HomeMy WebLinkAbout4216 Referndum Election/Charter AmdmtsOrdinance No. 4216 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida calling for a referendum election to be held on November 2, 2010 for the purposes of proposing to the electorate of the City of Sanford various proposals to revise the Charter of the City of Sanford; providing for revisions to the City Charter by amending Section 3.01 relating to the residency requirement for the City Manager, amending Section 6.07 relating to City Commission districts and amending Section 8.01 relating to publication of notice pertaining to proposed City Charter amendments; providing for the call of a referendum election; providing for the duties of the City Clerk and others; providing for inclusion in the City Charter and powers and authority for the Code codifier; providing for conflicts; providing for severability and providing for effective date of this Ordinance and an effective date of proposed City Charter amendments which are approved by the electorate. Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Sanford to propose to the electorate of the City of Sanford a series of revisions to the City Charter at a referendum election in accordance with the provisions of Section 166.031, Florida Statutes; and Whereas, for purposes of this Ordinance, underlined type shall constitute additions to the original text, * ** shall constitute ellipses to the original text and GtFikethFeUffh shall constitute deletions to the original text; provided, however, that completely new text shall not be legislatively scored. Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. City Manager. Section 3.01 of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, is proposed to be amended as follows: Section 3.01. Appointment; qualifications; compensation. The commission shall appoint a city manager for an indefinite term and fix the compensation. The manager shall be appointed solely on the basis of executive and 1IPa Je administrative qualifications. Section 2. Ballot Question One. The form of the ballot for the City Charter amendments provided for in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be as follows: City Manager. (Section 3.01). The City Charter provides that the City Manager need not be a resident of the City or State at the time of appointment, but shall reside inside the City while in office. The City Charter is proposed to be amended to remove that requirement. Shall the proposed City Charter amendment be adopted? Yes [ ] No [ ] Administrador de la Ciudad. (Seccion 3.01). La Carta Municipal provee que el Administrador de la Ciudad no necesita ser residente de la ciudad o del estado a la hora de su nombramiento pero si tiene que residir dentro de la ciudad mientras ocupe el cargo. Se propone que la Carta Municipal se enmiende para eliminar ese requisito. �,Deberia adoptarse la propuesta enmienda a la Carta Municipal? Si [] No [ ] Section 3. City Commission Redistricting. Section 6.07 of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, is proposed to be repealed and amended all new text added as follows: Section 6.07. City Commission Districts and Redistricting. 21Page (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter the Mayor shall represent the City as a whole and be elected by electors throughout the City. Each City Commissioner shall represent a single City Commission district, shall actually physically reside in the district for which they seek office from the date of qualification for office until the expiration of the term of office for which elected and shall be elected solely by the voters of that district. (b) There shall be four (4) City Commission districts that shall be established, defined and geographically described areas of the City as defined by Ordinance Number 4032 and subsequent successor ordinances relating to City Commission redistricting as required by this Charter, general law and constitutional principles. Each district shall be formed from compact contiguous territory with the boundary lines following the centers of streets to the extent practicable. Due consideration shall be given to maintaining the geographical integrity of neighborhoods and developments within the individual districts. City Commission district lines shall be constructed so as to comply with the constitutional principles of equal and effective representation required by applicable State and Federal guidelines. The City Commission shall give due consideration to the multiple constitutional principles involved in the electoral process and shall give due regard for the opportunity of minority representation on the City Commission as a part of the redistricting process in compliance with applicable State and Federal constitutional standards. (c) An incumbent Commissioner's seat number may change due to the realignment process occurring during redistricting. However, no incumbent Commissioner shall have a term of office cut short by the adoption of a redistricting plan. 31Page (d) The City Commission may modify City Commission districts by the enactment of a successor ordinance under such processes, procedures and redistricting committees and /or consultants the City Commission may deem to be desirable. The City Commission shall begin the initiation of a redistricting process for City Commission districts within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the official Decennial Census data every ten (10) years so as to finalize the redistricting process one hundred fifty (150) days in advance of the first date to qualify for thEi next regular City election. In the event the redistricting process is not completed prior to said one hundred fifty (150) day advance period, the City Commission shall accomplish the redistricting process as soon as is reasonably possible thereafter. The official Decennial Census data shall be the authoritative source for demographical data used in reconstituting City Commission districts in compliance with applicable State and Federal standards. Section 4. Ballot Question Two. The form of the ballot for the City Charter amendments provided for in Section 3 of this Ordinance shall be as follows: City Commission Districts. (Section 6.07). The City Charter provides for four (4) City Commissioners selected from City Commission districts with the Mayor running for Citywide election. The City Charter is proposed to be amended to comply with State and Federal laws which require redistricting. Redistricting would occur shortly after each Decennial Census. Shall the proposed City Charter amendment be adopted? Yes [ ] No [ ] Distritos de la Comision de la Ciudad. (Secci6n 6.07) 41PaC,e La Carta Municipal provee cuatro (4) Comisionados de la Ciudad seleccionados de los distritos de la Comision de la Ciudad y un alcalde postulandose para la Eleccion Municipal. Se propone que