HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 PBA 17/18-74 R3 Security Inc., aka Security 101TO: City Clerk/Mayor RF-: R3 Security Inc., aka Security 101 City Contract # PBA 17/18-74 Security Maintenance piggyback w/Seminole County Sheriff C/A#2018-32 The item(s) noted below is/are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): Development Order Final Plat (original mylars) Letter of Credit Maintenance Bond Ordinance Performance Bond Resolution Once completed, please: ® Return originals to Purchasing- Department ❑ Return copies Special Instructions: M o-r4o-i, O ►�a(o v� erc From SharePoint_Finance_Purehasing_Forms - 2018.doc ® Mayor's signature ❑ Recording w Safe keepinlt) . g (Vau` Deputy City Manager ❑ Payment Bond ❑ City Manager Signature ® City Clerk Attest/Signature ❑ City Attorney/Signature Date Contract/Agreement Name: R3 Security Inc., aka Security 101 City Contract # PBA 17/18-74 Security Maintenance piggyback w/Seminole County Sheriff C/A#2018-32 Approval: ILA —Purchasing Ma4ar LO Finance Director V Date Date Date / 9--r) -/ 9 R3 Security, Inc./Security 101 Piggyback jyback Contract (PBA 17/18-74) The City of Sanford ("City") enters this "Piggyback" Contract with R3 Security, Inc., a Florida corporation, doing business as Security 101 (hereinafter referred to as the "Vendor"), whose principal address is 12001 Science Drive, Suite 135, Orlando, Florida 32826, under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. The City and the Vendor agree as follows: (1). The Purchasing Policy for the City of Sanford allows for "piggybacking" contracts. Pursuant to this procedure, the City is allowed to piggyback an existing government contract, and there is no need to obtain formal or informal quotations, proposals or bids. The parties agree that the Vendor has entered a contractual relationship with the Seminole County, Florida Sheriff, said contract being identified as "Seminole County Sheriffs Office Agreement for Security System Maintenance" (said original contract document being referred to as the "original government contract). (2). The original government contract document is incorporated herein by reference and is attached as Exhibit "A" to this contract. All of the terms and conditions set out in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and said terms and conditions are incorporated herein; provided, however, that the City will negotiate and enter work orders/purchase orders with the Vendor in accordance with City policies and procedures for particular goods and services. (3). Notwithstanding the requirement that the original government contract is fully binding on the parties, the parties have agreed to modify certain technical provisions of the original government contract as applied to this Contract between the Vendor and the City, as follows: 1 (a). Time Period ("Term") of this Contract: (state N/A if this is not applicable). I (b). Insurance Requirements of this Contract: (state NIA if this is not applicable). N/A. (c). Any other provisions of the original government contract that will be modified: (state N/A if this is not applicable). N/A. (d). Address change for the City: Notwithstanding the address and contact information for the government entity as set out in the original government contract, the Vendor agrees that he/she/it shall send notices, invoices and shall conduct all business with the City to the attention of City Manager, at: City of Sanford, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771. The City Manager's designated representative for this Contract is Bob Keegan; IT Manager; Information Services Division; Finance, Information Services; City Hall; 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771, telephone number 407.688.5024 (Extension 517), facsimile transmittal number 407.688.5021 and whose e- mail address is Bob. Keegan@Sanfordfl.gov. (e). Notwithstanding anything in the original government contract to the contrary, the venue of any dispute will be in Seminole County, Florida. Litigation between the parties arising out of this Contract shall be in Seminole County, Florida in the Court of appropriate jurisdiction. The law of Florida shall control any dispute between the parties arising out of or related to this Contract, the performance thereof or any products or services delivered pursuant to such Contract. (f). Notwithstanding any other provision in the original government contract to the contrary, there shall be no arbitration with respect to any dispute between the parties 2 arising out of this Contract. Dispute resolution shall be through voluntary and non-binding mediation, negotiation or litigation in the court of appropriate jurisdiction in Seminole County, Florida, with the parties bearing the costs of their own legal fees with respect to any dispute resolution, including litigation. (g). All the services to be provided or performed shall be in conformance with commonly accepted industry and professional codes and standards, standards of the City, and the laws of any Federal, State or local regulatory agency. (h). (1). IF THE CONTRACTOR/VENDOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S (VENDOR'S) DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT (407) 688-5012, TRACI HOUCHIN, CMC, FCRM, CITY CLERK, CITY OF SANFORD, CITY HALL, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771, TRACI.HOUCHIN@SANFORDFL.GOV. (II). In order to comply with Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, public records laws, the Vendor must: (A). Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the City in order to perform the service. 3 (B). Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the City would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. (C). Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. (D). Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the City all public records in possession of the Vendor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. (III). If the Vendor does not comply with a public records request, the City shall enforce the contract provisions in accordance with this Agreement. (IV). Failure by the Vendor to grant such public access and comply with public records requests shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the City. The Vendor shall promptly provide the City with a copy of any request to inspect or copy public records in possession of the Vendor and shall promptly provide the City with a copy of the Vendor's response to each such request. (i). All other provisions in the original government contract are fully binding on the parties and will represent the agreement between the City and the Vendor. Entered thisY day of 40"41 Cy- , 2018. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS: CI Attest: Ross Linville Vice President Attest.- k''11)UNU-11 I Nul(t IPA Traci Houchin, CMC, FCRM, City Clerk Approved as to form and legal suffic R3 Security, Inc., a Florida corporation, doing business as Security By: Ross Manfredi President Date: City Of Sanford 11 Seminole County Sherifrs Office Agreement for Security System Maintenance VMIKIEM R 313113 131a 974r1rrMT1r, I k # to as the "SCSO" and R3 Security, Inc. dba Security 101, whose principal and local address is 12001 Science Drive, Suite 135, Orlando, Florida 32826, hereinafter referred to as to as the "VENDOR". The SCSO and the VENDOR are collectively referred to herein as the PARTIES. WHEREAS, the SCSO desires to retain the VENDOR for the goods and/or servic identified as Security System Maintenance; and i WHEREAS, the SCSO desires to retain the VENDOR to provide all labor, materia equipment facilities and services in accordance with, but not limited to, the guidelines in Scope of Work; and I 0 LIN '111 4611411 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements joTtaig-il ,-Td j ottl qqu y 6 Section 1. General Provisions JJ The sam "VENDOR" as used in this Agremmt is herebvd as that pm" or eati 'en'ij including employees and all other agents, savants, partners, principals, assigpnees and/ subcontractors providing goods and/or services under this Agreement. 1.2 The VENDOR acknowledges that the SGS® may retain other vendors to provide the same goods and/or services. The SCSO reserves the right to select which service provider shall provide goods and/or services. 1.3 The recitals herein are true and correct and form and constitute a material part of this Agreement upon which the PARTIES have relied. 1.4 Each party represents to the other that it has undertaken all necessary actions to execute this Agreement, and that it has the legal authority to enter into this Agreement and to undertake all obligations imposed on it The person(s) executing this Agreement for the VENDOR certify that he/she/they is/are authorized to bind the VENDOR fully to the terms of this Agreement. 1.5 When the term "law" is used in, said phrase shall include statutes, codes, rules and regulations of whatsoever type or nature enacted or adopted by a governmental entity of Pap f etz C'A .:201 R-32 competent jurisdiction. 1.6 It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed as in any manner establishing a relationship of co-partners between the PARTIES, or as constituting the VENDOR (including. but not limited to, its officers, employees, and agents) the agent, representative, or employee of the SCSO for any purpose, or in any manner, whatsoever. The VENDOR is to be and shall remain forever an independent contractor with respect to all goods provided or services performed under this Agreement. 7 Persons employed by the VENDOR in the provision and performance of the services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall have no claim to pension. workers' compensation. unemployment compensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges granted to the SCSO's officers and employees either by operation of law or by the SCSO. 1.8 The VENDOR agrees to cooperate fully with the legal counsel of the SCSO in addressing any claims, actions or lawsuits, which may arise from the actions of the VENDOR or the SCSO in the provision of services as set forth in this Agreement. 