HomeMy WebLinkAbout4460 Rezone 800 MLK BlvdOrdinance No. 2018-4460 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to the HCME Corporate Office Planned Development (PD) and approving a PD master plan; providing for the rezoning of real property located at 800 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and assigned Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 26-19-30-5AE-400A-0000, 26-19-30-5AE-410A-0000 and 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 within the City Limits (map of the subject property attached); providing for findings and intent, development conditions and the resolution of disputes by the Planning and Zoning Commission; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map and PD master plan by reference; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for non -codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, an application has been submitted proposing to rezone property located at 800 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard as a Planned Development (PD) zoning classification/district being named the HCME Corporate Office PD; and Whereas, the PD master plan relates to 7.72 acres of real property proposed for a proposed mixed use commercial/industrial development; and Whereas, the PD property is located on the west side of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, east of State Road 417 just south of the Adesa Auto Auction; and Whereas, the PD property is currently assigned the AG, Agriculture zoning classification/district under the Land Development Regulations/Land Development Code (LDRs) of the City and is assigned the WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce, future land use designation under the City's Comprehensive Plan; and Whereas, the property owners of the property which is the subject of this Ordinance, based upon the records of the Seminole County Property Appraiser and the Clerk of Circuit Court for Seminole County, are Elizabeth S. Corso, John C. Corso Jr., Alan Shoemaker, Tammy Hanes and Lars J. Eriksson; and Whereas, the applicant is Bryan Potts, P.E.; and Whereas, a Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan (CAPP) meeting the requirements of the City has been submitted to the City and that process included a meeting held on October 19, 2017 all of which was accomplished by the applicant with both a report being filed as a result of that meeting as well as a supplemental report; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and recommended that the subject rezoning application be approved having determined that the proposal is technically sufficient and consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the City's LDRs, and the controlling provisions of State law; provided, however, that the requirements of this Ordinance must be adhered to relative to attaining the required assignment of a land use designation consistent with the requirements of this Ordinance; and Whereas, the City staff recommended approval of this Ordinance subject to normative development detailed development requirements and conditions some of which, if not later resolved, shall be subject to resolution by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and Whereas, on May 3, 2018 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning request; and Whereas, the City Commission has determined that the proposed rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the LDRs, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken all actions relating to the PD rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance. (b). The approval set forth in this Ordinance is subject to the specific conditions that are set forth subsequently in this Ordinance and the Property Owner have agreed that no requirement herein lacks an essential nexus to a legitimate public purpose and is not roughly proportionate to the impacts of the proposed use that the City seeks to avoid, minimize, or mitigate. (c). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (d). This Ordinance is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. Section 2. Rezoning of real property/implementing actions; the HCME Corporate Office PD. (a), Upon enactment of this Ordinance the subject property, as depicted in the map attached to this Ordinance shall be rezoned from the AG, Agriculture zoning classification/district to the HCME Corporate Office PD zoning classification consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein with regard to the HCME Corporate Office PD and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance and as set forth herein. (c). The conditions to be incorporated into the pertinent development order relating to the action taken in this Ordinance include the following: (1). Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the LDRs, this rezoning shall expire 3 years from the effective date of this Ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. (2). All development shall be consistent with the HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan, dated as received by the City on April 25, 2018, unless otherwise specifically set forth any associated development order; provided, however, that all subsequent development orders shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. (3). All land use activities conducted on site shall be in accordance with Schedule "B", Permitted Uses, of the LDRs for the GC -2, General Commercial, and RI -1, Restricted Industrial, zoning districts/classifications with the following exceptions: (i). No vehicular land uses shall be permitted on site except those specifically identified on the PD Master Plan for fleet vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair; (ii). Outdoor storage shall be permitted only in locations identified on the PD Master Plan. All other activities shall be conducted indoors. (iii). The less restrictive requirement for establishment of any specific land use category shall prevail on any given use. If a conditional use approval is required in both 41' zoning districts, then a conditional use approval is required to establish the use. (4). Unless otherwise specified on the PD Master Plan, all development shall comply with setback and buffer requirements set forth in Schedule "J", Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements, of the LDRs. (5). All requirements relating to wetland and tree mitigation as established in the LDRs shall be met prior to development of the site. (6). If determined to be required and prior to any issuance of a site development permit relating to the subject property, acceptable fencing around the property