HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-26-2020 WS MinutesP -M 6 - CITY COMMISSION MINUTES ( 1, (�' 010go OCTOBER 269 2020 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, October 26, 2020, at 6:00 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, 1St Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Sheena Britton Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. (Arrived 6:12PM) City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM 1. Interview Sanford Housing Authority Members Mayor Woodruff apologized for the delay in the Sanford Housing Authority (SHA) Board interviews. The Mayor and Commissioners interviewed the following applicants: Melvin Philpot, Vickie Murphy and Dan Ping for reappointments on the Sanford Housing Authority. The current board members expressed the need for new members to understand the membership role of the Sanford Housing Authority. Mayor Woodruff asked the SHA members if they would like to add additional positions to the board making the total number of members seven. The SHA members welcomed the idea. Vice Mayor Wiggins accepted the position of Commission Liaison for the SHA. Mayor Woodruff asked Mr. Colbert, City Attorney, if the Commission could stagger the appointments and discuss term limits. Mr. Colbert said he did not see an issue with that. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 265 2020 WORK SESSION There was a consensus among the Commission to have a more detailed discussion on this at the next scheduled work session. 2. Presentation: Salvation Army Mr. Bonaparte introduced Jennifer Pavlak and Major Julia Tarnue from the Salvation Army. Ms. Pavlak gave a presentation on the programs that will be available this holiday season. She said the Salvation Army is based on donations and that this year there is a larger need to donate. The Red Kettle Program will allow hands free donations by using a smart phone. Also, the angel tree will be online this year. Ms. Pavlak said the Salvation Army is looking for assistance with fund raising through local businesses and provided flyers to be handed out with information for the Red Kettle Program. She will provide information to the Clerk's Office for a future proclamation. Mayor Woodruff said the City is working on arranging a location for a red kettle in Magnolia Square. 3. Discussion re: 2021 City Commission Regular Schedule. [Commission Memo 20- 214] Mr. Bonaparte asked the Commission if there were any questions regarding the 2021 City Commission meeting schedule. Mayor Woodruff requested cancelling the second meeting in July. After a brief discussion the Commission agreed to cancel the second meeting in July. Traci Houchin, City Clerk, will remove the date from the schedule and present the resolution at the November meeting for approval. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional information CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 269 2020 WORK SESSION • Resolution No. 2911, Loyalty Incentive Award Mr. Bonaparte thanked Commissioner Britton for this item. This will be a one-time check for $75 per employee for their commitment to the City. 5. Briefing Items • City Manager's Annual Review Mayor Woodruff asked if the Commissioners have turned in their City Manager reviews. Commissioner Britton asked if she was required to provide an annual review since she has only been a Commissioner for three months. Mr. Colbert said she should complete an evaluation based on the three months and just make a note on the evaluation. 6. City Manager Comments The Commission had a brief discussion on the closing of Marquette Avenue. Mr. Thomas provided an update on the Small Business Grant Program. He said there are a total of 54 businesses that qualified for the Small Business Grants, of the 54 there are 49 businesses that have already received a check with a total of $506,000 from the CDBG fund. There are eight businesses that received $107,000 each from the Seminole County CDBG Cares Act and $360,000 was distributed from the Economic Development Program. Commissioner Britton asked if she could receive an update on the Celery Oaks drainage. Lastly, she said several residents have asked if the City would sponsor a CITY COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 269 2020 WORK SESSION bench for, Wilamina, a Sanford resident who recently passed away. Robert Beall, Parks and Grounds Manager told Commission Britton to come and see him and he will provide her with the information on donating a bench. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM. Attest: &a& 44UkhAJ% M 0 Ot Fe RM City Clerk (CL)