HomeMy WebLinkAbout3357 ORDINANCE NO. 3357 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN FORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2065 OF SAID CITY; SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGING THE DESIGNATION OF A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN RINEHART ROAD AND COUNTY ROAD 46A AND BETWEEN RINEHART ROAD AND OREGON AVENUE SOUTH FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) AND MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR) TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL - 15 (MDR-15) AND RESOURCE PROTECTION (RP); PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on August 7, 1997, to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City Commission as the City's governing body, held public hearings on November 10, 1997 and March 9, 1998, to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Sanford, Florida; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has complied with requirements and procedures to amend adopted comprehensive plans as set forth in Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That portion of the Future Land Use Plan Element referenced as the Future Land Use Map is hereby amended by changing the designation of a portion of the property lying between Rinehart Road and County Road 46A and between Rinehart Road and Oregon Avenue South from Low Density Residential (LDR) (Seminole County) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) (Seminole County) to Medium Density Residential -15 (MDR-15) and Resource Protection (RP). A copy of the amendment to the Future Land Use Map is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as Exhibit A and hereby adopted pursuant to Florida Statutes. SECTION 2: SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force, or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. SECTION 3: CONFLICTS. All ordinances or resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any conflict. SECTION4: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective when the City has received a fully executed Development Agreement immediately/when the state land planning agency issues a final order determining the and adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with §163.3184(9), or when the Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with §163.3184(10) whichever occurs first. PASSED AND ADOPTED this~tS4"~day of ~/'~;U[ ~,A , A.D. 1998. A'FI'EST:,, ITY CLERK L AS THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougharty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify ~F)/)/].A~. ,199 , was posted at t e front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on th~l~9~day of ~ ,1998. ~TY CLER~O/F T~-~CITY - OF SANFORD, FLORIDA f:%files\97~sanford~rd~3357:nah "2'- Ordinance No. 3357 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TWIN LAKES THiS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered ' o thi~5'-- day of ~ ,1998, by and between IRA WILLIAM SOUTHWARD, TRUSTEE, whose address is 7.0. sox 1567, sa~£o~:~., ~'lo~:j_cla 32772 ("Owner'), TWIN LAKES GARDEN APARTMENTS, INC., whose address is 8535-3 Bay Meadows Road, #153, Jacksonville, Florida 32256("Developer"), and THE CITY OF SANFORD, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("City"). Recitals. A. The Developer has proposed to develop certain real property owned by the Owner located in the City of Sanford, more specifically described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporation herein (the "Property"). The Developer has the authority to obtain a developers agreement with respect to the Property, in accordance with Florida Statutes. B. The Developer filed an application to amend the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan for a development on the Property to be known as Twin Lakes. The proposed development consists of approximately fifty-two (52) acres to be developed as multi-family residential and resource protection, with the Future Land Use Designation of MDR-15 and RP. C. The Developer's application has been reviewed by the City of Sanford Local Planning Agency and the City of Sanford City Commission, and all public meetings required by the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations have been held. D. After due consideration, on March 23, 1998, the Sanford City Commission voted to approve Ordinance 3357, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to allow 574 multi-family units to be developed on the Property. The vote for approval included a requirement that a Developer's Agreement be entered into in order to memorialize certain agreements between the Developer and the City. E. The development permitted by this Agreement is consistent with the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and other City land development regulations. Accordingly, in consideration of mutual benefits and the public interest and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, it is hereby AGREED AND RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Property is allowed to be developed pursuant to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations and subject to the following terms and conditions, with which the Owner and Developer agree: 1. Pursuant to and consistent with the MDR-15 Future Land Use Map designation of the Property, the Developer shall be entitled to develop 574 dwelling units on the Property. Within the southernmost twenty (20) acres of the Property, the Developer shall be entitled to develop 225 dwelling units, resulting in a maximum gross density of 11.25 units per acre within this 20-acre portion of the Property. 2. The Developer shall dedicate to the City, either by plat or separate instrument, its riparian right to boating access to East Twin Lake and West Twin Lake, -2- which are bounded in part by the Property. As a result, the project and its residents shall have no rights to use East Twin Lake or West Twin Lake for boating. 3. The Developer shall have the right to construct a gazebo structure at the lakeshore portion of the Property for use by its residents and their guests. 4. Documentation of any and all required submissions to or approvals from Seminole County, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the St. Johns River Water Management District, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or any other departments with competent jurisdiction over any aspect of the proposed development shall be provided to the City. 5. In the event that development requirements are not satisfied, action in reliance on the development agreement or expenditures in pursuance of its terms shall not vest any development rights in the Developer. Failure to perform as specified in the development agreement shall not constitute partial performance entitling the Owner or Developer to a continuation of the development agreement. 6. This development agreement shall take effect after execution by the Mayor and the City Commission of the City of Sanford and the Owner and the Developer. This development agreement shall be appurtenant to and shall run with the land; however, this development agreement may be amended by written agreement between the parties and their successors and assigns, following public notice and hearing(s) in conformance with the City of Sanford Zoning Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED this c~'~_~day of y (',/1,19 RDRF ATTEST: I~'CLER. K p.~2/J~/a2/;~/ -4- ~r- ACCEPTED as to each and every term and condition this ~ day of/////~-,tc~J--;, 1998. na~~' and individually Print . 7 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 2 Rda The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this y y of /'//,~,u.,v- ,1998, by Ira William Southward, as Trustee and individually, who is · personally known to me or who has produced as identification. rint nam: '~"~-,~ r.-~- ~- ~~ ic (state number, if any) 3~M~ t~. NEWLON ~ ~, S~e ~ Hodda NO, CC 381567 -5- , Print me ~.~ m~ Twin Lakes Garden Apartments, Inc., · a Florida corporation Print na STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF -_~-r--x,,.y,.,J,~ ~ ~he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of ,1998, by Wallace R. Devlin, President of Twin Lakes Garden Apa~ments, Inc., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation.. He is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. rint na : (state number, if any) NO, CC -6- REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTIOF (OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 96. PAGE 297): Y~ I/2 o1' SE I/4 (]e,s th, East 333 l'eel oi' South 1016 {.eet and begin el .Ihe N~rlheasl Corner ru'n 654 l',et. thence South g4g.g {'eel. lhence South II de~ree:. 28 llBUlII East 4~0 feet. thence 568.4 ~**f. fhenc, No~lh to Be~Innln~). or Section 32. Torn,hip Ig 5oulh. Range 30 'so>l'e.q u!g,L oql ol ssaaau gu!leoq ou oq i1}~ o~aq,L 'q pug aod sl~un Xl~suop gg' [ 1 ol poDplso~ oq [l}~ Smag-0g X[aaqlnos oql Jo 1uamdo[oAaG :SgotlOJ Se al{s laofqns oql jo luamdolaAop laplsa~ ~aqBnJ ol OA~OS O1 S} qa~q~ luamaaagV luamdoloAoG ~ olu~ aalua ol XI{D oql poaign ol~s laa[qns aql jo aodot~Aop posodo~d oql '866I '6 MaagN uo gupgaq ,,uo~ldop~L. aql 1V 'sa~gq oql u~ql~ so~poq lol~ Jo sQlag C~'g (~H) pub 's~q u}~L Jo 3olompod oql punrag spu~ll~ pomnssg jo sa. 