la Carta Municipal se enmienda para cumplir con las leyes del estado y las leyes federales que exigen que se distribuyan de nuevo los distritos. Esta nueva distribucion ocurriria poco tiempo despues de cada Censo Decenal. �Deberia adoptarse la propuesta enmienda a la Carta Municipal? Si [] No [ ] Section 5. Charter Amendment. Section 8.01 of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, is proposed to be amended as follows: Section 8.01. Charter amendment. (a) Proposal of amendment. Amendments to this charter may be framed and proposed: (1) in the manner provided by law; or (2) by ordinance of the commission containing the full text of the proposed amendment and effective upon adoption; or (3) by the voters of the city; or (4) by report of a charter commission created by ordinance. Proposal of an amendment by the voters of the city shall be by petition containing the full text of the proposed amendment and shall be governed by the same procedures and requirements prescribed in article VII for initiative petitions until such time as a final determination as to the sufficiency of the petition is made, except that there shall be no limitation as to subject matter and that the petition must be signed by qualified voters of 5 1Page the city equal in number to at least twenty per cent (20 %) of the total number of qualified electors registered to vote at the last regular city election. The petitioners' committee may withdraw the petition at any time before the fifteenth (15th) day immediately preceding the day scheduled for the city vote on the amendment. (b) Election. Upon delivery to the city election authorities of the report of a charter commission, or delivery by the city clerk of an adopted ordinance or a petition finally determined sufficient, proposing an amendment pursuant to subsection (a), the election authorities shall submit the proposed amendment to the voters of the city at an election. Such election shall be announced by a notice G9RtaiRiRg trhe- semplet° tex4 of the published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the city at least 30 days prior to the date of the election or as otherwise may be required by State law for referendum elections Th e eleGtieR shall be held R„f I eGG th (c) Adoption of amendment. If a majority of the qualified voters of the city voting upon a proposed charter amendment vote in favor of it, the amendment shall become effective at the time fixed in the amendment or, if no time is therein fixed, 30 days after its adoption by the voters. Section 6. Ballot Question Three. The form of the ballot for the City Charter amendments provided for in Section 5 of this Ordinance shall be as follows: 6 1Pagc Notices Relating To Proposed Charter Amendments. (Section 8.01). The City Charter provides for publication of a lengthy and expensive notice of proposed Charter amendments. The City Charter is proposed to be amended to require publication of a Notice of proposed changes in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the City at least 30 days prior to the date of a referendum election or as otherwise may be required by State law. Shall the proposed City Charter amendment be adopted? Yes [] No [ ] Avisos que se Refieren a las Propuestas Enmiendas a la Carta. ( Seccion 8.01). La Carta Municipal proporciona la publicacion de una larga y cara notificacion de las enmiendas propuestas a la Carta Municipal. Se propone que la Carta Municipal se enmienda a exigir la publicacion de un Aviso de los cambios propuestos en uno o mas de los periodicos de circulacion local de la ciudad por to menos 30 dias antes de la fecha de una eleccion referendum o segun sea exigido por la ley del estado. �,Deberia adoptarse la propuesta enmienda a la Carta Municipal? Si [] No [ ] Section 7. Referendum Election Called. A referendum election is hereby called to be held on November 2, 2010 to present to the electors of the City of Sanford the ballot questions provided for in this Ordinance. The Supervisor of Elections of Seminole County is hereby requested to coordinate all matters relating to the said referendum election with the City Clerk, the Division of Elections of the Florida 71Pa-e Department of State, and the City Attorney. The City Clerk is directed to coordinate all matters relating to the referendum election and coordinate with the City Attorney as needed. Section 8. Duties of City Clerk. The City Clerk is hereby directed to ensure that the advertising and notice requirements of Section 100.342, Florida Statutes, are complied with and to coordinate all activities necessary to conduct the referendum election called in this Ordinance with the Supervisor of Elections for Seminole County. Section 9. Revised Charter Of The City Of Sanford. If any amendment to the Charter of the City of Sanford is approved by the electorate in the referendum election called for in this Ordinance, it is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained, that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Charter of the City of Sanford; that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re- lettered to accomplish such intentions; and that the word "Ordinance" shall be changed to "Section" or such other appropriate word as the case may demand. The City's Code codifier is granted broad and liberal power and authority to codify the City Charter in terms of making appropriate harmonizing, technical or editorial changes and notes that do not affect the substantive provisions thereof. The Code codifier is hereby granted the additional authority to change the section numbers of the City Charter in such manner as deemed appropriate and best for the codification and usability of the document. By way of example and not limitation, the Code codifier is directed to consolidate the provisions of the City Charter relative to City elections into a consolidated Article. This Ordinance shall not be codified in the City Code of the City 8 1Page of Sanford; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall be implemented as set forth herein. Section 10. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed Section 11. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 12. Effective Date. The provisions of this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment. Any Amendment to the Charter of the City of Sanford proposed for approval in this Ordinance and approved by the electorate shall become effective only upon approval at a referendum election of the electors of the City of Sanford in accordance with the provisions of Section 166.031, Florida Statutes; provided, however, that the provisions set forth herein shall be implemented as set forth herein. Passed and adopted this 9 day of August, 2010. Attest: City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida 9 P J1 ' anet D o ugherty,66ity Cle IVA Linda Ku n, Mayor 91Page