HomeMy WebLinkAbout3471 ORDINANCE NO. 5471 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3117 OF SAID CITY, SAID ORDINANCE BEING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; SAID AMENDMENTS ADDING SCHEDULE U, GATEWAY CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS FOR LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND WEST STATE ROAD 46; AMENDING ARTICLE II, "LAND USE, ZONING AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA," BY ADDING SECTION 2.15, ENTITLED "GATEWAY CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS"; AMENDING SCHEDULE K OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS BY DELETING PARAGRAPH G.4.C OF SECTION 3.0, ENTITLED "SIGNS IDENTIFYING ACTM TY CONDUCTED ON PREMISES"; AMENDING SCHEDULE K BY DELETING SECTION 3.6, ENTITLED "LAKE MARY BOULEVARD"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, INCLUSION INTO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEP, EAS, the purpose of the Gateway Corridor Development Standards is to: 1) Promote uniformity in buffer and entrance features and to promote aesthetics along the City' s main entrance roadways; 2) Promote high-quality development that maintains property values throughout the corridors; and 3) Provide maximum flexibility in height and entranceway treatment and promote economic development uses which prevent additional strip retail commercial development. WHEREAS~ the City of Sanford~s Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on April L I999 to consider amending the Sanford Land Development Regulations to add Schedule U~ Gateway Corridor Development Districts; and WHEREAS, the City Commission as the City~s governing body, held two public hearings on April 12, 1999 and April 26, 1999 to consider amending the Land Development l~egulations; and WHEREAS~ the City of Sanford has complied with requirements and procedures to adopt ordinances as set forth in Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1: Ordinance No. 3 117, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, is amended to include a new section, Schedule U, Gateway Corridor Development Districts as follows: See Attached Exhibit "A' Section 2: Ordinance No. 3 117, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, Article II is amended by the addition of Section 2.15, entitled "Gateway Corridor Development Districts," which reads as follows: SECTION 2.15 GATEWAY CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Requirements for Gateway Corridor Development standards shall be as set forth in Schedule U, Gateway Corridor Development Districts. Section 3: Ordinance No. 3 117, said Ordinance being the Land Development Regulations of the City, is amended, in part, to delete Part G.4.C of Section 3.0, entitled "Signs Identifying Activity Conducted on Premises," and deleting Section 3.6 in its entirety, which is entitled "Lake Mary Boulevard," from Schedule K of said Land Development Regulations. Section 4: Severability. If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of a section of this Ordinance. Section 5: Conflicts. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. Ordinance No. 3471 [Lt7£ 'oN ~ou~u!p~O -~- DRAFT GATEWAY CORRIDOR FOR LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND WEST S.R. 46 (WEST FIRST STREET) Schedule U GATEWAY CORRIDOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS SECTION 1.0 CREATION OF GATEWAY CORRIDOR There is hereby created special development standards known as the Gateway Corridors which are further described and specifically identified as follows: A. Lake Mary Boulevard Gateway - The Lake Mary Boulevard Corridor Gateway includes all lands located within the Sanford City Limits that lie within three hundred and twenty (320) feet of the centerline of Lake Mary Boulevard between the CSX Railroad Line and the Orlando Sanford Airport (existing) and within that portion of the extension of Lake Mary Boulevard (proposed) between the existing easternmost segment of Lake Mary Boulevard and State Road 46 East/County Road 415. If any part of any parcel abuts the fight-of-way line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this Part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. B. West S.R. 46 Gateway - The S.R. 46/West First Street Corridor Gateway includes all lands located within the Sanford City Utmits that lie within three hundred and twenty (320) feet of the centerline of S.R. 46 between the Interchange at 1-4 and Airport Boulevard (existing). If any part of uny parcel abuts the right-of-way line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this Part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. SECTION 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Schedule is to insure that the designated Gateway Corridor is developed in a manner which: A. Insures the roadway is developed into a well landscaped, scenic gateway; B. Provides uniform design standards to establish high quality development; C. Prevents