1.9 VENDOR shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). and any and all related Federal or State laws which prohibits discrimination by public and private entities on the basis of disability. 1.10 SCSO will not intentionally award publicly -funded contracts to any VENDOR who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in 8 U.S.C. Section 1324a(e) Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationally Act (1AA)j. SCSO shall consider the employment by the VENDOR of unauthorized aliens, a violation of Section 274A (e) of the IAA. Such violation by the VENDOR of the employment provisions contained in Section 274A (c) of the LVA shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. 1.11 If applicable, in accordance with Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, VENDOR shall not use funds provided by this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature, the judicial branch or State agency. 1.12 VENDOR shall advise the SCSO in writing if it has been placed on a discrimmatory vendor list, may not submit a bid on a contract to provide goods or services to a public entity, or may not transact business with any public entity. 1.13 VENDOR shall not knowingly engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of that action of any SCSO employee or other person during the course of performance of. or otherwise related to, this Agreement or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112. Florida Statutes. relating to ethics in government. Page 2 of 12 C..'A f 201 R-32 1.1 1 In providing all sen ices pursuant to this Agreement, the VENDOR shall maintain all professional licenses and certifications. shall abide by all federal laws. state statutes. county ordinances, applicable rules and regulations pertaining to or regulating the provision of such services including those now in effect and those hereafter adopted during the term of this Agreement. Any violations of said laws, statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations or loss professional license or certification by the VENDOR shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and shall entitle the SCSO to terminate this Agreement immediately upon delivery of written notice of termination to the VENDOR as provided herein. Section 2. Duration of Contract. This Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2018, and shall terminate on September 30. 2020 or until terminated by the SCSO pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Section 3. Vendor Understanding of Services Required VENDOR agrees that he.she is familiar with the goods and.or services to be provided and`or performed. The VENDOR shall make no claim for additional time or money based upon its failure to comply with this Agreement. The VENDOR has informed the SCSO, and hereby represents to the SCSO. that it has extensive experience in performing and providing the goods and/or scnices described in this Agreement. Section 4. Scope of Services This Agreement is for Security System Maintenance. as set forth herein and as otherwise directed by the SCSO to include all labor and materials that may be required. The services and/or goods required by this Agreement shall be enumerated, described, and depicted in the explanatory "Scope of Services'" document attached to this Agreement as Exhibit "A." All such writings arc included as exhibits and are thereby incorporated to this Agreement. Section 5. Compensation 5.1 Compensation shall be paid in accordance with the schedule of charges as set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 5.2 SCSO shall remit payment within 30 days of' receipt of a correct invoice. VENDOR shall provide an Invoice. Service Ticket and a Job Completion Checklist for each service to the following email address: I echSoluttonsta seminolesherift.or`= or to: Seminole County Sheriff's Office Technology Solutions 100 Eslinger Way Sanford. FL 32773 Page.', of 12 C'A #2019-32 Section b. Designated Representatives The SCSO designates the below named employee or his/her designated representative, to represent the SCSO in all matters pertaining to and arising from the work and the performance of this Agreement. Until further notice from the SC'SO, the designated representative for this Agreement is: Stephen White. Director of Technology Solutions Seminole County Sheriff's Office 100 Eslinger Way Sanford. FL 32773 The VE,NDOR's designated representative is: Ross Linville. Owner Security 101 12001 Science Drive. Suite 135 Orlando. FL 32826 Section 7. 'Termination of Agreement 7.1 By SCSO. The SCSO may terminate this Agreement at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice to the VENDOR. 7.2 By VENDOR. The VENDOR may terminate this Agreement at any time upon thirtv (30) days written notice to the SCSO. Section S. Liability, Waiver, Indemnity and Insurance. 