HomeMy WebLinkAbout4480 Rezone 1701 Brisson Ave., Manases BernalOrdinance No. 2018-4480 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida providing for the rezoning of real property totaling 1.01 acres in size and located at 1701 Brisson Avenue (Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 32-19-31-300-012A-0000 and 32-19-31-300-0120-0000) within the City Limits (map of the property attached) from the Planned Development ("PD") zoning district/classification to the Single Family Residential, ("SR -1") zoning district/classification; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map by reference; repealing all conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; providing for non -codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Manases Bernal, whose address is Post Office Box 1896, Berlin, Maryland 21811 (Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 32-19-31-300-012A-0000 and 32-19-31-300-0120-0000), is the owner of the property which is the subject of this Ordinance; and Whereas, the real property which is addressed as 1701 Brisson Avenue relative to which action is taken in this Ordinance, totaling 1.01 acres in size, is located on the east side of Brisson Avenue, south of the Tusca South subdivision and east of the Celery Lakes subdivision; and Whereas, the owner applied to the City of Sanford, pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the subject property rezoned to the Single Family Residential, ("SR -1") zoning classification/district from the existing Planned Development ("PD") zoning classification/district; and Whereas, the applicant is David Ferri with Cypress Holdings, LLC who was responsible for completing the required CAPP (Citizens Awareness Participation Plan) meeting which occurred on August 6, 2018.; and IIPa , Whereas, the rezoning of the property supports the Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities strategic priority of the City; and Whereas, the City Commission enacted Ordinance Number 3687 on December 10, 2001 rezoning the subject property from AG, Agriculture, to PD, Planned Development, for the purpose of allowing a community resource facility for transitional housing for single parent young mothers and their children, but City records indicate that the property has been vacant since 2004 and the residential structure located thereon was demolished in 2009; and Whereas, applicant is proposing to subdivide the property and redevelop the site into 4 single family residential lots meeting the development standards required by the proposed zoning district/classification; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject rezoning application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and supports the Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities strategic priority of the City; and Whereas, on September 6, 2018 the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanford recommended that the City Commission approve the subject rezoning as set forth in this Ordinance; and Whereas, professional City planning staff, the City's Planning and Zoning ............................... . 21Pa« Commission and the City Commission have determined that the proposed the rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the land development regulations of the City of Sanford, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken, as implemented by City staff, all actions relating to the rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative Findings and Intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance. (b). The subject property, which is 1.01 acres in size, is located on the east side of Brisson Avenue, south of the Tusca South subdivision and east of the Celery Lakes subdivision and is assigned Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 32-19-31-300-012A-0000 and 32-19-31-300-0120-0000 by the Property Appraiser of Seminole County. (c). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Rezoning of Real Property/implementing Actions. (a). Upon enactment of this Ordinance the following described property, as depicted in the map attached to this Ordinance, and totaling is 1.01 acres in size, shall be rezoned from the Planned Development ("PD") zoning classification/district to the Single 3�'<<< c Family Residential, ("SR -1 ") zoning classification/district and shall no longer be subject to the conditions of the documents relating to the PID zoning classification with regard to the subject property: In Section 32, Township 19 South, Range 31 East, Seminole County, Florida: The North 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast % (less road and railway) and beginning at the Northwest corner run East 190 feet, South 205 feet, East 50 feet. South 45 feet, West 132 feet, North 25 feet, West 108 feet, North 225 feet to beginning and point in Plat Book 50, Page 69. And: Beginning 1071.5 feet North of center of Section, run North 225 feet, East 190 feet, South 205 feet, East 50 feet, South 45 feet, West 132 feet, North 25 feet, West 108 feet to beginning (less 15 feet for road). (Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 32-19-31-300-012A-0000 and 32-19-31-300-0120-0000.) (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance. (c). Conditions of development relating to the subject property may be incorporated into the subsequent pertinent development orders and development permits and such development orders and development permits may be subject to public hearing requirements in accordance with the provisions of controlling law. Section 3. Incorporation of Map. The map attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this 4 111 Ft ;> c, Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Non -codification. This Ordinance shall be not be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford or the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted on the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. Section 7. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 8th day of October, 2018. Attest: Traci Houchin, City Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. William L. Colbert, City Attorney City Commission Sanford, Florida, the City of 51('a���:: ,. F0rty, CITY OF hsT�; FLORIDA iTa ,3 WS RM Item No. / CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 18225 OCTOBER 8, 2®18 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Eileen Hinson, AICP — Development Services Manager SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manage`" SUBJECT: Rezone 1.01 acres from PD, Planned Develo ent to SR -1, Single Family Residential at 1701 Brisson Avenue THIS IS A QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTER A , AS SUCH, REQUIRES DISCLOSURE OF ALL EX -PARTE COMMUNICATIONS, INVESTIGATIONS, SITE VISITS AND EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING THIS MATTER. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ❑ Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: A request to rezone 1.01 acres located at 1701 Brisson Avenue from PD, Planned Development to SR -1, Single Family Residential has been received. The property owner is Manases Bernal. The applicant is David Ferri with Cypress Holdings, LLC who was responsible for completing the required CAPP (Citizens Awareness Participation Plan) meeting on August 6, 2018. The Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent form is attached and additional information is available in order to ensure that all potential conflicts of interest are capable of being discerned. FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: According to the Property Appraiser's records, the 2017 property tax roll has a total assessed value of $43,138. The total tax bill for the property in 2017 was $821.41. It is the applicant's intent to redevelop the property if the rezone is approved which will facilitate new residential construction. No additional staffing is anticipated if the rezone is approved. BACKGROUND: The 1.01 acre site is located on the east side of Brisson Avenue, south of the Tusca South subdivision and east of the Celery Lakes subdivision. The property is currently zoned PD, Planned Development with an underlying Future Land Use of LDR-SF, Low Density Residential -Single Family. The applicant has submitted a request to rezone the property from PD, Planned Development to SR -1, Single Family Residential. The City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 3687 on December 10, 2001 rezoning the property from AG, Agriculture to PD, Planned Development for the purpose of allowing a Community Resource Facility for transitional housing for single parent young mothers and their children. City records show the property has been vacant since 2004 and the residential structure was demolished in 2009. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property and redevelop the site into four single family residential lots meeting the development standards required by the SR -1 zoning district. The proposed single family residential development could generate additional growth and revenue for the City. A straight rezone is presented to determine whether or not the request is consistent with the underlying land use and the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Although public participation does not impact whether or not a request is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan, the applicant conducted a CAPP meeting on August 6, 2018 to seek input from interested parties. Per the CAPP summary no invitees or members of the public attended the meeting. On September 6, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the request for the rezone and recommended the City Commission approve the request to rezone 1.01 acres with a project address of 1701 Brisson Avenue from PD, Planned Development to SR -1, Single Family Residential based on the request being consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4480, to rezone 1.01 acres located at 1701 Brisson Avenue on September 24, 2018. LEGAL. REVIEW: The City Attorney has reviewed the staff report and has noted the following: Section 166.033, Florida Statutes, provides as follows (please note emphasized text: "(1) When reviewing an application for a development permit that is certified by a professional listed in s. 403.0877, a municipality may not request additional information from the applicant more than three times, unless the applicant waives the limitation in writing. Before a third request for additional information, the applicant must be offered a meeting to attempt to resolve outstanding issues. Except as provided in subsection (4), if the applicant believes the request for additional information is not authorized by ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority, the municipality, at the applicant's request, shall proceed to process the application for approval or denial. (2) When a municipality denies an application for a development permit, the municipality shall_ give written notice to the applicant. The notice must include a citation to the applicable portions of an ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority for the denial of the permit. (3) As used in this section, the term "development permit" has the same meaning as in s. 163.3164, but does not include building permits. (4) For any development permit application filed with the municipality after July 1, 2012, a municipality may not require as a condition of processing or issuing a development permit that an applicant obtain a permit or approval from any state or federal agency unless the agency has issued a final agency action that denies the federal or state permit before the municipal action on the local development permit. (5) Issuance of a development permit by a municipality does not in any way create any right on the part of an applicant to obtain a permit from a state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the part of the municipality for issuance of the permit if the applicant fails to obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed by a state or federal agency or undertakes actions that result in a violation of state or federal law. A municipality shall attach such a disclaimer to the issuance of development permits and shall include a permit condition that all other applicable state or federal permits be obtained before commencement of the development. (6) This section does not prohibit a municipality from providing information to an applicant regarding what other state or federal permits may apply." The above -referenced definition of the term "development permit" is as follows: "(16) 'Development permit' includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exception, variance, or any other official action of local government having the effect of permitting the development of land." (Section 163.3164(16), Florida Statutes). Thus, if this application is denied, a denial development order must be issued which must cite to the applicable portions of each ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority supporting the denial of the application. For example, if a goal, objective or policy of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan were to be the basis for a denial, then such goal, objective or policy must be part of the motion proposing the denial. A denial development order would be drafted to implement the actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission in the event of such occurrence. Accordingly, any motion to deny must state, with particularity, the basis for the proposed denial. The term "development order" is defined as follows and, as can be seen, refers to the "granting, denying, or granting with conditions [of] an application" "(15) `Development order' means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit." (Section 163.3164(15), Florida