee, supervise and manage the City Clerk. Section 3: Compensation A. The CITY agrees to pay the CITY CLERK an initial base salary of $80,000, payable in installments at the same time that the other management employees of the CITY are paid. An additional 5% shall be paid upon receiving the Master Municipal Clerk designation. B. This Agreement shall be automatically amended to reflect any salary adjustments that are provided or required by the CITY's compensation policies or as reflected from actions in accordance with Section 3.0 of this Agreement. C. Consideration shall be given on an annual basis by the City Commission of the City of Sanford to increase salary and other benefits payable to the CITY CLERK dependent upon the results of the performance evaluation conducted under the provisions of Section 13 of this Agreement. Section 4: Health, Disability and Life Insurance Benefits A. The City agrees to provide and to pay the premiums for health, hospitalization, surgical, vision, dental and comprehensive medical insurance for the CITY CLERK and her dependents equal the greatest amount that is provided to any other management employee of the CITY. B. The CITY agrees to continue to make required premium payments for short term disability coverage for the CITY CLERK. C. The CITY shall pay the amount of the premium due for term life insurance in the amount of the CITY CLERK's annual base salary, including all increases in the base salary during the life of this Agreement. The CITY CLERK shall name beneficiary(ies) of the life insurance policy and provide such information to the CITY. Section 5: Paid Time Off and Holidays A. The CITY CLERK shall accrue PTO on an annual basis at the rate equal to an employee with 10 years of service with the CITY (224 hours at present) as shown in City Administrative Policy 5.13, Leave/Paid Time Off. Also per Administrative Policy 5.13, she shall be able to carry over up to 40 hours of unused PTO to the next fiscal year, and be entitled to 40 hours annually of paid Administrative Leave on a prorated basis. B. The CITY CLERK shall be entitled to paid holidays as any other CITY employee. C. The CITY CLERK shall ensure that the City Commission and City Manager are apprised on any occasion during which she will not be available to accomplish her day- to-day activities as CITY CLERK due to leave or other authorized absence (in advance if practicable) and that a CITY employee (of suitable position and stature) is appointed to act in the CITY CLERK's place and stead during such absence. The City Commission shall be advised, in writing, of the person so appointed. D. The CITY CLERK shall be entitled to accrue all unused PTO, consistent with City Administrative Policy (5.13), and in the event that the CITY CLERK's employment is terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily except for terminations arising from cause as set forth herein, the CITY CLERK shall be compensated for all accrued PTO, all paid holidays, and other benefits to date. Section 6: Monthly Cell Phone Allowance A. The CITY agrees to provide the CITY CLERK a cell phone allowance equal the greatest amount that is provided to any other management employee of the CITY. Section 7. Retirement The CITY agrees to make all appropriate contributions into the Florida Retirement System on the CITY CLERK's behalf. Section 8. General Business Expense A. The CITY agrees to budget for and to pay for professional dues and subscriptions of the CITY CLERK necessary for continuation and full participation in national, regional, State, and local associations, and organizations necessary and desirable for the CITY CLERK's continued professional participation, growth, and advancement, and for the good of the CITY. The CITY shall accomplish its actions in accordance with CITY policies, and as approved by the City Commission. B. The CITY agrees to budget for and to pay for reasonable travel and subsistence expenses of the CITY CLERK for professional and official travel, meetings, and occasions to adequately continue the professional development of the CITY CLERK and to pursue necessary official functions of the CITY including, but not limited to, the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Florida Association of City Clerks, and such other national, regional, State, and local governmental groups and committees in which the CITY CLERK serves as a member. The CITY shall accomplish its actions in accordance with CITY policies, and as approved by the City Commission. C. The CITY also agrees to budget for and to pay for reasonable travel and subsistence expenses of the CITY CLERK for short courses, institutes, conferences, and seminars that are necessary for the CITY CLERK's professional development and for the good of the CITY. The CITY shall accomplish its actions in accordance with CITY policies, and as approved by the City Commission. D. The CITY acknowledges the value of having the CITY CLERK participate and be directly involved in local civic clubs or organizations. Accordingly, the CITY shall pay for the reasonable membership fees and/or dues to enable the CITY CLERK to become an active member in local civic clubs or organizations, as approved by the City Commission. Section 9: Termination Without Cause. For the purpose of this Agreement, termination without cause shall occur when: A. The majority of the City Commission votes to terminate the CITY CLERK at a duly authorized public meeting and the termination is without cause. Any termination of the CITY CLERK shall be accomplished in accordance with provisions of the City Charter or other controlling law or practice of the City Commission. B. In the event the CITY CLERK is terminated without cause by the CITY during the three (3) months immediately following the seating and swearing-in of two (2) or more new members of the City Commission, and during such time that the CITY CLERK is willing and