8.1 Liability: 8.1.1 VENDOR shall be responsible for the professional quality, accepted standards, safety, and the coordination of all goods and.,or services furnished by the VENDOR under this Agreement as well as the conduct of its staff, personnel. employees and agents. The PARTIES understand and agree that: (a) the products provided and services performed by VENDOR pursuant to this Agreement (collectively "Work") arc intended to constitute or be pan of a security system designed to reduce risk of loss for the SCSO; (b) SCSO has selected, accepted and approved the Scope of Work reflected in this Agreement (and. or any purchase orders issued in connection herewith) after considering and balancing the Ievels of protection afforded by various types of systems and services available to it and the related costs of them. (c) neither VENDOR nor any person engaged by VENDOR to perform any portion of the Work shall be Page .3 of 12 C A 42018-32 construed to be an insurer of the person or property of SCSO. its employees. agents, contractors. assigns. SCSOs, invitees or any other person at the location(s) where the Work is performed (the "Location(s)" ), (d) the price and payment terms are based solely on the cost and value of VENDOR providing the Work and are unrelated to the value of property of SCSO or others located at the Location(s); (c) the price and payment terms do not contemplate any payment being made or consideration being giycn to VENDOR for any guarantee, warranty or insuring agreement by anv one or more of them to SCSO with respect to the person or property of anyone. (f) VENDOR makes no guarantees of any kind that the work (including any materials and equipment supplied as part of the work) will avert or prevent occurrences or consequences therefrom which the work is designed to detect or avert. 8.1.2 If, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 8.1 or for whatever reason. VENDOR should be found liable for personal injury or property loss or damage caused by a failure to perform by VENDOR or the failure of any materials or equipment in any respect whatsoever or a court of proper jurisdiction determines the limitations on warranties are inapplicable, SCSO agrees that the aggregate liability of VENDOR under or with respect to the Agreement, the Work to be performed under, and any warranty provided pursuant to, the Agreement, shall be limited to a sum equal to the lesser of (i) one-tenth (I/10) of the total Price to be paid by SCSO under the Agreement. (ii) if the Price is be paid in monthly payments or installments (other than progress payments), an amount equal to six (6) monthly paymtents. or (iii) Five Hundred Dollars (5500.00), and this liability shall be exclusive. and that the provisions of this subsection shall apply if loss or damage, irrespective of cause or origin, results directly or indirectly to persons or property, from performance or nonperformance of the Work. from breach of warranty, or from negligence, active or otherwisc of VENDOR. Notwithstanding the generality of the immediately preceding sentence. the foregoing limitation of liability shall not be applicable to loss. injury or damage proximately caused by the gross negligence, illegal acts. or willful misconduct of VENDOR or its employees. 8.2 No Waiver. Neither the SCSO's review, approval or acceptance of. nor payment for. any of the goods and,or services required shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement nor or any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement. The failure of the SCSO to insist in any instance upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right or privilege granted to the SCSO hereunder shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force. Pace 5 u!' 12 CA 2018-32 8.3 Indemnity. When SCSO ordinarily has the property of others in its custody, or the Work extends to the protection of the person or property of others. SCSO shall indemnify, save. defend and hold harmless VENDOR from and against all claims brought by parties other than the panics to the Agreement. This provision shall apply to all claims regardless of cause, including the performance or failure to perform by VENDOR. and including without limitation, defects in products or system design, installation, repair service. monitoring, operation or non- operation of materials or equipment, whether based upon negligence, active or passive. express or implied contract or warranty, contribution or indemnification or strict or product liability: provided, however. SCSO shall have no duty to indemnify in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct by VENDOR or its employees. '.notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to affect the rights. privileges. and immunities of the SCSO as set forth in Section 768.28. Florida ,Stawtes." 