HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926 Ten-8 Fire Equipment Inc.C*4�tik()ktl .el DEPARTMENTFINANCE To: City Clerk RE: Request for Services Mi The item(s) noted below is/are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): ❑ Development Order ❑ Final Plat (original mylars) ❑ Letter of Credit ❑ Maintenance Bond ❑ Ordinance ❑ Payment and Performance Bond ❑ Resolution ® PBA 17/18-46 Ten -8 Fire Equipment Inc Once completed, please: ❑ Return originals ❑ Return copy EJ Special Instructions: Attached copy is for City Clerk records Thank you! From T:\Dept forms\City Clerk Transmittal Memo - 2009.doc ❑ City Mayor's Signature ® City Clerk Record Keeping ❑ Safe Keeping ❑ City Attorney's Signature ❑ City Clerk's Signature i Ten -8 Fire Equipment, Inc. Piggyback Contract (PBA 17/18-46) The City of Sanford ("City") enters this "Piggyback" Contract with Ten -8 Fire Equipment, Inc., a Florida corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Vendor"), whose address is 2904 59th Avenue Drive East, Bradenton, Florida 34203, under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. The City and the Vendor agree as follows: (1). The Purchasing Policy for the City of Sanford allows for "piggybacking" contracts. Pursuant to this procedure, the City is allowed to piggyback an existing government contract, and there is no need to obtain formal or informal quotations, proposals or bids. The parties agree that the Vendor has entered a contract with the Lake County, Florida, said contract being identified as "Contract No. 17-0606L — Fire Equipment Parts — Supplies - Service", in order for the Vendor to supply such parts, supplies and services to the City (said original contract being referred to as the "original government contract"). (2). The original government contract documents are incorporated herein by reference and is attached as Exhibit "A" to this contract. All of the terms and conditions set out in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and said terms and conditions are incorporated herein; provided, however, that the City will negotiate and enter work orders/purchase orders with the Vendor in accordance with City policies and procedures for particular goods and services. (3). Notwithstanding the requirement that the original government contract is fully binding on the parties, the parties have agreed to modify certain technical provisions of the original government contract as applied to this Contract between the Vendor and the City, as follows- N/A. (a). Time Period ("Term") of this Contract: (state N/A if this is not applicable). (b). Insurance Requirements of this Contract: (state N/A if this is not applicable). N/A. (c). Any other provisions of the original government contract that will be modified: (state N/A if this is not applicable). N/A. (d). Address change for the City: Notwithstanding the address and contact information for the government entity as set out in the original government contract, the Vendor agrees that he/she/it shall send notices, invoices and shall conduct all business with the City to the attention of City Manager, at: City of Sanford, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771. The City Manager's designated representative for this Contract is Craig Radzak, Fire Chief, City of Sanford, Fire Department Headquarters, 1303 William Clark Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771, telephone number (407) 688-5044 and whose e- mail address is Craig.Radzak@sanfordfl.gov. (e). Notwithstanding anything in the original government contract to the contrary, the venue of any dispute will be in Seminole County, Florida. Litigation between the parties arising out of this Contract shall be in Seminole County, Florida in the Court of appropriate jurisdiction. The law of Florida shall control any dispute between the parties arising out of or related to this Contract, the performance thereof or any products or services delivered pursuant to such Contract. (f). Notwithstanding any other provision in the original government contract to the contrary, there shall be no arbitration with respect to any dispute between the parties arising out of this Contract. Dispute resolution shall be through voluntary and non-binding 2 mediation, negotiation or litigation in the court of appropriate jurisdiction in Seminole County, Florida, with the parties bearing the costs of their own legal fees with respect to any dispute resolution, including litigation. (g). All the services to be provided or performed shall be in conformance with commonly accepted industry and professional codes and standards, standards of the City, and the laws of any Federal, State or local regulatory agency. (h). Public Records.- (1). ecords. (I). IF THE CONTRACTORIVENDOR HAS QUESTIONS HOUCHIN, CITY CLERK, CITY OF SANFORD, CITY HALL, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE, SANFORD, FLORIDA 327715 TRACI.HOUCHIN@SANFORDFL.GOV. (II). In order to comply with Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, public records laws, the Vendor must: (A). Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the City in order to perform the service. (B). Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the City would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. 3 (C). Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. (D). Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the City all public records in possession of the Vendor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. (III). If the Vendor does not comply with a public records request, the City shall enforce the contract provisions in accordance with this Agreement. (IV). Failure by the Vendor to grant such public access and comply with public records requests shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the City. The Vendor shall promptly provide the City with a copy of any request to inspect or copy public records in possession of the Vendor and shall promptly provide the City with a copy of the Vendor's response to each such request. (i). The Vendor shall adhere to all grantor requirements when the funds derived for goods or services hereunder derive from grant funding. (4). All other provisions in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and will represent the agreement between the City and the Vendor. Entered this � day of , 2018. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS: rd Attest: VFACtY ABRA , ecretary Attest: &4-0j wtktnm Ni Traci Houchin, City Clerk Approved as to form and legal suffigiency. A z A Ten -8 Fire Equipment, Inc., a Florida corporation. By: 1--- 41 ��--- B. Keith Chapman President/CEO Date: City By: Jeff Date Exhibit "A" [Attach original government contract] 61; 1 LAKE CO U NTY F L 0 It I UA CONTRACT NO. 17-0606L Fire Equipment Parts — Supplies - Service LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns through its Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "County') does hereby accept, with noted modifications, if any, the bid of Ten -8 Fire Equipment (hereinafter "Contractor") to supply fire equipment parts, supplies, and services to the County pursuant to County Bid number 17-0606 (hereinafter "Bid"), addenda nos. I and 2, opening date 12/13/2016 and Contractor's Bid response thereto with all County Bid provisions governing. A copy of the Contractor's signed Bid is attached hereto and incorporated herein, thus making it a part of this Contract except that any items not awarded have been struck through. No financial obligation under this contract shall accrue against the County until a specific purchase transaction is completed pursuant to the terms and conditions of this contract. Contractor shall submit the documents hereinafter listed prior to commencement of this Contract: Insurance Certificate — an acceptable insurance certificate (in accordance with Section 1.8 of Bid) must be received and approved by County Risk Management prior to any purchase transactions against the contract. The County's Procurement Services Manager shall be the sole judge as to the fact of the fulfillment of this Contract, and upon any breach thereof, shall, at his or her option, declare this contract terminated, and for any loss or damage by reason of such breach, whether this Contract is terminated or not, said Contractor and their surety for any required bond shall be liable. This Contract is effective from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 except the County reserves the right to terminate this Contract immediately for cause and/or lack of funds and with thirty (30) day written notice for the convenience of the County. This Contract provides for four (4) one year renewals at Lake County's sole option at the terms noted in the Bid. Any and all modifications to this Contract must be in writing signed by the County's Procurement Services Manager. LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: 91�1 Senior Contracting Officer Date: Distribution: Original -Bid File Copy -Contractor Copy -Department "Earning Community Confidence Through Excellence In Service" Office of Procurement Services 315 W. Main, Suite 441 P.O. Box 7800 Tavares, Florida 32778-7800 Ph (362) 343-9839 Fax (352) 343-9473 im LAKE a t a INMATION TO BID (XT13) FIRE EQUIPMENT- rXRTS - SUY'Y'LI S - SL+ R VICE ITO Number: 17-0606 COY%Ifoci ing t}Pf cce:y. Vil[iciis Bid Due Date: December 13, 2OT6 Pre Bld Conf. Date: Not Applicable Birt Uur:19111c: 3:00 p.m. 1'171 Iss„c F.W.e: October 24, 2016 SECTION i_ Spe;cial_I'ernts and Conditions__.___.__..______ --•--•_--- ---- --- -- •? — SLSC't'IUN 2: S'taternent of Work 14 SFCTIOiti 3: General Terms and Conditions 16 { SF(:176N' 4: T'ricing/t;ertiflcations/Signtetuies 20 SECTION 5. Attachments { Proposal unci/or 1>erfbr;nance Hond: Certificate of Cnrn_pctoncy/L imnsc: Ind enw ificatimillusuranoc. Pre -Bid Ccmtcrence/Walk--Thru: Not applicable to this ITB Not applicable to this ITB '. Section 1.8 blot applicable to this ITB At the date and time specified above, all bids that have been received In a timely manner will he opened, recorder], and accepted ror consideration, T110 names orihe bidders submjttinr bids wiII be read aloud and recorded, The bids will be available for inspection during normal business hours'in the Office of Procurement Services thirty (30) calendar days after the official bid due date. Whim counter- signed by an authorized County representative, this document and any specifically identified attachtneTits may farm the contract document lei tiding the barites to all performance specired herein. Vendors shalt comolete and .return the entirety of this .ITB T3carmment, and attach sill other inrorrnation requested in ibis ITB document (Sea Provision 1.13). ftilure to sigh the bid response, or to submit the bid resprnrse by the spacifed tune and date, maybe cause foil rejection of the hid. NO -RESPONSE REPLY if tiny vendor does not want to respond to this solicitation at this time, or, would like to be removed from .Lake. County's Vendor List, please roaric the; approprinW bpgce, rotnplete name below and return this prkgo only. n Not interested at this time; keep our fair ot, Lake Caur,ty's Vendors List for Tuture solicitations for this product / service Fj Please remove our firm from Lake County's Vendor's List for this product / service. VF,NDOR IDENTIFICATION Company Name: TT,TT 8 FIRE P"ne i'umber:l300—M-8.168 E, mail Acldrem:T14`1r't1 1"F't+Tf3;~'r1tF CCIi�i Contact Person; TiR1Tt;T SGtYl'"!' 1 LAKE COUNTY FLO P- IDA ITB # 17-0606 'UIPMENT-PARTS-SUPPLI:ES-SERVICE FIRE EQ DECEMBER'13, 20 .16 3,900 Pm SUbmittod by: Bruce $,c.ott - Inside Sales Representative 800-228-8368 Monte Sim's -ouitsi'de SalesAep*rosentativ-,g 80Q7. $36.8 Deqemiper 13,'2016 Donna Villini-s,- Senior Contracting Of ider La'k6 C.0uhty BS -S, Office of Procurement 31-9W Main Street, Room 441 Tavares, FL 32778-7960 Dear Mrs. Villihis, Thank . . you for allowin Ten -8 Fite. Equipment,, Inc. the pipportudity. to'submit aprop.psal for this ITB.. Ten'S is premier --distributor of ,fire apparatus,. ambulances, 6ndfire. equipment serving ourC"Ustomer in Floridet.and (30orgia. Ten -8 'employs well over 100 professionals in sales ',and-serylice to - the ,fire industry. in .2015, we; .