shall be submitted for City staff approval. (7). If any subdivision is proposed on the subject property, a preliminary subdivision plan and subdivision improvement plan shall be submitted and subject to approval by the City with all construction activity being subject to approval by the City, with a subsequent subdivision plat being reviewed, approved and recorded, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. (8). Any subdivision of the property shall result in lots that meet the minimum area and dimensional standards as established in the LDRs for property assigned the RI -1, Restricted Industrial, zoning district/classification including the following: (i). Minimum lot size for any subdivided parcels shall be 10,000 square feet. (ii). Minimum lot width shall be 100 feet. (iii). Minimum side yard setback shall be 15 feet. (9). As multiple businesses and uses are proposed within the one site, an sI' overall comprehensive sign plan shall be established as regulated in Schedule "K", Sign Regulations, of the LDRs. The signage shown on the PD Master Plan is conceptual and not approved in conjunction with this PD amendment. All signage will be reviewed and approved under separate cover. (10). A decorative and functional fountain shall be installed in all wet retention ponds, as approved by the City as part of development approval, which approval shall provide for ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities upon the appropriate party, but not the City. (11). All commercial elements of the development shall be in accordance with Schedule "G", Architectural Design Standards, of the LDRs. (12). The following design elements will be considered during the development plan review: (i). Site improvements occurring on the PD property may include the incorporation of low impact development (oftentimes referred to as "LID") techniques and crime prevention through environmental design (oftentimes referred to as "CPTED") guidelines. (ii). Elements of buildings may be constructed incorporating Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (oftentimes referred to as "LEED"), Florida Green, or such other equivalent energy savings standards as may be approved by the City. (iii). Unless specifically requested and approved on the PD Master Plan, any required elements missing from or not shown on the PD Master Plan shall comply with the LDRs. (13). The resolution of all disputes arising from development under the HCME Corporate Office PD shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission unless otherwise specifically provided by controlling law. Section 3. Incorporation of map and PD Master Plan for the HCME Corporate Office PD. The map attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance establishing the HCME Corporate Office PD. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Non -codification; Implementation. (a). This Ordinance shall be not be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford or the LDRs; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted on the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. (b). The City Manager, or designee, shall implement the provisions of this Ordinance by means of a non -statutory development agreement which shall be executed �I _ by the Property Owner within 60 days of the effective date of this Ordinance or the subject property's zoning classification shall revert to an un -zoned property status. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment; provided, however, that it shall not take effect until the Ordinance which approved the small scale Comprehensive Plan amendment relating to the property which is the subject of this Ordinance is final; provided, further, however, that that Ordinance shall not take effect until the annexation ordinance annexing the property that is the subject of this Ordinance is final.. Passed and adopted this 11th day of June, 2018. Attest: City Commi ion Sanford, Plori a onF T �raooiHeeeNn, City Clerk F Approved as to form and legal s Trip of the City of 81 CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 18-121.3 JUNE 1 1, 20 1 S TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Sabreena Colbert — Planner 1129 Traci Houchin, CMC, FCRl SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Managef SUBJECT: PD Rezone for 800 Martin Luther King J STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: P ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ❑ Update Regulatory Framework ® Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: WS RM Item No. A request to rezone 7.72 acres from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development at 800 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard for the HCME Corporate Office Planned Development, a proposed mixed use commercial/industrial development has been received. As of the date of this report, the property owners reflected within the public records are shown as Elizabeth S. Corso, John C. Corso Jr., Alan Shoemaker, Tammy Hanes and Lars J. Eriksson. The applicant has advised staff that the property has been purchased and the new ownership will be reflected upon updates of the public records. The applicant is Bryan Potts, P.E. who was responsible for completing the required CAPP meeting. The Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent forms are attached and other information is available in order to ensure that all potential conflicts of interests are capable of being discerned. FISCAL/STAFFFING STATEMENT: According to the Property Appraiser's records, the subject property is currently vacant. Based on the 2017 property tax roll, the existing properties have an assessed value of $18,299. The total tax bill for the properties in 2017 was $1,756.57. Rezoning the property will further facilitate future Westside Industry and Commerce type uses and will generate additional ad valorem and utility revenues for the City. No additional staffing is anticipated if the PD Rezone is approved. BACKGROUND: The project site is located on the west side of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, east of SR 417 just south of the Adesa Auto Auction. Concurrent with this request to rezone the property, the applicant has submitted for Annexation into the City and also has submitted for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment. Upon annexation, the property will be assigned an AG, Agriculture zoning classification and a future land use designation of LDR-SF, Low Density Residential -Single Family. The applicant is proposing to develop an office building with associated outdoor storage, fuel tanks, vehicle wash down area and