HomeMy WebLinkAbout597 FPL 530 N. Palmetto Ave., Marina IsleSec.39, Twp 19 S, Rge 30 E (BUSINESS This Instrument Prepare By Parcel I.D.2519305150000002A Name: CHRIS BUONANNI (Maintained by County Appraiser) Co. Name: FPL Address: 2626 W. 1ST ST SANFORD, FL 32771 The undersigned, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its affiliates, licensees, agents, successors, and assigns ("FPL"), a non-exclusive easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities (including cables, conduits, appurtenant equipment, and appurtenant above -ground equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage as well as the size of, and remove such facilities or any of them within an easement described as follows: see Exhibit A attached (530 N.PALMETTO AVENUE, MARINA ISLE) Lop C' ���(o• lei �5q'7 GRANT MALOY, SEMINOLE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 8, COMPTROLLE CFN# 2019093719 Bk:9425 Page:1257-1261 REC: 08/28/2019 3:30:38 PM by hdevore RECORDING FEES $44.00 Reserved for Circuit Coun Together with the right to permit any other person, firm, or corporation to attach or place wires to or within any facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit within the Easement Area and to operate the same for communications purposes; the right of ingress and egress to the Easement Area at all times; the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within the Easement Area; the right to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the Easement Area, which might interfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of communications or power transmission or distribution; and further grants, to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the Easement Area, over, along, under and across the roads, streets or highways adjoining or through said Easement Area. N IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed and Signed, s ad eMred i5 -t e presence of: 1 nes§ >n re Print Name: Norton Bonaparte%_Cify IVI nag (Witness) 6�a'Lls knaolu"�') Aloi POP -10 kRiness-Signature) Print Name: Traci Houchin, City Clerk (Witness) STATE OF I V-1bA AND COUNTY OF 6C MtK0ie, before me this day of " 20 0 y byWV- Y I, the b of personally known to me or has produced as (Type of Identification) My Commission Expires: 'l/aC f/Al The foregoing instrument was acknowledged Print Name IINA 4U&who is and wht5)dj (fid not) take an oath. Y4, NICOLE J.OSBURN ^ NoraryPublic-StateofFlorida `� f4• Corrm'ssion c GG 152572 My Comm. Expires Nov 24, 2021 .;. 6cr ded thmucf' Naboral NotaryAssn. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged Print Name IINA 4U&who is and wht5)dj (fid not) take an oath. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, ATTACHMENT `A' PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88, CITY OF SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA ( 6 pages) UTILITY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3 OF SAID PLAT, THENCE NORTH 45'41'11" EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1 OF SAID PLAT, A DISTANCE OF 490.52 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE OF LOT 1 PROCEED NORTH 44'18'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 9.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01'10'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 9.27 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16'03'16" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 15.19 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34'2351" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.38 FEET; THENCE NORTH 11'42'38" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 10.01 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20'09'11" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 28.38 FEET; THENCE 17'32'58" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 24.62 FEET, THENCE 19'31'03" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 21.83 FEET, THENCE NORTH 69'16'45" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 26.36 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20'43'15" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 23.90 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 69'16'45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 11.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 33'17'34" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 4.21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16'40'29" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 9.48 FEET; THENCE NORTH 10'33'47" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 9.07 FEET, THENCE NORTH 13'50'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2.77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 69'58'36" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.16 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 19'59'28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 8.96 FEET; THENCE NORTH 70'00'32" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 19'59'28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 17.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 69'16'45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 8.75 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 79'03'07" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 9.72 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 57'53'24" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 18.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15'34'56" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 16.73 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 33'22'35" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 10.