-6ele bratod.put 30 yea.;anniversary. r,anniversary.. Ten -,8 has a reputation and qbtm.itment to, integrity. Ten -8 .was stafted, by Don r Bouwer, a retired Fire. Chief over 30 years'ago. His'-d6mtaking care 6fth�b.'customer mer has served us well, Our tagline;ls "in Service to -.Serve You". While we are not taking: exQeptioh­tb the re;i-procurement.tosts, in the bid,, they are not clearly defined and, they should . be.,discu . s sed -and negotiated tog'6ther to find a resolution. We look forward to continuing, our partnersh.ip,with' Lake bounty., Florida. Sincerely, Gindy. Morgan . VP of Equipment and Rescue .Sales' Ten -8 Fire Eqpipment, Inc. 321-438-91.85' omorgan@ten8fire.com SE C'rION i — SPECIAL TERMS AND CC'ONMITIONS ITB Number: 17-0006 Section 7.O0t16 Section 1.1: Purpose The purpose c)f'this solicitation is to establish multiple term and supply contracts liar the purchase of various brands of parts, supplies, equipment, and services used by the County on an as naaded basis in ennjunctlon with its public safety needs, This is an indefialte quantity contract with no guarantee goods or sol-Oces will be required. The County does not guarantee a tnininium or matxlmum dollar amount to be expended on any contract(s) resulting fi-orn this Invitation to laid (IT13). Sectioai 1,2: Designated Procutrenient Representative Questions coneerning any portion of this solicitation shall he directed in writing (fax and a -mail acceptcd] to the below earned individual ,,vho sball be the nffcial point of contact for this solicitation. To ensure reply, questions shoo Id be submitted no later than seven (7) working clays before the hid due elate. Donna V'iIlinis, CPP13, Senior Contracting Officer Lake County BCC: O ficc of Procurement Services 315 W. Main Street, Room 441 PO BOX 7800 Tavares, PL 32778-71100 Phone: 352-343-9839 lax: 352-343-947.1 E-mail; v' tierslalcccout t ov No attiswers given it} response to questions submitted shall be binding upon this solicitation unless released in writing as an addendttn to the solicitation by the Take County Office Of Procurement Services. Section 1,3: Method of Award The County intends to award multiple contracts under this; solicitation to maxitnize coverage for the variety of brands it purchases for its operations. It is anticipated that multiple vendors inay be awarded for tine .tante brand. Tn this case, the County may request quotes from vendors under contract for tete same brand ii'discounts are equal or if stocking issues arc concerns. As the hest interests of the County may require, the County reserves the right to reject any and all otTcrs or to waive any nzttrc>r irregularity or technicality in bids received. SEC:`l;'M Y W-ECIAL '1'lr.><2MS AND CONDITIONS 1Tti Number; 17.0606 - Section 1.4: Prc-Rid Conference l Site Visits Not applicable to this solicitation. Section L5: Term of Contract This contract shall commence on the first calendar day of the month succeeding approval ofthe contract by the Board of County Corinnissioners, or designee, unless otherwise stipulated it) the Notice of Award 1',etter distributed by the County's Office of Procurement Services; and contingent upon the completion and submittal of all nequircd pre -award documents. The initial contract term shall remain in ell°et for twelve (12) months, and then the contract will remain in ctTect until completion of thr, expressed and/or implied warranty period. The contract pricing resultant from this solicitation shall prevail for the full duration of the. initial contract term unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in this document. Section 1.6., option to Renew The County shall have the option to renew this contract For four (4) aidditlonal one (1) year period(s), Prior to the completion or each exercised term of this contract, the vendor shall be notinect in NvAting of the County's, intent to renew. 1t is the vendor's responsibility to request any pricing adjustment in writing under this provision at the tine of renewal. The vendor's written request for adjustment should be submitted at least thirty (;iii) calendar days }odor to expiration of the then current contract term. Tile vendor adinstment request must clearly substantiate the requested increase (with copies of manufacturer's invoices, notices of PI -ice incrveases, etc.). if no adJiustment request is received From the vendor, the County will assume that the vendor has agreed that the optiorn'tJ term may he exercised 1,441101.1t pricing adjustment. Any adjustment request received after the cominencenlent of a new option period shall not be considered. The County reserves Clic: right to 1 -eject any written price adjustments' submitted by the vendor and/or to not exercise any otherwise uvailable option period based on such price adjustments. C:ontirittation of the contract beyond the initial period, and any option subsequently exercised, is H C:ottnty prerogative, and ncit a right of the vendor. This prerogative %ill be exercitied only when sueb continuation is clearly in the crest interest of the County. Section 1.7: Metbod of Payrnertt invoices shall be sent to the County user dopartment(s) that requested the items through a purchase order. The date of the invoice stall not exceed thirty (0) calendar days from the delivery orthe goods or services. 1.1ndcr no circumstances shalt the invoice be submitted to the County In advance ofthe delivery and acceptance of the iterns. in addition to the general invoice requirements stated below, the invoice shall rererenee, or include a copy or, the corresPoncling defivery ticket number or packing slip number that was signed by an authorized representative or the County it:;er department at the time the itetus were delivered and accepted. All Invoices shall contain the contract and/or purchase order number, date and location of delively or service, and confirmation of acceptance of the goods or services by the al?ptoprlate SECTION I — SPECIAL TEcUUMS AND Cf?iVill'. ONS ITB Number. 17-1606 County representative. Failure to submit invoices in the prescribed mamnicr will delay payment, and the vendor may be considered in default of contract and its contract may be tennlnated- Payments shall be tendered in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act, Part V11, Chapter 218, Florida Statutes. Section 1.8; .>nsuratncce Each vendor shall include in its solicitation response package proof of insurance capabilities, including but net hulited to, the following requirements: L'I'ltis flocs not mean that 11-10 vendor must have the coverage prior to submitual, but, that the coverage roust be in effect. prior to a purchase order or contract being executed by the County.] An original certificate of insurance, indicating that the awarded vendor has Coverage in accordance with the requirements of this section, shall be furnished by fhc vendor to the Contracting officer within live (7) wcnking days of such request and must be received and accepted by the County prior to contract execution and/or before any ~Mork begins. The vendnr shall provide and maintain at all tunes during the term of any contract, without cost or expense to the County, poltoies of insUmnee, with a company or companies authorized to do business in the State, of Florida, and which are acceptable to tl-1e County, insuring the vendor against any and all claims, cicmands or causes cif action whatsoever, for injuries received or darnagg0 to property relating to the performance of duties, services atndlor obligations of the vendor under the terms and provisions of the contract. 'I'lle vendor is responsible for timely provision of certificate(;;) of insurance to the Comity at the certificate holder address evidencing conformance with the contract requirements at all times throughout the term of the contract. Such policies of insurance, and confirming certificates of insurance, shall insure the vender is in accordance with the following minimum limits: General Liability insurance on forms no more restrictive than the latest edition of the 00currenec Form Commercial Ge3cral f,iability policy (CG 00 01) of 1110 Insurance Sere€ccs Office or equivailentwithout restrictive endorsements, with the following rnInimnrn lin-1its anti cpventgc: Each Occurrence/Cmneratl Aggregate $500,000 Products-Cornpleted Open acions $300,000 Personal & Adv. ?njury $500,000 fire Damage $50,1}00 Medical Expense $5,000 Contractual UabilRy Included Automobile liability ins; trance, Including all owned, non-owliod, scheduled and hired autos ujith the following miniinlim I imits and coverage, Combined Single Limit $300,000 o;- liodily Injury (per persons 00,{100 Bodily 131jury (per accident) $300,000 SECTJON J -- SPECIAL TY MMS AND CONDITIONS IT13 Nutnbirr.17-0606 Property Darnage $100,000 Workers' compensation Insurance based on proper reporting of classification nodes and payroll atntoutits in accordance with Cliapter 440, Florida Statutes, and/or any other applicable law requiring workers' compensation TF. Acral, maritime, etc.) if not required by law to nlaintait! workers collipensat'ion insurance, the vendor must provide a notarized statement tba1. it he or she is injured, he or she wil l noL hold the County responsible for tiny payment or compenstation. 1 mplovcrs liability insttrtulc e with the following tninirnum limits and coverage: Each Accident Disease -Each Emptoyee Disease Policy Litnit $100,000 S l 00,000 5500,000 Lake County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, and the f;oard of County Coynmissionets, shall be narned as additional insured as their interest niay appear on all applicable liability insurance policies. The certit'icate(s) of insurance, shall provide ror a, minimum of thirty (aft) clays prior written notice to the County of any change, cancellation, or nonrenewal of the provided insurance. It is the vendor's spocific responsibility to ertsurc that any such potice is provided within the stated titnefratne to the certificate holder. if it is not possible for the Vendor to certify compliance, on tilt certificate cel' instmce, with all of the above requirements, then the Vendor is regttired to provide a copy of the actual policy endorsemcot(s) providing the required coverage and notific:titlon provisions. Certificate(s) of insurance shall identify the applicable solicitation (I7131i .FP/RFQ) number in the Description oi' Operation$ st:ctlon of the Certificate. Cettificatc holder shall be: TAKE COUNTY, A Pt3lATICAL SUBDIVrSION 01 THR STATE, 01= FLORIDA, AND THE DOA It)'-) OF COUN'T'Y COMMISS ERS P,O, BOX 7800 TAVARES, Fay 32778-7800 Certificates of insuranoe shalt evidence a waiver of subrogation in favor of the County, that coverage shall be primary and noncontributory,, and that each evidenced policy, incltldes a Cross Liability or Severability of interests provision, u4th no requirement of promitun payment by the county. 'file Vendor shall be, responsible for subcontractors mid provide certificates of insurance to the prime vendor accordance with the Vendor's requirements. S their insurance. Subconttnctors are to evidencing coverage and terms in Sr!,CTION I — SPEC.IAT, TERMS AND CONDITIONS tTB Number:17.0606 All self insured intentions small appear on the certificate(s) and shall be subject to uprnval by elle County. At the option of the County, the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such self-insured retentions, or the vendor 01' subconttuctnr shall be. required to procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related claims expenses. The County shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of motley, which may represent a deductible or self -Insured retention in any insurance policy. The payment Of such deductible or self -Insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the vendor and/or subcontractor providing such insurance. Failure to obt'tin and Maintain such insurance as set out above will be considered a breacli of contract and may result in termination of the contract for default. Neither approval by the County of any insurance supplied by the vendor or Subcontractor(s), nor a failure to disapprove that in.4urance, shall relieve the vendor or Subcontractor(s) Of full responsibility for liability, damages, and accidents as set forth herein, Section 1.9: Ronding Requiremen is Not applicable to (his solicitation. section 1.10: Delivery The vendor shalt make deliveries within ten (10) calendar days atter the date of the order. All deliveries small be made in accordance with good commercial practice and all required dollvery timeframes shall be adhered to by the vendor(s), except in such cases where the delivery will be delayed due to acts of trod, strilceq, car other causes beyond the control of the vendor, In these cases, the vendor shall notify the County of the delays in advance of the original delivery elate so that a revised dolivery schedule can be appropriately considered by the County. .Delivery of emergency orders shall be within forty-eight (48) hours, No stock deliveries will be accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, or County holidays. The ordering department will advise vendor if the order is an emergency when placed Should the vendor(s) to whom the contract(s) is awarded Fail to deliver the required goods or services under a specific order in the number of days stated above, the County reserves the right to cancel the specific order under the contract oai a default basis alter any back order period that has been specified in this contract has lapsed. If the specific order i4 so terminated, it is hereby understood and agreed that the County has the acuthority to purchase the goods elsewhere and to charge the incumbent, vendor wilt any rc-proeurctncnt costs, if the vendor fails to honor these re -procurement costs, the County may terminate the contract in its entirety for default. Certain County employees may be, authcoAzed in waiting to pick-up materials under this contract. Vendors shalt require presentation of this ANmi*D authorization. The vendor shall maintain a ccapy of the authorization. If the vendor is in doubt -about any aspect oFinaterial pick-up, vendor shall contact the uppropriate user department to enn[ia-m the authorization. 