visual pollution caused by tinplanned and uncoordinated uses, buildings and structures; D. Maximizes traffic cimulation functions from the standpoint of safety, roadway capacity, vehicular and non-vehicular movement; E. Maintains and enhances property values; Schedule U, Gateway Corridor, Page 1, Dated April 2, 1999 F. Preserves natural features to the extent practicable; and .. C G. Recognizes and makes allowances for existing uses and buildings. ,~ ~I~. SECTION 1.2 APPLICABILITY Unless othenvise specified her(m, the Sanford Land Development Regulations shall apply. SECTION 2.0 BUILDING SETBACKS The front yard building setback shall be a minlmttnl of fifty (50) feet. Such front yard building setback shall be greater than fifty (50) feet ira more restrictive setback is required as set forth in this ordinance, as part of a stipulation or condition of development, or as required in Schedule I - Base building line and designsial right-of-way requirements for specific streets. :~- SECTION 3.0 STREET-SIDE LANDSCAPE BUFFER A. Lake Mary Boulevard 1. A minimum fifteen (15) foot landscape buffer, or greater if provided by this ordinance, shall be provided in the area abutting the designated roadway right-of-way lines. " Landscape buffer width may be reduced to a minimum often (10) feet only if the lot or tract is less than two hundred (200) feet in depth. ( 2. The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. 3. The landscape buffer area shall be planted with live oaks, of four (4) inch diameter at breast height (dbh) at plantirFg, along a line ten (10) feet back from the fight-of-way line. The trees shall be planted every forty (40) feet and staggered so as to be midway between any live oaks planted in the adjacent right-of-way. A minimum of four (4) sub-canopy trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage shall be planted in and about access points and intersections. Unless otherwise noted herein, all landscaping shall comply wi.th Schedule J-Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements of the Sanford Land Development Regulations. 4. No existing, dedicated or reserved public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer width. 5. The corridor buffer area may include minor storm water retention features only. 6. If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so that a height of three (3) feet will be attained within one (1) year of planting so as to screen a minimum of seventy-five pement (75%) of the parking area, to that height, as viewed from the right-of-way. Schedule U, Gateway Corridor, Page 2, Dated April 2, t999 7. Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. B. West S.R. 46 1. A minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscape buffer, or greater if provided by this ordinance, shall be provided in the area abutting the designated roadway right-of-way lines. Landscape buffer width may bc reduced to a minimum of fifteen (15) feet only if the lot is less than two hundred (200) feet deep. 2. The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. 3. The landscape buffer area shall be planted with two (2) rows of live oaks, of four (4) inch diameter at breast height (dbh) at planting. The trees shall be planted every fifty (50) feet and staggered so as to be midway between each other, and equal distance between each row and right-of-way. A miniraum of four (4) sub-canopy trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage shall be planted in and al~ut access points and intersections. Unless otherwise noted herein, all landscaping shall comply with Schedule J-Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements of the Sanford Land Development Regulations. 4. No existing, dedicated or reserved public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer width. 5. The corridor buffer area may include minor storm water retention features only. 6. If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so that a height of three (3) feet will be attained within one (1) year of planting so as to screen a minirn~lm of seventy-five pement (75%) of the parling area, to that height, as viewed from the right-of-wa'y. 7. Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. SECTION 4.0 PARKING Parking lots shall be designed and landscaped according to the following criteria: A. A minimum often percent (10%) of all parking area and entryways shall be landscaped. EXHIBIT 1 - DESIRABLE VEGETATION, set forth and included hereto, provides a list of desirable trees and shrubs. B. Parking bays shall not be larger than forty (40) spaces. C. Landscape Breaks. Perimeter landscaped parking breaks ~hal[ be a maximum of tw9 -' hundred (200) square feet in area, planted with one (1) canopy tree and a maximum of twenty (20) spaces apart. Schedule U, Gateway Corridor, Page 3, Dated April 2, 1999 1. Internal landscaped breaks shall be aminimum of four hundred (400) square feet planted with one (1) canopy tree, two to three (2-3) inches dbh, for every landscape break and a minimum of three (3) shrubs for every landscaped break. Intemal breaks shall be a maximum of twenty (20) space~'apart. 