HomeMy WebLinkAbout3330 ORDINANCE NO. 33:~0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING PARAGRAPH (1) OF SECTION 2-263, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, ARTICLE XV, POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEI~I, OF CHAPTER 2 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CITY CODE TO DELETE THE REqUIREHENT THAT THE HAYOR SERVE AS ONE OF THE TRUSTEES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Sanford City Commission to amend the Police Officers' Retirement System as set forth in Article XV of the City Code in order Co remain eligible for the Casualty Insurance Premium Taxes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That paragraph ( 1 ) of Section 2-263, Board of Trustees, of Article XV, Police Officers' Retirement System is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2~6:3. Board of Trustees. (1) Board of Trustees; responsibilities; composition. The sole and exclusive administration of and responsibility for the proper operation of the System and for making effective the provisions of this Article are hereby vested in a Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is hereby designated as the plan administrator. The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) Trustees, two of whom, unless otherwise prohibited by law, shall be legal residents of the City, who shall be appointed by the Sanford City Commission, and two of whom shall be full-time Police Officers who are !~lembers of the System, who shall be elected by a majority of the Police Officers who are Members of the System. The fifth Trustee shall be chosen by a majority of the previous four Trustees as provided for herein, and such person's name shall be submitted to the Sanford City Commission. Upon receipt of the fifth person's name, the Sanford City Commission shall, as a ministerial duty, appoint such person to the Board of Trustees as its fifth Trustee. The fifth Trustee shall have the same rights as each of the other four Trustees appointed or elected as herein provided and shall serve a two (2) year term unless he sooner vacates the office. Each resident Trustee shall serve as Trustee for a period of two (2) years, unless he sooner vacates the office or is sooner replaced by the Sanford City Commission at whose pleasure shall serve. Each Police Officer Trustee shall serve as Trustee for a period two (2) years, unless he sooner leaves the employment of the City as a Police Officer or otherwise vacates his office as Trustee, whereupon a successor shall be chosen in the same manner as the departing Trustee. Each Trustee may succeed himself in office and the two Police Officer Trustees shall serve staggered terms. A City official who is otherwise eligible for appointment to the Board shall not be disqualified for consideration solely on the basis of his official status unless such is required by law. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least quarterly each year. The Board of Trustees shall be a legal entity with, in addition to other powers and responsibilities contained herein, the power to bring and defend lawsuits of every kind, nature, and description. SECTION 2: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 4: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this/D~day ofc~/~.j'] , A,D. 1997. ATTEST: LERK I As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida CEP~TIFICATE I, :Janet R. Dougheft,/, City Clerk~of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify of Sanford, Florida __~-_ O~a~cE ~o. 3330