6 SI C.TfON I — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS I'M Number t7-0606 Section 1.10.1; Shipping `I'ertns, Y.O.B.1}estination- Inside 'Delivery The F.O.B. point for any product ordered as a result of this soiici#ation sball be F.O.B., DESTINATION INS] DE DELIVERY :l'he titic for each Item will pass from the contractor to the County only after the County receives AND accepts each item. .Delivery v��ill i be complete until the County has accepted each item. Delivery to a Gammon carrier shall not constitute delivery to the County. Any transportation dispute shall be between the contractor and the carrier. The County will not consider any bid or proposal showing a V-0.13, point Mhcr than F.O.B.: Destination— Inside Delivery. Section 1.10.2: Bach Orders irthe vender cannot deliver an ordered item in accordance with the scheduled delivery elate due to a current existing backorder of that item with the vendor's ntanufacturer or distributor. the vo;ndoar shall insure that such hack overs are tilled Within tell (10) calendar days €tom the initial scheduled delivery bate ror the item. The vender shall not invoice the County for back ordered items until ,;uch back orders are delivered and accepted by the CoLulty's authorized representative. it is understood and agreed that the County may, at its discretion, verbally cancel back orders after the grace period identified in this paragraph has lapsed, seek the items from another vendor, and charge the inctaiibent vender under this conLract for any directly associated re -procurement costs. Cf the vendor fails to honor these re -procurement costs, the County nay terminate the contract for default. Section 1.:11: Acceptance of Goods or Services The product(s) deliverer€ as a result of an award from this solicitation shall remain the property of the contractor, and services rendered Under the contract will not be deemed complete, until a physical inspection and actual mage of the product(s) Lindfor services) is (81-0) accepted by the County and shall be in compliance with the tenns herein, fully in accord with the specifications and o€'the highest cluality. Any goods and/or services purchased as a result of this solicitation and/or contract inay be testodlinspected for coinpli.3nce with specifications. In the event that any aspect of the goods or services provided Is found to be defective: or does not conform to the specifications, the County reserves the right to terminate the contract or initlatc co)rective action on the part of the vendor, to include return of any non-compliant goods to the vendor at the vendor's expense, requiring the vendor to either provide a direct replacement for the item, or a full credit for the returned item. The vender shall not assess any additional charges) for any conforming action taken by the County under this clause. The County will not be responsible to pay for any product or service that does not conform to the contract specifications, In addition, any defective product or service or any pix)duct or servit;e not delivered or performed by the date specified in the purchase order or contract, may be procurod by the County on the open market, and any increase in cast may be charged against the Awarded contractor. Any cost incurred by the County in any re,-procumment plus ftny increased product or service Cost shall be withheld frorn any monies owed to the contractor by the County for .any contract or financial obligation. 7 SI C:TION 1 — SPI'i.C; AL TERMS AND CONIDITIONTS ITB Nhiniber-17-4646 Section 1.11.1: Deficiencies to be corrected by the Vendor The vendor shall promptly correct all apparent and latent deficiencies and/or defects in work; and/or any work that fails to conform to (lie contract documents regardless or['project ootmpletion status, All corrections shall be maidc within ten (10) calendar days alter such rejected defects, deficiencies, and/or non-eonf ni-nances are verbally rel)orted to the vendor by the County's project adininIstrator, -vvho may confirm all such verbal reports in writing. 'Che ,vendor shall bear all costs of correcting such rejected work. if the vendor fails to correct the work within the period specified, the County tnay, at its discretion, notify the vendor, in writing, that the vender is :subject to contractital default provisions if the corrections are not completed to the satisfaction of the County within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the notice. If the vendor tails to correct the worlc within tyre period speciE•icd in the notice. the County shall place the vendor in default, obtfiin the services of another vendor to correct the deficiencies, and charge the incumbent vendor for these costs, either through a deduction from the final payment owed to tale vendor or through invoicing. if the vendor fails to honor this invoice or credit memo, the County may terminate tic contract 1br default. Section 1.12: Warranty The vendor agrees that, Unless expressly stated cgheiivise in the bid or proposal, the product and/or service litrnished as a result of in award from this solicitation shall be covered by the moist favorable commercial warranty the vendor gives to any custoincr for comparable quantities of products, and/or services and the rights and remedies provided herein arc in addition to said warranty and do not limit any right uf€'orded to the C.:ounty by any o deer provision of this soIicitcrtion. The vendor hereby acknowledges rind agrees that all materials, except where recycled content is specifically requested,. supplied by the vendor in conjunction with this solicitation and resultant contract shall be new, warrantee/ for their merchantability, and fit for a particular purpose. Section 1.13: Delivery of Solicitation Resfratcse Unless a package is delivered by the vendor in person, all incoming mail frorrr the U.S. Postal Service and any package delivered by a third patty delivery organiratiurr (Pedlyx, UPS, I. UL, private courier, etc,) will be opened for security and contamination inspection by the Lake County Clerk of the Circuit Court Mail Receiving tenter in an off-site secure controlled facility prior to delivery to any Lake County GovernrnenL facility, which includes the Lake County Oil ice of Procurement Services. 'A) be considered Cor award, a bid or proposal must be receives) and accepted in the Office of Procuf-ernetnt Services prior to the date and time established within the solicitation. A response will not be considered for uward If received in the Office of Procurement Services after the oliicial due dote and time regardless of when or how it was received by the Lake County Clerk of Court Mail Receiving Center. Allot sufficient time for transportation and inspection. The exterior of enols envelope/package sila.11 be clearly marked with the bidder's name and addrC.44; and the soliefation number and title. f nsrire that your bid or proposal is securely sealed SECTION I r- SPEC:TAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 11B Nu mbar. 17-0606 in an opaque envelope/package to provide confidclidal ity of the bid or pl*oposel pt•ior to the dile date statod in the solicitation. Tf you p1Atl Oil submitting your bid or proposal IN PERSON, pleasc bring it to: LAKE COUN 17 PRUC:I. REMENT SERVICES 315 W. MAIN STREET 4TH FLOOR, ROOM 441 1-AVAR.ES, Ff,ORIDA If you submit your bid or propositi by the UNITED STATES POSTA'l, SERVICE (USPS), please mail it to: LAKE COUNTY PROCUIREN ENrl' SERVICES PO BOX 7800 TAVARES, FL 32778-7800 If you submit your bld or proposal by a T3iI.t ) PARTY CARRIER such as FedEx, UPS, or a private courier, please send it to: LAKI` COUNTY FROCCURENUiNT SERVICES MAIL REICEIVING CENTER 32400 COUNTY ROAD 473 LRESBURG, FT. 34788 I;acsimile (fax) or electronic submissions (e-mail) will not be accepted. Section 1.14: Completion Requirements for Bids The hid submittal shall consist of this etltire 1TF3 document, with required sections completed by the vendor. Ensure that you sign the bid in the certification box in Section 4. One (I) signed original, two (2) complete hairdcopies, and one electronic copy (jump drive/C D) of the laid shall be sealed and delivered to the Office of Procurement. Services no later than the official bid due date and time. Any bid received after this time will :tot be considered and will be returned iunope:ned to the Submitter. The County is not liable or responsible Cur any costs Incurred by any Bidder in responding to this ITB including, without limitation, costs tier product and/or service demonstrations if requested. When you sctbinit your bid, you are making a binding offer t�� the County and are agreeing to call of the terms and condition; in this Invitation to Rid. Use only the form(s) provided in this document. if you matte any change to the content or format of any i'Urnt, the County may disqualify your otTer. All information shall be legible and either written in ink or typeNvi itten. if you make a correction or change on any document, the Berson 5ilming tlic bid proposal must initial die change. The /:rid shall be 3naanually signed in BLUE INK by an official authtar3.Lu_i to legally bind the l3idder to its provisions. 9 SECTION ! — SPECIAL TE:IMS AMD CONDITIONS ITB Number: 17-0606 COMPLI?TION OF Bill PACKAGE,: The vendor shall complete all required entries in Section 4 of the bid form such as, but not limited to, pricing pages,—signature, certifications, referenecs, and acknowledgement of arty solieltatiOn addenda. The vendor shall submit the entire solicitation with all Section 4 entries completed in the number of copies specified to the address specified In this solicitation. The vendor shall Also subirdt ally supporting documents (to include proof' of insurability and provision of bid bonds as rewired), samples, and/or descriptive literature required by any of the provisions in Section 2 of the: solicitation in a separate searled envelope / package marked "Literature for Bid 17-0606." Do not indicate bill prices cin literature. Specific Completion Directions, > The bid submittal shall consist of this entire 1TT3 document, with required sections completed by the vender. > Complete the requested iniorrrtation at the hotton2 ofthe 17:'li cover page, (page 1). > Pricing shall be completed as directed within Section 4. > initial and date in BLUE INiC the appropriate space(s) in Section 4 for each addendum (if any) Issued for this TTB. > Insert• any prompt payment discount tliat you will offer. Note payment tarns zre NIST 30 DAYS otherwise. > Complete the re-ference form (include alt least three references) contained within the solicitation as Attachment 1. > Complete all certifications, vendor information, and etrsure that you sign the laid (in BLUE ink) in the certification box > Provide pmol' cif' [nsurance in compliance with the stalled rcquircrnents in section l.8 ley submitting either a certificarte of insurance or evidence of insurability. Section 1.15; Availobitity of Contract to Other County Departments Although this solicitation is specific to one or more County Departments, it is hereby agreed and understood that any County department or agency may avail itself of this contract and purchase any and all items specified herein frorn the vendor(s) at the contract price(s) established herein. Under these ciax:crinstaenees, a contract modification shall be issued by the County identifying the mgUirernents'ofthe additional County department(s). Section 1.16: Bwiiness Hours of O er:etions Deiiverit,q shall be made during regular business hours (Monday througli Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) No deliveries or work (if vendors provides equipment service) shall be perfonrred Aer regular business hours or on Saturdays, Sundays, or County holidays except when necessary in an emergency situation, for the proper care and protection of (lie work area dy performed, and/or when permission to do such weak is secured from the County Department representative. No overtime work shall be started without prior approval of the imrrrediate l.roject niainaa6er or hi.Vhcr desig ated representative. 10 ST,CTH)N I — SPECIlsi.)l.,'1ERNIS AND C:€11ti1D1" IONS ITB Number: 17-4606 Section 1.1'T: CatalogilP'rice Lists Tho vendorshall provide its website address on page 21 of Section 4 where product catalogs and price lists are available t'or viewing and; or dowt7loading. With the bid submittal, the vendor shall include a QQ or rliuMb drive of the current catalogs and manufacturer's price lit,�is rear the brands quoted. Failure to meet this requirement may result in the otfcr beim reiected. Upon request, the vendor ~hall provide hardcopies of the rnanuradurer's prrodUCt catalogs and price lists at no addiliollal cost to tine County. Section 1.1$: Compliunee with Federal Standards All items to he purchased under this contract shall be in accordance with all overnmental standards, to inc:ludc, but not be limited to, those issued by the Occupational Satcty and health Administration (OSHA), the National institute of Occupational Safety hazards (NIOSE), and tine National Fire Protection Association (NFT'A). Section 1.19: Hourly hates The hourly rate quoted shall be deemed to provide %fall compensation to the vendor for labor, equipment use, travel time, and any other clement or ost or price. 