HomeMy WebLinkAbout3343 ORDINANCE NO. 3343 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it iS the desire of the City Commission of the City of Sanford to adopt the Sanford Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures Manual; and WHEREAS, the adoption of the Procedures is to facilitate the operation of the Fire Department of the City of Sanford. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the aforementioned Procedures are hereby adopted and a copy of said Procedures is attached hereto as Exhibit 'IAII and is incorporated herein by reference; SECTION 2: If any section or portion of a section of said Procedures proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of an~ other section or part of said Procedures; SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked; SECTION 4: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9 da o~_ , . ., 97. ATTEST: ~ As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE I, Janct R. Doughcrt~,~ity Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 3343, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the ~' day of n~eCi 1997, was posted at the front door of the City Hall i ty Gf Sanford Florida, On the/O~ day of ~ , 1997. of Sanford, Florida f: \filee\97\sanf\ord\3343: nab --2-- ordinance No. 3343 STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURES MANUAL SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT Table of Contents 400 oRGA.,z T,o..EGULAT, O.S 100.01 Required Reading Materials 100.02 Station Manning 100.03 Position Ride Up 200 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 200.01 Leave and Leave Requests 200.02 Time Trades 200.03 School Leave 200.04 Promotions 300 CONDUCT REGULATIONS 300.01 Addressing Officers 300.02 Hair Guidelines 300.03 Tobacco Use 300.04 Profanity 400 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS 400.01 Equipment Color Coding 400.02 Riding on Apparatus 400.03 Open Vehicle Doors 400.04 Daily Equipment Check 400.05 Driver Responsibility During an Emergency Response 400.06 Driver Responsibility During a Non-Emergency Response 400.07 Portable Radio Possession Responsibility 400,08 Vehicles Ddven Through Bays 400.09 Securing Station 400, 10 Equipment Retrieval 500 DAILY DUTIES 500,01 Daily Routine 500.02 Daily Station Duties 500.03 Weekly Station Maintenance 500,04 Weekly Vehicle Maintenance 500.05 Incident Reports 600 STATION CONDUCT REGULATIONS 600.01 Telephone Procedures 600,02 Cdme Scene Marking 600.03 Hose Inventory 600,04 Visitation 600,05 Facility Use by Civilians 600.06 Disposal of City Property 600.07 Bulletin Board 600,08 Refrigerator Etiquette 700 UNIFORMS AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 700.01 Types of Protective Clothing 700.02 General Responsibilities for Protective Equipment 700,03 Wearing Protective Equipment 700.04 P.A.S.S. Device Use 700.05 Uniforms 700.06 Wearing 9f Uniforms 800 MECHANIC REGULATIONS 800,01 Supervision of Mechanics 800.02 Mechanic Duties and Responsibilities 800.03 Use of Utility 31 100 ORGANIZATION REGULATIONS 100.01 Required Reading Materials In addition to the following Rules & Regulations all Sanford Fire Department personnel will be familiar with the following: S.F.D. Operating Procedures S.F,D. Infectious Control Policy Seminole County ICS Manual Seminole County EMS Protocols Airport Operations Manual MSDS Book City/County Map Books City of Sanford Personnel Rules & Regulations City of Sanford Safety Policy Manual City of Sanford Affirmative Action Plan City of Sanford Classification & Pay Plan City of Sanford Civil Service Board Rules & Regulations 100.02 Station Manning Each shift is comprised of sixteen personnel, the breakdown is as follows: 1- Battalion Chief 3- Lieutenants 1- Firefighter/Mechanic 11 - Firefighters - Station Manning will be as follows: :~:.-~;:.¥!;~i~, ;i ., ;,'.' i!'! .;.~:'.i?;!~i,:~i~i!,.~i~.~!?':"'!,'~,.~i~!~i.i~i.!':'~!:~..~.',! ,':!~!~ii'~Li.:~!.~' ".; ~'i.i~-;"~.ii:~;,:i,~:..~i~.i.-:'.' .=.i=;, ~.~?= ~'.;:?:~:i: 16 1 6 5 4 15 1 6 5 3 14 1 5 5 3 13 1 5 4 3 If manning drops below the above listed levels the Battalion Chief on duty will hire off duty personnel the fill any vacancy that exists. In a situation during the week when it is necessary to hire an overtime because the mechanic creates the shortage, the overtime will be for the mechanic's work hours only. t00.03 Position Ride up ~ In absence of the Battalion Chief, the Lieutenant at Station 31 will ride up in the Battalion's " position. When a Lieutenant position vacancy exists it will be filled by a person designated by the Battalion Chief on duty. The person riding in either of the above positions will assume all the responsibilities, authorities, and privileges of that position and is to be given all the courtesy and respect due that position. Clarification: The person designated by the Battalion Chief on duty must meet all of the requirements for promotion. revised 10/95 J.T. Hickson, Fire Chief 200 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 200.01 Leave and Leave requests 1. Up to three (3) personnel per shift may granted leave at same time maximum. 