an on-site fleet maintenance and repair shop for Jon M. Hall Site Development Company. In addition, a commercial/retail building is being proposed on the east portion of the property fronting Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard. The applicant held a CAPP meeting on Saturday, October 19, 2017 and has submitted a follow up report that states no outside parties attended and no concerns or issues were raised. The underlying Future Land Use is WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce, which is a mixed use designation intended to promote the development of employment centers in the vicinity of the West SR 46 corridor and the commuter rail station. The corridor's proximity to I-4 as well as SR 46 and the SunRail commuter line provides access to regional markets and a substantial labor force. The CSX Main Rail Line also provides a transportation amenity of regional significance. The WIC designation permits both a vertical and horizontal land use mix of commercial, office, residential and the maximum intensity for commercial, office and industrial development as a floor area ratio of 0.50. The breakdown of the WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce is as follows: Mixed Use Districts Westside Industry & Commerce WIC 0.5 FAR 0.50 FAR 20 du/acre 15%150% 30%175% 10%140% The HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan, which is proposed to be a mixed use commercial/industrial development, is consistent with the intent and purpose of the WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce designation. To promote Westside Industry and Commerce, new development shall be required to address infrastructure needs, provision of services, development phasing, development intensity and land use compatibility as part of an integrated design scheme which includes very detailed strategies and techniques for resolving development impacts. Planned Development proposals in the WIC area may be the subject of negotiated development agreements. All new development in the Westside Industry and Commerce Area shall comply with the following: • Requirements and procedures for obtaining a WIC mixed use Future Land Use Map designation and appropriate zoning; • Standards for controlled access and internal circulation, including cross access easements and joint use of driveways; • Development standards for Gateway Corridor Development Districts; including requirements for buffer yards, landscaping, and screening, off-street parking and signage; and • Planning and management criteria regulation the land use mix, intensity, and qualitative standards for assuring land use compatibility and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The development is proposed to be a commercial/industrial mixed use project allowing all permitted in the RI -1 and GC -2 zoning districts as well as additional uses specifically identified on the HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan (outdoor storage, fuel tanks, fleet vehicle/equipment maintenance and repair). The rezone of the property from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development supports the Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities strategic priority. The property is currently vacant and the applicant is proposing a mixed use commercial/industrial development, which could generate additional growth and revenue for the City. On May 3, 2018 the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended to approve the request to rezone 7.72 acres from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for the HCME Corporate Office PD at 800 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard based on the request being consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and subject to a Development Order containing the conditions as provided by staff with one additional condition offered by the Commission as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the Land Development Regulations (LDR) of the City of Sanford, this rezoning shall expire 3 years from the effective date of this Ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. 2. All development shall be consistent with the HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan, dated as received by the City on April 25, 2018, unless otherwise specifically set forth in any associated development order; provided, however, that all subsequent development orders shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. 3. All land use activities conducted on site shall be in accordance with Schedule B — Permitted uses, Sanford LDR for GC -2, General Commercial and RI -1, Restricted Industrial zoning with the following exceptions: a. No vehicular land uses shall be permitted on site except those specifically identified on the PD Master Plan for fleet vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair; b. Outdoor storage shall be permitted only in locations identified on the PD Master Plan; all other activities shall be conducted indoors. c. The less restrictive requirement for establishment of any specific land use category shall prevail on any given use. If a Conditional Use approval is required in both zoning districts, then a conditional use approval is required to establish the use. 4. Unless otherwise specified on the HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan, all development shall comply with setback and buffer requirements set forth in Schedule J, Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements, LDR. 5. All requirements relating to wetland and tree mitigation as established in the City's LDR shall be met prior to development of the site. 6. If determined to be required and prior to any issuance of a site development permit relating to the subject property, acceptable fencing around the property shall be submitted for City staff approval. 7. If any subdivision is proposed on the subject property, a preliminary subdivision plan and subdivision improvement plan shall be submitted and subject to approval by the City with all construction activity being subject to approval by the City, with a subsequent subdivision plat being reviewed, approved and recorded, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. 8. Any subdivision of the property shall result in lots that meet the minimum area and dimensional standards as established in the LDR for RI -1, Restricted Industrial including the following: a. Minimum lot size of any subdivided parcels shall be no less than 10,000 square feet and 100 feet in width b. Minimum Side Yard setback shall be no less than 15 feet 9. As multiple businesses and uses are proposed within the one site, an overall Comprehensive Sign Plan shall be established as regulated in Schedule K, Sign Regulations, LDR. The signage shown on the PD Master Plan is conceptual and not approved in conjunction with this PD amendment. All signage will be reviewed and approved under separate cover. 