HomeMy WebLinkAbout435 and 439 Pecan Ave 17-1177 & 17-1178 (A) DUPLEXSITE BENCHMARK k1 SET "X -CUT" NO LD ELEVA PION = 21.01' SITE BENCHMARK #2 SET "X -CUT" NO I.D ELEVATION - 21.22' TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY DESCRIPTION (NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY) SOUTHWEST 1/4 of BLOCK 6, TIER 13, TOWN OF SANDFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, E V�_ FOUND BLOCK CORNER 4" X 4" O CONCRETE MONUMENT NO IDENTIFICA110N N N : M � I w Lu FOUND 4" X 4" a CONCRETE MONUMENT r7 I NO IDENTIFICATION 147.7 ' WALK IS 15• W. (OFF) Co o O FENCE CORNER IS 30.0' a, _---0.4'0.4' N. 29' E. (OFF) z I o Z PAD i LUND 1/2" IRON ROD & CAP (BENT) III PLS 3382 WALK IS 15' W. (OFF) PARCEL ID 25-19-30-5AG-0613-001 B SCALE: 1" = 30' N90' 00' 00"E Z/ S89' 57' 54"E 147.7 ' 30.0' a, 74' ( ) BUILDING PAD O T9 0 24.0 0 0 26.0 UI OItIVE FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP B LB 3764 a 8.7' v to , - •" 2.7' a M 29.9' ONE STORY U RESIDENCE # 419 r 2.7' - -- -r N -30.0', - Y Z O a 0 ONE STORY Un W Li 8.7• a Q U� I 3 ,. rNi DRIVE "i O ra J Z w ILL. f -r i 30.0 PAD N c� W Q 3 � Q 1 24.0 0 0 26.0 as ao O z 0 O a L n tv O W ONE STORY U m:. [Y CY) r- ED a U < r- O 30J2.7' Ln 0 'DRIVE ONE STORY N RESIDENCE #) UILDING L SETBACK SETBACK J LUND 1/2" IRON ROD & CAP (BENT) III PLS 3382 WALK IS 15' W. (OFF) PARCEL ID 25-19-30-5AG-0613-001 B SCALE: 1" = 30' N90' 00' 00"E 147.75' (c) S89' 57' 54"E 147.7 ' 73.75' (p) a, 74' ( ) PAD 24.0 0 0 26.0 20.0' REAR F SETBACK FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP B LB 3764 a 8.7' v I FENCE LINE IS 1.1' N. (OFF) a ONE STORY RESIDENCE # 419 O - -- -r N o Y Z O a 0 ONE STORY RESIDENCE # 423 8.7• a Q U� I F �� _ QD -0 0 0 24.0' d ' . -' .i 26.0' O ra J Pn ILL. f -r M N w C7 UIQ PAD N c� W Q 3 � Q 1 24.0 0 0 26.0 p�� ao 0 8.7' < 0 a L ONE STORY U RESIDENCE # 435 [Y CY) r- < r- O Ln 0 ONE STORY N V) RESIDENCE #) I 20' REAR (� \ SETBACK J 8. I' a 24.0' - Q 26.0' _ U 'i o a sof 73.75' (p) I t 74' (p) S89' 55' 58"W 147.56' (m) N89' 59' 59"W 147.75' (C) 147.75' (p) SANITARY MANHOLE WEST FIFTH STREET 50' PLATTED RIGHT OF WAY 21' ASPHALT ROADWAY Based on the FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, Seminole County, Florida, Community Panel Number 120294 0060 F. lost dated 9/28/2007, it appears from a scaling of said map that the land described hereon is shown to be in Zone "X", (AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING) Said FEMA mop is not a Survey and no responsibility is token for the information contained in or the accuracy of the above referenced map. 1. This Plat represents a Boundary Survey of the description as furnished DSW Surveying and Mapping. PLC. per client's Instruction and makes no claims regarding ownership or rights of possession. 2. Bearings shown hereon ore based on the SOUTH line of Described Parcel Being N 89'59'59" E, PER PLAT. 3. This surveyor has riot searched the public records or abstracted the land shown hereon for easements, right of ways, covenants and restrictions or other pertinent documents which may be found in the public records of this county. This research was not included in the scope of services of this firm. 4. The relative distance accuracy for boundary dimensions shown hereon is in excess of 1 Foot in 10,000 Feet. 5. Underground improvements and