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Maximum Development Scenario 353 Units (for north 23.53-acres) Road Name: Rinehart Rd Road Segment: Towne Center Blvd. to S.R. 46 Maximum Capacity (pro - peak hr): 3330 trips Existing traffic (pro - peak hr): 772 trips Project Traffic: (pro - peak hr): 121 trips Volume w/project (pm- peak hr): 893 trips Excess Capacity (pro - peak hr): 2437 trips Road Name: Rinehart Rd Road Segment: Towne Center Blvd. to C.R. 46A Maximum Capacity (pm- peak hr): 3330 trips Exigting traffic (pro - peak hr): 772 trips Project Traffic: (pro - peak hr): 133 trips Volume w/project (pm- peak hr): 905 trips Excess Capacity (pm- peak hr): 2425 trips Moderate Development Scenario 225 Units (for south 20~acres) Road Name: CR 46A/Paola Rd* Road Segment: Country Club Rd. to project entrance Maximum Capacity (pm- peak hr): 3330 trips Existing traffic (pro - peak hr): 994 trips Project Traffic: (pro - peak hr): 78 trips Volume w/project (pro ~ peak hr): 1072 trips Excess Capacity (pm- peak hr): 2258 trips Road Name:, CR 46A/Paola Rd* Road Segment: Rinehart Rd. to project entrance 7 Dcarespo.3 Maximum Capacity (pro - peak hr): 3330 trips Existing traffic (pm- peak hr): 994 trips Project Traffic: (pro - peak hr): 84 trips Volume w/project (pm- peak hr): 1078 trips Excess Capacity (pm- peak hr): 2262 trips Moderate Development Scenario 353 Units (for north 23.53-acres) Road Name: Rinehart Rd Road Segment: Towne Center Blvd. to S.R. 46 Maximum Capacity (pro - peak hr): 3330 trips Existing traffic (pm- peak hr): 772 trips Pro.~ect Traffic: (pm- peak hr): 121 trips Volume w/pro.~ect (pro - peak hr): 893 trips Excess Capacity (pm- peak hr): 2437 trips Road Name: Rinehart Rd Road Segment: Towne Center Blvd. to C.R. 46A Maximum Capacity (pm- peak hr): 3330 trips Existing traffic (pro - peak hr): 772 trips Project Traffic: (pm- peak hr): 133 trips Volume w/project (pro ~ peak hr): 905 trips Excess Capacity (pm- peak hr): 2425 trips * Capacity based on widening of CR 46A/Paola Rd. from 2-lane to 4-lane to commence in 1998, per the Seminole County CtP (see above note regarding May 1998 start date). B. Mass Transit The nearest available Lynx system bus stop is at the intersection of I-4 and S.R. 46 (at the Seminole Towne Center mall). The Lynx System expects less than 5% of the proposed residents to use their system. This Lynx stop is currently functioning below capacity, and the proposed development will not place any constraints on the system. C. Potable Water Maximum Development Scenario Total Available Capacity: 5.5 MGD Anticipated Demand: 277,525 GPD Facility: City of Sanford Nearest Li~ie Size 12" Potable water line adjacent to the north side of 8 Dcarespo.3 G'°ds~g~G I I sPu~ll°A~ s,QIA!z%HI[S gql uo 'l.l~,d u! 'pgs~q an',. (V l!q!qx3 .w p~q3e, ll~ d~;IAI uo p~l;)oLl;)j s~ s;~.131~ Z:'9 ~[~ll~uJ!×o.idde, li'u![P, tol) s'aa.s~ a'~;~ql Jo ;}z!s puP.. clH so!j!luop! ,'Aou l~sodmd luocupuom~ u~ld p;~s!AoJ ~ql '~Isno!^~d p~UO!IU;~LU 'uo!D~Ddd as~nosa~I :~u!luomoldLuI I'L'~:-I ~(a!locl · ~3~ ~od sl!un ~:Z:' I [ ol s;)]31~-0E oql jo ,(l!suap ssb.ll/mnm~,x~Lu ottl uo sl!tu!l ~ql ,(q p~3uequo J~qUnJ ~q ll!,,a ~a.m [~uo!l!sux~Jl s!ql Jo Sl3~JJ~ · ~l-lado.ld 13:}.Cqng all:I Jo uo!uod o.toe-Oi5 aql Jo qlnos pu~ ~s~a aql ol sash l~!luap~saa Ah!sui~p ~oI pu~ tun!pore oql pue 'k-ladojd la~.fqns otll Jo uo!lJod ~jal~ ~ttl jo 'lsa,~ pue qljou ~ttl ol seaj~ .,,(l!su:~luI tli~lbi.' ~ql u~o/~loq lu~sqe s.l lelll uo.ll.lsuejl ~ttl ap!Aojd ll!,,a Ahladold 13~.fqns oql Joj p~sodmd s~!l!suap '.lOp.IJ.IO9 t7-I gql jo Jglol~J~qD ,,/(1.tsu~uI tl~'!H,, gql ql!.~ lugls.lsuoatll. gJ~ gl.ls loo.fqtls aql jo ls~a aql ol pamaoI spu~I ~tCFI ~(luno3 alou!LuoS padolaAapun attl '~qlua.un3 '(HCIIN) luatudolaA~(I l~!lu~p!s~H ,(l!su~Ci tun!paIA! · s~!pnls i~3!uqa~loai~ ,(j~u!tu!l~jd pu~ [~lUOVdUOj!AU~ UO p~S~q lUaLudOpA~p JO ad,(1 s!ttl JoJ alqel!ns s! al!s ~ql 'uo!l!pp~ uI 'li'u!snocI |~luaj Jo aj~qs J!ej [euo!~oj s,,Cl!D ~ttl pue 'pjoju~S jo ,(I!D attl u! sactAb i~u!snoq jo AZI!SJ~A!p ~ql ol ~lnq!jluo3 s~u!ilaA~p JZl!m~J ald!llnm l~uo!llpp~ pu~ pu~[ ~ttl Jo s~sn ~Iq~uos~aj ~j~ ,(lJodojd 13~.fqns ~ttl JoJ sosn pu~I p~sodojd ~q& · s~pua~ l~um~m pul~ 1.Iodo}:I D}:IO ottl u.l pal!:) s~!o!lod ueld oll~ls 'I~japaJ pu~ sa.la.llod ash l;Ijl~[ ZhunoD ~Iou!m~S ttl!,~ ltl~ls!suo3 ojl~ Sl~Ojl~ dH ptu~ s~sn ItLtlu~p!soa p~sodoad 'g'U' [ -9 Aia!locI ol lu~nsjnct oli'mols ,(.~olesu~dtuoa ap!Aojd lsmu pu~ uj~ll~d ai~umjp F~nl~u ~ql louu~a u!~ldpoolj ~ql u!ttl!,~, luatudol~Aap ,(uV .Ii~jlno aA!l!s'od lnOql!A~ uo!lmnp .moq 96 u Jo ll~jlno 3A.ll!sod ql!~ ulJols uo!lmnp Jnoq 17E ',(au~nb~j.l .m~,( gi5 JoJ o~j~clos!p luocudol~k~p_ajd paaoxo ol pallltu.~d aq lou l[!~ jJounj lu~tudolaAap lsod' I '~;' I-~ £3!Iod ol lu~ns.md paz!tu!u!tu ~q i1!~ sp.mz~q poolj jo lo~dtu! jo lu~tual!t uo!ll~AJosuoD ~,tt1 u.t spJ~pums ~3uBllLlojjod pull s~p!lod Jo uo!l~a!ldd~ pu~ uo!l~ui~.ts~p d~l acll qi~nojql p~lo~lojd ~q 11!,'~ spueI oA!l!su~s ,(llmu~muoJ!Auit 'p '~l°~dN917 HD uo i~u!ltti~ll looj1s jo uo!l~ll~lsu.t (a pu~ ~lo~dN91~ }ID ~uo[~ u!~lunoj/~lnl~aj XJlua u~ Jo uo!lelI~lsu.t (q) 'eI°eclN91, }IDol luaae.fpe lle~x )p!jq looj x!s l~jo uo!i artJlsuoo (t~) s~J!nb~j os l!q.tqxE s~ patta~ll~ lu~cuaajii'V ~q& 'l~!lu~p!s~J AZl!meJ ~Id!llnm tuojj s~l!s s~tuott ,(l!m'eJ ~l~u!s p~uueld pue i'u!ls!xa .~jj-nq pu~ u~aj3s ol JapJo u! I' I' 1 - I Xa!lod Zrq p~j!nb~j osl~ s! :Su!deaspuP.I jalom!Jad 'spJ~puels puu u!Jal!j3 ,(l!l!q!l~dtuoD ~sFl pu~.] s,HCr] oql u.t p~13~ijaj Xiip, a!j!aads saldtauud ulhs~p u~qln puu slumu~j!nbaj li'u!deaspu~1 ~lCI'l s,PjoJuuS ql!~ AZIdmoa ol l~aj!abaj ai:I iipa m!s aqL 'a · ~l!s atll Jo tllnos ~(l!su~p ~xoI i~u!ls!xa pue Iu!ajammo3 ~ql ol -(s~.m~-0Z2 aql Jo ls~ puP, ls~,v, ~tll ol slaajed ~tll ptm sa.i3e-0Z: aql 'a'!) ,(l!su~p tun!p~tu ol-,,Xl!su~lu1 q~!H. moJj 'MInos ol tlljou 'uo!l!stlP, ll qlootus ~ sa.msu~ ~sn pasodojd ~q& .q 'uo!mu~'!sap 91-xd[CIiAi rot! VJojJ ~u!llnsa~ ~ I 'V ~!q!qx~l uo dH se paleu~}s~p ~ sa~?q u!~I ol lu~3P..fp~ se~P. spunlla~ o~1 ~tlL · uSqdpoo~ a~gX-O01 gql u~ 1ugmdolgAgp o1 13gds~3 uS ql$~ p~$ldmo3 ~q il~qs A3Hod s~ql 'u~e~V 'nH~IH3 ggue~ojagd ~lq~g$ldde gql o1 13afqns 'qnsga ~ se 'pue lgpls!p AelagAo dH ~ s~ pgmu~$sgp s~ u!vldpooffsugK-O0[ gql '~AOqe pgUO~Ugm Sv · ivmpooffaeg~ 00[ gq] u~ 2n33o llnqs lu~mdolgAap ou [3Hod s~ql qi~ lugls~suo3 'u~qdpooldjo g3ueuglu~ l'~'l-g ~3Hod 'XoHod s}ql q3~ pgHdmo3 suq ~ql 'Vdf ~ql u~ p~u~luo3 se X~o~d 13~[qns gql jo 'lie 1on J~ '~mos XlunoD oIou~gS ql~ lugmoa~2~ sl~ pu~ 'a l~qSqx~ se poqs~lln lu~mggagV gql u~ polao~oJ s~ Xje~ qeq jo XlSD oql ql~ luomoo~u S,XI!D oql Xq~oauop~A~ sV 'uo}l~u]pjooD [elu~mm~AoSJol~ nuguomqdmI I '6' C- I X3{ lod 'L'C -I ~A~13aCqO S[ql U~ p~jp~ds spj~pu~ls ~3uemaoja~d uaAas ~ql jo q3~ Kq l~ezds ueqjn jo uo{maajHo~d aql sluoAojd luampua~ uqd pos{Aaj · lu~dolaX~O oleA{jd pu~ 3{Iqnd Jo ~BmS pun Su{~}& aql BuDeu{paooD loJ molsAS 1Ha[3]JJ~ dopAaG pue [~JdS ueqJ~ Jo uo}lej~j}lojd IUOAOjd L' S'I 'paajoju~ ~q IH~ ~'E'C-I ~3Slod 'lu~mdolaAaP lqlu~p~saj Xl{su~p ran{pare 2uDaads~j '~Aoqn pa3u~joJo.~ C'I 'Z-I XaHod Xq paj~nbaj sV mpmpD ~3u~aoJjad 9'E'C-I K3Hod 'seaje dH s~ pazpa3meq3 spuq ol p~{lddn ~a~ pu~ leql sapHod sn poolsaapun aq ~em s~oan dH ol Xldde lnql so{aHod ~ql '~s J~d .,KqaaAo,, mjal aql az{I$m mu s~op uqd ~ql aHq~ 'XaHod sN1 u{ p~{j{lu~p{ ~au~aopad alq~qldd~ aql ol la~[qns aq II{~ sn~s dH 11n 'paddem lou ao paddem a~ s~j~ d~ J~qlaq~ jo ss~Ip~ng~J 'qans sV 'qs~q oP{~-~I{D ~ uo d~m oI llnqJJ~p 'llns~j ~ se 'pue lasxo ssoI ~1~ qans se pun s~golopoqlam ~lqqa~A uo p~seq p~]j{luap{ ajg seoje o~j~qaaa a~jtnbe pun ~3u~nBu~ jo s~uo3 ppSlla~ 'su{eldpoo8 'pAo[ o~aem u u0 'spunll~ aal~mpad sq~q u{~& pue sqnq u~& aql u] papnpu} soj3~ U9 ~lm~m~xojdd~ ~ql dH s~ d,m o: s~sodmd KI{D aql aauuem ~ql u{ paddem 9j~ qans se pue ~l~u~j XIaA$1eI~j ~an s~$poq Jgle~ pun spuulla~ 'dH s~ paddnm lou s] ~ole s~ql 'u]e2V '~1V o~leq3oH a~J~nbV oA~laoJJH ~plnl~po~ e u~ql$~ Xpj~lu~ lsomle s~ qa]q~ IJo&$V paoju¢S opuqJO ~ql s~ ~ldmex~ J~qlouV s!ql u~ luomdopAap [ojluo3 IH~ sa~qlod dH ~lqeaHdd~ oql leql pa2pal~ou~ae /lu~elj~3 s~ l~ q~noqll~ dH se paddem lou s] l~ lnq 'u~eldpooO JeaA 001 ~ql u~ql~ pale3oI s~ luoJJ~]q aql 2u]llnqe ~aae pJoJu~S u~olu~oG m~lua aql 'aldm~xa Jo3 'qaeoJdde s~ql ql$~ luolsSsuo3 s~ luompuame uqd p~sodoad ql puu dH s~ paddem XIl~aUpads ~Jeq3~j JaJSnbe pue su~je aauvn~u~ jo souo3 plaSJIp~ 'suSqdpoo~ aje ueld ~ql u~ aJ~q~oN 'seam o2jeq3aj J~j~nbe pue 'o3uanDu~ Jo svuo3 ploglp~ 'su~eldpooH se q3ns Z-I puu (sa3jnos~H .t~le~) I-1 Xq pa!jDuap~ ~je letll seoje ~pnlau$ osle s~pHod p~lel~J pun se~je dH '2u~ddem g I :slu~tutuo3 tll!~ ,,,xol~q p~p!^o.xd a.lu :luQuodttlo3 ,(l!tuuJ ~ld!llntu ~ql mP.u!tu![~ ol ~u!~u~q3 Jo ss~Dojd aql ut o j13 Jo p~ueq3 ~^uq tt3!tl~ 'dun ug. ld ~sFI pue'I ~Jnlnd ~ql uo ~sn Al!tuP.J ald!llntu se ~(tlea!j!a~ds palp, u:g!s~p sm!s JoJ suo!lulnqp. j. · delAI pjoj. ueS u! luatudol~}A~(I p~uueld ',,:I,, l!q!qx3 p~qaell~3 ~ttl uo palou ~.~e s~l!s 13~}.fo.nd o!j!o~dS '~sn I~!aJatumoa ol p~:gu~qo 2'u!~q ~ ~J~ t7-I ~ql u! s~l!s ,(l!tuuJ ~ld!llnm p3!lu~lod a~qlo ~l!tt~ s~u!lI~p ~(l!tueJ ~l:gu!s se p~dolaA~p igu!~q ~e sm!s A:l!m~J ~Id!ltnm pmeug.ts~p ~tll jo ~qtunu ~ 'Xl[ea!j.ta~dS .lBu!Igu~qa pue gu!lJ!qs u~q oAp. q sash pueI 'delAi ~sFl pu~'l a~nlnd aql uo pagugqaun XllgnlJ!A pou!gtuoa sgq sgu!llo~p ,(l!meJ oldlllntu aoj atqel!uAg pugI jo lunotug oql o[!qA~ 'AZlgu!lsajoluI 'suo!ll3uIB!sap i}sn pul31 osn pax!tu u!ql!/~ aggajag podoloa~pun gu!pnlau} 'den ugld osFI pu'a'I oJnln~I attl uo luotudolo^op ,(l!tugJ ald!llnm JoJ palgug{sop CCLpadolaaapun osaq& '(sluatuojlnbo~I oggoJaV pmmu]ls!t pug adX& pugtuaCI gOOZ: JgaX PolaoCojd 'g~-l]l olq~3&) gO0i5 ~:q luotudola^aP'~Zl!tugj old!llnm JoJ poj!nboj sojag CC~ po!l!luap! s!s~(lguV pug ~(jolu:}AuI 'glg(I luotuolzd :gu!snoH s,P-~oJugS V&V(I OiqI&lIOddflS fiNIV &NIflIA!~jqfl 9NIISflOH ' (IiFJNI 'luomdolaAop ig.tluap!sa~ K~.~suap tlg.nl pue oa!jJo 'Ig!momtuoa OA.IStlDlU! ~nds ll!~ s,066I ~ql u! ~1o~3cI/V9t7 H9 pu~ ~'I 1~ p~Drmsuoa ~q ol ~]ueqa2mu! p~punj-Xll~p~J V pug :pmgd!a!lug AI[e~ouog s! luotudoloAap le!luap!Soa ~il.tsuap tun!patu l~uo!l.tppV ' I :s,,aolloJ se pasg~qdmgd oq uga S2'u!pu!J osotl& 'luotupuotug u~3ld pasodo~d aql uo pou!gluoa uo!lgug!sap osn pugI ,q!tugj-!llntu aql l.