10. A decorative and functional fountain shall be installed in all wet retention ponds as part of development approval which approval shall provide for ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities upon the appropriate party, but not the City. 11. All commercial elements of the development shall be in accordance with Schedule "G" — Architectural Design Standards, of the City's Land Development Regulations as defined therein. 12. The following design elements will be considered during the development plan review process of each building and surrounding infrastructure: a. Site improvements may include the incorporation of low impact development (oftentimes referred to as "LID") techniques and crime prevention through environmental design (oftentimes referred to as "CPTED") guidelines. b. Elements of buildings may be constructed incorporating Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (oftentimes referred to as "LEED"), Florida Green, or such other equivalent energy savings standards as may be approved by the City. 13. Any dispute relative to the aforementioned matters shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a public hearing, by means of a development order or denial development order relating thereto. The additional Condition proposed by the Commission, based on a request by the applicant was as follows: 1. The side yard buffer along the northwest corner of the site may be reduced to 5 feet with lush landscaping as necessary to provide for proper circulation on the site. The City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4460 on May 14, 2018. The City Clerk published notice of the 2nd Public Hearing in the Sanford Herald on June 3, 2018. LEGAL. REVIEW: The City Attorney has reviewed the staff report and has noted the following: Section 166.033, Florida Statutes, provides as follows (please note emphasized text): "(1) When reviewing an application for a development permit that is certified by a professional listed in s. 403.0877, a municipality may not request additional information from the applicant more than three times, unless the applicant waives the limitation in writing. Before a third request for additional information, the applicant must be offered a meeting to attempt to resolve outstanding issues. Except as provided in subsection (4), if the applicant believes the request for additional information is not authorized by ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority, the municipality, at the applicant's request, shall proceed to process the application for approval or denial. (2) When a municipality denies an application for a development permit, the municipality shall give written notice to the applicant. The notice must include a citation to the applicable portions of an ordinance, rule, statute, or other leL'al authority for the denial of the permit. (3) As used in this section, the term "development permit" has the same meaning as in s. 163.3164, but does not include building permits. (4) For any development permit application filed with the municipality after July 1, 2012, a municipality may not require as a condition of processing or issuing a development permit that an applicant obtain a permit or approval from any state or federal agency unless the agency has issued a final agency action that denies the federal or state permit before the municipal action on the local development permit. (5) Issuance of a development permit by a municipality does not in any way create any right on the part of an applicant to obtain a permit from a state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the part of the municipality for issuance of the permit if the applicant fails to obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed by a state or federal agency or undertakes actions that result in a violation of state or federal law. A municipality shall attach such a disclaimer to the issuance of development permits and shall include a permit condition that all other applicable state or federal permits be obtained before commencement of the development. (6) This section does not prohibit a municipality from providing information to an applicant regarding what other state or federal permits may apply." The above -referenced definition of the term "development permit" is as follows: "(16) 'Development permit' includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exception, variance, or any other official action of local government having the effect of permitting the development of land." (Section 163.3164(16), Florida Statutes). Thus, if this application is denied, a denial development order must be issued which must cite to the applicable portions of each ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority supporting the denial of the application. For example, if a goal, objective or policy of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan were to be the basis for a denial, then such goal, objective or policy must be part of the motion proposing the denial. A denial development order would be drafted to implement the actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission in the event of such occurrence. Accordingly, any motion to deny must state, with particularity, the basis for the proposed denial. The term "development order" is defined as follows and, as can be seen, refers to the "granting, denying, or granting with conditions [of] an application" "(15) `Development order' means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit." (Section 163.3164(15), Florida Statutes). RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the City Commission approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 4460 to rezone from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for the HCME Corporate Office PD at 800 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard based on the request being consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan subject to approval of the Annexation and associated Land Use Amendment and subject to a Development Order containing the conditions as provided by staff and the additional condition noted by the Planning and Zoning Commission as follows: Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the Land Development Regulations (LDR) of the City of Sanford, this rezoning shall expire 3 years from the effective date of this Ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. 