able to perform her duties under this Agreement, then, the CITY agrees to pay severance in accordance with Section 10, plus salary and benefits in accordance with Section 10 for any portion of the three (3) months not worked. C. The CITY CLERK shall be compensated for all accrued PTO, and all applicable paid holidays constituting work days during the period of severance pay shall be included in the calculation of severance pay. Section 10: Severance Pay A. Severance pay shall be paid to the CITY CLERK when employment is terminated as defined in Section 9. B. If the CITY CLERK is terminated, the CITY shall provide severance pay equal to six (6) weeks of salary at the current rate of pay, or the maximum allowed by Florida law if such has been earned by adding one (1) week of severance for each year of continuing service in the position of CITY CLERK; provided, however, that, in no event, shall severance pay exceed ten (10) weeks of salary or the maximum allowed by controlling State law, whichever is less. Severance pay shall be paid in a lump sum unless otherwise agreed to by the CITY and the CITY CLERK. C. The CITY CLERK shall be compensated for all accrued PTO, and all applicable paid holidays constituting work days during the period of severance pay shall be included in the calculation of severance pay. Section 11: Termination With Cause. If the CITY CLERK is terminated because of an adjudication or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, a felony, a finding of violation of the CITY's Code of Ethics; any ethical violation that constitutes a breach of public trust as determined by the Florida Commission on Ethics, controlling Florida law, or the City Commission; for any action that would constitute an abandonment of office, a departure from generally accepted public management practices and principles, or malfeasance or misfeasance in office, then the CITY is not obligated to pay the benefits that it would otherwise be obligated to pay if the CITY CLERK was terminated without cause under this Agreement. A plea of nolo contendere shall constitute a conviction under the provisions of this Agreement. Section 12: Resignation A. In the event the CITY CLERK voluntarily resigns her position with the CITY, the CITY CLERK shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) days notice unless the parties agree otherwise. A resignation will be in writing. B. The CITY CLERK shall be compensated for all accrued PTO. Section 13: Performance Evaluation A. The CITY COMMISSION shall annually review the performance of the CITY CLERK subject to a process, form, criteria, and format for the evaluation which shall be mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the CITY CLERK. The process at a minimum shall include the opportunity for both parties to: (1) prepare a written evaluation, (2) meet and discuss the evaluation, and (3) present a written summary of the evaluation results. The final written evaluation should be completed and delivered to the CITY CLERK within thirty (30) days of the evaluation meeting. Section 14: Hours of Work The CITY CLERK shall be allowed to establish an appropriate work schedule, given that the CITY CLERK must devote time outside the normal office hours for business of the CITY; however, it is expected that the normal pay period will be eighty (80) hours. Section 15: Indemnification A. Beyond that required under Federal, State or local law, the CITY shall defend, save harmless and indemnify the CITY CLERK against any tort, professional liability claim or demand or other legal action, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act of omission occurring in the performance of the CITY CLERK's duties as CITY CLERK or resulting from the exercise of judgment or discretion in connection with the performance of program duties or responsibilities, unless the act or omission involved willful, wrongful or wanton conduct by the CITY CLERK. The CITY CLERK may request and the CITY shall not unreasonably refuse to provide independent legal representation at the CITY's expense and the CITY may not unreasonably withhold approval. Legal representation, provided by the CITY for the CITY CLERK, shall extend until a final determination of the legal action including any appeals brought by either party. The CITY shall indemnify the CITY CLERK against any and all losses, damages, judgments, interest, settlements, fines, court costs and other reasonable costs and expenses of legal proceedings, including attorney fees, and any other liabilities incurred by, imposed upon, or suffered by the CITY CLERK in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit, or proceeding, actual or threatened, arising out of or in connection with the performance of her duties. Any settlement of any claim must be made with prior approval of the CITY in order for indemnification, as provided in this Section, to be available. Section 16: Bonding The CITY shall bear the full cost of any fidelity or other bonds required of the CITY CLERK under any law or ordinance as may be applicable and require such bonding. Section 17: General Provisions A. Integration. This Agreement sets forth and establishes the entire understanding between the CITY and the CITY CLERK relating to the employment of the CITY CLERK by the CITY. The parties by mutual written agreement may amend any provision of the Agreement during the life of this Agreement. Such amendments shall be incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. B. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding on the CITY and the CITY CLERK as well as their heirs, executors, and personal representatives. C. Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective on _1-119 If 2018, however, it will be retroactive to March 12, 2018. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature. OLV U Traci R. Houchin Date: 41�),,�nk, rfflk—�tt� Jeff Trip Date: rte, jr., uay manager