HomeMy WebLinkAbout3409 ORDINANCE NO. 3409 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3324 AND ITS AMENDMENTS TO AMEND SECTION 10.9(F) OF THE CITY'S PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE FOR THE METHOD FOR REPAYMENT OF EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3324 AND ITS AMENDMENTS TO AMEND SECTION ll.15(A) OF T!:lE C1TY'S PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS TO EXCLUDE LEAVE TIME AS "HOURS WORKED" IN OVERTIME CALCULATIONS AND ADDING A PROVISION FOR "GARCIA OVERTIME"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE, APPLICABLE TO ALL CITY EMPLOYEES EXCEPT THOSE EMBRACED BY EXISTING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT(S) IN EFFECT. WHE~REAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida to amend Section 10.907) and Section 11.15(A) of the existing Personnel Rules and Regulations to clarify the method for repayment of educational expenses and to exclude leave time as "hours worked". NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Ordinance No. 3324 and its amendments thereto are hereby amended in that Section 10.907) of the Personnel Rules and Regulations is amended and replaced by the Section 10. 907) attached hereto as Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by reference, and hereby adopted. SECTION 2: Ordinance No. 3324 and its amendments thereto are hereby amended in that Section 11.15(A) of the Personnel Rules and Regulations, is amended and replaced by the Section 11.15(A) attached hereto as Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by reference, and hereby adopted. SECTION 3: If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 4' That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 5: That this Ordinance shall become applicable and effective immcdiately upo all employees of the City of Sanford except those employees embraced by existing collective bargaining agreement(s) in effect at the time of this Ordinances passage and adoption. FIRST READING this ~4l'dayof % , 1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED this / day of ,1998. ATTEST: /n~et~. Dmlgherty, C~ //a~r~/. e, ayor AS THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA CmR*~'rI~'rCA,i,!~. I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City ~les~8~anf~&~d~409:nah Of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance NO. 3409, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 13th day of 'July, 1998 , was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 14-th day of July , 19 98 . ~As the City Cl city of Sanford, Florida Ordinance No. 3409 Pa0e 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" ~"~ CITY OF SANFORD PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS year. Receipts for all eliqible costs must be attached to the educational assistance request form in order to be considered for reimbursement. (El TERMS OF AGREEMENT Once final approval by the City Manager has been obtained, a copy of the request form will be returned to the employee along with a reimbursement check for one-half (¼) of eligible costs up to a maximum of $75 per credit hour to include eligible tuition, testing and laboratory fees. The remaining one-half (~) shall be reimbursed to the employee after the employee has completed the course work and attained the equivalent of a passing grade of at least a "C" or equivalent thereof. Failure to complete said courses (s) or failure to attain the aforementioned passing grade or equivalent will result in the employee being required to repay to the City all applicable monies advanced accordingly. This reimbursement arrangement shall be applicable for up to and including a total of nine (9) courses initiated within a fiscal year. Once the coursework has been completed, proof of such completion must be sent to the City Manager. This is the employee's responsibility and failure to do so within one (1) month from the scheduled completion date or receipt of grade report may result in disqualification from future eligibility for participation in this program and possible disciplinary action. For the purpose of defining the term "equivalent" as used herein, such descriptive results as "satisfactory" or "certification" will be considered as meeting the "equivalent" definition standard. (F) Should repayment to the City be necessary while someone is still employed by the City of Sanford, such repayment must be paid to the City, in full, within a twelve (12) month period. Therefore, any amount owed to the City must be repaid in twelve (12) equal installments. Failure to do so could result in disqualification from future eligibility for participation in this program and possible disciplinary action. Should an employee wish to accomplish repayment in a shorter timeframe or by lump sum repayment, such repayment is encouraged, In the case of death, or upon "normal retirement" as defined in Section 8.1 (D) of the Personnel Rules and Regulations, any remaining liability for repayment to the City shall be waived. CITY OF SANFORD PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS In the case of someone terminating employment with the City by reasons' of resignation or dismissal (voluntary or !nVo. luntary) and not due'to death~ 0~ normal retirement, and ~who owes the City for .repayment .'of~ educational assistance, .such repayment shall be made from any accrued~ sick leave or vacation leave cash benefits due that employee'at the ~ime~ 'of termination..Any amount owed over and above :those accrua| :be~fi~ , must :'bel'paid to the City in full within a twelve (12) month period in~' twelve (12) equal, monthly installmentS~ The al~plication program participation shall provide an agreement to be signed by the employee, notarized and stipulating that should the employee's services be terminated during the following periods either voluntarily or