2. All development shall be consistent with the HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan, dated as received by the City on April 25, 2018, unless otherwise specifically set forth in any associated development order; provided, however, that all subsequent development orders shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. 3. All land use activities conducted on site shall be in accordance with Schedule B — Permitted uses, Sanford LDR for GC-2, General Commercial and RI-1, Restricted Industrial zoning with the following exceptions: a. No vehicular land uses shall be permitted on site except those specifically identified on the PD Master Plan for fleet vehicle and equipment maintenance and repair; b. Outdoor storage shall be permitted only in locations identified on the PD Master Plan; all other activities shall be conducted indoors. c. The less restrictive requirement for establishment of any specific land use category shall prevail on any given use. If a Conditional Use approval is required in both zoning districts, then a conditional use approval is required to establish the use. 4. Unless otherwise specified on the HCME Corporate Office PD Master Plan, all development shall comply with setback and buffer requirements set forth in Schedule J, Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements, LDR. 5. All requirements relating to wetland and tree mitigation as established in the City's LDR shall be met prior to development of the site. 6. If determined to be required and prior to any issuance of a site development permit relating to the subject property, acceptable fencing around the property shall be submitted for City staff approval. 7. If any subdivision is proposed on the subject property, a preliminary subdivision plan and subdivision improvement plan shall be submitted and subject to approval by the City with all construction activity being subject to approval by the City, with a subsequent subdivision plat being reviewed, approved and recorded, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy. 8. Any subdivision of the property shall result in lots that meet the minimum area and dimensional standards as established in the LDR for RI-1, Restricted Industrial including the following: a. Minimum lot size of any subdivided parcels shall be no less than 10,000 square feet and 100 feet in width b. Minimum Side Yard setback shall be no less than 15 feet 9. As multiple businesses and uses are proposed within the one site, an overall Comprehensive Sign Plan shall be established as regulated in Schedule K, Sign Regulations, LDR. The signage shown on the PD Master Plan is conceptual and not approved in conjunction with this PD amendment. All signage will be reviewed and approved under separate cover. 10. A decorative and functional fountain shall be installed in all wet retention ponds as part of development approval which approval shall provide for ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities upon the appropriate party, but not the City. 11. All commercial elements of the development shall be in accordance with Schedule "G" — Architectural Design Standards, of the City's Land Development Regulations as defined therein. 12. The following design elements will be considered during the development plan review process of each building and surrounding infrastructure: a. Site improvements may include the incorporation of low impact development (oftentimes referred to as "LID") techniques and crime prevention through environmental design (oftentimes referred to as "CPTED") guidelines. b. Elements of buildings may be constructed incorporating Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (oftentimes referred to as "LEED"), Florida Green, or such other equivalent energy savings standards as may be approved by the City. 13. Any dispute relative to the aforementioned matters shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a public hearing, by means of a development order or denial development order relating thereto. 14. The side yard buffer along the northwest corner of the site may be reduced to 5 feet with lush landscaping as necessary to provide for proper circulation on the site. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4460 to rezone 7.72 acres of property with a project address of 800 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for the HCME Corporate Office PD subject to a Development Order containing the conditions as recommended. Attachments: Project Information Sheet Site Vicinity Map Aerial Map Applicant's Affidavits of Ownership and Designation of Agent CAPP Meeting Summary PD Master Plan received April 25, 2018 Ordinance No. 4460 TADevelopment Review\03-Land Development\2018\800 MLK - Jon Hall\PD Rezone\CC 6-11-18\CC Memo - 800 MLK - PD Rezone.docx PROJECT INFORMATION — 800 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD. PD REZONE Requested Action: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use map designation for 7.72 acres from LDRSF, Low Density Residential — Single Family to WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce Proposed Use: Mixed Use Retail, Office and Industrial Project Address: 800 Mai -tin Luther King Jr Boulevard Current Future Land Use LDR-SF, Low Density Residential — Single Family Proposed Future Land Use WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce Current Zoning: AG, Agriculture Proposed Zoning: PD, Planned Development Current Land Use: Vacant Legal Description: THE NORTH 1/2 BLOCKS 40 & 41, M.M. SMITH'S SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FL. LESS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SR #417 AND LESS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR AIRPORT BOULEVARD, PHASE I11. CONTAINING 276578.76 SQ FT OR 6.35 ACRES f. TOGETHER WITH: THE EAST 590 FT OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF BLOCK 41, (LESS THE RD DESCRIBED IN O.R. BOOK 3667. PG 1946), M.M. SMITH'S SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PB 1, PG 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING 59540.18 SQ FT OR 1.37 ACRES ±. AND THAT PART OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF BLOCKS 40 AND 41, (LESS THE EAST 625 FEET), LYING NORTH AND EAST OF STATE ROAD #417, M.M. SMITH'S SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 55, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Tax Parcel Numbers Site Area: Property Owners: 26-19-30-5AE-400A-0000, 26-19-30-5AE-410A-0000, 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 7.72 Acres Lars Eriksson 762 Wildmere Ave. Longwood, FL 