'Phis rate is assntmed to lie at straight -time for all labor, except as (otherwise noted. The vender shall comply with minitnum wage standards, and/or any other wage standards specifically set forth in this solicitiltim and resultant contract, and any other applicable laws of the State of Florida. f f overtime is allowable under- this contract, it will be covered under at separate item in the special clauses Section 1.20: Labor, Materials, and Equiprocnt.Shall be Supplied by the Vetudor Unless othem4sc stated in this solicitation; for service to be performed, the vendor shall i'trrnish all labor, material and equipment necessary for satisfuctory contract performance. When not specifically identified in the technical specifications, such materials and equipment shall be of a suitable type and grade for the purpose. All material, workmanship, and equipment shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the County's Project Manager. Section .1.21: Purchase of Othcr Brands Although this solicitation and resultant contract. identifies specific brands, it is hereby understated and agreed that additional brand(s) may be added to this contract at the Option of the County. Under these circumstances, a County repre:senta ive will contact vendor(s) to obtain a quoto for (lie additional brand(s). if the discount proposed by the vendor for the additional brand(5) is considered to be fair and reasonable, then the brand(s) would be added to the contract through the issuance of a modification to the contract. The incumbent vendor(s) has/have no exclusive right to provide these additional brand(s). The County reserves the right to award additional brand(s) to the itowest priced contract vendor, to multiple contact vendors, or to acquire the items through a separate solicitation if it dete;rtnines 11 SECTION 1 SPEt: AL TER11mmS AND CONDITIONS 1'tl� Number: 17-U�a6 the price distx)unt offered is not fair or reasonable or for other reasons at the County's stile discretion. Section t.22: Rebates and Special Promotions All rebates and special pix),motions offered by a manuFactwrer during the term of the contract skull be passed on by the vendor(s) to the County. It shall be the responsibility of the vendor to the}tify the County of such rebates anchor special promotions during the contract period. Special promotions shall be offered by the vendors) to the County provided that the new price charged for the itern(s) is lower thari would otherwise be available through the contract. It is understood that these special promotions may be of it lialitcd duration. At the end of such promotion, the standard contract price shall prevail. Section 1.23: Repair and Parts MRttttats to he Provided The vendor shall supply the County with a minimun) of one (i) comprehensive repair and parts mantal which identity the eompone3ht parts, and which describe the appropriate process for repairing the equipment purchased by the County in conjunction With this solicitation. 'rile manuals shall be supplied prior to, or upon, delivery of the equipment. Final payment shall be withhold until such time as these manuals are received by the County. section 1.24: Risk of Loss The vender assumes the risk of loss or damage to the County's property during possession of such property by the vendor, and until delivery to, and acceptance of, that property to the County. Thr; vendor shall immediately repair, replace or make gcmd on the lass or damage without cast to tttc County, whether the toss or damage results from acts or omissions (negligent or not) of the vendor or a third Darty. The vendor shall indernnify and hold the County harms le ('rom any and all claims, liability, losses and causes of action which lnay arise out cit' the fulfillment of this contract. The vcridni shall prey all claims and losses of any nature whatsoever in connection therewith, and shall defend all suits, in the name of the County when applicable, and shall pay all costs and judgments which may issue thereon. Stiction 1..25: Safety The vendor ,shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and prcagrains in connecticm with the work and for complying with all ro;qulrements (if the Occupational Saicty and health Administration Act (OSMA). The vendor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of and shall pr(}vide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to persons or pivperty. The vendor shall provide all standard equipment, work operations, Safety equipment, personal protective equipment, and lighting required or manda€cd by State, Federal, OSHA, or Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) regulatiorls. 12 SECTION 1 — SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS YrD Number: 17-0606 The vendor shall designate a competent person of its organizatlion whose dui}' Shall be the prevention of accidents at this rite. This person shall he literate and able to communicate felly in the English language because of the necessity to read job instructions and signs. as well as the need for conversing with management personnel. This person shad) be the vendor's superintendelit unless otherMse designated in writing by the vendor to the Contract Manager. Section 1.26: Special Notice to Vendors Regarding Federal aindtor State Requirements Upon ammid of a contract resulting from this solicitation, the vendor shall utilize the U.S. Department ofI-lomelaaid Security's E -Verify system in acct)rdance with the terms governing use of the system to confirm the employment eligibility of, 1) All persons employed by the vendor during the tern of the contract to pe•fonn employment duties within Lake County; and 2) All persons, including subcontractors, assigned by the vendor to perlbrnn work pursuant to the contract. .Section 1.27: Training When applicable, the vender shall supply the County Nvith as minimum of one (i) comprehensive (raining manual which describes the appropriate use of the equipment purchased by the County in conjunction with this solicitation. The manual(s) shall be included with the equipment upon delivery. l-inal payment shall be withhold until such time as these manuals are received by the County. Upon request, the vendor shall provide an intensive training progtTdn to County employees regarding the use of the products or services supplied by the vendor In conjunction with this solicitation. This training shall be no additional charge to the County. The vendor shall bear all costs of registration fees and manuals and tcxts, or other instrut:tional materials associated Mill the required training. Section 1.28: gage )~fates Under this contract, the wage rate paid to all hil)orers, riechanles and apprentices employed by the vendor for the work under the contract, shall not be less than the prevailing wage rates fir similar claksilic:attions of work as established by the Federal {.government and enforced by the U.S. Department of' Labor, Wages and llotu;i Division, and Florida's Minimum Wage rNuiremcnts in Article X, Section 24 (f) of the Florida Constitution and enforced by the Florida Legislature by statute or the state Agency For Workforce innovation by rule, whichever is higher. 13 SECTION STAX)MAENT Ole WORK UB Not-nhcr: 17-0606 SC()PE OF SrmVICFs Cencral Reattirements It is the intent of the County to establish multiple contracts for it,5 annual requirements for Lire equipment: ports, supplies, and/or services for the County's Public Salbty Department, lire Rescue Division, and the County's Fleet Management Division, The vendor hereby acknowledges and agrees that all parts andlor materials supplied by the vendor in conjunction with this solicitation and resultant contract shall be new, warranted for their merchantability, sand tit for a particular purpose unless recycled, used, or remanufactured goods are specifically requested or approved at the time the order is 1)iaLed. Llimerge:ncylDisaster deliveries may be required during non -business hours. 'Vendors shall submit a contact person's name tinct tclophone rutrnber where requested in the Pricing Section for emergency orders. It is the vendor's responsibility to ensure that the County has received the latest version of any MSDS required by 29 CFR 1910.1200 with the first shipment or any hazardous material. Also, at any time the content of an QST)S is revised, the, vendor shall promptly provide a new MSDS to the County with the new information relevant to the speeific material. The vendor shall be recluimd to furnish price lists on jump drive or CD upon rcguest f-om the Putalic Safety Department or Fleet Marratgeniont Division alt no charge. 'Phis prier.: list shall provide descriptive: literature, technical data and service information for items awarded. Time of delivery i'or these lists shall be mutually agreed upon by the vendor and the County representative. 'RepairServices Unless otheiNvise stated in this solicitation, the vendor shall furnish all labor, ntxter•ial and equipment necessary for satistactoiy contract peribrmance. When not specifically identified in the technical specifications, such materials and equipment shall be of a suitable type and grade for the purpose, The vendor(s) shall possess all special hand tools and special equipment recommended by the equipment and part manufu;tutr(s) to effectively and efficiently make repairs, The vendor{s} shall abide by OSHA requirements and the staff assigned to the County's prolccts shall be ASE or factcrry certified. All material, workmanship, and equipment shall be Subject to the inspection and approval ol'the Public Safety Department. Vendor(s) ~hall be required to submit a written estimate for each prospective prqicct under this contract before a work order for that specific project Is issued, The estimate must reflect the regular hourly wages for each classification represented in this contrwa, aartd the percentage discounts or mark-ups fur materials and equipment that were quoted by the vendor on its initial offer or the most current contr-act pricing. The estimate shall be itemized ley the number of tondo hours per classification, and by the cost of materials and equipment, Lunip sum estianatcs will not be accepted. if multiple vendors are available to quotean estimate Ccar the specific work, the County reserves the right to award the project based on the lowest written estimate, or to reject all estimates when such action is determbied tea be in the best interests of the County, and obtain the required services from another source: of supply. 14 SECTION 2 — STATEMENT OF 1'Yt}.RK ITB Numbur.17-0606 Upon approval of the estimate, the County's authorized representative shall generate and issue Ei Work Order for the specific repair project. The Work Girder shall include the scope o('work Lk) be completed. For ptaposes or identiiiaation and payment, the Work Order shall be numbered and dated. The vendor's nanic shall then be entered on the Work Order and that order will then be issued to the vendor. The Work Order shall also direct the: vendor to commence work on a certain flay and it shall specify the anlUunt of lime alloLEed for (;onipletion of work covered by the Work Order, AJI work covered by a Work, Order shall constitute a Contract Schedule. Delivery Locutions Fire Rescue Vehlele Maintenance/Pleet Division 25028 Kirkwood Avenue Astatula, Fl, :34705 Department cel' Puhlic Safety Fire Station No. 20 37711 SR 19 Umatilla, FL 32784 Departanwit of Public; Safety 315 W Main St Suite 411: Tavares, 171, 32778 County Fleet Management Division 20423 Independence Boulevard Groveland, FL 34736 15 SECTIO 3 - GENERAL TKaMS ANT) CONDITIONS 3.1. DLI7NrriONS Add todat A wrillt t vhan90 110 a SAW Latit)". Bid, Shrill refer to any *Kr{s) submitted in respunse to this ITR. Ridder: Refers to any entity that submitted a bid under un RB. Coafrac(i The agirarncnt to perform Slit services set 1`01111 in less suticiliAiott. lite connect will be cumprised of the solicitation dceummlt signed by both parties with uny addernla and other atmchmenTs sptcifically incorporated. Criniractort Are vendoe o which award has bucn m1de. Countyr Shall I rarer to Like County, Florida. limitation to Hid (M); 511irdl tnean this solicitation duatunetil, in,drMing any and all uddenda. tin LTR contains %a -defined Willis, oortditions, acid srxcificrriiutrx Ortel is at+aided to the Irnvwevt pricod responsive anti rarlonsihic bidder. Modification; A writien change to a ca ttruct. Responsible: licfers to a bidder that has the empuuity And capability to perfiorm the work required tinder an Invitation to Hid, Reit is othcrwiso cftgible for uwurd. R(:spunsiye: Woo to a bnddar that bus Luken ii exception lir devotion from lbe tarts, conditions, and spo ifie:ations in an M. Solleltstion: 'The written doeuuteni nequestinR either bids ar proposak from the nitirketpluce. 1r'cudur, A r,ontral rct'encnce to any entity rgspundinb to this suiicilulibn Or pe-fibr:ning undcz amp resulting (:untnrct. The Ca-,urty hu ca(ablislied Vial tete words "sbalr', "must", or "we'll" arc equivalent within thin 11R and indiastu a mandilmy ragaircment which shalt not b3 waived by the County. 