~oddns qa!q~ jo qloq 's:gu!pu!.i o~1 sopniau! 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DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TWIN LAKES THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this~5;:2f~-day of LC/'2/O('~/1.(~,,Z') , 1998, by and between IRA WILLIAM SOUTHWARD, TRUSTEE, whose address is F.O. Box ]2567, Sanford, Florida 32772 ("Owner"), TWIN LAKES GARDEN APARTMENTS, INC., whose address is 8535-3 Bay Meadows Road, #153, Jacksonville, Florida 32256 ("Developer"), and THE CITY OF SANFORD, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("City"). Recitals. A. The Developer has proposed to develop certain real property owned by the Owner located in the City of Sanford, more specifically described in Exhibit 'W' attached hereto and incorporation herein (the "Property"). The Developer has the authority to obtain a developer's agreement with respect to the Property, in accordance with FlOrida Statutes. B. The Developer filed an application to amend the City of Sanford COmprehensive Plan for a development on the Property to be known as Twin Lakes. The proposed development consists of approximately fifty-two (52) acres to be developed as multi-family residential and resource protection, with the Future Land Use Designation of MDR-15 and RP. C. The Developer's application has been reviewed by the City of Sanford -1- Local Planning Agency and the City of Sanford City Commission, and all public meetings required by the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations have been held. D. After due consideration, on March 23, 1998, the Sanford City Commission voted to approve Ordinance 3357, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to allow 574 multi*famity units to be developed on the Property. The vote for approval included a requirement that a Developer'S Agreement be entered into in order to memorialize certain agreements between the Developer and the City. E. The development permitted by this Agreement is consistent with the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and other City land development regulations. Accordingly, in consideration of mutual benefits and the public interest and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, it is hereby AGREED AND RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Property is allowed to be developed pursuant to the City of Sanford Land Development Regulations and subject to the following terms and conditions, with which the Owner and Developer agree: 1. Pursuant to and consistent with the MDR-15 Future Land Use Map designation of the Property, the Developer shall be entitled to develop 574 dwelling units on the Property. Within the southernmost twenty (20) acres of the Property, the Developer shall be entitled to develop 225 dwelling units, resulting in a maximum gross density of 11.25 units per acre within this 20-acre portion of the Property. 2. The Developer shall dedicate to the City, either by plat or separate instrument, its riparian right to boating access to East Twin Lake and West Twin Lake, -2- which are bounded in part by the Property. As a result, the project and its residents shall have no rights to use East Twin Lake or West Twin Lake for boating. 3. The Developer shall have the right to construct a gazebo structure at the lakeshore portion of the Property for use by its residents and their guests. 4. Documentation of any and all required submissions to or approvals from Seminole County, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the St. Johns River Water Management District, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, or any other departments with competent jurisdiction over any aspect of the proposed development shall be provided to the City. 5. In the event that development requirements are not satisfied, action in reliance on the development agreement or expenditures in pursuance of its terms shall Mot vest any development rights in th~ Developer. Failure to perform as specified in the development agreement shall not constitute partial performance entitling the Owner or Developer to a continuation of the development agreement. 6. This development agreement shall take effect after execution by the Mayor and the City Commission of the City of Sanford and the Owner and the Developer. This development agreement shall be appurtenant to and shall run with the land; however, this development agreement may be amended by written agreement between the parties and their successors and assigns, following public notice and hearing(s) in conformance with the City of Sanford Zoning Ordinance. ~'(~1~ CLEJ""K'/(t~K"/"'Q'~)'d~~/f'j' -4- '7"~'r"'~r~' _-I0 LLNFIO0 Val~lOl_-I =t0 qiVlS DEVE[OP,ER Witnesses: , ' ~ "~ .,Y"' / '. /' ,..::, .i. -/,:' · y ,, · ., p~ '....-mT,,~,, ~, ~ hi, L~.,.,, .~,,,,/ V~/blfa'6~ R. 'De~Jlin, 'P'~esident  Twin Lakes Garden Apartments, Inc., " ...... ~ a Florida corporation Print na . 7 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ~,;.z.~¢,,,x:. ~.- ~-- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,ZY' -- day of ~%x.6,-~ , 1998, by Wallace R. Devlin, President of Twin Lakes Garden Apartments, Inc., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me or who has produced ""' as identification. (state number, if any) :,;:, :,. -6- REAL PR'OPERTY DESCRIPTION (OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK g"6. PAGE 297 '~' i/2 o.t SE J/4 (le,; Ihe EQ,I 333 r,,f or Soulh 1016 I',,l end b,E]In el .Ihe N6rlhea,l Corner ru'n W,,I 55~ [,,f. Ih,nc, South 949.9 r,,I. Ih,nc, Soulh II 4~Sr,,,. 28 ,l~I,, EQ,I 440 Feet. Ih,nc, Eeil 566.~ f,,f. th,nc, Nerlh fo B,~Innin~ or S,clion 32. To,n,hlp 19 Soulh. Ran9· 30 Earl. EXHIBIT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into and made as of this t~-:-:~ day of December, 1997, by and between ~RA WILLIAM SOUTHWARD, TRUSTEE. as the Owner of the subject properly, and TWIN LAKES GARDEN APTS., INC., a Florida corporation, as the Developer of the subject property, heroinafter collectively referred to as the "Owner/Developer" and the CITY OF LAKE MARY, a Florida municipal corporation and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipea'i - corporation and the HILLS OF LAKE MARY. HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florid~_~ ,. j :~. corporation, hereinafier referred to as the "Association". WITNESSETH: ,'-, Of '~ WHEREAS, the Owner/Developer has proposed to construct an apartment project up , ~ .. to six hundred thirty six (636} units in the City of Sanford, Flodda. on the subject property described in Exhibit "A." attached hereto. and WHEREAS. the proposed project is located immediately north of the City of Lake Mary, Florida, and the Hills of Lake Mary Subdivision, and WHEREAS, the proposed project mc~uires an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances of the City of Sanford, and WHEREAS. the impacts of the proposed Twin Lakes Garden Apartments are anticipated by the City of Lake Many to be substantial due to the number of units proposed. the number of - tenants and the substantial traffic increase attributable thereto, and WHEREAS, the City of Lake Mary has gone on record as opposing the substantial increase in the allowable density as permitted by the proposed comprel~ensive plan modifications and zoning changes. and WHEREAS. the City of Lake Mary, but for this agreement, anticipated opposing the proposed comprehensive plan modificationa before the Florida Depadment of Community Affairs .and the City Commission of Sanford as well opposing the proposed zoning before the City Commission of Sanford, and WHEREAS. the City of Sanfermi has full legal governing authority over this project, and intends to use its police power to ensure that the proposed apartment complex is developed rollowing sc~und p ann ng $srinciples, and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have met and negotiated in good faith in an effort to ameliorate and to address the concerns of the City of Lake Mary. the City of Sanford, and the residents of the Hills of Lake Mary while still permitting the proposed development to proceed. NOW. THEREFORE. the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: .FROM:' M~GUIREUOORHIS[4ELLS FAX NO.: 407 42~ 8796 02-09-98 05:46P P.05 _. ,~OLE CO. FL Agreement - PaSe 2 of 9 1. The Owner/Developer represents that it is the present owner of the following describec prope~ (hereina~er referred to as the "Subject SEE EXHIBIT "A," A~ACHED 2. Unless othe~ise agreed to by the Ci~ of Lake Ma~, all liens, mo~g~ge~, and oiher encumbrance~ not satisfied or released of record, must be subordinated to thfl terms of this Agreement. It shall be the responsibilily of the Owner/Developer to promptly obtain the said subordination, in form and substance acceptable to the City A~orney. 3. ~e City of Lake MaW in consideration of the le~s and conditions of this Agreement hereby agree~ not to oppose the modification of the City of Sanford's Comprehensive Plan as it relates to the Subject Prope~y changing the future land use designations from Seminole County low and medium densiW residential to City of Sanford Residential, o~celinstitutional and the zoning from Seminole CourtW Agricultural to City to Sanford PD for the propo~d Twin Lakes Apa~ment Development as generally depicted on Exhibit "B" aUached hereto and as modified by the terms of this Agreement. 