2. Leave may be canceled by the Fire Chief in an emergency situation (natural disaster, conflagration, etc.). 3. Leave requests must be submitted to the immediate supervisor for signature then Battalion Chief for approval. 4. Leave requests may be submitted no more than three months prior to the first day of leave requested, summer vacation schedule being the only exception to this policy. 5. Requests will be accepted only during regular shift hours. Supervisors may be contacted at home in emergency situations only. 6. Leave will be granted on a first come first served basis on the day the request is received by the Battalion Chief. 7. If more requests than can be granted are received on the same day, seniority will be the deciding factor. This will not affect seniority status during summer vacation scheduling. 8. Requests will be considered as follows: 1. full days - first priority 2. partial days - second priority 9. Partial days may only submitted one shift in advance for censideration. 10. A maximum of two supervisors on the same shift may be off at the same time, 11. Only one mechanic between all three shifts may be off at the same time. 12. The "summer' vacation schedule shall be filled out according to the guidelines listed on that schedule. 200.03 School Leave Employees will be allowed time off to attend classes under the following conditions: 1. No more than three people total are off for the time requested. 2. Normal requests for leave time and sick leave will take precedence over school leave requests. 3. The Lieutenant is informed of the location, class times, and given an emergency phone number to contact if necessary. The above information is to be listed on the leave request. 200.04 Promotions All fire department personnel seeking promotions will be required to participate in a promotional process which may consist of an interview, written examination, tactical problem, or role playing exercise as deemed appropriate by the Fire Chief. 300 CONDUCT REGULATIONS 300.0'1 Addressing Officers All personnel shall address fire dept. officers by rank and last name. This practice will be strictly adhered to: 1. during business hours 2. anytime the public is present 3. on incident scenes 4. on the training ground 5. on the telephone or using the P.A. system 300.02 Hair Guidelines In order to properly function as a firefighter it is necessary to effect a complete seal of an S.C.B.A. facepiece. With this in mind careful grooming is necessary and conform to the following guidelines. - Hair: Hair is to be kept neat and functional. The back may not extend below the top of the collar of a class A uniform or interfere in any way with the donning, doting, or use of department issued protective safety equipment. Sidebums: 1. Shall not extend below the mid-ear. 2. Are to be neatly groomed. 3. A slight flair is permitted provided it does not extend into the seal area of an S,C.B.A. facapieca. 4. Mutton chops are not allowed. Mustaches: 1. Are to be neatly trimmed with the top lip exposed. 2. May not extend more than 1/2" below or beyond the corners of the mouth. 3. Handlebars, FuManchu's, beards, or goatees are not allowed. 300.03 Tobacco Use In order to safeguard our employees health and comply with the State of Florida Indoor Act, all City of Sanford fire stations are designated NO SMOKING areas. For the purposes of this standard users of smokeless tobacco and smoking tobacco will follow the same guidelines. 1. Tobacco use in the living areas of the stations is prohibited. 2. Tobacco use is allowed in the bay areas, smokers should open bay doors as necessary to provide proper ventilation. 3. Doors leading into the station are to remain dosed when any one is smoking in the bay. 4. Tobacco use is prohibited while driving or riding in or on fire department apparatus. 5. Tobacco use is prohibited while performing Fire safety surveys, inspections or when appearing at other public functions. 6. Smoking on a fire / rescue scene will be allowed when approved by the O.I.C. · 7. When on the scene in another department's jurisdiction personnel will follow the polides of that department. 300.04 Profanity The use of profanity is distasteful, unprofessional, and unbecoming of a firefighter and will not be tolerated, 400 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS ~., . 