HomeMy WebLinkAbout3528 {! ,. ORDINANCE NO. 3528 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3079 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, SAID AMENDMENT BEING THE FIRST ANNUAL AMENDMENT; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN ELEMENT; ADDING PROPERTY ANNEXED INTO THE CITY TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on December 16, 1999, to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element ofthe Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, as the City's governing body, held a public hearing on January 10, 2000, to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has complied with requirements and procedures for its first annual amendment to its adopted comprehensive plan, as set forth in Florida Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That portion of the Future Land Use Plan Element referenced as the Future Land Use Map be amended by including certain lands incorporated into the City of Sanford, Florida. A copy of additions to the Future Land Use Map and respective land use classifications for such lands is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and hereby adopted pursuant to Florida Statutes. SECTION 2: SEVERABILITY. Ifany section or portion ofa section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: CONFLICTS. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately when the state land planning agency issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with ~ 163.3184(9), or when the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with ~163.3184(10) whichever occurs first. PASSED and ADOPTED thisc1!l!!!. day of '" ATlEST .~~ ~ As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Ordinance No. 3528 Page 2 . CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certifY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 35f.8.. PASS~OPTED. by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the6l!:P!! day of , 200~sted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on th~_ ayof ., 2000. ~~ AS CITY C~ERK . THE C Y OF SANFORD, FLORIDA i:\nahlfiles\2000lsanford\ord\3528 Ordinance No. 3528 Page 3 First Comprehensive Plan Amendment of 2000 City of Sanford, Florida April 26, 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 3528 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3079 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, SAID AMENDMENT BEING THE FffiST ANNUAL AMENDMENT; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN ELEMENT; ADDING PROPERTY ANNEXED INTO THE CITY TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on December 16, 1999, to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, as the City's governing body, held a public hearing on January 10,2000, to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has complied with requirements and procedures for its first annual amendment to its adopted comprehensive plan, as set forth in Florida Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That portion of the Future Land Use Plan Element referenced as the Future Land Use Map be amended by including certain lands incorporated into the City of Sanford, Florida. A copy of additions to the Future Land Use Map and respective land use classifications for such lands is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and hereby adopted pursuant to Florida Statutes. SECTlON 2: SEVERABILITY. Ifany section or portion ofa section ofthis Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: CONFLICTS. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately when the state land planning agency issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with ~163.3184(9), or when the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. in accordance with S 163.3184(10) whichever occurs first. PASSED and ADOPTED thisO< ~ day of " p.~(fjAatif TY CLERK , 2000. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Ordinance No. 3528 Page 2 CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No.3 .5.~PASSE~~OPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on th~lday of J 200~sted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on th~_ ayof . , 2000. ~.~~ AS CITY CLERK THE C Y OF SANFORD, FLORIDA i :\nah\files\2000\sanford\ord\3528 Ordinance No. 3528 Page 3 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2000-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Preface/Explanation Exhibit "A" Table I, Summary of Future Land Use Amendments Table II, Evaluation of Service and Facility Impacts Site Maps (Including Future Land Use Plan Map) II. Seminole Co./City of Sanford Joint Planning lnterlocal Attachment "A" Agreement III. City of Sanford/Seminole County Urban Service Area Attachment "B" and Utility Service Planning Area Agreement IV. . Schedule M, Environmentally Sensitive Lands Attachment "C" V. Orlando Sanford Airport Part 1502004 Noise Exposure Map Attachment "D" VI. City of Sanford Future Land Use Plan Map Attachment "E" VII. Preliminary Environmental Evaluation, Site 3 Attachment "F" Exhibit "A" Ordinance No. 3528 FIRST COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT OF 2000 FUTURE LAND USE PLAN ELEMENT AMENDMENTS BY CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA April 26, 2000 Proposed Plan Amendments: The City of Sanford proposes to amend the Future Land Use Element ofthe Comprehensive Plan. A total of 12 sites are proposed to amend the Future Land Use Plan Map as set forth in Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 3528. These sites are primarily due to annexations. Table 1 summarizes the sites and land use designations. The attached maps depict site location, Existing Land Use and Future Land Use Plan Map designations. General Comment on Public Facilities: In general, the public facilities of water and sewer are all within the City of Sanford Service Area per interlocal agreement with Seminole County. Therefore, all of the City's water and sewer facilities planning as well as the Seminole County Plan are based on similar data, inventory and analysis of these facilities with the underlying assumption that the water and sewer infrastructure will be served by the City of Sanford in the Sanford Urban Planning Area. This has been in effect since the Joint Planning Agreement of 1991 which was incorporated in the City and County plans and is attached to these Plan Amendments. The City-County Utilities Service Agreement as updated in 1993 is also attached. Transportation: The City of Sanford provides funding to and participates in the regional transportation modeling process by Metroplan Orlando (the MPO for Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties). Seminole County performs transportation modeling for the area that includes Sanford. As such, the City has no need to conduct independent traffic analyses. Our traffic impact review of specific plan amendment sites is based upon data, inventory and analysis that is compiled through the Metroplan Orlando transportation modeling. The future land use data upon which the Metroplan analysis is based reflects existing and future land use planning data from the City of Sanford. That information is compiled by Seminole County with input from the seven cities within the county. In essence, Sanford's Traffic Circulation Plan Element and the City's analysis of individual sites incorporates traffic analysis that reflects future development for the entire Sanford area including the unincorporated areas around the City, much of which are subject to annexation. Traffic projections are based on modeling by Seminole County and Metroplan Orlando. Therefore, with regards to the future land use plan map amendment sites, unless the proposed future land use designation is different than the Seminole County Future Land Use Plan Map Designation, there would be no significant change to traffic impact. The Future Land Use Equivalency table is found in the Joint Planning Agreement which has been provided. Further, traffic analysis for most of the Future Land Use Plan Map Amendment sites is not necessary due to there being absolutely no change upon roadways, the only change being the change from one jurisdiction to another. Traffic analysis and impact stays the same. One (1) sites of the twelve (12) sites is proposed to change future land use designations that will generally increase development intensities and will therefore have an impact upon facilities and services. The impact upon facilities and services for that site is identified in Table 2, attached. Resource Protection Areas: A portion of Site 3 includes a water body known as Lake Golden April 26, 2000 (3:48PM) Page 1 with associated wetlands. Portions of Site 8 additionally includes wetlands. Such areas of site 3 are proposed to change from a Conservation designation in the Seminole County Future Land Use Plan Map to the Resource Protection designation on the City of Sanford's Future Land Use Plan Map. The City's Resource Protection designation prohibits these areas from development pursuant to Policies, 5-1.2.1 and 5-1.2.5. A Preliminary Environmental Evaluation of Site 3 by Coleman Holt, MFS is included as attachment 3. There is no significant change in the status of the wetlands and adjacent water bodies between the existing Seminole County "Conservation" designation and the proposed City of Sanford "Resource Protection" designation with associated goals, objectives and policies that effect the environmentally sensitive areas associated with these sites. The only difference is nomenclature with Seminole County utilizing the designation of "Conservation" and the City of Sanford utilizing the designation of "Resource Protection." Differences between City and County objectives and policies protecting such environmentally sensitive lands are not considered significant. Notwithstanding this conclusion, an expanded explanation of how the City of Sanford's policies protect Resource Protection areas is provided. . The City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Policy 5-1.4.1: Wetland Development Restrictions, directs incompatible land uses away from wetlands by requiring a restricted wetland buffer of fifty (50) feet in width to be provided adjacent to wetlands greater than five (5) acres. Additionally, Schedule M. Environmentally Sensitive Lands. Section 3.1 Wetland Design and Performance Criteria of the Sanford Land Development Regulations directs incompatible land uses away from wetlands by the required fifty (50) feet buffer (Attachment C). The 100 year floodplain will be subject to the Resource Protection overlay district. The natural functions of the floodplain will be maintained in accordance with Objective 5-1.3 (Maintenance of Floodplains) ofthe Sanford Comprehensive Plan, Conservation Element. Development within the floodplain will be subject t~ performance criteria in Policies 5-1.2.1 and 5-1.2.5. Site No.3. This property is adjacent to the Orlando-Sanford Airport. In 1997, Seminole County changed lands south ofthis site and adjacent to the airport from Suburban Estates to Industrial. There is sufficient land area to provide adequate landscape buffers and building setbacks from adjacent properties. The proposed Airport Industry and Commerce (AlC) designation requires PD, Planned Development rezoning which will provide the ability to insure adequate facilities and services as well as compatibility requirements applicable to adjacent properties. Approximately 10 acres of this site which is part of Golden Lake is designated Conservation by Seminole County and will be designated Resource Protection in the City of Sanford's Future Land Use Plan Map. Site 3 is located opposite of the southerly entrance to the Orlando Sanford Airport (OSA). OSA is an expanding facility that is currently undergoing a $25M terminal expansion. Over 1M passengers already fly into the facility each year. The Airport and the surrounding area have been studied extensively including The Orlando Sanford Airport Economic Development Master Plan, Ivey Harris & Walls, Inc., March 1997 and the Orlando Sanford Airport Master Plan, Boyer- Singleton and Associates, April 1999. These plans underscore the need for additional commercial and industrial development in the airport environs. The studies consider the airport environ's April 26, 2000 (3:48PM) P2.~e 2 infrastructure needs as well as other environmental constraints and opportunities including stormwater management and development suitability. The area proposed to be designated Airport Industry and Commerce on Site 3 is typical of lands surrounding the airport that are planned for commercial and industrial development. Again, as noted in the above analysis, the City is planning a new wastewater treatment plant just east ofthe site at the corner of Beardall Avenue and Marquette Avenue. In addition, Site 3 is adjacent to and is considered to be a logical extension of a similar site approved for Airport Industry and Commerce in the City's previously approved plan amendment number 99-1 (adopted 10/11199). This plan amendment represents an appropriate transition to more intensive commercial and industrial urban development from suburban estates due to the increased noise generated by expanded airport operations. Specifically, the site is directly in line with a recently opened "Touch and Go" Runway 9R-27L for general aviation and pilot training. That runway is slated for future expansion for major carriers. OSA has even more take-off's and landings than Orlando International Airport due primarily to the flight training activities. The final draft of the Part 150 Airport Noise Compatibility Study, June 1999, HNTB, clearly indicates that the site will be within the 65 decibel exposure contour. Areas within the 65 decibel contour are clearly not well suited for suburban type residential development or residential development in general. Such areas should generally be utilized for nonresidential uses such as commercial and industrial activities or other institutional or recreational uses that would not be sensitive to noise impacts. Attachment D depicts the 2004 Noise Exposure Map from the Part 150 Study. Airport Industry and Commerce is specifically designed for mixed use commercial and industrial activities in immediate proximity to the airport. Residential land use is not permitted based on anticipated adverse noise impact upon such uses in such areas. In summary, the land uses, densities and intensities associated with the Airport Industry and Commerce designation for that portion of Site 3 so designated are highly suitable and compatible and are based on: · Similarity and consistency with expanding development of the international transportation facility known as the Orlando Sanford Airport and associated plans for the airport's immediate environs; · Suitable environmental characteristics of that portion of Site 3 proposed for urban development activities as based on soils data and analysis; · Separation and buffers between wetlands designated as Resource Protection Area and proposed development area designated as Airport Industry and Commerce; · Public infrastructure and investment being developed in the immediate area exemplified by Sanford's planned second wastewater treatment facility, and; · Changing and expanding noise impact area associated with the adjacent recently constructed runway facility at Orlando Sanford Airport and the associated desirability of preventing residential development in airport noise impact areas. 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NORTH Scale = 400: 1 Page 16.8 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment LEGEND I I ~ nIIIJIillIll ~ t'!"'llir"t&U :~:f:~:!:~:~:~:~i:~~j:~ IiIE ~ ( , , 'I ' . ., ., , . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. LDR-SF LDR-MH MDR-IO MDR-15 HDR-20 NC GC I CBD III WIC AIC ROI SE RP PSP City Limits --- NORTH Scale = 400: 1 December 1999 a.. INDUSTRIAL (Sem. Co.) f-------------------- ~ a,_ ._....:.:.:. :.:.:.: ~ ............... .............. ............... ........'...... . . . . . . . . . . . II . . ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... .............. ............... .............. ............... .............. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . II . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . II . . . . . . . . .............. ............... ...,.......... ............... .............. . 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'. ~,': '. .' .,'. .,..... ." ., , ., a "" Ii< -< J: UJ Z ii2 . . ." I, . , , I :'. ~ . ,': ;'i .'. 16:'~, a "" "" w a ..... w Z a "" ..... ..... ~ '" HIGH INTENSITY PLANNED DEVEL. (Sem. Co,) ..' . , . . ".. .. . . , ,~. ,~'. ",.:.