4. TheHom~owners Association of the Hills of the Lake Ma~ in con$ideration of the te~s and ¢ondition of this Ageement agree n~t to oppose the proposed Twin Lakes Garden Apaamems Deve opment as generally depi~ed on EXhibit "B" hereto and a~ modified by the terms of this A~reement. It is agreed by all panics that Exhibit "B" is a altaR, and not a binding plan. - 5. ~e Developer in consideration of the aforesaid hereby agree~ a~ follows: A. PUrsuant to and consistent with the Future Land Use Map designation of the property, me ~veloper shall be entitled to develop up to 636 dwelling unit~ on the ~ubject prape~y. ~thin th~ 8outhernmost ~enty (20) acre. Of the prope~y, the maximum gross density constructed shall be no more than ~2.5 units ~r acre. B. On that potion of the subje~ prope~y that lies w~hin one hundred (100) feet of the no~hern right-of-way of C.R. 46A (Paola Road), after the widening of C.R. 46A, no dwelling units shall be constructed. C. On that potion or the subject prope~y that lies noah of the properly descried in Paragraph B, above, the first row of buildings constructed close to C.R. 46A shall be no more than two (2) stories jn height. For buildings within the first row of buildings that are substantially perpendicular to the right-to-way of C.R. 46A, the unit closest to C.R. 46A shall be no more than two (2) stories, and the remaining units shall be no more than three (3) stories, D. The Developer shall construct along the southernmost prope~y bounda~, aOjacent to the right-of-way o~ C.R. 46A, a 6' brick wail of a quality and Developor ake Ma Sanfor Owner Hills of Lake MaW FROM:' MAGUIREVOORHISWELLS FfiX NO.: 407 425 8796 82-B9-98 05:48P P.04 Agreement - Page 3 of 9 character assentially similar to the well constructed for the development south of C.R. 46A known as the Hills of Lake Mary. E. At the entry from C.R. 46A onto the subject property, the Developer shall construct an entryway feature that includes a fountain(s)essentially consistent in character with those which may be installed by the HitIs of Lake Mary and install and maintain landscaping essentially consistent with the residential character of other development along C.R. 46A. F. The Developer shall provide street lighting along the Developer's entire C, R. 46A apartment property frontage. G. The Developer shall have its entryway lined up directly with the Bright Meadow entrance to the Hills of Lake Mary. The Developer will install at Developers sole cost and expanse a traffic light at said entrance, if warranted, in accordance with FDOT standards. Developer shall provide the City of Lake Mary with surety in a form acceptable to the City Attorney in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of installation of the traffic light which amount shall be adjusted from time to time to ensure the sufficiency of said surety. 7. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. The failure of any party hereto - to execute this Agreement shall not release nor alter the obligations of the parties actually executing this Agreement. 8. In the event it Is the desire of the parties hereunto to amend this Agreement or in any way modify the agreed uses for the Subject Property (as provided herein), the pady desiring to amend the Agreement shall provide notice to the other parties and obtain all applicable approvals in writing. 9. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Owner and its assigns and successors in interest, and the City of Lake Mary and its assigns and successors in interest. The Owner/Developer agrees to pay the cost of recording this document in the Public Records of Seminole County. Florida. 10 If any pad of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable in any court, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other parts of this Agreement, if the rights and obligation of the parties contained heroin are not materially prejudiced and if the intentions of the parties can be affected, TO that end, this Agreement is declared severable. 11 Where notice is heroin required to be given, it shall be by cedi~ed mail return receipt requested. addressee enLy, hand delivery or couder. Said notice shall be sent to the following, as applicable. FRO~: MAGUIREUOORHIS~ELLS FAX NO,: 487 423 8?96 :EF,,,~CLE ~3U- F_ Agreement - ~age 4 of 9 OWNE~DEVELOPER THE Cl~ OF SANFORD RE~RES ~NTA~I~ ~EPRESENTATIVES: Ira William Southward. Trustee ~lliam Simmons. C~ty Manager % James A. Hartaway. Esquire City of Sanford P.O. Box 633 P.O. Box 1788 Orlando, Fk 32802 Sanford. FL 32772 Twin Lakes G~rden Apts., Inc.. Developer % James A. Ha~away, Esquire P.O. Box 633 Orlando, Fk 32802 CITY OF LAK~ ~ARY'S HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES: OF THE HILLS OF MKE MARY: John Litton, City Manager c/o Vista Community Ass'n Management Ci(y o~ Lake Ma~ Wemack & Co., Inc. P.O, Box 950700 P.O. Box 161606 Lake Mary, FL 32795 Altamonte Springs, FL 327t6-1606 12. In the event the proposed Twin Lakes Garden Apa~ments project or such other names as it may be known by, is not constructed by Developer, and in the event the applicable - Comprehensive Plan future land use element and applicable zoning are not amended to permit an increase ,n allowable density or intensity from that presently existing as contemplated by this Agreement; then, and in the event, the owner may apply te the other padlos hereto to release himself and the Subje~ Prope~y from the te~s and conditions of this Agreement, and said other patios shall not unreasonabiy refuse such request. 13. No terms of this agreement are to be construed so as to limit or impede the City of Sanford's legal authority to control the future planning and development processes surrounding the Developer's proposed apadment complex so long as said actions are not in conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Mary~. Sanfor ~ Owner~f~.tJ::'Hi[Is of Lake Mary DevelopeW Lake >:" ' ""' FROM:' M~tGUIREUOORHISLaELLS FAX NO.: 487 425 8796 82-89-98 85:52P P.86 2'ZHi.~0LF r',: Agreement - Page 5 of 9 SI~NEO. '$ ED ~D DELIVERED THIS t~ DAY OF DECEMBER, ]997, IN THE PRESENCE '~:/~~ / AGREED AND APPRO D BY THE si~ga typewitneSs na~e La eHary, Elor~Ga, 32795 STATE OF FLORIDA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this/~fd,day of },9~//I],1/-], 1997, by"t"'~¢~,¢¢,~, ~. ~.~.~.~ ,whois / personally known to me OR who has produced his/her State of Florida Drive~s License No.: as identification and wh~ (did not) take an oath. ~~ Printed Na~% ' FROM: MAGUIREUOORHISWELLS FAX HO.: 4,e7 425 8796 82-09-98 85:5ZP P.~7 ....... ' ' ~. l~0L~ C0. FL Agreement - Pag~ 6 of 9 A~REED AND APPROVED BY THE ~ype itnes~na ., ,' , / ~ BY ~ sign an type witness name Sgnfo~d, Flo:fda 32772 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNT r t© The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this 1997, by ~a~rY ~, Dale ,who is ~onallykna~me OR who has produced his/her State of ~lorid~ Drive~s License No.: as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. SEAL: ~'~m Printed Name FROM: MAGUIREUOORHIS~JELLS FAX HO.: 487 425 8796 02-09-98 85:54P H-~ .- ~,- :~FFIC',/.[ .... :EW, NOLE C0. FL Agreement - Nge 7 of 9 _ AGREED AND APPROVED BY THE ~e ~ THE O~ER: ~ ~ Wpe witness n me , L :.z I~WI LIAM SOUTHWARD, T~STEE , c/o ~a~es A, Hathaway, ~sR, "//L / t ,~ t- ~- 0. Box 633 s~g~ ~d Wpe witness name 0tZa~do, ~Zo=~aa 32802 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNT'/OF 5~'/n/.MC,~-.E__ ) The foregoi g instrument was acknowledged before me on this Z3 day of 1997, by_~A t4,,~/L-c/A/FI .~t}t. t77-t. Ij4/zl'} , who is pemonally known to me OR who has produced his/her State of Honda Driver's License No.: as identification and who did (did not) take an - oath. SEAL: ~/C~r.~Ex;a~,~k{ay~,~.q~ j2/ No, CC 381667 ,.5. . /,/' L, ~ Ba.n~d Thru I~IH, I ~.ta,. ~,rr~hT Printed Name F~X HO,: 487 423 8796 02-09-98 05:55P P,89 E EH!}~OLE CO. FL Agreement - Page 8 of 9 AGREED AND APPROVED BY THE . ~} HILLS OF ~KE MARY HOME siOn and type witness name O~NER'B ASSOCIATION. iNC. sign and type witness name c/o V~st~ Womack & Co., Inc. P. O. Box 161606 STATE OF FLORIDA ) At~amont~ Springs, FL 32716-~606 The foregoin~ instrument was acknowledged before me on this 2 -~' day of 1997, by ~ ~ Cub ~ ~t%~ }.~,~ , who is / personally known to me OR w~o ' 'has produced f~is/her State of Florida Driver's License No.: as identification and who did (did no;) take an oath. - SEAL: ~F~Y P~ OFF~IAt NOTARY - I a :D'~iHOLE C0. FLAgr~:emcnt - Page 9 of 9 rrle '~6' c/o James A. Hartsway, Esq. ~, ~ P. O.Box 633 Ss name Orlando, FL32802 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF./.? x,\,,<cc..C~, ) The foregoing instrumeOt was acknowledged before me on this/j. day of 1997, by It ~,[~,f7 ZL;(t, '2(~ ,whois personally known to me OR who has produced ~her State of Florida Drive~s License No.: ~ / q.~' ' ~ ~ (p"/-~ .~ ' ' ' % ' ~ as identification and who did (did not) take an oath, _ ~ota~ Public SEAL: r ~ ~U8 gfFIct~ ~O?~RY °° 0C410170 This document was printed on December 12, 1997 L:\LIT~179\H.RTTAWAY\DEVLIN2~TWINLAKE.AGT ] ftEAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK g6. PAGE 297): ~4 f~,l, l~c, SovIh 94~.g ~,t. Ih,h¢, S~l~ II d,~r**~. 2S ,;~1,~ Eo,l ~40 r,,l. 566.4 [~,l. ther, c, }lorlh I~ B,gfhAl~g). o[ S,¢lion 32. Te,~kl~lp 19 Soulh, Ron9, 30 ; .- . ..... " -C __~. FROM: ' MfiGUIREVOORHIStJELLS FAX NO.: 487 423 8796 82-09-98 04:88P P.13 "~". ~, ?.q ADDENDUM TME ~O[[O~NG C~U~ES SHALL A~END THE CONTACT TO WHICH THEY ARE A~ACHED. NAMELY, that AGREEMENT entered ~nto ~nd made ~s of the. t ~day of December, 1997. by and be~een ;~ WILLIAM SOUTHWARD, T~USTEE. ~s the Owner of the pmpe~y, ~nd ~;N ~KE~ GARDEN APTS. INC., e Rorjda coloration, a~ the Developer of the ~ubject prope~y. heroinafter cofie~jvely referred ~o as the "Owner/Developer" and the CI~ ~KE ~RY, a Rodd~ mun~dp~l co~poretion ~nd the Cl~ O~ SAN~ORD, a Rodda munidpa/ corporation and the HILLS OF ~KE ~ARY HO~EOWNER'~ ASSOCIATION, INC., a Rodda corporation, hereina~eF mr~r~ed to as the "A~oc~at~on." Th~s ADDENDUM i8 entered into this ~ ~day of December, ~ 997. ~een I~ ~LLIAM SOUTHWARD. TRUSTEE. as the Owner of the subject prope~y, ~nd ~IN ~KE~ G~RDEN APTS., INC.. a Florida corporation, a~ the Deve~oper ofihe ~ub~ect prope~y, heroinafter coHectiveIy referred to as the "OwnedDeveloper" and ~he Cl~ OF ~KE ~ARY, a Rotida mun]cjpa; corpore~on and the HILLS O~ ~KE MARY HO~EO~ER'S ASSOCIATION ]NC., INC., ~ Ro~da coFpomtion, ~erejna~er referred to as the "Association." 