utilities have not been located. b. This survey performed by DSW Surveying and Mapping, PLC. is for the singular use by the clients named hereon for the express stated purpose listed hereon. This drawing is riot legally binding without my signature and original raised embossed seal. No third port y is authorized to use this drawing in any way, and this surveyor shall not be held (table for damages resulting from the unauthorized or illegal executions or attempts at circumventing prescribed laws or professional fee payments. All plate, reports, notes, plans, specifications, computer files, field notes or data, other documents and Instruments prepared by this firm as instruments of service shall remain the properly of this firm. This firm shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. The original of this drawing remains the property of DSW Surveying and Mapping. PLC. 7. Building ties. Fence ties, Etc. are not to be used as a way to reconstruct boundary line location. •••• PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.DSWSURVEYS.COM .... T PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORIZATION #LB7945 4500 ORANGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 1000 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 S t1 J' t' t' 1' 1 Il ciC Phone: (352) 735-3796 J1trppiitg, PLC" JOB NO. 16.0094 Sheet 1 of 1 REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS 6/9/17 PLOT PLAN 09/29/17 FOUNDATION SURVEY 04/03/18 FINAL SURVEY LEGEND: = Light Pole Fire Hydrant A = Delta (Intersection Angle) DENOTES CONCRETE R = Radius L = Arc Length WF Wood Fence U.E. = Utility Easement (M) Measured PC = Point of Curvature CBW = Concrete Block Wall PT = Point of Tangency PI = Point of Intersection PB = Plot Book CNF = Corner Not Found PG (S)= Page(') OHUL- Overhead Utility Lines PRC = Point of Reverse Curvature POB - Point of Beginning CLF = Chain Link Fence POC = Point of Commencement A/C = Air Conditioner (D) = Per Description R/W = Right -Of -Way BSL = Building Setback Line PCC = Point of Compound Curvature O = Denotes Utility Pole (P) = Per Plot (Za Centerline = Well COL. = Column I>< = Water Meter TYP. = Typical ® = Covered RP = Radius Point (R) = Radial CNA = Corner Not Accessible (NR) = Non Radial (C) = Calculated 8FE = Base Flood Elevation D.U.E.= Drainage & Utility Easement EQUIP= Equipment D.A.U.E.= Drainage, Access & Utility Easement ► PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.DSWSURVEYS.COM + DRAWING: 16.0094 SURVEY DATE: 02/02/16 INTENDED DISPLAY SCALE: 1" a 30' DRAWN: HSY EXPECTED USE OF THIS LAND: RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES IT IS CERTIFIED THA 9rH �s{veY REPRESENTED HEREON MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE STAfJD R F PRACTICE AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5d* 12 F(ORA,AOIM NySTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT 6'tY1fRJt°g7'),027, FLORIDA STATUTES. _ NOT VALID WFTHOU7Z� kl' _URE -AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF -A IFLflR&60VNNaDT SURVEYOR AND MAPPER 10 1 fl l a V V V DOUGLAS S. WILLI3,r„(� 9q kl 4 Registration # 5984 FOR- THE NOTES: ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY BENCH MARK #4775101 ELEVATION 13.672 NAVD 88 CERTIFIED TO: RLH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SITE BENCHMARK #1 SET "X -CUT' NO I.D ELEVATION = 21.01' W D > Q Z >z� W o L, -J o > a Q o J a � W QO F- C) - / \ Q N V d I U W � N SITE BENCHMARK #2 SET "X -CUT" NO I.D ELEVATION = 21.22' L TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY DESCRIPTION (NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY) SOUTHWEST 1/4 of BLOCK 6, TIER 13, TOWN OF SANDFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 112, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, E a FOUND BLOCK CORNER 4" X 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT ,p w NO IDENTIFICATION N N M M w w FOUND 4" x 4" CONCRETE MONUMENT r1 I NO IDEN11FICAfION WALK IS 15' W. (OFF) 5 0 O FENCE CORNER IS �0.4' N. & 29' E. (OFF) Z z 30.0' 0 DRIVE, � N 29.9' 2.T U —: _ N Mme_.. z. DRIVE- a 30.0' r- rn a M U Ln LLJ J ul R L . 3 .. M O DRIVE .. N Wood Fence U.E. I— 2. = Measured Q O z O CBW z - -30.0' Y.2. _ - PI = Point of Intersection DRIVE .. c' a Plat Book 30.0` - BUILDINi`� 71 SETBACK 0 PRC J FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD & CAP (BENT) / PLS 3382 WALK IS 15' W. (OFF) PARCEL ID 25-19-30- 5AG-0613-001 B N90' 00' 00"E 147.75' (c) S89' 57' 54"E 147.71 (m) v e' 6. ONE STORY RESIDENCE # 419 ONE STORY RESIDENCE # 423 8.7' 24.0' v r5:;71d 26.0' a ONE STOR RESIDENCE # 435 ONE STORY RESIDENCE # 439 8.7' O p 24.0' ve 26.0' 73.75' (p) r = Light Pole 74' (f�) Fire Hydrant 20.0' REAR U DENOTES CONCRETE R L SETBACK Lla Wood Fence U.E. I— (M) = Measured Q = Point of Curvature CBW = Concrete Block Wall N a PI = Point of Intersection PB a Plat Book CNF Z 0 PC (S) 71 OHUL 0 PRC U POB Point of Beginning CLF = Chain Link Fence POC Q A/C = Air Conditioner (D) U_ CO R/W - Right -Of -Way BSL LL- 0 PCC = Point of Compound Curvature Denotes Utility Pole 1--I = Per Plot rV r-0 �1� % = Centerline W0 LI COL. = Column D4 I TYP. = Typical ® J O RP a LLJU CNA I 0Radial ) = Non Radial (C) D_ U7 BFE n D.U.E.- Drainage & Utility Easement EQUIP= Equipment O.A.U.E.- Drainage, Access & Utility Easement � I Ln N 20' REAR U SETBACK a lY O U n�mm4 74' (ol S89' 55' 58"W 147.56' (m) N89' 59' 59"W 147.75' (c) 147.75' (p) SANITARY —/MANHOLE 0 WEST FIFTH STREET 50' PLATTED RIGHT OF WAY 21' ASPHALT ROADWAY based on the FEDLRAL LMLRGL.NCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, FLOOD INSURANCE RALE MAP, Seminole County, Florida, Community Panel Number 120294 0060 F, lost dated 9/28/2007, it appears from a scaling of said map that the land described hereon is shown to be in Zone "X", (AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING) Said FEMA mop is not a Survey and no responsibility is taken for the information contained in or the accuracy of the above referenced map. I. This Plat represents a Boundary Survey of the description as furnished DSW Surveying and Mapping, PLC. per client's instruction and makes no claims regarding ownership or rights of possession. 2. Bearings shown hereon are based on the SOUTH line of Described Parcel Being N 89'59'59" E. PER PLAT. .3. This surveyor has not searched the public records or abstracted the land shown hereon for easements, right of ways, covenants and restrictions or other pertinent documents which may be found in the public records of this county. This research was not included in the scope of services of this firm. 4- The relative distance accuracy for boundary dimensions shown hereon is in excess of 1 Foot in 10,000 Feet. S- Underground Improvements and utilities have not been located. 