HomeMy WebLinkAbout3328 HARYANNE MCIRSE SEMINOLE COUNTY, FL. CLERK OF CI~!JiT COURT RF_CORDED & VER~IEL~ 0 21 tt I 8 97 MAR--3 AM o= 15 ORDINANCE NO. 3328 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, TO ANNEX WITHIN THE CORPO~TE ~EA OF THE CI~ OF SANFORD, UPON ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE, A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN PROPER~ LYING BE~EEN ROSE DRIVE AND FERN DRIVE AND BE~EEN PALNWAY AND SAN FORD AVENUE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VOLUNTARY ANNE~TION PROVISIONS OF SECTION 171.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR $EVE~ILI~, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHERe, ~ere has been filed wi~ ~e Ci~ Clerk of ~e Ci~ of Sanford, Florida, a pe[i~on con~inlng ~he name of ~he proper~ owner in ~he area described hereinaffer requesting annexation ~o ~he corpora[e area of ~e Ci~ of Sanford, Florida, and requesting [o be included ~herein; and WHERE,, ~he Prope~ Appraiser of Seminole County, Florida having ce~i~ed ~ha~ ~here is one prope~ owner in ~e area [o be annexed and [ha[ said proper~ owner has signed [he Petition for Annexation; and WHEREAS, i~ has been determined [ha[ [he properW described hereina~er is reasonably compac[ and cond~ous [o ~e corpora[e areas of ~e CiW of Sanford, Florida, and i[ has fu~her been determined ~ha~ ~he annexation of said properW will no~ resul~ in [he creation of any enclave; and WHE~A$, ~e CiW of Sanford, Florida, is in a posi~on [o provide municipal seaices [o [he prope~ described herein, and [ha[ [he CiW Commission of [he Ci~ of Sanford, Florida, deems i[ in ~he bes~ in~eres~ of ~he Ci~ ~o accep~ said petition and [o annex said properW. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CI~ OF SAN FORD, FLORIDA: SE~ION 1: Thai [he prope~ described below, si[ua[ed in Seminole Count, Florida, be and ~e same is hereby annexed [o and made a par[ of [he CiW of Sanford, Florida, pursuan[ volun~ annexdon provisions of Section 171.0~4, Florida S~u[es: Lo[ 13, plus ~e Noah 15 feel of Lo[ 14, Block 3, FLO~ HEIGHTS, According [o [he pla[ ~hereof as recorded in Pla[ Book 3, Page 19, of ~e Public Records of Seminole Count, Florida. SECTION 2: Thai upon ~is Ordinance becoming effective, ~he properW owner and any residen~ on ~he properW described herein shall be endtied ~o all [he righ~ and privil~es and immunities as are ~om dine [o dine gran[ed [o residenu and prope~ owner of ~he Ci~ of Sanford, Florida, as ~r[her provided in Chapter 171, Florida S~[u[es, and shall fu~her be subjec~ ~o ~he responsibilides of residence or ownership as may from dine ~o dine be determined by ~he governing au~horiW of ~he City of Sanford, Florida, and [he provisions of said Chapter 171, Florida Sutures. SECTION 3: If any section or portion of a s~don of [his Ordinance proves ~o be invalid, unlawful or unconsd[udonal, i[ shall no~ be held ~o impair [he validly, force or effec[ of any o~er section or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: That all Ordinances or pares of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and ~he same are hereby revoked. SECTION 5: That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this~:~Z/~ day of February, A.D. 1997. As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE 1, ]anet R. DouSeroy, City Clerk of the Cioj Of S~anfQrd, Florida, do hereby certify that a [rue and correct copy of [,he foregoing OrdinanCe No. 3328~:~ASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commissio. of me City of Sa.ford, norida; o~i:~Z~ay of Febr.ary, ~997, was posted at the ~,o.t ~oor o,..e city .a,, ,n the City ~;~:ii~ida, on .h.~'~ayo~Febr.ary, ~::! "2'- Ordinance No. 3328 OFFICIAL RECORDS eon~ .-- ,,~ ': ' i~ '.. SEHIHOI. ~ ,,~ .. !.:...:'..=: i ' o~E .,.':".. .."' ~ i i · ., _. , '. '~ i.~ iJ ~' ........,. :~ L..~ r. ~.~ F" L .... j " :