3.2 IN- MILIMUNS'1'()13IMARS A. Bidder Qualificatiost It is the policy of the COurly tit WCOLIM8r9 full and open cumptlilioii asnone all available qualified vendors. All YcndOra r:gulurly tuguiWd is Tile type of work spwititd in the sut'idt,+tion arc uncuurugtd w submit bids. To be rreommended Cur atwtrd lite. t'ounty requires that yen3urs prrovidt.evidoncc ofcomplianutwith ills reit atrcrncnCc below upon rtxlursi: 1, Disclosure ofF,mploymcnt 2. D iselosun;rf0wndship 3. Dn+q-t:rccWarkplum 4, W-9 and 8109 Forma—The vendor must tlurllslr thea'. Coons upon roqutst its reguirod by the hitcrnnt Navtnz e Servim S. Social Security Numbur • Tire ver4or must provide a copy of Lha primary owner's social security curb if the social security nuluber is being usa1 in lieu of the TtrJer<tl tdtrxltieatfon Numhcr (Kl::.t.N.) 6. Americans With l)isahilitics Act (A.D.A.) 7, Cvntlictof Inletest S. Deboriawit MselosureAftidavit 9. Nondiscrimination III. Vemily Leave 11 Antitrust Latin — By aowepllirw of any contract, (lin vendor agents to comply wilt all, apphtuble antitrust fatii, 13. PublicEntityCrines Pursuent to Sectioa2&7, f 33(2xa) of the Florida SuAutcs, u person or affiliate wlio leas beat plamd on the convicted vendor list foilowirp a tstmviAibn ror a public ontity arinic may not subsoil a hid (m ¢ contract to pivvide a=ry goods lir services to r public catily, may nut li ibniit s bid on a contrary with u public Wily for the ocinsttrictfon nr rwpair of u public buittlilie or public ivnrk,'may not submit hide on'Imsrs Of real plupeety to a ttubtic entity, rrny notbtawunled urperform as a contractor, s}.ippiter,subcon(ractot Or consultant wider it conami with nay public eaatitp, and may not transact business with ally public entity in atccss of the threshold amount provided in SoCtion 2$7X317 of the Florida S(atutes, ror CAT GORY A'WO fur t period of 36 nrondis from the date of (icing, placed On theconvic(ed Yendor list C- RcquestrarAdditionxlInfurtuoilou :Any communiculion or inquroct, except for ch ifical.ion orproccss or pmecdum alrtauly contuiaed 1n the tit eftitt,on, are, to be mule in 1+7ilirig To Lite attOnticin a€the 1m!curerncut ruprtst:itativc identified in the soticludian no later than live (5) worktop, dRys prior to the bid :tier. date, 5uuh inquiries sisal) contain the rcque,ster's tuvlte, address, and loupilono number. 'the Nucurement Scrylo s t7tiice 16 ITB Number: 17-0606 may issue an addondism in response to any inquiry received, prior to bid opcaing, which changes, adds on, or clurlfies 1110 terms, pruvislons, or rOquirements of the solicitatticim 'lha bidder should not rale nn any atadetnelit or explanation jvSettter' %, ucii or verbal, uther Ihan thwa made in this solieiia(ion document or in any adde ,Air imirA, Meters there uppcurs to t+c 8 csmfl:et 1x1-wncn oris solia lition and any addenda, the lust addendum iciucd shalt pnsvail. It is the bkldw .,q rs iponsibdily to euStue roeuipi and to acknutvlcdge all addenda and any accamportyiug, documor"tion. Failure to acknow1rdete each addendum may pravrnt tht bid from bcingoormidurcd fur uward D, Cori tents ofSnlicitationaadtiiddrra<'Rrsponslhititiu It is life resp+onsilinity of the bidder to i rvotlit (lioroughly familiar with the rmquirentents, teams, and conditions of this setle,41101i %tated unuwwtness orconttitMal terms and conditions will not be accepted m a basis for varybig ;lie requirements of the County ur the am atlitt To ha Maid to the vendor. L. ReAricleAl Dist:kuldens From the dulc or issuance of fits inLicitation until final County action, v sdors should r1,gl discuss the solicitatinn with any employee, ageatt, or arry nth --T rcpTesentutive of the County except as aulhurizad by the ticsignatod prncuramant rcpnesenlative. Tht. truly oormmunications lhut shall be considered pertinent to this solicitation are written doctunrnls from ilia vendor addMmxd to the dacieprated prncurtment rtpecyeatalive and mlevant documents )nnittg,-tied by the destgoated proutimment representative, 6, C,'inhlgt 10, withdrawal of, lir Mistake in, Md Clumstes to laid - Priur to bid opening, a Wv'dec may chimp its bid by subasitting a new bid with nntim on the, fnrri's letterhead, signed by an authorized uteni, silting that the now submittu, replaces (be o1'ig(tust strbmittaL 'Ilii naw subxtittal slTall cOntnhi aft infonnution usrequlitd for slllsmit(ingthe originul bid. bVithdrawat,pf Did - A bid rn1y bo wl(hdrawn, either physically ur by written nu.ace, ul uny than bleat' to the bid due date. If withe n xyli by written nntiec, that notice must be addressed to, and twc>:wd by, thGdtsftlnated 1lraeurement represeniAive yrior to the bid due dntts and lime. A bid may also be withdrawis idlet txpirtition of the spcatfiod slid Lccaplurax period, nod prior 10 awtud, by sulimhting a fetter to the desigrmued proCilrc:ncmt mlimsentutivt. Tile Wititdtnvyal better must. be on company Letterhead and signed by nn till Owl ized g8rn( of the bidder. Mlstako In Rid - Any aIle„ aiion of mis(eke• in Bid Rhalt be treated Uri u cust•by.coso trash. It is to be ussumud thtit arty al(cration in hid priut u11er receipt of bids tvill he cxeuptional in nuuut, and 'WA be aliowrd only when substantiated by cuircrit Ictal oreoedcnce. 0. Conflicts vrillsia the San d"on Where there uppears 1u be a cAnrtlict lietwcco eontmctual terns reed conditions, the Ttelutical sticeifieations, the pricing seclion, or any addendum issued, (he order of prrcm4ence shall bc: lust addendutri issue(i, the pricing :;mt ion, t1 lr. teclinJoni specifications, the sp: girl, and then genial conditions. It is incitmbont upon the vendor to idea4ifj stt'3i contliom prior to the bits` respunse dale. H. Prompti'ayrru:nlTerans 11 is the Itnliey of the Cuunty Lha( paymont far all purchases by County agwriatac shall be mode is a timely man ncr slid that intercsL paptntaris will bo made nn lute puyrnen(s iu a4coldanco with Fart V11, Chapter 218, Piorida Slat vies, Ininwn as the Ftwida Prompt Payment Aat. '('hc bidder uray Oftel' 00th discountR fir prompt paymr,tlts; liottvver, Qudi di=wilis will not be considered in determining the lowest pdoo during bid avaluntion. Bidders civ pttJoc,stcd in prnvida ptt)mpl payment terms in the space provided ori the signature ps$u of the solicitation. 3.3 PRUVARATION Or RTAS A. The Priving Section of this solicitation defines the goods or scrviorz to be purchased, and must be ounpleted and sulimitwil with the bid. L -se of any nth 7r itrrn or sh mxiun of tltc form may result in the rijeetion of the bid. 13. The bid mbivittDi must be Iregible, and completed using typtitriter, cOnrputar or ink. Any entry chaneo must be enyrsed out and initialOd In ink. Vellum to curnply with these rCAitltrtsnc ms may curie Tire bid to Lv, raicctod. SECTION 3 - GENER.AI, TERMS AND t:ONDITIONS C. An atitilurtzud agent td the bidder's firm must sign the bid. rAIT.Tlltlr. TO SIGN T r. 73111 h1.AY RI4 ©ER 'rut MT) NON-RESPDX61 R. The biddar may be uunsidened non-responsive ii bids are oundittured to modifeat(nns, chances, ur revisions to tlis trams and conditions of this solicitation. 1;, The hiddar may subodi nireotato bids) Cut the satntte solicitation provided that such offer is allowable under ttai terms and condhions 'aha altomiLle bid istuci ntccd or exceed the mInimum rexluirernents and he aubmittod as a septratc bid sntuked "Altrwnata Bid". I . Wlen (bele is a discrepancy between ►ho unit prices and any extendW priccs, thaii itF.71o6i\Y'Lii prevail. G. Any bid received uftcr the sillitilatod hid duo date, and time through an fault of the Cots►ily will be cansiderod iald, and except under the must. ettuepikillal tfrciunsttutus, nut be r Haid Bred for tt%girri H. UnI= otherwise specitted in the soliciletion, prices gvntod shalt he F.O. a. Destination, 3A COLLUSION Where two (2) or more related partic&, as defmai herein, etieh cahoot a hid for the same contract, ar avidentsa any, prior undemfArtt;nq, agreement, or c rnieolon in such regard, such bids shall be prtaumo3 to be collusive. Related part! --s shrill invau bidder or pl•iroipala thereof that htiae a dlymt or Indirect ownurship interest in another b(dder .1br the same contract or ki which a parent company nr the prin%:J$mis thereof of one bidder have a direct or indirect ownership ilitcrest in another bidder for the saitno contras: Rids tnund to he collusive shall by, rcjccicrl. Bidders which have beep (none to have cngikaud in collusion Ittay tic ctuisidered run- rasponsihle, and Tiny be suspended or debarred. Any oontraet rewlting from collusive bidding tufty be tortninatoil fbrdefuutt. 3.5 'FROJ DrT1ON A G ATN: V t' t YEN t'MENT TEES 'rho v ndur wurnini3 d6i; they have not cinptoyai ur ielained raw, ctnnpiny or poTsnn, other than a bona lido enlpioyee wxxking solely ror tine vendor tri solicit or secure the oohttact and that they have not paid or ugtrod to pay any pcirn, company, corporation, individual, or film, other than a bona ride eiaployce tvoaking sakniy Car the vendor, Any ConSideilltinni contingent upon Or IVU.Ilting furan the award or making or0ie Contract. 3.6 CONTRAt:1'it\'G NN11'1111 COUVrY FNIPLOYEKS Any County craiplayee or rrentber of blit nr her immediate faintly seeking to contract with the Courtly shtilt seek a conflict of intmcd upiniun front the County Attorney prior to submittal of a response to canlnnut with (Ise County 't'lic of cctud txnp)yetesltali disaioso Hie canpinytz'n ussiltacd Function within the Counly and iuteiesl or the interest of h►s or her Immediate family in ilia pmpriscd contract tut) the nxturo of the intended wrnrtict. 3.7 ISCURRV.1) FXPF.ilSF-1; 'Chis atolicit ition den's not cninrrut the County to award nor Inc respunsibtu for lily Cost or oxpcnse whiuh may be. inctirv�d by any bidder in iimparing or submitting a bld, or any cast ur expense inctured prior to the cxecufitm u( u pumhaso older or cnstntct. Dv subinitling a bid, the bidder- also agrees that the County brats no resporolbility for any ousts of the bidder s¢sociated with lily odadnssirativo or ,judicial pruceedisles resulting from this solicitation process. 3.9 COUNTY IS'fA,`C-9XrA1PT When purchasing un it direct basis, tho County is a_enerally exempt fionl Pedel:+t Fxcise'Iaxcs and hit State of Florida saves and use taxes. The Cuunly will provide act exemption uettilimle upon icliuctt by thew selter For Such purchase. Icxuept rur rtelu(s) speciticully idenlirwd by the vendor turd il=pted by the County fbr bract County purotUft under the 5a1ir,5 Tax Racnvery PtYt(pratr, wntractois doing business with Lire Cotlilty, arc not exempt frum paying salus tax to their milipiicr_s for muteriuls needed to ntltill Coritractuul obligations with the Cnunty, hoi is ' any ve radar authorized to use the County Tan Exemptions far such trurcliases. 3.9 PROPRIET-4EtYI(.'ONVII)EiNTIALI•yFt)RM., t'ION Bidders arc hereby notified that all irXormuliolt Submitted as pant oft. bid will bo avwilable For public Inspim-don in curaapliunce with 17 ITB Number,. 17,0606 Cluipter t 19 of tho Florida Statutes (Ilie" Ilub►is Recurd Act."). Tho bidder should nut subunit s :y informaliu-a *h1ch the bidder eona'idrins pmprictery or conFidontial. The submission of anv inRumutiun to ilie County in connexion with any soliattution dull be deeantld crinolmivdy Cu be n waiver of any prutee►lon from releme of tate srlbmitted informuliur ursloss such iahmnutiun is ezcanpt ur confrd otia) undar tho Public Itescords Act 3.16 (..ANCt.1,LA:IIONOf= $01.lr.I'i'A'1'K)h The County reserves the right to rachial, in whale or in pall, Any ani tatiun to Illd wlien it Is in the best in'.ertst of talc County. 3.11 AWARD A. Unless otherwise u1loae4 by statute w ordinance, a -ma d. will be modo to tats lowest priuud responsive and responsible bidder. Tile County Tcscry t the right to rt: -wt pity slid all bids, to waive non• i ttrial irret ultirttira or teCltniaPlitieS and to re -advertise for ill or tory part of this solicitation as deemed in its hest interest. Tile County shall he the solo judge of its hest nntcrcst. It. When thane lie multiple line itkas in a w icilxtion, rho County reserves (Ise right to award on an imlieiduil ;10111 hasis, any aumbhuttfml of Items, tornt tow bid or in W- ohover manmr deeilt0d 141 the treat interest of the C:uunty This prnvistnn spetxfsCully sdp-3r3ndc¢ any method OPuvmrd Criteria sufed in the wlicitniion when such sotian is cleanly necossary to pmloct the best hneilesis of the County. C. The County reserves tho right to reject uoy and 111 bids if it is dciermincd that prices are rxeecsiw or de(enuined to, br untrtsonabic, or it is otherwise determined in he in the C:ounly'a best Weresl to do so. D. The County rosurvas trio ri& to nogcitiato prices with the low bidder, prottided that loon Y-'opc of work is swt amended. F, Award will only be trade to Arms that sntial} all lebnl rtxllsriollizrts to do business with tlse Coulliy. The County may oonduct a viv-a%urd mspochur of the bidder's sno or conduct a pre-uwurd sltaliticalion alerting to determine the responsibility and capacity of the bidder to perfam. Award may be pietiiCa W on compliances ►vilh .tall subalittxl of all rellub'cd documents us stipulitled in the solicitation. r. The Vitilcem pnrtormunue as prince or stthcantractur an previous County contracts shah be token heto account in evaluating the responsibility ofa m!ipunding bidurtr. G. Ad tie bids will be rcuslvcd in cansoriunce with ctirlent written =, r edum in 111.11 ieBAl'd, It. A vendnrwishing to prutwi any AWard deelMon resulting from this solie.itstiont shall do as provided for in rho County's Fuachus'rng Procedure lotanusl &12 GPNKRA1.C:ONTRACrCONDITTONS The eonuact shall be binding upucs And shall inuro in the boncfnl of earls of the portim arA of ihuir respective suommors and permitted. assigns. Tile txtrolaet may not be amended, release+:, discharged, rescinded or abandoned, except by it virilteii instrument duly cxccuu:d by etnrli of the parties liactn. 