400.01 Equipment Color Coding In order to improve inventory control on our units a color coding system has been implemented. This system consists of colored pin striping tape applied to all equipment on each vehicle. Two pieces of tape are used. The first indicates the station while the second indicates the particular type apparatus. The exception to this would be reserve apparatus which will only have Engine or Rescue designation since these units are floaters and may be located at any station. The color codes are as follows: Station 31 - Maroon Station 32 - Neon Green Station 38 - Light Blue Engine - Red Rescue - Dark Blue ,, Tower - Yellow Boat - Metallic Brown VVhenever equipment is replaced or added it is to be color coded before being placed into service. Additional tape will be located in the Lieutenants desk at each station. 400.02 Riding on Apparatus All personnel are to be properly seated on all fire apparatus anytime the apparatus iS moving. Seat belts and or shoulder hamesses shall be wom. There is to be no one standing on any apparatus while it is moving. Exception: When loading 4" LDH supply line. 400.03 Open Vehicle Doors While parked in the bay and unattended all vehicle doors are to remain closed. 400.04 Daily Equipment Check A daily check will be performed on all Fire Dept. vehicles. This check will be done as soon as practical after shift change. The equipment check will be done as follows: 1. A visual walk around will be done before the vehicle is moved to if any body damage exists. All damage will be reported to the O.I.C. 2. Check All fluid levels oil, coolant, primer oil, battery electrolyte, steering fluid, brake fluid, tank water, fuel (3/4 tank minimum). 3. Check tires: tread depth, cuts, abrasions, punctures. 4. Pull vehicle out onto apron, where possible perform the remainder of the vehicle check behind the station. 5. Check warning lights, siren, and horn. 6. Check pump, if so equipped. Operated all valves, relief valve, transfer valve, also check operation of all gauges on pump panel. 7. On the Tower check the operation of the hydraulic system including outriggers and all boom controls. Also check out the breathing air system. 8. Inventory compartments for location and presence of equipment. Report any missing or damaged equipment to the O.I.C. 9. Gasoline power tools are to be started, run, and filled with fuel, if necessary. All components of the tool are to be operated, spreaders, rams, cotters, etc. Avoid running tools such as the partner saw on concrete or asphalt since these surfaces tend to severely abrade the tool case. 10. Wash vehicle if needed. Daily check out is to be completed before any other assignment is started. Special exceptions are at the discretion of the O.I.C. 400.05 Driver Responsibility During an Emergency Response The driver of an emergency vehicle has many responsibilities but the most important of all is to exercise good common sense. The following is a list of driver responsibilities. 1. Ensure that all personnel are seated and belted in before moving the vehicle. Jump seat personnel can either knock twice on the window or turn their dome light on then off to signal ready to respond. 2. Do not proceed until you are sure of the address and know where you are going! 3. The door closer is to be operated by the Lieutenant, engine, or rider, rescue truck, when the apparatus has cleared the bay door. The driver should pull out far enough then wait for the Lieutenant or rider advise okay to go. 4. The traffic signal in front of stations 31 and 32 is to be activated for all emergency responses, DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL A GREEN UGHT IS DISPLAYED AND TRAFFIC HAS YIELDED. 5. During an emergency response the use of all warning devices is required by state law. Anything less is prohibited. 6. The driver shall approach a red light or stop sign with extreme caution and WILL COME TO A COMPLETE STOP. The driver will then proceed only when the right of way is i,, clear. Remember waming devices only "ask" for the right of way. 7. When responding to an emergency, vehicle speed SHALL NOT EXCEED 10 MPH OVER THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT. 8. When it becomes necessary to drive against the flow of traffic, northbound in a southbound lane, vehicle speed shall not exceed 20 mph at any time. 9. Hom Signals: a) 1 long blast = shut down hydrant b) 2 long blasts = open hydrant c) 10blasts or more = ALL personnel are to immediately leave the building. 10. Fire Dept. apparatus will not drive over privately owned land unless absolutely necessary. 11. Park out of traffic lanes whenever possible. When parked in a traffic lane use the traffic cones provided on each truck to secure a safe work area. 13. Keep compartment doors closed on emergency scenes for safety and security. 