~'. ':',:" "" "" ',' y '",..' o. :", '. I": " "i , ,'., =:J Future Land Use Page 16-C ATTACHMENTS FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS A. Seminole County/City of Sanford Joint Planning lnterlocal Agreement B. City of Sanford/Seminole County Urban Service Area and Utility Service Planning Area Agreement C. Schedule M, Environmentally Sensitive Lands D. Orlando Sanford Airport Part 1502004 Noise Exposure Map E. City of Sanford Future Land Use Plan Map F. Preliminary Environmental Evaluation, Site 3 ATTACHMENT A FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS Seminole County/City of Sanford Joint Planning Interlocal Agreement SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ~s made and entered into this r./ I ~ day of ;qC'!1~.JJ/L-/, 1991, by and between SEMINO~E COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation whose address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the public for local governments to work together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation and the CITY and the COUNTY have worked together in the past as evidenced by the following Interlocal Agreements: , Seminole county/City of Sanford Automatic Aid/First Response Interlocal Agreement dated September 20, 1989. Road Impact Fee Interlocal Agreement dated August 15, 1989. _ Road Maintenance and Right-of..,..way Dedication Interlocal Agreement (Bevier Road) dated September 14, 1987. Urban Service Area and utilities Service Area Establish- ment Interlocal dated october 18, 1990. Rand Yard Road Maintenance Interlocal Agreement Between Seminole County and the city of Sanford dated July 16, 1990. Upsala Road Intersection Construction Agreement dated . November 16, 1990. Agreement for the Enforcement of Building Codes dated May 3, 1983 and numerous interlocal agreements relating to the community Development Block Grant Program; and 1 WHEREAS, in June, 1989 the Board of County commissioners and the Sanford city .Commission executed joint resolutions that expressed agreement as to a number of considerations affecting both the CITY and the COUNTY, including urban planning, transportation impact fees, first. response fire service, future annexation limits for the CITY, and water and wastewater service area boundaries for the COUNTY and the CITY in the Sanford/Seminole County Joint Planning Area hereinafter referred to as the Joint Planning Areai and WHEREAS, the Joint Planning Area and future annexation boundaries require uore specific definition; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the Local Government compr~hensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes ) and the Rules of the Florida Department of communi ty Affairs (in particular Rule 9J-5. 015, Florida Administra- ti ve Code) provide for intergovernmental coordination in- the comprehensive planning process; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this Agreement are consistent wi~ the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187, Florida statutes)i,the Regional POlicy Plan adopted by the East Central Florida Regional Planning council and the comprehensive plans of the CITY and.tha COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the parties have the lawful right and power ~o_enter into this Agreement. 2 WIT N E SSE T H: In consideration of the premises I mutual covenants I and agreements and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. SECTION 2. PURPOSEjIN'rENT/JOINT PLANNING AREA. ( a) The purpose of this Agreement is to adopt standards and procedures to insure that coordinated. and cooperative comprehensive planning activities are accomplished to guide urban expansion. The purpose of the following provisions are to provide the public and landholders with some certainty as to how property wi.ll be developed in the Joint Planning Area, to provide both jurisdictions a level of confidence that' their respective plans will be imple- mented, and to provide formal conflict resolution proced~es to reduce future conflicts. (b) For the purposes of this Agreement, the "Joint Planning Area" means the area reflected in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement which Exhibit is incorporated herein by this reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim. .... SECTION 3 _ COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, J:fU'J.'uHE LAND USES AND DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS_ (a) Findinqs/Purpose. The COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective Future Land Use Designations and Land Development J Regulations for consistency. It was found that many Future Land Use Designations, at the time of this Agreement, are equivalent and therefore property developing to these equivalent land uses, whether in the unincorporated area or CITY, will be consistent with the CITY's and COUNTY's Future Land Use Plans. It was also found that the Land Development Regu1ations of both jurisdictions, at the time of this Agreement, are consistent and that property developing in the unincorporated area or CITY will meet consistent minimum standards. (b) Future Land Use EQuiva1encv. Exhibit "B", attached hereto and entitled "Future Land Use Equiva1ency Chart", sets forth equivalent future land use p1an map designations with related intensities and densities between respective CITY and .COUNTY comprehensive plans. Said Exhibi~ is incorporated herein pY,this reference thereto as if' fu11y set forth' herein verbatim.,. . The Future Land Use Equiva1ency Chart sha1l provide the basis for review by the COUNTY and the CITY of future land use element consistency and compatibility determinatio~s with regarq to the respective future land use p1an elements 'of the CITY and 't:he . COUNTY with particular reference to lands adjacent .to ~he jurisdictional limits of the CITY and the COUNTY and to lands that may be annexed by the CITY. Parcels of land annexed into the CITY or developed in the unincorporated area which develop to an equivalent. land use designation shall not be opposed by the CITY or COUNTY based on the compatibility of land use type, density or intensity. The Future 4 Land Use Equivalency Chart may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. ( c) Recommendations For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Exhibit "C" attached hereto and entitled "Recommendation For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments", sets forth land use designations that may be appropriate over a twenty (20) year planning horizon, but which are not recommended for adoption in the CITY's or COUNTY's future land use element at this time as the recommended designation represents a maj or change in uses which- have not.: undergone extensive public review and these uses may require additional services and facilities above those programmed in the County or Ci ty' sCapi tal Improvement Elements. The purpose <;>f developing jointly acceptable long range land use recommend~tions is to provide some consistent guiding recommendations fr9mcw~i~h future applicant requested or administrativ~ly generated land. use plan. amendments can be reviewed. Parcels of' land propos;tng to develop. consistent with these recommendations will not be. opposed based on the joint land use recommendations contained in Exhibit "cn but will undergo j oint review for facility and" services to ensure that adopted levels of service are maintained. Exhibit ~'C~' may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. ( d) Joint Review Of Plan Amendments. During the development and drafting phases of the respective comprehensive plans or plan amendments of the CITY and the COUNTY, CITY and COUNTY st.aff shall transmit respective draft planning documents to the other as part of the public participation processes and intergovernmental 5 coordination mechanisms. Each staff shall compare each other's plan or plan amendments to determine whether proposed land uses and policies in the Joint Planning Area are consistent and equivalent pursuant to the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart and Recommenda- tions For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments. This Agreement is not intended to modify or require special procedures or processes for respective COUNTY and CITY planning programs. SECTION 4 _ ANNEXATION AND LAND USE JURISDICTION. (a) Jurisdiction OVer Annexed Parcels. The parties recognize.' that the COUNTY loses land use jurisdiction over annexed properties subsequent to their. annexation into the municipal limits of the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, the CITY shall have the authori ty to process rezoning, si te plan .and. ~plat applications and apply CITY Land Development regula~ion.s., in accordance with Subsection 4(b) of this Agreement. (b) Land Use and Zoninq Desionation For Parcels Annexed Into the CITY _ Upon annexation of COUNTY lands' by the CITY, . said. lands shall have. the zoning clarification assigned to them in accordance with and by operation of law~ Upon annexation the .CITY shall apply a CITY zoning district ~n a manner consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart included in this Agreement. The CIT~.shall amend its comprehensive plan to include annexed lands duripg its plan amendment cycle immediately following such annexation. Plan amendments and/or rezonings that are not consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart ,(Exhibit ItB") of this Agreement shall undergo a joint CITY/COUNTY review and zoning, plat and site plan 6 final approvals shall not become effective until the CITY's plan is amended according to the review and approval process in Chapter 163, Florida statutes. SECTION 5. COORDINATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. ( a) Uniform Riqht-of-Wav and BuildinQ Setbacks on Mai or Roads. In addition to establishing consistent future right-of-way requirements for major roadways, the CITY and the COUNTY agree to set uniform base building lines on such roadways as part of their required 1992 Land Development Code update. Such base building.: lines result in a uniform building setback that supersedes a lesser building setback in a given zoning district. (b) Land Development Code Updates. Each party will be provided by the other party with a meaningful opportunity to .review and provide formal comments relating to all land development regulation updates or revisions except amend:ments to the .zoning district map unless otherwise specified. Land Developm~nt. Cod~ updates relating to the, Higher Intensity Planned DeveJ"opment District in the Interstate Highway 4/State Road 46 area, .,will undergo j oint CITY/COUNTY review and will be incorporated into CITY and COUNTY codes to more effectively manage development of this higher intensity area. ( c ) Review of Development. Proposals for Transportation Impacts. Each party shall provide the other party with a meaning- ful opportunity to review and comment upon planned development project rezonings, proposed ,subdivisions and site plans located adjacent to the other's jurisdiction. The primary consideration as 7 to such reviews shall be consistency with the provisions of this Agreement and an evaluation and analysis of off-site transportation impacts. Applications and proposals for the above mentioned proj ects shall be forwarded to the reviewing party as soon as practicable after the time of receipt. SECTION 6. ANNEXATION CRITERIA. The parties agree that contiguity will be the primary criteria for annexatiori of lands located within the Sanford Urban, Area. Within this area the COUNTY agrees, to the extent permitted. by law, not to oppose the. annex- .: ation of any parcel that is contiguous and relates to lands l.ocated either East of Interstate 4 or East of the Interstate 4 Industrial Park. SECTION 7. CONFLICT RESOLUTION. (a) Interqovernmenta1. Communication. In the even,'G ;;that disagreements or conflicts arise between the parties relating t9 the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the following proce- dures for conflict resolution 'will be initiated prior to' final action by the approving ~gency: (J:) Manaqement. The chief adininistrative offici~~s of both the CITY and the COUNTY shall meet to review unresolved issues and to develop a report to the respective commissions. _ Reports must be submitted .to the Commissions ten' (J.O) working 'days ,prior to scheduled final .action and should address areas of agreement, areas of disagreement and recommended compromise provisions or options. ( 2 ) Elected Officials. If agreement over unresolved issues is not reached after the procedure set forth in section 8 7(a)(1) is accomplished, a joint worksession meeting of the respective Commissions may be held within twenty (20) working days of submission of the report. Both entities agree to delay final action regarding the conflict until either a joint worksession is held or a determination is made that one shall not be held. (b) Informal Conflict Mediation. The parties agree to maximize utilization of the Informal Interjurisdictional Mediation Process of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council embodied in Rule 29F-3. O~2 , Florida Administrative Code ," or :its.: successor provision. Actions'relating to the issue of' conflict shall be delayed, to the maximum practicable extent, i.f the informal mediation process is utilized. (c) Chapter ~64. F10rida statutes. N<?thing in this Agreement shall be deemed in any way to waive any rights deriving to a party under the provisions of Chapter ~64, Florida statutes, or. its successor provision. ( d) Time of Actions. The parties agree, to the extent practicab1e, to time their actions to maximize intergov~rnmenta1 coordination, communication and cooperation. SE~ION 8. 'TERM., ,..'J;'his Agreement shal1 be in effect~ for a five (5) year period beginning the date which it is fully executed by the parties. This Agreement shall be automatical1y renewed for a subsequent five (5) year period unless one (~) of the parties thereto .gives the other ninety (90) days advance notice, i,n writing, of intention to not renew the Agreement. 9 SECTION 9. NOTICE. Contact persons for this Agreement shall be the CITY Manager and the COUNTY Manager. FOR THE CITY Bill Simmons, city Manager city of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE COUNTY Ron H. Rabun, County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1~01 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties 'hereto have set their hands and seals the day, month and year above written. ATTEST: ~(. L0ww~. ET.R. DONAHOE, Clerk city of Sanford CITY OF SANF~_ ~ BY:6: 0 d;. BE TY D. SMITH, Mayor Date: /JdJ-bL3//qq/ / ATTEST: BOARD OF ,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE C Y, FLORIDA MORSE C erk to the Boar~ of County commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. Date: E 'dfL/ qf reliance county only. and As authorized for execution by the Board of Co~ Commis- sio~e;rs at their ,;;;V ., 1.9.i4-/-, regular mee . rig. . LNG/gg 10/31/90 11/06/90 01/02/91 LNG/dre 01/30/91 02/18/91 OS/21/91 LNG/gg OS/23/91 LNG/gn 08/12/91 CtJ ~ n -( -<. ;" ::.n(j. - - _..-.. r:t r- -- ~g~5 =,,: 'i .::;J :::: :::) -.::::: \ --- :'V 0 ...... r- -- \ --< .r:'-.,-":- _.. .-rlc."> ! ., :::-:.~ -. -0 -. " -" '.:'(; ::!: '" 0 <..- ;;:'l~~ \) CJ :....: r=-;,c--; 0.....1 Co; ., Or - ,J ( ~--: ,- :':::.' C') .;;:- ~~1 U> 10 <( f- en 5: x w - I <( w a: <( CJ :z Z :z <( .J. a. l- :z <5 ""'J >- l- Z :J O. () W .J. o :z :-:E w en --- o 0:: o u.; :z <( en .'....;: -:::.-"---, ..\' ::...,:):;. . - -/. ' . ....., .".' :!.r.' _--"COO "'1,' /r'~;Y~~:" ):... 2:;-~;...'\5Jt5r'0i ~~. (~l~'~~~\l /...~.J-?~.~~.~~. ...... '..~"''\\J {:.--...... .(,,--~.y' -_/'.... ~"" . '. ,\&~~ ' ......' ' df:fP/ '-- ",' ~ '\: ~(]I'''+~J!. kf~l" ~: ." 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(f] ~ ~ o u -..... (f] :>:: o H 8.. ...: ~ ~ o o ~ "'-0-001 C C <II ..... O<<lu.c .--C <d'.&-J m >. C ---t.u---t.... ~(J~O \.< 0 o..<IIo~ .co..o <II €-< 0.. ;;; -.::; .0 C rl C .c(lj<Da ....rl>~ ~o..<1I.... 3: -00 <DaQl Ql>....fJl o--t COl$..t$..t <<1CQl(l) "0 <1I.c:: 0. $..t.c::.... a (I) <11 01 o $..t 0\-0 o 0. a $..t <<16....<<1 o -0 co.xc ~cn~~ -0 ;.. 3: 01 (I)....ri $..tc......... (I) :3 (lj C . .c::O.c::QJ.... ~o <l1 [~ '<-lQJ>,06 -O.c::.....-t(l) C.... CQJ (I) (lj :3>$..t \.<....O<DO\ 0\00-0<<1 (;l (f] ::> 3 I c.n ~ ATTACHMENT B FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS City of Sanford/Seminole County Urban Service Area and Utility Service Planning Area Agreement ......... '-J. -'\ CITY OF SANFORD/SEMINOLE COUNTY URBAN SERVICE AREA AND UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA AMENDED AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AGREEMENT is made and entered into this /3~ day of -4)~ 1993 , by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, (hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY") and the CITY OF SANFORD, whose address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772, (hereinafter referred to as "SANFORD"). WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS, on the 12th day of June, 1989 the Board of County commissioners and the Sanford City Commission, meeting in Joint Worksession, agreed to a number of considerations affecting both SANFORD and the COUNTY, including Transportation. Impact Fees, first response fire service, establishment of a Sanford Urban Service Area, County Agreement with future annexation limits for Sanford, and water and wastewater service planning area boundaries for the COUNTY and SANFORD in the Sanford Urban Area; and WHERE~S, water and wastewater service boundaries require more specific definition; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both COUNTY and SANFORD to define long range utility service planning areas to facilitate joint long range planning and achieve the best economies of utility system development; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to create a procedure for providing for interim utility service to properties within one (1) utility 1 provider's service planning area, but which may be more expedi- tiously initially served by the other utility provider; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY purchased a private utility known as Lake Monroe Utilities whose certified 'area is within the utility service planning area contemplated within this Amended Agreement; and WHEREAS, SANFORD and the COUNTY have agreed that SANFORD shall reimburse the COUNTY for a pro rata share of the purchase price that the COUNTY incurred in. the acquisi tion of Lake Monroe utilities based upon the utility service planning area addressed within this Amended Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties entered on October 1.8, 1.990 an Agreement entitled, "U:rban Service Area And utility Service Area Establish- ment," and WHEREAS, the parties mutually desire to amend the Agreement of October 1.8, 1.990, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is authorized by the provisions of Chapter 125, 163 and 1.66, Florida statutes, and other applicable law; and WHEREAS, this Amended Agreement is consistent with, the provisions of both parties' comprehensive plans; NOW, THEREFORE, based ,upon the promises, covenants and agreements herein expressed and other good and valuable consider- ation, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 2 SECTION 1. RECITALS/AMENDMENTS. (a) The foregoing recitals are true and correct and.form a material part of this Amended Agreement upon which the parties have relied. (b) Whenever the term "Amended Agreementll is used herein, the term shall mean the October 18, 1990 Agreement as amended by this comprehensive amendment thereto. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS.. Parties agree that in construing this Agreement the following words, phrases and terms shall have the following meanings unless the.context indicates otherwise. 2.1 "AGREEMENT" means this Amended Agreement as it may from time to time be modified. 2.2 "COLLECTION FACILITIES" means those facilities located with~n . the Sanford utility Service Planning .Area, operated and maintained by SANFORD and used to collect wastewater and transmit it to the COUNTY's transmission and treatment facilities located outside of the Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area as depicted on Exhibit C. 2.3 II COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEM~1 means those transmission facilities and COUNTY plant from which SANFORD is receiving wastewater service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and maintained by th~ COUNTY. 2.4 "COUNTY WATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities- and COUNTY plant from which SANFORD is receiving water service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and maintained by the COUNTY. J 2.5 llDISTRIBUTION FACILITIES" means those facilities operated and maintained by SANFORD to receive potable water from the COUNTY's transmission facilities at point(s) of connection along the Sanford Water Service Planning Area boundaries as depicted on Exhibit B. 2.6 "GPD" means gallons per day on an average annual basis. 2.7 "POINT OF CONNEcTION" is the location(s) where SANFORD Distribution or Collection Facili ties connect to COUNTY Water Transmission Facilities or Wastewater Transmission Facilities. 2.8 "SANFORD WATER UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA II shall: be that area depicted on Exhibits A and B in which it is planned for SANFORD to provide retail water service in accordance wi th the terms of this Amended Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail water service to all surrounding properties not included in the Sanford Water utility Service Planning Area. 2 . 9 It SANFORD WASTEWATER UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" shal.l.. be that area as shown on Exhibits A and C in which it is planned for SANFORD to provide retail wastewater service in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail wastewater service to all surrounding properties not included in the Sanford Wastewater utility Service Planning Area. 2.10 "SANFORD UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREAl! includes the ,presently incorporated area of SANFORD and those. areas of the COUNTY surrounding SANFORD as depicted on Exhibit A, as further detailed in Exhibits Band c. In cases of apparent conflict '1 between Exhibit A and Exhibits B or C, Exhibit B or C shall prevail over Exhibit A. In order to avoid significant utility service inequities SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to cooperate in providing efficient utility service to existing developed properties located within five hundred feet (500') east or west of South Sanford Avenue by flexibility of retail service agency within that area. The parties also agree, in cases of emergency or genuine hardship, to consider further mutually agreeable geographical extensions of this policy. 2.11 "WATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the rate of potable water flow, measured in GPO which one party wishes to buy from the other party and which the Seller agrees to produce from its water system. 2.12 "WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the amount of wastewater flow, measured in GPO, which one party wishes to buy from the other party and which the Seller agrees to accept at its wastewater system in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement. 2.13 "WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION FACILITIES" means those lines, pipes, lift stations,' meters and appurtena~t equipment used by the COUNTY to transmi~ wastewater from the SAN~ORD collection facili- ties to the head works of the COUNTY's water treatment facilities. 2.14 "WATER TRANSMISSION :FACILITIES" means those lines, pipes, water mains, meters-and appurtenant equipment used by the COUNTY to transmit potable water from the COUNTY plant to the point(s) of connection with the SANFORD distribution facilities. These 5 point(s) of connection will be located at the water service area boundaries as shown on Exhibit B. SECTION 3. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Amended Agreement is to establish long range water and wastewater utility service planning areas that are planned to be ultimately served by the parties. This Amended Agreement also provides for interim whdlesale utility service to SANFORD by the COUNTY for those areas where the COUNTY can more expeditiously meet near term requests for. utility service for property which is located within the designated long range Sanford Water or Wastewater utility service Planning Area. Under this Amended Agreement, the COUNTY shall sell wholesale water service capacity and/or wastewater service capacity to SANFORD for those properties located within the Sanford utility Service Planning Area; and SANFORD may purchase and receive from the COUNTY, wholesale water and/or wastewater service capacity for interim service for these properties. SANFORD may, in turn, serve utility customers in this utility service planning areas on a retail basis. Nothing herein shall be construed to require SANFORD to serve utility customers in the Sanford utility service Planning Area on a retail basis. SECTION 4. TERM. This Amended Agreement shall be effective when executed by all parties .hereto. Those parts 'of the Amended Agreement relative to wholesale utility sales/service shall continue in full force and effect for five (5) years from October 18, 1990 (October 17, 1995), unless extended by mutual agreement of both parties to this Amended Agreement. Those parts of the Amended G Agreement relative to establishment of the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area shall not be affected by the term established for utility wholesale sales and shall continue in full force and effect pursuant to the terms of any wholesale agreement between the parties that may be in effect, except as provided for elsewhere in this Amended Agreement. within said five (5) year period, SANFORD shall have the option to undertake construction of its own water. transmission facilities and wastewater collection facilities to serve those customers initially being served by the COUNTY ~n a wholesale basis, pursuant to this Amended Agreement. At the completion of the five (5) year period, should it be determined that SANFORD is unable to assume direct retail service to said customers, said customers shall become direct customers of the COUNTY. Any future customers requesting service who would be served from lines assumed' by the COUNTY in accordance with sections 6. 1 and 6.2 shall also become retail customers of the COUNTY. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that either party may, at its sole option, terminate the utility ~holesale sales part of this Amended Agreement without cause by giving not less than sixty (60) days written notice of its election to do so, to the COUNTY. SECTION 5. . REIMBURSEMENT FOR LAKE MONROE SERVICE AREA. SANFORD and the COUNTY acknowledge that the Lake Monroe utilities Service Area consists of approximately one thousand six hundred fourteen (1,614) acres. The long range Sanford Water Service Planning Area includes approximately three hundred eight (308) of 7 those acres, the long range Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area includes approximately two hundred one (201) of those acres. SANFORD had agreed to pay to the COUNTY the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($185,720.00) within forty-five (45) days of execution of the original Agreement. Said sum has been paid. The sum constitutes reimbursement to the COUNTY for the cost of those portions of the Lake Monroe utility Service Area now being assigned, for planning purposes, by the COUNTY to SANFORD by this Amended Agreement. Further, said sum is calculated as detailed in Exhibit 0 of this Amended Agreement. Should any of the Sanford utility Servic.e Planning Area hereby assigned to SANFORO, ultimately return to the COUNTY in accordance with the terms of this Amended Agreement, SANFORD shall receive an appropriate refund based proportionally on the amount of acreage returned to COUNTY and the calculation used in this section. SECTION 6. WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY. 6..1 PROVISION OF WATER SERVICE CAPACITY . It is the intent of the parties for SANFORD to have the ability and, in its discretion, to assume full water service for all customers located within the long range Sanford Water utility service Planning Area. Initially, retail water service may be ~hrough wholesale purchase of water capacity from the COUNTY under this Amended Agreement. Should SANFORD not assume direct water service for retail customers within the Sanford Water utility service Planning Area, not involving wholesale procurement from the COUNTY by October 17, 1995, the 8 \ ,I COUNTY shall become retail water service provider for those retail customers. If, by October 17, 1995, SANFORD is not yet directly serving all such customers, but has a construction permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and is actively constructing, or has a binding contract for construction of necessary facilities to provide direct service, an additional six (6) months shall be allowed for fac~lity completion and commence~ ment of direct service. If SANFORD does not assume said direct water service, applicable water impact fees collected under the terms of this Amended Agreement and the original Agreement shall be remitted to COUNTY and associated distribution lines and appurte- nant faciliti~s shall be deeded to the COUNTY by SANFORD at no cost to the COUNTY. Said remittance of impact fees and conveyance of lines shall occur within forty-five (45) days from the expiration of the utility sales portion of this Amended Agreement. 6.2 PROVISION OF WASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY. It is the intent of the parties for SANFORD to have the ability and, in its discretion,.to assume full wastewater service for all customers located in the Sanford Wastewater utility' Service Planning Area. Initially, retail wastewater service may be thorough wholesale. purchase of wastewater capacity from the COUNTY, under this Amended Agreement. ShOUld SANFORD not. assume direct wastewater service for retail customers within the Sanford Wastewater utility Service Planning Area, not involving wholesale procurement from the COUNTY by October 17, 1995, the COUNTY shall become the retail wastewater service provider for those retail customers. If by October 17, 9 ., 1995, SANFORD is not yet directly serving all such customers, but has a construction permit issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and is actively constructing, or ha~ a binding contract for construction of necessary facilities to provide direct service, an additional six (6) months shal.l be al10wed for completion and commencement of direct service. If. SANFORD does not assume such direct wastewater service, applicable wastewater impact fees collected during the term of this Amended Agreement and the original Agreement shall be remitted to COUNTY and associated collection lines and appurten~nt features shall be conveyed to the COUNTY by'SANFORD at no cost to the COUNTY. Said remittance of impact fees and conveyance of lines and equipment shall occur within forty-five (45) days from the expiration of the utility sales portion of this Amended Agreement. 6.3 RESERVATION OF CAPACITY. The COUN';rY intends to reserve both water and wastewater capacity for SANFORD for proposed development of those properties located within Exhibits Band C, respectively. Therefore, should SANFORD not provide direct retail service for either water or wastewater service by October 17, 1995, both the wholesale water and wholesale wastewater parts of' this Amended Agreement shall terminate. 6.4 CONNECTION TO TRAN$MISSION FACILITIES. SANFORD, its successors or assigns, shall connect or cause to be'connected, the water distribution facilities to the water transmission facilities at the point(s) of connection established on Exhibit B in the case of water service, and shall connect or cause to be connected, the 10 collection system to the COUNTY Wastewater Transmission facilities at point(s) of connection to be identified as Exhibit C in the case of wastewater service. operation, maintenance and replacement of all pipes, fittings, valves and appurtenances, including the transmission facilities up to the point of connection into the COUNTY distribution/transmission systems and water Iwastewater plant providing capacity, shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY. .Operation, maintenance and. replacement of the distribu- tion/collection system(s), calibration and master water .meters shall be the responsibility of SANFORD. 6.5 IMPACT FEES. (a) . Prior to commencement of service and prior to issuance of any building permits, SANFORD, shall collect an impact fee established by SANFORD for each unit to be served by the COUNTY Water and/or Wastewater System. Said impact, fee(s) collected shall be placed in an interest bearing escrow account. The escrow agent to receive and administer said escrow account shall be mutually agreed upon by the COUNTY and SANFORD. (b) The terms of the escrow shall be that, if .by'October 17, 1995; SANFORD assumes direct service for' any retail customers ini tially served hereunder, . said fees for those new connections shall be released from escrow to SANFORD, except that three and thirty-three hundredth percent (3.33%) of the escrow, plus accrued interest, shall be released to the COUNTY for each calendar yea~ the funds were held in escrow and prorated for any portion thereof that wholesale water and/or wastewater service was provided for 11 that property under this Amended Agreement or the original Agreement. Releases of impact fees to SANFORD shall be based upon SANFORD's demonstration that construction of a water/wastewater transmission facilities which shall result in provision of service by SANFORD to retail customers contemplated and being served under this Amended Agreement has occurred. Such demonstration shall include an approved Department of Environmental Protection permit for construction of the system, executed contracts for the construction of the system, and any necessary disconnection from COUNTY transmission facilities within six (6) months. The COUNTY acknowledges that SANFORD may not utilize a contractor for said work and may utilize SANFORD forces or developer commitments for said construction, and that in such cases, an executed contract will not be required but SANFORO shall have identified sources of funds adequate to pay the cost of the system~ Upon commencement of construction, escrowed funds shall be released as costs of construction are incurred. Oraws against the escrow shall be no more frequent that monthly and must include copies of corresponding contractor' s invoices together with certification of SANFORD' s consulting engineers that work covered by the invoices has been performed in accordance with all requirements. In any case, upon completion . of construction and provision of direct services by SANFORD to certain"customers pursuant to this Amended Agreement, the balance of the escrow account for those customers, less fees previously paid or due to COUNTY as addressed above, shall be paid to SANFORD. Should it be determined that by October 17, 1995 and 12 ) as further specified in sections 6.1 and 6.2 that SANFORD has not served directly any retail customers served under this Amended Agreement, said fees together with all accrued interest, .less escrow fees, shall be paid to the COUNTY. (c) SANFORD shall be solely responsible for collection of. required impact fees, service deposits, connection costs, meter set costs and tap fees, and for monthly billing and their distribution as set forth in this Amended Agreement. CUstomers provided retail water and/or wastewater service under this Amended Agreement shall be retail customers c;>f SANFORD unless said customers are not served directly by SANFORD by October 17, ~995 in which case they shall become retail customers of the COUNTY. 