HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09-2020 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES Aw 6 �'l. aoaa MARCH 992020 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, March 9, 2020, at 5:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Vice Mayor Art Woodruff Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Mayor Jeff Triplett Vice Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM. Mr. Bonaparte, City Manager, introduced Andrew Thomas, Community and Neighborhood Engagement Director. Mr. Thomas introduced Olatunji Oyewale, the City's new CDBG Program Manager. Mr. Thomas said that Mr. Oyewale has knowledge of the City, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and Community Development. He will be in charge of the funding that is received for these programs and provide assurance that it is expedited in a specific timeframe. Commissioner Austin said he recently heard that Seminole County received $4.5M for affordable housing. Mr. Thomas said that he is not aware of anything regarding that. 1. Presentation: Economic Development Strategic Plan by Bob Turk, Economic Development Director. Mr. Turk handed out copies of the Economic Strategic Plan currently being CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 9, 2020 WORK SESSION reviewed by the Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAP). He said that the board has recommendations for the Commission's review and comments. Some of these recommendations include; Sanford's Tax Abatement Program, Logistics and Connectivity, Parking, Trash Compacting, Resource Center Downtown, Tourism Development and Marketing. Chef Michael O'Brien, Owner of the Corner Cafe and an EDAP Board Member said although the City has achieved their goals by increasing businesses, the main issue is parking. The next step is how to figure out how to maintain and manage the growth within the City. Commissioner Mahany asked about the cost is for the new Strategic Plan and Mr. Turk said the original consulting fees for the first strategic plan was $60K (in 2015) and this updated Strategic Plan will cost staff time and volunteer time with no additional costs. Commissioner Mahany said that she would like something to be done in District 4, the mall is in trouble, there are landscaping concerns and litter control issues. Mr. Bonaparte said that there are plans for the mall. A project known as Project Fun, is being considered and he will notify the Commission when additional information is available. Mr. Turk made note to meet with the Commission on a more regular basis. Vice Mayor Woodruff asked for an update on the Welcome Center. Mr. Turk said they are still discussing it with the staff. Mr. Bonaparte said the owner of the Welcome Center has taken a new direction and he will provide an update when he has more information. There was a brief discussion with Vice Mayor Woodruff and Commissioner Mahany to determine if the City should be accepting proposals for the Civic Center and Monroe Hall Buildings. The consensus was for the Commission to accept the proposals for CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 9, 2020 WORK SESSION review. Commissioner Mahany asked to be informed when there are proposals for anything in her district. 2. Presentation: Capital Projects Update by Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director. Ms. Lindsay handed out a spreadsheet with a list of additional capital items for replacement, maintenance and/or repairs. Commissioner Austin asked if this was a list of urgent items and if the City is prepared for the current storm in the event City Hall would have to be closed. Ms. Lindsay said the City has adequate reserves. City staff addressed the items that are the most urgent. After a brief discussion, the consensus was to approve everything on the list provided by Ms. Lindsay with the exception of the Larry Dale Aquatic Center Pool Liner Replacement. Ms. Lindsay will provide an agenda memo at the next meeting. 3. Presentation: Historic Preservation Board (HPB) Funding request by Julie Scofield, Historic Preservation Planner. Ms. Scofield handed out the Historic Preservation Design Guidelines. She said these guidelines would provide residents a better understanding of Schedule S. The guidelines will show the residents how they can remodel their homes in a more simplistic way. She said the cost to implement the guidelines will be about $45,000 and will come from the Little Red School House insurance proceeds. Ms. Scofield said the HPB would like the Commission's approval to move forward with the Design Guidelines. After a brief discussion, the Commission gave the approval to move forward with this project. In addition, Tammy Agnini, HPB Chair and Ms. Scofield recommended increasing the HPB CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 9, 2020 WORK SESSION members to seven with one alternate. Ms. Agnini said the current committee has five members on it and if members have a conflict and are not able to attend the meeting, they do not have a quorum and the meeting is cancelled. Ms. Scofield said they are also looking to have a member on the committee that lives outside the Historic District that would have a different point of view and has a construction background. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional information A. Resolution No. 2855, approval of the Community Development Block Grant Budget, by Cindy Lindsay. There was no discussion on this item. This is an action item on tonight's agenda. 5. Briefing Items Fred Fosson, Human Resources and Risk Management Director, gave an update on the Corona Virus. He advised staff not shake hands at this time, he recommended that you could fist pump, toe tap or nod your head. He said wash your hands all the time and keep your hands away from your face. Mr. Fosson said, next week on Monday and Wednesday the Care Here Clinic will be holding a Flu Shot Clinic for anyone who has not received a flu shot this year. He said that Blue Cross and Blue Shield are waiving the fees for the testing of the Corona virus. Mr. Fosson said the Directors can ask an employee to go home and stay home until better and are permitted to ask employees whom they have been in contact with over the last 14 days. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 9, 2020 WORK SESSION Mr. Fosson would like a consultant to audit the City's Health Insurance to ensure the fees paid to Blue Cross and Blue Shield are normal, review the claims, review the fees being paid to Care Here and review the wellness initiatives. 6. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte and Mr. Fosson will be attending a class regarding the Corona Virus next week at Harvest Time hosted by Leadership Seminole. Commissioner Mahany suggested the caterer might need to pre-package meals for the next few meetings if the Corona Virus continues to spread into Seminole County. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:18 ATTEST: r .L City Clerk (cl)