14. It is the responsibility of the driver to track the location of all assigned equipment. 15. It is the drivers responsibility to make sure the apparatus is returned to service as soon as the truck returns to station. 400.5 cont'd. 16. When back in quarters the driver will do a walk around and note any new damage found on the apparatus. 17. It is the Lieutenant's responsibility to ensure that all personnel assist in returningthe apparatus to service, 400;06 Ddve~'sResponsibility During a Non Emergency Response The ddver of an emergency vehicle has many responsibilities but the most important of all is to exe~Tcise gOod,common sense. The foilowing is a list of driver responsibilities: 1. Ensure that all personnel are seated and belted in before moving the vehicle. Jump seat personael can either knock twice on the window or turn their dome light .or] then off to signal ready to respond. 2. Do not proceed until you are sure of the address and know where you are going! 3. The door closer is to be operated by the Lieutenant, engine, or rider, rescue truck when the apparatus has cleared the bay door. The driver should pull out far enough then wait for the Lieutenant or rider advise okay to go. 4. The driver is responsible for the overall safe operation of the apparatus. 5. Obey all traffic laws. 6. Do not manually shift vehicles equipped with automatic transmissions. 7. Do not park apparatus in a fire lane or no parking zone unless on an alarm~ 8. Do not back up any apparatus unless a spotter is in position and directing you. 9. Vehicles are not to be backed up to retrieve equipment or reload hose. When reloading 4" LDH turn the truck around and load while moving forward at idle speed. 10. Park vehicles inside when not in use. This reduces paint fading, keeps the apparatus cleaner, and provides better security. 400.07 Portable Radio Possession Responsibility It will be the responsibility of the company officer to maintain possession of the portable radio on the engine and or tower. It will be the rider's responsibility on the rescue to maintain possession of the portable radio. At no time is any portable radio to be left in any unattended vehicle. 400.08 Vehicles Driven Through Bays Any time a vehicle is driven through a station bay it is incumbent on the driver to exerdse extreme caution for the safety of all personnel and any citizens that might be present. For this reason no one will operate a vehicle above an absolute idle while in any station bay, 400.09 Station Securing The last unit to leave any station for any reason is responsible to secure all doors before leaving. 400.10 Equipment Retrieval The following guidelines are to be utilized with regards to the retrieval of EMS equipment: 1 ) Equipment is to be retrieved as soon as possible after an incident. 2) The crew assigned to the unit from which the equipment was used is responsible for equipment retrieval and decontamination. 3) Any equipment that goes to an out of county hospital or Fla. Hospital AItamonte after 00:00 (time alarm was initiated) Monday through Friday, except holidays, may be retrieved by paging MS-31 between 06:30 & 07:30. 4) Weekend and holidays equipment going to an out of county hospital or Fla. Hospital Altamonte after 00:00 (time alarm was initiated) will be retrieved by the oncoming shift. 5) Equipment that has gone to CFRH or SSCH after 03:00 (time alarm was initiated) will be retrieved by the oncoming shift. Effective: 10/15/95 J.T. Hickson, Fire Chief 500 DAILY DUTIES 500.01 Daily Routine Daily routine will be as follows: 1. All personnel will check with the duty lieutenant upon arrival and no later than 08:00. At check in each firefighter will receive an assignment for the day. 2. Station duties will be done according to protocol. 3. Persons assigned driving responsibility will do a daily equipment check. 4. Vehicles are to be propedy checked, restocked and cleaned before any breaks are taken. 5. After the above is completed a coffee break may be taken until assignment time. 6. Training days, Monday, Tuesday,- Wednesday, and Thursday morning classes will start at 09:30 and last until 12:00 unless othenvise noted. 7. Maintenance days, Monday and Friday, work begins at 09:30 and lasts until 12:00. 8. Lunch time will be from 12:00 until 14:00 unless projects or assignments dictate otherwise. Dudng this time period it is permissible to lie down as long as it is done in the dormitory with the door closed. Sleeping on the fumiture in the day room is prohibited. 9. From 14:00 until 18:00 the schedule as listed in # 6 and #7 above is repeated. Times listed may be extended as necessary to accomplish objectives. 