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 13'41'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 6.79 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 33'17'45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 14.16 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 22'58'13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 5.63 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 84'07'59" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 11.49 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 19'31'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 25.45 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 17'32'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 19.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 70'52'21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.99 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 77'41'49" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 17.25 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WEST LINE OF LOT 1; THENCE SOUTH 45'47'27" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 11.99 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID WEST LINE PROCEED NORTH 77'41'49" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 11.23 FEET; THENCE NORTH 70'52'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 31.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20'09'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 20.73 FEET; THENCE 11'42'38" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 11.41 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 34'23'51" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 23.02 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 16'03'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 12.06 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01'10'58" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 3.81 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 44'18'49" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 5.81 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 45'41'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 3768.49 SQUARE FEET OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. 16 East Plant Street hien Garda►. Rxik MW *f 401) 654-5355 SEE SHEETS 2 AND 3 FOR SKETCH SEE SHEET 4 FOR LINE TABLE SURVEYOR'S NOTES: SHEET IOF4 1 1. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 2. THIS SKETCH IS NOT VAUD WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 1. SANFORI)z iIVERF*'ONT PROJECT'..,FLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88. AS HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF NORTH 45'41'11' EAST. J08 NO 20180167 CALCULATED 8Y SCS FOR THE LICENSED BUSINESS _#6723 BY- DATE• 7-11-2019 NSA DRAWN BY• SCS SCALE CHECKED BY GMJ 1 FIELD SY GERAL •JOHNSTON , P.S.M. #5570 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88, CITY OF SANFORD) SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA UTILITY EASEMENT MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 3 Room SUBJECTPROPERTY LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88 A 0. C. CORNER OF LOT 3, SANFORDSOUTHEAST WATERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14. PAGE 88 UKEMONROE 16 East PI ant Street Wer W Rdlk 34701 * (407) 6%-50 LEGEND: O.R.B. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 SEE SHEET 1 FOR DESCRIPTION SEE SHEET 4 FOR LINE TABLE JOB NO 20180167 CALCULATED BY: SCS ATE:- �7-"-2019 DRAWN BY SCS Se CHECKED 13YL-_GMJ FIELD BY a SHEET 2 OF 4 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14, PACE 88, CITY OF SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA UTILITY EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT 3768.49 SQUARE FEET SUBJECT PROPERTY LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88 GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 ear awe MATCH LINE,,SEE SHEET 2 16 East Plant Street Wider Gm t, Wo HM 1( 407) VHM LEGEND: O.R.B. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT JOB NO 20180167 DATE- 7-11-2019 SCALE L ------- —1:=40' FIELD BY- —EL LAKEMOJVRO-9 SUBJECTPROPERTY LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88 4,9 L28 40 10 / ��� 0�O �b'V 4! CALCULATED B - SCS DRAWN BYSCS CHECKED BYL--------2—Mj SEE SHEET 1 FOR DESCRIPTION SEE SHEET 4 FOR LINE TABLE SHEET 3 OF 4 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION LOTS 2 AND 3, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 88, CITY OF SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA 16 East Plan Street JOB NO 20180167 DATE- 7-11-2019 SCALE• 1"=40' FIELD BY'--EL- CALCULATED Y' EL CALCULATED BY SCS DRAWN BY- SCS CHECKED BY• GMJ SEE SHEET 1 FOR DESCRIPTION SEE SHEETS 2 AND 3 FOR SKETCH SHEET 4 OF 4 UNE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N44'18'49"W 9.77 L2 N01'10'58"W 9.27 L3 N16'03'16"E 15.19 L4 N34'23'51"E 20.38 L5 N11'42'38"W 10.01 L6 N20'09'11"E 28.38 L7 N17'32'58"E 24.62 L8 N19'31'03"E 21.83 L9 N69'16'45"W 26.36 L10 N20 43'15"E 23.90 L71 S69'16'45"E 11.78 L12 N33'17'34"E 4.21 L13 N16'40'29"E 9.48 L14 N1033'47"W 9.07 L15 N13'50'32"W 2.77 L16 N69'58'36"W 5.16 L17 S19'59'28"W 8.96 L18 N70'00'32"W 10.00 L19 N19'59'28"E 17.54 L20 S69'16'45"E 8.75 L21 S79'03'07"E 9.72 L22 S5753'24"E 18.50 L23 S15'3456"E 16.73 L24 S33'22'35"W 10.83 L25 S13'41'39"W 6.79 L26 S33'17'45"E 14.16 L27 S22'58'13"W 5.63 L28 S84'07'59"W 11.49 L29 S19'31'31 "W 25.45 L30 S17'32'27"W 19.70 L31 S70'52'21"E 30.99 L32 S77'41'49"E 17.25 L33 S45'47'27"W 11.99 L34 N77'41'49"W 11.23 L35 N70'52'21"W 31.54 L36 S20'09'11 "W 20.73 L37 S11'42'38"E 11.41 L38 S34'23'51"W 23.02 L39 S16'03'16"W 12.06 L40 S01'1 0'58"E. 3.81 L41 S44'18'49"E 5.81 L42 S45'41I11 "W 10.00 JOB NO 20180167 DATE- 7-11-2019 SCALE• 1"=40' FIELD BY'--EL- CALCULATED Y' EL CALCULATED BY SCS DRAWN BY- SCS CHECKED BY• GMJ SEE SHEET 1 FOR DESCRIPTION SEE SHEETS 2 AND 3 FOR SKETCH SHEET 4 OF 4