'rhe failure of tiny party lsaoto ar any time to en(unt shy of into prouisirrs nFiae econVaet watt in no isuy axrnstituto or be ennstrued in u WJivar of such provision or of ari usher provision horenf, nor in arty ally unct Via vytidity nf, ur the right thereafter ars onibrecs, each and every provision of ilin contract. Any dispULoarisirtgd drkq tkcexlursn of coniracl peiformairce that is not readily rectified by conrdfnation bct%4ven the vendor And the County user department shall bs Ixfcrrcd to procurement Services ofTice for reasniuti on. 3.13 OY'11ERAGENCIFS With the ouirient of tarn vendor, other ugeretes luny make pumhoses fit socrintanoe with the wntrret. Such purchases shall be FinventrAt by the same terns and cupdkions tis slated herein with the exccplinn ofthe cbange in agency name. 3.14 CONTRACT FX'I'B IUM Mie County has stsa unilateral Optron to extend u contract for un to ninety(99) c's►endrr days beyond ale evrewit eontracr. period. to such event, tilt. County will natift the veador(s) in wtitmg of stich extensions. The conlract may be extended beyond the initial ninety (90) day extension upon nivtual anmement betwe= tits SECTION 3 - GFNERiL TERMS AND CONDITIONS County and the vendoits). Fxemaiae of lite. above nliticns requires the prior approval of the pruGuretneyt Services :ldunuger. MS WAMIANTt' All warranties expieSs Anti implied, shu]] be triode available to the Gutnly for gouda and stavices eavcrcti by this mlieitallon. All goods firm -4 -cd Shull be fully guanntttocd b} the vendor ngahist titelory defects and warkananship. At nO cxpmm to t1he Ctnulty, the yr glor shall correct any and till apps rent and Intent deCects- that may ustur within the manufacturer's .trndard warranty period L'e cowiul canditinns of :he suiieitation may superutdo the mairafttcturer's sot+nds.rd warranty. 3.14 U;Sl'1lr:iATLO QIIAN'tTI'EES F.stsmatW quuntilie5 ori dollars arc for bidder's guitlance only, No gumn mite is expressed or implied 7s to quantirics or dollar volae that will be tiscd during the conlnwt peaiod. Tho (:nunty is not ohliguid to pllea any eAor for a given ummit subsequent to the awatti of anis solicitation. T'.!e COmrty play use estimutud g000titie,- in the award iiraluulitm- process. F.stitnarcd qumtilies do not eunlctuplule Or include possible udditionul ti smithies that ntay he ordered by other entities that may utilize this cuntiact. Tri no event shall tete County be liable for inymcnts in excess oC tktt antovnr due ibr quantities of gouda Of smicos actually ordered. 3.17 NON-LXCLLIS(%'1TY it is the intent of ilia Cntmty to enter into an agreetne t that will satistj' its needs as described vAthin this solicitation. M%%Vver, the County reserves the riyd to per Coit, or cause in ba performed, all or arly Or the tvnrk nuld services herein dv&aihed in the manner dmcntd to reptescnt its hest mteresU. in no case +will Lha County be liable far billings in exoess ofthc quantity of goods ue services 8Ctti llv provided under this uuntract. Sas f'Ois'TIiv'UATION OFNVORK Any work teat osmnte:tocs prior to, arxi vend extend, beyumd site expiration date of the current cunlmct period shall, untwis tenninuted by mutual NVriitvn agreement hemwran the County atsd the vendnr, continue until cumpletion witlinut change to the theft currrnt prices, terms arilm, wild i tions. 119 LAWS,RLIJ.BS, RKt:I)i,h7t'10N5AKD LICSNS4S The vcndnr shat.! comply with all fed.:r-I, state, and Loan: taus and ft�utatitms appticable to pruvisiun of Lite goOdn and/or services sptruifLod iu this solicitatimt. Durinp the term or the C00 fact the Ycndar assures Ehuf it it hi eomptianco with Title Vit of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended. and lite Flol'lda Civil Rialltc Act of 1992, ill that the vendor dues not un the grounds of race, cnsar, national oiighi, Irl(gian, seat, uge, diunbility of m2mital status, discrimination in tiny Conn or manner against the entUbe elnployeOs or apphoants tt)r employtntalt. The vcadar tmdrastands that may curilrrtct is condhinned upon tato veracity of this Anieinatnt. 3.24 ST)BC:O:'+nTRArTING Unless ullttitvise stitiulated limcin, the vendor $ball net subcuntliml. arty potlrOn of :he work without the prior ttY:ttal coasxri of the COaetty. Subcontracting vvid'out The prior conseaH or tho Calmly tiny result in lerminution of tine contract fnrdefault- 3.21 ASSIGNMENT The vendor 3hail not ussign or trans'.1lir:gly contract resulting frust alis SO)icitatinn, including any riehms- title as interest therein, of its put%vr 10 MCulC SuCh contmact to any person, connprny or carpunatton without tats prior written consent of the County. 'this pmnrisian specitiuully imtudes oily aeryaisitlan or hostile takoovcr of the awarded vendor. Rtilum to comply in this I'Cgards may swuit int termination of the contract for deQutlt. 3,32 ItIrSPONS W ILITY AS UNIPLC)YGR The ennpinyco(s) of the vender shit]] be considered at s:3 times its cmpluyee(a), and net an omplmeo(s) or age nos) of this County, The conkav(w shtr:l provide cal+pioyce(s) capable of perfurtstimg the vf*A us retluirdtl. The County may nrquirc the oonttuctor to remove any imliployoc it deems unaCCept 11+re. All employees of the coalrector may he rw4ulred lir weir appiovdilc Williffoadon. 3.23 UNWEiVI IFICATION To the cactent permitted by law, ilio m.dor shaft indemnify utd hold boratless iile County and its officers, employcas, Dentes and instntmcntalides hoot any acid all liability, tosses or da dIgeii. V ITB Number; 17.0606 iniatalhla lutocnay's CCUs and costs of dcfunse, wUch the (!onnty ur Its otticcrs, tanpluyves, agents or imirurnunlalkias nilly incur its It ry-Null of claims, demands, suits, cause.= of actions or prodCedinF.s of any kind or );:+toile arising mat of n:latlng to or ruw:ting £SOn1 the petfortnancc of the ugreesu)tnt by tho vcndor or its employtxs, ngollb, oer'vants, partners. Plinciiis err subs ntrun:tons. 'The vendor s�,atl pay tall claims and losses its connectrnn therewith, and slvsll investigate and dafand all claims, suits Or actians of any kind of nature in to narne of Ile Crrunly. where splilicablcy rwhidi ng appelltr,.e prureediugs, and shall pay all costs. ,iudgmamti, and 9ttnrney a fees which may he inuurred. the loud, The vasndar cxpresaly undurslands and agreas that any insurance pfoicatirun required by this Agreement or uthurwis . providd by the Yexsdor shall in nn way limit the responsibility to tndcmniff, keep and sd`K harrnless Rod defend the County Os its *11rTert, employeas, agents and irislnttriettlalitics as heroin provided. 3.24 M0IIIF ICXI10N OF CUNTRAC`r Any Contract resulting from this SOliel"Iion may be madi(jed by mutual tooseni of duly autlnnrized purtin, in writing through the issumcc oft modification to the contract and/or purdsasr Order as appropriate. 'tiffs presuantsihemod1 fication itsel: is in uumpliNl00 with all aPplioable County proewal es. 3.15 '1'Ltt&fl ATIC+N f'OR t:t)MVPNIL,.4CL The County, at its sole di mclinn, reserves tilt: right to tClminato this ecntmct upon thirty (36) days written notice. Upon mceipi Of such notice. rhe vendor shall nut iricoe any addition! costs under this eonYxot, -tile Cuunty shall be liable only for reasonuble vests incurte d try the vendor prior to notiuc of termin aliou. 71iC COunsy shall be the sok judge of"retwinablc costa " 3,26 Tl,;RNITINIATTt)N t)L-L "T't) UNAVAILbBUJI'V OF CONTINLIENG FUNDING Whon funds are not appropriated or 011ictwiso made available to support coil6nur--lion Of perfarmanue in a "muilt Oi suhsequent fiscal year, the cunlmut shall be caticcud and the trondar shall be teiniout9Cd for tile reasonable vultee of any non-:ocurnng cosi: incufred auord7ad in the price or the supplies or scrvrcca.Rasks delivered tinder the cotursce 3.27 TERMINATION FOR DE FAULT Tha County irscives the right ua termitutit shit contract, in Part or in whole, or rlkct od58r Rpproptiatc remedy in the evenl t::4 vendor tails to pc rfunn ih OCeoidancc with the terms and conditions stated herein. The County fudiltr fedcrvw 1s1c right to suspend or debar Clic vendor in accordance ivitlt tine County tnLnuntm, re+sulttlions nndtor adininistnttive omits. 'tit#, vendor will he notified by let les of Ilse County's intent to terminate. lu Ilse elt,CV of lennination far default, list County may procum tho nxtuirad gutx3u arulfor .tervices from any suutue and use any method deemed In its beat interest. All re-pruuurement asst shalt be bnrne by the vendor. 3.28 FRAI)DA.R'1)hilSIIEI,RLSI-',14TATION Any individual, cuipota60A or Other cnt$y that attompts ro meet tau ctndiae;,aa) obligations through fraud, niisteprescntation or muterial misslaleatteW, nilly b0 deharrcd fur up to rive (5) years. T)r� County as a furthcrsanation may tetutii:ote of csnCcl any nrhty conbracis wills suets in(fividual, corporation or entity will) SUClt vendor held imponsible rOi all dircet or rndtrcet costs ussm iuled with terminailon or cancellation, irx:luding attonloy's fees, 3.29 HIGt1TTOALM- 1T The Colony reserves thos tight to naTu ria tine vendor to xubrr it to all audit by any waditor of the Comity's chonsing. The Conlractor shall pmvida oov-m to alt of its records, which betula directly or indirectly to this Agrrcntclt at its place of busincsa during lVeillor husiness hours. The vendoraltall :clafn all :owrda pcttrtining to this Agreement and upon requat make thorn available to the Colony for a minimum of three (3) yetifs, or as trgnired by Florida tuty, svltich6m is longer, taltowing expiration of the Agreement. 'Che yea doe aPxecs to provide such ussi-aria :e as may be nccc3.w}' to fscilitute the review of atidit by dt Cntmty to ensnare Cromplreacn with npplrcabic aceu tinting uttd financial standards. Additionally. CONTRACTOR agrees to include lite. t0quilV110% of this provision in all contiacis with snhcontruck)m and material SLC110N 3 -- GENII IW, TERMS AND CONDITIONS supplicts in warledtioo with the %York purfotnled liminher. If an audit bispwlon or uxaminaliott pursuant to this ,notion disdlases uyerpilaing or overcharges of ally tlatore by the (:vN' uACTOR to Lie COUNTY in excess ttf onu percent (A'0) of the Intal *meati billing% in addition to inking adjusmients fur the overdUges, the im sonabla actual cast o'•the COU? TY's audit shalt bo mitabursttd to the COUNTY b1'the CON 17RACTOR. Any mijuatments ant' -for auymeu(s %%pith trust be made as it ovule of aq such audit or inspectiou of the CONTRACTUR's inyvices andlpr retards shall be made \vilhin a ressonahlc amount of time, but in no event 41911 the time axwed nicety (Arf) days, tion presentation of ilia COUNTY's audit 01ndiny3 to the CONTRACTOR. 3,30 1'tJI;hIC:T2P.i,:ntti}Sf t:{ll'YliICIITS Pursuant to Seatiall 119,0701, Flmidu Statutes, tits ta%MWOi emnintuotar shall comply wlth the Florida Pub[ I:; lttcnrds laws, lwd shall: 1. Keep and ranirtteiial public records rcg.nred by the Coady Ili peiibt,n the services Identified licein.:. upon request frorr. the County's custodian of public records, pivivido the County with a cupy urihe lvquc3tcd records or allow rho records to be iosp=ctcd or copied within u reasorlRbla liana at a enst that does not exceed (hr, cost prnvirled ftor by lu%v. 3. Ensun3 that public raords that are exr.myl o1 confidential and exempt from public rew(ds disclosure requirements ire nut dimimJ oxoept as authorized by law fur the duration of the ex» itroct lana and tial&vwing oamptetton of the contract if ihes cunlraulof does not transfer the reonrds to the public ageaoy, 4, Upon completion oftho ConllaCI, itonsfcr, itt nn ca.%t, to Ilio Gntrnty all public iocords in possession of the contractor or keep and mtdulain public tornrts aequinxi by the County to perform the service. Ir the cuultaelor Trans" rill public. record.,; to the County upon completion of the uunicact, lire txontismor shall destroy any duplicate public reonrds that me txuntpt ur contidendal and exempt from public monads disclusurc requiiemcnts. I f the cunlrLClal 1cCrps n rid nt,1l n;atlls Jail ii l0 Tt a aids uponcompletion of the contract, the ounhacior shall inect all applicable requirements i$r tatidning public reconk All roeords stated drxtrutdtai3y must be provided to the County, upon rNUcsL holy ilia Comly's custodian of public teuottis ht a forth% that is cnnipatibla with :tor infolmolion Coolint> oSy systems or the t:ounty. Failure to uumply with tills sewciail shall lac decaned a breticia of the comsat and entbrecablo us set furth i:i Section 1 1111370 t, l-lurida SLaluleS. Any copyright derived Goin this Ae elnlr nt -iliall Wong to the itulhoe. Thr author and the CONSULTANT shall expressly assign w the COUNTY nonoichrsive, royalty frac rights lu time any and All information provided by Tile CONSUI: PANT in any delivurnbiu an(b'of report for the fYItJN'fY's use which mm' inrJudc publishing in COUNTY document.- and distributian as The (N)UNTY dens to be hl the MUN'iY's best inturaals. If anything included in any delivetable limits the rights of the CLOU\TY to use the infurmutiun, then dtlivorlible shall be considered datective and not arceptablt And ilia t:C)NSt1L'I'AN'f Mil not be dtigihlc far any compensation. 3,31 GON ERNM G I A t1i S The in erpretclion, affect, And validity at any cantmct(s) ersudting frim this solicitation sindt bt 60vcrrtc.9 by the Iaws and reguleduas of Oo State of Ylnridu, and unlit Comity. Florida, Yenuo of any crotid action shale be in l,aka (:aunty, Ooridu. fit :Ire event diet a suit is brought for the enrom mciit of any term of this dunirncl, or any right arising there faun, Slit peonies mlymnsly waive their respective rights to have such action tried by jury iria3 and hvchy w mento the u:ic.ofnos joy trial for the Adjudicationofsuet%suit. 3.32 STrtTF Rlic;is,'rRAI'iON R QUMEN- bNvTi Any wrpuallion submitting a laid in r mponse to this ]TIL small either lac registered ar haves applied Cut legist111tlon with the Ho ida Npurtutent of Stag in ReeMlance %i lb the pmvisions of Cilepccr 6l)7, Florida Statutes. A copy of ilie regisitatinni application may be regltiried prior to award or a contract. Any partnaship submitting a bid In rmapnnsc to this t't'I3 shall hive complied will the applicable provisions of Chapter 620, Buridas Stolotal. Farr additional intinnatiur, en these meuitt menta plcaar vuntadl the ]otarida Secretary of State's Office. Division of Corpnrationu, 19 ITB Number: 17.0606 8Ul}755,5111 (Iii%,patio\\lvdoS.