8.4 Insurance. The VENDOR shall obtain or possess and continuously maintain the following insurance coverage and will provide Certificates of Insurance to the SCSO evidencing such insurance, prior to completing any work under this Agreement. The VENDOR will be required to name the SCSO as an additional insured on the required policy. Required are the following terms and conditions which are acceptable to the SCSO: Worker's Compensation/Emi2loycr's Liability. The VENDOR shall provide coverage for all employees for statutory limits in compliance with laws of the State of Florida. The policy must include Employer's Liability with a limit of 5100.000 each accident. S100.000 each employee. and 5100.000 policy limit for disease. Comprehensive General Liability: The VENDOR shall provide coverage for all operations including, but not limited to. contractual, products and complete operations and personal injury. The limits will not be less than 51,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit (CSL) or its equivalent. Coverage shall also include Independent Contractors Liability. Commercial Automobile Liability: The VENDOR shall maintain automobile liability insurance for all owned: non -owned and hired vehicles with a limit of not less than 5500,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage liability. The insurance coverage shall contain a provision that requires that prior to any changes in the coverage, except aggregate coverage, thirty (30) days prior notice will be given to the SCSO by submission of a new Certificate of Insurance. The VENDOR shall furnish the Certificate of Insurance directly to the following: Seminole Countv Sheriff's Office Finance/Procurement & Agreements 100 Eslinger Way Sanford. Florida 32773 Page h of 12 C.A=' 018-32 VENDOR must also furnish an informational copy to the Designated Representative identified in this Agreement. 8.5 VENDOR shall submit a report to SCSO within twenty-four (24) hours of the date of any incident resulting in damage or reasonably likely to result in a claim ofdamage. 8.6 Limited Warranty. Exclusions and Disclaimers 8.6.1 To the extent not otherwise warranted pursuant to an applicable manufacturer's warranty. VENDOR warrants all equipment and installation labor rendered as part of the Work against defects in materials and labor for a period of twelve (12) months (the 'Warranty Period') from the date of substantial completion of the installation: provided, however. no warranty is made as to, and there is specifically excluded from the warranty, any and all expendable supplies, equipment and parts. or any portions of the Work which have been misused, abused. not used in the manner intended. neglected, or damaged by an act of God or altered, modified, or manipulated in any manner by SCSO or a third party. Any defect in the installation during the Warranty Period will be repaired or replaced at the option of VENDOR. Any shipping charges in connection with a repair or replacement shall be the responsibility of SCSO. The repair or replacement shall constitute SCSO's sole remedy against VENDOR for any breach of the foregoing warranty. The Warranty period for any Service calls shall be 90 -days for all labor, and Manufacturer warranty for all parts supplied by VENDOR. 8.6 .2 VENDOR makes no other of further warranty with respect to installation labor, materials and equipment or any other portion of the work other than the foregoing warranty and specifically disclaims any and all other warranties, expressed or implied. including the warranties of Merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose. 9.6.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing warranties and any other provisions of this Agreement, in no event shall VENDOR be liable to SCSO or any third party for special. incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages or for lost profits. Lost Sales, injury to person or property or any other cause as a result of a defect in labor, equipment or other supplies or materials with respect to any work furnished under the agreement. malfunction or non-function of any system, wrongful performance of or failure to perform any acts included in the work. transportation delays or breach of warranty. 8.6.4 SCSO acknowledges that no warranty, representation, or statement by any representative of VENDOR not stated herein shall be binding." Page - of 1' C A 02018-32 Section 9. Security 9.1 The VENDOR shall provide all information requested by the SCSO pertaining to employees of the VENDOR who will be providing services as set forth in this Agreement for the purposes of conducting a background check on said employees. SCSO, at his sole discretion, based upon the results of the background check. may deny access to any SCSO facility to any employee of the VENDOR. SCSO may also deny access to any employee of the VENDOR who in the sole determination of SCSO presents a security risk at anv SCSO facility. it is the responsibility of the VENDOR to promptly replace any individual who is denied access_ 9.2 The SCSO will maintain a safe and secure environment and will provide correctional supervision for the VENDOR at all times of interaction with inmates. Section 10. Assignability The VENDOR shall not sublet, assign or transfer any interest in this Agreement, or claims for the