HomeMy WebLinkAbout3439 ORDINANCE NO. 3439 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3324 AND ITS AMENDMENTS BY ADDING SECTION 21 ENTITLED TRAVEL POLICY, TO THE CITY'S PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS, TO PROVIDE FOR THE METHOD FOR REPAYMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE, APPLICABLE TO ALL CITY EMPLOYEES EXCEPT THOSE EMBRACED BY EXISTING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT(S) IN EFFECT. WHEREAS, Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, sets forth per diem travel expenses of public officers and employees; and WHEREAS, Subsection 112.061(1)(b)(2), Florida Statutes, provides that the provision of any special or local law, present or future, shall prevail over any conflicting provisions, but ordy to the extent of the conflict; and WHEREAS, the ris'mg costs of travel necessitate the extension of certain per diem costs and re'nnbursable items beyond the limits established under Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, in limited situations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida to add Section 21 to the existing Personnel Rules and Regulations to clarify the method for repayment of travel expenses; and NOW TI:rE~REFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY TEUE~ PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Ord'mance No. 3324 and its amendments thereto are hereby amended by adding Section 21 to the Personnel Rules and Regulations as attached hereto as Exhibit incorporated herein by reference, and hereby adopted. SECTION 2: If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3: That all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall become applicable and effective immediately upon all employees of the City of Sanford except those employees embraced by existing collective bargaining agreement(s) in effect at the time of this Ordinance's passage and adoption. SECOND READING this /c~'T/'~ dayof ~~ , 1998. PASSED AND ADOPTED this/c~9''k'~ dayof (J~,~tJ-fi-L/ , 1998. ATTEST: AS THE CITY COMM/SSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA Ordinance No. 3439 Page 2 of 3 CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true d the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford,'~ori~la ~ day off~(r~g4 1998. City of Sanford, Florida ~XfilesxggXsafford\ord\3439:nah Ordinance No. 3439 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF SANFORD TRAVEL POLICIES GENERAL POLICY ( 1 ) It is the intent of City of Sanford to reimburse employees travel as authorizedby Suetion 112.061, Florida Statutes. (2) Employees and non-employees traveling on offi~'ml business are ex'l~ct~l to exeroi~ the same cam in incurring official expenses that any prudent person ex~rcises when traveling for personal reasons. 0 ) It is the responsibility of the traveler to be familiar with these rules and be knowledgeable of the reimbursable expenses. (4) All travel must be authorized and approved by the appropriate Department head and funds must be available in the budget. Travel plans, sen cunferenees, and training knoval in advance shotrid be documented as part of a departments travel budget request. However, it is expected that opportunities for and at the time of budget adoption by the City Commission. Tans, types of travel should be anticipated, and must be documented as part of a depamnents trm, el budget request ... Travel that falls within the parameters of the above deseriplions is considered to be approvud through the budget process. Additional funding for travel must be processed by way of the approved budget transfer policy. (5) The City Manager must approve travel by authorized persons not employed or under 'contract by the City who am called upon to contribute time and services as consultants or advisors or participants when the travel is on behalf of the City. Funding for this travel must have been approved through the budget process or must be processed by way of the approved budget transfer policy. (6) Meal Allowances. Meal allowances shall be generally as set forth in Florida Statutes, provided however, that meals shall be reimbursed at aetoal cost not to exceed vuq'Y AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($50.00) a day if accompanied by original receipts for said expenditures and travel is outside of Sanford and begins before 6:00 ~.nk and extends beyond g:00 p.m. Allowances for pastial day travel andex the same ciraunstanoes shall be: Breakfast $10.00, Lunch $13.00, Dinner $27.00. Dollar limits exeinde alcohol but may include tips up to 15% ff not included'in the bill, or a maximum of 20% if the bill includes a calcolated tip. Receipt? are required for reimbursements exceeding the statutor~ allowances for meals.