HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-19 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 22, 2019 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, April 22, 2019, at 4:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett Vice Mayor Art Woodruff Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Commissioner Patty Mahany Mayor Triplett called the meeting to order at 4:09 PM. Presentation re: Update of the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity for Community Planning Technical Assistance Planning Grant for the City of Sanford Multi -Modal Connectivity Plan by Neel -Schaffer. Rosemary Aldridge and Ginger Hoke of Neel -Schaffer presented a power point presentation that included a Multi -Modal Connectivity Plan for the City. Ms. Hoke said it is important to ensure that Sanford provides various modes of transportation for the growing population. Ms. Hoke invited all to attend the "Get in the Sanford Mode Event" on April 25, 2019 from 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M., at City Hall. Guests will be able to visit a Pop-up alley and ride the LYNX Bus, Trolley, Golf Cart Taxi and the Limo Cycle. 2. Continued discussion re: Goals and Priorities of the City Commission. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 22, 2019 WORK SESSION After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to the following: • Items for Work Session Rezone of Goldsboro Riverbend Development — Joint Participation Agreement Development of Lake Mary Boulevard Fiscal responsibilities Eliminating Work Sessions — Consolidation of Time Management • Items for Staff East Side Park and Building (Mellonville Avenue) — Devise a plan to rotate use of fields to the public Better Business Practices — Building Department — eliminate last minute items by providing customers with an accurate checklist. Attaching permit fees to Utility bills Hold contractors to higher Development Standards Sponsorship Program for Police Officers New Fire Station for Lake Mary Boulevard Developments Mr. Andrew Thomas, Community and Neighborhood Engagement Director, provided the Commission with information from the Sanford Housing Authority (SHA). He said that SHA is proposing to donate 4+ acres of property located on William Clark Court to the City of Sanford that would be used for the development of a park to be shared with the Boys and Girls Club and will include athletic fields and water features. At CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 229 2019 WORK SESSION this time, SHA is waiting for the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to respond to the $30M grant request. If approved, the City will be required to contribute $1M towards this grant. Chief Cecil Smith, Police Chief, presented a power point regarding "Strengthening Relationships through Sponsorships" for new officers. The program will consist of three hiring track options; Non -Certified and Non -Enrolled, Non -Certified and Currently Enrolled, and Certified. This program will allow the Police Department to offer incentives and remain competitive in the hiring process. 3. Presentation re: Ransomware by, Bob Keegan. Mr. Keegan, Network Operations Manager, advised the Commission how important it is to be prepared for a cyber -attack. He said that IT is working diligently to ensure that the City is protected. 4. Update re: Break Point Law, by Darrel Presley. Mr. Presley, Executive Director of Development Services, explained that the services that Break Point Law provides is not something that City staff can do. Currently, the City has $1,744 in past due fees. Thirty percent of the past due accounts belong to Freddie Mack of Bank of America. There are approximately $430,000 of outstanding fees in which the City gets half and Pro -Champs gets the remaining half. There is a 50/50 split with Break Point Law when they recover fines. Fines are determined, by the businesses and/or banks appearing in front of the Special Magistrate to become compliant. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 229 2019 WORK SESSION 5. Regular Meeting Items A. Civic Center Landmark Design by Julie Schofield (RM 6.E) Ms. Julie Scofield, Historic Preservation Planner, discussed two items with the Commission. First, is the agenda memo for the grant application and the other item is that the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) was contacted by the University of Florida, informing them the Sanford Civic Center is eligible to be on the Historic National Registry and is interested in having it as a Landmark Designee, which requires owner consent. If the Commission agrees to the Landmark Designee, the City will have to ask permission from HPB to do any alterations, relocations or demolition. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to move forward with the agenda memo for the grant application. However, at this time they do not want to move forward with the Landmark Designee. B. My Brother's Keeper Advisory Board by Andrew Thomas. Mr. Thomas asked the Commission if they had any questions regarding the Brother's Keeper Advisory Board list he provided. Commissioner Austin asked about the terms and Mr. Thomas said they are staggered them as this is the first year for the Board and staff did not want them to expire the same time. Mayor Triplett asked that the Board provide the Commission with a list of needs. 6. Briefing Items Mr. Bonaparte said that the Americana Boulevard proposal the City received would be rejected. Chris Smith, Project Manager, provided a brief history of the 1.4 acres donated to the City. When the property was originally donated to the City, it was CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 22, 2019 WORK SESSION going to be used to build a road going from Americana Boulevard East connecting to Airport Blvd as a back entrance to Walmart and to build a fire station. Later when Logan Heights was constructed, the City felt it was not a good idea to construct the road and the fire station was built on Airport Boulevard instead. Mr. Colbert, City Attorney, suggested that Mr. Bonaparte mention this under City Manager comments at tonight's meeting. Mr. Bonaparte asked Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director to provide an update on renaming the former Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Jones, Parks and Recreation Director, presented the Commission with a sample of a sign entitled, Monroe Town Hall. Since the building is being rehabilitated and the floors have been refinished City staff would like to rename the building, (so we can stop calling it the old Chamber Building). Residents are calling for information on renting it. The Commission was not in favor of Monroe Town Hall, possibly Monroe Hall or Navy Hall. The Commission will think about it and discuss at the May 13, 2019 City Commission Work Session. Lisa Holder handed out a "Stay Connected Stay Informed" brochure that is going in the Utility bills and in the lobby providing residents information regarding all social media information for important notices. 7. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte said Charles Davis, board member, on the Sanford Zoo Committee is looking for a board member from the City of Sanford. Mr. Bonaparte will get more information and present it back to the Commission at the May 13, 2019 Work Session. On tonight's Consent Agenda Item 6.P, is for the approval of payment of $237,000 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 229 2019 WORK SESSION should read $237,500. This item will need to pulled separately before making a motion to approve. Mayor Triplett asked Chief Radzak, Fire Chief, how the City intends to pay for a new Fire Station if The Triece Company locates property. Chief Radzak said they could use the Fire Reserve Funds from Fire Services Fees and Impact Fees. There being no further business, the meeting adjou f*d at 6:20 P.M. Mayor 74