involuntarily, the City shall be reimbursed for funds paid the employee for educational expenses as provided in the following reimbursement formula: Termination after Completion Reimbursement To City of Course{s) Within One (1) Year 100% From One (1) Year and 50% One (1) day up to and including Two (2) years From Two (2) years and 0% One (1) day on The remainder of this page intentionally left blank. CITY OF SANFORD PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS a rate of time and a half for all hours worked in excess of the standard work week or cycle as outlined in 11.12 (B) (1-4) above. As is the case with overtime, compensatory time is not permitted unless specifically authorized by the City Manager. (A) A maximum of 240 hours may be accrued for general non-exempt employees. (B) A maximum of 480 hours may be accrued for Public Safety employees. (C) Any time in excess of the maximum hours stated in this section must be paid in cash at a rate of time and a half. (D) If a nOn-exempt employee has accrued compensatory time and leaves the City's employ for any reason, he/she will be compensated at termination, in cash, for all accrued compensatory time in accordance with existing provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. 11.14 FLEXTIME Flextime is a method whereby some deviation may be permitted within the pav period. For example; an employee works a 40 hour standard work week from Monday through Friday but for some reason needs to leave work two (2) hours early on Friday and does not have an adequate amount of appropriate accrued leave to cover the absence. The Department may wish to accommodate the employee by utilizing the flextime concept as long as it can be done within the same pay week. In this example, the Department may allow that employee to work two (2) hours over or two (2) hours prior to the normal starting or quitting time during that same pay period. It is emphasized that the decision to allow flextime is solely at the discretion of the Department and is not be construed as an employee "right". Care is to be taken that the concept of flextime is to be applied fairly and with consideration given to a smooth, uninterrupted work flow. 11.15 HOURS WORKED (A) If a non-exempt employee uses accrued sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave or compensatory time, those hours off are not to be considered as hours worked for payroll and overtime purposes. However, holidays s.hall count for payroll and overtime purposes. However, in the event a firefic~hter takes leave time during a120 hour/14 day cycle, the first fourteen (14) hours of such leave time will be calculated at time and one-half (overtime rate) to ensure the application of 'Garcia Overtime". (B) Are employee that has been designated as "exempt" is not entitled to overtime compensation regardless of the number of hours worked over and above his/her normal work week. An employee designated as "exempt" shall not have his/her "salary" subject to partial day docking of less than one (1) work day. However, this does not mean that exempt employees cannot be required to use accrued sick, vacation, or other leave to supplement pay for partial day absences. Exempt employees can be docked for full day absences for personal or illness reasons in cases where sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave, or other · ~ ,~- , - -: CITY OF SANFORD PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS approved paid absence is either unavailable due to ineligibility or exhausted. (AMENDED BY CITY COMMISSION VIA ORDINANCE NO: 31.~15) (C) In general, "hours worked" includes all time an employee is: (1) Required to be on duty, or in a prescribed work area for the employer; and (2) Any and all time during which the employee is suffered or "permitted" to work for the employer. (D) With this in mind, a non-exempt employee will not be allowed in his/her work area more than five (5) minutes before the scheduled beginning of his/her work day, or five (5) minutes after the end of his/her scheduled work day, (El A non-exempt employee will leave his/her work areas during prescribed lunch periods. (F) A non-exempt employee will not be allowed to take work home or allow any family member to do City work in the employee's home after his/her scheduled work day. (G} Responsibility for monitoring work hours begins at the supervisory level. Precautions will be taken to see that the employees are knowledgeable of the FLSA and its effect on the day to day work hours. If an employee remains in the work area assisting a citizen, taking a business phone call or assisting another employee with City business, that time will be considered to be work time and will be compensated. There is no such thinq as voluntary overtime! (H) Education of employees in this matter is the responsibility of the supervisor. Failure to adhere to supervisory direction may cause the employee to be subject to disciplinary action. (I) Any deviations from the standard hours worked must be discussed with and approved by the City Manager. 11.16 CiTY OF SANFORD EMPLOYEE TIME SHEETS. (A) Effective January 11, 1988, the City no longer utilized time clocks. ALL time and attendance records generated after January 11, 1988 are to be recorded and maintained in each division on City of Sanford Employee Time Sheets, (B) Time Sheets will be kept on a timely basis and shall be retained for three (3) years in each division. (C) Time cards previously utilized on the time clock system will be kept for a period of (3) years. CITY OF SANFORD PERSONNEL RULES & REGULATIONS (D) Failure to keep time sheets up to date may result in disciplinary action. (El Supervisors are responsible for correct and accurate notations on time sheets which reflect hours worked, sick leave, vacation leave, personal absences, etc. The remainder of this page intentionally left blank