* ,. * NOTE: Reimbursement rates at date ofthls policy are: Breakfast $3.00 Lunch ' $6.00 ,. Dinner $12.00 (7) Reimbursable Travel expenses directly required for the solicitation of economic development in Sanford. In addition to those travel expenses reimbursable pursuant to the provisions of Section 112.06 I, Florida Statutes, officials of Sanford, employees of Sanford and other 1 persons authorized by Sanford who travel and incur expenses therefore for rite specific purpose of soliciting econoruio dovelopment on behalf of the City, may also be reimbursed for the actual cost of the following travel expenses, upon verification by original receipt and approval by the City Manager. (a) Presentation, pwmotion and advertising expenses. Co ) Business association lunches. (c) Mandatory valet parldng. (d) Portage when used to ~rt City promotional materials. (e) Charges for issuance of travelers checks. (f) Foreign currency exchange fees. (g) Maps of the area traveled. CO) Food and beverages, including alcohol consumed and gratuities incurrod at meeting, dinners, promotions, cockluil patties and similar events, whether catered or provided at a City or other public facility or private location, provided that attendance at said event is for the specific pnrpos~ of solidling economic development for Sanford. (1) Reimbursement for gratuities is limited to fifteen percent {15%) of the total reimbursable expenditures per person, per event, for food and beverages. (2) Therehnbursementforfeedandbeveragee.x~ndimunderthisSeeaon axe for actual costs, as verified by original receipts, requires appwval by the City Manager, and may exceed the maximum reimbursable mount as set forth in Paragraph 6, above. (f) Actoal charges for rental cars, vetitied by original receipt. ff a rental car is larger than mid-size or is driven less than twenty (20) miles, justification for said charges must be submitted to and approved by the City Manager prior to reimbursement for said charges (8) Other expenses, which may be reimbursed, include: * Registration fees - receipt required · · Tolls and parking fees - receipt required · Taxi fares - receipt required for all fares. Tip on {axi service is allowed, not to exceed 15% of fare. ¢ · Hotel at single occupancy room rate - receipt required. · Copyofchargecardreeeiptisrequiredifpaidbycreditcard. Room serviee meals are reimbursable under provisions for meal allowances. Use of food and beverage I. dispensers in hotel rooms is not reimbursable. ·Business telephone calls of on-line access clmrges for use of computer or fax - receipt or documentation required as well as justification. · Vicinity railcage - allowed from office or home, whichever is less, to the destination or to the airport ff applicable. Mileage will be reimbursed @ rates as outlined in 2 §112.061, Fla. Stat. ~ · Ahport parking - receipt is required. Travelers will be reimbursed for up to ten days parking at Orlando International airport and the Daytona Beech airport. However, this parking is discouraged, and instead, ear pooling or tides to and from'the aLtport are suggested. Ah'porl: panking out of town will be reimbursed as needed. (9) All reimbursable expenses must be reportea on the approved Travel Authorization Request no more than two (2) weeks after the end of the travel period. Receipts are required for all expenditures except for meals as noted in the Florida Statutes or as referenced above. ( 10 ) Reimbursement or a travel advance repayment will be made after the travel takes place~ (11) Cash advances mnst be approved by the Department Direetor and should be requested two weeks in advanc~ from the Finance Depamnent. The Finance Department should be notified of the expected return date. Expenses f~om the cash advance must be reported with receipts within five working days of the last day of the trip or, if cash is unused, it must be retireled to the Fin~nt~e Department within five (5) working days in the form of a personal check, money order or cash. Travel advances will not be issued for less than $250.00 and may not exceed 100% of the estimated cost of the trip. No advance will be issued if a previous advance is outstalldil~g. The Finsnee Department should notify the City M~n~ger of any cash advance outstanding over five (5) working days from the expected date of return. Failure to comply with policy will result in a payroll deduction of the total cash advance. ( 12 ) Pre-regi~.,'on is encouraged and city payment is required for hotel reservations to ensure waiver of sales tax charges. (13) A credit card bill must be substantiated by receipts attached and a full explanation of the charge provided on the