�3lstc.il.usl. 3.33 PHNE CONTRA(7roR The vendor ownrdcd the enrtriut stutU act as the prime contarctur and shalt wsutne fill lesponsthility fur st ccw3lid parib—ice of the wrraacL The vendor shall be dunsidened the sole pnint or contact with reipird to meeting rill requLcmentm of The contract. All subcontractats will be itubjeel lu tidvanca review by the Cannily in lerpods to cranpctrney and sucurily concerns. Atter the award of the contract no change in subwntleators wit, he made without Lv,e wnstvil of the CrAnity lin vender Shull be responsible fnr all insurance, permits. licenses, and related matters for oily and all subennraetors. liven if the suboontractnr is a%:It insurtd, the Coiniy rally require the wntructur to povidw any insurance crnifiurtrs rryuirrd by the %%irk to be porfurmed. 3,34 R)RC:E MAJO'URGr 'she parties will citeruisr. every t%tnspnable eftbrt to meet their %t;pw.liva tvhligatiois hereunder, but shall not he liable fir delays ttsulting torn force maiearc or tither acuses boynnd their rws nnuble control, Including, but rnt Irmiled to, oornplkmce with revisions to Government luv; or rtgutniion, acts of nature, rut% ur ousiislons of isle other party, fires, strikes, national disoslers, wrirc, ria.%, trunspurlulion problems sndi*l* arty other cause whuisot:vtr beyond 1ha ra asnnabte exantml of the pairlies. Ally such eausc may be eaux far alTropriute mtcasiun of the perfori nonce period. 3:35 NO CI.AINW FOR nAh1AGW No ctairn for domagc:s or any claim other than fur nn rxtatasimi of time shell be rUoda or aastrtGi against the County becaosc of aq delays. No interruption, initrftaetice, fnoincieney, suspension, or delay in the cotrnicnweinent or progress of ibe Work sl:ltll rolicvc the vcndw of duty to porform, or give rlac to arty righI todumages or riddittnnal compensaliun from The County I-rc vondor's sate remedy shall be the right to roL an e-xtensiuu to the cotrocr time. l tuweve , this provision shall not preclude r:cosery of damages by she vendor for hi iduutees oe delays due solely to frtm3, brut ftiith, or riclivit intcrfer moo on the part of the County. 3.36 TRUTH If`i NP,i tyl'IAT(ols O',W11FICATLr For cauh a untrut:t Lot exc oeds One Hundred: Ninety Fivv'rhousuud dollars ($195,.1(1),01)), any or itnizutina avAirdmi a attune% must cxrculle a troth-in-nagotiatirm ecrtiticate statins thus Lire tvrge, 1,1103 and other iaetuul unit culls tore L1CCuralo, complete, and current, ul 1;i et iliac of contracting. Any auntract rettair'irle this Cwrtificsto shall contain a provision that the original couttuct, price a»d any additiuns dull be odjasTo,! 10 m'chtde any significant sums by which the County de lvinnines ilia coatract price was inwcastd due t3 inaccurate, inenmphar, or non-tairrent wage rales and other fa::lual unit casts. All such contract adjustments shall b. Made. Loi chin rine { i j ycer fulttmi ni; :.rte and V I elm contact. 3.37 GRANT FUNDING Irl the event ally pail of the cantraet is to be funded by federal, state, or other lural twenty xanriun, the vendor humby ugrees to comply *4111 all requiretnatim of the funding ettily upplkablc to the uzo of the muairs, falcludfng Mill Application, of rcgairrnients involvirw tilt t11r of minority Finns, *mica's business enterprises, and lahor surplus area (inns. Venders art :advised that payments under the cortttacr may Ise withheld peaulitlg, completion and submission of ail tngttlrcd borers and docturnids re quiro�d of the vcndorpursuant tutor tpanl furtding requirements. 3,38 TOR,iCM PRODUCTS Due to lite acknowlalged hazards arising front exposure to tobacco products, areal to protect the pulilic and employees' hoAth, sttfoly, mnifort and cavirnme nt, Lubucco use is prohibited on any County owned bufiding and property. Tubuucu products hiclude both smoking and smokeless labltceo, SECTION 4—I'12TCING/ CX.ItTTFIC:A.`1IONS/ SIGNATURES TTB Number: 17.0606 ITB TITLE': FIRE ElYiIMENT - 'PARTS -- 91JPPLfIES - S'N.RVICL' N- GTTS: When purchasing on a direct basis, Lake County is exerctpt from all lhxcs (Federal, Siatc, Local). A Tax > xemption Certificate will be furnished upon request for such pumbascs. Ilottever, flag veiltlor will lie responsible for payment tor truces ol) all materials purchaser) by the vendor for incorporation into file project (gee provision 19 ror further detaf)). • The vondor shall not aNer or amend tiny or the infotniation (icacluding, but not limited to stated units ot'measure, item (jescription, or quantity) stated in the Pricing Section. if any quantities are stated in the pricing sec;ticiti as being "estimuWd" quantities, vendors are advised to review the "EstimatW Quantities" clause contained in Section 3 of this solicitation. Any bits containing a ruvciirging or "escalrtittiT" clause not spe.4i{ivally allowed for under the solicitation will not be considered. • Unit prices shall g overci for all services priced on that basis &s requested under this sa�licitation. All pricing ,;hal I be FOB DestinatiOrl unless otherwise specified in this solicitation docuanent. All pricing; s4mitted shall remain valid for a 90 clay Period. By signing; airtd submitting a response to this solicitation, the vendor has specifically ag rrwd to chis condition. • Vendors are advised to visit tour wel}site at hitr3:l/vrrvMIAlie_sosi2t•vii.gov and register al a potential vendor. Vendors that Itave registered on-line receive an a muil notice when the County issues as .-ccilieita.tiou matching the commodity cudes selected by at vendor during the registration process. • If the contractor has questions regarding the applicability of Chapter 11.9, Florida Sltatntes, to the contractor's cluty to provide public records relating to tlxis csmtract, coxitact the custodian of Public records via the individual designated in provision 1..2. of this solicitRtioll. ACICNOWLEDGiUvr ;NT OF ADOU:NDA INSTRUC, 71ONS., Complete Part I or Part II, whichever applies The bidder most list below the dates of issue for each addendum received in connection with this ITB - A ddendum 41, llAWA: 1. 11-22-201.6 — ...... _. _. Addendum t12, Dated: 1I -30 -2016 -- Addendum 43, Dated: Addendum 114, Dated: No Addendum was received in connection with this YI*B, M] SECTION 4 —PRICING/ CERTIFICAMONS1 SIGNATURES ITR Number: 11-0606 pRjCjyC-, SECTION — GENERM, MFORMATION (Submit discounts mid hourly service nates in Atlachinent 2 "Pricing Form-) 1, Warehouse, location: Address -2904 59TH Atl�,MTZ DRIVE 14'AST CiLY]Slate,7513! BR_4DYVTOM- FL 342P3 Tvicolone"ru'' FAX—...(941) 756-2598 2. Shop location: AddkW,'.;: 2904 59M &VRRJE, —DRIVE -PUL City'StateMp.- B W. -CON, TH. 34203 1,010plionc/1=ax: (-800) 226-8368 FAX (941) 756-2598 3. Website address for price IMFIRISSOM 4, I.itaiidardwilrrenty.,MANUFACtUR'r,.R',; PRODUCT )AYARRARMS WILL APPTY 51 Lead time: _VAJIIFZ Iff MAIMEACTIM 6, minim urn order (if any): V5.0.QL. 7. littadilng fee if less than initilinvin (if applicable). B, Don ynur firm u]Ti;r pickup and delivery of ve-100105,-Uld equipment Ateding repair? Yes No X.. Charge for delivery,vickup: _N/A 9. Does your firm have towing capabilities? Yes. No X Towing, Charges: 10, Will your riffil accel)t Visa Purch'15W Cards nT E -Payable form of payment" y 11. Vendor contact for olnes-&ency and/or disaster service 24 hMrs/7 days per week: Name- TROY MC.rX)NIE Telephone: _. (800 228-8364. Cell. 941-544-2507 12, Exceptions to specifications: Yes*_ No x _... .. If yes, tilgel,t tj ge .1ente. shgAt immediately following this 1)jige diptniling exceptings 21 fl SECTION 4 — PRICING/ CERTIFICATIONS/ SIGNATURES ITB Number: 17-0606 By Signing this Bid the Bidder Attests and Certifies that: • It satisfies all legal requirements (as an entity)to do business with the County. • The undersigned vendor acknowledges that award of a contract may be contingent upon a determination by the County that the vendor has the capacity and capability to successfully perform the contract. • The bidder hereby certifies that it understands all requirements of this solicitation, and that the undersigned individual is duly authorized to execute this bid document and any contract(s) and/or other transactions required by award of this solicitation. Purchasing Agreements with Other Government Agencies This section is optional and will not affect contract award. If Lake County awarded you the proposed contract, would you sell under the same terms and conditions, for the same price, to other governmental agencies in the State of Florida? Each governmental agency desiring to accept to utilize this contract shall bp responsible for its own purchases and shall be liable only for materials or services ordered and received by it. [- Yes ❑ No. (Check one) Certification Regarding: Felony Conviction Has any officer, director, or an executive performing equivalent duties, of the bidding entity been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years? El Yes ly''No (Check one) Certification Regarding Acceptance of County VISA -based Payment System Vendor will accept payment through the County VISA.- based payment system: D -fes ❑ No Reciprocal Vendor Preference: Vendors are advised the County has established, under Lake County Code, Chapter 2, Article VII, Sections 2-221 and 2-222; a process under which a local vendor preference program applied by another county may be applied in a reciprocal manner within Lake County. The following information is needed to support application of the Code: 1. Primary business location of the responding vendor (city/state): 2. Does the responding vendor maintain- a significant physical location in Lake County at which employees are located and business is regularly transacted: ❑ Yes ErNo If "yes" is checked, provide supporting detail: Conflict of Interest Disclosure Certification Except as listed below, no employee, officer, or agent of the firm has any conflicts of interest, real or apparent, due to ownership, other clients, contracts, or interests associated with this project; and, this bid is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a proposal for the same services, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. DUNS Number (Insert if this action involves a federal funded Firm Name: TW -41 RIM EQUIPMM, Street Address: 7q_ m wff AVF+'f�I1TF+' T)R LSE EAST nADMlT9K RL 24203 Mailing Address (if different): Telephone No.: ($no) 9.28-8168 _ Fax No.: (A41 1 756-2548 E-mail: In@TFJ TRF _ CnM FEIN No. 5_ -281276-4 _ Prompt Payment Terms: % days, net Signature: ^' , _ _ Date: m - 0-2-doi U Print Name: �tG By signature below, the County confirms award to the above -identified vendor under the above identified solicitation. A separate purchase order will be generated by the County to support the contract. Signature of authorized County official: �C,,,--..----- Date: 3 -:)1 - �W i -1 Printed name: J�i0N!1(;- Citi -t, 1115; Title: Sj5jAcrt_ Cd 0 1""1 i"'Cq 4EF1C-L-2- 22 ITB Numbrx: 17-0606 ,SIRCTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE, ATTACEIED: Attachment 1: Referenec Form Atfitchtnwit 2: Pricing Form aj SECTION 5 -- ATTACTIME, I tTS ATTACHMENT J. - REFERENCES FrB Numba-17-0606 Alwncy GOR AL %PR:fNGs I'I E DEPT acldrnss 9551 WEST SAMPLE R=) city,stam,zip CORAL SPRINGS Ft, 33065 C:udXl Pcrgan CHIMP FR1tfi1K 13AliiNL(C Tolcpbane 954-344-5935 llate(s} �,r Scrvic,: �.:1.-26106 T[ pe of 8civica FIRE ROSE Cont,ncnts Alma L; , 3 1 Aec,icy MARTIN COUNTY li IRI, RESCORK Address r1,. RLKET City,Srat-7.tF STUART FL 34994 Contact Persan MIT RE5+ T ei,l,rn,c 772-221-2350 r)atary of Service 11-17-16 .ryw aP Service PURCHASE GATIMS', MSTS Cusunenis: ON 991M FIRF.- FOUMM hq¢ncy RINTER PAM T;-AM—il 's &dress 343 R- ST. CANTON A ciiy.si.ai*.7JP KZ= PARK H7j coninct rMon JIM WALSH rF.sPpitAnC L1t1�S? UC sr:vice 10-25-16 4 por MSA SCBA ' S c:am�rr,ta: OST GOING TIRE EQIIIPMIJNT PuRG.HASES 24 1't`B :Vuntk►er. l7-OGtiC, Current br�,;nds in use by the biro- Rescue Division include the Collowing. Please Complete the followins, information for those binnds suljpoited by your firm. Enter "yes„ OF "110" Ibr stocking distribumr. if you represent other msnufacturv-s for sindW fire -related equipment, parts, or supplies aot listed, please add the: rrkaslufactin-cr and pricing information in the blank space9 at end of plieing table. mw 3M COMPANY Alt7.E SHO ME, AC'1'1 t3N i 3 AIM _ •- — V AIAX AKRON BRASS ALL AMPRIC:AN ;tffF HOSE Ai.LEN SY5'fisMS ALOC:OLITE - AMF.REX pME,litC:AN F1RBW1 ; R AMElt1CAN LAFRANCE ANGUS 1,1 T. F 0 A M 8 APPLEC.ROi''I'-- B &t4 E NTERPRtSU.i 13101 SYSTEMS f Ei%.AGICTIVTON LiJNDVOK t3�U'1'QN GO __ BULLARD -• - CALtFOILMA MOU'NTAM ' CARNS & IWOMER - CAS'CYR.0DIMTS -- 29 S E ("T ION 5 — ATTA CTf ME N TS I'm Number. 17-0606 KATE Cl ff. M B (F U A-Tf) -1, —3'*'* Ob 5 COLLIN AXI'S C.01 CjRS, DYNAK#CS (ROM CORP) COUNC)I"POOLS .qF,ll.SEN cw. & co DAVID CLARK -7513 —SMffFl MAN TAFRS mCKE 1-0 DRAECIER WGINEERED SOLUTIONS DREXEL DUO $AF8('Y** ED 7X-Wi5q AND C;R5l-;5 IFLI. 71 Y W �RD S M F �(', ELKHARTBRASS ETI P -Ml - WTUNCY TECHNOLOGY EXTENDA LIT R (AKRON) ........ TF—.0 L SIGNAL TEE Pooks uNTRYTAY) FIRE POWL'lk FTREQUIP r —FLA–M–IF—FGHTEP, 92 SECTION IS - ATTACAIMENTS IT.R Number. 