HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-24-2020 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2020 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, August 24, 2020, at 5:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, 1St Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany (Arrived at 5:07 PM) City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. Assistance City Attorney, Lonnie Groot City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. 1. Discussion re: September 21St Commission Work Session to develop Goals and Objectives. Mr. Bonaparte provided a briefing on how the Commission discussed their goals and objectives from the past several years. He said that each Commissioner would identify several items that they felt had a priority status. They would then provide that information to the City Manager who compiled a list for further discussion. Commissioner Britton said she has already submitted a list of eight (8) items to the City Manager and that said she would like to see all eight items completed. Commissioner Mahany said she thought this was going to be a meeting where they can talk openly about the items they want. She said it is very frustrating because they cannot talk freely amongst each other CITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 245, 2020 WORK SESSION outside a meeting. Mayor Woodruff said he likes taking 15-20 minutes at each work session to discuss. After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed to have their lists submitted to Mr. Bonaparte before the September 21, 2020 Work Session. 2. Discussion regarding the creation of the New Advisory Committee on Race, Equality and Inclusion by Andrew Thomas. [Commission Memo 20-155] Mr. Bonaparte said the original interest was when one person wanted to paint Black Lives Matter on the street of Historic Goldsboro Boulevard. It then became a group of people. Mr. Thomas said that by creating this advisory board, the City would be able to come together and find out what the City can do in support of Black Lives Matter. He said the board would evaluate ideas to lift up the community and educate the community on racism, equality and inclusion. He said the leading cause of deaths in blacks is injustice, racism and police brutality. He said the City should make sure those that need more get more. Commissioner Britton expressed frustration with the City having meetings to meet. She said that the City should do something to make Black Lives Matter. She said there is $1 M that needs to be spent and that money will show the residents how Black Lives Matter. Commissioner Mahany offered to work with the Public Art Commission (PAC) to arrange getting a mural done. She said they could do a call to artist so anyone can submit a design. Commissioner Britton said she understands the reasoning about no painting on the streets. She said she just wants to see something happen. Commissioner Wiggins said he has been meeting with Mr. Thomas and his suggestion is to have an educational kiosk CITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 241, 2020 WORK SESSION regarding Black Lives Matter including a history of Sanford in some of the parks. Commissioner Britton said she does not feel the City needs to have another board as there are two other boards that provide similar information and services to the residents, such as `My Brother's Keeper and the CDBG Advisory Board'. She said Mr. Thomas would have to oversee this board and that he already has enough going on. Commissioner Austin suggested that the PAC meet with My Brother's Keeper in selecting a mural for Black Lives Matter. Commissioner Britton wants to make sure it is a teaching moment by placing a plaque along with the mural explaining what the mural represents. There was a consensus among the Commission. They will not be moving forward with the committee and staff will meet with My Brother's Keeper to get them to move forward with plans. Most importantly, Commissioner Mahany (on behalf of City Commission) will meet with the Public Art Commission to come up with something to display as Public Art in the City of Sanford. Chef Michael, Owner of the Corner Cafe, said the mural idea is genius. He said when he first came to Sanford there was one person of color sitting at the dais and now there are two Commissioners, a City Manager, and the Police Chief. He said that is a teaching moment. 3. Regular Meeting Items — additional information A. Initiate the zoning (or legislation) in progress rule to begin modifications to the City's LDR's related to Schedules B, O, N and S. [Commission Memo 20-144.A] (RM 6.A) CITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2020 WORK SESSION Mayor Woodruff asked if these modifications are going to be more restrictive changes, or less. Amye King, Director of Planning, said the changes are going to be more of a cleanup. She said the Planning Department is going to hold several workshops. She said Planning would inform the Commission of the changes once reviewed. Ms. King said this process would occur over the next six months. Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney, said six months is the maximum amount of time. This is an action item on tonight's meeting. B. Ordinance relating to Residency of City Board/ Commission Members and Elimination of the DRT. [Commission Memo 20-147] (RM 7.13) Mayor Woodruff said the term limits need to be revised on the existing Ordinance. This is an action item on tonight's meeting. 4. Briefing Items Andrew Thomas, Community and Neighborhood Engagement Director gave an update on the progress of the Small Business Grant program. Mr. Thomas said the City has presented ten checks. He said there are several other applications that required more information from the applicant that staff is reviewing. Bob Turk, Economic Development Director, said he is working on 51 total applications, which will expend the entire $395,000. He said the staff found businesses not registered with the State of Florida, which eliminates the applicant from the program. Commissioner Britton thanked City staff for their work on the program. 5. City Manager Comments CITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2020 WORK SESSION Commissioner Wiggins thanked Bilal Iftikhar, Director of Public Works and Utilities and his staff for all of their assistance with cleanup efforts after this past weekend's storm. Commissioner Britton also thanked the Public Works Department for their assistance after the storm came through. She thanked Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director and her staff for making her first event a success. She expressed gratitude towards Mr. Thomas and Mr. Turk. Mr. Bonaparte congratulated Commissioner Austin and Commissioner Mahany on their re-election. He said the swearing in will be in December. Commissioner Wiggins wanted the following cominent to be on record. He said the school busses were not lemons. The Mayor and Commissions were able to get on the busses that had nice seats and air conditioning. Commissioner Mahany suggested that the City could use the school busses for the Citizen's Academy. Mayor Woodruff said he needed to address a few things on the Mayor's Board appointments. He asked if someone would cover the Central Florida Regional Commission on Homelessness, Wednesday at 1:00PM. Commissioner Britton said she would cover the meeting for him. Mayor Woodruff said Commissioner Britton would be assigned to the CSBG Board. He said the remaining board appointments can be discussed at a Work Session or the September 28, 2020 City Commission Meeting. Mayor Woodruff discussed traffic calming concerns from the residents. He said he knows that the traffic CITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 24, 2020 WORK SESSION counters do not always show a road qualifies for speed tables. However, he said when the Commission continues to receive calls regarding roads have cars speeding through the neighborhood all the time, there has to be something that can be done. He said 11"' Street and Drew Avenue really need to have speed tables. Mr. Iftikhar said Drew Avenue speed tables would be completed this fiscal year. He said staff is working on conceptual plans for I It" Street to include additional stop signs, striping and maybe some speed tables in next fiscal year. Commissioner Wiggins asked about the tractor -trailers turning around in the Preserves. Mr. Iftikhar said, unfortunately, there is nothing the City can do for people ignoring all the Road Closed signs and then have to turn around in the Preserves sub- division. He said the contractor has offered to repair damages caused by these vehicles. Mr. Iftikhar said the City has offered to assist with the repairs. Commissioner Mahany said she has received calls regarding residents driving over the new round abouts. Commissioner Austin said they are not finished with the project. He said there would be planters and curbs when completed. There being no further business, the meeting adj9prned aty6:27 PM. ATTEST: 0211 h 4�woh" M MON If City Clerk (cl) �rAdh, 10 vm �o­�:;w� I V4