travel voucher. ( 14 ) Employees using a credit card must not expect reimbursement for anyitem that is not used for the business putpo~ The City, ff not directly related to the business, will not pay expenditures on the card. For example, ff you stay in a hotel on bnsiness and you watch a movie for pay that appears on the hotel bill, the movie expense will not be paid by the City. (15) There is no reimbursement for travel and/or meals that are complimentary or covered in a registration or other similar fee. (16) ff any employee wishes to alter travel plans for personal business, the employee ~nust pay any additional cost of transportation. (17) Employees are permitted one (1) personal phone ee~l to a single location per day not to exceed $5.00 plns any hotel connection fees. (18) Any employee failing to comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinaxy action as described in the Personnel Policies and Procedures. B. TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT POLICY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (1) In addition to reimbursable expenses outlined in the 'lGeneral Policy," above, the following expenses of city officials and city employees are reimbursable if appreved by the City Manager and are directly required for the solicitation of business development in the City of Sanford. 3 s Actual, necessary and reasonable costs of travel, meals, single occupancy lodging, presentations, token gifts such as, pins and medallions, and entertainment expenses of officials and direct coaneclion with soliciting economic development on behalf of the City. Other parsons or gnests my be authorized by the City Manager. All expenses must be documented to include receipts and justification_ · Promotional and advertising expenses. Original receipts are required. · Reimbursable expenditures as listed above when inahrred for the pttrposo of direc~y promoting economic development include business association luncheons, taxi and airport limousine fares and lips up to 15%; ferry fares and bridge, road and manel tolls; storage and parking fees; man(htoly valet parking; telephone, telegraph, facsimile and tciex charges related to city business only portage when used to transport city promotional materials; charges for travelers checks; foreign currency exchange fees; and maps. Advertising and promotions include cooparative ventures with airline, rental cars, hotels and attraction and convention and visitors bureaus. · · Food, beverages, including alcohol, coffee, gratuities associated with meetings, dinnem, promotions, cocktail parties, and similar events whether catered or provided at a city or other facility or private location. Original receipts are required and justification vanst be included. · Tips up to 15 % of food and beverage is reimbursable unless calculated as part of the bill i~3 which case a maximum tip of 20% is allowable. ,- · Rental cars am reimbursable. Reccipts are required. Justification must be approved by the City lVlanager if a rental car larger than mid-size is used or if a rental car is driven fewer than 20 miles. C. TRAVEL IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES ( 1 ) If travel in foreign countries for City business is deemed nece, ssa~y, advance approval by the City Commission is required. · A traveler who d~ires to be reimbursed for actual expenses must request reimbursement under Section I, General Travel, or Section II, F~onomic Development, of the Travel Policy. · Reimbursements for each trip must all be requested under the same section of the Tmvd Policy. For example, reimbursement of any one trip may not be split between the Economic Development Section and the Foreign Tmvel~dection. · The City Commission may authorize payment of unavoidable or unforeseen expenses associated with foreign travel on a case by case basis. TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION REQUEST DATE LF_AVE MEALS LODGING TRANS- REGISTRAo INCIDENTA TOTAL PORTATION TION L EXPENSE TOTALS PURPOSE OF THE TRIP: -40-01 LODGING $ - ( TRANSPORTATION $ MILEAGE: ~ X $0. = ~ MEALS $ OTHER $ Mileage rate is '$0.20 per mile thru 9130194, $0.25 from 1011194 to 6/30/95 and $0.29 from 7/1/95 and thereafter) TOTAL FOR LODGING, TRANSPORTATION, MEALS & OTHER - - 54-02 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $ TOTAL $ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS: Due Date "AMOUNT HOTEL $ COMMON CARRIER/TRAVEL AGENT ¢ $ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $ ATTENDEE (NAME) $ OTHER $ TOTAL $ I authorize the above travel on the basis that it is official business of the City of Sanford pursuant to Flodda Statutes Ch. 112.061. Approved: Department Head City Manager