Statutes). REGOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission, along with staff, recommend the City Commission approve the request to rezone 1.01 acres with a project address of 1701 Brisson Avenue from PD, Planned Development to SR -1, Single Family Residential based on the request being consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4480 to rezone 1.01 acres with a project address of 1701 Brisson Avenue from PD, Planned Development to SR -1, Single Family Residential based on the request being consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan." Attachments: Project Information Sheet Site Vicinity Map Site Aerial Map Affidavit of Ownership CAPP Summary Ordinance No. 4480 Requested Action: Proposed Use: Project Address: Current Zoning: Current Land Use: Legal Description: Tax Parcel Number: Site Area: Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: CAPP Meeting: Commission District: Rezone from PD, Planned Development to SR -1, Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 1701 Brisson Avenue PD, Planned Development Vacant Residential SEC 32 TWP 19S RGE 31 E BEG 1071.5 FT N OF CEN OF SEC RUN N 225 FT E 190 FT S 205 FT E 50 FT S 45 FT W 132 FT N 25 FT W 108 FT TO BEG (LESS W 15 FT FOR RD) 32-19-31-300-012A-0000 1.01 acres Manases Bernal PO Box 1896 Berlin, MD 21811 David Ferri — Cypress Holdings, LLC 4925 Red Brick Run Sanford, Florida 32771 The Citizen Awareness Participation Plan meeting was held on Monday August 6, 2018 District 1 — Commissioner Art Woodruff COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE REVIEW PIanning staff has reviewed the request and has determined the use and proposed improvements to be consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Future Land Use: LDR-SF, Low Density Residential Single Family Existing Land Use: Vacant Surrounding Uses and Zoning: Zonin North Railroad South Stormwater Retention Pond East Stormwater Retention Pond West PD, Planned Development Use CSX Railroad ROW Seminole County BCC Stormwater Retention Pond Seminole County BCC Stormwater Retention Pond Single Family Residential (Celery Lakes subdivision) CONCURRENCY Concurrency is a finding that public facilities and services necessary to support a proposed development are available, or will be made available, concurrent with the impacts of the development. The concurrency facilities evaluated by the City including Drainage, Water, Sewer and Solid Waste will be assessed during development review. TADevelopmenl Revie%v\03-Land Development\2018\1701 Brisson Ave - Rezone\Project Info -1701 Brisson Ave - Rezone.doc • AFFID"IT OF OWNERSHIP ANDDESIGNATION OF AGENT Please use additional sheets as needed. If any additional sheets are attached to this document, please sign here and note below: 1. Ownership 1 Manases Bernal he attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Number(s): 2-19-31-300-0120-0000 Address of Property: 1 BrissonAve, an or , FL 32771 P for which this application is submitted to the City of Sanford. ii. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted, 1 designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application process. in authorizing the agent named below to represent me, or my company, t attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. jJ Applicant's Agent Print): avid Ferri Signature: %% .t 1 , Agent Address: 4925 Red Brickun, Santord, Email: dferri%ogmail.corri Phone:(407) 616-5997 Fax: (407) 65U-2BT9- 111. Notice to Owner A. All changes in Ownership and/or Applicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require a new affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. if the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the,limitations(s) below. (i.e.: limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency; limited to obtaining a land use corn fiance certificate, etc.) Annexation of 1705 Brisson, Rezoning of parcel(s), minor subdivision, peptic application or infor The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity is a (check one) a Individual o Corporation a Land Trust a Partnership o Limited Liability Company o Other (describe): 1. List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property, which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. Manases Bernal - SOLE OWNER of 1701 & 1705 Brisson Ave, Sanford, 32771 2♦ For each comoration, list the names address; and -title of each officer; the name and address of each director of the corporation;_ - and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (2%) or more of the stock of the corporation. Shareholders need not be disclosed if a corporation's stock are traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest of each beneficiary. if any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. Name of Trust: 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships, list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. 