32750 Tammy S. Hanes Alan Dean Shoemaker John C. Corso Jr. Elizabeth S. Corso P.O. Box 1885 Sanford, FL 32772 Applicant/Agent: Bryan Potts, P.E. 2494 Rose Spring Drive Orlando, Florida 32825 Phone: 407.982.9878 Email: bpotts@tannathdesign.com CAPP Meeting: The applicant held a CAPP meeting on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Commission District: District 2 — Commissioner Velma Williams COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE REVIEW Planning staff has reviewed the request and has determined the use and proposed improvements to be consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Current Future Land Use: LDR-SF, Low Density Residential — Single Family Proposed Future Land Use WIC, Westside Industry and Commerce Existing Land Use: Vacant Surrounding Uses and Zoning: Uses Zoning North ADESA Orlando — Car Auction RI -1, Restricted Industrial South R.O.W. (State Road 417) R.O.W. (State Road 417) East Retention Pond and Vacant Agriculture MI -2, Medium Industrial & AG, Agriculture West R.O.W. (State Road 417) R.O.W. (State Road 417) CONCURRENCY Concurrency is a finding that public facilities and services necessary to support a proposed development are available, or will be made available, concurrent with the impacts of the development. An assessment will be made at the development review stage. LOS Standard * Facility Capacity" Potable Water: 144 gal/capita/day 9.02 MGD (CUP Capacity) Sanitary Sewer: 132 gal/capita/day 9.3 MGD Solid Waste: 2.46 lbs/capita/day 21.5 million tons The proposed overall demand of the project will be determined at the time of Engineering Plan Review. The City's Utility Department tracks water and wastewater capacities for all projects once a Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permit has been obtained. The available capacity for a proposed project is verified but will not be reserved until a FDEP permit is obtained. Below is a breakdown provided by the City of Sanford Utility Department for current usage within the City: Potable Water** Sanitary Sewer** Recorded 3 -month Average daily flow: - 6.73 MGD Recorded 12 -month Average daily flow: 7.504 MGD - Projects with FDEP permits (not in service): 0.806 MGD 0.624 MGD ** As provided by the City of Sanford's Utility Department. (CUP — Consumptive Use Permit) TADevelopment Review\03-Land Development\2018\800 NEK - Ion Hall\PD Rezone\Project Info Sheet - 800 MLK Blvd.doc 16RI-1 ST JOHNS PKWY SR -1 Sanford RI -1 Auto Auction 7 Z ADESA Auto Auction MI -2 t%O ���y SITE 4� PD rs� sry Kay's LandingTRUM AGVI 4-11 1 11 Site 800 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard Parcel No: 26-19-30-5AE-400A-0000 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 26-19-30-5AE-41 OA -0000 ` o'I AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT Please use additional sheets as needed. If any additional sheets are attached to this document, please sign here and note below: I. Ownership 1 Shoemaker, Alan D & Hanes, Tammy TR Corso, Elizabeth S & Lars J Eriksson hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Number(s): 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 & 26-19-30-5AE-41 OA -0000 Address of Property: 800 Martin Luther King Drive, Sanford, FL for which this Annexation, SSLUA, Rezone, Final Engineering application is submitted to the City of Sanford. It. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted. I designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, I attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent (Print): Bryan Potts P.E. Signature: Agent Address: 2494 Rose Spring Drive, Orlando, FL 32825 Email: bpotts@tannathdesign.com Phone: 407-982-9878 Fax: Ill. Notice to Owner A. All changes in Ownership and/or Applicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require anew affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitations(s) below. (i.e.: limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency; limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate, etc.) The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity is a (check one) 8 Individual o Corporation o Land Trust o Partnership o Limited Liability Company o Other (describe): 1. List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property, which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. 2. For each corporation, list the name, address, and title of each officer; the name and address of each director of the corporation; and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (2%) or more of the stock of the corporation. Shareholders need not be disclosed if a corporation's stock are traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest of each beneficiary. If any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Name of Trust: 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships, list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. 5. For each limited liability company, list the name, address, and title of each manager or managing member; and the name and address of each additional member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest. If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the information required in paragraphs 2, 3 and/or 4 above. Name of LLC: 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser. If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 above. Name of Purchaser: Date of Contract: NAME TITLE/OFFICE/TRUSTEE ADDRESS % OF OR BENEFICIARY INTEREST (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7. As to any type of owner referred to above:, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document, shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action being taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains. 8. 1 affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry. I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment, special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. 3 -ice -/Sy Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .G�Pir>u aLS�z Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by on this t S—day of Nl ct /", , 20 L -, - , 4, -,--? �uP Signature of Notary Public Personally Known 2OR Produced Identificatiqn �! Type of Identification Produced =11ri jC C e t.re, Affidavit of ownership -January 2015 ner, Agent, Applicant Signature ••. TERESA B. SHAVE ..'zt''��µriy; . 1 .. Notary Public - State at Florida 05 -4 MyComm.E pi esJun921, 2022 Bonded through National Notary Assn. Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public 2 AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT f—1a7�-? Please use additional sheets as needed. If any additional sheets are attached to this document, please sign here and note below: 1. Ownership Shoemaker, Alan D &Hanes, Tammy TR Cors, o� Elizabb tthS & Lars J Eriksson hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Number(s): 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 & 26-19-30-5AE-410A-0000 Address of Property: 800 Martin Luther King Drive, Sanford, FL for which this Annexation, SSLUA, Rezone, Final Engineering application is submitted to the City of Sanford. 11. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted, I designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, I attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent (Print): Bryan Potts P.E. Signature: Aoent Address: 2494 Rose Spring Drive, Orlando, FL 32825 Email: bpotts@tannathdesign.com Phone: 407-982-9878 111. Notice to Owner Fax: A. All changes in Ownership and/or Applicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require anew affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitations(s) below. (i.e.: limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency; limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate, etc.) The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity is a (check one) 8 Individual o Corporation o Land Trust o Partnership o Limited Liability Company o Other (describe): 1. List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property, which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. 2. For each corporation, list the name, address, and title of each officer; the name and address of each director of the corporation; and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (2%) or more of the stock of the corporation. Shareholders need not be disclosed if a corporation's stock are traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest of each beneficiary. If any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Name of Trust: 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships, list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. 5. For each limited liability company, list the name, address, and title of each manager or managing member; and the name and address of each additional member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest. If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the information required in paragraphs 2, 3 and/or 4 above. Name of LLC: 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser. If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 above. Name of Purchaser: Date of Contract: NAME TITLEIOFFICE/TRUSTEE ADDRESS % OF OR BENEFICIARY INTEREST (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7. As to any type of owner referred to above, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document, shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action being taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains. 8. l affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry. I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment, special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. Date wrier, Agent, Applicant tgnature STATE OF FLORIDA E COUNTY OF N\tt�t J� Sworn to (or affirmed) and Asu_bscribed before me by a`L_i2P, e cT-o S • l�ta `'a on this �Tt� day of t-Nv is 20 1 . Signa re of Notary Public Print, Typefor Stamp Name of Notary Public Personally Known ► • t OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Affidavit of Ownership - January 2015 KYLE J. NtCIQL5 Notary Public • State of floflda Commission # FF 952711 My Comm. Expires Feb 3, 2020 aonded thfouoh National NOW ry Asan. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT Please use additional sheets as needed. If any additional sheets are attached to this document, please sign here and note below: 1. Ownership I Shoemaker, Alan D4 Hanes, Tammy TR Corso, Elizabeth S& Lars J Eriksson hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Number(s): 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 & 26-19-30-5AE-410A-0000 Address of Property: 800 Martin Luther King Drive, Sanford, FL for which this Annexation, SSLUA, Rezone, Final Engineering 11. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) application is submitted to the City of Sanford. As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted, I designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, 1 attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent (Print): Bryan Potts P.E. Signature: Agent Address: 2494 Rose Spring Drive, Orlando, FL 32825 Email: bpotts@tannathdesign.com 111. Notice to Owner Phone: 407-982-9878 Fax: A. All changes in Ownership and/or Applicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require a new affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitations(s) below. (i.e.: limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency; limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate, etc.) The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity is a (check one) 6 Individual o Corporation o Land Trust ❑ Partnership o Limited Liability Company o Other (describe): 1. List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property, which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. 2. For each corporation, list the name, address, and title of each officer; the name and address of each director of the corporation; and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (2%) or more of the stock of the corporation. Shareholders need not be disclosed if a corporation's stock are traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest of each beneficiary. If any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Name of Trust: 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships, list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. 5. For each limited liability company, list the name, address, and title of each manager or managing member; and the name and address of each additional member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest. If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the information required in paragraphs 2, 3 and/or 4 above. Name of LLC: 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser. If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 above. Name of Purchaser: Date of Contract: NAME TITLE/OFFICEITRUSTEE ADDRESS % OF OR BENEFICIARY INTEREST (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7. As to any type of owner referred to above, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document, shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action being taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains. 8. 