10. Saturday and Sunday can be utilized for driver training/area survey, special projects or details, or other scheduled events. As with the other days of the week no one is permitted to lay down before 12:00. 11. All personnel are to adse at 07:00 when the station tones sound off. At this time the station is to be made ready for the oncoming shift. 12. All training schedules, activities, and projects are subject to change. The Monthly training calendar shall be posted no later than the 25th of the previous month.(Aug.25 for September) 500.02 Daily Station Duties Daily one firefighter will be assigned the responsibility of Station Duty. Station Duty will include but not be limited to: Momings: 1. Kitchen clean up 2. Bathroom dean up 3. Empty all waste baskets 4. Raise flag Evenings: 1. Lower flag 2. Take out garbage 3. Kitchen clean up All Member Responsibilities 1. Sweep bay floors 2. Wash, dry, and fold laundry as necessary 3. Sweep and mop all tile floors 4. Vacuum carpets The station is to be left in a presentable condition for the oncoming shift. 500.03 Weekly Station Maintenance Weekly station maintenance is to be done on Mondays and will include the following duties: INSIDE: 1. Bathrooms are to be thoroughly cleaned including scrubbing shower stalls, toilets, urinals, and shower curtains. 2. Offices are to be cleaned including vacuuming, dusting, waxing furniture, and cleaning light fixtures as needed. 3. Air conditioning filters are to be removed and cleaned. 4. Windows are to be washed inside and out. 5. Tile floors are to be swept, mopped and waxed when necessary. 6. The kitchen is to be cleaned including 'wipe down of all cabinets, cleaning the stove top and oven if necessary, cleaning out the refrigerator, and cleaning the microwave oven. 7. The apparatus bay floors are to be washed down and any oil or grease spots treated with concrete cleaner. 8. Other maintenance details as deemed necessary by the company officer. OUTSIDE: 1. All trash and debris is to be removed. 2. Grass is to be mowed weekly during spring and summer and as needed during the fall and winter months. 3. The yard is to be trimmed and edged as necessary. The flower beds are to be kept weeded. 4. Always check fluid levels before using equipment. 5. Be sure to..use only oil mixed fuel in all two cycle equipment. If you don't know how to mix the fuel ask! 500.4 Weekly Vehicle Maintenance Fridays are reserved for weekly maintenance of vehicles. The following are minimum guidelines for apparatus maintenance. 1. All staff vehicles will be washed, vacuumed, and the glass cleaned. . _ 2. All apparatus including reserves will be washed, vacuumed, and the glass cleaned. 3. The above will include cleaning the inside of equipment compartments. 4. The exterior of apparatus and staff vehicles will be waxed as necessary. 5. The interior of apparatus and staff vehicles will be treated with preservatives as necessary. 500.05 Incident Reports Incident reports are to be entered into the computer according to the following protocol: 1. As soon as possible after the call is completed both the Seminole County EMS Report and the Flodda Fire Incident Report are to be entered into the computer. 2. Personnel must complete all reports before leaving the station, On calls that occur after 07:30 the department will pay up to one half hour overtime after units have returned to the station to complete the report, 3. The responsibility for obtaining and recording all necessary information is as follows: a. BLS calls run by the rescue: EMT b. ALS cells run by the rescue: Medic c. BLS calls run by the engine: Driver d, Fire calls: First due engine officer 600 STATION CONDUCT REGULATIONS 600.01 Telephone procedures Telephone procedures are as follows: Station 3'1: 1. 322-4952, 322-9400, 330-5654 are designated administrative lines from 08:00 until 16:30 Monday through Friday. These numbers are to be used for administration business only. 2. All lines are to be answered in the following manner: "Sanford Fire Dept. Station __ title and last name." 3. Administrative lines are to be answered by any available personnel if any line rings more than four times. 4. Non administrative personnel must use 322-6019 dudrig business hours. Calls coming in on the administrative lines will not be put through unless it is an emergency. 5. After business hours, on weekends, and holidays 322-9400 and 330-5654 may be used for personal calls, 6. 322-4952 is for use by administrative personnel only and not to be used by non administrative personnel to make or receive personal calls at any time. Station 32: 1. 322-7134 may be used to make or receive personal cells. 2. 322-9165 is to be kept open for administrative purposes. Station 38: 1. 