HomeMy WebLinkAbout4491 Rezone Small Bay PD/5th Street PD, 251 S. White CedarOrdinance No. 2019-4491 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida relating to a Planned Development (PD) by rezoning 9.39 acres in size and adding acreage to and amending the specific uses and development standards within the Small Bay PD and creating the 5th Street PD; approving a PD master plan; providing for the rezoning of real property located at 251 South White Cedar Road and assigned Tax Parcel Identification Numbers: 26 -19 -30 -SAE -0300-0000, 26 -19 -30 -SAE -030A-0000, 26-19-30-5AE-030B-0000, 26 -19 -30 -SAE -030C-0000, 26-19-30-5AE-030D-0000 and 26-19-30-5AE-030E-0000 which is located within the City Limits (map of the subject property attached); providing for findings and intent, development conditions and the resolution of disputes by the Planning and Zoning Commission; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map and PD master plan by reference; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for non -codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, an application has been submitted proposing to rezone property located at 251 South White Cedar Road as a Planned Development (PD) zoning classification/district being named the 5th Street PD which results from revising the existing Small Bay PD; and Whereas, the PD property is located at the east side of South White Cedar Road south of State Road 46 (West 1st Street East State Road 46) with a project address of 251 South White Cedar Road; and Whereas, on October 22, 2007, the City Commission enacted Ordinance Number 4077 rezoning 2.39 acres at 251 South White Cedar Road to PD, for an office/warehouse flex space for the Small Bay PD subject to Development Order Number 07-18 which was executed on December 2, 2007; and Whereas, pursuant Article IV, Section 4.3(G) of the City's Land Development Regulations, the Small Bay PD zoning expired 3 years from the date of original approval; 1113 a gy C 5M Whereas, the City Commission enacted Ordinance Number 4231 on February 28, 2011 extending the Small Bay PD zoning approval to December 2, 2015, which was 5 years beyond the original 2010 expiration; and Whereas, on January 25, 2016, Development Order Number 15-16 was executed to extend the Small Bay PD 3 additional years as the need for the type of space proposed had not yet returned; and Whereas, the applicant is now proposing to amend the Small Bay PD, add additional acreage and to subdivide the property for the purpose of establishing a 49 unit single family residential community, and rename the PD as the 5th Street PD; and Whereas, a report relating to a Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan (CAPP) meeting adhering to the requirements of the City has been held on Monday, November 26, 2018 at which no interested parties were in attendance but follow-up communications were received from nearby business and property owners who were concerned that noise created by the business they operate will generate concerns of the future residents and, in addition, persons appeared at the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission expressing an array of concerns; and Whereas, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on January 10, 2019 to consider the rezoning action herein approved and recommended approval of the 5th Street PD for the subject property as requested by the Property Owner while proposing several conditions in addition to those proposed by City staff; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has 2 1 P a e conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and recommended that the subject rezoning application be approved having determined that the proposal is technically sufficient and consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs), and the controlling provisions of State law; provided, however, that the requirements of this Ordinance must be adhered to relative to attaining the required assignment of a land use designation consistent with the requirements of this Ordinance; and Whereas, the City staff recommended approval of this Ordinance subject to normative development detailed development requirements and conditions some of which, if not later resolved, shall be subject to resolution by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and Whereas, the City Commission has determined that the proposed rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the City's LDRs, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken all actions relating to the 5th Street PD rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda _ 31Paye memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance. (b). The approval set forth in this Ordinance is subject to the specific conditions that are set forth subsequently in this Ordinance and the Property Owner has agreed that no requirement herein lacks an essential nexus to a legitimate public purpose and is not roughly proportionate to the impacts of the proposed use that the City seeks to avoid, minimize, or mitigate. (c). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (d). This Ordinance is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. 'W Section 2. Rezoning of real property/implementing actions; the 5th Street (a), Upon enactment of this Ordinance the subject property, as depicted in the map attached to this Ordinance shall be rezoned to the 5th Street PD. (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein with regard to the 5th Street PD and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance and as set forth herein. (c). The conditions to be incorporated into the pertinent development order relating to the action taken in this Ordinance include the following: (1). Pursuant to Section 4.3.G of the City's LDRs, this rezoning shall expire 3 4 1 P ag e years from the effective date of this Ordinance if all improvements have not been completed or an extension granted. (2). All development shall be consistent with the 5th Street PD Master Plan, dated October 2018, as modified as a result of additional conditions, unless otherwise specifically set forth any associated development order; provided, however, that all subsequent development orders shall be consistent with the provisions of this Ordinance. (3). The Property Owner shall formulate and memorialize with City staff a document of equal dignity herewith, as approved by the City Attorney, creating a landscaping barrier in the buffers area located between the residential and commercial/industrial uses such action to occur prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. (4). An overall sign plan for the subdivision may be approved for the construction phase as part of a Comprehensive Sign Plan as established in Schedule "K", Sign Regulations, of the City's LDRs. (5). A School Capacity Availability Letter of Determination from the Seminole County School District is required prior to final engineering approval. (6). A dog walk area with waste collection receptacles shall be provided by the Property Owner in a common amenity area. (7). Additional guest parking may be required if deemed necessary during the subdivision plan review process in order to prevent on street parking subject to the additional parking not exceeding the thresholds established by the City's LDRs. (8). Single-family detached shall comply with the following design standards: (a). Gutters shall be required on residential structures on lots 5(Pa�.