1 affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry. I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment, special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEM , SLC - < rwwv lJOwner, Agent, Applicant Signature Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me byM` on this b 1 day of 20 % 14s111_;o � Si ature fif Notary Public Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public Personally Known Z OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Affidavit of Ownership - Jarviary 2015 KYLE J. MCKOL5 Notary Public - State of Mori" Commission A FF 952711 My Comm. Expires Feb 3, 2020 Bonded through National Notary Assn. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT f�is�9 Please use additional sheets as needed. If any additional sheets are attached to this document, please sign here and note below: Ownership I Shoemaker, Alan D & Hanes, Tammy TR Corso, Elizabeth S & Lars J Eriksson hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Numberfsl: 26-19-30-5AE-4100-0000 & 26-19-30-5AE-410A-0000 Address of Property: 800 Martin Luther King Drive, Sanford, FL for which this Annexation, SSLUA, Rezone, Final Engineering application is submitted to the City of Sanford. 11. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted, I designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application process. In authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, I attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent (Print): Bryan Potts P.E. Signature: Agent Address: 2494 Rose Spring Drive, Orlando, FL 32825 Email: bpofts@tannathdesign.com Phone: 407-982-9878 Fax: 111. Notice to Owner A. All changes in Ownership and/or Applicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require anew affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitations(s) below. (i.e.: limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency; limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate, etc.) The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity is a (check one) A Individual o Corporation o Land Trust o Partnership o Limited Liability Company o Other (describe): 1. List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property, which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. 2. For each corporation, list the name, address, and title of each officer, the name and address of each director of the corporation; and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (2%) or more of the stock of the corporation. Shareholders need not be disclosed if a corporation's stock are traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest of each beneficiary. If any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Name of Trust: 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships, list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. 5. For each limited liability company, list the name, address, and title of each manager or managing member; and the name and address of each additional member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest. If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the information required in paragraphs 2, 3 and/or 4 above. Name of LLC: 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser. If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and/or 5 above. Name of Purchaser: Date of Contract: NAME TITLE/OFFICE/TRUSTEE ADDRESS % OF OR BENEFICIARY INTEREST (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7. As to any type of owner referred to above, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document, shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action being taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains. 8. 1 affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry. I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment, special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. 4—(o —`t03 Date GWrTer, Agent—Applicant Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 'J�MrtJp�E Sworn to (or affirmed) and AD -al before me by AL-AL)1 E N-1 5N✓� aeryNpt on this 6TH day of F§D-alt._/4 20 tom. lezh" �. tJtct�oc_S OSignaKJre of Notary Public Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public Personally Known Z OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Affidavit of Ownership - January 2015 KYLE J. Nff WX5 Notary Pubilc • State of Florida Commission # FF 952711 My Comm. Expires Feb 3, 2020 Banded through National Notary Assn. Neighborhood Meeting Notification Letter «AddressBlock>> FEBRUARY 26, 2018 GreetingLine» Jon M Hall Company would like to invite you to attend a neighborhood meeting to discuss an application for the annexation and rezoning to a Planned Development of a property located on ±7 acres at 80o Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, (see enclosed map). The meeting will be held at the following location and time: Calvary Temple of Praise 2020 McCracken Road, Sanford, FL Marth 7th @ ioAM The proposed development will include approximately 12,000 square feet of retail and approximately 20,000 square feet of office with an associated 6,00o square feet of shop area, along with associated landscaping, parking and storm water management. The office will be home of a construction company and will have some large equipment located on a portion of the property. This area will receive additional landscaping to provide screening from the surrounding area. A copy of the proposed plan will be made available for review at the meeting. Jon M Hall Company would like to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding the proposed development. If for any reason you are unable to attend or have questions prior to the meeting please contact Bryan Potts, P.E. of Tannath Design, Inc. at (407) 982-9878 or bpotts@tannathdesign.com. Kind Regards, Bryan Potts, P.E. Principal Engineer Tannath Design, Inc. 2494 Rose Spring Dr. Orlando, FL 32825 CAPP Meeting Summary The CAPP Meeting was held on March 7`h, 2018 fromlOam-11am at 2020 McCracken Road. No residents showed up to discuss the project with us. A copy of the Letter mailed to nearby property owners and our sign in sheet are attached. M" Izaw4 �amm I, &&-1 17, zo R5C,k w lyp� 0 -,17Z7 t -(r) -q- -W2- 99� fZe- m A Poo Ar Or, aw o t4 -,)(c- r --r— 3 6P t, E OWf 9v t�v f23 Y 8`7 P,7 �5 'let i LIMS J- 7 6 2 & /o/4VO, Cp ti c^,/ scue: NTS Zoning Map r Tannath Design, Inc. rtUuttt Ppaecr: 2494 Rose Spring Drive ando, Florida 071-001 3 825 Jon M. Hall Corporate Office Or Dare: 407-982-9878 04/25/2018 800 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd www.tannathdesign.com D-MBY: CMF I Sanford, Florida „ , „� ,,,,�,,,. m