324-0877 may be used to make or receive personal cells. 2. 324-0984 iS to be kept open for administrative purposes. All personal calls are to be limited to a duration of ten minutes. 600.02 Crime Scene Marking VVhen a crime victim or accident patient must be moved mark the ocation of the victim if asked to do so by the police dept. Paint to accomplish the above will be placed on all dept. vehicles. 600.03 Hose Inventory It is the responsibility of each company officer to maintain an adequate inventory of hose at each station. Adequate would be enough to reload apparatus, front line only, housed at that' - particular station. 600.04 Visitation . Visits from civilian personnel on fire dept. property shell be limited to 45 minutes and will not interfere with of any dept. facilities by dept. personnel. The above applies to both indoors and out doors visits, 600.05 Facility Use by Civilians Fire Department facilities, grounds, or buildings shall not be used by non-city employees. Exceptions: 1. The restrooms and water fountain may be used by the general public. 2. The air compressor will be made available to other city departments. 3. The department will continue to fill SCBA cylinders for utilities or any other department that has a need. 4. The department will fill SCUBA cylinders for Law Enforcement officers that possess a current certification card. 600.06 Disposal of City Property Fire Department personnel shall not dispose of any city property without proper'- authorization, When disposing of any property the proper paperwork must be filled out and filed with the city property clerk in accordance with the dty policy manual. 600.07 Bulletin Board All personnel must read the bulletin board every morning at the beginning of the shift to keep abreast of new information. ie. policy changes, memos, etc. - - 600.08 Refrigerator Etiquette The following guidelines are to be followed in regards to use of the refrigerators located in each station. 1, Items put in the refrigerator are the property of that person and are to be left alone by everyone else. 2. Any item placed must be tagged by the individual in order for the above to apply. 3. All items left in the refrigerator will be discarded on Mondays during station maintenance unless the owner tags the item asking it to be kept. 4. Food left open or uncovered will be discarded on a daily basis. 5. The items listed above also are intended to address the freezer sections of the refrigerator. 700 UNIFORMS AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 700.01 Types of Protective Clothing The style, color, material, and design of protective clothing issued by the Department shall be prescribed by the Chief of the Department. The following is a list of acceptable equipment. HELMET: All personnel will be issued a UL certified NFPA 1972 compliant helmet by the Department. Employees are allowed to provide there own helmet as long as it meets all standards listed above and is approved by the Chief of the Department. Employees using their own helmets assume all costs and the responsibility of maintaining the helmet in sound serviceable condition. The following accessories are allowed on the helmet: 1. Front shield: A leather front with department name, rank, and station number. 2. The rear of the helmet may have the person's last name for identification purposes. 3. The sides of the helmet may have a rank/title crescent and orthe Star of Life. 4. A flashlight bracket may be attached to the helmet provided it does not interfere with the operation of the faceshield. 5. Sprinkler/door wedges, door straps may be secured to the helmet. 6. Additional buttons, badges, decals, or objects of any kind, other than those listed above, are prohibited. 7. The helmet shell, strap, faceshield, or suspension system, is not to be altered in any way without specific permission to do so since any alteration may void the manufacturer's warranty. Maintenance: t. The helmet is to be kept in a reasonably clean condition. 2. The facesRield is to be kept clean to ensure maximum visibility. Cracks, melting, or warping will be reason to replace the faceshield. 3. Helmets are not to be painted as doing so will void the manufacturer's warranty. HOOD: An NFPA 1971 certified hood will be provided. TURNOUT COAT: A UL listed NFPA 1971 compliant turnout coat will be supplied by the department. Alterations of any kind without specific permission are prohibited since doing so may lead to serious injury and void the manubcturer's warranty. 