�e with side yard setbacks of less than 7.5 feet. (b). House plans shall have a variety of architecture and character, such as alternating roof lines, window patterns, and entrances. Building shall include articulation along the facades facing and visible from public rights-of-way. Flat blank walls are discouraged. At least 2 of the following methods shall be included: (i). Distinctive roof forms; or (ii). Changes in materials; or (iii). Window patterns; or (iv). Recesses/offsets. (c). Open space areas such as a tot lot, and amenity areas that may include amenities such as a swimming pool, seating area, dog park, or other active recreational elements shall be provided. (d). Benches or play structures shall be provided in usable open space areas and along pedestrian pathways. (e). Neighborhood parks shall have a direct connection to the pedestrian system and include a tot lot, gazebo, fitness station, rest station or similar recreation amenity. Neighborhood parks shall not be located within areas designated for drainage, stormwater management or other utility purposes and shall be installed then owned and maintained by the homeowners association. (f). Decorative pavers or other decorative hardscape elements 6jPaVc deemed acceptable by the City Commission shall be provided at the development entrances and incorporated into recreation areas. (g). Street and site lighting shall be decorative and blend with the architectural style of the development. Lighting shall be consistent throughout the 5th Street PD and provide adequate lighting, while minimizing adverse impacts, such as glare and overhead sky glow. (h). Benches or play structures shall be provided in usable open space areas and along pedestrian pathways. (9). Unless specifically requested and approved on the 5th Street Master Plan, as modified as a result of additional conditions, or the associated 5th Street PD development order, all development shall comply with: (a). Tree mitigation shall be implemented in accordance with Section 4.2, Criteria For Tree Removal, Replacement And Relocation, of the City's LDRs. (b). All setback and buffer requirements set forth in the Sanford — Seminole County Joint Planning Agreement, as they apply to this project. (10). A preliminary subdivision plan and subdivision improvement plan shall be submitted and subject to approval by the City with all construction activity being subject to approval by the City, and a subsequent subdivision plat being reviewed, approved and recorded, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, prior to the 71t'age issuance of any certificates of occupancy. (11). A decorative and functional fountain shall be installed in all wet retention ponds as part of development approval which approval shall provide for ongoing maintenance requirements and responsibilities upon the appropriate party, but not the City. (12). Unless specifically requested and approved on the 5th Street PD Master Plan, as modified as a result of additional conditions, or the associated development order, any required elements missing from or not shown on the modified 5th Street PD Master Plan shall otherwise comply with the City's LDRs. (13). Development plans, including, but not limited to, final plats shall note and stipulate that the subject property is located in the Westside Industry and Commerce District (WIC), land use designation under the City's Comprehensive Plan and the City's LDRs. This land use designation allows commercial and industrial uses. Commercial and industrial uses may be developed in proximity to the 5th Street PD property subject to then existing land development regulations of the City. (14). The following design elements will be considered during the development plan review process of the individual lots upon subdivision: (a). Site improvements may include the incorporation of low impact development (oftentimes referred to as "LID") techniques and crime prevention through environmental design (oftentimes referred to as "CPTED") guidelines. (b). Elements of buildings may be constructed incorporating Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (oftentimes referred to as "LEED"), Florida Green, or such other equivalent energy savings standards as may be approved by the City. (15). Any dispute relative to the aforementioned matters shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, after a public hearing, by means of a development order or denial development order relating thereto. (16). The entry of the subdivision shall be oriented toward South White Cedar Road with all associated roadway improvements relating there to being accomplished by the Property Owners. wall. (17). The entirety of the wall around the subdivision shall be a concrete stucco (18). The fill used during the implementation of the development on the PD site shall be of a grade no more than 12% passing the number 200 slope. (19). Developer shall install upgraded landscaping and lights along N. White Cedar Road between the two subdivisions with pedestrian access at the cul-de-sac. (20). Front yard setbacks to be revised to be 20 feet for the main structure and 25 feet for garage to allow for architectural flexibility to have a front porch or column type protrusion. (21). The resolution of all disputes arising from development under the 5th Street PD shall be resolved by the Planning and Zoning Commission unless otherwise specifically provided by controlling law. Section 3. Incorporation of map and 5th Street PD Master Plan for the 5th Street PD. The map attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and 91Page incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance establishing the 5th Street PD as is the 5th Street PD Master Plan, as modified as a result of additional conditions. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Non -codification; Implementation. (a). This Ordinance shall be not be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford or the City's LDRs; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted on the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. (b). The City Manager, or designee, shall implement the provisions of this Ordinance by means of a non -statutory development agreement which shall be executed by the Property Owner, or their successor(s) in interest within 60 days of the effective date of this Ordinance or the subject property's zoning classification shall revert to an un -zoned property status. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon enactment. 101Page Passed and adopted this 11th day of February, 2019. Attest: City Commissi Sanford, Florida 6 A Oj fit Oh''I'm t L" RO I R04 - Traci Houchin, CIVIC, FCRM 0--14FO nc (lett, Approved as to form and legal s �O &)A)/& A) —I c A �S�791] r of the City of III P age zl_