HomeMy WebLinkAbout3544 ORDINANCE NO. 3544 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CITY OF SANFORD, CITY CODE, AS FOLLOWS: AMENDING CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE V, SECTION 18-87, "SCHEDULE OF VIOLATIONS" TO ADD SEC. 28-380 REGARDING STORMWATER DISCHARGES; AMENDING CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE I, SEC. 28-1.2(a), "DEFINITIONS," BY DELETING "STORM SEWER"; AND AMENDING CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE XII, SECTION 28-371 "DEFINITIONS" BY ADDING CERTAIN TERMS AND BY ADDING SEC. 28-380, "STORMWATER DISCHARGES TO THE MS4 WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Countywide EPA NPDES "Separate Stormwater System Permit" prohibits non-stormwater discharges to the stormwater system, but allows the City of Sanford to identify some allowable non-stormwater discharges to the stormwater system where they are not identified as a source of pollutants to the waters of the United States; WHEREAS, the City is required by the EPA NPDES permit to submit documentation of enhanced legal authority to control stormwater pollution; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it in the best interests to amend Chapters 18 and 28, of the City of Sanford City Code, as required by the EPA NPDES "Separate Stormwater System Permit"; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Sec. 18-87, Schedule of Violations, of Chapter 18, Article V, is hereby amended by adding the following: Sec. 18-87. Schedule of Violations. Chapter/Section Code Requirement Class Sec. 28-380 Stormwater Discharges to the MS4 and Class III Waters of the United States. SECTION 2: Sec. 28-1.2(a), Definitions, of Chapter 28, Article I, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Sec. 28-1.2. Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this article shall be as follows: (a) Illegaldumping shall mean any unauthorized discharge into any part of the city utility system, whether directly or indirectly. Illegal dumping shall include, but not be limited to, discharge of waste from recreational vehicles, septic tanks, trucks and/or commercial cleaning vehicles into the sanitary sewer system; commercial or industrial waste discharge without prior written approval from the city; and discharge of dye, oil, solvent, toxic or hazardous chemicals or other waste into any lake or river within the jurisdiction of the city. SECTION 3: Sec. 28-371, Definitions, of Chapter 28, Article XII, is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Sec. 28-371. Definitions. The following words when used herein shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (a) Administrative Official - The City of Sanford City Manager shall appoint an Administrative Official who shall be charged with the authority to administer this Ordinance and to enforce the regulations Ordinance 3544 Page 2 (b) (O) (d) (e) (f) (g) and procedures contained herein. The Administrative Official, in the performance of his duties and functions, may enter upon any land and make examinations and surveys that do not occasion damage or injury to private property. For the purpose of performing any of the duties and functions necessary to administer and enforce this Ordinance, the Administrative Official may appoint any appropriate persons as deputies who shall have and exercise the authority of the Administrative Official, except the authority to appoint deputies. Beneficiaries of drainage service shall include all developed real properties and undeveloped real properties platted or zoned for development as a residential, commercial, industrial, or higher use within the City of Sanford which benefit by the provision of maintenance, operation and improvement of the stormwater control system and all newly developed real properties which will ultimately benefit from the overall city drainage systems in both tangible and intangible benefits. Such benefits may include, but are not limited to, the provision of adequate systems of collection, conveyance, detention, retention, treatment and release of stormwater, the reduction of hazard to property and life resulting from stormwater runoff, improvement in the general health and welfare through reduction of undesirable stormwater conditions and improvements to the water quality in the storm and surface water system and its receiving waters. Best Management Practices or BMP's mean schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, treatment methods and other management practices to prevent or reduce pollutants from entering the MS4 or being discharged from the MS4. City - City of Sanford, Florida. Clean Water Act or CWA - Public Law (PL) 92-500, as amended PL 95-217, PL 95-576, PL 6-483 and PL 97-! f 7, 33 U.S.C. 125f et seq., as amended by the Water Quality Act of:~987, PL ~00-4. Code Enforcement Officer- City employee positions and employee positions of City Officers who have been designated as Code Enforcement Officers by the City Commissioners. Commissioners ~ City Commissioners of City of Sanford, Florida. Ordinance 3544 Page 3 (h) (i) (j) (k) ¢) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) Construction Activities- The alteration of land during construction and includes such activities as clearing, grading and excavation. County- Seminole County, Florida. Contributors of drainage waters shall include all real properties within the city. Detention means the collection and temporary storage of stormwater with subsequent gradual release to surface water conveyances at a controlled rate. Director means the director of Public Works Discharge ~ The release of liquid, solid or gaseous material and includes, but is not limited to, a release, spilling, leaking, seeping, pouring, emitting, emptying and dumping of any substance or material. Developedshall mean any property altered in appearance by removal of forty (40) per percent of its vegetation, grading of the ground surface or construction of a structure or impervious surface except agricultural property in an agricultural zoning district. Equivalent residential unit (ERU) means the average impervious area in square feet for all residential dwelling units in the city and the basic unit for the computation of stormwater management utility fees, as