5. For each limited liability company list the name,. address, and title of each manager or managing member, and the name and address if each additional member With two percent (2%) or more membership interest. If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the information required in paragraphs 2, 3 and/or 4 above. Name of LLC: 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser. If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 andtor 5 above. Name of Purchaser: Cypress Holdings, LLC Date of Contract: July 22nd, 2018 NAME TITLEJOFFICEITRUSTEE ADDRESS % OF OR BENEFICIARY INTEREST Matthew PaftersonMUR .925 iRed Brick Run, Sanford FL 3277 David Ferri MGR 65 e rick Run, Sanford- FL 3277- 5-0 (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7. As to any type of owner referred to above, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action being taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains. 8. 1 affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry. I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. 1, <� Date STATE OFELOS COUNTY OF Sworn to (or affirmed) -and su b -scribed before me by e i Wle'L( S on this day of L, I" L I tignature, of Notary Public Print Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public Personally Known 1:1 OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced. Lc_ A"vit of Owrarft - Januar/ 2015 ig CYPRESS HOLDINGS, LLC August 8th, 2018 Citizen Awareness & Participation Plan (CAPP) Rezoning (SR -1) 1701 & 1705 Brisson Ave Re: Proposed Rezoning from Planned Development to SR—1(Single Family Residential) 1. OVERVIEW A neighborhood meeting for the re -zoning of 1701 & 1705 Brisson Ave took place at the St James House of Prayer, within close proximity of the site, on Monday August 6th. The meeting was required as part of the Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan (CAPP) submitted in conjunction with the Rezone Application. The Seminole County Property Appraiser parcel identification number(s) associated with the subject property(s) is: 32-19-30-300-012A-0000 and 32-19-30-300-0120-0000 2. LIST OF MEETING INVITEES A list of the affected parties that were notified of the proposed rezone and invited to attend the CAPP meeting are provided in APPENDIX A. The meeting notices were mailed prior to the meeting to property owners with in 500 ft of the subject property, and to the relevant parties at the City of Sanford. 3. MEETING NOTICE A copy of the meeting notice is provided in APPENDIX B. 4. DATE & LOCATION OF THE MEETING Monday August 6th, 2018 at 9:00-10:00am St James House of Prayer 2775 Celery Ave. Sanford, FL 32771 S. MEETING ATTENDENCE No invitees or members of the public attended the meeting. The only individuals in attendance were the Applicants and Staff from the Meeting facility. 6. SUMMARY OF CONCERNS None. For further information or questions, please contact: David Ferri — MGR Cypress Holdings, LLC 4925 Red Brick Run Sanford, FL 32771 (407) 616-5997 — CELL (407) 875-0800 — OFFICE (407) 650-2879 — FASCIMILE cVPresshomebuilders@gmaii.com 0195409 -MINA ADAMS LISA J & BAUGH CEDRIC A CARR CHARLES & LATOYIA DOYLE JOHN K 117 ANDERSON CIR 214 PINEFIELD DR 410 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 AKELLA, SREERAM TR & AKELLA, BAUMGARDNER CAROL L CELERY LAKES HOMEOWNERS SARALAD TR ASSN INC C/O SENTRY MNGMT INC 4009 EMERALD ISLE LN 2620 DAFFADIL TER 2180 W SR 434 STE 5000 SAN JOSE CA 95135 SANFORD FL 32771 LONGWOOD FL 32779 ALECSE CRISTIAN G & CHRISTINA BERNAL MANASES CHAKRABARTI SOUMYA & ROYTANDRA 419 FAIRFIELD DR PO BOX 1896 3865 HAVERHILL DR SANFORD FL 32771 BERLIN MD 21811 LAKELAND FL 33810 ALTMAN LORI & EDWARD BIRD 1ACKELINE CHOWDHURY MOSHIUR R & SWARNA A 430 FAIRFIELD DR 1805 DORN CT 397 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 ALVARDO NELSON & BOWMAN KELSTON & COLE CATHERINE A MARTINEZ GLORIA M VIZCAINO DIANE 2461 DAFFADIL TER 413 FAIRFIELD DR 409 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 ANDERSON ALVARO BRISTER MERCEDES J CONFIDENTIAL PER STATUTES 119.071 119 MAYFIELD DR 2441 DAFFADIL TER 1101 E IST ST SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 ANDERSON, NICOLE D & GIBSON, BROWN CYNTHIA & OSWALD F CORDERO EVELYN & EDNA M CORDERO MELISSA 1809 DORN CT 220 PINEFIELD DR 2405 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 ARROYO LUIS