money due or to become due out of this Agreement to any person or entity without written SCSO approval. When approved by the SCSO, written notice of such assignment or transfer shall be furnished promptly to the SCSO. Section 11. Force Majeure Neither party shall be considered in default in performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent that performance of such obligations, or any of them. is delayed or prevented by Force Mgjeure. Farce Algjeure shall include, but not be limited to, hostility, terrorism, revolution, civil commotion. strike, epidemic, pandemic, tire, flood, wind, earthquake, explosion, any la"'. proclamation, regulation, or ordinance or other act of government. or any act of God or any cause whether of the same or different nature, existing or future: provided that the cause whether or not enumerated in this Section is beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the party seeking relief under this Section. Section 12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the exhibit(s), if'any. constitutes the full and complete Agreement between the SCSO and the VENDOR and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings in connection therewith. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented or modified by a formal written amendment. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the PARTIES. Page A of 12 C. A 92018-32 Section 13. Remedies The rights and remedies of the SCSO. provided for under this Agreement, are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law, except to the extent expressly limited by this Agreement. Section 14. Controlling Laws/N'enue/interpretation This Agreement is to be governed by the lags oi' the State of Florida. Venue for ally legal proceeding related to this Agreement shall be in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Seminole County, Florida. Section 15. Access to Records VENDOR shall keep and maintain public records required by SCSO to perform the services provided within the scope of this agreement. Upon request from the SCSO's Custodian of Public Records, VENDOR shall provide SCSO with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119. Florida Statutes. VENDOR shall ensure that public records that arc exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the contractor docs not transfer the records to SCSO_ Upon completion of the agreement. VENDOR shall transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the VENDOR or keep and maintain public records required by the SCSO to perform the services provided within the scope of this agreement. if VENDOR transfers all public records to the SCSO upon completion of the agreement, VENDOR shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. if VENDOR keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the agreement. VENDOR shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored cicctronicaliv must be provided to the SCSO upon request from the SCSO's Custodian of Public Records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the SCSO. Pace l) of 1= IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the reqwtive dates under each signature: the SCSO through its Designee on the _2L2_day r 018 , and the VENDOR signing by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. witness R3Securi . dba Security 101 Authorized Agent for VENDOR Seminole County ' eriffs Office Lisa Spriggs, Chief oi<AdZ�istradve Services 10 of 12 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES r1qk1ar.-CUUMI =I vluion a following SCSO's Office facilities: • John E. Polk Correctional Facility, 211 Eslinger Way, Sanford, 32773 • Juvenile Assessment Center, 181 Bush Loop, Sanford,32773 • SCSO's Administrative Facility, IGO Eslinger Way, Sanford, 32773 • North Region Service Center, 805 Primera Blvd., Lake Mary, 32746 • East Region Service Center, 1225 East Broadway St., Oviedo, 32762 • South Region Service Center, 120 West Pine View St., Altamonte Springs, 32714 • Juvenile Detention Center, 200 Eslinger Way, Sanford, 32773 • Criminal Justice Center, 201 Eslinger Way, Sanford, 32773 • Juvenile Justice Center, 190 Eslinger Way, Sanford, 32773 • Other SCSO Facilities as needed. Note: Billing for calls that are plaveA by egaloyees of the SC50s-Offigefor services to Facilities for which the vendor also contracts with Seminole County Govermbe under the terms and pricing of this agreement. Page I 1 Of 12 The SCSO agrees to compensate the VENDOR for professional services rendered as set forth this agreement as follows: i Installa4lon $85.00 per hour Programming/Training $130.00 per hour Project Management S 130.00 per hour Engineering $130.00 per hour 8:00 a.m. to 5:1*'fLp—m *One Hour Minimum $ 105.00 per hour After Hours, Weekends, Holidays $157.50 per hour *Two Hour Minimum Service Trig Charlie 111 11117111 1111 111 iiiiiiiiiiii � :11111 Note: This agreement covers individual project pricing up to $5,000. Projects exceeding $5,000 will require the issuance of a separate purchase order. ?}ago 12 of 12