6 . 6 METERING. (a) SANFORD shall furnish and install, or cause to be furnished and installed, master water metering equipment for each point of connection under this Amended Agreement as depicted in Exhibit B. This metering equipment shall be considered to meter all water flowing from the COUNTY transmission facilities to the distribution facilities. The metering "equipment shall remain the property of SANFORD and SANFORD" shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and replacement. The COUNTY shall have the right to review and approye the type of meter and meter installation in each' Case. The COUNTY' s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The COUNTY shall also have the right tQ read the meter (s) and the right of access thereto for billing purposes. 13 (b) The metering equipment shall be of standard make and type, installed in a readily accessible location and shall record flow with an error not to exceed plus or minus five percent (5%) of full scale reading, suitable for billing purposes. SANFORD sha1l calibrate and test the meters for accuracy at regular intervals consistent with testing within the remainder of the Sanford Water utility service Area. SANFORD shall provide COUNTY with test results. If either party desires more frequent calibration or meter checks, work shall be at that party's expense. Results shall be provided to the other party and adjustments of charge if any shall be specified. Bills - shal.l be adjusted for meter error in excess of five percent (5%) of full scale readings. In calculating such billing adjustments, it will be assumed that the meter inaccuracy existed for one-half (~) of the entire time interval between meter accuracy checks by either. party. The' billing adjustment shall be made at the same rate established in accordance wi th Section 6.8 hereof but the volume used in the billing calculation shall be adjusted as described herein. Either party_ may test the meter more frequently at its expense. If errors are found, adjustments shall be made as specified above. (c) Applicable charges for wastewater shall be based on the total amount of metered water consumption for all master meters served under this Amended Agreement. Charges for wastewater service shall be calculated as follows: Total metered 300 qpd/sewer ERC Water consumption 350 gpd/water ERe # of permitted sewer ERC' s # of permitted water ERC' s 14 In order to reasonably account for potable water used for irriga- tion and therefore not resulting wastewater flow I SANFORD may accumulate monthly data showing dedicated irrigation meter consump- tion and billings, and in the case of single family dwellings, capped monthly sewer charges (twelve thousand (12,000) gallons per month) where the retail water charge/consumption exceeds the sewer charge. cap. This data shall be utilized to determine an appropri- ate wastewater credit based on the prior month's wastewater charge. The credit shall be the product of the current COUNTY wastewater treatment charge and the number of thousands of gallons shown by SANFORD retail billing data to have passed through retail irriga- tion meters or, in the case of single family residences, monthly retail water consumption that exceeded the twelve thousand (12,000) gallons per month sewer service charge cap. (d) It shall be the responsibility of the COUNTY to perform the wholesale charge calculation each month and to bill SANFORD for wastewater service based upon such calculation. Calculation of any. credit for irrigation use of water shall be. the responsibility of SANFORD. The COUNTY and SANFORD reserve the right to review the data used in these calculations at any time, upon request. 6.7 SERVICE STANDARDS. The parties hereto do mutually agree that after connection of dist~ibution facilities to the transmis- sion facilities as provided herein, the COUNTY will continuously provide at point(s) of connection, at its cost and expense, but in accordance with other provisions of this Amended Agreement, water service and/or sewer service capacity sufficient to meet the peak 15 average daily domestic wastewater treatment, and water service demand plus fire flow, in a manner to conform with all applicable governmental requirements. Upon connection of the distribution facilities to the transmission facilities, any customers that have or will connect to the distribution facilities shall be customers of SANFORD and shall comply with all SANFORD prerequisites, pay SANFORD's rates, impact fees, connection charges and deposits, for water and/or wastewater service. 6.8. WHOLESALE WATER AND WASTEWATER USER CHARGES. (a) WHOLESALE WATER USER CHARGES. The COUNTY agrees to provide potable water for use by SANFORD in accordance with the terms and condi tions of this Amended Agreement at a wholesale charge of 67/100 OOLLARS ($0.67) per one thousand (1,000) gallons of potable water. The charge shall be adjusted from time to time by the COUNTY based on increased cost. This charge shall at all times be the minimum charge made by the COUNTY to any' other wholesale purchaser of water service within the COUNTY. The adjusted charge shall become effective on approval of the COUNTY and SANFORD 'shall thereafter pay said charge as adjusted. The,. COUNTY 'agrees to bill SANFORO monthly for water which passes through the master meter(s) monthly for properties served under this Amended Agreement. SANFO~D agrees to provide consumption data on a monthly basis to facilitate wholesale billing and to pay the COUNTY for all potable water consumption which passes through the master meters at the above' mentioned rate, and agrees to make paYments to the COUNTY within thirty (30) days from the date of the 16 .) " COUNTY's bill. SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to negotiate in good faith to determine billable quantities of water in case of distribution system breaks or leaks within the Sanford Water Utility Planning Service Area and SANFORD agrees to immediately pay such amou~ts upon said billable quantities being determined. In recognition of. joint benefit for fire fighting within the incorpo- rated and unincorporated portions of the Water utilities Service Planning Area and the First Response Agreement, SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to negotiate equitable billing adjustments for water and related wastewater charges in cases of significant fire flow requirements. (b) WHOLESALE WASTEWATER USER CHARGES. The COUNTY agrees to provide transmission, treatment and disposal of SANFORD's wastewa- ter in accordance with the terms and conditions for a charge ONE ANO 82/100 DOLLARS ($1.82) per thousand (1,.000) gallons of retail wastewater treatment billed. The charge shall be adjusted from time to time by the COUNTY based on increased costs. The wholesale wastewater charge under this Amended Agreement .shall not exceed the lowest wholesale charge to any other wholesale customer by the COUNTY. The adjusted charge shall become effected on the approval of the COUNTY and SANFORO shall thereafter pay said charge as adjusted. The COUNTY agrees ~o bill SANFORD monthly based on the total number of gallons of potable water billed in accordance with Section 6.6 of this Amended Agreement. SANFORD agrees to pay fo~ all wastewater transmitted from the collection facilities, thusly determined, at the above mentioned rate and agrees to make paYment 17 ~} to the COUNTY within thirty (30) days from the date of the COUNTY's bill. Any applicable wastewater charge credits for the previous month, as addressed in section 6.6 (c) shall be deducted from the bill. 6.9 WHOLESALE SERVICE TO COUNTY BY CITY. The parties agree \ that if the COUNTY notifies SANFORD that it desires to obtain wholesale .service from SANFORD, final agreement for such service shall generally parallel, as. appropriate, conditions 'outlined herein for the COUNTY services to SANFORD. SECTION 7. CHANGE OF RATES. In event that the COUNTY, during the term of this Amended Agreement, proposes any new rate schedule or amended rate schedule applicable to wholesale service furnished; the COUNTY shall provide a copy of such rate schedule or amended rate schedule to SANFORD prior to the effective date thereof, and substi tute such rate schedule or amended rat~ schedule for the rate schedule then in effect hereunder for such wholesale service, commencing with the next billing period after the effective date. SECTION a. USE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY. Water transmission lines and wastewater collection and transmission lines are fre~ently instaJ:led in street/road rights-of-way owned by. the COUNTY or SANFORD. The COUNTY and SANFORD agree to cooperate in permitting the installation.and.maintena~ceof water and wastewater lines of the other party, within owned rights-of-way. Such permitting and fees shall be in accordance with established procedures. Approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. 18 SECTION 9. DEFAULT. Any party to this Amended Agreement, in the event of or act of default by the other I shall have all remedies available to it under the laws of the state of Florida including, but not limited to, injunction to prevent default or specific performance to enforce this Amended AgreementA Each party agrees to pay all reasonable costs and attorney fees for the other parties not in default; provided, however, that such costs and attorney fees are payable under. this section only if suit is filed that results in an adjudicated default. The rights of parties shall be considered cUmulative and shall not be waived not or in the future by the exercise of or failure to exercise any rights or remedies provided under the terms o~ this Amended Agreement and authorized by law. SECTION 10. NOTICES. Any notice required or allowed to be delivered hereunder shall be in writing and be deemed delivered when. (a) hand delivered to the official hereinafter designated, or (b) upon rece~pt of such notice when deposited in the United states mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to a party at the address set forth opposite the party's name below, or at such other address as the' party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith. SANFORD City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 19 with a copy to: Director of utilities city of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 and city Attorney stenstrom, McIntosh, JUlian, Colbert, Whigham & Simmons P.o. Box 4848 Sanford, Florida 32772-4848 COUNTY Seminole County Oirector of Public Works 3000A Southgate Sanford, FL 32773 with a copy to: County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First street Sanford, FL 32771 SECTION 11. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Amended Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by any court, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other parts of this Amended Agreement if the rights and obligations of the parties contained herein are not materially prejudiced and if the inten- tions of the parties can continue. to be effected. TO that end, .this Amended Agreement is declared severable.- SECTJ:ON 12. TIME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is hereby declared of- the essence to the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in this Amended Agr~ement. SECTION 13. APPLICABLE LAW. This Amended Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled and interpreted according to the'laws of the State of Florida. 20 SECTION ~4. CONDITION PRECEDENT. The COUNTY and SANFORD propose to enter into this Amended Agreement which provides for two types of service: Wholesale Water Service and Wholesale Wastewater Service. provision and obtaining of either of these services is contingent upon providing and/or obtaining the other, as applica- ble. Failure to provide either of the utility services constitutes default of this Amended Agreement; provided, however, that this failure shall in no way abrogate the Amended Agreement with regard to the Sanford Urban Service Planning Area and future annexation area boundaries as depicted on Exhibit A. This instrument supersedes all previous discussions, understandings, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Amended Agreement. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions herein shall be made by the parties in writing by formal amendment in equal dignity hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ( the parties hereto have executed this Amended"'Ag.reement on the date and year first above written. .' . i . ATTEST: , . . , CITY OF SANFORD By: ~ Yl Jd;;~ BETT~ D. SMITH, Mayor ~~:.~- For the use and reliance of City of Sanford only. Approved as to form and le~=7~ ~y Attorney .Date:jj}f~ 7./913 . /JdIiI~tJ!zutWY ~ Yl~ ~ 11'1 21 ATTEST: E M \ Cl~ ' , t.q \ t4he Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida. LNG/gg 08/24/93 "09/24/93 ~0/13/93 1~/02/93 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~ COUNTY, FLORIDA By. ~--- ~ __ DICK VAN DER WEIDE, Acting'Chairman Date: 1-z,~1 3~'t.) . As authorized for execution the Board of coun~ommiS- si~:~rs at their · ~3 19 ~, regular meet~ng. by , 22 !!i ~ .:<( W ~ w :s 0: g <( w ... (.) 0 ~ c: ==: 0 ::E c( W (J) ... t: k 0( 1,0 .~ ... - :I: .- Gj ....I - f- :J 0 0: 0 u.. 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E.M.lNOLE: it-fA . : . ~ It , -. ......, l ~-l ! I ..... - i. I (. ( ; .-<-:. SANFORD SE RVIC E SEWER SOU N DARY .. o lD \..0 <...::l :J- .... -... 1-0 ,... c::\ "' -- M . -. t i . I .' ~f;;:7i::i';:' __ . I. - '. . . I, ,I ,: :.. .. + ""0 ;:. - ,. ;- J , ~L ~ ~ . I ' , . I - I - .IJ I ... -I I '-, -. ... ~oc,.=--.:::. . "-~-"~~-l--' i , I f O'J z WI tal -1, " j.'" 2S- . --i .- '.. - -- I ..... .. . \ 'r.;r ~~.. .., ~.")~.~.:~() .' " 1-1- ~ 7 " . r'\ . p ~ ' \ i . ! w u ::>; 0: W (j) O:!>- l1.l~ I-<.{ <:cO 3:Z ::> 00 ~Q) o 11:.< Zw <0:: <f)<( l- Z C u..Z o wl- l-U <(W :EZ -z Xo Ou ~ a.. a.. lJ.. <(0 4,. .. . .I PP": . --1 c: t.JJ \..C <..:J u..... --; u:::; ~... os r ,. ., '-~( ~;' . "" t . ~~ _! .'-t.). ... ij' . .r- r- ~ . (- --L1: ';;;-g..~ ~ ( . .., ,.. I, r.r'.: ,. ., ;c: 'Ul · . ~ · '. tc t .., '.r- - ::Q~ to ~ ~. ~. -..... ..( td ~ .;x: l.L- C"-' > ~ :X C . w CJ (() I- U ~ ~ t- w 1./) I- q CD 3: 1- .n - w I Q -' 0::: ->- X 0 I u. l- W c::: '- 0 ~ V) Z r / . ../ ---.2 .. ,- ! ~ lYfI {y /71/ If! f , CJ ' '0 -~ - ..... . U(: -... - .- .. . -. . - . l E:XHIOIT 0, LAKE: MONROE: UTX~XTIES aNaLYSIS - SaNFORO PORTION I. Net cost ot LHU service area Purchase Price Less: Land value Equipment: Net Purchase Price $1,593,200 100.000 200,000 $1,293,200 II. Per cent of total service area that Sanford wants to acquire. A. Water portion 308 Acres Sewer portion 201 acres 308/1614 = 19.08% 201/1614 = 12.45% . B. Percentage split of service area acquired by water and. sewer. This is based on the relative value of connection fees on a per gallon basis. Water elf Sewer elf $2.63 per gallon" --1...J2.Q. $9.83 2.83/9.83" = 28.19% Water 7.00/9.6.3 = 71. ~);i Net purchase price $1,293,200 broken down into water and sewer portions Sewer Portion applicable to water = 1,293,200 Adjusted for rounding for entire service area 28.79 $ 372,305 $372,305 water Portion applicable to sewer = 1,293,20fr for entire service area 71.21% S 920,a66 $920.895 sewer $1,293,200 .. , , C. Calculation of cost of.water service area to be acquired by Sanford $372,305 19.08%: S 71,036 $920,895 12 45% S1_14 , 684 Total cost of service area to be acquired by Sanford wlo debt service Sewer Service Area S 71,036 1 H. 68 <I $185,720 01; I G I> PC 1 G 52 .' - c- r *3q( ....J.. '.. #' .. AMENDMENT TO CITY OF SANFORD/SEMINOLE COUNTY URBAN SERVICE AREA AND,UTILITY' SERVICE PLANNING AREA AMENDED AGREEMENT ..- , - THIS AMENDMENT is made and entered into this /y day of /l7~ ( 1996( and is to that certain Amended Agreement made and entered into on the 13th day ~~_ December, 1993( between ;;-- SEMINOLE COUNTy, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ( whose address is Seminole County SerVices Building, .1.101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as .., ,.IlCOUNTY, II and the CITY OF SANFORD, whose mailing address is Post . Office Box 1788( Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as II SANFORD. II WIT N S S ,S E T H: WHEREAS, SANFORD and COUNTY entered into the abpve-referenced Amended Agreement on. December 13, 1993, to define long range utility service planning areas, facilitate joint long range planning and achieve the best economies of utility system develop- ment; and WHEREAS, t~e parties desire to amend the Amended Agreement so as to enable both parties to continue to enjoy the mutual benefits it provides; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Amended Agreement provides that any amendments shall be valid only when expressed in writing- and duly signed by the parties, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements contained herein, the parties agree to ~mend the Amended Agreement as fol"J..q~~!=:: !f"'~ ~:.~~, ~?4 r: .~.'~'- :~ -~,~. ':.:.~. -. ~ -:. . . . I .~':.'.-~.',t-.. 1 \.