2. Diamond landscaped brealcs shall be placed every ten (10) spaces internally, shall be eight (8) feet by eight (8) feet and shall be planted with one (1) canopy tree. 3. Preservation - Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. D. Lighting - Parking lot lighting shall be designed as follows: Illumination onto adjacent properlies shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candies. Cut-off fixtures are required to conceal the actual source of the hght which reduces glare and to direct the light to specific areas while shielding other areas. The maximum height of the light pole shall be twenty-five (25) feet, including the base. The minimum setback of the light source from the property line shall be a horizontal distance of twenty (20) feet. SECTION 5.0 SIGNAGE Signs shall be erected or installed according to the following criteria. Unless otherwise specified herein, signs shall comply with provisions in Schedule K of the Sanford Land Development Regulations. A. Wall Signs - The maximum allowable wall sign area shall be one and one half (1.5) square feet per one ( 1 ) linear foot of building frontage. Total sign area shall be the sum of all sign areas excluding window signs or opening banners. No individual wall sign shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet in size for a building with less than 200 linear feet of build.rag frontage. Fgr buildings with building frontage exceed'rag 200 linear feet, no individual sign shall exceed two hundred (200) square feet in size. B. Ground Signs, Only one ground sign shall be allowed per parcel with 400' or less mad frontage. If a parcel's road frontage exceeds 400' and is less than 700' then a maximum of two ground signs shall be allowed, but no closer than 300' apart. If a p~rcel's road frontage exceeds 700' then a maximum of three ground signs shall b& allowed, b~it no closer than 300' apart. Ground signs along intersecting roadways which are greater than three hundred twenty (320) feet from the corridor roadway centerline must demonstrate that the sign is not visible from the conidor roadway and that the sign is directed to be viewed from the intersecting street. 1. Vertical structure supports for ground signs shall be concealed in an enclosed base. The width of such enclosed base shall be equal to at least two-thirds (2/3) the horizontal width of the sign surface. A planter structure shall enclose the foot of the base. The planter shall be between two (2) and three (3) feet in height above.the ground, with a minimum length equal to the width of the sign and a minimum width of three (3) feet. The base and planter shall be of brick. Schedule U, Gateway Corridor, Page 4, Dated April 2, 1999 3. The maximum height of the entire sign structure shall be fifteen (15) feet. 4. The planter setback shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from the right-of-way. -: 5. The maximum allowable ground sign area shall be one and one half (1.5) square feet per one ( 1 ) linear foot of building frontage but shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. Ground sign base, sides and top are excluded from the sign area calculation. 6. Maximum Total Sign Area - In no case shall the sum of total wall sign square footage plus total ground sign square footage exceed two (2) square feet per one (1) linear foot of building frontage on any given parcel. 7. Movement - No ground sign nor its part shall move, rotate or use flashing lights. 8. Illumination - Sign lights shall be focused, directed, end so arranged as to prevent glare or direct illumination or Waffle hazard from said lights onto residential districts or onto the abutting roadways. No flashing or pulsating light shall be permitted on eny sign. 9. Prohibited Signs - Include the follow'rag signs as outlined in Schedule K of the Sanford Land Development Regulations: Animated sign, billboard, ~a,qhing sign, snipe signs, sendwich sign and portable sign, seawall sign, beacon light, bench si~, trash receptacle signs, gutter signs, signs on public property, immoral display, obstruction, streamers, spinners end pennants. 10. Exempted Signs - Real e.s. tate signs. 