HomeMy WebLinkAbout3500 responses have been received by these companies declaring they have no objections to this action; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on July 26, 1999, for consideration and determination as to whether or not the closing, vacating and abandoning of any right of the City and the public in and to easements/rights-of-way lying between Airport Boulevard East and Lake Mary Boulevard East and between the Central Florida Greeneway and U.S. Hwy. 17-92, including Americana Boulevard, Rolling Hills Boulevard and any and all other easements/rights-of-way lying within the property described on the attached Exhibits is in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the closing, vacating and abandoning of that certain property does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, Florida, and that the public health, economy, comfort, order, convenience, and welfare will be promoted by such closing, vacating and abandoning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY ~= Z c~.~ SANFORD, FLORIDA: r- m SLOTION 1: That any right of the City and the public in and to easements/righ%- ~ of-way lying between Airport Boulevard East and Lake Mary Boulevard East and between co the Central Florida Greeneway and U.S. Hwy. 17-92, including Americana Boulevard, Rolling Hills Boulevard, as described on the attached Exhibits A and B, and any and all other easements/rights-of-way lying within the property described on the attached Exhibit C, in the City of Sanford, Florida, be and the same are hereby closed, vacated, and -2- Ordinance No. 3500 abandoned. Said Exhibits are attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 2: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 4: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adop,tion. ADOPTED this day of :: ' 'M/~OR ' CERTIFICATE r- ',,C) I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify ~j~, ~Zx:~ , 1999, was posted t the fro t door of the City Hall in the City of !" ' ................... ~e k~ity~"" ~ .. ~ As r ~'~ of Sanford, Florida ='a~ :' Ordinance No. EXHIBIT "B" Commence at the Southeast corner of the Southwest ~ of Section 12, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida. Thence run N. 0° - 56' 04"E. along the East Line of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 12 for 1270.00 feet; Thence run N. 89° - 13' - 39" W. and parallel to the South line of the Southwest ~ of said Section 12 for 600.00 feet to a Point of Curvature of a circular curve concave to the Southeast and having for its elements a radius Of 500.00 feet and a central angle of 32° - JA'- 34"; Thence run Southwesterly along the arc of the said curve for 285.73 feetie a Point of Tangency; Thence run S. 58° - 01' - 47"W. for 370.59 feet to the Point of Beginning of a 70.00 foot easement that is 35.00 feet either side of the following described line; Thence run N. 31° - 18' - 47"W. for a dislance of 195.22 feet to a Point of Curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast and having for its elements a radius of 450.33 feet and central angle of 41° - 21' - 47"; Thence run Northeasterly along the arc of the said curve for 325.10 feet to a Point of Tangency; Thence ran N. 10° - 03' - 00"E. for a distance of 155.50 feet to a Point of Curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northwest and having for its elements a radius of 242.11 feet and a central angle of 39° - 54' - 37"; Thence run Northwesterly along the arc of the said curve for 168.65 feet to a P6int ef Tangency; Thence run N. 29° - 51' - 37"W. for a distance of 393.49 feet to a point; Said point being the end of a 70.00 foot easement and the Point of Beginning of a 80.00 foot easement that is 40.00 feet either side of the following described line; Said point also being situated on a circular curve concave to the North and having for its elements a radius of 448.38 feet and a Central angle of 62° - 09' - 33"; Thence run Northwesterly along the arc of said curve for 486.44 feet to a Point of Tangency; Thence run N. 57° - 42' - 04"W. for a distance of 304.11 feet to a Peint of Curvature of a circular, curve concave to the Southwest and having for its elements a radius of 500.00 feet and a cen~al angle of 33° - 38' - 25~; 'Thence run Nerthwesterly alon~ the arc of the said curve for 293.57 feet to a Point of Intersection with the West lin~ -- c~-~ of the South West xA of Section 12, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, s'~id poin~" being situated 284.21 Ft. South of the North West Corner of the South West ~A o~ said Section 12 and being the end of the described easement. ."' OFFiCIAt RECORDS : ' ' BOOK PAGE '532 i~ oo ~ 10E CO. FL · '..: : .. ':, .. . ; .' .,'.. :.:.:' · " OFFICIAL REC:OROS z- 3 I i1533 o-SEHINOLE CO. FL .. ,~ , "F, o O~ ,.' ~ ~ ~ ',..,.'. ,. : . : ...' . .. :' ,: · ' ." .. ~"'"" QFFICIAL RECORO5 : "' . .'" : BOOK PAGE ~ u~. · ~ o SEMINOLE CO. FL 0~ ~ '~ . :.--.:....' ... ., :' : ,.. . ..,