~ ~.".": - GERTlFIED COpy MARYANNE MORSE CLERK OF C!RCUIT COURT SEM~ClLE COUNTY. FLORIDA Uy CU~ /!3o--v-~~ DEPUTY CLERK . ~, :' ;. '. , c ( 1. Section 2 of the Amended Agreement is amended to read: SECTION 2. Parties agree that in construing DEFINITIONS. this Agreement the following words, phrases and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise. 2.1 "AGREEMENT II means the City o~. Sanford/Seminole County ;-0 Urban Service Area and Utility Service Planning Area Amended Agreement entered into on the 13th day of December, 1993, as amended, and its predecessor Utility Service Agreement between the .- City of Sanford and Seminole County dated October 18, 1990. . . 2.2 "COLLECTION FACILITIES" means those facilities located within the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area, operated and maintained by SANFORD and used to collect wastewater and transmit it to the COUNTY's transmission and treatment facilities located outside of the Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area as depicted on Exhibit C. 2 .3 "COUNTY WASTEWATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities and COUNTY plant from. which SANFORD is receiving wastewater service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and m~intained by the COUNTY. 2.4 "COUNTY WATER SYSTEM" means those transmission facilities and COUNTY. plant from which SANFORD is receiving water service capacity on a wholesale basis and which are operated and maintained by the COUNTY. 2.5 "DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES" means those facilities operated and maintained by SANFORD to receive potable water from the COUNTY's transmission facilities at point(s) of connection along 2 , . -, " . " r c the Sanford Water Service Planning Area boundaries as depicted on Exhibii:.-S-2. 2.6 IlGPD" means gallons per day on an average annual basis. 2.7 "POINT OF CONNECTION" is the location(s) where. SANFORD Distribution or Collection Facilities connect to COUNTY Water , -~ ;.- Transmission Facilities or Wastewater Transmission Facilities. 2.8 "SANFORD WATER UTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" shall be that area depicted on Exhibits, A and B-2 in which it is planned for .- SANFORD to provide retail water service in accordance with the . terms of this Agreement. The COUNTY shall have the rights to provide retail water service to all surrounding properties not included in the Sanford Water Utility Service Planning Area. 2..9 "SANFORD WASTEWATER UTILI'l;'Y SERVICE P~ING AREA" shall be.that area as shown on Exhibits ,A and C in which it is planned for SANFORD to provi4e retail wastewater service in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The COUNTY s1).all have the rights to provide retail wastewater service to 'all surrounding properties not included in the sanford Wastewater Utility Service Planning Area. 2. J.O "SANF.QRDUTILITY SERVICE PLANNING AREA" includes the . presently incorporated area of SANFORD and, those areas of the COUNTY surrounding SANFORD as depicted on Exhibit A, as further detailed in Exhibits B-2 and C. In cases of apparent conflict between Exhibit A and Exhibits B-2 or C, Exhibit B-2 or C shall prevail over Exhibit A. In order to avoid significant utility service inequities SANFORD and the COUNTY agree to cooperate in providing efficient utility service to existing developed proper- 3 . . . . c (' ties located within five hundred feet (SOO') east or west of South Sanfora-Avenue by flexibility of retail service agency within that- area. The parties also agree, in cases of emergency or genuine hardship, to consider further mutually agreeable geographical extensions of this policy. ;-- 2. ~1 "WATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the rate of potable water flow, measured in GPO which one party wishes to buy from the other' party and which the Seller agrees to produce from its water system. ,- 2.12 IIWASTEWATER SERVICE CAPACITY" means the amount .of - wastewater flow, measured in GPD, which one party wishes to buy from the other party and.which the Seller agrees to accept at its wastewater system in. accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2.13 "WASTEWATER' TRANSMISSION FACILITIES.II means' those lines, pipes, lift stations, meters and appurtenant equipment used.by the COUNTY to transmit wastewater from the SANFORD collection facili- ties' to the head works.ofthe COUNTY's ~ater,treatment facilities. 2.14 '''WATER TRANSMISSION FACILITIES II means those lines, pipes, water mains, meters and appurtenant equipment used by the COUNTY to transmit potab~e water from the COUNTY plant to the point{s) of connect.ion with the SANFORD. distribution facilities. These point{s) of connect.ion will be ,located at the water service area .boundaries as shown on Exhibit B-2. 2. Sectioh S of the Amended Agreement is amended to read: SECTION S. REIMBURSEMENT FOR LAKE MONROE SERVICE AREA. (a) SANFORD and the COUNTY acknowledge that the Lake Monroe Utilities Service Area consists of approximately one thousand six 4 .. . .. .. ~ c . .. ... . . ( co hundred fourteen (1,. 614) acres. The long range Sanford Water Service -"Planning Area includes approximately three hundred eight-' (308) of those acres, the long range Sanford Wastewater Service Planning Area includes approximately two hundred one (201) of those ~cres. SANFORD had agreed to pay to the COUNTY the sum of ONE , .~ ;" HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($185,720.00) within forty~five (45) days of execution of the original Agreement. Said sum has been paid. The sum consti- '"r tutes reimbursement to the COUNTY for the cost of those portions of " the Lake Monroe Utility Service Area now being assigned, for planning purposes, by the COUNTY to SANFORD by this Agreement. Further, said sum is calculated as detailed in Exhibit D of this Agreement. Should any of the Sanford Utility Service Planning Are'a hereby assigned ,to SANFORD I ultimately return to' the COUNTY in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,. SANFORD shall receive an appropriate refund based proportionally on the' amount of acreage returned to COUNTY and the calculation used in this Section. (b) . SANFORD agrees to pay to the COUNTY the sum of SIX THOUSAND FOtm. -HUNDRED THIRTEEN AND 8S/100 DOLLARS ($6,.413.85) ($237.55 an acre) as rei~ursement for the costs of an additional 27 acres of the water service ,area included in the Lake Monroe Utility Service Area now being assigned, for planning purposes,. by the COUNTY to SANFORD. Should any of the Sanford Utility Service Planning Area hereby assigned to SANFORD, ultimately return to the COUNTY in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, SANFORD shall receive an appropriate refund based proportionally on the 5 :.. . . . ~ . . '. . .. .< ( r amount of acreage return to COUNTY and the calculation used in this Section. 3. Exhibit B of the Amended Agreement is hereby deleted and Exhibit B-2 attached hereto is substituted therefor. 4_ Except as herein modified, al~..terms and conditions of ;-- the Amended Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the term of the Amended Agreement I as originally set forth in the Amended Agreement. ..., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed. ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD 9t:!lf &Of:~ty Clerk By' ~~~. Jif1 BET . SMI~, Mayor Lf/J1~ !(P/lr?& Date: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ ~ COUNTY, FLORIDA .. B.. .~ ~. . . DICK VAN DER WEIDE,. Chairman l~ b./ l'l(/J I I Date: For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. ~8<~ s,/r;'f~ County Attorney As authorized for. execution by the Board of. cou~ Commis- sioners at their (// ./ r", , 19~, regular meeting. ' SED/dre Attachment Exhibit "B-2" 041596 F:\USERS\DEB\AGT\SANURBAN,AMD f 6 ( c .. "-. jo- J II f ~-~ >- :n 1~:: ,.0,: -lr... , I. a. ..., I ',---' '" .. :.. f. ;- \-.. :..-'" '! -- - .~. :L.' .. " If? _I .,.7 , L__----., J /... . .t Z G ;;J -J I ({l ;-... fTl -n ~< 0 ?J I 0 ~ m - t> -l ---i fT\ ;c D. (II (T~ (\) . ".r: -. fT\ J. -I ({\ (T; .'""' ---1 ~ ..-, I / !t)c/ I(~ hi '. . )~ ;r (;'1 ,. <<{51 r / ATTACHMENT C FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS Schedule M - Environmentally Sensitive Lands SCHEDULE M ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LANDS SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose and intent of these regulations is to protect and conserve the beneficial functions of environmentally sensitive lands in a manner that implements applicable goals, objectives, policies and standards in the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, especially as set forth in the Future Land Use Plan and the Conservation Plan elements. For the purpose of these regulations, the protection of beneficial functions of environmentally sensitive lands shall include the following: A. Maintaining water and storage capacity of watersheds. B. Maintaining recharge capacity of groundwater aquifers. C. Preserving fish and other wildlife habitat, unique vegetation and sites needed for education, scientific research and recreation. D. Protecting aesthetic and property values. E. Preventing and minimizing erosion. F. Minimizing flood losses. G. Prevent pollution. SECTION 2.0 APPLICABILITY These regulations shall apply to any use or alteration of a parcel which contains environmentally sensitive lands within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford. Environmentally sensitive lands includes wetlands, soils with limited potential for certain manmade activities, flood-prone areas and areas with effective groundwater aquifer recharge characteristics. A. Wetlands. Wetlands are land andlor water areas where the water table is at, near, or above the land surface for a significant part of most years. Wetlands shall include but not limited to areas identified by the S1. Johns River Water Management District's Land Use & Vegetation Inventory as: 1. Cypress 2. Hardwood Swamp 3. Bayhead 4. Hydric Hammock 5. Shrub Swamp 6, Shrub Bog M-l 7. Transitional Shrub 8. Lakeshore Emergents 9. Water Lilies 10. Deep Marsh 11. Shallow Marsh 12. Wet Prairie 13. Free Floating A copy of the Land Use & Vegetation Inventory Map Series that includes areas located within the City of Sanford as prepared by the St. Johns River Water Management District shall be on file and available for public inspection at the Office of the Administrative Official. B. Soils. Environmentally sensitive lands include areas classified with the following soil types because such areas evidence significant limitations .for the purpose of constructing local roads, streets, low commercial buildingsandlor dwellings without basements: MAP SYMBOL SOIL TYPE 21 25 28 33 Basinger, Samsula, and Hontoon soils, Depressional Basinger and Smyrna Fine Sand, Depressional Canova and Terra Ceia Mucks EauGallie Fine Sand, Depressional Felda Mucky Fine Sand, Depressional Samsula Muck Manatee, Floridana, and Holopaw Soils, Frequently Flooded Nittaw Mucky Fine Sand, Depressional Pineda Fine Sand Pompano Fine Sand, Occasionally Flooded Terra Ceia Muck, Frequently Flooded 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 A copy of the Soil Survey of Seminole County. Florida and any supplements thereof depicting the location and extent of the above soil types in the City of Sanford as prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service shall be on file and available for public inspection at the Office of the Administrative Official. c. Flood-Prone Areas. Flood-prone areas include areas located in Floodways and Zone "A" of the Flood Insurance Rate Map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency applicable to areas located in the City of Sanford. In addition to regulation of flood-prone areas contained in this Schedule, see Ordinance No. 1859, Flood Damage Prevention, as amended, for regulations applicable to construction in flood hazard areas. D. Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Areas. Effective groundwater aquiferrecharge areas shall include those areas identified as "Most Effective" and "Moderately Effective'" by the Florida Department of Natural Resources. Such information shall be delineated on the Water M-2 Resource Map, 1 "=1,000', compiled by and available for public inspection at the Office of the Administrative Official. SECTION 3.0 WETLANDS AND SOIL LIMITATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS When a lot or tract contains wetlands and/or soil types identified in Section 2.0, above, applications for rezoning, conditional use approval, proposed site plan, preliminary subdivision plan, planned development project approval and/or site development permits not proceeded by the aforementioned approval requests shall include submittal requirements as set forth below: A. Environmental Evaluation. Prepared by a qualified biologist and/or environmental scientist for lands that are classified as wetlands. Such a survey shall determine the location, extent and viability of wetlands and significant habitat areas and shall identify agencies with jurisdiction for permitting and type of required permits/approval. B. Soil Survey. Prepared by a qualified geotechnical engineer. Such a survey shall determine the general feasibility of and/or methods to develop building sites or otherwise conduct the proposed or pennitted use of the premises. C. Engineering Analysis and Design. Prepared by a professional engineer to determine, pased on soil and environmental information, general location of potential building site( s), drainage concept and general statement that explains development feasibility and potential impact of potential development upon wetlands. Natural drainage flow and characteristics shall be identified. Hydrologic records of the area shall be provided. Design. shall include the location and design. of water retention/detention facilities, the extent of dredging and filling activity and the amount and extent of demucking necessary to achieve proposed development potential. The above-described environmentally sensitive lands submittal requirements shall be provided in report, chart, scaled drawing and other appropriate form acceptable to the Administrative Official and as otherwise required by this Schedule. Acreage and percentage of parcel area calculations shall be provided for the parcel and portions of the parcel with an identification or classification related to information required in Paragraphs A, B and C, above. Quantitative and qualitative data shall demonstrate compliance with design. and performance criteria set forth in Section 3.1, below. SECTION 3.1 WETLAND DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Uses and activities in wetlands shall comply with the following design. and performance criteria: A. Retain Natural Drainage Characteristics. Natural surface water patterns shall be maintained. Proposed drainage conditions shall approximate existing drainage conditions. The velocity ofwater flowing through wetlands shall remain approximately the same before and after development. B. Minimize Alteration or Modification. No land use or development shall be permitted that would result in the elimination of any beneficial function of a wetland, If permitted, any M-3 alteration or modification of wetlands shall be the minimum necessary to conduct the use or activity, C. Stormwater. The use of cypress, hardwood swamp, bayhead, and hydric hammock wetlands for water retention shall be permitted when utilized to decompose dissolved organics and when such wetlands are not connected to surface waters. Stormwater detention basins shall screen, filter, trap and/or otherwise prevent sediment and debris and minimize the amount of chemicals entering wetlands. Channelization ofwater to or through a wetland shall not be permitted. D. Ground Floor Elevation. When structures intended for human habitation are proposed to be located in wetlands that are not regulated by the provisions of Ordinance No. 1859, the Administrative Official shall be authorized to establish and require a minimum ground floor elevation sufficient to prevent future flood damage of buildings on the parcel in question based on the best available information. E. Wetland Buffer. A wetland buffer of twenty-five (25) feet in width shall be provided adj acent to wetlands that are five (5) acres or less; a wetland buffer of fifty (50) feet in width shall be provided adjacent to wetlands that are greater than five (5) acres. The area of wetlands in question shall include all contiguous wetlands located on the site and adjacent to the site. The width of the wetland buffer shall be measured and provided parallel to the edge of the wetland in question. The required wetland buffer shall, unless otherwise provided for in this Schedule, be planted and maintained in landscaping materials including ground cover, shrubs, hedges or trees. The following uses shall be permissible within a wetland buffer: 1. Required project improvements; 2.Pennitted public service structures; 3. Walkways with pervious surfaces; 4. Required landscaped-areas. The following uses shall be prohibited within a wetland buffer: 1. Vehicular use areas, off-street parking and/or loading and service areas; 2. Buildings. In addition, all off-street parking spaces located adjacent to a wetland buffer shall be provided with appropriate tire stops, curbs or other vehicular bumper guards designed to prevent any encroachment of vehicles upon the required buffer. SECTION 3.2 FLOOD-PRONE AREA DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Uses and activities in