HomeMy WebLinkAbout4556 Emergency Ordinance amending Ord 4552x �l Emergency Ordinance 2020-4556 An emergency ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida amending Emergency Ordinance 2020-4552 relating to the "National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak" and related matters; amending Section 4(c) relating to the CDBG grant program; providing for implementing administrative actions; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for non - codification as well as the correction of scrivener's errors and providing for an effective date and period of effectiveness. Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts the findings set forth in Emergency Ordinance 2020-4552; and Whereas, as required by Section 166.041(3)(b), Florida Statutes, two-thirds of the City Commission have voted to enact this Ordinance as an emergency ordinance; M y Whereas, this Ordinance is also enacted pursuant to the home rule powers of the City of Sanford as set forth at Article VI11, Section 2, of the Constitution of the State of Florida; Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; Chapter 252, Florida Statutes; and other applicable controlling law. Now, therefore, be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative And Administrative Findings And Intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the recitals (whereas clauses) set forth herein as the legislative and administrative findings and intent of the City Commission. In this Ordinance, when text is being amended, stFikethFeugh t represents deletions from the current text of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford while underlined text represents additions. Ellipses **** shows where text is not being changed. a �2 (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Amendment Of Section 4(c) Of Emergency Ordinance 2020- 4552. Section 4(c) Of Emergency Ordinance 2020-4552 is amended to read as follows: Section 4. CDBG Sourced Program. (a)._(b).***** (c). All grants shall be made GR a TGi bursernen#—basis in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the City which may include advance payments to grantees and RG payments-fG expenses and costs for retroactive activities may be paid relative to activities consistent with the eligibility criteria occurring subsequent to March 27, am Section 3. Implementing Administrative Actions. (a). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to take any and all necessary actions to implement the provisions of this Ordinance as are consistent with funding obligations and the limitations of the use of particular funds and, without limiting the preceding authorization, to approve agreements that are in a form which protects the interests of the City and the use of the public funds involved in the grant programs to include, but not be limited to, provisions that relate to the potential recapture of City funds (claw back) should the funds not be utilized as set forth in the agreement as implementing this Ordinance. In this Ordinance, when text is being amended, StFikethFe gh +^ + represents deletions from the current text of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford while underlined text represents additions. Ellipses **** shows where text is not being changed. =.:A c 13 (b). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the City Manager, or designee, may take any and all actions that are necessary to protect the interests of the City with regard to directions received from Federal, State and County governments and shall ensure compliance with the funds received from any agency of government. Section 4. Savings; Effect Of Ordinance. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the matters addressed herein, the emergency management and the responses to the National emergency concerning the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, the global pandemic, and any and all matters relating or pertaining thereto, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (a). The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be codified. (b). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. Section 6. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance, In this Ordinance, when text is being amended, stFikethro gh t represents deletions from the current text of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford while underlined text represents additions. Ellipses **** shows where text is not being changed. 4 or application hereof, is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion or application shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 8. Effective Date; Period Of Effectiveness. (a). This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment. (b). This Ordinance shall be in effect for the six month period relating to Emergency Ordinance 2020-4552, or until the City Manager files a statement with the City Commission, stating that National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak and global pandemic has terminated, unless the City Commission rescinds this Ordinance earlier. Attest: Passed and adopted by two thirds vote this 22nd day of June, 2020. City Commission of the City of Sanford.%Florida I 1 In this Ordinance, when text is being amended, _tFikethrough + represents deletions from the current text of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford while underlined text represents additions. Ellipses **** shows where text is not being changed.