1. The Developer shall donate twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) to the Hills of Lake Mary Homeowners Association (the "Association") for beautification of their entrances from CR 46A in such fashion as the Association may see fit provided however these monies shall be used for nO other purpose. (a) The Developer shall make the donation at such time as the Developer obtains its first building permit from the City of Sanford. (b) As a result of the deferred contribution as aforesaid. the Association may expend its own funds for said entrance beautification and reimburse itself at such time as Developers contribution is received. (c) The Developer shall provide the City of Lake Mary and the Association with surety in a form acceptable to the city attorney in an amount equal to $25.000 to ensure the donation called for above. 2. Should Developer acquire property along CR 46A adjacent to the Subject Property for similar usage. the Developer shall develop same in a fashion essentially consistent with the terms of this Agreement to include without limitation the extended results of Paragraph(s) 5(B). 5(C), 5(D). and 5(F) of the Contract referred ,o above. In further consideration of the terms and conditions of this Agreement as agreed to F~' 3. by the Developer and as consideration to the Developer. the City of Lake Mary hereby agrees to contribute a sum not to exceed four thousand dollars for the preparation of the Oeveloper'S traffic study to establish the need for a traffic signal as provided in Paragraph Three 3(G) of the Contract referred to above. Said sum shall be paid directly to the billing engineers. The engineers for the traffic Developer Lake Mary ~ Sanfo~V"~ OwnerJ,~Z~¢__ Hills of Lake Ma OFFICfi'.' r :r-.,. .... ""' i: '.q..'.Q ~'-'?=""" iF, E':~NOLE COl. F_ Addendum-2of S study shall be ones mutually agreed upon by the developer and the City Manager for the City of Lake Mary. However, it is recognized that the City of Lake Map] recommends that the engineers of Seminole County, Florida, be used. The aforedescribed sum shall be paid to the billing engineers within thirty (30) days of their written demand. 4. It is the express intent of the parties that the City of Sanford shall not be expected or required to collect or pay any of the sums discussed herein. 5. This Addendum, as well as the parent Agreement shall run with the land, shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Owner/Developer and its assigns and Successors in interest, and the City of Lake Mary and its assigns and successors in interest. The Owner/Developer agrees to pay the cost of recording this document in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 6. If any part of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable in any court. such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other parts of this Agreement, if the rights and obligation of the parties contained herein are not materially prejudiced and if the intentions of the parties can be affected. To that end, this Agreement is declared severable. SIGN D, AL AND DELIVERED THIS I ~" DAY OF DECEMBER, 1997, IN THE PRESENCE - oP ' ,. ) , J AGREED AND APPROVED BY THE BY' .?'/, ' Print name: sign and lype witness name P.O. Box 950700 Lake ~ary, Fiorlda 32795 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNW ) ) ~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on is]~ay ~ 997, by %~ ~. ~w~,q e, , ~o is ~ personally known to me OR who has produced his/her State of Florida Drlvees License NO.: oath ~ ~ ' S L: Printed Nam~ - - ", FROM: MAGUIREUOORHISI~ELLS FAX HO.: 407 42S 8zgC?FF~C~;/,,,,. 02-{39-98 84:{~4P P,15 · -.,, ~ .... S~fiHOLE F2C. FL Addendure - 3 of 5 AGREED AND APPROVED BY THE . THE O~GR: sign and.type witness name ,-/.z '/ I~WILLIAM SOUTHWAR 8TEE c/o James A. Hartaway 5sq. ' P- O.Box 633 sign and e witn ~Rame Orlando, Florida 32802 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ,~'~q,~{~ ) ) The foreg oi g instrument was acknowledged before me on this/>rg day of ,~Y~<'.~',.t/.ZF/L, ~997, by .~ I~/A~ ~/~ , WhO iS ~ pemonaUy. kn_Q~n to ~ OR who has produced hiS/her State "of Florida Oriver's License No.: as identification and who did (did not) take an ~ H. NBWLON ' No, CO ~ Th~ ~{Ifr~i~ ~.~rl ~tr~ Pdnted Name 'iFMINOLE CC'. ?'L Addendure - 4 of 5 AGRFEED AND APPROVED BY THE ~ ^'r,.~ HILL$ OF LAKE MARY HOMEOVVNEER'S r '~ ' Print name: sign and type witness name c/o vist~ Co~u~lty Ass Womack & Co,~ P, O- ~ox 16~606 STATE OF FLORIDA ) Altamon~e Springs, EL 327Z6-1606 .- ) O k COUNW g~P~%'~U~e: C_- ) as identification and who did {d~take an oath. ~Ot~ Public SEAL: _ ~Y PO~ OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL ~ ?'.q~' '~,,,~.. -EHINOLE L'~.L :L Addendure - 5 of 5 ROVED BY THE sign and Wpe wimess n e /  BY: . c/o ~ames A. ~at~a~y, ~sQ. ~. O. ~o~ ~i~n ~nd type witness name O~o, ~ 32802 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF/~ ~L~,,'~C,:... ) ) The for, e~.oln~ instrument as acknowledged before me on this/..t'~ d y of f(.,~ ~ :_,5,..;~(,~, ~ ~, 1997, by ~,,, '{LL~.CCL~L_ ~" · ,'~,' ~.L.~,_.. , who iS personally known to me OR who has produced. fhi.~her State of Florida Driver's License No,: JE~'- %/~.T - ~ 2L-' ~ ~r:'c:L~''- c~1~-L-C:2 as identification and whodid(did not)take an oath. - Notary Public SEAL: Pnnt~:l~ ~ < 0c41o17o Qt~.Q Or;T, 25)10 B This do</ument was printed on December 12. 1997 L:\I#|T~II~\HAFFAWAY\DF, VLIN2~ADDENDUM,TWN · eminoFe Coun Government Planning and Development Department Administration 1101 East First Street Sanford FL .:~2771-1468 'l~:lcphone (407) 321-I]50 Ext, 7397 FAX 330-9594 March 24, 1998 ~. Jay ~rder' Director of Planning and Development City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 S~ford, ~ 32772-1Jgg Subject: Southward~in Lak~ Plan Amendment 98-1 Dear ~. M~der: You have advised us that the request to change the ~tu~e land use designation on the above referenced prope~y has been changed, subsequem m our ~espondence of March 4, 1998. The new request is ~om Residemial-Office-Instkutional to Medhm Densi~ Residential-15 ~R-I. 5) for the majority of the ske, ~d Resource Protenon ~) for ~e wetlands and l~es poaions of the site. We have reviewed this change for ~nsistency ~th the "Seminole County/City of S~ford Joint Plan~ng A~eement" (~A) of 1991, ~d believe that the ~R-15 ~d ~ ~mre land use designations would be consistent with the uses described in the ~A. As previously noted, we continue m concur ~th the City's staff analysis that all required facilities and se~ices are available to sere this site. If you have any questions or need additional infomation, ple~e iel free to ~nta~ me at (407) 321- 1130, extension 7397. Sincerely, ~~ ~dler, Acting i e tor Planning and Development Depa~ment Enclosure FC:tm cc: Seminole County Bo~d of County Commissioners Ga~ hiser, County M~ager Jo~ D~er, Cu~ent Pl~ning M~ager John LiUon, Ci~ Manger, Ci~ of~e Ma~ Dwight D. S~o~ Maguire, Voorhis ~d Wells, P.A. p:X~Xmisc~co~esMettersXt~k3 .d~ EXHIBIT F-1 __~ ~/ : Planned Development !:.:; Vicinity Map In Sanford i-,~ K~ -....~. .......~:.:[: . ~ , ...~=~..' , j: ~: . ; ~ I: },.: ..,:~ ~. -: - .. :. '' ' ' ' . i ~ '=..- ~- :~ ~, .' :. . ..:::....::~... :~ ~' ~." ,.. ~. :.'.'. '.[.~;.; ': . ....':,~::/ .,.:.,..~. ~-~ II81HX3 SOUTHWARD/TWIN LAKES COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PACKAGE Compiled by Department of Engineering and Planning City of Sanford, Florida November 13, 1997 SOUTHWARD/TWIN LAKES - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT PACKAGE Compiled by Department of Engineering and Planning City of Sanford, Florida November 13, 1997 Request to amend the Future Land Use Plan Map of the Future Land Use Element <~f the City of Sanford Comt~rehensive Plan from Low Densi.rv Residential and Medium Densi.rv Residential (Seminole Coun .ty Future Land Use Map) to Residential/Office/Institutional for 50 acres located between Coun .ty Road 46A/Paola Road, Rinehart Road, Interstate 4 and Oregon Avenue. EXISTING LAND USE OF SITE The fifty acre site was annexed into the City of Sanford in August, 1997. The site is basically vacant at the present time. Approximately five acres of the site includes portions of two lakes known as Twin Lakes. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS Per the attached map entitled, "Seminole County Future Land Use Map," the nonhem half of the site is presently designated Low Density Residential on the Seminole County Future Land Use Plan Map which permits up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The southern half of the property is designated Medium Density Residential on the Seminole County Future Land Use Plan Map which permits up to 10 dwelling units per acre. The applicant requests that the entire site be designated Residential/Office/Institutional which permits residential development with a maximum density of 20 dwelling units per acre and office development with a maximum floor-area-ratio of .35. Adiacent Land Use Coml~atibilitv. As depicted on the Future Land Use map, the site borders the City of Sanford's I-4 High Intensity Area and Seminole County' s High Intensity Planned Area, both of which provide for a ! .0 FAR (Floor Area Ratio) for commercial development,.50 FAR for industrial development and up to 50 dwelling units per acre for residential use. Such areas include Seminole Towne Center, a regional mall, located approximately One half mile to the north of the site. .loint PlanninE A~:reement. Per the attached complete copy of the City of Sanford/Seminole County Joint Planning Agreement adopted in 1991, specific policies address the unincorporated area encompassing the site under the heading "Recommendations for Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments" which recommends "High Density Residential north and west of Twin Lakes along the Rinehart Road extension adjacent to Higher Intensity Planned District area." At the date of the agreement Rinehart Road had not been constructed. The mall was being planned and the interchanges with the expressway and CR 46A were not yet funded but anticipated. The mall is built and both interchanges will be under construction in 1998. The agreement generally City of Sanli~rd Comprehensive Plan Amendment Package for Southward/Twin Lakes Site - Page I ~ a~d - cq!S SO}IP,3 u!