established by resolution of the city commission. Fee means the stormwater management utility fee enacted herein and set by separate resolution of the city commission. Hydrologic response means the manner and means by which stormwater collects upon real property and is conveyed from real property, and which is a function dependent upon a number of interacting factors including, but not limited to, topography, vegetation, surficial geologic conditions, antecedent soil moisture conditions and ground water conditions.: The principal measures of the hydrologic system may be stated in terms of total runoff volume, as a percentage of total precipitation which runs off, or in terms of -the peak rate of flow generated in the event of a storm of given duration and intensity, or statistical interval of return (frequency). Ordinance 3544 Page 4 (r) (s) (t) (U) (V) (W) Illicit Connection - Point source discharges to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States, which are not composed entirely of stormwater and are not authorized by a permit. Illicit Discharge - The discharge to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States which is not composed entirely of storm water, unless exempted pursuant to this Ordinance, or the discharge to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States which is not in compliance with federal, state or local permits. Impervious areas means those hard surfaced areas which either prevent or retard the entry of water into the soil mantle, as it entered under natural conditions prior to development, and/or cause water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from that present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, rooftops, sidewalks, walkways, patio areas, driveways, parking lots, storage areas and other surfaces which similarly impact the natural infiltration or runoff patterns which existed prior to development. Industrial Activities - Activities at facilities identified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as requiring an NPDES stormwater permit in accordance with 40 C.F.R. §122.26 or amendments thereto, or any unit operation, complex, area or multiple of unit operations that produce, generate, handle, process or cause to be processed, any materials which may cause water pollution. Multiple dwelling unit means a building or facility consisting of more than one dwelling unit, each such unit:consisting of one or more rooms with bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family, regardless of whether more than one unit in such building or facility is served by a single water meter. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, or MS4 - A conveyance, storage area or system of conveyances and storage areas (including, but not limited to, roads with drainage systems, streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, storm drains, treatment ponds and other structural BMPs) owned or operated by a local government that discharges to waters of the United States or to other MS4's, that is designed solely for collecting, treating or conveying stormwater and that is not part of publicly owned treatment works Ordinance 3544 Page 5 (X) (y) (Z) (aa) (bb) (CO) (dd) (ee) (POTW) as defined by 40 C.F. R. §122.2 or any amendments thereto. Nonresidential unit means any building, structure or facility used other than aS a residential dwelling unit. Open drainage way means a natural or manmade open-cut which has the specific function of transmitting natural stream water or storm runoff water from a point of higher elevation to a point of lower elevation, such as swales, ditches, canals, streams and creeks. Peak flow means the highest instantaneous rate of stormwater runoff, measured or estimated in cubic feet of water per second. It is differentiated from total flow volume by the introduction of a unit of time measure during which the maximum rate of flow is measured, calculated or estimated. Person - Any individual, partnership, firm, organization, corporation, association or other legal entity, whether singular or plural, as the context may require. Point Source - Any discernable and confined conveyance including, but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, conduit, well, container, rolling stocks, concentrated animal feeding operation, vessel, or other floating craft from which pollutants are discharged. This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture. Pollutant- Dredged spoil, solid waste,: incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials (except those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act'of ~954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 20f let seq.), heat, wrecked or damaged equipment, rock, sand and industrial, municipal and agricultural waste discharged into the MS4. Reclaimed Water- Water that has received at least advanced secondary treatment and basic disinfection and is reused after flowing out of a wastewater treatment facility. Residential dwelling unit means one or more rooms with bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family such as houses, townhouses, apartment units, duplex units, condominiums, zero lot line units, mobile homes, etc., where the units are sold, Ordinance 3544 Page 6 (ff) (gg) (hh) (ii) Cij) (kk) (11) (mm) (nn) deeded or leased as single-family units whether or not they have individual water meters. Retention means the prevention of discharge of a given volume of stormwater runoff by complete on-site storage. Removal of the water is caused only by percolation with or without underdrains, evaporation, or evapotranspiration. Reuse - The deliberate application of reclaimed water, in compliance with Florida Department of Environmental Protection and St. Johns River Water Management District rules, for a beneficial purpose. Runoff- The surface flow of water which results from and occurs following a rainfall event. Significant Construction Activities - Construction activities which result in the disturbance of five (5) acres or more of total land area. Significant Re-development The alteration of an existing development which results in the increase in the discharge of a stormwater facility beyond its previously designed and constructed capacity, or increased