HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-19 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 812019 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, April 8, 2019, at 4:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett (Arrived 4:56pm) Vice Mayor Art Woodruff Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany (Arrived at 4:16pm) City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert Vice Mayor Art Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:04 PM. 1. Presentation of Sanford Airport Authority Financial Report by Moore Stephen Lovelace. (RM 6A) Ms. Diane Crews, Sanford Airport Authority, CEO, introduced Bill Blend, the auditor from Moore Stephen Lovelace, who presented the Sanford Airport Authority's Financial Report to the Commission stating they are in good standings. 2. Presentation of City Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) by Moore Stephen Lovelace. (RM 6B) Mr. Blend presented a power point presentation relating to the 2018 CAFR. He stated that there were no significant matters to report and suggested the Commission read the MDNA portion of the report provided to them. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 89 2019 WORK SESSION 3. Continued discussion re: City Commission Goals and Objectives for the next (2) years. Mr. Bonaparte suggested that the Commission review the goals and objectives and discuss at the next meeting when all members of the Commission are present. There was a brief discussion of a few items: • Vice Mayor Woodruff said that he understands that the fiscal responsibilities will be presented at the budget meetings, however, it would be helpful to discuss prior to the budget so that requests are in order. • Commissioner Mahany asked for a copy of the interlocal agreement with Sunrail so that the Commission can review prior to discussing with the County. * Commissioner Wiggins is meeting with the Sanford Police Department tomorrow regarding the Choice Neighborhood Initiative (CNI) Program. • Commissioner Austin wants to add better, business friendly practices to the list of top priorities. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional information A. Consideration of the sole proposal for IFB 18/19-35, the Americana Boulevard Proposal, Tom George. Mr. George, Deputy City Manager, informed the Commission that the City held a pre-bid meeting at the American Boulevard location prior to the RFP being posted. Only one proposal was received and staff has rejected it, however, the bid is being reposted. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 89 2019 WORK SESSION Vice Mayor Woodruff said that he supports the idea of affordable housing. Commissioner Austin said he would like a community project partnership. B. Agenda Item 7.13 on tonight's agenda has been continued to April 22nd at the request of the applicant. 5. Briefing Items A. Discussion of ranking proposals for purchase of the former Little Red School House Property, Tom George. Mr. George said that a letter of intent along with proposals have been submitted for review. All of the contractors are familiar with schedule S, Historic Planning and Finances. Commissioner Mahany said that she is leaning towards the higher bidder, as she does not want to see the same thing happen as when the City sold the Old Jail House. Commissioner Austin is not a fan of the live work homes due to an increase in traffic in the area. Mayor Triplett arrived at the meeting and Mr. George briefed him on discussion. Mr. Steve Triece, owner of The Triece Company, provided his feedback to the Mayor and Commissioners on the property. Mayor Triplett asked staff to put a time frame together from the submittals so that the Commission can have an understanding of how long the project can take. B. Update on Break Point Law, LLC and Legal Services Agreement, Darrel Presley. Mr. Bonaparte informed the Commission that Mr. Presley was not going to be presenting this item; however, he has met with Legal and has the agreement between CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 89 2019 WORK SESSION the City of Sanford and Break Point Law LLC. If there is a consensus among the Commission, they can move forward. Commission Austin said that he met with Lieutenant Brick from the Apopka Police Department who oversees Code Enforcement and this program. Apopka is very pleased with it. Mr. Bonaparte distributed copies of the agreement or the Commission to review and discuss at the April 22, 2019 meeting. 6. City Manager Comments Mr. George said the cost to bring the Chamber Building up to Code, will be $25K -$35K in order to lease it. Staff suggested not demolishing the building for additional parking, as it will only bring an additional 23 spaces. The Leisure Services Department has been contacted about leasing the building and they will have a staff member from the Civic Center to assist with part-time with needs. After a brief discussion, the consensus was for staff to move forward with the repairs to the Chamber. Ms. Traci Houchin, City Clerk, received an email from the CALNO Secretary requesting that an alternate board member be appointed to CALNO as stated in the by- laws. Vice Mayor Woodruff agreed to be the alternate member going forward. Mr. Bonaparte said he was contacted by the Seminole County School Board to confirm dates for the tour of the schools. Mayor Triplett and Commissioner Wiggins said they would be available to take the tour. Commissioner Mahany was uncertain and Commissioner Austin said he might have to work depending on the time. Mr. Bonaparte will come back to the next meeting with dates and times available. Mayor Triplett said Andrew Van Gael has resigned from the Noise Abatement CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL S, 2019 WORK SESSION Committee at the airport and asked the Commission to come back at the next meeting with suggestions for a replacement. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned atj�:55 P.M.