HomeMy WebLinkAbout1410ORDINANCE NO. 1410 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE SAME BEING KNOWN AS THE BUILDING CODE, SAID AMENDMENTS ADOPTING THE 1977 REVISION TO TIE 1976 EDITION OF THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE WITH APPENDIX "D" WITH THE FOLLOWING AMEND1ViENTS: DELETION OF THE PROVISION RELATIVE TO SIGNS AND OUTDOOR DISPLAYS IN ITS ENTIRETY; AMEND- MENTS OF THE SECTION RELATIVE TO TENANT SEPARATION REQUIRING TENANT SPACES IN A BUILDING OF SINGLE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION TO BE SEPARaTED.BY NOT LESS THAN!ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTANCE; AMEN,DING THE REQUIREMENTS RELATIVE TO SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT AND SMOKE .DETECTION DEVICES TO REQUIRE SAME IN ALL BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED OVER 45 FEET FROM GROUND LEVEL. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TIE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 6-1 of Chapter 6~ entitled "Building Code" of the Sanford City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 6-1. ADOPTED Adoption of the 1977 revision to the 1976 edition of the Standard Building Code, with Appendix "D" and amended as follows: The 1977 revision to the 1976 edition of the Standard Building Code prepared by the Southern Build [ng Code Congress, is here'by adopted by the City, one (1) copy of which code is flied in the office of tha City Clerk as a matter of permanent record of the City, and the matters and contents there [n are made a part of this Chapter by reference as fully and completely as if set forth here[n, and such copy shall remain on file in said office availa'ble for public inspeCt[on. SECTION 2o That Section 6-1.1 of Chapter 6, entitled "Bu[lding Code" be added to the Sanford City Code to read as follows: Sec. 6-1.1 AMENDMENTS Chapter XXIII of the Standard Building Code, entitled "Signs and Outdoor Displays" is hereby deleted in its entirety. Sec. 403.2 of the Standard Building Code, entitled "Tenant Separation" is hereby amended to read as follows: In a Ibu[lding, or portion of a building of a single occupancy class [ficat[on, when enclosed spaces are provided for separate tenants, such spaces shall 'be separated by not less than one (1) hour fire resistance. EXEMPTION: Regardless of type of construct[on, non-rated partitions may 'be constructed within rooms or spaces in buildings not exceeding 3, 000 total square feet in area of Group B-Bus hness and S-Storage occupancies provided smoke detectors are located within each tenant area. Section 901.6 of the Standard Building Code, entitled !'General" hereby amended to read as follows: In all buildings constructed over forty-five (45) feet from ground level approved sprinkler equipment and smoke detect[cn devices meeting the requfrements of the Standard Building Code shall be installed on all floors. SECTION 3. That all ord[nances or parts of ordinances conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall become effective [mmedi- ately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of January Attest: 0 · ,~,m w U I.u _e 13 F a a ~ a e p Q'6 0'8 9'~t 9't, 0'81 0'9 O'Z~ 0'6O'Bt 0'9 O'Z~ 0'6 0'0~ O'Ot V~ VD VD VD dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN VR VR VA VA l dN dN dN dN O k~ o'e 0'9c o'~l O'P~ 0'8 0'9~ dN dN dN dN ! dN dN dN dN dN dN dN O'~i 0'9~ OZI VD dN dN dN VD VD o o o o p Panu!:Iu°3~SVHHV (INKY SjLHDI3H C4qSVAAOqqV--00~ HqSVjL XluO X~olS auO ~'q 'e 9SgNIgD8 ,{luO X~OlS auO dN dN aN dN dN aN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN I] VR VR aN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN dN VA VR VR NOIIO~HISNOO ,4,0 BdAl · pell!culed IoN = dN suo!~eg!l/pol, V eadV g'gO~' suo!jeoll!poiN loIS!oH g'~Ot, · HuJll ittZ~.teq oN ' HR :aas see~e pue slLlZ~!eq alqeA4olle o7 suo!Jeo!i!poR 'ease JoeIt 1o ~!uJ!l oN --' VR '~eet a~enbs to spuesnoq$ u! u~oqs eje sea~e alqe~ollV · ~eal u.t ~q8feq ~o 'uA4oqs sago~s 1o ~eqtunu eqi oj peLtLu!l s! uoRonJ~suoo la sad/(/Joj JqS.taH '. ,00~, elqel oJ saloN,, o3 ~aleJ elqel u! 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C,,,O LUZ L.LJ ~'~ --J D ~" n.- Lu r~ Z q q q o q o NIS/Jj,H,J-~J Or.,0 F-O L-- L,UI' ~ '-r"Z ~ '-r :D !'~:: ~ q ~, p : ,IN/M-/LI.J..O ,.L-I, H / I1J.8 -ALJ. O L~ o o o o I ,,~ c~ 0 0 0 0 o ~ (,) u® .,~ i. ]' i l pun ,8 pu~ ,~ o~ r'AZ o~ tAI pun ,I s~noun~I saz!~ ~d!¢I aot s~q~uI u! ssau~tz~!q~ uogeinsuI ~zn~dm~.t. p!nl~I tu~stS ~u!cl!d NOI,LV"IflSbZI ,'q'dld B!flBIIKIBI I'L'f ~qHV~ 0 o ¢~ eL, 0 "~ 0 ~.~-.~ ~ 0 0 0 ;::S,'~ ~0~ CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordi- nance No. 1410, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 2nd day of January, 1978, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford,. Florida, on the 3rd day of .January, 1978, City of S~nford, Florida