700.01 cont'd. The turnout coat is a three piece assembly (shell, vapor barrier, and liner). It must be wom in its entirety. TURNOUT PANTS: UL listed NFPA 1971 compliant turnout pants will be supplied by the department. . _ Alterations of any kind without specific permission are prohibited since doing so may lead to serious injury and void the manufacturer's warranty. Tumout pants are a three piece assembly (shell, vapor barrier, and liner) and must be wom in its entirety. SUSPENDERS: A suitable pair of suspenders will be provided. Buttons, badges, drawings, decels, writings (other than name) are not to be displayed on suspenders. GLOVES: A pair of UL listed NFPA 1973 compliant Gloves will be provided. Alterations of any kind without specific permission are prohibited since doing so may void the manufacturers warranty. Employees may purchase their own gloves provided they meet the criteria listed above and are approved the Fire Chief. Any employee providing his/her own gloves will assume all responsibility for those gloves. BOOTS: A pair of UL listed NFPA 1974 compliant boots will be provided. Personnel have the choice of either the "Lite" boot or standard knee boot. Three quarters (thigh) boots are not permitted. FACEPIECE: An S.C.B.A. facepiece will be provided for each person. All personnel will be fit tested to ensure that a proper seal can be accomplished by each person. 700.02 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 1. Each person will be held responsible for all issued items. 2. Misuse or abuse of equipment will not be tolerated. 3. Protective equipment is to be kept clean in accordance with manufacturer's and NFPA recommendations, 4. It is each individual's responsibility to advise the company officer when equipment is in need of repair or replacement. 5. Protective equipment will be periodically inspected to ensure that it is clean and serviceable. 6, It will be each individual's responsibility to make financial reimbursement for lost equipment. ~:hiPerp..tective equipment is not to be used off duty without the express permission of the Fire 700,03 WEARING PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Full protective equipment, including a self contained protective breathing apparatus, will be wom when responding to the following types of incidents: 1. Any type of fire: structure, vehicle, brush, tmsh/dumpster etc. 2. Mechanical alarms 3. Bomb threats 4. When responding to hazardous situations It will be the responsibility of the company officer to determine when it is appropriate to dress down in each of the above listed situations. During Vehicle extdcation all individuals in the actual extrication work will wear full tumouts for protection. This includes anyone inside the vehicle imm0bilizing the patient. When assigned to a rescue truck it is that individual's responsibility to have his/her turnouts on the truck. 700,04 P.A.S.S. DEVICE USE The department is placing into service P.A.S.S.(Personal Alert Safety System) devices. The P.A,S.S. is intended to serve as an audible warning when the wearer has either stopped'- moving, automatic mode, or needs immediate assistance, manual override.' The P.A.S.S. when used properly will provide our personnel with an increased level of safety when in a hazardous environment. The device is located on the right side waist strap of every self contained protective breathing apparatus in service at this time. The P.A.S.S. device is to be activated anytime an S.C.B.A. is donned and a hazardous environment is encountered. 700.05 UNIFORMS Sanford Fire Department daily uniforms shall consist of the following: Shirt: Department issue with current SFD patch on left sleeve and current EMT or Paramedic patch on right sleeve. Attachments: 1, Badge to be located on left chest. 2. Name tag to be located on right pocket flap. 3. City service pin to be located on dght pocket flap. 4. Two collar pins to be located one on each collar lapel. 5. One Special service/team pin to be located above right pocket flap centered. Pants: Department issue navy blue dress pants only. Socks: Employee provided Navy blue, black or white in color. Solid colors only stripes, plaids, or other designs are not acceptable. Belt: Employee provided belt is to be of leather black in color and may be plain or have a ( basket weave design. The buckle is to be plain or may be a department related design as long as it is in good taste. Shoes: Department issue shoes will be black leather safety shoes. No exceptions. T shirt: Department issue ash grey in color with department logo on left chest and "Sanford Fire Rescue" on the back. For the purpose of clarity the above listed uniform will be known as a "class A" uniform. Coverails: Department issue' navy blue in color with current SFD patch on left sleeve and current EMT or Paramedic patch on dght sleeve. Gym shorts: Department issue navy blue in color with department logo on left leg. Ball cap: Employee provided navy blue in color with department logo on the front. Badges, pins, or buttons are prohibited to be affixed to a ball cap that is worn as part of the department uniform. 