^~,]jpJ~^~tlm~,),~ JoJ a~l~3ud luampuatuV uuld aA~suotlaJchuoD p~oJuu~ Io lu~IS~SuO~ '~J~tu~ns uI '~u~uu~ld ~sn pu~i ptm s~.~s 's~1H~o~J ~A~su~q~dmoo ~A~lD~dg~J OtU~ p~l~O&oou~ slu~molo SOO~A~OS pU~ KlunoD pue Xi~D Jo tx~luoo ~ql u~ql~ ]~uu~m o]enb~pe pue mepdo2dd~ ue u~ ~oj p~mmld ~q pomnsse s~ sl}un gu}llo~P 0~ o] dn ~u}~xoll~ ~l~su~lu~/[l~stt~p ~sn pueI ~tl~ls~x~ ~q~ '~sn Lmmpd ~ql oq 11~ luomdol~A~P I~}luoP~so~ ~l}m~J old~llnm leq] pol~3~pu~ seq lu~3~ldd~ oql osn~3oq lo~dm~ le~luop~so~ p~s~ou~ mnmlx~m uodn p~s~q ~q Ileqs lo~dm~ 'lu~mdol~A~p jo ~ql 'lu~mpu~mV u~ld ~A~su~qmdmoD s~ql jo ~so&nd ~ql ~od 'sl~un ~u}ll~P 0~ jo l~u t~lu~lod ~aoJ sl~un ~u~ll~p 006 ol dn ~oJ ~p~Amd plno~ uo~eug~s~p IO~ '~sod~nd s~ql ~oJ lou se~ pue dem [el2~AO ~l~ed~s e s~ spu~ll~/~l sla~d~p d~ ~sO pue~ ~nlnd s ,XlunoD ~lou}m~S 'sl~un guflI~p 0~ ol dn ~oJ ~p~Ao~d ol sD~l[su~p ~ql ~u~Xld~llnm pu~ Xl.~do.~d ~ql ~u~Aleq Xq pm~inale3 ~ suo~leu~}s~p ~sn puel Klunoa ~u~ls~x~ ql~ lu~mdol~A~P le~lu~lod &DVd~I S~3IAMMS ~MV SMI&IqI3Va 'V9~ MD pu~ p~oH ~q~u[M Jo ~uao3 lsa~qlnos jo qlnos ~l}m jl~q Duo Klm~m~xo~dde '~ ~ jo KInD ~ql u[ peoM veq~u~M uo pDl~3oI s~ II~m I~u0~2 ~ql ol lu~mdoI~A~p ~l~m~j ~Id~llnm lu~a~J~ug~s ls~sola l~uo~m pu~ s~DH[oej leplsnpu~ 's~l~l[a~j ~nbp~q leuo~l~u/l~uo~a 'gupnla~jnu~m gu[ddoqs leuo~g~2 eol pDl~m~I lou lnq gu~pnlou~ ~luno3 ~lou~m~S pmmo&oau~un pu~ pu~' paojueS Jo s~l~D ~ql Jo ~a~ l~u~g ~ql u~ gU~dOIDADp ~a~ lo~dm[ I~uo~g~ Jo slu~mdol~A~p Ie~A~S '~ ~lelSl~lUI punme eD~ gu~doI~A~p Xlp[dea e u~ p~le3oI s~ ~l~s ~1 'l~uD~ uI 'u~id ~lunoD ~lou[mDS ~ql m l~lu~p~s~M X1}suDG ~ pmeu~}s~p s~ ~lls ~ql jo uo~llod ~pDq~ou Dql jo ls~ ~ql ol ~lle~u~ pu~ ~nu~AV uogD~O Jo qlnos pDleDol pu~l lue~eA '~l~s ~ql jo qlnos Xl~l~p~mm~ p~l~ool s~ de~ uuld ~s~ pu~ ~nlnH s,~a~ ~ uo l~pa~mmo3 p~l~ug}sDp I~Daed lU~D~'A V 'ueld ~lunoD ~lou~m~S Dql u~ l~lV~p~s~~ Xl~su~G mn~p~ p~l~u~s~p ~ae qaN~ V9~ MD gu~luo~J sl~a.~d p~dol~A~pun ~q ls~ ~ql ol lu~mdol~A~p ~l[mej ~lgu~s moJJ pDl~d~s s~ ol lu~mdolaA~p le~lu~p~s~ qons mo~j pm~d~s s~ m~s ~q& 'm~s ~ql ol ~l~m~xoad ~sola u[ p~leool m~ sd~ ueld ~s~ pu~] ~nlnH s,X~e~ ~] jo ~I~D ~ql pu~ s,p~oJueS Jo ~I~D ~ql uo le~lu~p~s~ ~l~su~G ~ pm~ug~s~p lu~mdol~A~p le~lu~p~sm ~l~meJ ~Igu~s gugs~x~ · Kluo sDso&nd uo~lnm~oju~ .~oj paqa~lle s~ ueld luoD~] lsom ~ql jo Xdoo V '~a~ .~Dd sl~un ~u~ll~p ~E'Z l jo ~l~suDp sso~ e aoJ ~p~Ao~d ol p~s~A~ ~llu~nbDsqns se~ l~lloI s,~ipu~qD 's~ 'lu~m~2~V ~u~uueld lu[of ~ql ql~ 1H~ls~suo3 SID~Dj L661 '8 -~DqmDld~S p~lep ~DlpueqD s~DumH mmj Jollol e Jo XdoD V mn~p~ aoj ~aau ~d sl}un ~u~llD~p 91 pue le~lu~p~s~M ~l~suDG M~H ~oJ ~3u .~Dd sl~un ~uHl~p ' 0Z '~su3 s~ql u~ 'p~[Idd~ ~q plno~ spjepu~ls KI~SU~lU[ pUB XI~SUDp ~ afmd - OI!S so>lu3 U]AXAJpAUh~qlm)S ~0.1 .~,~.m~d luOulpUgmV uuld 3A~SUmtOJdtUO3 p~o. ltu~S .[0 0~ mo2J A]pudu3 [usods~p 9)s~ pHos uodn Dudm~ 9q~ '.m~K A;d suo) O00'OOE A~AO S~ K~ouduD , ~lquI!uAV 's.mg~ ~u~] o] dn JoJ Xl~oudu3 ~Iq~I]UAU SUq ll!Jpuul s,~)unoD ~lou~m9S '~suM pHoS s~ ~lls ~HI ol lu~o~fpu p;luooI s~ ;u~lJ~lu~ olqu~od .91 V '~O~ ~'~ Xlmum~xoJddu s~ ~IqUl]UAU OO~Aj~S JOlU~ ~lqmod ]ug.unD 'suo]luu~sgp 9sn pueI 2u~ls~x; tll!~ pg~ollu ~q ApugJlu plno~ l~ql J~qmnu mnm}xum ~q~ puoKgq sl]un ~uH[9~p [euo}l~ppu Ogg puu l~un ~uH[;~p Jod suosj~d ~9'E 'm~du9 Jod A~p J~d suoll~ t91 uo pgs~q Od9 ELL'ECZ ~q I1}~ sp~u X]~9~de3 -191~ ~lqulod · pgj~nbgj ~q I1~ ~sn Jglu~ '.m~s 9q1 ol OtqUI~UAU S~ 9UH J~l~ p~m~lo~J ..El V 'gl!S 9q] moJJ ~99J 000'~ X[91um ~xoJddu '~e~Jud suqof '18 puu puoH Veqou~H Jo uoD3osJglu~ 9ql mojJ (E ao ';l~s 9ql Jo 1s~9 000'~ Xl~lum~x°Jddu Vg~ gu°le (I 'suo~lu~l 91q~ssod o~] Jo J~q~}o moJJ ;l~s ~ql ol p~lonjlsuo3 . oq o1 p;gu 11~ ~uH J~s XJul}ues V '(Kup Jgd suollug uoHl~m) Gg~ VI s~ pgll~mmo9un si l~ql K]~gudu9 91q~l}uA~ lu;~n3 'guo~luu~sop 9sn puuI ~u}ls~x9 ql~ p~ollu oq Kp~gjIu plno~ Joqmnu mnm}xum 9q1 puoAgq sl~un guHlg~p l~uo]l~ppu 0~ puu l~un ~uHlg~p J~d suosjOd ~9'~ 'K~p Jgd m~&9 Jgd suollug L~I uo pgsuq (Kup Jgd suolle~) ~d9 ~ 'c ~q ll!~ spg~u ~9~9s KJul[u~S 'Xluno3 ~lou!mgS puu pjoJu~S Jo KInD 9ql ugo~loq lugm~;J~ 1~9olj~lu] ol A~u~a~n3uo3 p~oJuuS ]o AH3 uo p~se~) ~uamI ~Aa~S pu~ s~]l~n~ ~Hqnd ~q~O '6661 u! 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Ma~ll 7 .. / Theaters Future Future Interchange Expressway : (funded) Interchange (funded) . . / Vacant Agridultural 'Agricultural/ / . ~ Homesites ' SITE Existin Use: Vacant A ricultural/\ City Well field i /~ ~-/ Residences ,b,ts ~ ~ [e Famil' ,~,../ ~ ..... ~7':[.22 acant = Cemetery " ~ f2.2Z~ f V 2ET City of L r 'v ~ . ,.. ~. ,.~- "'(Lake Mary)'2_2 ._~ "'~'""""' Existing Land Use NORTH ]_.~ ""'J f % Existiag 12" / 7 ' / f lg 16" // .' ~ Water Line ,- Vacant Agricultural L_,__ City Wellfield ~ / c~ /. ;"'l .~~j ~ ~K~ ' ~ ~ c f .... ;""' .....Existing U~ili~iesNOR~ · ~'~'c~ty of sa~l' Seminole County Future Land Use Map SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State-of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation whose address is PostOffice Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772-1788, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". " WHEREAS, it is beneficial to the public for local governments to work together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation and the CiTY and the COUNTY have worked together in the pas~ as evidenced by the following Interlocal Agreements: Seminole County/City of Sanford Automatic Aid/First Response Interlocal Agreement dated September 20, 1989. - Road .Impact Fee Interlocal Agreement dated August 15, 1989. Road Maintenance and Right-of-Way Dedication Interlocal Agreement (Bevier Road) dated September 14, 1987. - 'Urban Service Area and util~itieS Service Area Establish- ment Interlocal dated October 18, 1990. - 'Rand Yard Road Maintenance Interlocal Agreement Between Seminole County and the City of Sanford dated July 16, 1990. Upsala Road intersection Construction Agreement dated November 16, 1990. - Agreement for the Enforcement of Building Codes dated May 3, 1983 - and numerous interlocal agreements relating to the Community Development Block Grant Program; and 1 ~{EREAS, in June, 1989 the Board of County Commissioners and the Sanford City Commission executed joint resolutions that expressed agreement as to.a number of Considerations.affectinglboth the CITY and the COUNTY, including urban planning, transportation impact fees, first response fire service, future annexation limits for the CITY, and water and wastewater service area boundaries for the COUNTY and the CITY in the Sanford/Seminole county Joint Planning Area hereinafter referred to as the Joint Planning Area; and WFfEREAS, the Joint Planning Area. and future annexation boundaries require more specific definition; and . ~EREAS, the provisions of the Local Government COmprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Par~ II, Chapter 163, Florida statutes) and the Rules of the Florida Department.of. Community Affairs (in particular Rule'9J-5.015, Florida Administra- tive Code) provide for intergovernmental coordination in-the comprehensive planning process; and WHEREAS-, the provisions of this Agreement ar~consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 187., Florida. Statutes).; the 'Regional Policy Plan adopted by the East Central Florida Regional PlanRing Council 'and the comprehensive plans of the CITYandthe COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the parties have the lawful right and power to enter into this Agreement. WITNESSETH: In consideration of the premises, mutual covenants, and agreements and promises contained heroin and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiencyof which is hereby acknowledged by the parties, the parties do hereby covenant and agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECIT~!~. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and form a material part.of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. · SECTION 2. PURPOSE/INTENT/JOINT PLANNING.AREA. (a) The purpose of this Agreement isto adopt standards. and procedures to insure thatcoordinated and cooperative comprehensive planning activities are accomplished to guide urban expansion. The purpose of the following provisions are to provide the public and 1.andholders with some certainty as to how property wi.ll be~ · developedin the Joint PlanningArea, to provide bothjurisdictions "' a level of confidence that their respective.plans will'.be imple~ mented, and to provide formal conflict resolution procedures to reduce future conflicts. (b) For the purposes of .this Agreement, the "Joint Planning Area" means the area reflected in Exhibit "A" to this Agreement which EXhibit is incorporated heroin by this reference thereto. as if fully set forth herein verbatim. SECTION 3. COMPi{EHENSIVE PLANNING, BI/TLPR/E LAND USES AND DEVEIX)PMENT APPROVALS. (a) Findinqs/PurDose. The COUNTY and the CITY have reviewed their respective Future Land Use Designations and Land Development Regulations for consistency. It was found that many FutUre Lahd Use Designations, at the time ofthis'Agreement, are equivalent and therefore property developing to these equivalent land uses, whether in the unincorporated area or CITY, will be consistent with the CITY's and COUNTY's Future Land Use Plans. It was also found that the Land Development Regulations of both jurisdictions, at the time of this Agreement, are consistent and that property developing in the unincorporated area or CITY will meet consistent minimum standards. (b) Future Land- Use EcruivalencV.= .Exhibit "B"~ 'attached hereto and entitled "Future Land Use Equivalency Chart",.sets forth equivalent' future land use plan map designations with related intensities and densities between .respective CITY and .COUNTY ' comprehenSiVe plans. Said. Exhibit is incorporated herein by this '. reference thereto as if fully set forth herein verbatim.. 'The FutUre Land Use Equivalency Chart shall provide the basis.for review 'by the .COUNTY and the.CITY of future land.use. element consistency and compatibility determinations with regard t0'-the' respective future land use plan elements of the CITY and the-COUNTY with particular reference.to lands adjacent to the jurisdictional limits of the CITY and the COUNTY and to lands that map be annexed by theCITY. Parcels of land annexed into the CITY ordeveloped in the unincorporated area which develop to an equivalent land use designation shall not be opposed by the CITY or COUNTY based on the compatibility of land use type, density or intensity. The Future Land Use Equivalency Chart may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. (c) Recommendations For Future ComDrehensive PlanAmendments. Exhibit "C" attached hereto and entitled "Recommendation For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments", sets forth land use designations that may be appropriate over a twenty (20) year planning horizon, but which are not recommended for adoption in the CITY's' or COUNTY's future land use element at this time as the recommended designation represents a major change in uses which, have nQt Undergone-extensive public' review and these uses'may-require additional services and facilities above those programmed. in the County or City's Capital Improvement Elements. The ~urpose of developing jointly.acceptable long range land use recommendations is to provide some consistent guiding recommendations from which future applicant requested or administratively generated land use plan amendments can be reviewed° Parcels of land proposing to develop .cOnsistent with these recommendations will not be opposed based on the joint land use recommendations contained in Exhibit "C" but will undergo joint review for facility and 'services. to ensure 'that adopted levelsof service are maintained. Exhibit .C.. may be amended from time to time asagreed by bothp~r~ies~ (d)' Joint Review Of Plan Amendments. During the development · and drafting phases of the respective comprehensive plans or plan amendments of the CITY and the COUNTY, CITY and COUNTY staff. shall transmit respective draft planning documents to the other as part of the public participation processes and intergovernmental 5 coordination mechanisms. Each staff shall compare each other's plan or plan amendments to determine whether proposed land uses and policies in the Joint Planning Area are consistent and equivalent pursuant to the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart and'Recommenda- tions For Future Comprehensive Plan Amendments. This Agreement is not intended to modify or require special procedures or processes f~r respective COUNTY and CITY.planning programs. SECTION 4. ANNEXATION AND'LAND USE JuKISDICTION. · . (a) Jurisdiction Over Annexed Parcels. The parties recognize thatthe. COUNTY loses land use jurisdiction overannexed'properties · subsequent to their annexation into the municipal limits of.the CITY. .Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, the CITYshall. have the authority to process rezoning, site plan and plat applications and apply CITY Land Development regulatiOnS, .in accordance with Subsection 4(b) of this Agreement. · (b) Land Use andZonin~ Designation For Parcels Annexed'Into the CITY. Upon annexation of COUNTY lands by the CITY, said. lands' shall have the zoning clarification assigned to them'in accordance with and by operation of'taw. 'Upon annexation the CITY shall apply. a CITY zoning district in a manner consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart included in this Agreement.. T~e CITY shall amend its comprehensive plan to include annexed lands during its plan amendment cycle immediately following such annexation. Plan amendments and/or rezonings that are not consistent with the Future Land Use Equivalency Chart (Exhibit "B") of this Agreement shall undergo a joint CITY/COUNTY review and zoning, plat and site plan final approvals shall not become effective until the CITY's plan is amended according to the review and approval process in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. SECTION 5. COORDINATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. (a) Uniform Riqht-of-Wav ~nd Buildinq Setbacks on. Maior Roads. In addition to establishing consistent future right-of-way requirements for major roadways, the CITY and the COUNTY agree to set uniform base building lines on such roadways as part ~f their required 1992 Land Development Code update. Such base building lines result. in a uniform building setback that supersedes a lesser building setback ina given zoning district (b) Land DeveloDment Code UDdates. Each party will be provided by the other partywith a meaningful opportunity. to review and provide .formal comments relating to all land development. regulation updates or revisions except amendments to the~.zoning.. district map unless otherwise specified. Land. Development. Code updates. relating to the Higher Intensity Planned Development DistriCt in the Interstate Highway 4/State .Road 46 .area W~ll Undergo joint CITY/COUNTY review and will be incorporated into CITY and COUNTY codes to more effectively manage development of this higher intensity area. (c) Review of Development Proposals for Transportation ~mpact_s. Each party shall provide the other party with a'meaning- ful opportunity to review and comment upon planned development project rezonings, proposed subdivisions and site plans located adjacent to the other's jurisdiction° The primary consideration as 7 to such reviews shall be consistency with the provisions of this Agreement and an evaluation and analysis of off-site transportation impacts. Applications and proposals for the above mentioned projects shall be forwarded to the reviewing party.as soon as. practicable after the time of receipt. SECTION 6. ANNEXATION CRITERIA. The parties agree that contiguity will be the primary criteria for annexation of lands located within the Sanford UrbanArea. Within this area th~ COUNTY agrees, to the extent permitted by law, not to oppose the-annex--'. .ation of any parcel that is contiguous and relatesto 1-ands located either East of Interstate 4or East of the Interstat~.4~Industrial ,. Park. SECTION 7. CONFLICT I{ESOLUTION. (a). Inter~overnmental Communication. In the event ~hat disagreements or conflicts arise between the parties relatingto the terms and provisions of this Agreement, the following proce- dures for.conflict resolution will be. initiated prior to 'final. action by the approving agency:. (1) Manaqement. The chief administrative'officials of both the CITY and the COUNTY-shall meet to review unresolved issues and to develop a report to the respective Commissions. Reports must be submitted to the Commissions ten (10) working days prior to scheduled final action and should address areas of agreement, areas of disagreement and recommended compromise provisions or options. (2) Elected Officials. If agreement over unresolved issues is not reached after the procedure set forth in Section 8 7(a)(1) is accomplished, a joint worksession Imeeting of the respective Commissions may be held within twenty (20) working.days ~' of submission of the report. Both entities agree to delay final action regarding the conflict until either a joint worksession is held or a determination is made that one shall not be held. (b) Informal Conflict Mediation. The parties agree to maximize utilization of the Informal Interjurisdictional Mediation Process of the East Central Florida Regional Planning' Council embodied in Rule 29F-3.012, Florida Administrative Code,-or its successor provision. Actions relating to the issueof.conflict shall be delayed, to the maximum practicable extent, if the informal mediation process is utilized. (c) .'Chapter 164, Florida Statutes. Nothing in this Agreement. shall be deemedin any way to waive any rights deriving to a party under the provisions of Chapter t64, Florida Statutes, or its successor provision. (d) Time of Actions. The parties agree, to the'-ex~ent '- practicable, to time their actions to maximize intergovernmental coordination, communication and cooperation. SECTION 8. TERM. This Agreement shall be in. effect for-a .five(5) year period beginning the date which it is fully executed · by the parties.. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for a subsequent five (5) year period unless one (1) of the parties thereto gives the other ninety (90) days advance notice, in writing, of intention to not renew the Agreement. 