flood-prone areas shall comply with the following design and performance criteria: A. Retention-Detention Facilities. Retention-detention ponds proposed to be located in flood- prone areas shall: 1. Ten-year Flood Plain. Be located above the 10-year flood elevation. No alteration shall be allowed within the lO-year flood line. 2. Soil Suitability. Be located in soils that are suitable for retention-detention ponds. Soils which have been identified by the Soil Conservation Service as'having a very low potential for septic tank absorption fields shall be considered as unsuitable for retention-detention ponds, M-4 3. Floodway Hazard. Not create a negative impact on existing flooding conditions. Construction of the retention-detention pond shall not constitute a net reduction in flood plain storage or limit the flow capacity of the floodway. B. Open Space and Recreational Uses. Flood prone areas may be used for open space and recreational uses. Recreation-oriented structural improvements shall not impair the flood flow or flood storage capacity nor shall such structures contribute to the debris which may become swept up by flood waters. Open space and recreational uses include the following: 1. Hiking and nature trails 2. Gazebos, picnic tables and resting benches 3. Boardwalks and observation decks 4. Open play areas 5. Canoe launches C. Traversing Works. Traversing works in flood prone areas shall not create a net reduction in either flood flow or flood storage capabilities immediately upstream or downstream of the structure. D. Compensating Storage. Reshaping and filling within flood-prone areas shall be balanced by providing an equal volwne of compensating storage. Such compensation shall be located between the ordinary high water elevation and the 100-year elevation. Fill shall not be placed below the lO-year flood elevation and in no case shall fill in the flood plain extend beyond 100 feet of the original floodline. Reshaping the flood plain shall not create a rise in flood elevation, reduce flood storage capabilities, increase flood flow velocities, or reduce flood flow capacity. E. Parking Spaces and Vehicular Circulation Areas. Required parking spaces and vehicular circulation areas located within flood prone areas shall not cause a net decrease in flood storage or a change in flood flow capacity. Flood free emergency access must be maintained. Required parking spaces shall not be located within the lO-year flood elevation. F. Utilities. Utilities shall be located outside of flood prone areas wherever feasible. When it is not feasible to avoid placing utilities within a flood plain, such utilities shall comply with the following provisions. 1. Materials. Material and equipment shall be resistant to flood damage. 2. Construction Methods. Construction methods and practices shall minimize flood damage. 3. Potable Water Supply. Potable water supply systems shall be designed and constructed to prevent damage by flood waters. 4.' Sanitary Sewage System. be prohibited, - Septic tanks and other sanitary sewage systems shall M-5 G. Special Requirements for the tOO-Year Floodplain. The City shall require the following floodplain protection measures to protect and preserve the value and function ofthe 100-year floodplain from encroachment by development. 1. Prohibited Development. No development shall occur in the 100-year floodway. 2. Compensating Storage. Flood control measures for new development minimize fill within the 100-year floodplain. Where no alternative to fill within the 100-year floodplain exists, compensatory storage for such fill shall be provided through excavation of a volume of uplands equivalent to the loss of storage within the 100- year floodplain caused by the placement of fill. 3. Clustering of Structures. Structures shall be clustered on the non-floodplain portions of the site, or where the entire site lies in the floodplain, they shall also be elevated on pilings. Densities and/or intensities of land uses shall be reduced in floodplains based on design and conservation measures required. to protect the biological and physical functions of the floodplain. The density/intensity shall be regulated on a case by case basis after field investigation and analysis of specific issues confronting respective sites. 4. Sanitary Sewer Facilities. Septic tanks and other on-site sewer facilities shall be prohibited in the 100-year floodplain. 5. Hazardous Materials and Waste. No hazardous materials or waste shall be stored within the 100-year floodplain. 6. Dredge and FilL In order to protect the physical and biological functions of floodplains, dredge and fill practices and the clearing of natural vegetation shall be minimized. in order to maintain the natural topography and hydrological functions of floodplains. 7. "Grandfathering" Development. For sites (parcels recorded. on or before the date of the Comprehensive Plan adoption) which do not contain sufficient uplands to permit development, fill and clearing of natural vegetation shall be allowed. only in conjunction with a minimal accessway and a minimum amount beneath one residential structure, provided the direction and rate of historical surface water flows are no altered. Subsequent to plan adoption, the City shall not allow lots or parcels to be created without sufficient uplands. H. Other. All proposed uses and activities to be located in flood prone areas that are not otherwise indicated in these regulations or Ordinance No. 1859, Flood Protection Regulations shall be subject to review and recommendation by the Administrative Official on an individual basis. 1. Exemption Adjacent to Lake Monroe. Because the Lake Monroe shoreline and adjacent lands are in a highly altered state from natural conditions, the Administrative Official shall M-6 have the autho.rity to. exempt flo.o.d pro.ne areas adjacent to. Lake Mo.nro.e fro.m pro.visio.ns co.ntained in Paragraphs A thro.ugh E, abo.ve. SECTION 3.3 WILDLIFE HABITAT PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION OF UPLAND VEGETATIVE COMMUNITIES AND ENDANGERED OR THREATENED FLORA AND FAUNA. Upland vegetative co.mmunitiesand wildlife habitats (particularly tho.se identified as primary habitat fo.r endangered o.r threatened species) fo.r which the City o.r State agency deems enviro.nmentally significant shall be pro.tected fro.m adverse impacts asso.ciated with develo.pment. Upland areas identified in Table V -3 "Endangered and Po.tentially Endangered Fauna Species Indigeno.us to. Habitats Identified Within the City o.f Sanfo.rd" and Table V -4 "Endangered and Threatened Flo.ra Species Indigeno.us to. theSanfo.rd Area"within the Co.mprehensive Plan Co.nservatio.n Element Data Invento.ry and Analysis as essential breeding, feeding o.r habitat sites fo.r endangered o.r threatened flo.ra o.r fauna creatures shall be pro.tected pursuant to. the fo.llo.wing regulatio.ns: , A. Regulatio.n of Sites With Endangered o.r Threatened Species. Applicants fo.r develo.pment within any areas identified as refuge~ breeding, feeding, o.r habitat areas o.f endangered o.r threatened species shall prepare a habitat management plan which shan as a minimum include the fo.llowing: 1. Critical Habitat Management PlanRequired. An applicant o.f a site plan, subdivisio~ plat, replat, or PD Master Plan shall provide a "Critical Habitat Management Plan" prepared by a pro.fessio.nal biologist, eco.logist, o.r o.ther related professio.nal. The plan shall ensure the protection of endangered and threatened flo.ra and fauna as determined by the State and the City. As a minimum standard this plan shall analyze the follo.wing issues: a. Identify the occurrences of designated species by a qualified eco.logist; b. Land needs to. support continued o.n-site presence o.fthe species; c. Impacts o.f pro.posed develo.pment which will disturb the species; d. Reco.mmended management plans and measures necessary to. pro.tect the subject species; e. Co.st to. Develo.per to. implement the reco.mmended management plan. 2. Criteria fo.r Reviewing Critical Habitat Plan. Develo.pment activities which have an adverse effect upo.n a designated species shall require mitigatio.n o.r shall no.t be permitted. Viable (i.e., capable ofliving) habitat fo.r designated species o.ccurring on a site shall be identified on the management plans as preservatio.n areas. All develo.pment activities shall be pro.hibited within these preservatio.n areas with the exceptio.n o.f recreatio.nal and educatio.nal uses. The adequacy o.f the study shall be determined by the City. The final develo.pment plan shall co.nfo.rm to. reco.mmendatio.ns determined within the study as appro.ved by the Planning and Zo.ning Co.mmissio.n. The City will reserve the right to. have a State agency review the Critical Habitat Management Plan and pro.vide a written respo.nse. M-7 3. Incentives for Reservation of Conservation Easements. The applicant and the City may negotiate a development agreement which ensures the preservation of habitats. B. Exemptions. Applicants for development within areas designated "Conservation Open Space" on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map shall not be required to prepare a Critical Habitat Management Plan unless the applicant proposes development which requires removal or displacement of an active nesting or breeding area of an endangered or threatened specie, or requires removal or eradication of a living endangered or threatened plant. SECTION 3.4 PROTECTING ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE LANDS DURING CONSTRUCTION When construction is proposed on or adjacent to environmentally sensitive lands, clearly identified and documented methods and techniques to protect such environmentally sensitive lands shall be submitted to and approved by the Administrative Official as a condition of issuance of a Site. Development Permit. Such methods and techniques shall include but not be limited to storage and removal of materials, equipment and debris; erosion control measures; measures to insure revegetation and/or stabilization of disturbed areas; measures to protect existing natural vegetation and habitat and methods to prevent pollution of wetlands and groundwater. SECTION 3.5 SOIL EROSION, SEDIMENTATION CONTROL, AND SHORELINE PROTECTION A. Applicability. In order to prevent both soil erosion and sedimentation, a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be required as a part of an application for site plan review whenever a development will involve any clearing, grading, or other form of land disturbance by the movement of earth, provided that anyone of the following descriptions applies to said movement. 1. Excavation, fill, or any combination thereof will exceed five hundred (500) cubic yards. 2. Fill will exceed three (3) feet in vertical depth at its deepest point as measured from the natural ground surface. 3. Excavation will exceed four (4) feet in vertical depth at its deepest point as measured from the natural ground surface. 4. Excavation, fill or any combination thereof will exceed an area of one thousand (1,000) square feet. 5. Plant and! or tree cover is to be removed from an area exceeding one thousand (1,000) square feet oil any parcel of land. M-8 6. Whenever excavation or fill is proposed within one hundred feet of a stream, stream channel, or body of water, a soil erosion and sedimentation control plan shall be provided. 7. Because of the existing seawall along the entire length of Lake Monroe within the City of Sanford, lands adjacent to Lake Monroe shall be exempt from these provISIons. B. Definitions. For the purposes of this Section the following definitions are provided: 1. Soil erosion shall mean any removal and/or loss of soil by the action of water, gravity, or wind. Erosion includes both the detachment and transport of soil particles. 2. Sedimentation shall mean the settling out of the soil particles which are transported by water or wind. Sedimentation occurs when the velocity ofwater or wind in which soil particles are suspended is slowed to a sufficient degree and for a sufficient period of time to allow the particles to settle out of suspension or when the degree of slope is lessened to achieve the same result. 3. Erodible slope shall mean all slopes with inclines in excess of four (4) percent unless modified by the City Administrator based on consideration of specific soil conditions. 4. Large flat surface area (unpaved) shall mean an area which is flat or whose slope is less than four (4) percent and which consists of more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of exposed soil. C. Erosion Control Measures. All measures necessary to minimize soil erosion and to control sedimentation in the disturbed land area shall be implemented. The following protection shall be provided for all disturbed areas: minimize velocities of water runoff, maximize protection of disturbed areas from stormwater runoff, and retain sedimentation within the development site as early as possible following disturbances. A list of major problem areas for erosion and sedimentation control follows. For each one, the purpose(s) of requiring control is described. Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures for all such areas shall be provided with a view toward achieving the specific purpose listed below for which a control plan is required. 1. Erodible slopes. Prevent detachmentand transportation of soil particles from slope. 2. Streams, streambeds, streambanks, bodies of water, lake shorelines. Prevent detachment and transportation of soil particles. 3. Drainageways. Prevent detachment and transportation of soil particles (which would otherwise deposit in streams, bodies of water, or wetlands);_promote deposit or sediment loads (traversing these areas) before these reach bodies of water. M-9 4. Land adjacent to streams, ponds, lakes, and wetlands. Prevent detachment and transportation of soil particles. The applicant shall not adversely impact aquatic vegetation within the sensitive transition zone separating wetlands and uplands. No such vegetation shall be disturbed without approval of the City. Any such approval shall be based on a demonstrated necessity which promotes the overall public health, safety and welfare. Furthermore, any such disturbance of aquatic vegetation shall be compensated by revegetation based on a plan approved by the City as stipulated herein. The applicant shall coordinate plans for development along Lake Monroe with appropriate state and/or federal agencies. Where deemed appropriate by the City, the site plan shall include the planting of native indigenous aquatic plant vegetation to promote stability of the shoreline. 5. Enclosed drainage structure. Prevent sedimentation in structure, erosion at outfall of system, and deposit of sediment loads within system or beyond it. 6. Large fiat surface areas (unpaved). Prevent detachment of soil particles and their off-site transportation. 7. Impervious surfaces. Prevent the detachment and transportation of soil (in response to an increase in the rate and/or volume of runoff of the site or its concentration caused by impervious surfaces). 8. Borrow and stockpile areas. Divert runoff from face of slopes which are exposed in the excavation process; convey runoff in stabilized channels to stable disposal points; leave borrow areas and stockpiles in stable condition and plant native ground cover to assist such stabilization. 9. Adjacent properties. Prevent their erosion and/or being deposited with sediment. D. Applicability. Appropriate measures shall be taken during land clearing and building operations to assure that exposed, destabilized or otherwise altered soil is expeditiously covered with an acceptable erosion control material. The provision shall be applicable to the act of subdividing and installation of related improvements as well as during the development review process including the period during which improvements may occur as well as the length of time soil may be exposed to the environment. The tree and native vegetation protection ordinance shall be applicable to all clearing and grading activities and shall include specifications for management principles guiding the removal or placement of vegetation and landscaping design. Regulations shall also require developers to take precautionary measures, where necessary, to avert destruction or damage to native vegetation. SECTION 3.6 LAKE SHORE PROTECTION A. Shoreline Protection and Lakefront Littoral Zone Established. To prgtect lakefronts from the encroachment of development, a shoreline protection zone shall be delineated ata M-IO point where no emergent aquatic vegetation can grow landward to a point established fifty feet landward of the water's edge. As an alternative to the 100 Year Water Mark, a developer may obtain a determination ofthe lake shore boundary through a field study conducted by a professional biologist with the development application. Such documentation shall include a study of the vegetation and soils within seventy-five feet landward ofthe 100 Year Water Mark. In addition, a shoreline protection and lakefront littoral zone shall be established as part of any proposed new surface water management plan which includes lakes and wet detention areas greater than or equal to .05 acres in size, based upon a ten (10) year storm event. Such zone shall begin at the waters edge which shall be projected in the surface water management plan and shall extend landward fifty (50) feet. The width of the protection zone may be reduced to a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. However, the average width shall be maintained at fifty (50) feet. B. Land Use Restrictions Within Lake Shore Protection Zone. Only passive recreation activities, as defined in policy herein, shall be permitted within the shoreline protection zone. No other construction activity shall encroach into the lake shore protection zone. C. Shoreline Protection Plan. Development occurring adjacent to lake shoreline or wetland areas shall prepare a design and management plan as part of the required site plan prior to the construction of anyon-site storm water management system. This plan shall include the following: 1. Plan for Vegetative Cover. The shoreline protection plan shall include a narrative and graphic presentation demonstrating that native vegetation shall be preserved as mandated by the tree and native vegetation protection policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Only native vegetation shall be planted and maintained within the shoreline and lakefront littoral zone. The plan for vegetative cover shall specify how vegetation is to be established within this zone, including the extent, method, type and timing of any planting to be provided. 