11. Flags - Flags are permitted as follows: a maximum 0forte (1) state, one (1) federal end one ( 1 ) local/county flag per parcel, each a max'umum of thirty-five (35) square feet. 12. Opening Banners - Opening banners shall be allowed from two (2) weeks prigr to opening until one (1) month after opening. SECTION 6.0 UTILITY LINES All new or relocated utility lines within the designated corridor shall be constructed end installed beneath the surface of the ground unless it is detennined by the City that soil, topographical, or any other compelling conditions, make the underground installation of such utility lines as prescribed herein unreasonable and impracticable. SECTION 7.0 WALLS All freestending walls, sound barriers, ground sign enclosures, plenters, etc. fronting along the Schedule U, Gateway Corridor, Page 5, Dated April 2, 1999 (- designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick. Alternate entrance features such as stone, metal, wood, etc., may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. ~' ' SECTION 8.0 RESIDENTIAL EXEMPTED All residentially zoned single family lots are exempted t~om meeting all standards contained in this Schedule except forthe burial of utility service lines, wall requirements and the building setback requirement. Schedule U, Gateway Corridor, Page 6, Dated April 2, 1999 .... 1 S.R. 46 / Lake Mary~'~d. 'Gateway Corridor !~ ' Comp~, .~n Table (Draf~ for discussion purposes) Sanford Current I Proposed Update of Proposed $.R. 46 Existing Lake Mary Bird. Port Orange Regulations Regulations LMBlvd. to be like Gateway Corridor (DunJawton Corridor) Sere. Co. & Lake Mary Regulations Corridor Width 250' from R-O-W Within 320' of Oentedine Within 320' of Oentedine "' Per Schedule J. 50' setback No change. Schedule ~ requires Schedule I, Base 8ujJding Lines of reeesered es 130' setback frore 8evjse Scheduta J for LMS to 50' MInimum from R-O-W for SR 50' from right-of-way Building Setbacks LOB establfshes uniform setbacks centariine of existing or proposed require 50' from R-O-W along all major roads. right-of-way. 46 Building Height 35' in Commercial Zones; 50' in Industrial Zones 35' None None 45' (for PCD) 26. max. he,ght.5oeq. .max Ground Signs sudace area with exceptions (up to 15'.max. height/100 sq. ft. max15' max. height / 100 sq. ft. max. 15' max. height/100 sq. ft. max.8' . surface area surface area / enclose sign base & surface area / enclose sign base bldgs,) / 100' min. spacing 650' max. sq. ft.) brick plantar required &brick planter required between s 9ns 1.5 sq. ft. per 1 linear ft. of 1.5 sq. ft. per I linear ft. of 1.5 sq. ft, per I linear ft. of building 2 sq. ft. per I linear ft. of building building frontage/,max. 100 sq. ft. frontage / max. 100 sq. ft. (200 sq. building frontage / max. 100 sq. ft. 1.5 sq. ft. per I linear ft. of buiJdin.~ frontage / 50 sq. ft, max surface (200 sq. ft; ma~ for buildings (200 sq. ft, max for buildings frontage / generally 32 sq. ft. max. Wall Signs area with exceptions (up to 650' ft. max for buildings exceeding 200 max. sq. ft.) exceeding 200 linear feet of linear feet of frontage) exceeding 200 linear feet of ,.; frontage) frontage) 25' landscaped buffer / 2 rows of 10' wide landsceped stdp along all 15'landscepedbuffer/lllveoak Canopy trses with l five oak every 50'landscapedbuffer/rain. 1 every 40' / 4 sub-canopy frees 50' (staggered) / 4 sub-canopy shade tree and 2 omamental trees Streetsida Landscape major roads with 1 tree every 25 Buffer linear feet plus a 4' high Same as existing every t 00' at access points and trees every 100' at access points eve~ 50 linear feet / 36" hedge to continuous hedge intersections / 30" high hedge to and Intereections / 36" high hedge screen parking / preserve exisitn screen par~ing to screen parking / preserve vegetation existing vegeta6on Min. 10% of all parking area and MIn. 10% of parking area shall be Mln, 10% of all parking area andentranceways shall be in. 10sq. ft..endeceplngeroe la..0eq. .,endsceplngeroa entrsncewa eehal, b. lenrisca.ed.andsceped,.00sq. ft.,nta=. per parking space / each required per parking space / each required / 400 sq. ft. Internal landscape tandecape break w/1 tree s~d 3 Parkin g Landscape landscaping area sharl be mln. 100 landscaplng area shall be mln. break w/1 tree and 3 shrubs every shrubs every 20 parking spaces / 200 sq. ft. of lntedor landscape sq. ft./l~andscapedaroaevery 100sq. ft. lllandscapedarea 20parklngspaces/ldlamond areas / omamentals or shrubs 1 diamond shaped landscape shall cover 35% of landscaped 10 parking spaces every 10 parking spaces shaped landscape break w/1 tree break w/1 tree every 10 spaces / islands every ten spaces preserve existing vegetation New or rerocated utility lines shall New or reloceted utility lines shall Utilities Placed underground in Same as existing be placed underground, main be placed underground, (maln Undei~ground-On-site only (main subdivisions transmission lines exempt) tmnsmlssion lines exempt) transmission lines exempt) Wails, Planters, Brick (eltamate entrance feature Ground Sign Bases & No requirement Finished masonry wall Brick material may be approved by Same treatment as principal administrative official, e.g., stone, structure Entrance Features metal, ~ood, etc,) ServiceAreas&' Norequlrement Norequlrsment Screened and oriented towards the Screened and orlented towards Mechanical Equipment · rearof the property fie rearof the property Screened 3/30/99 · · · NORTH _ TCELERY 13TH ,ST' A(~OR, T BLVD KEY -- ~ Sanford city )imits c'~. .../.t "T · ~.,:,~..,: 0.,::.,~,..,,.,...,~ ,...., ,:..,..,,~,..,,,.,.,~,..,,,...Cit7 of Ss.n.ford, ~lodda.