17-0606 FOLD A TANK (;FM OR GLASS .i STERM.-UR Mt -Z6ft—M—A-K —RUPP PUMPS H.ALI;),JT4*p Pumps TANNA Y�IW-- T3 T. "—q IIAMITNIGTON 1-41AZ CONTROL HEBERT OLMATRO TiONTYWE-111 - PRO HUMAT HUSKY UNRRA —SHIELD BRIALHOST ANTSVI W. -Ft JV 3MFC; KAPP)Yil' —tENDALL PRODUCTS )�OCHEK KOEMER TYWO CO KUSSMAUL IAC ROSSE BOOT -9 L LTFE LINERS LIONS WFORMS 21 SECTION 5 — ATTACHMENTS MAO I NSTRUM) :N US KiANN AXE T --T- -- -' IAIZS IS (31NAL.I.T6iffT -MC PROD JOTS MORANA%'H) IMSA Wh -FA LE —(C I I t CE 9 —D) NdiTll —AMUMAN 1:)R EI' SE NUI LA PARTNER FA—UL C:ONWAY SI1l1,3,DS pal PIERCE PIGEON MOUNTAIN 1 M,USTRIES RAWHID121 FIRRH( REDHEAD EFTUSS 1'113 Number t 28 SE CTJ ON 5 - ATTACHMENTS IR-16ffTY—DRO (50 co.rl.;- V, Tlc .114 1 SERVUS BOOTS SET YNVMVEAME 'SNTAPTJTE 'yV—GRKEL SOU'F6PARK STGNALW-, LEPR0NfFCTS CLASS ONT (SPAN rilo 'I�ASX FORCE TIPS 'ilTo—Rocoov Doon SUPERIOR Y,-q9T-JMA:FIC . ....... TASKMASTER TEAM EQUIPMENT TFULITE TrMPYtlgT PANS TOPPS TURTLE PLAST TK15i-,?1tNv,ATFR UNfl-Y LKIHTS VAN,N'FR 29 tTB 17-0606 SEC TION 5~ ATTACJOIE, NTS ITB Number 17-0606 3O NVATEROUS WILL BURT WTTI.rAMS FOAM WORDEN ATlC 3O LjkKE COUNTY f L 0 R I D A OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 315 WEST MAIN STREET, SUITE 441 PO BOX 7803 TAVARES FL 32778.7800 ADDENDUM NO. 1 November 22, 2016 ITB 17-0606 Fire Equipment -Farts -Supplies -Service PHONE: (352) 343-9839 FAX: 352) 343-9473 Itis the vendor's responsibility to ensure their receipt of all addenda, and to clearly acknowledge all addenda within their initla I bid or proposal response. Acknowledgement may be confirmed either by incluslon of a signed copy of this addendum within the proposal response, or ky completion and return of the addendum acknowledgement section of the solicitation. Failure to acknowledge each addendum may prevent the bid or proposal from being considered for award. This addendum does not change the date for receipt of bids or proposals. Questions concerning this solicitation are due December 2, 2016. The purpose of this addendum is address an Inquiry recelvcd. Avendorasked aboutthe re -procurement costs mentioned in Sections 1.10, 1.11, and 3.27 of the ITB. The County reserves the right to charge a vendor re -procurement costs when the original awardee defaults in the performance of their contract, and the County Is forced to obtain the goods or service.-, From another higher priced vendor through re -procurement. This is standard language in the County's solicitations and Is an option available to the county to try and rocoup some of the losses associated with re -procurement. The intent of this particular sollcit-ation (1TI3 17-0505) is to establish a pool of contracted vendors to cover the County's needs for various floods and services utilized by the Public Safety and Fleet Management Departments, Re -procurement would not normally occur forthis type of solicitation because there are usually rnuILIple sources available to meet our needs. Acknowledgement of receipt of Addendum: i`irM {`Jame: �TFN-13 F' gri, EWTPKMT INC. �. Date: 12r-7-1.0 12 Signature: �.`-�.�__ .l•- r��' Title: AT,p:g �T:P3t�SF�'1`AT.%iTi; Typed/Printed Name: BRUCE SCOTT LAKE COUNTY L0 RI UA OFf+lCI= OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES 315 WEST MAIN STREET, SUITE 441 PO Bax 7800 TAVARES FL 32778.7800 ADDENDUM NO. 2 November 30, 2416 ITB 17-0606 fire Equipment -Parts -Supplies -Service PHONE: (352) 343-9839 FAX: 352} 343-9473 Itis the vendor's responsibility to ensure their receipt of ail addenda, and to clearly acknowledge all addenda within their initlal bid or proposal response. Acknowledgement may be confirmed either by inclusion of a signed copy of this addendum within; the proposal response, or by completion and return of the addendum acknowledgement section of the solicitation. Failure to acknowledge each addendurn may prevent the bid or proposal frorn being considered for award. Tills addendum} does not change the date for receipt of bids or proposals. Questions concerning this solicitation are due December 2, 2.0:16. The purpose of this addendu m is to address the following: Current term and supply agreenionts undertho previous Invitation to Did (ITU #12-0806) expire June 34, 2017. It is anticipated that the new term and supply agreements awarded under this rM #17.0606 shall be effective July 1, 2417. Vendors shalt submit price discounts that will be deducted off current list prices for products at the time of purchase. Acknowledgement of receipt of Addendum: Firm Name: Date: t Signature: _ -- • �. �.,, _ r'' �' Title; .gAl r,; Yirnu>i iia N r�xr rvl�. Typed/Printed Name, BRUCE SCOTT TENSF•1 OP ID: SIR DATE (MOIDDIYYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ter. 1210712016 THIS CERTIFICATE 13 ISSUED AS A MATrER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFI13FLOWCAAFFIRMATIVELYTE DOES NOT ANCE DOEA S NOT CONSTITUTE CONTRACT BETWEEN T44S ISSUINGNSURER($) AUTHORIZED TTiIS CERTIFt A7EOF INSURANCE P REPRESENTATIVE OI. PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder i9 an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(tes) must be endorsed. if SUBROGATION IS WAtVEb, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, cartain policies may require an endor"tnent. A statement on this Certificate does not confer rights to the certificita holder in Iiou of such endorsemen s . PRODUCEII ins Inc KtO1AEiCT Russ Gifford PAC Ho:Cirfard-Hetdsn gA1.483.3$36 041.484-061 1S9EVeniceAvelue Nr , - »..- Venice FL34285' AMDR s. . Russ Urifford 2091596545 071301201610713012017 _,,.iNSURER(3}•�FFORDINpCriYExAGH INSURCRA:Valley Forge Insurance Co » 20508 ._....._ .. _. _._ .... _.. .._. _ INSURED Ten -8 Fire Equipment Inc & INsuaERs: National Fire Ins Co _ _ 20478, Ton 8 Fite & Safety Equipment. I!rsuttERo: Continental Casualty Co _ 20443 of Georgia, [,I -G 2904 59th Ave Dr E MRSCN+4_&ADV INJURY Bradenton, FL 34203 INSURER E:— INSURER P : Cdt1ERAGES CCOT IFICATO NUMBER• RtvI5luN NUM5EK; TIQS IS TO CEA11FY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BhLOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE I OR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITH$TANniNG ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDIfiON OF ANY COXTRAC:T OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITti RESPEOT TO WHICH THIS 'lle-fims, CERTIFICAT= MAY BE ISSVE:p OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY TtiL POLICIES OFSCRrBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL Vie EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OP $UCti POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCE U BY NAII} OtAIM-OL __.. ILNTR NNE OF INSURANCE •..•U4i.�Sl-ttiK Trtl[iCYEf•F I POLtCYEXP '--- LIMITS NUMBER a1fNUDlyYYY MM DDl A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ; THE EXPIRATION DATE THE{i(-;QF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Lake County, A Political ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLMYPROVIStoNS. UACA OCCUILRENCE F_ FMISF.StF,nwrr�r vbi CIAIMS-MAil6 I'-! OCCUR X X 2091596545 071301201610713012017 5 100,006 MED EXP 1A. cnenercor4 f 5,00 X ! Contract Ltab MRSCN+4_&ADV INJURY } I f 1,004,00 (�E i'I.A(;Ca�1tC>�1ELItdITtd?PLlC11S PER: I 3 —~ '2,000,00 41 CEt:ERALF(Y.iRF:"*r- rRWJCTS-COMI'Q:-AG(i ! x j JI V I I PRO,iccr J LCC i i,0001Q0- ctrl Ben. _ i S 1,000,00 e GTtIER: Lt46iUiY ! ? UUMHi+It l� InGIE. UMiT 'tl g 1,000.000 AUTG1nIaI31LE A6fY Atli 0 � 2071968532 ! 6713D12016 0713012017 E _ P.C1fYl Y INJURY taer NPlyM} — »_ S S _ X ! ALL ONthEU k EC; F%Y INJURY (mr 6ACRIaii j rROP-fi': DAbt4Cc ti�n�ar. uc aMti AUTOS AMUS r � KGN-f3YriLi3 x' � I--' , g HIRCDAMOS AIIr��,�0 X f'iP 5 j S X UMBRELLAUAll X :, tX;t:Ua I I I'.ACI?41GC1)RRF.N=,. S 3,DOO,D4 O excessuAe cL,:IMB•rtiav 2048055914 I 01130120iS 07130/2017 Ar,Grr(,ATE mr, I X I m wT mc,N 100Dp; WORKBAGS OOMPENSATtON p %� SST ITF I R� A I AND EMPLOV"S' LIASIUTY ANYPROPR,[rCtgTARTNERlE%ECUTtuE YI �I�tt1A OFFICEMMEWEREXCLUPFI? " 20675'r4�12l :01101120116 0110112017 _ GL.L'AQ4ACCIDENT 1 000 DO 1 I1,00{},00 (MAMMoryla N8) I E.L.LDISEASE • Eh EMr .CVhk f _ E.L DIS =+5E-1'UUOY LIM i it "I, 4e4coa olmr DCSCqI%7T IQN OF0F Alwnshciow � f 1,OOD,00 B Garage Liab 2071988532 07130=16107130141111 10cclAgg '1m12m E; GKLL Phy Dmg 2071988532 07130120'16 07/3012017 GKLL 1,600,00 eESCRIPTiON OFOPERA'nONS (LOCATIONS f VEHICLES KCORD 101, A44 MO41 RIM" Scdarwia, may be aitaehea 11 more space Is mquired) RE, ITB #-17.0608-Certificate holder: Lake County, A Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, and Board of County Commissioners is additional Insured as their interest mayy appear on the liability policy. Coverage is on day of aancefia�tonr10 a prhnarylnon-contrlbutorylaasis. 3i0 written notice day for nonpay. Waiver of subrogation In favor of the additional Insured. mule r_I I ATIelld LCr[1 ir94•Ri G HUl-VGR LAKECO2 SHOULD ANY OF THEApr,1VE DE3Cti113ED p0tlDIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THE{i(-;QF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Lake County, A Political ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLMYPROVIStoNS. Subdivision of the State of AIITKnR¢EDKEPKeSENTATIVE FEL, and the Board of COUnty PO Box 1800 Tavares, FL 32778.7600 a,rArt RATION All hk roe,' X71988-2014 ACt7i2D CORPQ clp ACORD 25 (2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CNA CNA PARAMOUNT Additional Insurers - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - Scheduled Person or Organization Endorsement A. Section h - Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured the pemon(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to llehillty for bodily Injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your acts ar amissions; or 2. The acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf; In the performance of your ongoing operations for the additional insured(s) at the location(s) designated above. However, 1. The insurance afforded to such additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by laws and 2. if coverage provided to the additional Insured is required by a contract or agreement, the insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader then that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide for such additional insured. 13. With respect !a the insurance afforded to these additional intureds, the following additional exclusions apply. This insurance does not apply to bodily Injury or property damage Occurring after: 1. All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service. maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or 2. That portion of your work out of which the injury or damage arfses has been put to its intended use by any person or orcdanizatfan other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. C. With respect to the insurance afforded to these additional insureds, the following is added io Section III - Limits Of Insurance: If coverage provided to the additional insured is required by a con€asci or agreement, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured: is the arnourrt of insurance: 1. Required by the contract or agreement; or 2. Avaitagle under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown In the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorsement shell not increase the applicable Limits of insurance shown In the Declarations. co 2010 (04-13) Page 2 of 2 VALLEY FORCER 1'NSt7RANCE COMPANY Insufed Name: TR -ft k'lRs EQUIPMENT INC Copyright Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Policy No: 2091595545 endorsement No: 5 Effeclive Date: 07%30%20_6 CNA PARAMOUNT Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to the Insurer Endorsement i This undursoment modifies Insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART PRODUCTSICOMPLETED OPERATIONS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART Of Person Or 7%ny person or organization whom the Nanied iriFnttred has agreed in writing in a rontract or agreement. to Waive wacrh ri.ghr-s of recovery, bUL Onll'yo' it SUCh rxxitra,rt or agreoinent: 1. is in effect or becomes effective during the term of this coverage Part; and 2. Was executed prior to the bodily injury, property damage or personal and advert.J'..,;--oig Injury giving r%i.se to Ole Information required to complete this ScheTufj,jf*'n*o"t*shown above, will be shown in the It is understood and agreed that the condition entitled Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To The Insurer is arnended by the addition of the following: Solely with respect to the person or orgeNzation shown In the Schedule above, the insurer waiver, any right of recovery the Insurer may have against such person or organiza(lon because of payments the Insurer makes for injury or damage arising out of the Named Insurod'v ongoing operations or your work done under a contract with that person or organization and included in the produots-compteted operations hazard. Atl other lernis and conditions of the Policy rernain unchanged. This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the Policy is -sued by the dw;ignatud Insurers, takes efffvl ,j un the effective date of said Policy at the hour stated in said Policy, unless another effective date is shown below, and A expires mncurre!f!ywith .said Policy. Policy No: 2091595545 Page t of I Eodorsement No: 9 VALLEY FORGE MSUIRMNCE COMPANY Effective Date: 0?/30/2016 Insured Maine: TEN -o FIRZ EOUIP31-1EXT INC hichicipmcnryzightw. fnr., wilh its parrriission.