2. Plan for Shoreline and Lakefront Littoral Zone Management. The shoreline protection plan shall include a shoreline management plan that describes procedures to ensure minimal impacts to water quality and shoreline erosion. Where deemed necessary, silt screening shall be implemented to retainefiluvial sediments carried by runoff stormwater or wave action. The plan shall comply with the erosion and sedimentation performance standards of this Article. The plan shall also include: " a. Cross Sections of Surface Water Management Systems. Include typical cross sections ofthe surface water management system showing the average water elevation and the -3 foot contour (i.e., below average elevation) or a 75 foot distance from the water's edge, whichever is greater. b. Lakefront Littoral Zone Management Strategies. Provide a description of any management procedure to be followed in order to ensure the continued M-II viability and health of the lakefront littoral zone. The lakefront littoral zone as established should consist entirely of native vegetation and should be maintained permanently as part of the water management system. As a minimum, 10 square feet of vegetated lakefront littoral zone per linear surface water management system. Development within the lakefront littoral zone shall be limited to water-dependent structures defined within the Land Development Regulations. 3. Plan for Protecting Class III Waters. All lakes within or adjacent to the City are Class III waters. Plans for lake shore protection shall include the following protective measures: a. Dredging activities shall be limited to FDER approved dredging. b. Ensure good water quality by coordinating with the FDER, FDNR, and the St. Johns River Water Management District in monitoring the quality of stonnwater run-off and all discharge. c. Limit the use of Class III waters to water dependent activities that are not contrary to the public interest and satisfy a community need. 4. Required Wetland Buffer Zones. The lakefront protection plan shall comply with performance criteria applicable to wetland buffer zones within Schedule M, Enviromnentally Sensitive Lands. D. Exemptions to the Lakefront Protection Regulations. The following activities shall be exempt from the lakefront protection regulations. 1. Scenic, historic, wildlife, or scientific preserves. 2. Minor maintenance or emergency repair to existing structures or improved areas. 3. Clearing of shoreline vegetation waterward of the water's edge so as to provide a corridor not to exceed fifteen (15) feet in width, of sufficient length from shore to allow access for a boat or swimmer to reach open water, and landward of the water's edge so as to provide an open area not to exceed twenty-five (25) feet in width. [One additional such corridor may be cleared for every full one hundred (100) feet of frontage along the water's edge above and beyond the first one hundred (100) feet.] 4. Clearing of shoreline vegetation to create walking trails having no structural components, not to exceed four (4) feet in width. 5. Timber catwalks, docks, and trail bridges that are less than four (4) feet wide, provided that no filling, flooding, dredging, draining, ditching, tiling or excavating is done, except limited filling and excavating necessary for the installation of pilings. 6. Commercial or recreational fishing, hunting or trapping, and creation and maintenance of temporary blinds. M-12 7. Constructing fences where no fill activity is required and where navigational access will no be impaired by construction of the fence. SECTION 3.7 AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITY ADJACENT TO WATERWAYS PROHIBITED A. Agricultural activities shall not be conducted adjacent to existing waterways and surface water management activities shall comply with all applicable policies of the St. Johns River Water Management District as listed below: 1. Unless expressly exempt by Statute or rule, a surface water management permit must be obtained from the SIR WMD prior to the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonment of any dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works and for the maintenance and operation of existing agricultural surface water management systems' or the construction of new agricultural surface water management systems. 2. To prevent adverse impacts to the quality ofthe receiving water body, the discharge cannot cause or contribute to a violation of state water quality standards, must not exceed 20 mgll BOD or TSS (domestic waste limits formerly applied to industrial waste under the delegated DER program), and must comply with pollutant limitations established pursuant to a SWIM plan. Water quality practices include reduction of discharge volume by improved water table Control and on-site recycling, implementation of a comprehensive conservation .plan (a document which describes a system of management practices to control and reduce soil erosion and sediment loss, and improve the quality of discharged water for a specific parcel of property) including nutrient and pesticide management plans, and installation of a treatment system using wet detention reservoirs or other equivalent alternatives. Agricultural surface water management systems may incorporate overland flow, vegetative filters and detention in isolated wetlands as water quality practices. Existing canals and conveyance systems may be incorporated into a wet detention treatment system, when appropriate. The applicant must provide reasonable assurance through plans, test results or other information that the practice will provide an adequate level of treatment to meet performance standards. B. Agricultural activities shall not expand into wetland areas or into wetland buffers as required in this Schedule. C. Maintain natural drainage patterns; D. Promote the use of surface water supplies for irrigation purposes; M-I] E. Use best management principles and practices in order to reduce pesticide and fertilizer run- off, prevent soil erosion, and preserve water quality. SECTION 4.0 DOCK AND PIER CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS SECTION 4.1 INTENT The intent of this Section is to provide waterfront property owners with reasonable boat ingress and egress to the waterbodies and waterways of Sanford, to protect the environmental integrity and function of the waterbodies and waterways of Sanford, and to assure that the siting and construction of docking facilities will not pre-empt other public interests and uses of the waterbodies and waterways of Sanford. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the term docking facilities shall mean any fixed or floating structure providing access on or over submerged lands (all those lands lying waterward of the mean high water) and the area occupied or caused to be occupied by that dock, including its mooring pilings. A mooring piling may include a stake, post, pillar, pilings used for the purpose of berthing buoyant vessels either temporarily or indefinitely or for a finite period, whether or not used in conjunction with a dock. SECTION 4.2 GENERAL PROVISIONS Development Plan Review shall be required for docks and piers. The following general provisions . shall be met prior to the issuance of any permits, that is site plan approval or permit approval, for docking facilities: A. No docking facility may occupy or cause to occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of any waterway width as measured at the location of the docking facility, excluding forested wetland andlor cypress areas. The waterway width with respect to any dock to which the measure applies, the straight line distance from the point at which the centerline of the dock or pier intersects the mean high water line measured to the nearest point on the mean high water line of the opposite shore of the waterway. If forested mangrove or cypress areas exist on either of both shorelines waterward of the MHWL, then the distance shall be measured from the most water ward edge of those mangroves or cypress. B. No docking facility may be located in such a manner as to impede normal navigation. C. The location of mooring areas over productive submerged grass beds shall be avoided when it is determined that such a location will destroy such marshes and grass beds. D. Access to docking facilities through any shoreline protection zone area including cypress and or wetland communities shall comply with the applicable provisions which protect these resources in keeping with the Sanford Comprehensive Plan. E. When state and/or federal permits are required for the construction of a docking facility such permits must be obtained prior to the issuance of a development order by the City of Sanford. M-14 These agencies may include, but are not limited, to the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Regulation and/or the Anny Corp of Engineers. F. Docking facilities must be located in such a manner as to avoid the need for dredging activities in productive grass beds, maintenance dredging of previously approved dredged areas and silted areas caused by upland runoff shall be excluded from this requirement. G. No docking facility shall occupy or cause to occupy any required setback areas. H. The maximum length of a docking facility shall include those areas of the facility that occupy or cause to occupy the affected water surface. 1. The minimum water depth at any dock mooring area shall be two (2) feet mean low water (ML W). J. The maximum length of any docking facility may be extended to provide a safe navigable depth of four (4) feet mean low water (ML W) at the mooring area, provided that the extension is not in conflict with other provisions of this Section that are applicable. K. The constmctiofiofroofed stmctures, other than boat shelters on or over any docking facility or navigable waterways shall not be permitted. L. Docking facilities are recognized as accessory uses to a primary use of the adjacent upland property. As such, no docking facility shall be constmcted prior to the establishment ofa primary use, except for single docking facilities on single family zoned lots when allowed by the zoning. In the case of such exceptions no live aboard shall be permitted. M. When the location of any riparian line is in dispute or doubt a riparian line survey prepared by a licensed land surveyor may be required by the City. N. Applicants should be aware of all applicable State and Federal Regulations particularly those that apply the Aquatic Preserves. O. The installation, repair or replacement of riprap will be authorized provided that: 1. If the riprap is subject to the permitting requirements of Chapter 161, Florida Statutes, it has been authorized pursuant to Chapter 161, Florida Statutes; 2. Clean rock material free of metal products, organic materials, and unsightly debris is used; 3. The toe ofthe riprap is located at or within 10 feetof the mean or ordinary high water line; 4. The slope is not greater than 2 horizontal: 1 vertical; 5. The length does not exceed 150 linear feet; M-lS 6. It does not damage or destroy wetland vegetation on sovereign lands; 7. The activity is necessary to prevent erosion or is required as part of an authorization granted by another agency. P. Docks shall be constructed in a manner that will withstand a 100 M.P .R. wind load. Top of Docks shall be one (1) foot above the ordinary high water level and the dock shall start at no less than the ordinary high water level. SECTION 4.3 NON-COMMERCIAL SINGLE DOCKING FACILITY STANDARDS The following standards shall be met prior to the issuance of any development orders for any non- commercial single family or single establishment docking facility by the City. A. Size and Dimension Criteria 1. Maximum Width of Access Pier: 6 feet 2. Maximum Total Platform(s) Area: 300 feet (A platform is any portion or portions ofa dock with a width in excess of the allowable width of the access pier). 3. Setbacks: 25 feet from riparian lines 4. Maximum Length of Docking Facility: 200 feet, measured perpendicular to the OHWL excluding forested mangrove or cypress areas , except as allowed in Section (10) above. B. The required setbacks may be reduced up the receipt of a written consent.of the adjacent, affected property owners(s). C. A boat shelter may be permitted in association with a docking facility provided that the structure is no greater than 500 square feet in area and is no greater than 20 feet in height above the adjacent access pier or platform. D. The mooring of vessels at a non-commercial single family dock facility shall be restricted to pleasure crafts registered to the adjacent upland property owner, the upland property owner's guests and neighbors. E. No more than two (2) vessels shall be moored at any non-commercial single family dock facility. SECTION 4.4 NON-COMMERCIAL MULTI-DOCK FACILITY STANDARDS The following standards shall be met prior to the issuance of any development orc!ers for any non- commercial multiple docking facility by the City. M-16 A. Size and Dimension Criteria 1. Maximum Width of Access Pier: 8 feet 2. Maximum Total Platform(s) Area: 250 square feet for each 10 slips 3. Setbacks: 25 feet from riparian lines 4. Maximum Length of Docking Facility: 200 feet, measured perpendicular to the MHWL, excluding forested mangrove or cypress areas, except as allowed in Section (10) above. B. The total number of slips of a docking facility cannot exceed the total number of residential units or establishments the docking facility is intended to serve. The applicant shall submit a legal description of the property to be served. C. No docking facility shall occupy more than five (5) percent of any buildable area. The buildable area shall be the area that is bounded by the property owner's mean high water line, the riparian lines and the minimum docking facility length provision or as otherwise limited by the general provisions ofthis Section. When a docking facility is allowed to be extended beyond the maximum length shall it be exempt from the five (5) percent limitation. D. A minimum fifty (50) percent of the buildable area frontage (shore to shore) must be reserved as unobstructed open space. The required setbacks shall be credited toward the open space requirements. E. A minimum of one (1) off-street vehicular parking space shall be provided for every five (5) boat slips or fraction thereof, unless pedestrian access is available. SECTION 4.5 . COMMERCIAL DOCKING FACILITY STANDARDS The following standards shall be met prior to the issuance of any development orders for any commercial docking facility by the City of Sanford. A. Size and Dimension Criteria 1. Maximum Width of Access Pier: 10 feet 2. Maximum Total Platform(s) Area: 250 square feet for each 10 slips 3. Setbacks a. 25 feet from riparian lines of adjacent properties used, zoned or designated for non-residential activities b. 50 feet from riparian lines of adjacent properties used, zoned or designated for residential activities. 