6. This survey performed by DSW Surveying and Mapping. PLC. is for the singular use by the clients named hereon for the express stated purpose listed hereon. This drawing is not legally binding without my signature and original raised embossed seal. No third party is authorized to use this drawing in any way, and this surveyor shall not be held liable for damages resulting from the unauthorized or illegal executions or attempts of circumventing prescribed laws or professional fee payments. All plats, reports, notes, plans, specifications, computer files, field notes or data, other documents and instruments prepared by this firm as instruments of service shall remain the property of this firm. This firm shall retain all common low, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. The original of this drawing remains the property of DSW Surveying and Mapping, PLC. 7. Building ties, Fence ties, Etc. are not to be used as a way to reconstruct boundary line location. ++++ PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.DSWSURVEYS.COM **** PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS A IL in CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORIZATION #LB7945 14-f4500 ORANGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 1000 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 .V it 7' V E' 1' i tig & Phone: (352) 735-3796 11tippl7ii 1'L( JOB NO. 16.0094 Sheet 1 of 1 REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS 6/9/17 PLOT PLAN 09/29/17 FOUNDATION SURVEY 04/03/18 FINAL SURVEY LEGEND: 11 = Light Pole Fire Hydrant = Delta (Intersection Angle) U DENOTES CONCRETE R L = Radius = Arc Length - WF Wood Fence U.E. = Utility Easement (M) = Measured PC = Point of Curvature CBW = Concrete Block Wall P1 = Point of Tongency PI = Point of Intersection PB a Plat Book CNF = Corner Not Found PC (S) = Page(s) OHUL = Overhead Utility Liner, PRC = Point of Reverse Curvature POB Point of Beginning CLF = Chain Link Fence POC Point of Commencement A/C = Air Conditioner (D) a Per Description R/W - Right -Of -Way BSL Building Setback Line PCC = Point of Compound Curvature Denotes Utility Pole (P) = Per Plot q = Centerline = Well COL. = Column D4 - Water Meter TYP. = Typical ® = Covered RP = Radius Point CNA = Corner Not Accessible 0Radial ) = Non Radial (C) = Calculated BFE = Base Flood Elevation D.U.E.- Drainage & Utility Easement EQUIP= Equipment O.A.U.E.- Drainage, Access & Utility Easement • PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.DSWSURVEYS.COM + DRAWING: 16.0094 SURVEY DATE: 02/02/16 INTENDED DISPLAY SCALE: 1" = 30' 1 DRAWN: HSY EXPECTED USE OF THIS LAND: RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES IT IS CERTIFIED THATOTH��jfVEY REPRESENTED HEREON MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE STA,Nd7iR '(51"PRACTICE AS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 5x-13 F60I1,pqA„ADAAINI,STRATIVE CODE, PURSUA14T af0; rS'kL"710i+tt'gY2:0.7, FLORIDA STATUTES. NOT VALID WFTHbU?7 �����i—URE"AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A gL-OR6 *WN"SS£D SURVEYOR AND MAPPER 's , DOUGLAS S. WILLI3, ,, Igftdb' Registration # 5984 FOR FIRM:THE SCALE: 1" = 30' 30 ZFOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP p LB 3764 FENCE