HomeMy WebLinkAbout3326 ORDINANCE NO. 3326 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SA~FORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3117, SECTION 2, SCHEDULE B, PERMITTED USES, SAID ORDINANCE BEING TEE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, ADDING THE REGULATION OF COMM'JNICATION TOWERS IN SCHEDULE B; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3117, SECTION 2, SCHEDULE E ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC USES, TO ADD THE REGULATION OF COMMUNICATION TOWERS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, EFFECTIVE DATE AND INCLUSION. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford would like to provide for the location of communication towers and communication antennas in the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to protect residential areas and land uses from potential adverse impacts of communication towers and antennas, and to minimize adverse visual impacts of communication towers and antennas through careful design, siting, and landscaping; and WHEREAS, the City Commission would also like to accommodate the growing need for communication towers and antennas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TEE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 3117, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, Section 2, Schedule B, Permitted Uses, is amended by the addition of "Communication Tower (3)" and by an amendment to footnote 5, and by the addition of footnote 24, as follows: SCHEDULE B PERMITTED USES (3) This use is subject to certain specific requirements. (See Schedule E, Additional Requirements and Provisions for Specific Uses.) 15) Such uses shall be permitted within specifically approved and recorded easements, rights-of-way and land or water areas identified for such purposes in the public records of the City of Sanford and/or Seminole County. If not provided for in the previously described manner such uses shall be permitted only after being approved as a conditional use. Such uses shall specifically exclude communication towers. (24) Communication towers up to a maximum height of two hundred (200) feet shall be permitted by right. Communication towers greater than two hundred (200) feet in height shall be permitted only after being approved as a conditional use. (*) Indicates that the use listed is permitted subject to complying with Planned Development Project Regulations. (Schedule D, Planned Development Project Regulations). SECTION 2: Ordinance No. 3117, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, Section 2, Schedule E, Additional Requirements for Specific Uses, is amended by adding Section 13.0, Communication Towers, as follows: SCHEDULE E ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC USES SECTION 13.0 CO~2gJNICATION TOWERS Communication towers include towers greater than 35I in height (including antenna) which support communication equipment. Communication towers do not include amateur radio operator's equipment, as licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Communication towers include self-supporting lattice, guyed, and monopole types as well as any other type of all structures deemed to be a communication tower by the Administrative Official. A. Separation Standards. Towers shall be separated from single and two-family dwelling units and vacant land zoned single-family residential a minimum distance of two hundred feet (200') or a distance equal to three hundred percent (300%) of the height of the tower, whichever is greater. Towers shall be separated from existing multiple-family dwelling units a minimum distance of two hundred feet (200') or a distance equal to three hundred percent (300%) of the height of the tower, whichever is greater. Further, towers shall be separated from the property line(s) of adjacent vacant land(s) zoned multiple-family residential for a minimum horizontal distance that is equal to the vertical height of the tower in question. Separation distances shall be the shorter distance between the tower structure and the property line of the residential use or zoning in question. B. Lighting. Communication towers shall not be artificially lighted except as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). C. Color. Communication towers not requiring FAA painting/marking shall have either a galvanized finish or a non-contrasting blue, gray or black finish. D. Fencing. A minimum of eight feet (8') tall vinyl coated chain link fence or masonry wall with access through a locked gate shall be provided around each communication tower. E. Landscaping. A row of shade trees a minimum of eight feet tall (8') at time of planting and a maximum of ten feet (10') apart shall be planted around the outside perimeter of the fence. A continuous hedge of a minimum thirty --2-- Ordinance No. 3326 inches (30") in height at planting with shrubs spaced a maximum of thirty inches(30") apart shall be provided in front of the tree line. All landscaping shall be of the evergreen variety and irrigated or xeriscape tolerant and shall be properly maintained. F. Modification. Existing communication towers may be modified or rebuilt to an additional twenty feet (20') in height greater than the original height to provide for collocation of additional communication equipment. The height of such modified or rebuilt tower shall comply with separation requirements from residential uses and zoning districts as set forth in paragraph A, above. G. Abandonment. Discontinued use of a communication tower for 180 consecutive days shall be deemed abandonment. Determination of the date of abandonment shall be made by the Administrative Official who shall have the right to request documentation and/or affidavits from the communication tower owner/operator regarding the issue of tower usage. The communication tower owner/operator shall provide all required information within five (5) working days of a request being made. Upon such abandonment, the owner/operator shall either dismantle and remove the tower, request to reactivate the use of the tower or transfer the tower to another owner/operator. H. Antennas. Antennas mounted on existing buildings or structures shall not exceed a maximum of twenty feet (20') above the highest point of the structure or twenty percent (20%) of the building height, whichever is greater. Antennas shall be set back from the edge of the building or structure a minimum of ten feet (10') or ten percent (10%) of the roof depth, whichever is greater. I. Colocation. The City of Sanford desires to minimize the number and general proliferation of communication towers. This section is intended to insure that communication towers that are permitted within the City of Sanford are utilized in a manner that provides for the maximum number of service proriders upon each tower within the context of technical feasibility and safety. Further, this section is intended to minimize the number of such towers within the City of Sanford. Specifically, as a minimum, communication towers exceeding one hundred feet (100) in height shall be engineered and constructed to accommodate a minimum of two communication service proriders, e.g., one additional prorider. The City shall have the authority to require, specify and otherwise stipulate that communication towers be engineered and constructed in a manner that provides for two or more colocations as part of the conditional use and/or site plan approval processes. As a condition of approval of all communication towers and to the extent that colocation is technically feasible, all owners of existing communication towers shall, upon request of another service prorider and for reasonable and agreed upon consideration, permit additional communication service proriders upon such existing communication tower. Applicants desiring to construct new communication towers shall submit written documentation that clearly explains the need for and reasons for the proposed construction of a new communication tower rather than locating proposed antenna array/communication equipment upon an existing tower. Such documentation shall include plans of existing and future towers by the applicant/provider in question, Ordinance No. 3326 correspondence with existing communication tower owners and may include a cost analysis of alternatives. Existing service proriders, e.g., existing communication tower owners, that are unwilling, upon request of another service prorider, to allow colocation upon such existing tower, shall submit written documentation to the City with reasons and justification as to why such colocation cannot be accomplished. Competition between service proriders shall not be considered to be a valid reason for preventing or otherwise obstructing colocation. The City shall determine whether the applicant and/or the existing prorider are reasonable and correct in their respective assertions. If the City determines that either party is being unreasor~lble or otherwise uncooperative, the City shall deny the applicant's request for new tower and/or the City may cause the existing communication tower's approval to be revoked and said existing tower to be removed. Such determination involving existing tower owners shall be made in writing and adopted by a majority vote of the City Commission after an advertised public hearing. The owner shall be notified at least 15 days prior to such hearing. Upon adoption of such determination by the City Commission, the existing tower owner and the property upon which such tower is located shall be considered to be a violation of the City's Land Development Regulations and shall be subject to any and all remedies and penalties thereof. SECTION 4: SEVEP~ABILITY. If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 5: CONFLICTS. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 6: EFFECTIVE DATE. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. SECTION 7: INCLUSION. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be included and incorporated within the Land Development Regulations of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the Land Development Code shall be revised to accommodate such inclusion. ATTEST: As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Ordinance No. 3326 CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the~ay of February, A.D. 1997. the City C r ty , Florida "5'- Ordinance No. 3326