4. Maximum Length of Docking Facility: 200 feet, measured perpendicular to the mean high water line, excluding forested mangrove or cypress areas, except as allowed in Section (10) above. M-17 B. A minimum of one (1) off-street vehicular parking space shall be provided for every five (5) boat slips or fraction thereof. SECTION 4.6 WAIVERS Where there is insufficient area to comply with setback provision of the size and dimension criteria of the applicable provision of this Schedule to allow any reasonable use of the water way for the construction of docking facility, waivers from the applicable size and dimension criteria may be granted by the Administrative Official to permit the construction of one non-commercial single- family or single-establishment dock facility. The waivers shall be the minimum necessary to allow boat ingress and egress to the waterway and shall conform with the purpose and intent of this Section. Any final action of the Administrative Official in this regard may be appealed to the City Commission provided that an Administrative Appeal is filed with the within thirty (30) days after the final action is taken. SECTION 4.7 PROCEDURES FOR ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT ORDERS The following procedures shall be applicable for the issuance by The City of Sanford of any development orders for docking facilities: A. All application for docking facilities proposed as accessory uses to multi-family residential developments (excluding residential planned unit developments) containing three (3) or more residential units shall be processed pursuant to the requirements outlined in Section 4.1 - 4.7 of this Schedule. B. All applications for docking facilities proposed as accessory uses to non-residential developments (excluding non-residential planned unit developments) as defined in Sections 4.1 - 4.7 of this Schedule. C. All application for docking facilities proposed as accessory uses to planned unit developments shall be processed pursuant to the applicable requirements ofthe planned unit development provisions of the Sanford Land Development Regulations. SECTION 5.0 EFFECTIVE RECHARGE AREAS - PROIDBITED USES The following uses and activities are prohibited in areas identified as effective recharge areas: mining; resource extraction including but not limited to excavation of sand and peat; junkyards; outdoor storage of hazardous materials and waste. " SECTION 6.0 WELLFIELD PROTECTION A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent ofthis Section is to protect potable water from contamination by establishing primary and secondary protection zones around municipal potable water wells and prohibiting certain land uses and activities within the zones which have the potential to contaminate groundwater. M-l8 B. Applicability. The regulations set forth herein shall apply to all development proposed in areas surrounding a well field within primary and secondary protection zones). C. Establishment of Wellfield Protection Zones. 1. Primary Protection Zone. Primary protection zones shall include all land within a two hundred (200) foot radius of any existing or scheduled public wellhead (a water system owned by a public entity or operated under a franchise agreement approved by the City). 2. Secondary Protection Zone. Secondary protection zones shall include all land within a six hundred (600) foot radius of any public wellhead. D. Mapping. Wellfield Protection Zone Maps shall be available for review in the Department of Engineering and Planning. Such maps will designate and graphically represent the primary and secondary wellfield protection zones and may be amended from time to time as updated information becomes available. E. Restrictions Within the Zones. Prohibited land uses and activities within the protection zones are as follows. 1. Primary Protection Zone. All development other than wellfield facilities or passive recreation or open space shall be prohibited within the primary protection zone. 2. Secondary Protection Zone. The following land use activities shall be prohibited within the secondary protection zone: sanitary landfills, animal feedlots, wastewater treatment facilities, petroleum and pesticide storage facilities, incinerators. and all other activities that store. handle. or generate hazardous materials or wastes. Above- ground or below-ground pipes which store or transfer pollutants or other contaminants as well as open drainage cuts below the seasonal high water table shall also be prohibited within the secondary protection zone. F. . Wellfield Protection Zone Review Process. The City shall review all site plans. master plans. and subdivision planforconsistency to the terms and requirements of this Section and no application or plan shall be approved unless full compliance is demonstrated. Permits issued in violation of this Section confirm no right or privilege on the grantee. SECTION 7.0 EXEMPTIONS Any applicant may request that required submittal information described in this Schedule be omitted from the application in question, provided however, that such request shall be subject to the following requirements: A. The request shall be in written form and shall be submitted to the Administrative Official. B. The request shall identify the information, item or data that is proposed to_be omitted from the application and shall fully explain the reasons that such information, item or data does not apply to such application. M-19 C. The Administrative Official has the authority to accept or reject such request. SECTION 8.0 LAND UNSUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT If, in the review of any land use or development located in on environmentally sensitive lands, it is found that the land proposed to be developed is unsuitable for such development due to frequent flooding, bad drainage, unstable soil, topographic formations, wetland vegetation, sinkholes or other such conditions that may unduly increase the danger of health, life, or property or aggravate erosion or flood hazards; and, if from adequate investigations conducted by the appropriate public official involved, it has been determined that in the best interest of the public the land should not be developed for the purpose proposed, the proposed use or development shall not be approved unless acceptable methods are formulated by the developer for meeting the problems that such development and land use will create. If there is any alleged error in any order, requirement, decision or determination related to the failure to approve a proposed land use or development due to the fact the proposed land area is unsuitable for development, the aggrieved applicant or other interested person, including any officer, department or agency of the City, may make an administrative appeal to the City Commission as provided in this Schedule. M-20 ATTACHMENT D FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS Orlando Sanford Airport Part 150 2004 Noise Exposure Map I- u.. <( c: o ...J <( Z - u.. .., (C u. Q; ~ u:: t Ii eE '11.l .. " . J . . .~'.. ... .:.:.:. <. "....: <J) ....... ro "'0 r"'\ - :::J ~ {}'~' ! 16 ;'Tf:~~~[.~IT}t~( ~ ~-H~~rjF:~;;:." o r+,"f; 0. ~ ' ~::f."'~;" '- ::J .:.; " :: :."""' 0..0''''...... .... <( c i:.,:(:f:: "'0 c: ./:-' . 1\ '- u:. ::. "":"" ",:":,. o C,) -:: ..;... - . . . "''Ii",' ". 4- en: ". 1-- C '0' !: I,. ',":~:;' In. -~ n. ... _/.. 0,; , . ,. 'v "- .....~....._,.. i' .. 0'" (j) ...., n. -"'''''.!l t,,":n: .11 I", , I :...; I \/ \ o :;... . /'.. "'0 'c~ I cO:: ~cs O c:: :.-'1 N t 1 j ~? I . r:. ('~~ l~:r{ -"".: \, ~ ~ t "~7 .... . i ~~~~i"'''~' \"~~'o!<!\i.~ . . l"j~{).~7,:"( . '" ~l.T-:r.....~ rT'= ':J~ ~~ ;1 O~ -gL~ : reJl:oi.:..... 1~1.. . ..' , '.'J .:...., - ' ZJ:,JII'Mr. ,. J..,", ..... ... I. 1:~i:':i~lP liKiI t -t ::,' ~.~,j~;:..." 01"';'1 ".>,.... ....,. I.",,'~l.~' ~ !.: .:~p~,~~ ..... :ItYl.~~.,.;.. ;.. . ,., ..,~ ~~~l~J~;J- .'" ':,., ,./'. , I " z~ ... -- ".. ... .. ... .,.. ~ - - - - - - ATTACHMENT E FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS City of Sanford Future Land Use Plan Map - Attached ATTACHMENT F FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP AMENDMENTS Preliminary Environmental Evaluation, Site 3 :lie: COLEMAN HOLT; MJ~:S. W Private Environmentai Con.uttant 32710 EQUESTRIAN TRAIL SORRENTO, FLORIDA 32776 OFFICE: (352) 735-0463 FAX: (352) 735-0464 January 5,2000 Mr. David C. Dunlap, P. E. HLA-REPS, Inc. 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32810 Re: +/-27.8.0 ACRE GOLDEN LAKE LoTS 3A, 3B, 3C, 3E, AND 3F (COMBINED); TAX I. D.Nos.: 082031301-003AOOOO, -003BOOOO, -003COOOO, -003EOOOO & -003FOOOO; SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 20S, RANGE 31E; SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA . Preliminary Environmental Evaluation. Dear Mr. Dunlap: On your authorization dated 20 December 1999, we are pleased to provide the following information and associated maps pertaining to: 1. the location, extent and viability of on-site wetlands and significant habitat areas on the above referenced Lots on Golden Lake, hereafter referred to as the "subject tract", and 2. state and federal agencies with jurisdiction for permitting and the types of permits and approvals required. I(A). LOCATION, EXTENT AND VIABILITY OF ON-SITE WETLANDS: Wetlands (and surface waters) on the subject tract consist of included portions of Golden Lake and the landward extent of lakeshore wetlands and seepage wetlands lying immediately landward of the lakeshore. Surface water features, depicted as wide-spaced . hatching and wetlands, depicted as narrow-spaced hatching on the attached Environmental Map, account for about 11.78 acres or about 41.05% of the parcel. These areas are broken down as follows: a. b. Golden Lake1/ Non-forested vegetated lakeshore11 Mixed Forested Wetland:!l Total Wetlands Est. Acres +/-11.02 acres +/- 0.53 acres +/- 0.15 acres +/-11.78 acres % of Tract 38.68% 1.85% 0.52% 41.05% c. Notes: 1. FLUCFCS Type 523 2, FLUCFCS Code 640 3, FLUCFCS Code 630 (FLUCFCS: Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System, FOOT, 1985 The normal high water level in Golden Lake has been artificially controlled by the intake elevation (to be determined) of an outfall ditch that exits the eastern boundary-of the David C. Dunlap Golden Lake Parcels 3A, B, C, E & F - Environmental Evaluation January 5, 2000 Page 2 lake and eventually drains to Phelps Creek near its outfall to Lake Jessup. This artificial outfall appears to have maintained the water level in the lake for several years at an elevation lower than historic highs, as evidenced by significantly oxidized soils and a perched area of dense, dessicated organic soils on the west side of the parcel immediately shoreward of the lake. The long-term viability of the lake-adjacent wetlands appears to be jeopardized by the artificially low control elevation in Golden Lake. For example, dessicated mucks in the +/-0.15 Wetland Forested Mixed Type (FLUCFCS Code 630) that extends onto the property along the eastern boundary from the adjacent McReynolds property currently supports exotic ferns, muscadine grape, air potato, laurel oak, live oak, camphor and slash pine among remnant loblolly bay, swamp bay and cypress. Two plant species protected under the Preservation of Native Flora of Florida Act were observed within the forested wetland sites, cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) and royal fern (Osmunda regalis). Both are listed as "Commercially Exploited". Thus the commercial collection and sale are regulated. Under current law, there are no restrictions that prevent a landowner from clearing state-only listed plant species from his own land. No other listed plant species occur on the subject tract on uplands or in wetlands. Significance of On-Site Lakeshore Wetlands to Development: Unless it becomes feasible to re-establish historic lake levels in Golden Lake, lakeshore functional values of these wetlands can be expected to deteriorate further. Water levels no longer advance and recede through these systems, except perhaps during extremely infrequent and high lake level conditions. . Though there does not appear to be much loss of habitat function, their current'condition probably eliminates their usefulness in flood storage, filtration and recharge function. The proportion of upland-prone vegetation appears to be increasing, both in the overstory and the goundcover. In fact, current habitat features and plant species composition would more aptly characterize a mesic forested system were it not for their location and residual soil condition. Based upon the current and presumed future condition of lakeshore wetlands on the subject tract as with the adjacent McReynolds parcel, the purpose of the minimum 50-foot buffer mandated by the City for wetlands larger than 5 acres would be sufficiently served by providing such a buffer only along the immediate Golden Lake shore line. I(B): SIGNIFICANCE OF ON-SITE UPLAND HABITAT TYPES: In addition to the altered shoreline habitats described above, the subject tract is comprised of about 13.24 acres of improved and unimproved pasturelands, residential sites and associated scrub and brush. The remaining 3.68 upland acres support a mesic pine-hardwood community that lies generally landward of the areas which appear to have supported the original hydric communities. These upland portions of the tract are broken down as follows: a. b. single family residentiall! . d 2/ Improve pasture- Est. Acres +/-2.63 acres +/- 7.41 acres % of Tract 9.16% 25.82% David C. Dunlap Golden Lake Parcels 3A, B, C, E & F - Environmental Evaluation January 5, 2000 Page 3 c. d. e. Unimproved Pasture.J./ Other scrub and brush~ Pine-Mesic Oak~ Est. Acres +/-1.88 acres +/-1.32 acres +/-3.68 acres +/-16.92 acres % of Tract 6.55% 4.60% 12.82% 58.95% Notes: 1. FLUCFCS Type III 2, FLUCFCS Code 211 3. FLUCFCS Code 212 4. FLUCFCS Code 323 5. FLUCFCS Code 414 Based on remnant representative groundcover, the southern half of the subject tract would under natural conditions support a sand pine/xeric oak community as is present in the same zone of the McReynolds parcel adjacent to the east. Due to current use as pasture, plant species currently listed as endangered, threatened or Commercially Exploited do not occur on the xeric portions ofthe subject tract. Gopher tortoises occur on the areas identified as pasture (improved and unimproved). A total of 18 activelinactive burrows were observed, suggesting an on-site population of about 11 tortoises. The approximate burrow locations are depicted on the attached Environmental Map. To remove or displace any of the tortoises present, a Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission (FFWCC) permit will be required. Bald Eagle: According to current FFWCC documentation, the nearest active or potentially active bald eagle nest exists about 0.65 miles (about 3450 ft.) from the nearest boundary of the subject tract. This nest is Nest No. SE026 [Lat. 280 45.30'/Long. 810 14.70'; No activity for this nest has been recorded in the FFWCC database between 1989 and 1999. Neither this nest, nor any of three others slightly farther away in the near region (SE028, SE040 or SE049) are located such that the subject tract lies within a regulated radius therefrom. No other animal species listed by state and/or federal agencies as endangered, threatened or of special concern were observed to or are known to occur on the subject tract. 2. AGENCIES WITH JURISDICTION FOR PERMITTING AND TYPES OF PERMITS/APPROVALS REQUIRED: Below are described the environmental regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the subject property and the permits normally required from those agencies. Other Construction specific permits such as with the Department of Transportation are not included here. Depending upon the degree to which unavoidable wetland impacts are required, a Standard General or Individual Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) from the St. Johns River Water Management District (StJRWMD). Currently, and until the Nationwide 26 Permit format is replaced as planned sometime during the year 2000, a Nationwide 26 or Individual U. S. Army Corps of Engineers permit may be required legally disturb federal wetlands. /' DavidC Dunlap, . Golden take, Parcels 3A1a, C, E & F - Environmental Evaluation January 5, 2000.' , Page 4 Closure: We trustthat this report provides the preliminary information necessary for this level ofyourev'aluation., and we appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions with regard to this report, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Cole~an Holt, M. F. S. Private Environmental Consultant Attachments: Location Map Soils Map and Legend Environmental Map . Bald Eagle Inquiry and Response. ..I'."'.:~~l''t''-::' ~~ r..:"Jlf'\~~ ~\I.I~~~;tIt~ry~"-:~11 r.';1~~f.lI'~~;~:~:\'4Il!'''~~'''~'' Jl;~~!'t:?,t'lr'~;Y::f~\:": ="~111! 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I JE Il2I ~ t- o 8 I CA M@~ 11 U. 1ll1e. A ~re" ~ 9 ~: (:) ~ ~ I~ ~ 0 ,~ EAST - ~ MARQUETTE AVENUE LEGEND -d WeUand line & points Ul FLUCFCS. Type Code · ... Tortoise burrow. . - n.oc:rc:s: I\oci.d4 Lu:a.4 0... eo.,... 6: ronu t"'I--ur-u_ ~ mot. lU&G /IlE1( aAlE' lJESCt{IP1/OH A ot-<l3-<lO ~f__ to_tofl loll a:uG 4.d..4 10-88-80 III HARDlNC LA WSON A; c.a.a.u. IL P. rm.t. CIntroam-.td ~ 3I7lD REGIONAL ENGINEER; tndI. ~ n. lIl!7'M; Ph. __~ rx. _-~ 6500 ALL AMERICA!. ORLANDO. FlORIDA l.iE.E.L CERnc70C 1j - It/ll/W NXJ .>B LAND USE, PLANT COMMUNITY ACREAGES FLUCFCS . FLUCFCS Estimated Estimated lTES/ WNERS AND SURlIEYORS, INe. I. <107/522-7570 ?--IJ50 FAX: <107/522-7576 ITHORtZA 1ION , IB 41'41 Code Description Acreaae ~ of Area JJB NO.--E!1!.- CALC IIY ~ MA..... IIY.JY!J!:.. aEt><ID IIY -"J DAlE" ,O~~ FlEW DAlE" /JbJ SliT. ---.!- OF....!... UPLANDS 111 211 212 323 414 Single FamUy Residential Improved Pasture Unimproved Pasture other Scrub &: Brush Pine-Mesic <>Ok TOTAL UPLANDS WETLANDS &: SURFACE WATERS 523 ~ Lake; 10 to 100-Ac. 630 . Mixed Forested Wetland 640 Vegetated, Non-forested Wetland. 2.63 7.41 1.88 1.32 3.68 16.92 9.16 25.82 6.55 4.60 12.82 58.95 11.10 38.68 0.15 0.52 0.53 1.85 TOTAL WEllANDS 11.78 41.05 TOTAL PROJECT lRACT 28.70 100.00 * Vegetated, Non-forested Wetland Includes only the Immediate shoreline above observed water-line. other areas of emergent vegetation are Included with surface waters; FLUCFCS T)fle 523. APPROXIMATE AREAS: PARCEL AREA 3A 5.0 ACRES :I: 3B 7.0 ACRES :I: 3C 6.5 ACRES :I: 3E 5.0 ACRES :I: 3F 5.2 ACRES :I: ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 200 ft. ENVIRONMENTAL MAP Lots 3A, 38, 3C, 3E, &: 3F SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA