HomeMy WebLinkAbout3375 ..... ORDINANCE NO. 3375 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3361 AND ITS AMENDMENTS, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CERTAIN EFFECTIVE DATES AND ORDER OF SEQUENCE TO BE APPLIED RETROACTIVELY (CONCURRENT WITH OCTOBER 1, 1997) TO SITUATIONS INVOLVING MULTIPLE, SIMULTANEOUS, PERSONNEL-RELATED PAY PLAN TRANSACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it necessary to establish a revised Classification and Pay Plan to provide clarification applicable to multiple, simultaneous personnel-related pay plan transactions in terms of sequence of application and effective dates for same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the preceding clauses are adopted as fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: That the terms of Ordinance No. 3361 are hereby amended. SECTION 3: 'i"hat Ordinance No. 3361 be and the same is hereby amended to provide that the revisions to the Classification and Pay Plan attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are incorporated herein by reference and are made part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as though it was fully set forth herein. SECTION 4: SEVERABILITY. If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: CONFLICTS. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 6: EFFECTIVE DATE. That this ordinance shall become effective October 1, 1997 after its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7- /1/"N" Day f..~(/%~-m/~f 1997. ATTEST: AS THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ~ CITY OF SANFORD NOVEMBER 4, 1997 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR & CITY COMMISSION VIA: CITY MANAGER FROM: HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR-~- SUBJECT: CLARIFICATION RE: ORDINANCE NO. 3:]75 Prior to this FY personnel-related transactions, (i.e, step increases, reclassi~cations, regrades, COLA's etc.) were all handled in a logical sequence for the purpose of implementation. Specifically, that sequence of application was as follows: 1. Performance evaluation/step increase - based upon the previous twelve (12) months of performance. 2. Reclassification - permanent change in functions, duties, and responsibilities. :]. Regrade - result of comparative salary survey data. 4. COLA - based upon CPI data. Of key importance to this discussion is the fact that "some regrades" for thk FY were actually impacted twice in that some departments requested and received City Commission approval to reclassify and regrade certain positions to become effective October 1, 1997 and subsequently these same positions were impacted by the final survey results undertaken by "DMG" which were implemented effective October 4, 1997. Although all employees in the aforementioned category were Positively affected, it is now apparent that if the DMG regrading was implemented first, rather than the regrading which was Department-generated, those same employees would have received a Ereater increase in pay. For the purpose of illustration please note the attached list which depicts the twenty positions that were impacted, what they received using the sequence of application alluded to above, and what they would have received if the DMG survey results were implemented first. (See Attachment #1 ). Hemorandum Page Two of Two As noted on Attachment #1, the difference in cost between how regrades are normally implemented vs. the cost associated with implementing the DMG regrading first is $48,048.07. This difference is purely a by-product of technicality associated with different perceptions of how the regrading should be implemented. In all fairness, had Departments known that the requests they made during the budget process would have this affect, in all likelihood, those requests would not have been made. By the same token, the City did not know what pay ranges would be recommended by DMG until the August/September, ] 997 time frame therefore the discrepancy was not anticipated nor noted until the pay plan transition was implemented. In any event, the discrepancy does exist and per discussion with the City Manager, we wanted to apprise the City Commission of same and seek direction as to the Commission's consensus as to which implementation would be followed at this time. Second, since it is theoretically possible for this to occur again at some point in the future, Ordinance No. 3375 has been generated to specify exactly how such transactions will be executed (whenever multiple, simultaneous transactions occur) in terms of sequence of application. TM/jr I - Comparison re: Implementation cc: File PUBLIC WORKS STATUS ON 9/30/97 NORMAL SEQUENCE DMG SEQUENCE 1. (122-01) $14,747.41 $17,527.95 $17,527.95 2. (122-02) $15,189.82 $17,527.95 $18,042.96 3. (122-02) $15,189.82 $17,527.95 $18,042.96 4. (122-10) $19,176.10 $22,098.13 $22 747.50 5. 123-15) $22,820.51 $27,950.62 $35 2338.32 6. 122-14) $21,547.14 $26,377.52 $34 232.43 7. 122-09) $18,618.08 $23,491.94 $29 617.54 8. 122-15) $22,174.67 $27 152.74 $35 238.22 9. 122-10) $19,176.77 $22 098.133 $22 747.50 10. 122~033) $15,6332.033 $18 042.96 $18 5733.15 11. (122-07) $17,564.56 $20 259.20 $20,854.50 12. (122-12) $20,3327.42 $2:3 416.02 $24,104.08 1:3. (122-09) $18,618.08 $21 467.26 $22,098.133 $284,9338.70 319,065.24 Items 1-4 ez 9-13 involve Department request to reclass nine (9) positions from Equipment Operator I to Equipment Operator I!. Item 5 involves Department request to reclass one ( 1 ) position from Equipment Operator 11 to Equipment Operator Ill/Route Supervisor. Items 6-8 involve Department request to redass three (3) positions from Equipment Operator I to Equipment Operator Ill/Route Supervisor. CITY MANAGER STATUS ON 9/:]0/97 NORMAL SEQUENCE DMG SEQUENCE 1. (228-15) $24,759.74 $29,0334.51 $330,766.11 2. (2330-15) $26,245.44 $331,33:]5.82 $:~2,256.64 $60,3370.3333 $6:],022.75 Item 1 involves Department request to redass one (1) position from Secretary II to Secretary III. Item 2 involves Department request to reclass one (1) position from Secretary !11 to Personnel Technician. ATTACHMENT #1 COIvIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STATUS ON 9/30/97 NORMAL SEQUENCE DMG SEQUENCE 1. (228-15) $24,759.74 $29,034.51 $30,766.11 2. (234-03) $20,788.70 $23,491.90 $24,893.02 $52,526.14 $55,659.13 Item I involves Department request to redass one ( 1 ) position from Secretary II to Secretary ][I. Item 2 involves Department request to redass one (1) position from Contracts Clerk to Contracts Coordinator. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT STATUS ON 9/30/97 NORMAL SEQUENCE DMG SEQUENCE 1. (223-15) $21,394.23 $24,037.73 $27,783.39 Item I involves Department request to redass one ( 1 ) position from Clerk Typist to Secretary II. RECREATION 8t PARKS STATUS ON 9/30/97 NORMAL SEQUENCE DMG SEOUENCE 1. ( 131-05) $21,529.04 $24,182.29 $26,377.52 2. ( 131-05) $21,529.04 $24,182.29 $26,277.52 $48,364.58 $52,755.04 Items I ~ 2 both involve Department request to reclass two (2) positions from Recreation Supervisor ! to Recreation Supervisor ][. Total if DMG Implemented First = $518,285.55 Total if Implemented in Normal Sequence = $470,237.48 Additional Budget Request = $ 48,048.07 CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 "' ': SECTION I INSTALLATION OF THE "CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN" 1. The effective date of of the general provisions of this 'Classification & Pay Plan" shall be October 1, 1997 as approved and adopted by the City Commission via Ordinance No. 3361 dated September 22. 1997. However for the purpose of initial implementation, some provisions may be effective at other dates as provided for herein. 2. Every effort has been undertaken to ensure that all regular, full-time and regular part-time positions as reflected in the 'authorized positions" portion of this ~C/assification & Pay Plan" are prepedy classified and graded based upon external salary survey comparison and internal equity issue analysis pertaining to th~ functions, duties, and responsibilities of each position. 3. Approval and adoption of this ~Classi~cation & Pay Plan" by the City Commission constitutes direction to the City Manager and Personnel Director to implement same as descdbed herein including those personnel considerations addressed during the FY 97/98 budget deliberation process and to make all necessary administrative interpretations of same as needed. 4. The implementation and applicability of this ;~lassi~cation & Pay Plan" as it relates to employees covered by collective bargaining agreements is subject to the provisions of said collective bargaining agreement. SECTION II PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS Performance evaluations shall continue to be utilized for the traditional purpose of providing employees with objective measurements as to how well his/her individual performance contributes to the overall goals and objectives of the organization. Such evaluations shall also continue to be utilized as a tool to encourage employee development and high individual achievement. As described herein, an overall performance rating of 'satisfactory" shall be the minimum standard associated with eligibility for annual step movement from the minimum to the maximum of a position's pay range. An employee who does not achieve an overall performance rating of satisfactory or better shall not be eligible for step movement for that particular FY. CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 1. Existing employees as ~f OctOber 1;.:1997 shall be evaluated during the month of September, 1998 for the purpose of determining eligibility for step to step . .~, movement, An evaluation indicative of Overall satisfactory performance for FY 97/98 shall entitle the employee being evaluated to a maximum of one (1) step movement within his/her grade level range effective October 1. 1998. This same process will occur in each subsequent fiscal year during the September/October timeframe until such time as the maximum (step 15) of the pay grade has been attained. 2. Employees hired after October I of any year who have completed six (6) months of satisfactory service as of September 30th of the following year will be entitled to the same consideration as outlined above in the terms of eligibility for a maximum of one (1) step movement effective October I of the following year. 3. Employees hired after October I of any year who have not completed six (6) months of satisfactory service as of September 30th of the following year will become eligible for a maximum of one (1) step movement at the completion of the 6th month of satisfactory service and will have no further entitlement to step movement consideration in that particular FY. · 4. No new hire appointment may be made abo.v~e step five (5) of a pay grade without City Manager approval. 5. Although the use of special performance evaluations are encouraged in cases of meritorious or adverse performance at any time, such evaluations will not be the basis for non-routine step to step movement. 6. During the course of FY 97/98 and prior to September 1, 1998 a revised performance appraisal system will likely be developed and implemented. Until such revision is implemented, the existing performance appraisal system will continue to be in effect. . - Although, at this time, step to step movement is not directly tied to levels of performance other than overall satisfactory service, it is possible that other performance levels (i.e. above satisfactory, outstanding) may become a key ingredient in determining eligibility for "special performance pay" should such a program be approved and funded by the City Commission. CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 Should such funds become available, it is probable that the allocation of same will be based upon levels of performance above .the "satisfactory" level and would be provided in the form of (one time lump sum) "special performance pay" over and above the routine step movement paid on October 1st of each year beginning in October, 1998 based upon the previous year's performance. "Special Performance Pay" shall only be available to employees who worked a full twelve (12) months of the year on which performance is based. 7. Department Heads will be held accountable for the timely submission of:all performance evaluations when they are due in accordance with these administrative guidelines. Requests to extend evaluation periods should only be for extraordinary reasons and by mutual agreement between the employee being rated, the Department Hea~l, and the City Manager. Such requests must be in written format and be on file with the Personnel Director no later than the original due date of the evaluation. Requests of this nature cannot exceed six (6) months and in no case shall extensions be retroactive 'to the original due date. SECTION III KEY EMPLOYMENT DATES 1. Date of Entry (DOE) - The date of initial hire (DOE) is still the key date in determining such things as benefit entitlement, probationary vs. classified status, normal retirement eligibility, etc. It also establishes the initial date of classification. 2. Promotion - A promotion is defined as the movement from a lower pay grade to a higher pay grade vacancy as a result of a competitive consideration process. All promotions shall be accompanied by an increase in pay to be determined by the Department and governed by budgetary constraint. Whenever a promotion occurs, the effective date of the promotion becomes the employee's new date of classification. 3. Demotion - A demotion is defined as the movement from a higher pay grade to a lower pay grade. Such movement may be voluntary or involuntary. Although demotions are generally associated with a loss in pay, this is not always CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 the case. Departments ~hall make every effort to place a demoted employee in the lower pay grade into a step which is aS close as possible to the employee's pay pdor to the demotion without exceeding the previous pay rate. Whenever a demotion occurs, the effective date of the demotion becomes the employee's new date of classification. 4. Reclassi~cation/Regrade - A "reclassification" action occurs whenever there has been a significant change in the functions, duties, and responsibilities of a particular position or class of positions. These significant changes must be of a permanent nature and not merely a result of temporary need. "A reclassification" action does not necessarily trigger a change in pay grade level since pay grade levels are determined by an analysis of job comparable worth, prevailing wage~ and other internal and/or extemal equity issues. A "reclassification" action does not change an existing employee's date of classification. A '.'r.e~rade" action occurs whenever it is determined that a particular position or class of positions pay range is in need of adjustment. Such determination is based upon prevailing wage comparison, comparable worth comparisons, internal or external equity analysis, and/or significant increase or decrease in function, duties; and responsibilities, of a permanent nature. N"regrade" action generally reflects the worth of the position rather than the worth of the incumbent. Whenever a "regrade" action is approved, the position or class of positions affected will be placed into the approved pay grade level and all incumbents wilt be placed in the same step level held at the effective date of the "regrade". A :'reqrade" action does not change an existing employee's date of classification. Should a "reclassification" and/or :'reqrade" action affect a vacant position, and should such position be filled via promotion or new hire, a change in date of classification will occur. 5. Multiple. Simultaneous 8tatus Changes - In some cases it is possible that more than one (1) action may be applicable to a particular position or class of positions at the same time. In cases such as this, the sequence of actions that govern the changes in question are: step increase/performance evaluation; reclassi~cation; department generated regrade; general regrade; COLA. CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 SECTION IV' STEP IN GRADE SYSTEM 1. The City of Sanford's pay plan consists of a step in grade system with each pay grade level containing fifteen (15) steps from the 'minimum to the maximum of the pay grade range. 2. Movement from step to step within the range is based upon time in service ~nd satisfactory job performance. All such movement shall be effective on the employees' step eligibility date. For purpose of initial implementation on October 1, 1997 and October 1st of ea.ch year thereafter, all employees shall have the date October 1 as their official step eligibility date. However, there shall be no other step movement dudng FY 97/98 except as addressed in Section II paragraph 3. Instead, the revised pay schedules reflecting salary ranges reported as a result of the classification and pay study conducted during 1997 shall become effective October4, 1997. Each employee as of that date, filling a regular authorized position, shall be transitioned into the revised pay schedule for his/her classification at the same step level in effect, as of October 4, 1997. In some cases it may be necesssry to affect other adjustments (i.e., to higher step levels) to avoid any loss of pay associated with houdy pay as a one time adjustment concurrent with the implementation of this pay plan effective October 4, 1997. 3. Not later than September 30th of each year beginning with FY 97/98, all employees shall receive performance appraisals based upon their job performance dudng that fiscal year and step to step movement (one (1) step maximum) shatl be attained based upon overall satisfactory job performance. Such movement will then become effective October I st for the following fiscal year. (Note: See Section II of these administrative guidelines for additional information regarding step to step movement for new hires and for information pertaining to performance evaluations.) 5 CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 SECTION V. COLA No COLA has been approved for FY 97~98 implementation. SECTION VI CLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The "Classification & Pay Plan" provides a systematic arrangement and inventory of all City positions and groups the various positions into classes indicative of the range of duties, responsibilities, and levels of work performed. The class titres standardize the utilization of the classifications. The Classification & Pay Schedule consists of: A. Groupings of positions which are sufficiently alike with respect to duties and responsibilities and required essential minimum qualifications which can be equitably compensated in the same. .pay grade. B. Class titles, indicative of the work classes, which are used on all personnel, accounting, budget, and related official records. C. Written descriptions for each position classification describing the kind of work, typical illustrative examples of work found in the class, the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities required for successful performance of the work, the required training and experience needed for entrance to the class, special requirements, and supervision received and exercised. 2. Per the provisions of the City Charter, the Personnel Director is responsible to the City Manager for administering all aspects of the personnel system of the City of Sanford. Every effort has been undertaken to ensure competitiveness with respect to the pay ranges reflected herein in addition to the administration of same. The City of Sanford "Classification & Pay P/an" is a by-product of this endeavor. CITY OF SANFORD CLASSIFICATION & PAY PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE GIT~)ELINES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 3. The Personnel Director is responsible to the City Manager for the maintenance of the 'Classification & Pay Plan". Maintenance shall consist of but not be limited to: A. Allocation of positions. B. Incorporation of salary survey and comparable worth informational data. C. Review and analysis of position classification/descriptions. D. Coordination with Civil Service Board. E. Class designation and grade assignment. F. Review and analysis regarding requests for reclassifications and/or regrades, G. Review, analysis and interpretation of class specifications and minimum requirements. 4. Department Heads may, at any time, request that amendments to the ~C/assification & Pay P/an" be considered. Such requests normally entail revisions to position descriptions and/or requests for regrades. Requests of this nature should be submitted in wdting via the Personnel Director to the City Manager. The request should be supported by facts and justification for consideration. " After all consideration, the City Manager shall make the final determination as to whether Or not the request shall be presented to the City Commission and/or Civil Service Board as appropriate.