9 SECTION 9. NOTICE- Contact persons for this Agreement shall' be the CITY Manager and the COUNTY Manager. FOR THE CITY Bill Simmons, City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 FOR THE COUNTY Ron H. Rabun, County Manager Seminole County Services Building 1101 East First Street Sanford, Florida 32771 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par. ties hereto have set their hands. and seals the day, month and year above written. ATTEST: CITY OF S~:~.~ · 'E~TR. DONAHOE, Clerk .By: City of Sanford ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~er~S~oard of County Commissioners of Date: Seminole County, Florida. For use and reliance As authorized for execution by of Seminole County only. the Board of County Commis- egal fficien LNG/gg LNG/gg 10/31/90 05/23/91 11 / 06 / 90 LNG/gn 01/02/91 08/12/91 LNG/dre 01130191 ~ ~]:: 02/18/91 <.~....~ 05/21/91 :Di..~ ~Z /,--~ / / val=1~ DNINNV'ld .J. NIOP AJ.NrlOO a~oNiwas/a~oaNvs EXHIBIT "Bn - FUTURE IAND USE EQUIVALENCY CHART Future Land Use City Land Use City Zoning County Land Use County Zonlag . Low Density LDR - SF $R-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; LDR A-l, AC, RC-1, R-I~ R1-A, Residential - Single 6 DU/Acre PD; AG 1-4 DU/Acre R1-AA, R1-AAA, RI.- Family AAAA, PLI, PUD Medium Density MDR - 10' SR-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; MDR All LDR Zonings, RM-1, Residential 10 DU/Acre MR-t; PD; AG 4-10 DU/Acre RM-2, R-2, R3A, R1-B, R1-BB, RP Medium Density SR-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; HDR All MDR Zonings, R-3, Residential MDR - 15 MR-l; MR-2; PD; AG High Density Residential R-4 15 DU/Acre Over 10 DU/Acre High Density SR-1AA; SR-1A; SR-1; All MDR Zonings, R-3, Residential - 20 HDR MR-I; MR-2; MR-3; HDR DU/Acre PD; AG ROI MR-l; MR-2; MR-3; OP,RP,AC, A-i, PLI, PUD Office Residential-Office- RMOI; PD; AG Office Institutional Commercial NC - Neighborhood RMOI; RC-1; GC-2; All Office Zonings GC - General PD; AG Commercial CN,CS, C-1,C-2,PCD industrial I - Industrial RI-1; MI-2; PD; AG ini:lustrial C-3,MdA, M-1,A-1,OP,C- 1,C-2, PCD,PLI,PUD,DC U'Hi~h Intensity L' MLxed HI - I-4 High Intensity PD; AG HIP Use Planned WIC - Westside Industry Intensity Planned A-l, AC Development and Commerce Development AIC - Airport Industry and Commerce Public/Semi-Public PSP All Zones Publle/Qua~i PLI, AC, A-1 Public Recreation Conservation RP - Resource Protection All Zones ConServation AC, A-1 General Rural GR AG; PD SuburBan Estates AC, A-l, PLI, (1 DU/5 Acre) 1 DU/Acre RM-3 Revised October 10, 1991. SEMINOLE COUNT,V/CITY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING AREA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS -..~.,; ................,...,,.,.,,..,..,..,..,,.,.,,,,,..,-~ / · - ~, ,~:~,;~ ~'Z-~~ ': :, EXHIBIT C SEMINOLE COUNTY/CITY OF SANFORD JOINT PLANNING AREA RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS This Exhibit sets forth land ue~ designations that may be appropriate over a twenty (20) year planning horizon. The purpose of developing Jointly acceptable long range land use recommendations is to provide some consistenz guiding recommendations from which future applicant requested or administrative land use plan amendments can be reviewed. Parcels of land proposing to develop consistent with these recommendations will not be opposed based on the joint land use recommendations. A facility capacity analysis will need to be conducted at the time of PIne amendment and amendments will undergo Joint review for facility and services to ensure the adopted levels of service are maintained. These recommendations may be amended from time to time as agreed by both parties. REFERENCE GENERAL SEMINOLE COUNTY NU~fBER LOCATION ADOPTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMEMDATIONS/CO~MENTS ! North and East of Industrial/ Suburban Recommend Low Density Residential (up to 6 du/ac) Midway Estates 'Conservation and Conservation with no expansion to non- residential land designations. industrial, Commercial and Medium Density land uses reflect existing zoning. This area will be the subject of a neighborhood redevelopment plan which may recommend alternative land uses. 2 intersection of SR C o m m e r c i a 1 / Recommend airport compatible Commercial and 46/CR 415 Industrial/ Suburban Industrial land uses under the airport flight Estates zone. Require Planned Development zoning to address service and facility n~eds. 3 South & East side Suburban Estates/ 1) The Cit~ and County will update their of Airport Conservation Comprehensive Plans and Land Development Codes by 1993 to designate Airport compatible land uses in the Airport flight paths and noise zones. At a minimum, this update will include: · Designation of uses which will not prohibit expansion of airport operations; 1 REFERENCE GENERAL S~MINOLE COUNTY NUMBER LOCATION ADOPTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOM34ENDATIONS/COMMENTS · Strategies to permit the conversion of existing neighborhoods to airport compatible uses and to minimize non- residential impacts during the conversion process; · Identification of service and facilities needed to support future land uses. 2) The County and city should add the Lake Mary Blvd./Silver Lake Drive easterly extension to connect to SR 46 East to the long range traffic circulation plans. The alignment and programming of this facility requires close coordination with the Central Florida Regional Airport master Plan. Development in this area should not be encouraged until the extended roads\way is in placs, within a City/County budget, is the subject of a binding developer agreement or is otherwise consistent with the County's and the City's concurrency management system. 3) In the South and Easterly areas of Airport Environs land use plan amendments should be to airport compatible uses bnly: . Residential uses On 5 acre parcels with a grandfather provision for existing parcels of record; · Light industrial, airport related office, motel, warehouse and other uses meeting Federal Aviation Administration criteria adjacent to the airport provided with adequate facilities and services concurrent with development; ~nd · Recreation and Conservation uses. 2 .KEFERENCE GENERAL SEMINOLE COUiqTY N"Ob~BER LOCATION ADOPTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOb[NfENDATIONS/COM]4ENTS 4) As a condition to approving development, many existing streets in the Sanford Airport Area, such as by way of example, Beardall Avenue and Cameron Avenue, will require improvement to meet applicable functional standards to provide access to more intensive urban development. 4 S[lver Lake L o w D e n s i t y Medium Density Residential for the area north of Residential/Suburban Silver Lake Drive between existing Medium Density Estates Residential in the City. The industrial area to the south should maintain additional buffers to residential areas and be restricted to light industrial uses. 5 So. Sanford Ave Medium & Low Density City and County should maintain the Medium and Residential Low Density Residential uses as a transition from Sanford's industrial areas to residential uses. Recommend light industrial uses north of Pineway to have additional buffer and setbacks. 6 Sanford Ave. Medium Density/ Recommend maintaining Medium Density Residential R e s [ d e n tia 1 / uses and permitting High Density, Commercial Residentlal/Neighborho6d Commercial/Office frontage on S~nford Avenue two lots deep on a case-by-case basis. Prohibit commercial in Woodmere on east side of Sanford Avenue. 7 Corner CR 46A/ L o w D e n s i t y Recommend Low Intensity Office uses at Country Club R e s I d e s t i a 1 / intersection of CR 46A and Country Club Road to Conservation maintain compatibility with surrounding residences and allowing commercial east of the Expressway. REFERENCE GENER3~L SEMINOLE COU~Y NUMBER LOCATION ADOPTED LAND USE FU~jRE LAND USE RECOM}4ENDATIONS/COM}4ENTS 8 North of Railroad/ Suburban Estates/Low Recommend Medium Density Residential as ~ South of US 17-92 Density Residential/ transition between Medium Density Residential and Industrial Residential/Office/ Institutional uses in the City and surrounding Low Density Residential development. NOTE: County Low Density Residential and Industrial uses have existing zonings; adjacent city land use is Medium Density Residential. Recommend no expansion of industrial uses north of the railroad; maintain large wetland adjacent to US 17-92 as Suburban Estates/Conservation. 9 West of Upsala/ L o w D e n s i t y Recommend Medium Density Residential (up to 10 North of CR 46A Residential du/ac) north of Indian Trace city PUD and on Upsala Road and West of Oregon. Recommend High Density Residential north and west of Twin Lakes along the Rinehart Road extension adjacent to Migher Intensity Planned District area. I0 East of SR 46 Higher Intensity The City will amend Development Approval Corridor Planned Development Procedures within the I~4 High Intensity Area coinciding with the County's High intensity Planned Development land use. Specifically, the City will amend its Plan to require PD zoning for any rezoning in such areas to address infrastructure needs, provision of services, development phasing, development intensity and land use compatibility on a site-by-site basis. Existing conventional zoning districts within the City limits upon the effective date of nhis agreement will be "grandfathered" Unincorporated parcels. developed prior To December 8, 1987, shall lalso be 4 REFERENCE GENERAL SEMINOLE COUNTY NU~fBER LOCATION AD6PTED LAND USE FUTURE LAND USE RECOMMENDATIONE/COMFZENTS grandfathered in accordance with the provisions of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The city and county shall work together to develop coordinated development standards per Section 5(b) of this agreemeLt. 5