LINE IS 1.1' N. (OFF) FOUND 5/6" IRON ROD & CAP III LB 3764 " NOTES: ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY BENCH MARK #4775101 ELEVATION 13.672 NAVD 8t CERTIFIED TO: RLH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY It CD _ O O U I E O 0 W n N 0 U Q r LL <[ I 1� I 0) I I� Ui N O O C/) FOUND 5/6" IRON ROD & CAP III LB 3764 " NOTES: ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY BENCH MARK #4775101 ELEVATION 13.672 NAVD 8t CERTIFIED TO: RLH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY It GiARAr__-xE DOOR 151-1ALL - 1-- AVE AUTO CLOC3ER TYF 2Q48 51`4 4 0 4 0 6 5F 30e k1mD L I 30e 'eCWD - L4O "ME) 2"0 SCWr:) SCID2 2,�, Bp 2 ------------- FL 51-I I 1__1R CMU FIRE WALL WITI-I I LAI'ER, C.) 0 FIRE RATD -�YP ON WOOD STUDS AF:. E 17 0 L I V I N(S; W f i,; I T E N Lf -I i_all '-7 -- ---- 11 12 -011 -all 5; 4 2 1& 2 0 0/(� 0) 4 F1 A T 1Y -- -------- - --------- -- ------- -- . ...... . . ...... . .... C-;,4 RA (f-4 Fz �1_ / 7* 1--7—fb �w 7 --- 7—w-7 all 221—all IJ LAUND -ply UJ LF CO a I - a 11 FENETF,AvoNs oi= PiRE WALL SPALL 5E FILLED WI I H t_,' (-,) W 1~I 1=0/411 711 r 117r L 1r I TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED FIRE RATINGS USF THD2& OR AFFR0VE1 EQUAL BUCKET ANCHOR EA TRUSS --/7 2 LASS 1-i 0 CA 309 SGWF-) A& 2,- ski 5EEDROOM I 12 BEDROOM 2 F1 0 Ci a i / (k // a/ 0 7 Com" 10I -0II 411 411 4 11 1 r -2)l -oil 21-011 21-011 1/411 = 11-011 151 i I � L L. wn-i (1) LAYER 31, TYFE x C�YF EA DE FROM CMU WALL ) DECK ABOVE WITH VL FATTERN (oil O.C. HER UL "U 301" ASSEMBLi _ELDG;ER BOLTED TO ) F3EAM WIT[ ­1 1/2" E30LTS C. eTAGGERED -4-R CMU FIRE 4LL I'Ll gor-,-)" TRuss AE30VE 1/21, G�,TF 5D EA SIDE OF 2X4 sTuDS 2411 O.C. WITH FL A-rrz `1 -OF AND E30T 5LA5 5ELOW REcoRD copy t 1011 1`li IOFARTITION ... . . ..... ­­: ............ ... low % Sao A Nt21 Nov,17 0 CONDITION AREA DUFDLEX A 1090 5F llk% UNCONDITION EID C_ARAGE A 2 (�O 5F PAFO' CONDITION AREA DUF�)LEX 5 - 1090 SP UNCONDITIONED C_-,ARAG�E 5 - 290 SP .......... CA CV M GiARAr__-xE DOOR 151-1ALL - 1-- AVE AUTO CLOC3ER TYF 2Q48 51`4 4 0 4 0 6 5F 30e k1mD L I 30e 'eCWD - L4O "ME) 2"0 SCWr:) SCID2 2,�, Bp 2 ------------- FL 51-I I 1__1R CMU FIRE WALL WITI-I I LAI'ER, C.) 0 FIRE RATD -�YP ON WOOD STUDS AF:. E 17 0 L I V I N(S; W f i,; I T E N Lf -I i_all '-7 -- ---- 11 12 -011 -all 5; 4 2 1& 2 0 0/(� 0) 4 F1 A T 1Y -- -------- - --------- -- ------- -- . ...... . . ...... . .... C-;,4 RA (f-4 Fz �1_ / 7* 1--7—fb �w 7 --- 7—w-7 all 221—all IJ LAUND -ply UJ LF CO a I - a 11 FENETF,AvoNs oi= PiRE WALL SPALL 5E FILLED WI I H t_,' (-,) W 1~I 1=0/411 711 r 117r L 1r I TO ACHIEVE REQUIRED FIRE RATINGS USF THD2& OR AFFR0VE1 EQUAL BUCKET ANCHOR EA TRUSS --/7 2 LASS 1-i 0 CA 309 SGWF-) A& 2,- ski 5EEDROOM I 12 BEDROOM 2 F1 0 Ci a i / (k // a/ 0 7 Com" 10I -0II 411 411 4 11 1 r -2)l -oil 21-011 21-011 1/411 = 11-011 151 i I � L L. wn-i (1) LAYER 31, TYFE x C�YF EA DE FROM CMU WALL ) DECK ABOVE WITH VL FATTERN (oil O.C. HER UL "U 301" ASSEMBLi _ELDG;ER BOLTED TO ) F3EAM WIT[ ­1 1/2" E30LTS C. eTAGGERED -4-R CMU FIRE 4LL I'Ll gor-,-)" TRuss AE30VE 1/21, G�,TF 5D EA SIDE OF 2X4 sTuDS 2411 O.C. WITH FL A-rrz `1 -OF AND E30T 5LA5 5ELOW REcoRD copy t 1011 1`li IOFARTITION ... . . ..... ­­: ............ ... low % Sao A Nt21 Nov,17 0 CONDITION AREA DUFDLEX A 1090 5F llk% UNCONDITION EID C_ARAGE A 2 (�O 5F PAFO' CONDITION AREA DUF�)LEX 5 - 1090 SP UNCONDITIONED C_-,ARAG�E 5 - 290 SP design grOLIP Planning and Architecture LLC AA0002984 901 Belle Avenue ti Stuite 1100 Winter Springs a Florida 4 32708 407 977 "1080,x; bstarrner@starmerdg.corn 29 JUL 15 5LDG DEPT REV 13 NOV 15 BLDG, DEPT REV 8 DEC 15 E3LPG DEFT REV 5 JAN I& SECTION FEV 2 FE15 1� CONSTRUCTION CHANGE REV ro MAY Irp coN5'mucTION CHANGE REV 21 NOV 11 .......... design grOLIP Planning and Architecture LLC AA0002984 901 Belle Avenue ti Stuite 1100 Winter Springs a Florida 4 32708 407 977 "1080,x; bstarrner@starmerdg.corn 29 JUL 15 5LDG DEPT REV 13 NOV 15 BLDG, DEPT REV 8 DEC 15 E3LPG DEFT REV 5 JAN I& SECTION FEV 2 FE15 1� CONSTRUCTION CHANGE REV ro MAY Irp coN5'mucTION CHANGE REV 21 NOV 11 S"INeLE ROOF 1�r o-, i t c-1'etvat 1"011, S"IN(- LE ROOF TUcCO ON METAL_ LATH 0# 1 -ELT OR 1r--)# SYNTHETIC )LDC -4 Wu AF ON EXT OSE3 12 VENTILATION REQUIREMENT Or- 1380 Sr / 300 = 4,6 51� EA UNIT VENTILAT19ON FROVIDE 15 10& LF VENTILLATEL) SOPPIT WITH 5% FREE STUCCO ON METAL LATH AREA S1= PLUS 1/2 OF 32" (I SF) ROUND LOUVER AT FRONT ANED 30# FELT Off: 1511 5YNT1-- E-ri BLD UJB SAP ON EXT OSE3 REAR OF- uNI_r PoR A TOTAL OF 12.3 Sr- EA,c�4 UNrr 340 # ARCHITECTURAL 3HIN�LE ON 30 # FE-L_r OR 15# SYNT1- ETIs ROOrING-� UNDER L, YMENT ON 1/2” EXT SNI-ATNINC-r: ON FRE ENCiIr EERED WOOD Tr�US5E5 24" O.C, WITH 12" BATT INSULATION AND 1/2" G�YF BD CE IL INC: - EACH TRUSS e-rRAF ED `r0 (-'`H III A I L 1111-ri _I I Il -_-`• A")�/5 I_ -III ��I -- AK117 AN, I�---1_1n � FAIN"I"'ED STUCCO Ovrzf::�11 CIMU W 5/ XF JTS 1 x 4 PAINTED T Ill SOARED ON TOF AND 50T OP 12" PAINTED STUCCO BAND 01-,l CMU R00r- SPEATNINCA NAILINr (4> PATTERN SHALL BE 6" O.C. PIELa AND 411E O.C. EDer-6 Or+ RIDGE VENTS _ BOND BEAT [x(-11 (1I ..1 _ ;_ . I _ [ . ( f 1_ _ L-1 1.. _I [_ .. _(l_ _._ _ ._ _ _1.....Il_ - I. 1. 11.1 i ► I I. I l_. I __I 1 1_ (_ .1 _l ._ _ ._ _(.. I.1._ 1 I I (_I_I (...� _(.__l l._1..1 1 L__ 1.I..1.1__ll.._JL I _11.. 1.111....1.1..__11.11.11.--1.1-_I_ ..1...I.l. _1....i _.i ..x.1.._11... IL..L_L 1.. 1 1 (_..1...1...._.1.. I 11-� i1.1.11.II.111_� JI I1\15UL AND 1 X C01�1TIr�1U0U� E3 ELE�, ATI01-,1 MIR Ofi Ir-IAG-�E 12 I3 reat- ew I e v �xa t 1,0; Of i 1211 x 20" CONC 1=004r INC W1 (2) # � BARS CONT 4" CONC SLAB ON MIL VAPOR BAF1 °:IEF TERMITE SOIL TREATME 2'I 1\1ov '17 I� ll�r�-�1-- I— I Iii I �• >�+�}_. �..., I I �.%I�i:�� �ti�.0 '�I'� v.c� S wetion r ,-, d. .. H- ..J A• ;wM14. A.. 'A:. .:,t t. r, .. �. { 4.. .n., ➢ ., .... .. ,_. Y, ...: r .� ... ,. a -i,„ a. :' r -•. 4 ,f 1 .r,. ;e :n iF 'x' r _e� '.n � A•f ., 1,. I ... � �. ,.: w .. ,. ... r .k -:, w. d � .,... �.. ..A � .-.. -:c, > .:m •, w... r:... 4Y 4':.. u., ,',. 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'.r .,.: . .... ,.. r ti.r '^' . b,P ::Y..r A' "•. .! r::'J W { r I NCS 7r� 118VCNEimrilo�*� Itd> �iy3 r 4 "L�p�ia�. 71 & 5�`e�strrr 1r' � 4Y� y� � � �'• rou lar r i r } Pc'EwY ^a 6r;y,ldx Ilrl+r5 ruiry 7�b � "� � f 5y, p} b° *rdrgyr9 I R k x3' Mri m� 8 1y a d r 1 ,,.r.v.. design group Planning and Architecture LLC AA0002984 901 Belle Avenue o Stuite 1100 Winter Springs o Florida a 32708 407 977 1080 •1) bstarrner@starmerdg.com 29 JUL. 15 BLDG DEPT REV 13 NOV 15 BLDG DEPT REV 8 DEC 15 F3Lq�x DEPT REV 5 JAN 16 SECTION REV 2 FEB I�, CONSTRUCTION CHANGE FzEV ro MAY Iro CONSTRUCTION CHANGE REV 21 NOV 11 xvr wr • d