HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-25-19 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2019 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, March 25, 2019, at 4:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett Vice Mayor Art Woodruff Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Mayor Triplett called the meeting to order at 4:13 PM. Continued discussion re: City Commission Goals and Objectives for the next two (2) years. Mr. Bonaparte handed out a revised list of the goals and objectives that were discussed at the March 11, 2019 City Commission Work Session for the Commission to prioritize. • Homelessness Mayor Triplett serves on the Central Florida Commission of Homelessness and said that he anticipates to see changes within the next three or four months in the City of Sanford. However, homelessness and mental issues are always going to exist and the City will continue to deal with each situation as it arises. It can be a difficult issue to address at times because of the first amendment. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2019 WORK SESSION Commissioner Mahany does not want to see homelessness as a priority for the Commission. There are boards and committees in place that are working on the situation and are doing a great job. She would like to see the Sanford community have more compassion and have humanity towards this growing issue. Commissioner Austin said that he has concerns with aggressive panhandling. • Chamber of Commerce Building The Mayor and City Staff recently met with Waterfront Partners regarding the development of the Catalyst Site and asked the Commission to consider holding off on renovations at the Civic Center and the Chamber of Commerce until the Catalyst Site is underway as they may have a few ideas. Mayor Triplett said after thinking about it, he would like to consider holding off on the project. Commissioner Austin said he would favor tearing it down for additional parking. The Commission asked staff to provide a quote for demolition of the building and construct parking spaces. In addition, the Commission asked staff to provide costs of renovations needed to bring the building up to Code to lease it. • Additional Parking The Mayor and Commissioners agreed to ask Seminole County if they would have an interest in collaborating with the City to construct a parking garage at the Civil Courthouse. Fire Station — Lake Mary Boulevard Commissioner Mahany expressed her concern and the need for a new Fire Station near Lake Mary Boulevard, especially with all the new development. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES • Police Officers MARCH 25, 2019 WORK SESSION Commissioner Mahany would like to see additional Police Officers added to the Department. Vice Mayor Woodruff asked the Police Department to present the Commission with a plan of funding/academy for police officers. Commissioner Wiggins said that he would like the City to establish a review board. Vernon McQueen said that The Front Porch Committee has formed a Community Engagement Group that will be presented to the Commission at a later time to be sanctioned. • Capital Deficit There was consensus among the Commission to use $500,000 towards the City's Capital Deficit, however, Mayor Triplett suggested that they address this during the budget meetings. • Brother's Keeper Commissioner Wiggins wants to continue to enhance the Brother's Keepers Program. • Civic Center Vice Mayor Woodruff said that he is working with Julie Scofield, Historic Preservation Planner, on designs for the Civic Center. Mr. Bonaparte, asked the Commission to send him their top four Goals and Objectives, and staff will take action on them a few at a time. Discussions for goals will be continued to the April 8, 2019 Work Session. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2019 WORK SESSION 2. What's Next for the Mellonville Avenue Property, by Tom George. Deputy City Manager George and Chris Smith, Project Manager, presented the Mayor and Commission with plans for the Mellonville Avenue ATEN (Adapted Technology Education Network) Building. The total amount of the project will be $1.2 million. It will take approximately $400,000 to be able to use the site practically, which includes one turf field and one grass field for soccer or football along with parking spaces. The grant requirement includes a rest station, fencing and a trail around the fields. Mr. George and Mr. Smith will continue to work on the project and update the Commission. 3. Regular Meeting Items A. Approval of Design Services for the SR 46 Water Main Replacement By Bilal Iftikhar. [Commission Memo 19-069.A] B. Approval of Surveying Services for the SR 46 Water Main Replacement by Bilal Iftikhar. [Commission Memo 19-069.B] Mr. Iftikhar, Director of Public Works and Utilities gave a brief description on this project and showed the Commission a map of the areas that will be affected. Both items are on tonight's agenda for action. C. Repeal of Chapter 14, Animals of the Code of Ordinance and the Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County for Animal Control by Darrel Presley. Mr. Presley, Executive Director of Development Services, advised the Commission of the revisions on the Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County for Animal Control Services. The City will be responsible for enforcing the amount of animals CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 259 2019 WORK SESSION residents are permitted to own. This is an action item on tonight's agenda. D. Approval of Resolution No. 2783 to amend the budget and approval of associated procurement activity pertaining to the rehab of Lee P. Moore Park by Robert Beall. [Commission Memo 19-072] Mr. Beall, Manager of Parks and Grounds Operations, advised the Commission this project is being presented to them, because the Moore family is donating $293,094 to the City for various park amenities and replacements in Lee P. Moore Park. The Moore family will be presenting the City with a check at the regular meeting tonight. Eileen Hinson, Development Services Manager, and Jordan Smith, Senior Planner presented the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Wyndham Preserve to the Commission in order for the Commission to understand that by approving this item at the Regular Meeting this evening, it is contingent upon Brisson Investments LLC., providing adequate engineering plans. If they do not comply, they will have to start this process all over. Mr. Bonaparte informed the Commission that Item No. 8.1) for the Condemnation of structures located at 1205 & 1207 Railroad Avenue has been removed from the agenda due to the owners demolished the structures. 4. Briefing Items Mr. Bonaparte asked Mr. Presley to provide the Commission with a briefing on Break Point Law. Mr. Presley followed up with the City of Apopka, which is the only City in the State of Florida currently using the services from the firm, since December of CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 25, 2019 WORK SESSION 2018. Break Point Law has followed through with everything they said they would provide to the City of Apopka. If the Commission would like to enter into an Agreement, staff can start the procurement process. Mr. Colbert, City Attorney, said that if the City were interested in proceeding with this, finance would need to go through the RFP process in order to be consistent with purchasing practices. As for the registrations, staff is currently not proactively pursuing offenders. If they come across a company that is not registered, they will send them a notice to pay their registration. The Mayor asked about the Lien Amnesty Program and Mr. Presley told him the program will sunset in 2020. Mr. Presley will bring a pro -active resolution to the next City Commission Work Session. 5. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte said School Superintendent, Mr. Walt Griffin invited the Commission to take a three (3) hour tour of the different schools in the area. Mr. Bonaparte asked the Commission to contact him with their availability. ATTEST: City Clerk (cl) There being no further business, the meeting adjouned at 6:10 P.M.