HomeMy WebLinkAbout10181885 Minutes Page II_i0all Nov.lL-,l885* resent:P.� .Parramore chair:aan,Aldex:Pn Adams,Randall.,- Drawdy and Lillienthal. read In the atsence of the clerk Mr S.r_.Ada:rs was Wade clerk pro tem. Minutes of last meetiTMZ mmmdmmjdma=MMMedm were not on account of ar:sence Df clerk.It was then directed that on ad ournnlent it should e to next Fri as ni.�ht,and t^e Cler : was ordered to ce pre- = ent wi minu'�esof rrevio�us meeti n� and the tax roll of L�85. Committee qn. `,r..Allen's t-=x asked and received further time. Committee on Mr.FishWs request to peddle fish or meat outside t:�e market m=:de the folloe�in c,�ritten report... To the Bity Council of Sanford.:We your coMmittee ap ointed to investigate and zeport upon ttle zeauest of;r.Fisher regarding the right to peddle -or .sell els or- meat outside of the. "Market House" report, that after a thorough ij estigatiop of the subject,- e would espectuly_ suggest th-.t this O�ouneil as a body,rant the riot to any an. X11 parties or persona who do occupy a stall in the aid market house to peddle or sell in all parts of she Ci y of Sanford until I hnur_ of 9:00 o'clock AeYi.,Tiiis to ;e under the rules of t:_e City Liarket..Si Wed, eri Adams and J• E.Ranaall.On moi,ion the report was accepted. r.j. H. a�ruder appeared before the Council in reference to rel.t clalmea �y him on account of a room claimed to '%�e rented for the City by Alderman Randall and Y:ayor P`irasher,b-,,_t never occupied.The �,ayor made his statement cJneerning the matter,and Lt was referred to the f ollowinz- commitre for investivation,,DYaHdy,Randa.11 and Adams. 1r.Thrasher reported that Gen.BentlY Ii-.d settled wit'z _ Dr. erndon and E.H. Vomlinson and possible E.H.Herndon.He then su mitted a draft of a new R.R.OricLnance dr iphy him whic_. was on, motio i eferred to the. ordinance commit'�ee appointed to peport o jhMW=r,a=X mmmmmmlimmm Friday's meeting* watter of shade trees on the pudic streets was ins._,)duced and the follovjing, ;ommit�ee appointed t� report �n the most rractica�le method �f securir:o ar�d alantin theme.Ra dill Drawdy Adams and Lillienthal, t The Mayor was ordered by resolution t strictly enforce the _cattle ordinance as it stood on the books. '...r.Lillienthal tendered his msignation as chairman of the street committee and it Vas accented by the chair whD appointed Ui.Randall in his stead.The Committee was also Lmportuned to act in cases of necessity without gaiting to asr council permission. The followin resolution was offered and pasedd RESOLVED:That propert•%r owne?ls be secuired to construct a board side walk six feet.wide along the west side of Sanford 1vernue fro : 1st to Commercial Street and fro:: Sanford Aveneu along the South Side of %ommercial Street and that sa:-e he done within 15 days,and on ailure to do so,th_,.t ;he Varshall be required to have sidewalk constructed.The resolution was offered and ?assed. The following resolution was offered:RESOLVED:That• Mr.S Gumirert e required.to !emo� e his stairP.ay fr,);n the sider•.Talk withing three days a� of oT : allure to do So ;he marshall .=e reouired to reniiove t�:e sa&...Carried. No further busine s the meetin adjourned until Fric.ay night S.A.Adar.s,clerk pro tem