pollution loading, or changed points of discharge, except emergency repairs. Spill- Illicit discharge. Stormwater - Surface runoff and the discharge of runoff water resulting from rainfall. Stormwater control system means any and all structures or appurtenances used in the control, treatment or conveyance of stormwater. Common Systems include, but are not limited to, retention and/or detention ponds, swales, inlets, pipes, gutters, filters, weirs and other control structures. " Total flow means the accumulative volume of stormwater discharged from a property, basin, or watershed. The total flow is quantified in measures such as acre feet or cubic feet of water, over a stated period of time. (oo) Undeveloped means a piece or parcel of land that is not developed as defined herein, and is without any building, structure, Ordinance 3544 Page 7 (pp) (rr) appurtenance, impervious area, or improvement. It does not mean recreation, green, or open space created around private or public facilities, and parcels connected thereto or contiguous with such facilities for such reason. Undeveloped, platted or zoned for development shall mean those parcels of real property which have been platted or zoned for development as a residential, commercial, industrial or higher use, but have not been "developed" as that term is defined herein. Utility means the stormwater management utility. Waters of the United States - Surface and ground waters as defined by 40 C.F.R. §122.2. SECTION 4: Chapter 28, Article XII, Stormwater Management Utility Program, is hereby amended by adding Sec. 28-380, as follows: Sec. 28-380 Stormwater Discharges to the MS4 and Waters of the United States. 1. Stormwater Discharges Discharges to the City's MS4 shall be controlled to the extent that such discharges will not impair the operation of the MS4 or contribute to the failure of the MS4 to meet any local, state or federal requirements, including:, but not limited to, NPDES Permit No. FLS000038. Discharges to the waters of the United States shall be controlled to the extent that the discharge will be controlled to the maximum extent practicable as defined in NPDES Permit No. E'LS000038; and Stormwater discharges to the MS4 from new development or site of significant redevelopmerit are required to obtain appropriate local, state or federal permits prior to discharging to the MS4 or to waters of the United States within the City. Any person responsible for discharges determined by the City to be contributing to the failure of the City's MS4 or waters within the City to comply with the provisions and conditions of Ordinance 3544 Page 8 NPDES Permit No. FLS000038, shall provide corrective measures as approved by the Administrative Official and may be subject to paying fines and damages. Stormwater Discharges from Industrial and Construction Activities. Stormwater discharges from industrial activities shall be treated or managed on site, in accordance with appropriate federal, state or local permits and regulations, prior to discharge to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States. Stormwater discharges from significant construction activities shall be treated or managed on 'site in accordance with appropriate federal, state or local permits and regulations, prior to discharge to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States. Erosion, sediment and pollution controls for the construction site shall be properly implemented, maintained and operated according to a pollution. prevention plan required by an NPDES permit for the discharge of stormwater from construction activities, or according to a state permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or St. Johns River Water Management District. Co Construction activity which is not significant is an illicit connection or illicit discharge if the activity causes an impairment of the operation of the MS4 or contributes to the failure of the MS4 to meet any local, state or federal requirements, including, but not limited to, NPDES Permit No. FLS000038. : The owners or operators of industrial facilities and construction sites which will discharge stormwater to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States within the City limits shall provide written notification of the connection or discharge prior to the discharge from the industrial activity or construction activity. Control of Pollutant Contributions from Interconnected MS4's - The discharge of stormwater between interconnected state, county, City or other MS4's shall not cause the City's MS4 to be in violation of the provisions of NPDES Permit No. FLS000038. Owners of any section of interconnected MS4 shall be responsible for the quality of discharge from their portion of the MS4 in accordance with interlocal Ordinance 3544 Page 9 o agreements controlling the discharge of stormwater from one MS4 to another. Prohibition of Illicit Discharges and Illicit Connections. ao Illicit discharges and illicit connections, not exempt under the provisions of this Ordinance, am prohibited. Failure to report a connection from industrial activities or construction activities to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States constitutes an illicit connection. Co Failure to report a discharge from industrial activities or construction activities to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States constitutes an illicit discharge. Any discharge to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States which is in violation of federal, state or local permits or regulations constitutes an illicit discharge. Persons responsible for illicit discharges or illicit connections shall immediately, upon notification or discovery, initiate procedures to cease the illicit discharge or illicit connection, or obtain appropriate federal, state,; or local permits for such discharge or connection. Inspection and Monitoring for Compliance. City personnel and City agents shall be granted access for inspection of facilities discharging or suspected of discharging to the City's MS4 or waters of the United States in order to effectuate the provisions of this Ordinance and to investigate violations or potential violations of any of the terms herein. All structures and processes which allow discharges to the City's MS4, as well as records concerning them, shall be made accessible to City personnel and City agents for this purpose. Maintenance of BMP's. Structural controls and other BMP's used for controlling the discharge of pollutants to the City's MS4 or to waters of the United States shall be operated and maintained so as to function in accordance with permitted design or performance criteria and in compliance with federal, state or local permit conditions and regulations. Ordinance 3544 Page 10 Exemptions. The following activities shall not be considered either an illicit discharge or illicit connection unless such activities cause, or significantly contribute to, the impairment of the use of the City's MS4 or the violation of the conditions of riPDES Permit No. FLS000038. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Discharges from: Water line flushing; Flushing of reclaimed water lines; Street cleaning; Construction dust control; Landscape irrigation; Diverted stream flows; Rising ground waters; Foundation and footing drains; Swimming pool discharges; Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 C.F.R. §35.205(20)); Uncontaminated pumped ground water; Discharges from potable water sources; Air conditioning condensate; Irrigation water; Springs; Lawn watering; Individual residential car washing; Flows from riparian habitat and wetlands; and Discharges or flows from emergency fire fighting activities and emergency response activities done in accordance with an adopted spill response/action plan. Discharges which have obtained appropriate federal, state and local permits and are in compliance with the conditions of these permits. Enforcement, Penalties and Legal Proceedings. This Ordinance shall be administered by the Administrative Official or his designee and enforced through the City's code enforcement procedures. All p~rsons in violation of this Ordinance shall address such violations immediately upon written notification by the City. Violations shall be addressed by providing a written response to the City, outlining the temporary and permanent measures that will be taken to correct the violation and a proposed schedule for completion Ordinance 3544 Page 11 bo of the corrective measures· Proposals for corrective action are subject to the approval of the Administrative Official and the City's code enforcement procedures. The Administrative Official or his designee is authorized to issue, cease and desist orders in the form of written official notices sent by registered mail to the person(s) responsible for the violation. Specific activities and operations may be ordered to be ceased based upon the following conditions: In a situation that may have a serious effect on the health, safety or welfare of the public or the environment, including the quality of stormwater in the City's MS4; or When irreversible or irreparable harm may result, in the reasonable opinion of the City, and immediate cessation of the activity is necessary to protect the public or the environment, including the quality of stormwater in the City's MS4. Any person who violates this Ordinance and/or fails to comply with the requirements of any provision of this Ordinance shall be subject to prosecution before the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Sanford, pursuant to Article V, "Code Enforcement Citations, '~ City of Sanford Code, or successor provisions. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate violation. In addition to any fines which may be imposed by the City of Sanford Code Enforcement Board, persons responsible for violation of this Ordinance shall be liable for all sampling and analytical costs incurred in monitoring the discharge, and state and/or federal fines imposed as a result of the discharge and costs of removing or properly treating the discharge. If the persons responsible for the violation fail to take action required here·n, the City has the right to take remedial action. All costs incurred by the City in taking such actions shall be reimbursed by the persons responsible for the violation. f. In addition to the remedies provided here·n, the City is Ordinance 3544 Page 12 authorized to make 'application in a court of appropriate jurisdiction for an injunction restraining any person from violating, or continuing to violate, provisions of this Ordinance. In addition, the City may also seek entry of a court order requiring restoration and mitigation for any impacted land or waters or request any other appropriate, applicable legal remedy, including reimbursement of court costs. In accordance with Article V, "Code Enforcement Citations," City of Sanford Code, any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, be liable for a Class III civil penalty under Article V "Code Enforcement Citations, "City of Sanford Code, or successor provisions. Further, each violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and be punishable as provided by general law for violation of City ordinances. The City may elect to take any or all of the above remedies concurrently, and the pursuance of one shall not preclude the pursuance of another. Any fines or other funds received as a result of enforcement under this Section which are not used for specific purposes set forth in this Section shall be deposited in the General Fund of the City in the penalty, fine and forfeiture account. SECTION 5: SEVERABILITY: If any provision, paragraph, word, section or article of this Ordinance is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions, paragraphs, words, sections, and chapters shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect. SECTION 6: CONFLICT: All other Ordinances and parts of other Ordinances inconsistent or conflicting with any part of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict. Ordinance 3544 Page 13 SECTION 7: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall become effective 90 days after adoption upon its passage. this~eekj~ ~ ~(~.¢Y PASSED AND ADOPTED day of ~ ~-4~x 000. ATTEST: As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify ,,9",~(A~/2 , 2000, w s posted at he front d~Por ~f the C;ty Hall ~City of of Sanford, Florida i:~ah~files~000~anford~ord~35~ Ordinance 3544 Page 14