700,05 Uniforms cont'd. Sweatshirt: · ~ Employee provided navy blue in color with department logo on left chest and "Sanford Fire ~' Rescue" on the back. Pullover non-hooded for department use only. Sweat pants: _ Employee provided navy blue in color with the department logo on the left leg.. Wind Breaker: Department issue navy blue nylon wind breaker with department logo on the left chest. Replaces the "London fog" style jacket. Car coat: Department issued navy blue heavy nylon insulated jacket 700.06 WEARING OF UNIFORMS Class "A" Uniforms shall be worn at the following times: 1. When reporting for duty employees are to enter the station in a complete uniform. 2. When attending a funeral as a representative of the Department. 3. While conducting a Safety Survey, Pre fire planning a building, or doing a familiarization tour. 4. While attending classes. 5. When making a Public Education presentation to a school, civic group, pdvate organizations, other government offidals, etc. 6. When giving a station tour. 7. Anytime outside the station on a non-work detail. A class "B" may be worn at the following times: 1. When participating in a work detail that is physical in nature such as station or vehicle maintenance. 2~ While participating in a training exercise that is physical in nature or requires the use of protective equipment. 3. When responding to a cell that requires the use of turnout gear. 4. When answering calls after 17:00 hrs. 5. Coverails may be used as a class "A" uniform while a class "A" uniform is being laundered. 6. When in quarters. Gym shorts and T shirt will be the standard sleep were for all employees. Fire department sweat shirts may be worn the same times as a T shirt when weather conditions dictate:' Department sweatpants may be worn the same time as shorts when weather conditions dictate. The O.I.C. may designate a certain part of the day as time for physicel fitness training. Dudng that time T shirts, shorts and tennis shoes will be considered an acceptable uniform as long as personnel are actively participating in exercise. All personnel will remain in a department issued uniform during the entire shift changing only when relieved by oncoming personnel. Under certain circumstances and classes, gym shorts or sweats may be wom, i.e. weter rescue or dive classes. Decisions on proper apparel for these special situations will be left up to the officer in charge. 700.06 Wearing of uniforms Cont. Mechanics may report to work in a department issued work uniform and remain in same until mechanic duties are completed for the day at which time they will change into the appropriate class "A" or "B" uniform. 800 MECHANIC REGULATIONS 800.01 Supervision of mechanics Firefighter/Mechanic vehicle maintenance activities will be directly supervised by the respective Battalion Chief, The Battalion Chief will keep the Chief and Assistant Chief" informed of any major repairs or costly projects. 800.02 Mechanic duties and responsibilities The following is a list of duties and responsibilities that all three mechanics are to follow. 1. Each mechanic will keep legible records regarding the costs, pads and labor, of maintaining each vehicle. 2. A record of all P.M. work done to vehicles will be kept. 3. Any repairs not completed at the end of a day will be noted in writing and passed on to the oncoming mechanic. 4. Any service contract with a vendor must have written approval of the Fire Chief. 5. It is each mechanids responsibility to keep the shop secure at all times. 6. Tools and pads in the shop are to be used on Fire Department only. 7. Keys to the tool and pads lockers will kept by the Chief, Assistant Chief, Battalion Chiefs, and the mechanics only. 800.03 Use of Utility 31 Utility 31 is primarily for the mechanic to use as necessary from 08:00 until 17:30 or when the mechanic is done for the day. Anyone wanting to use the truck during this time frame must consult with mechanic first. ~ SB~I~ S001318SOS EI9 . ,StNSOIONI q~lOlH.. 18I SLNBGIONI ~BHiO. 68~ Sqq~3 SWB )6'~6 () 9 ££ S~I~ ~0 )~ 0 I I S~BI~ ~3HiO 0 I ~ S~I.~ HSI88~/' s 0 0 ~I S~BI~ '0 0 0 SBqOIH~A ~BHIO )~I 0 0 o S~BI~ OIR~ 0 0 I 3~9~A HIIM 3~IS1~0 )~8 0 ~ ~ , 3BRIOR~IS'9~IOI 0 0 0 AiB3dOBd q~133dS .01 I] 0 ~B~BOIS 0 0 0 AIIgItO'~ A~ISOONI' 0 0 0 S33I~0 ~ S~OIS. 0 0 0 3~3 HIq~H 0 0 0 SNOII~IIISNI 9~N3a'~ 0 0. 0 S3839903 ~ S~OOHOS~.'.. o'z o o )~'~8 0 ~' ~ ~ 9~IIN3~IS3B 9~101 0 O. 0 J~IIN3OIS3B B3HIO,'. 0 0 0 S]310W ~' S9310H -,. 0 0 0 ,SIN3WIB~d~ A~daOOdd U~!I~A~3 U;~I~A!3 uaq~nN seun~onJ~ u~ seJ~,~- ;2)3S 0E:60'AHG Z~ ~ O~ 6 8 Z 9 3 8 V 3 8