A BUCHANAN JOSEPH CREECH HEATHER 2592 VINEYARD CIR 2552 VINEYARD CIR 147 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 BAEZ-CHAPARRO JOHANNA L BYERS SHERINE CSX TRANSPORTATION INC TX DEPT (1910) 395 FAIRFIELD DR 149 WHEATFIELD CIR 500 WATER ST SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 JACKSONVILLE FL 32202 BALES REAL EST AND INV LLC BYRD LAQUANDA D D R NORTON INC #400 113 LINDA LN 2561 VINEYARD CIR 6200 LEE VISTA BLVD LAKE MARY FL 32746 SANFORD FL 32771 ORLANDO FL 32822 DAHL, GREGORY & BONNIE L FL 218 PINEFIELD DR 60605 SANFORD FL 32771 DIAZ JORGE L & TEISHA D 370 W HIGHLAND ST FL ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32714 DIAZ, ELIZABETH & WEBER, KEVIN 2440 VINEYARD CIR 429 FAIRFIELD DR. SANFORD FL 32771 EDUMARI VITA LLC GREEN, EMORY 7065 WESTPOINTE BLVD #102 2181 BRISSON AVE ORLANDO FL 32835 ESPINOSA MIGUEL & GROSS BETHANIA MILLER ELAINE 96-08 57TH AVE #12K 2575 VINEYARD CIR CORONA NY SANFORD FL 32771 EUGENE GLADYS 404 FAIRFIELD DR 103 WHAETFIELD CIR SANFORD FL SANFORD FL 32771 FARIDES CHARLES SMITH CAROLYN D 2421 DAFFADILTER 2588 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 FERBER ALICIA A HARTSFIELD RENEE 154 WHEATFIELD CIR 2401 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 FIRST AMERICAN CAPITAL CORP 219 PASADENA PL ORLANDO FL 32803 GARCIA TELMA 32771 431 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 GOMEZ JEANNETTE 2449 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 GOMEZ SIERRA, CAMILO A 1111 S WABASH AVE #2801 FL CHICAGO IL 60605 GONZALEZ CHRISTOPHER & 2556 VINEYARD CIR THOLSARAN 155 WHEATFIELD CIR FL SANFORD FL 32771 GORDON TIMOTHY & PAMELA C 429 FAIRFIELD DR. SANFORD FL 32771 GREEN, EMORY 32771 2181 BRISSON AVE SANFORD FL 32771 GROSS BETHANIA 96-08 57TH AVE #12K FL CORONA NY 11368 GUESSFORD, CHRISTINE E 404 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 HARTSFIELD CHRISTY P & 32771 SMITH CAROLYN D 2588 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 HARTSFIELD RENEE 32746 2401 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 HENRIGUEZ RAFAEL & MAYRA 146 WHEATFIELD CIR FL SANFORD FL 32771 HERNANDEZ BEATRIZ 424 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 HOLT, ROGER TR 9650 JAMES CREEK RD CHRISTMAS Fl 32709 JACKSON ABNER & MARILYN G W 210 PINEFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 JACKSON SIM JR & RETRENA M 2556 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 JAMES GLENETHEL E 1817 DORN CT SANFORD FL 32771 JOHNSON THERESA A 1120 NW 31ST ST MIAMI FL 33127 JUSTICE JAMES T 148 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 KEY HAVEN GROUP HOME INC 398 WOLDUNN CIR LAKE MARY FL 32746 KISITU MASUDI 3905 OLD DUNN RD APOPKA FL 32712 KLINGSPORN, HEIDI L & JOSEPH R 2425 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 KOZLOWSKI MARK & PATRINA H 433 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 LEON DERICK & LUGAY NIKKISHAT 2453 DAFFADIL TER FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 LOPEZ LIZETTE 403 FAIRFIELD DR FL 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 LOPEZ, CARLOS E 832 CHATFIELD WAY LAKE MARY FL 32746 LUMSDEN ADAM G & PETRA 2583 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 LUNDY KENNETH E JR & TAWRA S 2560 VINEYARD CIR 2567 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 MAHADEO MAHENDRA ORNSBY WILLIAM M 1160 MANOR AVE 5251 VERONICA ST BRONX NY 10472 MCKEOWN WESLEY A & REBECCA S 401 FAIRFIELD DR 399 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 MEDINA, FRANCESKA M & SANCHEZ, KEVIN 2448 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 MIDDLEBROOKS COLETTE 427 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 MOCK, BRIAN & PALMER, VICTORIA P 2587 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 MOONSAMMY SHAWN & ORMELLA 432 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 MOREL BARREL 400 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 MUNOZ ANGEL 2621 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 MURRAY TOQUOYA NATHAN 2444 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 NEALE JOSEPH B & NEALCHERRYL 101 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 NEGRON JOSE A 0 2420 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 OFFERPAD (SPVBORROWERI2) LLC B;DG 11 #225 2567 VINEYARD CIR 2212 W WILLIAMS FIELD RD gilbert AZ 95295 ORNSBY WILLIAM M 5251 VERONICA ST LOS ANGLES CA 90008 PAUNA ZAMFIRA FL 32771 399 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 PETERSON ANDREW & SHERRY 2580 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 PILLAY DAMIEN 402 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 RICHARDS CLEVELAND & EARLINE 2413 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 RICHARDSON ANNETTE 2404 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 RIGGINS CORA L 2609 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 RIMMER SUMMER L & NATHAN 216 PINEFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 RIVERA MAGDIEL & GARCIA ABIGAIL 142 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 ROGERS CARL 1822 DORN CT SANFORD FL 32771 ROSS CLIFTON K 2567 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 SANCHEZ RAUL & POLANCO ROCIO 2576 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 SANFORD CITY OF 32771 PO BOX 1788 32771 SANFORD FL 32772 SAVOR GROUP IV LLC PO BOX 607718 ORLANDO FL 32860 SEMINOLE B C C 1101 E IST ST SANFORD FL 32771 SHEHU, GRET & SKENDER 32771 4900 ORANGE BLVD SANFORD FL 32771 SIMS JONATHAN L 224 PINEFIELD DR 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 SMITH MARCUS L 2579 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 SMITH, STEPHEN D 222 PINEFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 SOBCZAK TOMASZ 2629 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 SRP SUB LLC 32771 8665 E HARTFORD DR STE 200 SCOTTSDALE AZ 85255 SUAREZ ELIZABETH SANFORD FL 4845 GRASSENDALE TER TROUTMAN, DEARVIS & LAKESHIA SANFORD FL 32771 SUAREZ MARIA T 2613 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 SUKUMARAN, SALEENA & MRIJULAL 32771 67 GLENHAM DR ILFORD ESSEX IG2-6SF UNITED KINGDOM XX TARKOWSKI KEVIN J & 32771 CHRISTINE A 556 BOTTLEBRUSH LOOP SANFORD FL 32771 TEAMER ERIC E 32771 408 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 THOMAS RENA 2436 VINEYARD CIR 32771 SANFORD FL 32771 THOMPSON ELOUISE 2441 CRAWFORD DR SANFORD FL 32771 THORNTON YOLANDA M 411 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 TOLENTINO CASTULO M R & SANCHEZ MINERVA 212 PINEFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 TOM NELSON PROPERTIES LLC 444 RIDGE FOREST CT SANFORD FL 32771 TROUTMAN, DEARVIS & LAKESHIA 3971 CEDAR HAMMOCK TRL SAINTCLOUD FL 34772 TUSCA PLACE HOMEOWNERS ASSN INC 2180 W SR 434 STE 5000 LONGWOOD FL 32779 UNDERWOOD JOANN 153 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 VALENTIN-ALICEA NELSON & DELGADO-RODRIGUEZ ANA 1 150 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 VALENTIN-ALICEA RAMON L & ROMERO-PIZARRO MIRZA 145 WHEATFIELD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 VALENTIN RAUL Q & QUINONES ZOBEIDA 2433 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 VELAZQUEZ VILMARY D & DIAZ JOSE L 1188 LA MESA AVE WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 VISRAM ZULFIKAR N 2501 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 WALTERS ZENNA 2408 DAFFODIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 WANG ZIHUANG & YANG DAN 3705 LAKE EMMA RD LAKE MARY FL 32746 WATSON REAL EST & MGMT INC 219 PASADENA PL ORLANDO FL 32803 WHITE CHRISTOPHER J LIFE EST (VICTORINO RADHAA) 226 PINEFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 WHITE LARRY D & LINDA M 2604 DAFFADIL TER SANFORD FL 32771 WHITE MICHAEL C 1821 DORN CT SANFORD FL 32771 WHITE WILLIAM B 2564 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 WILKERSON, LEONARD E & ELIZABETH & COLLIER, BARBARA J 2572 VINEYARD CIR SANFORD FL 32771 WOODS MICHELLE B 422 FAIRFIELD DR SANFORD FL 32771 CYPRESS HOLDINGS, LLC July 231', 2018 Dear Current Property Owner: Re: Proposed Rezoning from Planned Development to SR —1 (Single Family Residential) 1701 & 1705 Brisson Ave, Sanford, FL 32771 PARCEL ID: 32-19-30-300-012A-0000 and 32-19-30-300-0120-0000 We invite you to a neighborhood meeting to review and discuss the proposed rezone for the property located at 1701 & 1705 Brisson Ave, Sanford, FL 32771. The property is currently vacant and under a PD and the rezone would be for SR-lwhich meets the Future Land Use of Low Density Residential. The neighborhood meeting will provide the local community with a venue to discuss the proposed use and improvements to the property, to provide support for the proposal, or voice any concerns there may be with the plan. All are welcome. If you are unavailable to attend but have questions to ask or comments to provide, please email those questions or comments to Matt Patterson at CypressHomeBuilder@gmail.com The meeting will be held at the following location and time: LOCATION: St James House of Prayer 2775 Celery Ave. Sanford, FL 32771 60 110 50 DATE: L IS Monday, Aug 6, 2015 175 TIME: 471 9:00a to 10:00a $ jA Sincerely, /�"' 4 [ 12' Yanaggler, rri qy fir„ 2 Cypress Holdings, LLC 4925 Red Brick Run Sanford, FL 32771 ` (407) 616-5997 cypresshomebuilders@gmail.com -; 1 r—t FI r F' --1L