HomeMy WebLinkAboutIMAG0001TO TFC HONORABLE CITY COU'IJCIA.# S2.iford, Fla.: The ordinance entitled An Crdinarce to Amend Chaster 5 of The Revised Ordinances of the City of Canford, FloridarelatIng to Com=encation of Officers M, was duly refei'rPd to me for ap_ roval or rejection. The ordinance which this Tiir?=orts to amend was Passed on the tenth day of October, 1302. By that ordinance the ealary of the Mayor was fixed at JJ,KOO per annum; that of the Marshal and Collector at 0720 that of the Clerk, Treasurer and As es or :720 ; meriber , of. the Citv Colmr.1I were to be :aid $2 for attendance on each regular meeting of the Co,incil ; the Citi✓ At4-orney was to r ceive a salary of 9100 Ter annum the City Physician $200; the Police a salary of #50 per month; the Fire rP_artr_ient were to be =aid a mor.thly comuensatio n not exceed- ing -x'50 and the Chief thereof 0100 per year. section C6 con,-vtrued thp.t ordinance Jr. the^e words: „ nothinp. In thisCha.-ter ohall be collwtrued as chane tng the amount of the com. en- satien or officers who cold their off ice by virtue of an election, that too7e, iacc Tri or to tile, -passage of ti;iC law. _Tanua,ry 4th, 18CZ, the City Council amended rectirns 50 ec 00 of t^the nreit'nance:by the terms of n,�hich amendments the 'Marshal a nei ^_ollector, and the C1Pr1;-TrPaNurer- Assesso each rr:ceiverl a salary of $000 Ter annum On the 24th 'av of. rja;r, 1803, the Legislature of tt1P. St=.te� of ^1ori�ia pa. sed a sreotal charter "or the (7i.ty of 71anford., by the terms of rhich, it is seciftcally rrrovtded that tiie salary of tile Mayor can-_ot be ciianged during the = eriod for w11ic1; he to elected. The Carle provision a.1=lies to come of. tle other of `icer, of the city. Tanuary 20th, 1.800, the City Council amended gecticnu 58, 539 60, 61, 6?., 63 t_ 64 of the Revtced ordinances of Sanford Tassed in 1£302, By that ann.nded ordinance the LYial-rors s.alary vJa reduced to 4200 1:er amium, that of the ;).3ar. sha.l & Col sector to 47800 that of tlne Cterx- -Treasure_ lK Assessor to 17800 (2) The compensation heretofore allowed the City Conncilmen was abolished; the salary of the Ctty Attor nev was reduced tc ge.X j er an-nitm; that of the City Phycician to 4100 and the Policemen to 9;45 per month, The Charter of the City rrovtcies that all orrlinar:nes ^hall become laws after publication as rreSCrtbPrl 1-,Y ordinance. Secticn 44 of the Revised ordinRnces, as amended, reads as fol o^:ti: "Vile City Council shall rronjilgate :Wtth0ut tiIlIlP.reS^ary delay all laws and ordinances which they may enact; all ordinancPs aozed by the Citv Council shall be published four 0011 Qoutive weeks before they shall become laws, except sanitary and gitaranti ne regulations. if the ;+iFxvor si1oz11d ar_rove this ordina.;e It wiil be seen t;lat and the City Cottneil should do its duty Y,v nromulgating the same vyithoilt �nnaces ar delav, it woilld become a law vil.thin tile. next '0 or 40 days, or r:any months prior to the exTiratton of the terns of office to which the ;reGent city or''icers were elected, "With resrcect to the .avor and come of tie other city officers t;lis would be clearly in cc flict With the irovioions of the Charter. Tiits ordinance emi t become a law and FO i ..to effect preci6ely as other ordances do. here is no time srecif- iceplly stated in the ordinance nor to there any saving clause to it as was placed in the ordinance of 1332. A caving clause does not re-inar,t itrrr lf. It has brit ore r_,ir- pose in life, so to ^fer?,�;, and when that is fulf.tl:ed it is virtually deed, In this in tans J its ?urro ce v;as to ::ave t::P :arties elected in February 1832, .from the legal effect relaiAng to the comj:en,,at io a of the crdti;ance xa ssed in October 1£33 V Ij The form of this ordinance is quite novel and entirely 1.tnusual and in my opinion bad in law, It first rPr.eals all amendments to Chap - tar 5, or to certain section:: thereof, and then amends the several sections, Vnen an ortftonal law is amended .y subsegltPnt legislation it ,o A M then ttncones an amended law. T 1e origtonal or Trtr_mary act and the ameno.ments are ;erred or rile ided into one harmonious whole. It is a *ni t?.�:e t0 511.: o e that the canatrmv of the law warrai:ts the idea o ' a .► •i r-arent stalk with branches ;ct.o.m as�iame ndment s�ti:at cotrin legislaboru might Cho := off a ltmb here a.zd another there. For these legal ol�jecttons to the ordinance I an compelled to re`uravit without ,-,v RT.Troyal. Au,,�ist 21st , REVT- CTFUTMT.Y so 'e 1 7�e then ttncones an amended law. T 1e origtonal or Trtr_mary act and the ameno.ments are ;erred or rile ided into one harmonious whole. It is a *ni t?.�:e t0 511.: o e that the canatrmv of the law warrai:ts the idea o ' a .► •i r-arent stalk with branches ;ct.o.m as�iame ndment s�ti:at cotrin legislaboru might Cho := off a ltmb here a.zd another there. For these legal ol�jecttons to the ordinance I an compelled to re`uravit without ,-,v RT.Troyal. Au,,�ist 21st , REVT- CTFUTMT.Y so 'e 1 7�e